Café Plaisir: Canid's Adventure #11 - Aquarius

Story by Dark Violet on SoFurry

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#12 of Café Plaisir: Canid's Adventure

Aquarius here is another seldom-used waiter, but a renowned one nonetheless from appearances in art and story! Certainly, a vital part of many Plaisir activities. Read on...Old Description:

Back at the Café for another week, I seek out a friend to talk over my experiences with - and in the meantime, find a much sought-after waiter, alone in the dark...

Back with the story again, this was written a few weeks ago, but I only just managed the picture :3 So, might I introduce you to the first equine of the series, the intriguing Keldeo Aquarius~

Enjoy >3

Café Plaisir © Pali Bakufun

Pokémon © Nintendo


An evening breeze, warm with the heat from the day and filled with the smells of nature, wafted across the flat grasslands. The currents of air twisted and turned over bushes and clumps of grass, and as it did so, several creatures lifted their heads. They sniffed at the air, taking in the smells of the distance, before they curled up again. Across the plains, many wild Pokémon were going to sleep, while many more pairs of eyes gazed at the far horizon where the sun was slowly turning the sky a brilliant orange.

That same breeze teased at Canidae's hair. Long, white strands flicked about his cheeks, the rest of it flowing down his covered back. His fur, where it was bare, also rippled as the air played over it. But the wolf was focused on the skyline, his expression unchanging as he leaned over the wooden rail three stories up, gazing out across the land.

Reflected in the canine's slitted pupils, the sunset was growing in brilliance and radiance as the sun edged closer towards the horizon. The sky bled with orange light, which arced across the terminator between sky and land, like glowing wings of wonder. Tonight, there were no clouds the cover this beauty.

"The stranger returns."

The feminine voice came from behind him. Canid blinked, his mind being brought back, his focus breaking. He hadn't realised how deep of a trance he had been in. He smiled, and turned his head back to look.

Omen walked slowly up to the wolf, giving a small smile as shi did so, paws silent as she padded across her own wooden balcony. The Absol's own long, white fur waved in the same breeze, her coat beginning to turn orange as it reflected the sun's light.

"Omen..." Canid smiled, standing up, his tail swishing behind him. The balcony was high on the third floor of Café Plaisir, facing south, but the sun was just peaking around the edge of the building as it set in the west. The wolf glanced back at it, and leaned against the railing, letting its light fall over the Pokémon.

The Absol smiled, closing hir eyes briefly as the warmth spread over her. She relaxed, leaning against her own railing, looking over at him across the metre-wide gap between the two balconies. She letting out a small murr of contentment. "I hear you went away last night."

Canid nodded slowly. "I had stuff to do, and ended up...spending the night away from the Café. I got back early in the morning, but..." The wolf gave a shy chuckle, and glanced at the sunset again. "Missing a night of sleep is never good for a routine. I only woke up about two hours ago."

Omen glanced at him, almost a disapproving look in hir eyes. "A single night is nothing. I've had to go through many long days and nights in my life without sleep."

The wolf stuck his tongue out, and then giggled, looking back at the sunset.

For a few moments they stood there, saying nothing. The horizon was covered in orange now, and as they watched, the sun touched the horizon. Nestled in the huge spans of orange, the impossibly bright disk slowly sank below the line. Within a couple of minutes, it had almost gone, and they watched as the last sliver of yellow quickly faded to nothing.

"And so brings the night..." Omen said, almost as if shi was quoting. Canid smiled, looking across the deep orange horizon for a few more seconds, before looking back at the Absol sitting by him.

"It looks spectacular, flying higher up." Canid commented. Omen looked back at him inquisitively for a moment.

"You may be easy to read, Canidae..." Omen said, "But it's obvious I don't know a lot about you."

Canid smiled, giving a slow shrug. He glanced up at the sky to the east. Already it was darkening, the cyan colour to the west having long since given way to deeper colours; now a navy blue, a sprinkling of points of lights were beginning to shine.

"So how've you been then, over the last couple of days?" Canid asked.

"Nothing taxing. The job of a forecaster isn't exactly time-consuming..." Shi smiled, glancing at the large blue scythe, flecked with scarlet, which protruded from hir head. "So, I have a lot of time to myself."

