Story by GabrielClyde on SoFurry

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Welcome to the garage of Boss Hog, daddy boar, master mechanic, and friend to straight college studs in need. He can fix anything, and the bill is negotiable...for the right price.

A quick one to get me back into things. Pure porny silliness.

I lay my tools down with a sigh and wiped the sweat from my brow. The salt and pepper mass of my headfur gave up its cargo of perspiration easily, flying across my workbench like clusterbombs, their fall like the pitter patter of heavy rain after a heatwave. I felt more of it all over me, dripping from my chintuft, and under my overalls. On a hot day like today I liked to wear nothing at all under them, the slick feel of sweat-stained fur rubbing on harsh canvas almost too delicious, especially later in the afternoon.

After a quick lunch I had cause to regret and delight in the feel even more, thanks to a conversation I had to accompany my break. Just thinking about the possibilities had me fighting to concentrate, and often losing that fight. I became hyper-aware of everything, the passage of a bead of sweat between my pecs and down the treasure trail leading to my groin. The rasp of swollen cock on rough fabric, the head partially exposed as my loose foreskin retracted just enough to expose the tip to delicious arousing pain. The rub of fat nipples against the shoulder straps.

Yeah it promised to be a very interesting evening.

The knock on the door to my workshop was expected. I knew the knocker too; even before I saw his nervous looking face in the CCTV, I had smelled him. The smell made me grin evilly; teenage stud horse, musk, too much aftershave. The picture matched the scent and matched the pictures I had been conjuring up all afternoon. I gave my basket a friendly fondle through the protecting caress of my overalls and headed for the door.

"Welcome back Eden."

Eden. Even the name was cute. One of those vaguely hipster almost feminine names they liked nowadays. No more Dave or John or Ben. Now it was first names that sounded like surnames; Carter, Kennedy, Dawson...Eden... I had despaired of finding anyone who wasn't a hipster wannabe when I came to this college town. I had long since given up though, and I didn't mind. The college boys had their attractions.

"Ahhh hi there Mister...er..."

Poor colt realised he didn't even know my real name yet. Oh, there was the one on the sign over my workshop of course, but I knew he would be uncomfortable using it. An Eden would, of course, being achingly politically correct and all. Probably pained him enough to propose a drumming circle so we could all jazz hand in an affirming manner before staging a group hug. Maybe I should come with a trigger warning.

Not the kind of fucking hug I had in mind anyway.

"Yeah it really is Hogg kid. Spelt with two g's though. But I thought the name sounded good for the garage too, so Boss Hog it is. But you can call me Dwayne, provided you are a polite colt as you seem."

I'm a boar, no sense in shying away from it. One big bodied daddy boar, with a fine set of tusks and plenty of muscle under there somewhere. Call me piggy, hog, I couldn't give a fuck. Just don't ask me to squeal; anyone who did tended to do the squealing. Or these nice polite college boys from around here; they squealed something special.

This one did seem polite enough. In fact he seemed downright delicious. That was why I had been looking forward to tonight so much. It always was fun, always was more than fun, but this one seemed almost the best of all. It was a hard process to rank though.

My first had been not long after opening the garage here. A neighbourhood full of cocky on the surface but earnest and fundamentally unsure young straight studs. They all liked their cars and their fun, and the two seemed to always go together. Everything is fun fun fun till their daddy takes the T-bird away though. Or in most of these cases, refuses to pay for shit to teach their poor hellspawn away at college some responsibility. Fucking fat chance. They would still be spending their money on illicit beer and weed and girls and leaving nothing for the inevitable problems. Or buying completely unsuitable cars to impress some coed with a rocking set of tits.

The EVO-8 with the aftermarket turbo and the custom wings seems so awesome until it breaks and they find out even replacing a shock absorber is more than they can earn in a month at Olive Garden between classes. Enter the best mechanic in town, always there with a way to make it cheaper...and to make the bill fit their means, provided they provide a little extra.

Straight boys...it was amazing what they could rationalise to keep their cars on the road.

