Escaping the Mansion

Story by draconicon on SoFurry

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A game story for FA: Torin13 that had to be done in a single hour. This is the result of Torin's attempted escape from a rather large house of nagas.

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**Name: Torin Species: Feral Gold Dragon

HP: 35/35 Willpower: 30/30


Strength: 10 (+0) Dexterity: 16 (+3) Constitution: 14 (+2) Intelligence: 18(+4) Wisdom: 12 (+1) Charisma: 18 (+4)


Agility: 5 Lockpicking: 3 Disable Device: 2 Tumble: 4 Search: 4**

You are Torin, a world and time traveling dragon that gets into far more trouble than you really should. But hey, at least you're having fun, right?

Well, at the moment, not so much.

You've been captured by the H'Sith family, a clan of nagas that have claim on the land that you appeared on when you arrived here. Normally, that wouldn't be a problem, but this time, you were captured before you could just zip away again, and now you are in the heart of their ridiculously large mansion - seriously, who needs twelve stories of home - and you can't get out until you get back to the place you arrived at.

The various coils along the wall, living metal around your neck, legs, and tail, aren't helping matters, either.

From what you've gathered, the H'Sith family is quite eager to turn you into the latest of their playthings, little more than a toy for their family to enjoy for years to come, and perhaps sell when your time has come to an end. You've already endured three different sessions with the family hypnotists, and you can already feel that it is only a matter of time until they break you.

So, rather than sit around and enjoy this 'hospitality,' you take your first chance to escape, which turns out to be a power outage. The living metal stops, and you slip out of the restraints, landing on the floor on all fours. You have nothing to grab; you just have to get out of the house, which may be easier said than done. You are on the top floor, and there are no windows, only one door that leads out to the central part of the manor.

What do you do?


//: I open the door very carefully, and look outside, checking to see if anyone, or anything, is out there. (End)

You open the door with a push of a button, everything so high tech and sleek. As it slips open with a soft shhhk sound, you can see that the top floor appears to be empty.

The floors in general are quite similar, you remember, and the look out of your prison cell reminds you of that. It consists of various rooms that are pressed out into this central tower of the manor, and a looooong open space in the middle of it, letting people look up and down from various levels. That goes all the way down to floor...five or four, you can't remember.

What you do remember is that the nagas get around by ramps built into both sides of this large tower area, smooth and stairless for their coils.

You can see one to your left, and one to your right, but no nagas so far.


//: I suppose there's no choice but to head down. I go down the ramp to my left, still trying to be as quiet and cautious as I can. (End)

**(DM's Roll, DC 3)


(Roll Wisdom, DC 11)


You make your way over to the ramp on the left-hand side, and you feel pretty good. After all, you are a magnificent golden dragon. In what way could taking the common transportation for the whole family fail?

Quite spectacularly as it happens, as you walk right past two nagas at once, who stare at you for a second before suddenly slithering after you. One grabs you by the arm, while the other starts trying to coil around your neck.

**(DM's Roll, DC 13)


And he is quite the quick naga, managing to slither up around your neck and squeeze, starting to cut off your air and keeping you from moving forward easily.

"Where do you sssssssink you're going, pet?" the naga asks, looking you in the eyes. He hasn't started using the hypno spirals yet, but you know it's only a matter of time.


//: I gasp for air as I'm wrapped up in the naga's coils, deciding to stop my struggling. Perhaps I can bluff my way out of this? "I was sent on an errand" I say, trying to play the part of a hypnotized dragon. (End)

**(Roll Charisma, DC 13)


It's clear that neither naga is buying this sort of excuse, and the silver-colored one wrapped around your neck grabs hold of your face, pulling you to look him in the eye.

"Yeah? I ssssssink that you might be trying to esssscape."

He chuckles, his forked tongue flicking across your nose several times in the process.

"Do you ssssssink we'll let that happen?"

You can see his eyes starting to swirl with hypnotic energy, while the other naga has taken advantage of your stillness to coil around your middle, his hands stroking along your flanks and increasingly down towards your underbelly.


//: I try to glance away before I'm pulled in, wiggling and trying to work myself free. "Um, perhaps? You guys seem awfully nice!" I blush as I feel the other naga rubbing across my body, hoping I can work myself free before I get too aroused. (End)

**(Roll Agility, DC 15)


"You sssssink wrong, little ssssslave. Now, look into my - stop wriggling!"

But you don't, and soon, you've wiggled and squirmed enough to have loosened the coils. With a great leap, you drag your golden body between the two coiled serpents, the pair of them tumbling to the floor with a thump. You keep on going, hitting the next floor, and slide along the balcony for a moment.

Looking back, you see that the silver one is chasing after you, while the other one is pulling for a phone in his waistjacket.

It looks like your escape may not be secret for long.