"Time enough to mingle with the waiters here?"

"Don't you wish..." shi replied airily, a small smile on hir muzzle. Canid giggled, following hir gaze as shi looked out across the grassland. No moon hung in the sky this dusk, and instead the darkening sky was lit by three bright stars, cutting through the fading cyan blanket that dominates the daytime.

"So, what are you here for...?" Omen said finally. Canid looked around at hir.

"You won't believe I'm just here to watch the sunset, and the coming of night?"

"Plenty of other places for that in the Café, Canidae..." shi replied. "You were hoping to find me here, I assume."

Canid smiled, giving a small giggle, and then sat down on the railing. His tail hung down over the precipice, but Omen didn't react as the wolf sat there stably. "Fine." he said. "A couple of things."

Omen sat down before he continued. Hir deep, ruby eyes, a sharp contrast to her blue face, cast over him as shi did so.

"What do you know of the Lugia?"

"Not much." Shi replied. "They're a secretive race, even towards those of the sea. They seem to believe in a policy of almost total isolation - when they can afford it, naturally. It's almost unheard of for a land-dweller to see one, let alone talk with." Omen breathed gently, hir eyes reflected once again the depth of hir experience. "In my travels, my trainer and I had only seen one...and even then, it was a fleeting glance."

Canid nodded. He realised his experience with Lelutetia was caused by something completely abnormal, and yet, he still felt a welling of privilege inside of him. There was something in Omen's voice that he noticed, however.

"You don't sound like you're too impressed with them..." he noted.

"Entirely true." Omen replied simply, before continuing. "Though it's said they're guardians of the oceans, there hasn't been a threat in my lifetime that they've been needed for. From what I've heard, they seem to employ their policy of loneliness like they see themselves as better than other species."

"You don't believe they are."

Omen stopped, and gave a small chuckle. "'All Pokémon are created equal...but some more equal than others'" she quoted, ignoring the expression Canid adopted at it. "As true as that quote may be, is it right to apply it to a whole species, rather than individuals? The more encompassing a generalisation, the more deviants there will be."

Shi looked out across the plains again, as if searching for something, before shi continued. "Enforcing isolation on a whole species will not only stifle that species, but it will harm those that don't conform to what's expected. Exchanging cultures is the greatest way to advancement, and holding that back..."

Shi trailed off, and hir gaze flicked back to Canid. He took another few moments to contemplate this, his eyes staring blankly across the front wall of the Café as he did.

"I didn't realise you felt so strongly about this..." he said at last. Omen gave a wry smile.

"I'm a product of mixed cultures. It's lead me along a great life, I've experienced much from it - including what happens when ignorance is enforced." Hir scythe-like tail flicked, making a sound as it grazed the wooden floor. "Not everyone has the ability to live in an enlightened world. If that can be changed..."

Canid smiled. "I have to respect your passion for this..." he said, but his sentence ended prematurely as he saw Omen's eyes flick towards the south, near the front of the Café.

"B?o píng zuò..." shi mused in Chinese. Canid blinked, following hir gaze.

A car had just pulled into the expansive, half-full car park, stopping near the entrance. The headlights were already on to combat the increasing darkness, and as they watched, a door opened. Canid could just notice a figure, definitely a Pokémon, emerge from the back seat.

Omen took a deep breath before she spoke again, as if trying to regain hir composure. "Funny how you should ask that question..." Omen commented, watching the figure as it spoke to the driver. "If there's anyone you should be talking to about Lugia, it's him."

Canid glanced at Omen. "Who is he?"

The Absol looked back, wearing a smile. "I'm not your personal encyclopedia. Find out for yourself..." Shi stood slowly. "Tell him I said hello, anyway."

Canid nodded, and looked back. The figure turned, and started walking towards the entrance, the car turning around behind him to head back onto the road. The figure's coat was a beige colour, with flowing red hair tumbling down his back, and a tail of mostly cyan that almost seemed to sparkle.

The wolf contemplated this for a few seconds, before turning his attention back to Omen. "Oh, another thing..." he started, not taking his eyes of the figure as he stopped near a Lopunny next to the entrance. "I need to know about someone else at the Café, a psy..." Canid turned his head to look at Omen, but the Absol had disappeared. He stared at the empty balcony for several seconds, before giving a huff, and looking back down at the entrance with a smile. The figure was just going inside, followed quickly by the Lopunny.