This one was a little different though. For starters he was a local, son of one of the professors. He could attend college on a full tuition scholarship, and being the sensible colt he seemed to be, that had lured him to get his education right here.

He also had taste, of a type, and style, if no fucking common sense. We had gotten to talking bikes, and I advised the stupid cunt to get something sturdy and Japanese. Bombproof. Instead the idiot got suckered into buying something pretty and Italian off a guy who had bought it on a whim and hadn't ridden it in years. Been keeping it in his house as a decoration; a Cagiva too, can you fucking believe that? Some fuckers needed a shifter spanner to the back of the head.

And ponyboy had fallen right into the trap. Seemed he was like the others after all. No common sense, and no money.

I tended to his pride and joy, but I knew it was only a matter of time before something expensive happened, and happen it did. Now he was mine.



He swallowed, and gave me a nervous smile.

"Dwayne...um...I couldn't get the money together, and I know we talked and all but...you couldn't let me have the bike back anyway could you?"

I almost felt sorry for him, he looked so lost. But a deal was a deal, and he knew the terms. No money, no bike, unless...

He was wringing his hands together now, eyes wide and almost crying. If he did that would be it, I would just bend him over right there and then and have him. He held it together though, mostly.

"You see Dwayne, um, it's my girlfriend."

My smile became a couple of notches more predatory. The key to any straight boys heart, or his pants. The promise of pussy.

"Yeah?" I managed an acre of boredom and contempt in that word. It worked, and pony began to sweat. Ahhhh the delicious scent of pony sweat. Only exceeded by pony cock and pony ass. A holy trinity.

"Um...L...Lucy...she's a errr filly, awesome girl..."

"Is she a hot fuck?"

I put a cigarette to my muzzle and struck the match against my tusk. The gesture seemed to throw colty off guard almost as much as the sudden descent into crude guy banter. He swallowed again, and sweated aplenty, and blushed. He blushed, for chrissakes, his cute pink muzzle becoming momentarily crimson. If I didn't have the cig in my muzz I would have grabbed his head and tonguefucked him right then.


He looked down at his hooves, shuffling on the concrete, and hid behind a length of chestnut forelock, and suddenly I got it.

"Let me guess...you haven't had the pleasure yet...but you want to, and damn soon, am I right?"

He looked at me through his forelock and ginned, guy to guy. We were getting somewhere.

"We got tickets to a music festival this weekend. Deathpony, her favourite, and like a dozen awesome acts, it goes all weekend."

"Uh huh..." I took a nice long drag on the cig, making him wait, and casually hefted my groin. Then I scratched my neck, letting the scent of my pits waft through the space between us. I saw his nostrils flaring, flaring again, the sight of his eyes going wide.

Boar sweat. Never failed.

"Uhhh...um...yeah, and well, I was going to take her up there on the bike, I have a little tent we can fit in the panniers, and some music, some beers and...well..."

"And you were going to play bury the horsecock in her nicely wet snatch, was that the plan pony?"

He swallowed again, and seemed to run down like a toy needing a few twists of the key. He was hiding behind that forelock again, dammit.

"Deal's a deal pony. Or you could always borrow your mother's Corolla. Sexy car that Corolla. Always good to impress a filly that."

He cringed then, I didn't know whether it was at the thought of the boxy piece of shit, and frankly it made me cringe too, or the thought that I knew his mom. Been servicing her car for four years now, kept the boring piece of junk running like a Swiss watch. The idea of servicing her son was a fuckload more appealing.


"Do you want the bike back or not Eden?"

He seemed to start, maybe from the sudden use of his name. Eden...an unspoilt garden. Virgin straight boy...well at least where this was concerned. Soon we would be seeing the snake, in fact two snakes.


He whispered it. He was looking at his hooves again, his breath coming in gasps. The scent of pony sweat was pungent. I let my own nostrils flare, drinking it in, before giving him a pat on the shoulder as I walked past to lock the front door.

"Good choice pony. Very good choice."

He was still standing in the same spot, almost as if he was nailed to the ground. I didn't mind; gave me time to admire.