You have several choices. You could run for the other ramp on the far side of the room, circle around to continue taking this one, try and hide in a room...or maybe even chance it and leap over the balcony, though that would be very painful if you messed it up.


//: Knowing that my escape had only a limited amount of time, I decided to leap from the balcony. Hopefully, my wings can help me glide down. (End)

**(Roll Dexterity, DC 12)


Unfortunately, your wings don't do you a whole lot of good. There's a constant swell of warm air coming up from the center of the tower - with reptiles, it's not that surprising - and you are kept hovering in the middle of the open space, unable to descend, but at least not blown back up a floor. Your wings spread out keep you in place, and you haven't pulled them in yet, mostly because you'd drop like a rock.

The silver naga slithers around the balcony, smirking at you.

"You ssssink it'll be better anywhere elsssse, pet? You are jusssst a piece of property. Nosssssing more, and nosssssing lessssss."

He moves around to stand where you are facing, and holds out one hand.

"Come to me now, and I will erasssssse thissssss inssssident from all our mindssssss. No punisssssshment. But keep trying, and you'll be a mindlesssssss sssssslave for life."


//: Cursing the constant stream of air, I start to glide over to the naga, reaching out a paw. Of course, I had no intention of taking him up on his offer. I'd probably just tug on his arm to give me a boost, and then run past him. (End)

**(Contested Strength Roll, you roll, I roll.)

(12+0=12, 7+2=9)**

You are very lucky. You can feel that the naga is stronger than you, but your sudden maneuver saves your life. You pull yourself out of the hot stream of air, and by sheer coincidence, slide along the floor down the ramp to floor ten. You can't quite resist the urge to shout 'Wheeeeee' all the way down, and why not?


"Get him!"

You can hear other movement coming from the next floor down, and you can remember that this floor is the robotics lab. You are still sliding as you come around the curve, and if you aren't careful, you'll go shooting right into the balcony, or slide right into the open at the very least.


//: I know that I need to get down as fast as possible, especially since the naga upstairs is probably furious. I decide to chance the middle area again, trying to glide down at least a floor! (End)

**(Roll Dexterity, DC 13)


You go sliding down towards the balcony, and leap...and unfortunately, do not fall. Instead, you glide across the open space, and come to a landing by a door on the far side of the floor. A door, that you now notice, is opening.

A machine on a series of treads comes out into the hallway, and it beeps at you. It's about as wide as you are, and just tall enough that you can't walk over it. It boops and beeps at you, nudging at your legs like an annoyed official, as if trying to back you up or bully you towards a different direction.


It sounds about as pompous as an angry machine can do, as well.

On the plus side, you are only about twenty feet from the ramp again, and the nagas are separated from you, having to go all the way around the floor to reach you.


//: I quickly hop out of the way of the robot, running towards the ramp. I glance back to the robot briefly, shouting, "Sorry!" before heading down the ramp. (End)

**(Roll Dexterity, DC 10)


You just manage to jump over the robot, leaving the officious little thing to scurry about its appointed tasks. It boops at you for one final indignation before shuffling away. However, as you go down the ramp -

**(Roll Wisdom, DC 12)


You JUST notice the seam in the wall that implies there's a hidden panel, and so you aren't looking straight-ahead when a hypno-screen suddenly bursts out of the wall. You have your head turned to the side, but you don't have enough time to stop. Instead, you run full tilt into it, going THONK as your head bangs into the screen.

It is very sturdy; the screen doesn't even crack from the impact.

You can feel the fuzzy nature of the hypno-screen against your face, and you know from what the nagas said that this is far harder to resist than their eyes. If you open your eyes while looking at it, you could end up blanking your mind, or at least getting paralyzed here. But if you keep your eyes closed, you could end up getting stuck and then getting caught by the nagas again.


//: I try to use my paws to feel out my surroundings, carefully working my way around it. The nagas had to run, or slither, around the floor above me. I should have time! (End)

**(DM's Roll, DC 16)


These nagas must have a little black mamba in them, because they reach you far faster than you expected. You're just about to run around the screen, having found the gap, when you feel one of them slam down on your back, arms wrapping around your neck as his tail twists around your middle, coiling you tightly with the tip flicking around between your hind legs. Accidentally, for now.

The other throws himself at your hind legs, but misses, leaving you with just one unwanted passenger, so far.

"Sssssso, you'll be difficult, hmm? Think you can get away wissssss me on your back all the way down?"

He squirms his tail around, trying to pull your head around to look at him, but for the moment, he doesn't seem to have much luck.


//: I decide to take a bit of inspiration from the feral horses. "Yup!" I shout before bucking around wildly, trying to throw the naga off. I open my eyes for just a second, trying to find where the other ramp was. I needed to keep running, especially with another naga nearby. (End)

Your quick look-around tells you that you are currently on a ramp, as your path forward was just obstructed by the hypno-screen rather than anything else. The other ramp would require you climbing up and crossing the floor, first.