Flicking a strand of hair behind one ear, Canid stood up slowly. He took one final gaze at the western horizon, the sky now turning a deep shade of navy blue, before he turned and walked towards the glass doors back inside.

* * *

The advancing night had no effect on the inner workings of Café Plaisir. As the wolf walked down one of the brightly lit corridors, the temperature stayed at comfortable warmth. Passing through the threshold into the main dining room, the tables were lit by a slightly dimmer orange light, as seemed to be common for most late evenings. The noise was low, despite many of the tables being occupied, a hubbub created by the numerous intimate conversations had by both humans and Pokémon. Canid gave a soft smile, and began making his way towards the bar, when he picked out the figure from before.

The Keldeo was standing by the bar, attention turned towards a Typhlosion that was sitting back over one of the barstools. Nestled between the large, dark eyebrow-like protrusions on his head, the equine Pokémon's mane was red-orange colour, full of volume as it tumbled down the back of his neck. Several locks even fell over his right eye, which Canid now faced. His beige coat was slightly unkempt, but showed signs of care, as if he had been working recently or doing something to mess it up. His long tail, though, was different from usual - the normally cyan hair was streaked with deep blue lines, which swam back and forth, and shimmered as the Pokémon stood. His seemed larger than Canid had imagined, his head coming up to wolf's shoulder at least.

Strapped to his back were two saddlebags, which seemed to hang heavy upon him. This couldn't be helped at all by the Vaporeon which also laid there, paws in his mane, with a rather bored expression. Around the Keldeo's neck hung a small necklace which glinted in the dim light.

Canid edged closer to hear what was being said, sliding into a barstool as he did, grey-furred ears swivelling towards them. It was immediately obvious that his fire-type friend was drunk.

"Well, ya...ya know how it is" Jack slurred slightly with a grin on his face. "Ya can have many waiters, but the more the merrier, right?"

The Keldeo endured the Typhlosion's speak with a sympathetic smile. Canid wondered how much of that smile hid amusement, though, and was still wondering that when the equine spoke.

"I'm sure I'll be glad to be of service." The Keldeo replied. His voice was soft, gentle - and something about it sent a pleasurable shiver through Canid's body. His accent was a new one that he'd heard at Café Plaisir.

"Nah, our pleasure!" Jack said insistently, barely after the Keldeo had responded. He leaned over, putting a paw on the Keldeo's shoulder unsteadily. "Ah gotta be honest...with ya, Aq. You're a great friend. I really appreciate you coming back here, even if it isn't for long." The Keldeo nodded through this, stifling a chuckle. "Ya...jus' ask fer anythin', and we'll give it to ya, alright?"

"Well thank you, I'll be sure..." the Pokémon responded with a clear voice, and nudged the Typhlosion back to leaning against the bar. "Any good rooms free, eh?"

"You should get a room right next to me." The Vaporeon responded quickly, but the Keldeo rolled his eyes, shaking his mane a little around her paws. Jack leaned over the bartop, but a female Zoroark, appearing behind it, quickly pulled a key from a small ledge and slid it across the table.

"Here," she said, with a smile, and a small wink at Jack. "Should be just right for you..." The Keldeo took a look at her for a moment, and they exchanged a smile, their eyes locking for several moments before he broke the gaze, picking up the key with his teeth and slipping it into one of the saddlebags.

"Thanks, Miss...?"

"Angel." she replied with a small giggle, leaning over the bar confidently. Her pink apron barely covered her breasts, and from Canid's view, he could see that it was the only thing she was wearing.

Jack gave a loud chuckle, and the Keldeo blinked, offering up a front hoof to her. "Aquarius" he responded in turn. Angel took his hoof and shook it warmly.

"Anyway," Aquarius said, drawing his hook back to the ground, "as much as I'd love to chat, I'd rather go and freshen up, perhaps get some rest. It's been a long trip."

"Aw, perhaps later?" Angel responded. Aquarius nodded.

"I'll probably be in the gardens at about midnight, if you're free..."