He was pretty all right. Prettier than that useless bike of his. Chestnut, with a white blaze on his face and a pink nose, dark feathering. Deep blue eyes full of...well, at the moment, full of trepidation. He was wearing a wifebeater t-shirt, probably some sort of postmodern fucking hipster irony. Khaki cargo shorts, nice and baggy but not so baggy they could hide the presence of a most impressive package.

One stud earring, one gold hoop in an eyebrow, mane nicely braided by someone who cared I would wager, and the beginnings of a chintuft. Wispy, straggling like a crop of corn in a drought, but a chintuft all the same. Way to go hotshot, you might make it to stallion yet, given a few years.

I walked up to him suddenly, keeping the kid off balance, his eyes wide staring into mine. I brought my muzzle in close, watching the muscles in his neck twitch as if trying to escape, his eyes going wider wondering what I might be about to do. I got the feeling had I done a triple somersault while fingering his ass it would have brought no better reaction he was so keyed up, but I merely sniffed luxuriously at his armpit.

He screamed, and almost jumped high enough to hit the roof. I laughed at him then, long and mocking laughter, and he blushed even darker now.

"Seriously pony...lighten up."

It was all part of the softening up of course. Soon he would welcome the triple somersault as less confronting than what he was experiencing.

"You know, I always loved the scent of stud horse sweat. Sweet, like hay or something. Musky too...damn musky..."

I enjoyed the exploration with my snout first. Us boars have an acute sense of scent, and an affinity for certain scents. Pony musk. If I could bottle it I would make a fucking fortune.

Of course, it wasn't long before other senses needed satisfying.

"Take off your t-shirt kid."

He looked wary but complied. The stained white cotton floated to the ground like a parachute, taking his sense of equilibrium to a better place. No escape for mister pony though. None at all.

I eyed him up, from behind a long sinuous stream of smoke, drawing heavily on the cig savouring the taste of the tobacco as much as the sight of the colt. Broad shoulders, nicely defined pecs but not big, a six pack. A pair of fat nipples crowning quarter sized areolae, pink like his muzzle.

Best of all, a little treasure trail, just under his belly button, leading to a supreme treasure. Pony hadn't shaved, and that was a blessing. Too many of these wannabe hipsters these days shaved their pubes but not pony. He had a generous thicket, and it poked just above the waistband of his briefs hinting at what was below. His shorts hung low, barely clinging to the bones of his hips, and their ultimate demise would not be long delayed. That hint of pony pubes made me determined not to wait too long.

"Nice pony...you work out?"

"A little Sir...um Dwayne..."

Polite, like I thought. I liked them polite, and subservient. Always made my cock twitch extra hard.

"Good stud, keep it up. You have a body worth savouring...your filly is going to be a lucky one this weekend..."

The mention of his girl made pony suddenly uneasy. He bit his lip a little, his chin quivering. I decided to take charge.

"Now pony...close your eyes."

He scrunched them tight like a good colt. His hands were down by his side, flexing an unflexing. He drew in deep lungfulls of blessed air through nostrils pink with embarrassment, and as an added bonus probably filled his lungs with boar scent. I knew I would be pretty rank after a day in here with no air con working on cars. My overalls were dark with it, sweat and musk, stained with raw boar essence from a leaking cock on overdrive. Pony was drawing it in now, not knowing what he was smelling but feeling it take control anyway.


He kept his eyes closed, even after he cried out. I brought my muzzle to his chest and licked. One long, sensual lick, from pec to pec, singling his nipples out for special attention. Then I lifted his right arm, and let my tongue travel under to feast on the delight of a tuft of baby soft dark pony armpit fuzz. And the taste...ohhhh fuck the taste.


He seemed to have lost his vocabulary poor pony. Wonder if he was going to rediscover it when I got to the best bits.

My hand took over from my tongue, tracing a long slow path down his belly. I played with the skin just above his pubes, feeling the taut abdominals flex under my touch. I grunted then, a little piggishly but fuck it, boars will be boars. I felt a little twinge of envy too...I liked my body well enough, but our species tended to go for nicely padded and broad. A really tight ripped belly would have been nice; but I guess not as nice as making one of these perfect straight studs lick his own cum out of the deep pool of my navel and rest his head on my padded belly panting after the fun was done like a perfect pillow.

