
Story by rednerr on SoFurry

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Commission for tfme on Reddit. Took a while but here it is


by feder

"Oh Chad, what have you done this time..." The young man said to himself, eyeing the brown package on his doorstop like it was a bomb. He and Troy made a bet that last week, loser had to wear a rubber dog collar and he had been dreading its arrival ever since. He took the box, brought it to his room and dropped it on his reading desk with a hefty thump.

Opening it, Chad's fears were confirmed. In the box was a black rubber dog collar with a little bone-shaped tag with his name on it, with Troy as the owner which struck Troy as a pretty dickish joke.

"Just had to rub it in, did ya Troy?" He grumbled as he picked the collar up and fastened it around his neck. It wasn't unpleasant to the touch, being soft and supple and stretchy like rubber usually tends to be, but it was the idea of wearing it in public that put a knot in Troy's stomach. This is was an open-minded town, but not too open minded to talk about something like this. Still, he could just say he lost a bet, that'd cover it unless Troy was into this kind of thing. Troy didn't know what this particular kink was, but he did know he wasn't down with it. Maybe after a few drinks and it was a good-looking woman...

Chad stopped himself; he wasn't getting hard already was he? That was the last thing he needed, to make this situation more awkward. He sat down on his bed and kicked off his tennis shoes before reclining on the mattress, it hadn't been a particularly rough day but he still felt stressed, his nerves were a frazzled mess and any excuse to de-stress and veg out was welcome to Chad. He switched the TV on and was halfway through an old action movie when he felt something wet on his neck, just below where the collar was.

His fingers drew back little droplets of white and black rubber, greasy in texture like acrylic paint. "Fuck..." Chad tried to wipe the stuff off on his shirt, but that only smeared it all over his chest like paint. Curiously, the black and white never mixed to make gray, just forming into a spot pattern. And he liked this shirt! He peeled out of the ruined t-shirt and took it to the laundry room, dumping it unceremoniously in the washer. "Fucking Troy..." Chad sneered as the washing machine purred to life, then he looked down and saw that the smear had soaked through his shirt, white and black spots caked on his chest and spreading out from the point of initial contact. Chad tried again; taking two sheets from a nearby paper towel roll and rubbed over the rubber stain furiously, and once again only manage to cover nearly his entire chest in the spotted rubber, with the paper towel soaked through and leaking the stuff in his hand. "This isn't working..." Chad muttered to himself, oh he was going to kick Troy's ass for this but good. He hastily stripped down when he reached the bathroom, turning the shower on and waiting for the water to turn nice and hot before stepping in.The water was pleasantly, numbingly warm. Chad couldn't help but relax for a moment, savoring the feel of the water. He took the bar of gray-green pumice soap and scrubbed at the gunk covering his front. However, the more and more he scrubbed away at the stuff, the more and more it mixed with the water to form a thick, viscous sludge that felt like tar mixed with honey on his skin.

Chad let out a startled yell and tugged at the liquid rubber running down to his waist. With every pull, the white and black spotted rubber stretched out in long, dripping tendrils, the material squeaking and groaning like a rubber band being flexed. He pulled as hard as he could at the stuff, only for it to snap back whenever he released his grip. He tried again, tearing at the rubber and pulling it out in long strands, feeling it writhe and ooze between his fingers, only spreading farther and faster over his naked skin. The stuff flowed over his hands, pulling tight around them with a soft creak like the sound plastic wrap makes when it's wrapped around something.

"What the... What the hell is this?!" Chad cried out as he watched his hands change in front of him. He flexed his fingers, feeling the joints in his knuckles pop as the rubber set to work changing them. His fingernails were stained glossy black as they narrowed into sharp claws. Out of the spotted material grew soft, cushiony black pads on his palms and fingertips, like those on animal paws.

Chad dug his new claws into the spotted rubber flowing up his wrists, but no matter how much he clawed or how deep he hooked them in, the rubber would not tear nor give an inch. "This is not good..." the young man whimpered and flattened himself against the wall of the shower, sliding down in shock as the rubber continued its inexorable spread down his waist and up his neck, peeking about the rim of his collar. In a few short seconds his upper body up to his chin was completely covered in white latex with glossy black spots.

And as much as he hated to admit it himself, it wasn't an unpleasant sensation. Where it flowed over his skin, it was tingly and warm. And on his upper body where it had solidified, it was cool and compressing his musculature in a way that Chad wished his athletic clothes would. It was like a hug felt over every inch off affected skin, tight and loving and...

Chad stopped himself. Oh hell no, no way was he going to let whatever this was get to his mind. still, he couldn't deny it felt good. As the rubber continued down past his waist, down over his hips, he felt something force itself none-too-gently out of the base of his spine. Inch by inch the new appendage grew and merged with Chad's body. He could feel it there, wagging in the gentle downpour from the showerhead. He reached back with his hand to stroke the rubbery thing, feeling it wag and twitch, little ripples of pleasure traveling back up his spine as he traced his fingers from the tip to where it attached to his body. It was a tail, Chad had a tail now.

"Oh gosh..." Chad knew what a tail meant. It meant he was becoming something inhuman, something animal. He was becoming a pet for whoever was doing this to him, being given a shiny smooth body to pet and admire as he kneeled at the feet of his master and...