Angel looked a bit crestfallen, but grinned with mischief anyway. "Well, if I don't get ordered, I'll see what I can do..." she replied. Aquarius smiled back, and turned towards the corridor leading to the bedrooms.

As he did so, he caught sight of Canid, who was still sitting in the same place. The wolf gave a nod of acknowledgement, making his gaze drift over the Pokémon, instead of keeping it fixed on him. After a momentary pause, Aquarius nodded back with a smile, and walked slowly past him.

"So have you been swimming?" The Vaporeon asked the Keldeo quickly.

"Well, wh-"

"You should go swimming." She interrupted, riding on his back as they headed towards the doors. Aquarius slowed as he reached them, turning his head slightly. Canid felt the single, deep blue eye cast over his form, before the equine continued down the corridor. The Vaporeon rolled over slightly, giving the wolf a mischievous grin, the sight of her tail flicking from her form as she did so just reaching him before the doors swung shut behind them.

* * *

The moonless night was dominated by the cloudless, star-studded sky. The constellations of the northern hemisphere shone in radiant beauty, dominating the infinite dome of the cosmos. The zodiacal band arced high over the shape of the Café's residential block, the windows of which blazing forth yellow light which only barely lit up the hedges and trees of the gardens.

Canid smiled, the cool night air washing over him. He raised his muzzle to the stars, letting his jaw hang open as he was suddenly enveloped in their beauty. Not just on a superficial level, either; the wolf knew that each of those points was a burning celestial sphere hundreds of thousands of kilometres across, so far away that the light from them took tens, hundreds, sometimes even thousands of years to cross the interstellar void - for the light to finally land, here, on the cool grasses of planet Earth.

He looked down, and across the gardens. There was barely a breeze in the air, so many of the trees were still. The wolf walked down the grassy path, under dark branches and leaves, away from the bright lights.

Before long, he was a couple of hundred metres from the Café. Out here, there was little light to reveal the surroundings; dark shadows from trees and hedges intermixed, leaving a blanket of darkness across the grounds.

Canid's ears twitched, picking up the sound of water. Behind a screen of longer grass was a small, artificial pool of water, a few metres from him. A figure sat bathing in the shallows.

The wolf smiled sideways, his eyes quickly adjusting in the lack of light. The Keldeo's previously vibrant mane was now soaked with water and lay across the Pokémon's chest, just starting down his back. The Pokémon was slowly stroking his hooves down it, water dripping from the hair down into the water. He seemed focused on the task, his tail waving side to side behind him like ripples.

Canid took a few steps closer, and pausing slightly, stepped into the longer grass. The Keldeo stopped suddenly at the purposeful sound, and turned to look. His eyes were covered in the shadows cast.

"Hello there..." the Pokémon said clearly. Canid gave a nod, standing at the edge of the water a metre or two away.

"Canidae Ookami." He said, and looking around, began to sit down. "I'm a customer here at the Café".

"Aquarius." The Keldeo responded with a nod, the water running off his muzzle and back into the pool. Canid's eyes flicked up quickly, back up to the sky. The band of constellations still arced over the Café, the wolf's eyes seeking out a single one this time.

"You're rising high today...." he replied, smiling. Aquarius gave a small, almost humble huff.

"Too few can spot such...minor constellations these days."

"Minor?" Canid said in disbelief. "The Zodiac has dominated culture for millennia. None are minor in any way."

Aquarius nodded with a small smile, stroking his hooves along his mane. As he did so, water began to flow from them - it emerged from the holes in the middle, and trickled down towards the pool. A stronger breeze sent ripples across the surface, and played across the wolf's fur too. Despite this, the air was still relatively warm from the day.

"Anyway, if it was minor, you wouldn't have chosen it as a name..."

Aquarius looked up, turning his head to gaze at the constellation. Canid could see the points of light reflected in the Pokémon's eyes.

"Early winter" he finally said. "Directly to the south, just after the sun set, Aquarius would be there in the low sky." He stroked his mane again, letting the water run across it, as he looked back across at Canid. "If you think the sky looks brilliant here, you should look at it from Canada."

The wolf grinned. "Aha, now I recognise the accent. Sorry, I've been trying to place it since the evening..."

Aquarius raised his head slightly. "It's not as obvious as England, granted."