I guess even a pig cant have everything.

"Oh my god....oh my god..."

"relax pony..."

He was nervous now. He had felt my attention pass to his belt, unbuckling easily as I let his shorts fall to the concrete. He had a pair of briefs that made me stifle a giggle. Spongebob.

"A gift from my mom, honest..."

I gave his chest a kiss and chuckled. Likely story colt.

Pity his mom couldn't see what I was doing to her son's underwear. That made me frown a little though...some of the things I had heard about that mare, on the grapevine. Maybe she would like it entirely too well.

I hooked my fingers under the waistband and slowly pulled them over his hips. They caught on his knees a little before finding their way to join the khaki lump of his shorts. I had the perfect view now and I let it linger in my eyes like savouring a single malt in my muzzle.

His pubes were black, slightly curly, and formed a perfect crest above a deep dark wide open sheath. Plump, inviting, it quivered as he stood there, and I could almost see the mass of horsehood inside waiting to get out. His hefty nuts lifted and fell in time to his heartbeat, and his tail swished delicately from side to side as if marking the passing of seconds under the gaze of a big older male ready to do God knew fucking what to his perfect body. I had a few ideas and I was pretty certain God would not approve.

"Now open your eyes Eden."

They were almost like the sky, so blue. Wide, full of something indistinct. I stepped in right close, muzzle almost touching his, eyes wary. Then he gasped and his eyes went wider still.

I had reached out and cupped his scrotum without warning. He jumped a little again, and his muzzle quivered, and he looked at me pleadingly.

"These are mine tonight pony."

I squeezed, just to the threshold of pain, and then backed off. He had the message. Then my grasp became gentle like a lamb, the barest caress on the underside of his scrotum. His cries turned to something else. Halting breaths, then bingo. A moan. I grinned, the effect with my tusks not comforting I knew, and kept it up.



For that he got another squeeze before I went back to the gentle, encouraging touch. Coaxing him to arousal in easy, non confronting stages, so he would not bolt like a feral horse in the thunder.


I loved using all my senses with one of these straight studs. Smell. Touch. Taste. Hearing; always hearing. The many noises of a straight stud learning what a man could do to his body. Magic.

I wrapped my lips around one pert nipple and suckled, all the while tickling his sac. Tongue flicks, lapping, biting. Harder and more insistent as his resolve melted like an ice cream on a day like today. His scrotum began to dance, and I was a good dance partner, following his lead. My palm cupped his nuts, leaving my fingers free to roam, one inch at a time under his scrotum and along the silken trail of his perineum. Until I found nirvana.


Holding his balls, I looked into his eyes and gave him a no nonsense look. He got the message.

My finger pressed his little pucker just enough to make it open like a flower and withdrew. He let out a shuddering breath as I returned to his soft taint and acquainted him with the joys a teenage male rarely seemed to know. More fool they.

"That's it colt...good colt..."

My other hand found what it was looking for. One long horsehood, almost fully aroused now, swaying between us like the boom on a sailing ship, moving with the wind. I clasped it gently, stroking with a callused hand, from the surprisingly wide flare down the nicely tapered mottled shaft to his medial and back. He was twitching already, the flare nicely spread, his piss slit open like a baby bird's beak.

"Good colt...see that wasn't so bad...you like it"

"No I don't...owww!"

I slapped his muscled ass hard, hard enough to draw a whimper. His gaze was hurt.

"Never lie to me pony...ever..."

Teasing a straight stud is an art. Their mind wants to flee, their body just wants the sensations to go on and to nut hard and quick. The conflict of those two drives makes for endless entertainment. Pony was in that chasm now, his senses on alert, his body moving with the pleasures regardless. I played him like a harp, working his cock, bringing him to the edge and letting him hang there, one finger poised to take his hole and letting him know it was too by rubbing his asslips in slow circles like a shark circling a surfer.

