Battle the Zzuragg part 6 ending

Story by dfeyder on SoFurry

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#10 of gift work

Battle of the Zzuragg

Final Chapter


Dustin Feyder

Commissioned by


Kauri topples and rolls along the roof of the ship, the zombie hyena's might unpredictable. The hyena slams the bulkhead shut on Maize and Chin as the two of them struggle to gain their balance, the monster vomits on the door burning it shut. Maize punches at the door trying to open it once more, Maize yells at Chin "Open it!"

Chin crawls over Maize to reach the door "Out of my way fox." Chin starts constructing another I.E.D.

Kauri grunts pushing himself up to a kneeling state. The zombie walks to him, she whispers in a ghastly voice, sexuality oozing from her lips "you don't need to fight me, just let me be inside you."

Kauri reaches for his pistol but the puppet of a hyena is atop him before he has time to take aim. The hyena girl claps her hands over the gun and collapses Kauri wrist making his throw his weapon across the roof. Kauri is forced to adjust his defenses, he throws in uppercut into the zombie's pelvic girdle then pushes off its hip-flexors to push himself into a standing.

"What are you?" Kauri draws his knife from his shoulder holster.

The puppet walks slowly, unintimidated by Kauri's threats "Just another link in the chain of life." Kauri rushes the zombie, he throws out a flurry of slashes at the monster: backhanded slash to the neck, fronthanded slash, backslash across the underbelly, cleave down the noise, stab to the chin.

Claws and teeth grow from every wound sealing them shut as quickly as they are made. The monster brings both arms down atop Kauri knife-hand pilling his arm to her breast. A pair of spider like arms tare from her back and snap around in front of the puppets body to forcible hug Kauri. The monsters mouth drops open and a stinger climbs out of its throat.

Kauri brings up his free hand wrapping it over the eyes of the monster and pulls back on its head to force it to look up. The rooftop hatch blast open again, Maize and Chin jump onto the rooftop. In an instant Maize sees the struggle underway and runs over jumping onto the zombie's back to aid her partner.

The zombie disengages off Kauri chest sending him toppling away, then snaps her spider lags backwards to grab Maize and spike her at the ground. The zombie vomits it's flaming goo onto Maize setting her armor on fire. Maize crawls away discarding her armor as quickly as she can stripping down to nothing more than her government issued undergarments in record time, the heavy metal gear boiling away like sugar in water.

Chin covers Maize by dropping into tripod stance and laying into the beast with her rifle. The monsters skin chips away like paint reveling dozens if not hundreds of insectoid monstrosities intertwined around a hyena skeleton. The bugs pull and stretch at the skin forcing it back into its original shape to the best of their power. Clearly the hyena body is nothing more than armor.

Enraged by Chin the zombie runs at the coyote. Chin tries backhopping to keep away from the zombie but it seems the zombie is unnaturally speedy and dextrose. The beast wraps a hand around Chin's head and hoist her into the air. It snaps it's spider like claws into Chin's arms shattering her armor. Chin screams. The zombie opens its mouth again ready to sting Chin and clam ownership of her body but ends up getting distracted by Kauri.

Kauri finds his pistol and tacks a few shot at the demon before them, quickly the last of his shots are fired. The demon throws Chin's broken body at the ground and turns to face Kauri. This monster is unlike any other, guns don't harm it, they only make it mad, knives are useless, in melee range no one can hope to overpower this thing.

In the blink of an eye the zombie is standing over Kauri again, it slaps him to the ground breaking his helmet apart. "enough fourplay, I want your body." The monster stands over Kauri straddling him. It lowers itself down and places her hands on his chest, slowly its head moves in ever closer sensually, it offer a forceful kiss and grinds it's body lightly before pulling back and summing it's stinger, it clotures stiffening in anticipation. All this, this fighting, this killing, to the zombie this was never a war, this was a mating dance.

Kauri is to tiered to fight, Maize has no weapons and no hope, Chin is to injured to do anything but lay on the ground and bleed. Kauri drops his head back and awaits whatever may come next.

A spotlight fills there vision, the command ship floats down before them, the wings glow and a trail of laser-fire rains down on the mining ship. This is enough to frighten the zombie, she drops Kauri and crawls along the ground ferally. Elion tries to blast the monster chasing after it with the ship 'till the thing jumps down off the side of the ship vanishing into the swamp.


Corporal's log

Mission statues: Active

Corporal Dawg: MIA

Report: transmitter signal still firing. Has moved out of range. Inquirer with upper command has been responded to as CLASIFIED.

Privet Howe: KIA

Report: Privet Howe's body was recovered by Bata team alongside Privet Stine.

Details: death by internal bleeding. It has been postulated that Howe and Stine survived the encounter with life form KRAIN possible with the aid of Dawg. Concussive damage to armor resulted in hemorrhaging and eventual death.

Privet Stine: KIA

Report: death via artillery fire

Details: body recovered by Bata team alongside Howe, Stine suffered multiple gunshots to the abdomen, visor was broken and head trauma seems to have occurred. If this was before or after death is unclear.

Privet Dover: MIA/ presumed KIA

Report: Armor was recovered by Bata team. Body has not been found

Details: Under republic law a solders body must be recovered before death is deemed official. A delta team is currently on the surface attempting to find the remains of Dover and Huston. Dover's family has been contacted.

Privet Huston: MIA/ presumed KIA

Report: transmitter data from command ship Morphus suggest that Huston was attacked by unknown life form.

Details: unlike in the case of Dover, Huston's armor was not found on the sight. As the mining ship Natulus is being recovered a hand full of its crew hands have been found with inverted skeletal structures. There are still 44 bodies unaccounted for. It is my fear that Huston has suffered the same fate.

Privet Maize: Active

Report: Maize after recovering from critical epidermal damage has been restored to active duty.

Details: Maize is currently aboard the SOLARUS receiving secondary training in heavy armaments

Privet Churnibog: Medical leave

Report: Chin has been pulled from active duty and is receiving reconstructive surgery.

Details: lifeform KRAIN had broken both of Chin shoulders and seemed to leave behind a corrosive substance that did considerable damage to muscle tissue but slowed bleeding at the same time. Chin is expected to return to active duty.

Lieutenant Corman: UNKNOWN

Report: N/A

Details: N/A

Lieutenant Elion: FOOTLOCKER

Report: According to official channels Elion has been removed from her post for insubordination

Details: unofficial channels tell me that Elion made contact with Dawg 48 hours after Delta team arrived. What happened after that is unclear.

Privet Note: after my encounter with lifeform KRAIN I started suffering from night terror. I will be seeing specialist afforded to me by HQ. I found life form KRAIN terrorizing, yet my thoughts are hunted by what she must have been before the bugs took her, and I want to be with her...

Battle the Zzuragg part 5

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