The wolf giggled, and sat back on the bank. With eyes adjusting to the darkness by the minute, he looked the Keldeo over more thoroughly. The Pokémon's hind legs were submerged, leaving only his top half above the water. The Keldeo's mane shone slightly with the dim light, and the small necklace glinted as it lay against his chest.

"So what does a stranger like you do to get by?" Aquarius asked after a short while, looking back at the wolf.

"At the moment? I'm a student" Canidae replied. His footpaws dangled in the water. "Astrophysics, back in England".

"Ah, so no wonder you know of the constellations." The Keldeo replied with a smile. "Don't stop studying this subject, stranger. There's always more to uncover."

"It sounds like you speak from experience."

"Of course..." Aquarius responded with enthusiasm. "I've been working in the field for almost eight years now, and it's never been more interesting."

"Oh, doing what?"

Aquarius looked back at his mane, and drew his hooves down it again, the water bubbling through the hair. "Deep Space Telemetry" he replied, "out in another state. I get a few vacations, and when I do..." He turned his head, glancing back at the shape of the Café behind him. "This second job keeps me entertained."

Canid giggled softly. "I don't blame you" he agreed, following the Pokémon's gaze. "I do wonder what it would be like to work at a place like this..." His tail stroked over the grasses behind him, which waved slowly with the occasional breeze, before he curled it around beside him.

"What time is it?" Aquarius enquired after a few moments of silence. Canid's gaze broke from the Café, and flickered across the pool as he thought.

"About half past midnight." Canid replied. Aquarius gave a small sigh, looking back at his mane as he ran a hoof through it. His eyes looked up, and caught Canid's. Letting his hair fall against him, he gestured with his head.

"Why are you still on the bank, eh?" He grinned. "Come on in, the water's lovely."

"I thought you'd never ask." The wolf unclipped his belts, letting them rest on the shore, quickly followed by his top and shorts. He pushed himself into the water slowly, his footpaws having already become accustomed to the temperature. It was surprisingly warm around his legs and hips, and he gently glided towards the Keldeo, who leaned back on his front legs as he watched.

"I don't get to swim all that often, unfortunately..." Canid said, sitting in front of the Pokémon. "I'm surprised a Café this big doesn't have a pool of some kind."

"Much to the sadness of some, yes" Aquarius responded. "There's the hot tub on the middle floor, but you'd be hard pressed for solitude or even space in that. And the ponds in the main gardens are a little too conspicuous this time of night. Still, this little patch does in a pinch. And there's a stream in the forest which is rather nice if it's seclusion that you want."

Canid giggled. "I've been in that forest..." he said. "It doesn't seem to be as secluded as it may appear."

"Really?" Aquarius gave a smile, one large eyebrow rising slightly. "I'm sure I'll find out." he noted, his tail waving from side to side as he talked. His eyes drifted from the trees back towards the wolf, and their gazes locked.

Canid found his paw on one of the Keldeo's hind hooves, submerged under the water. He stroked it with his fingers, and Aquarius gave a smile in response. The wolf pushed himself closer, leaning in towards the Pokémon.

Aquarius sat up as he did so, and slowly, their muzzles pressed together. The Keldeo's lips were wet, but warm against his, and Canid ran his tongue along them with a soft murr. Aquarius did the same, his tongue thicker than the wolf's, pushing into Canid's muzzle without any protest.

Canid's paws were on the Keldeo's thighs now, the wolf sitting against the Pokémon. Slowly they stroked down along the wet limbs, fingers slipping under the water, when they touched something warm.

Aquarius let out a soft moan into Canid's muzzle, and wrapped a hoof around the wolf's neck. He let out another murr in response as his fingers curled around the Keldeo's balls. Each one was could barely be held in one hand, and were hot to the touch. He felt them jump and throb in his paws, and deftly began to massage them.

The Keldeo's tongue delved deeper into the wolf's muzzle, sliding along his sharp teeth, and wrestling with his own. He was pulled forward as Aquarius leaned back, still moaning quietly which each breath. Eventually, it was Canid who broke it off, panting.

Aquarius grinned at the wolf, who sat back up, his paws cupping the Pokémon's balls again. He looked down, seeing them shine as the tops peaked over the surface of the water. The Keldeo's sheath, too, bulged above the surface.