I spread my fingers each side of his pucker and pressed, making his little virgin opening spread. He sucked in air and closed his eyes again.

Seizing the moment to take it to the next stage, I fell to my knees. His cock looked angry, leaking a constant stream of clear pre in a single line to the concrete. Poor pony cock. It needed more love.

All the senses again. First I sniffed, almost fainting at the cascade of rich ripe pony musk that assailed my brain. Taste next, and I let just the tip of my tongue sample the delights of his precum. Sweet, like him, with a tang.

Then touch...lips sliding over erect flesh, feeling every twitch and flutter in his cock as I let them caress down to his medial. And as I took him in, sound, the sound of a deep surprised pleasured groan of delight mixed with an involuntary whinny. It was time, I knew, just like always with the straight studs. Cock buried in a hot muzzle that knew how to pleasure a guy, they suddenly craved the feel. The feel of fingers in an ass, their ass, oh God, oh God, fingers in their ass. His lips opened wide and easy and I felt my thick index finger slide in nice and deep, the perfect pony hole closing and gripping me like a vise.

He was still standing. Eyes closed again, scrunched tight, muzzle slightly open, tongue poking just an inch, chest rising and falling, head tilted slightly up. The pose of a teenage straight stud learning what his body could do. And what could be done to his body. He was almost ready.

I stood up, and it took him a moment to realise he wasn't about to get his happy ending right now. He opened one eye, it was so comical I had to resist the temptation to burst out laughing, then a second. He looked angry, but knew better than to show it.

"Lie back on the bench there Eden."

Then the reality hit. He turned and looked at it, a nondescript work bench, solid wood, just the right height. He did a sort of double take, then looked a little pleading, and I crossed my arms and waited him out. He hung his head, his ears went down, and he swallowed extra hard.

Hitching himself up, he sort of lay back and waited. He was watching me though, so I decided to give him a show. Unhooking my overalls, I let them fall to the floor and stepped out of the resulting pile. He tried to hide it, but I saw him. The surprise, the reality.

Naked as I was I guess I was an imposing sight to a naïve virgin straight colt. Forty years old but still going strong, Boss Hog was not just an affectation. It was a state of mind and body, as pony was about to find out.

My cock was already almost there. The foreskin had slid halfway back, revealing a deep purple head the size of a small apple with a wide open piss slit. I slicked it back the whole way while he watched, letting him see the full majesty of what was coming his way. Not as long as the cocky horse, I definitely had him covered in thickness. A few good strokes and the shaft was already glistening; I tended to leak a lot when I had a new conquest to enjoy and pony was no exception.

Approaching my target I saw him try to pull back a bit but only manage to fall back onto the bench. He was mine, but I knew to take my time. A lesson well learned over the years; take your time.

I also loved messing with the poor colt's head.

Nice and close, so close I could feel his tail flicking my legs, I fell to my knees again as he gasped. One hand wrapped around each surprisingly well muscled pony thigh and I lifted his legs nice and high.

His pucker winked at me, and I waited a moment in adoration. It needed devotion, like a religious icon, that pucker. Even if his mind had yet to grasp the end game, his pucker had. The poor pony hole had closed up tight, relaxing briefly every few seconds before clenching again, and making his nuts dance like a can can dancer.

There is no sight like it, really. And this is my favourite moment. The feel of his thighs, tightly held. It can be fun to make a stud hold his own legs back, exposing his secret places for you, but I preferred this, in control, the feel of a strong pair of hands holding him hard enough to tell him the truth. You are not in control stud. A better male is.

I gave his thighs an extra strong squeeze, enough to leave a slight bruise, and draw a whinny. A momentary distraction.

My snout pressed to his hole and I sniffed. Here was pony perfection, his musky depths at my mercy. That sweet little pucker, wrinkled, delicate. What I would do to it...


Always start with his perineum first. Pony had an especially fine one, as I had already seen with my fingers. Up close it was perfection. Soft, silken, dark leathery skin with a fine dusting of hairs. I opened wide and licked, rough boar tongue on sensitive skin, longer and longer strokes, until I found his pucker.