You buck and bounce, and the naga grabs hold of you tighter and tighter in an attempt to keep his balance. It's down to whether you have the energy to keep bucking around long enough to wear down his strength.

**(Roll Constitution, DC 15)


Despite your best efforts, you quickly become exhausted, while the naga just keeps clinging to you. You keep bouncing around, making your way down the ramp, but by the time you reach floor nine, you can't keep it up anymore. And worse, the naga seems to have stumbled onto something.

You feel his tail tip rubbing against your sheath, and he chuckles in your ear.

"I sssssssought I felt ssssssomething earlier. Doessssss the little dragon like being in coilsssss?" The naga chuckles a bit, squeezing you tighter, pulling himself closer to you as a result, his hands rubbing behind your head. "We can ssssstop thisssss right now. Jussssst look at me, and you'll forget all the ressssssst of thisssss."

His tail works around the tip of your sheath deliberately and forcefully, trying to find the little tremors of pleasure that got to you before.


//: I give off a gasp of surprise. The arousal from the earlier, accidental teasing had mostly died down, but when the naga started teasing me again, my cock was quick to respond. I could already feel it swelling out in its sheath, starting to push out. And if I got too aroused, I wouldn't be able to do much of anything. "W-well, I'd love to stay, but I have places to go!" I chirp, before trying to work my way down to the floor. Hopefully, simply running along would wear down the naga's strength. (End)

**(DM's Roll, DC 10)


You start to move, but it's too late. The other naga has caught up to you, and unlike the silver one, he coils around your back end. Your sudden run not only jams your emerging cock into a loop of coils - giving you an effect not dissimilar from a scaly, smooth handjob - but it also lifts your tail enough for a thin tail-tip to slide into your rump.

Every step you take glides you onto one or the other, either thrusting your cock forward or pushing your rump back.

The silver one chuckles as he rubs the back of your head, teasingly constricting your cock with his coils.

"Turn around, dragon, and be what you really are. A good, little, ssssssslut."

You can feel the forked tongue at the side of your head, the hands wrapping around your neck and around your chin. If you don't think of something fast, he's going to force your head around to look at him.


//: I needed to get away, to get back home, but after just a couple of steps my cock was already hard, giving off a few drops of pre. It was so hard to focus, to fight with my rising arousal, and with the naga's tail sliding into my rump, I couldn't help but grind back. As a last ditch effort, I decided to roll around. Maybe the advice for fires would work for nagas too? (End)

**(DM's Roll, DC 15)

(14+3=17, 9+3=12)**

Your roll...slightly works? You are able to dislodge the naga that's fucking your rump with his tail, knocking him loose, but the silver one is too persistent to be dislodged. His tail coils entirely around your fully hard cock, now, milking it from head to base with each little movement, coils tightening and releasing in ripples from top to bottom.

And now, with his head pressed so close to yours, like a lover's, he pulls at your neck.

**(Roll Strength, DC 14)


And you are helpless before the snake. You turn your head, and before you can close your eyes, the hypnotic bursts of color are already assaulting your eyes, filling you with a sleepy lust that you can't quite get away from.

"We were usssssing the wrong tool thissssss whole time. Not obedience...but sssslutiness...Pusssssh that hard enough, and you'll sssssuccumb."


//: A small part of me still wanted to fight, to resist, but my stamina was never the greatest. It felt better to just... sit here for a bit. And my throbbing, aching cock didn't help. I still gave a few wiggles, half-heartedly struggling against his coils. "N... no" (End)

_Despite your protest, you soon find yourself losing your mind to the pleasure of the coils, and a few minutes becomes ten, which then becomes twenty, thirty, and then an hour. More and more nagas slither over to you, their tails working over your cock and your balls, teasing you from head to tail and back again.

And soon, your eyes are drawn to theirs, and you can't look away. The spiraling colors of the naga eyes sweep deep into your mind, locking down your thoughts and leaving you thinking of nothing, nothing but service to your new naga masters.

You soon go back to your room, flanked by two nagas with one on your back, his tail tip stroking your cock until you are back in your bindings, and this time, you stare willingly into the reconditioning screen, your mind falling away as you are taken for the pet you are.

It doesn't take long for your life to utterly change. Your mind gone save for the services you can do for your masters, the pleasures that you can bring them. Your body becomes a toy, either wrapped up in snakes waiting for their turn to use your ass with their twin cocks or using you directly, your hole and your mouth a toy for them.

Day by day, you sink further and further into your service to them, until there is nothing left that went across the different worlds. You are now, simply, Torin the Toy._

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