Canid tried to measure his breathing, but the bulging in his sheath signified what his mind was being overcome by. Quickly, he slipped a paw to the base of Aquarius' sheath, and leaned down, his nose burying at the bulging tip.

The sheath smelled clean, not as musky as most waiters - but this was to be expected. The musk that he could smell, however, made him murr with delight. He gave the warm length a lick, and drew his head back, watching as the equine's cock slipped out quickly.

The length was soft, and already felt heavy in Canid's paw. He placed both paws along it, his fingers slipping up and down, as he leant down again and gave another lick up the dark flesh. Aquarius' moan filled the air, his hind legs spasming, sending waves across the pool. They splashed against Canid's own cock, already fully out of his sheath, but the wolf was too engaged by now to give proper notice.

His tongue lapped up from the bottom of the Keldeo's sheath, working up the underside, until he got to the top. There the wolf murred loudly, taking in another breath and giving a few licks across the top, before sliding his muzzle back to the base and repeating. He felt the member grow and harden both in his paws and under his licks, and grinned as it finally reached its peak.

The wolf drew back, tongue hanging out of his muzzle, paws still grasping the member. Just like most equines, the dimensions were bigger than usual for other waiters; over a foot long and three inches thick at the tip, if it wasn't for the softness of the length the wolf might have doubted how the Pokémon would ever be able to penetrate anyone with it.

Canid's murr was low and lustful, and he leaned down quickly his muzzle slipping over the end. The unflared tip brushed past his lips, and his tongue slid along the underside, tasting the warm flesh. He only managed a few inches before Aquarius's hooves pressed on the wolf's shoulders, the cock slipping from his maw as he was pushed up. A whine escaped his muzzle involuntarily, and he looked up at the equine with pleading eyes.

Aquarius's mouth hung open, his tongue just hanging over his lower lip, his chest rising and falling quickly. "Turn around..." he said shortly, and the wolf obeyed, rising out of the pool. Water ran off his grey furred body, and straddling the Keldeo's stomach, he leant down again and took hold of the cock which pressed warmly against his face.

He felt Aquarius' hooves at his rear, slowly pushing apart his cheeks, one slowly drifting down to press against his balls. He moaned loudly, his cock jumping and sending a spurt of pre over the Pokémon's stomach. He panted again, and lapped at the cock which pressed against his face.

The heat radiating off it spurred the Canid on. He grasped the length with both paws, push his rear into the air as he tracked his tongue along the length, leaving saliva over every bulge in it. It tasted_wonderful_, and the wolf couldn't seem to get enough. He panted harder as he felt pre drip across his muzzle, paws clutching and squeezing pleasurably along the Keldeo's large member.

Canid was almost completely engrossed with the activity, pleasuring every inch of the Keldeo's member with an almost trance-like eagerness. Meanwhile, Aquarius stroked a hoof over Canid's tailhole, the wolf's tail rising obediently. The Pokémon's leg shivered under the pleasure being gained, but the hoof was slowly and purposefully placed against the wolf's rear. Water began to bubble from it, and jetted out.

Canid yelped, his ears lying flat against his hair as he felt his inner walls stretch as the water shot into him. His mouth hung open, eyes closed to focus on the effect the water was having on him.

Aquarius' chuckle was heard over the sound of the flowing water, his second hoof still moving around the wolf's balls, caressing them. Canid felt more water flow over them, some dripping down his cock, which throbbed with the overwhelming sensation.

It was several minutes before the flow died down, and Aquarius continued to massage the wolf's tailhole with his hoof. The tip pressed at his ring, and slowly as the Keldeo pushed, began to slide in.

Canid whimpered again, his tongue lolling out of his mouth. More of the Pokémon's pre dripped down the dark length, most falling into the water; but a single drop landed on the wolf's tongue. Immediately his eyes opened, and he let out a breath, paws once again moving over the equine cock. He pulled the tip down, the soft member bending slightly as he drew the head once again into his mouth, feeling its glans press against his cheeks. His tongue squeezed the underside against the roof of his mouth, and he pushed his head forwards, taking in more and more of the length as he did.

Aquarius had hesitated, his body shivering again in pleasure. His hoof moved again, pressing in further. The water had loosened the wolf, but his rear was still tight, and worked against the Keldeo's efforts - but eventually, the equine let out a moan of pleasure and forced his hoof inside.