He was still clenched tight, poor colt. I used my tongue, coaxing him into screams of need, his opening relaxing in little stages as I worked on it with loving licks. Then I pressed a thumb each side of his rosebud and prized the lips apart, watching the miraculous opening, and let my tongue dive right in.

The sound was so sweet, echoing off the walls and the concrete floor. A scream, a cry, a whinny, then pleading, to stop and to go on. Sawing my tongue into his depths I felt the tight cave close round and try to force me out again but I was having none of it. This pony hole was mine.

I had also taken the opportunity to jack my cock nice and slow, working up a good lather of pre on my hand. This came in useful now, my tongue replaced by two fat fingers coated in boar precum. Pony spread wide and well, if reluctantly. Fuck he was tight, but not for long now.

It was time, and he knew it too.

Standing with his legs held high, his perfect hole right at my groin, I looked down the line of his body, from the delicate opening still trying to fight the inevitable, along his taint, the fat nuts now drawn tight, and his cock pointing at his muzzle, along his clenched belly and his chest to that muzzle, eyes now glazed, muzzle open, lips caught in a silent moan. I pressed my head to his opening and waited a moment.

The only better sound than a guys first rimming really. His first feel of cock deep inside. I gave him just the head, popping inside his ring after some straining, and listened for his cries and felt the clench and the long slow flutter in his ass as he adjusted to my girth and the heat of a throbbing cock driving into his soul. I stood upright, watching, and made him watch his own deflowering, every last ass stretching inch.

Not all at first though. I rocked back and forward, driving a little more in each time, until I was about half way in. Then I stopped, and pony relaxed. I reached forward and stroked his chest, then I gripped his cock. I tried to escape my grip, like a wild animal, and I held on tight, the slickness of my precum now finding a new use as I worked that ponycock.

"Feels good doesn't it colt."


Now it was time. I rammed the rest of my cock inside, slapping his nut, and drawing a screaming whinny.

"I said feels good doesn't it colt."

"Oh fuck...oh fuck...oh fuck..."

He kept that up like some sort of benediction right through a long slow fuck. I love this position, standing, controlling the pace. I can take it gentle, or I can ram in hard, using my hips and thighs to pound an ass into submission. I gave him both, leading him to the brink, his cock in my hand jerking wildly.

Then I saw it. His flare suddenly spread even wider and his piss hole thrust forward like a little periscope. A pulse began deep in his ass and ran along his cock and suddenly a great gush of stallion cum spurted into the air and fountained across his body marking him with its passage. Belly, chest, where one great gob hung from his left nipple, and then his head. He had a long thick string dripping from his muzzle, the creamy fluid coating his cute little chintuft, and another in his mane. Oh fuck I was close.

"Such a good little colt..."

Resistance was futile. I bent forward over him, muzzle on his chest lapping at the milky remains, then his muzzle. I rubbed hard lips on soft equine ones, tasting the tang of his jizz, and then pressed my tongue on his lips. They opened, almost by reflex, and we were kissing, his cum flavouring the kiss to perfection.

He got the tonguefucking he deserved. Hard, urgent and deep, and after a little while he kissed back. When I felt that I knew I had to finish. With a grunt and a squeal I humped into him, hips writhing wildly, knowing I had to cum. His fingers dug into my back, into my sides, then into my ass as I sprinted to the finish line not caring how much it hurt. Breaking the kiss I found his shoulder and bit hard enough to taste blood the metallic tang driving me over the edge. I unloaded in his guts, bathing his virgin depths in enough boar cum to mark him for a lifetime.

We lay there, fur on fur, our bellies slick with cum and sweat, as I licked the last of his cum from his mane. He held on, shaking, and I let him lie there for a while.

I knew there was more if I wanted, this pony was broken, but I wanted it slow and gentle. So I leaned back and rode him gently, almost teasingly, one hand on his length, just under the flare, judging the moment of near climax by the clench in his ass and the tightening of his sac. And so I would back off...only to return. We both lasted half an hour, by which time he was begging for an end and I was mocking him for his neediness. Young studs are so basic...they need to learn patience. It was my calling to teach it to them.


