New Life Pt.4 Demons1-Frank

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You need friends in this place , not to save you or protect you from threats that aren't real but to keep you from going insane. I know your here for life , so am I , I've been here since I turned 14 years old. I told you what I did to get here earned me privacy and that would be true , but privacy is something most people want , what I have is isolation. I'm a member of a small group of inmates who truly deserve to be in here for life. What I did should haunt me and make my life and dreams a living hell but It doesn't. I lay awake sometimes and remember my crimes as if they were glory days.

I raped and murdered my kid brother. And then I did the same to 4 of his friends that same night. In my town you could get away with incest, but there was no love in what I did to my brother and he was too young to understand it even if there was. It was birthday, he was turning 6 and I was 13 at the time. Our mother died giving birth to him which left us with our single father. And before you go getting it in your head that my dad was some low life drunk who beat me into the person I became, he wasn't. My father has always been the perfect example of what a man should be , his only mistake was having me. I was only 13 but life felt so cold and empty like I was missing something. I would do anything to feel a rush. I cut myself, burned my tail , I would have done drugs if I was old enough to get any from the neighborhood dealer. But no matter how high I got I always needed more.

My brother was having a sleep over. My dad left to go get pizza , and that's when It happened, It flipped. I lost control over myself. I didn't try to control myself. I locked me and my brother in the basement and fucked him bloody till he couldn't stand . I felt primal , I was raw and unhinged. There was no thought no hesitation and even as I watched the light fade from his eyes I felt no remorse, I felt alive. His friends heard his crying for help so I had to shut him up , I took a hammer from a near by toolbox and bashed his brains in till my arms went numb.

I stood up covered in brain matter and blood, his teeth were scattered across the floor and his eyes were no longer recognizable. I finally let the other kids in only to trap them as well. You may be asking "it couldn't have possibly taken my dad so long to get a pizza that I had enough time to rape and murder all of those kids" and you would be right. He made it home shortly after I killed my brother but he thought that every one had simply gone to sleep. I had all night to have my fun. I got more creative as I went kid to kid using tools my strength and the urge to consume there souls through pain.

It wasn't until morning that my father found me in the basement laying on a bed of corpses that he called the police. I tried to kill my father, and came very close to it .The police came and took me away before I could do anything to hurt my father further than I already did. I didn't go without a fight. I bit the throat out of one cop , clawed another's face off and made a run for it before I was eventually shot and knocked out.

I'm a special kind of criminal a specific kind of bad that even the most foul cant stomach here ,and I suffer for it. No one dares to look in my direction, or cross my path but they speak my name when I'm not around. I'm on an island surrounded by people who are on their own islands but they wont ever come to mine because of how I made it to shore. There are sex traffickers and murders here but pedophiles are rare.

I miss the feeling of my brothers soft body being ruptured by mine. The feeling of his curtailing around the blood from his torn inside mixed with my cum around my cock. That tight squeeze of his ass trying to make room for something to big to fit. And I wouldn't mind showing you first hand what that feels like.

You need friends Michael, and if I seem like an ass its not because I don't need friends like you do , you just deserve better.

You still don't even know what I did do you? That's the only way you could possibly sit in that bed across from me. That's the only way you could stand next to me. Its the only way you could breath the same air that I do and not know its toxic.You refuse to ask a simple question, the question, but you need to. Your sleeping in a room with a monster and you wont even do yourself the justice of knowing what breed I am.

And maybe I'm worse than you. I don't know if I'm hoping that your not knowing leaves you open to be the salvation, the friend that I need , or If I'm waiting for someone else to tell you my history. But I haven't told you , and you haven't asked.

When will you ask ?

I hope you never ask .

New Life Pt.5 Cell block J inmates (Bonus Chapter)

Inmate number- name - crime convicted of Inmate 2659- Michael Read- murder Inmate 2601-Box- murder, torture,arson, kidnapping Inmate 2602- Savage -grand theft auto, rape, murder,illegal gambling Inmate 2635- Kray Burns- criminal...


New Life Pt. 3 Breakfast 1

Breakfast is one of the only times during the day that all of the cell blocks are in one place at the same time. Its also the time of day with most guards around. Its not like TV . Sure there are gangs and there are plenty of odd balls but for the most...

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New Life Pt. 2 Shower 1

The next morning the prison was woken up at 5:15AM. Being a low security prison the inmates were allowed to wander there specific cell block until 6AM to shower, make phone calls, or visit the inmates only available store. Some used that time to mingle...

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