The wolf cried out past the Keldeo's cock, which now almost touched the back of his throat. Canid felt his tail against the back of his head, and blinking a few times, refocused on his own efforts. He drew his head back slightly, making only small bobbing motions, keeping several inches in his muzzle at all times. Pre spurted into his throat, and he swallowed each load, the liquids urging him on.

Aquarius moved his hoof back and forth several more times, before finally pulling out. Water trickled out after him, and Canid could just feel the cool air of the night against his insides as his rear was left open.

Again, the wolf felt the Keldeo's cock pulling out of his muzzle. This time he fought back, paws gripping the shaft as it was pulled away, sealing his lips around the tip to keep it in. He felt Aquarius shudder beneath him, and more pre landed in his mouth. The wolf murred in response, swallowing it instinctively, as the Pokémon gave another tug. The saliva-covered shaft slipped from the canine's maw, and a hoof wrapped around his chest before he could wrap his mouth around it again.

"Hey, hey..." Aquarius said softly. Canid pulled at the hoof, panting needily. "Come on now...get on..."

Canid slowly stopped pulling. He looked up and down the shaft, the biggest he'd willingly taken at the Café. He straightened up, his hindpaws pressing against the bottom of the shallow pool, as he moved forwards. Aquarius moaned longingly as the wolf moved his grip on the shaft.

Canid still felt a hoof on his back as he squatted at the equine's hips. His cock throbbed in the night air, eager for the release that wouldn't come just yet. Canid gulped in anticipation, placing a paw on the tip, guiding it along his rear. He felt the head press against his tailhole, and had to fight the urge to immediately sit down, forcing the whole length up in one go.

Slowly, biting his lip as he fought his urges, Canid lowered himself down. The head strained at his entrance for a few seconds, but as Canid guided it, it finally pushed inside. The wolf let out a gasp of pleasure, his eyes shut as he felt his inner walls being spread further apart.

He leant back, both paws finding the Keldeo's chest and pressing against it. He breathed heavily, looking down as he felt his body adjusting around the length. Indulging his desires, he drew in air sharply, and lifted his hindpaws from the bottom of the pool.

Aquarius' moan mixed with Canid's shout of mixed pleasure and pain as the wolf slipped down the Keldeo's cock, the thick length pressing further and further inside him. The shaft became thicker the further down he got, and eventually he slid to a halt a few inches from the hilt. He panted; his eyes were open as he looked down at the Keldeo's crotch. The shaft throbbed inside him, and his cock hung free. The wolf's pre spurted into the pool, the splashes lost under the sounds of their lovemaking.

Eventually Canid lowered his legs, his feet finding purchase again under the water. Slowly at first, he pushed up, feeling the hot, wet flesh inside him sliding against his insides. A few inches later, he let himself fall again, to another chorus of moans from the two males.

Aquarius's hooves pressed against the wolf's back as they fell into a slow rhythm, the equine thrusting up every time the wolf lowered himself. Their sounds carried across the grass, unheeded by them, their attention focused on their own lust. Canid could feel the length bulge and throb inside him, and each time the Keldeo thrusted in, he felt it press against his prostate. He bit his lip as the shivers slipped through his body at the stimulation. More pre spurted from his cock, some landing on the wet fur on his legs. Inwardly, he was beginning to beg for release.

The wolf slipped a paw down, curling it around the base of Aquarius' length. His fingers pressed against the Keldeo's large balls, swimming with the Pokémon's seed. Canid bit his lip again, pushing himself down. He felt his paw against his rear, barely an inch left to go.

Aquarius let out a short moan, and then stopped. His hooves were jammed again into he wolf's back, this time with a sudden roughness. The Pokémon thrusted upwards, quickening the pace. Canid let out a yell, his hindpaws being pulled free from the water as he gave himself to the eager stallion.

The Keldeo thrusted up from the water with his hips, his large sac massaged by the waves caused by the motions. It was rough and driven purely by lust - and it was amazing. Canid's eyes were just slits, feeling the length slide back and forth over his prostate. He looked down, and grinned as he saw his stomach bulge with each thrust, another load moan slipped from his muzzle. Aquarius' cock pushed against the wolf's insides, stretching them further and deeper than they had ever been.