Come Sunday, I had almost recovered from the wild deflowering of my little pony. I couldn't keep him out of my mind though, and imagining what he was doing with his girlfriend. Jealousy again, far more pernicious than the pointless envy of his body. The image of his cock kept coming to mind, and the image of it disappearing into a willing filly's snatch. I just grunted and worked out my frustration on a bench press I set up in the garage for moments like this.

I was still forcing my way through a set when the roller door opened. I let the weight smack back into its cradle and sat up, nose sensing the wind. A familiar scent, and I relaxed, and managed a small smile.

Almost four years ago now it had been this kitty who had started my journey into the world and the bodies of straight college studs. A tiger, then a callow Freshman, now going into grad school. He still played football, but had given up his youthful hopes at being an NFL player, now he just played for fun but his body was now a lot bigger and had bulges in all the right places.

He also still was chronically short of cash and had an expensive car habit. In his case it had been a Skyline, beloved of boy racers and organ donor teams alike. He had managed to keep it on the road, with some help from me, and a lot of luck.

"Grant...what can I help you with today?"

Turned out kitty needed a new muffler. That was going to be expensive...or not.

After our first time, when I had bent him over the hood of his car and taken his little pucker, his tail wrapped round my wrist, Grant had become more coy. I didn't mind so much, as there were plenty of others, so I discovered, and we fell into a kind of arrangement. You see, one of my favourite kinks is tying up a stud and edging him, just paw on cock, or balls, or ass...and making him beg, then scream, then babble, then sob...

A different kind of experience, but every bit as enjoyable, and all the senses got a workout.

And Grant looked so cute tied to my workbench.

I had him down, at my mercy, working his thin kitty cock nicely when he let his lead lol to one side in a wide muzzled groan and his nostrils flared.


I just grunted and worked his head a bit more, drawing some very nice shudders and a prolonged meow. Still, he wouldn't let it go.

"Fuck...would love to know which hoss sprayed your garage by the smell of it...fuck, they cum buckets..."

I judged this was going to distract him unless we ended the conversation so I decided to let him know and move on. Big mistake.


He almost rose off the bench then, eyes wide in astonishment.

"Not Eden Raleigh, the prof's son?"

Now I was intrigued, I nodded, one finger flicking the tiger's piss slit. He seemed not to notice though. Instead he fell back laughing.

"Oh fuck....oh that's priceless..."

I gave his balls a hard squeeze to gain some control again and waited for him to stop giggling.

"Eden is gay. Like...gay."

"No way, he has a girlfriend. He was taking her to the music festival this weekend, that's why he needed his bike..."

The tiger was still giggling though. I gave him a moment to compose himself before squeezing his nuts again. That got his attention.

"Ok...ok! I was talking to him last week. He wanted my advice on some stuff, we got some beers, then some weed, then well we started talking. He came out, all of it. He is a virgin, at least back there, but he has a new boyfriend, a bull on the varsity football team. Offensive lineman....fucking meathead. Anyway, they were going away for the weekend, and he wanted to, well..."

"Go on..."

"...he wanted to try before he bought I guess. He wanted to get fucked, so he would know what it was like, and not be like all freaked with his bull. He told the guy he was experienced, and he was terrified it would go badly and they would break up so he needed someone experienced. I was stoned, I admit, and I told him about you and how I ended up getting fucked...oh God, that means..."

Now I was imagining Eden again, but the picture was a little different. I ground my tusks and set my jaw. Someone was going to get it.

"Boss Hog...more like Prof Hog, teacher of nervous bottom ponies...hey!"

I gave Grant two hours of torment, his cock almost on fire by the end. He was sobbing, pleading, and I told him no mercy this time. I deserved some straight ass to make up for being conned.

It was kind of wonderful just giving him a hard merciless fucking. His claws dug into my sides and back but I just pounded anyway and when I came I forgot about horses for a blissful moment. Perfection.

He was still grinning though, even after all that, and on a tiger that could be disconcerting.

"You really do squeal like pig when you cum..."