Oh damn it, there he went again. He turned the water off and leaned back against the tiled wall of the shower, shaking his head to keep his thoughts from wandering. "Keep it together, Chad." he scolded himself as he gave the rubber on his chest one last pull. Again, it stretched out and snapped back without even beginning to show signs of tearing. It was already flowing down his hips and crotch in thick, gently viscous streams that reminded Chad of liquid caramel.

As the stuff coated his manhood, he nearly lost it then and there. The latex was tingly and just cool enough to feel like fresh liquid silk as it coated his now-erect shaft, it was like being caressed and stroked along the full length of his rod on all sides, with the feeling sweeping over his balls as they were covered. When the latex finished coating them, it wasn't the end. Rubber tendrils pulled Chad's shaft up and closer to his crotch, his balls expanding and growing taut against the latex as the material formed a sizable sheath around his sensitive manhood. "Fffuck... this is crazy..." he whimpered. It looked wrong, it was wrong, but it felt good. So good Chad couldn't resist the temptation to give his new equipment a little squeeze, sending a flash of sensation up his spine, his eyes rolled back and the first inch of his shiny red member peeked out of the sheath. He was in the curious position of his mind going "No no no!" and his body, his hormones going "Yes...". Whatever corrupt was at work, Chad promised himself it would not succeed. He closed his eyes and fantasized about beautiful women; of leggy blondes with big, firm breasts and tanned skin and 'come hither' smiles as they lounged on the beach in bathing suits.

He fantasized about these things, but to his dismay it didn't do anything for him. The attraction he felt to the blondes was waning, fading into inert apathy. Chad understood the appeal, even wanted it to appeal to him,but it just ceased to get his motor running. What the hell was happening to him? The latex had worked its way down to his knees with no sign of slowing down.

His body pitched forward as he stepped out of the shower, every part of his body coated by the spotted latex surged with a strength and sensitivity Chad hadn't ever experience before. As the liquid rubber reached his feet, soft black pads grew out of his soles and on the bottom of his toes. His toenails reshaped themselves into claws as he felt heat well up in his leg muscles, like a pleasant post-workout burn.

Chad wiggled his new toes, chuckling nervously. His head no longer remotely matched his body, and though he knew it would be the next to go, he couldn't help but laugh at his reflection in the mirror. It was pretty much the only thing keeping him from freaking out over what was happening. He wasn't losing the struggle, but rather he had already lost. His body was no longer his, just a rubber pup meant to go through life kneeling at his master's feet or lifting his tail for master to use his tight little ass and...

Chad pinched himself, making the rubber hide on his wrist squeak as he did so. The pain was just enough to snap him out of it. He had to quit daydreaming, as the rubber crept up his neck, up his chin, Chad realized all to clearly that his mind was the only thing he was going to have left.

He spat and licked his teeth as the rubber crept up into his mouth. Moments later, as his jaw achingly erupted forward into the beginnings of a canine muzzle, he could feel it flowing down inside him, coating his insides in warm, slippery rubber. His nose shrank into a little black doggie nose as his muzzle finished taking its intended shape. Chad's pink, shiny tongue hung out the side of his mouth as he panted and moaned. His hearing grew faint and fuzzy as his ears were coated and dragged higher up on his head, only to pop back much more clearly than ever before as his ears took their new, floppy shape.

As the stuff finished coating his body, Chad felt something in the back of his throat. He couldn't resist it after what had happened to him and so he obligingly opened his mouth and let out a loud, baritone bark to announce to the world that his metamorphosis was complete. Chad was a dalmatian, a rubber dalmatian.

And no sooner had this dawned on Chad did he feel a sudden, overpowering need burn through his every nerve. He reached down and stroked at his sheath while panting and whining, all he could think about was how he needed some alpha male big dog to bend him over a table and take him. It was a repulsive thought at first, but with ever moment, with every feeling of desire needling into his mind, it became more and more appealing, more and more right.

Chad padded out of the bathroom, still whining and fondling himself when his ears perked up at the sound of the front door swinging open, bringing with it a familiar smell. "Yo, Chad! You put that collar on yet?"

It was Troy, the sound of his voice made Chad's tail wag like the excited little pup he had become. He walked out to meet Troy, blushing and keeping his eyes to the floor. Troy petted the dalmatian behind the ears, prompting a whine of pleasure from Chad.

"Did you..." Chad stuttered, still blushing like a schoolgirl, "Was this part of the plan?"

"Sure was..." Troy said with a sly grin, "It sure was, puppy dog." And the way he called him puppy dog made Chad go all gooey inside, his tail went to wagging as he felt like he had been paid the most wonderful compliment.

"Now, you must be awfully pent up right now, pup..." Troy said as he led the dalmatian into the bedroom. He locked the door behind them, then shoved Chad onto the bed. Chad looked up at him, panting as his red, pulsing member left its sheath as Troy produced another collar from his jacket. Troy slipped it on and a wave of shiny midnight black rolled over him like a storm cloud. Chad watched with bated breath as his former friend took the form of a big, barrel-chested rubber alpha wolf.

The smell of fresh rubber was too much for Chad, he turned over on his belly, lifting his tail as Troy climbed on the mattress on top of him. The wolf let out a deep, lusty growl as his own throbbing length aimed at Chad's tight pucker. "You ready, pup?" the wolf said with another growl.

Chad just nodded and spread himself as much as he could for his alpha. He was ready, alright. This was not what he had in mind when he took the bet, but in that moment Chad was as ready and willing as any lucky pup ever could be.


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