It was too much for the wolf - the constant pleasuring of the cock against his prostate, the bulging of his stomach with the head of the length - and his fingers gripped the blue fur around the Keldeo's chest tightly. He threw his head back in a yell as the world faded around him, his mental faculties deserting him as he gave himself to the pleasure.

He felt his cock throb with cum, his seed spurting out, his balls jumping. His rear constricted around the cock inside him, and he dimly heard Aquarius shout in pleasure. Still the Keldeo thrusted, the pace slower now, each lustful thrust getting ever stronger as the Pokémon neared release.

Finally, as Canid's orgasm began to die down, the Keldeo tensed beneath his grey paws. With a final, jarring thrust, Aquarius jammed the rest of the equine cock into the wolf's body, large balls jumping as they pressed against the canine's rear. Canid opened his eyes, and looked down at the bulge in his stomach.

It was a curious sight; as he watched, the bulge grew suddenly, and he felt the head Aquarius' cock flare inside him. The cock throbbed much more prominently than before, making the wolf yelp as the feeling travelled up into him several times, the balls against his rear throbbing as the Pokémon released his seed deep inside the wolf. Aquarius' shout of pleasure deafened everything else, the sound echoing back off the distant wall of the Café.

It wasn't over quickly. They stayed like that for several moments, the obviously virile Pokémon keeping his cock buried deep inside the wolf, filling him up with cum. When at last the final spurt of seed had seeped into the canine, Aquarius let out a deep sigh. The hooves on Canid's back trembled, and the wolf had just time to prepare himself before he fell back against the Keldeo. The two panted out of sync, letting their minds clear as they recovered from their orgasms.

Canid smiled, and turned his head. His chest rose and fell, and his head pressed against the Keldeo's cheek. He grinned, looking up at the equine. "I think..." the Wolf started, between intakes of breath. "...I'd like to know you better...Aquarius..."

Aquarius chuckled breathlessly, his hooves wrapping around the wolf. The waves that still covered the surface of the pool splashed against them, surrounding their bodies in a soft, comforting medium.

"And I you, stranger..."

* * *

The two males slumped onto a patch of short grass beside the small pond. The canine-like one yipped in protest, still sealed around the Keldeo's cock. After a few moments, the Pokémon placed a back hoof on the other male's rear, and pulled back at length with his hips.

When the flared head finally slid free, what looked like several pints of seed followed, flowing from the canine's gaping rear. It trickled down his legs, through his fur, and pooled on the grass beneath him. He let out a small whine, and looked back at the Keldeo with a contented smile. The Keldeo returned the look, and nosed the canine softly.

The Pokémon whispered something into the canine's ear, and they both chuckled softly. Using the Keldeo as support, the other male stood slowly, his tail shakily swaying from side to side over his cum-matted fur. With a gesture of the Keldeo's head, they both started off back towards the Café.

The Vaporeon watched from the darkness, hidden behind a small outcrop of long grass by the side of the pool. She grinned slightly as the two walked off, and let herself bite her lip again. Her slight moan carried across the now-empty pool.

When the two were far enough away, she glanced around conspicuously, and then pushed forwards; her body slid into the water with a faint splash. The surface rippled for a few seconds, and when it finally settled, the constellations were once again reflected in their eternal glory.

Café Plaisir: Canid's Adventure #12 - Rain Flower

**Rain Flower** A low growl filled the room, the heavy scent of musk permeating through the warm air. Canid panted, the grey wolf feeling a muzzle withdraw from his cock, the length feeling relatively cool as the saliva dripped off it. He opened his...

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Café Plaisir: Canid's Adventure #10 - Lelutetia

**Lelutetia** The warm sun trickled brightly through the vivid green leaves as it made its way to the leafy floor of the forest. Pollen wafted up on an imperceptible breeze, the specks glinting in the light as they danced in the air. Trees hundreds...

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Café Plaisir: Canid's Adventure #9 - Ravage

**Ravage** The harsh beat pounded in Canid's ears, rough notes making his eardrums reverberate with almost painful intensity. The vibrations ran through the floor like miniature earthquakes, countless feet thumping in time to the rapid beat. A...

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