My revenge was using my tusks on his sensitive cock head to bring him off. I knew it drove him mad, right on the frenum. A muzzlefull of tiger spunk tasted especially sweet, especially when he screamed like a maniac from me rubbing his sore cockhead right after he came. Served the cunt right.

Speaking of cunts...

I managed to corner the pony after his return. He looked very pleased with himself I could see, very pleased indeed, until I grabbed the collar on his polo and swung him around to face an angry boar muzzle.

"Uh...hi mister Hogg..."

"What happened to Sir?"

He swallowed and his ears dropped a little. Better.


"So I've been speaking to Grant, you know Grant apparently?"

He swallowed again, and his ears dropped all the way to his skull.

"I can explain..."

"Come to the garage pony. Lets see your explanation."

Inside though words seemed to fail him. I gave him my best stare, and he had the sense to look contrite. Maybe direct action was required. I liked direct action.

One step and I was in his personal space, muzzle pressed to his, eyes staring into his soul.

"I told you never to lie to me pony...bad choice."

One soft gasp as he felt my hands on his belt. I didn't just undo it though; this time I slipped it off him, the heavy leather belt hanging from my hand. He looked quizzical now. Poor pony.

"Bend over the bench Eden."

"Wait! Ahhhhh!"

Arm suddenly twisted behind his back, I made the decision for him. He was shaking now.

"Wait! Please!"

"You still owe me pony. I was owed one straight pony ass. I didn't get it, so now there is still a debt to be repaid."

Removing his briefs (now at least nice grey ones that hugged his cheeks), I lined up nicely and let him have it. An angry boar is something to be avoided, and mister pony would get that now.

He had a tear dripping from each eye, and a look of hurt innocence. I removed that with a kiss, nibbling his chintuft before brushing his lips with mine. He didn't resist this time, the kiss long slow and measured, though his groans came deep in his chest as I rubbed his sore ass. First the cheeks, then down his cleft to fondle a certain colt pucker.

"Bet you are sore here too Eden."

The mischievous smile was unexpected.

"Err...turns out Lincoln likes horsecock. A lot. So I guess I'm a top now..."

That drew a snort from me.

"Take more than that to turn you into a top pony. Watch and learn."

Bent over the hood of the car I was working on, I showed him allright. Deep, hard and uncompromising. Like with Grant, not caring if he came either. There would be time, and I wanted to nut so bad, and sometimes a top had to just use his bottom and enjoy it.

Besides, knowing only I had sampled this magnificent pony ass was a complete turn on, better even that the thought of a straight college colt.

I remained inside him, lovingly rubbing my load into his hole, cock still hard, one hand wrapped round his horsehood while I licked his neck.

"You know...you really do squeal like a pig when you cum, Sir."

This time I made him cum, after I made him beg, pounding so hard I think I might need to work on the suspension of the Corolla.

Yeah Corolla. Not sure his mother would approve. He realised too, after he came, his spunk all over the radiator, and gave the sweetest giggle.

With one hand wrapped in his tail, I lay over him and enjoyed the afterglow. And felt I needed to reassert my authority a little.

"You know pony, you still owe me."

"That's ok Sir. Lincoln...well, he told me he likes daddies. And threesomes. So..."

Yeah, that might just about do it. It might just repay the debt after all.

Hoss Update: And the Ass Said to the Angel, Let's Play Kick to Kick.

Well, I have been to the mountain top. And it was fucking cold and sometimes blowing a gale and my mane looks really sexy blowing in a force 9 gale so that was ok. On more serious notes. Things have been not good, I lost my job, lost all confidence,...

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Inkerman Street - Part 6

Standing in the car park of the police headquarters was an odd place to have a meltdown, but needs must. I was not doing well, and at least partly because I was not surprised. The feeling had been growing for some time, but for Mike and Kelly the...

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Inkerman Street - Part 5

The trip seemed to take a long time, even for Sunday traffic. I looked out the window as an endless procession of flat suburban estates went past, each more nondescript than the last. It made me nostalgic seeing this landscape so emblematic of the...

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