The day Plaisir went to the Dogs

Story by Dark Violet on SoFurry

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#15 of Café Plaisir Tales

Over the new year of 2016, Dark Violet and October_Flixard joined up to write a series of short stories for a charitable cause.Here we delve past the surface into an array of adult works to tantalise and tickle more than just your fancy.Welcome to the Adult Anthology.

Now we have something for Coldstone, which is a little different. If you're looking for a self-contained storyline, perhaps you should look elsewhere - for what's here is really just a few hints and teases at stuff still to be uploaded. The source stories will come soon, but for now, enjoy this little taster of them to come...

October, Mr Pouncer, Skitter, Clarice (c) October_Flixard

Flour (c) FA: IckyDirtySmut

Café Plaisir (c) Pali Bakufun

Pokémon (c) Game Freak/Nintendo

The day Plaisir went to the Dogs

- For Coldstone

[Scavenged from the diary of Cheryl, the hyperactive Lopunny at Café Plaisir's front desk. Transcribed here for clarity, with observations added.]

Dear Diary,

Me again! I gotta write today here. I mean, I write every day here, but I just HAVE to write today in here! Don't worry, I'll tell you why!

So - you must remember what I wrote yesterday. Maybe you don't! Oh, I'll tell you again. I went to bed _reeeeeeeeally_late. It was about 1pm, actually. The day had been super slow - Ms Omen told us that it would be, so were were ready. I think we wanted to do some repairs or inner workings, since we wouldn't have many customers. Just before I left, I'd just got a memo from Clarice [The handwriting is a bit blockier here, as if she was writing the name rather carefully] about Mister October the Red Ninetales [and a bit more fanciful here]. Apparently, he was getting so dirty, she put a bounty on his head to be cleaned! I thought that it'd be sorted when I woke up. I checked in a Zebstrika called Frederik, and then since Reecie has arrived to take over on the front desk, I thought it was time to go to bed. Night Night!

...oh yeah, that was yesterday. Right, well then now today arrived. I woke up to a loud bang! My clock said about 7pm - I'd slept_reeeeeeeeeally_late [It's interesting to note that both versions of 'really' have a certain joined-up flair, as if it was a special word for her]. When I went outside, the first thing I saw was that adorable little Skitter, prancing down the corridor, with Billy the Machoke lying dazed against the wall!

Obviously, I hopped upstairs to tell Minka [the 'i' is, of course, dotted with a heart] all about it, but when I got to the desk there were people everywhere! Everyone was walking about. There was Mister Flour and Mister Pouncer and Miss Jörmun, and Jack was there too [More interesting name styles here - all of them are varied, but are rather fancy - but Jack's name is huge]! They all looked like something _big_was going on. I wanted to help, but I didn't know what to do. Minka wasn't there either!

Well - I eventually found out about a few things. First, it seemed that someone had melted a few doorknobs up on the middle floor, which had stopped a few people from getting out. Also, the roof above the middle floor lounge had lost a few of its tiles! This didn't sound too bad, but then I remembered it had been raining. Apparently, a big bunch of water had fallen onto this one little Quilava in it, and he was hurt!

Obviously, I had to go see the poor thing. I went as fast as I could to the Sick Room, and aww, he was asleep, bless him. He seemed okay though! Mister Gesund was there though. He was taking care of Billy. He told me about how a couple of people got hurt slipping and falling over in the Massage Area.

Oh! I forgot to say. Apparently, the hot tub in the Massage Area was broken! There was steam everywhere. I went to go see it! I could barely see a thing. It smelled good though, I think they'd set off some incense burners or oils or something. Hehe - there was that new Greninja massage guy was just sitting in the hot tub, with all the steam! He tried to get me to swim with him. Poor him, he didn't know it was too small to swim in!

Ooooh, I keep missing bits. That's not all! I had to go past the waiter's lounge, and... wow! That was terrible! There was water and ice and broken tables everywhere! And there was water all the way down the corridor, right past a load of the bedrooms. Maybe that's another of the things they were talking about.

What else?

Oh yeah, the kitchens! Oooh, this seemed really strange. Apparently, at some point, someone had raided the fridge! The big one that you could walk into. There was melted ice everywhere, and a bunch of food was gone. I hear some of it was returned, but not all of it.

And that wasn't all. One of the cookers was missing too, and there was this big black mark on the wall. Miss Sahbumnim the Blaziken was watching me rather closely while I was in the kitchen looking at it. I didn't ask what happened. Maybe someone stole it? Oh wow, we have a detective story on our hands here! I can't wait to tell Minka about it when I see her tomorrow.

The play in Captivate sounded interesting, but the last thing I heard about was this problem over in Dark Pulse. I heard that someone was too excited in it, and they let off a Fairy Wind! One of the lights exploded! I hear that was a lot of fun. I think I saw a Mawile go into the Admin room too... maybe she was responsible? I dunno! Maybe I'll go see how she's doing tomorrow.

Anyway, I wasn't on shift until 6am again.I had the whole day to play around with! I guess I could have gone and asked the Greninja what he meant by swimming. But I woke up so late, I was still tired - I just wanted to sleep again with such a busy day! I know it doesn't look like much here, but I was up for hours, running around trying to find out what happened. Still didn't see Minka... I guess she was busy with something else...

Oh, I forgot - at least I saw something really cute! It was just after I got up. Mister October the Red Ninetales was with Mister Firenze [This name is carefully written, with a few exceedingly fancy curls], and they were walking together. Maybe they had talked? Maybe Firenze was showing him something? Aw, but they looked happy. I wonder what had happened with them!

Alright. I think that's about it from me. I could write about more, I guess, but I already filled five pages [She had. It's really hard to read the words sometimes - the book isn't big, and her handwriting is all over the place]. I need to go anyway - remember that Zebstrika I talked to yesterday? Well, I think he's about to cum! It feels like he is anyway [Wait, what!?].

Well, night night, diary! I'll talk to you again tomorrow!



PS: Hey - I just thought. The fridge, the water in the lounge and on the Quilava, the steaming Hot Tub... well, water is melted ice. And steam is just melted water! A lot of things today had stuff like that... the water, the melted doorknobs, the steam... Mister October the red Ninetales making nice to Mister Firenze, and they're both fire types. And, well... lots of other stuff too!

I wonder - what if all this stuff was connected?

I'm gonna go find out tomorrow!

Hard Pounding

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