The Reporter's Roulette - Part Three - Asmodeus

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#141 of Ridgewood Elementary Tales

It's finally here, the piece I've been wanting so desperately to share with all of you. This is a follow up to these two pieces: // and bring the trilogy to a close. It also is what I was writing that previous shark jumping journal about. There has been a story line I've been planning since my first year of writing the Ridgewood series and it all begins to unravel here. If you enjoy this whole big crazy thing, feel free to follow the Redemption for Ridgewood crime drama as well. There will be chapters like this one that continue this crazy overarching storyline in the background, but the good thing is...

If you do not like the plot introduced in this chapter and wish to keep to your standard spice and life, sex and romance of Ridgewood you may. None of these events force you to follow them to understand the main stories. If you dislike the concepts introduced simply ignore them. I for one hope you do like it though.

This story is 90% plot, following the super sex driven first two chapters and taking all of their plot for one big finale, that sort of is a chapter one in its own right. Don't worry though, you will be awarded with some sexy incest at the end of your journey.

I added the Asmodeus name to this chapter as though it was the finale to the Reporter's Roulette trilogy, it also served as the intro to a much bigger story.


All characters depicted in this work are purely fictional and over the age of consent. Any situation is meant as parody and does not represent any child, living or otherwise.


February 22 2014

An older jaguar inhaled the smoke of his cigarette as the tip flared in a bright ember, exhaling slowly as his eyes looked over the shape of the old school building. There was such familiarity to it, such joy and yet such sadness, a near toxic level of feelings that crept through him in the presence of it. The words 'Ridgewood' lined the front, two syllables that had come to represent such pain in his life, and yet also a burning solace that he constantly fought to protect. He had been called back to Fleetwood on relatively short notice, having had to have arrived that week anyways. He wasn't due quite so soon though, his current arrival stirred by the rumblings of some reporter getting far too close to some secrets. The meeting spot was the same as always, but the jaguar had always made sure to stop by the old school any time he would visit Fleetwood, to never forget what he had done and what he had to do to protect the innocent, from forces they were not even aware of.


Heather sat uncomfortably on the couch of her political enemy as she sipped the coffee she had been given, trying to keep herself steady as she shared locked eyes with the bull, both sharing a silent distrust of one another. "Sadly that's love my dear," Brett responded to the bogus story his ex had given him now that Donovan was sitting across from her, the other panther giving advice on Heather's new boyfriend, "Sometimes you know when something's right, other time's it's not so clear. Hell, look at us, even we were right for so damn long until we realized we couldn't figure it out anymore."

Heather nodded as she gulped anxiously, watching the bull grip his mug tightly as he kept an arm wrapped around the male feline, "I-I guess you're right Brett... I should probably go, I don't want to ruin you and your boyfriend's evening."

"Nonsense," Donovan said cool and calculated, "I'd be delighted if you stayed, at least for a little while longer."

There was a mild panic in Heather's expression, but she calmed herself with a deep breath, sipping the warm drink once again, "Alright, sure."

"Brett dear, will you go grab us some brandy?" he kissed the panther's cheek.

"Of course, I'll be right back."

As the feline got to his feet and stepped away, the bull's grin disappeared and he leaned closer to hiss words at Heather, "You haven't the foggiest idea what you're messing with!"

"I have a few ideas," the panther said under snarled teeth, "Bribery, money laundering, misuse of public funds, trafficking, abuse of-"

"That isn't even a sliver of the issues this city has, and you have no idea!" Donovan punched the armrest on his couch.

"No?" Heather huffed, "Then enlighten me."

"You will leave when the hour is up," the bull began to say, grabbing a pen and paper from the drawer next to the couch, "Then tonight at 2am, you will meet me here."

She grabbed the page and looked at it. It was just west of town, by the river, a site that was known to be abandoned and locked off to the public, "Are you smoking what you're selling? Do you really think I'll go to some secluded location where you can silence me?"

"Trust me, if we wanted you silenced, we'd have done it already!"

"We?" Heather's eye raised.

"Yes,we, and if you want the scoop as to who we are, you'll just have to join our meeting tonight."

"So you and your other dirty contacts just meet in an abandoned building to discuss deals and plans to use this city's money to further some sick operation?"

Donovan laughed, "You wish it was that easy. Shit, _I_wish it was that easy. Tell you what, I'll make you a deal. After the meeting if you wanna write a little piece for your paper you can. If you do come and you choose to look the other way, which you will, I'll forget the trouble you've been causing me."

"Win win huh?" Heather raised her eye again, hearing Brett coming back, "Alright, I'll play nice, I didn't intend on sleeping much tonight anyways... and that's why I think there early work is underrated!" She had spoken the last sentence louder so Brett could hear it.

Donovan laughed as he reached out to grab the glass of brandy Brett had made him, "Interesting... but I've always been more of a jazz fan myself.


February 23 2014

2am had arrived and Heather found herself standing out in the cold, bundled up as she waited for whatever was going to happen. She had brought along a knife, though felt that it would clearly not be enough to arm herself. Still, she felt safer with at least something at her side, not enjoying the feeling of being out by herself in the dark secluded surroundings. After fifteen minutes she was beginning to think that Donovan was going to be a no show, but the thought soon passed as his car pulled up next to hers and parked, the bull stepping towards her after locking all of his doors. "Alright reporter... are you ready?"

"For what?" the panther scowled, watching as the corrupt mayor pulled out a key from his pocket and opened the padlock that kept the barb-wired fence locked.

"Knowledge" he stated plainly as he let her in, locking the gate behind them as they walked towards the decrepit looking structure.

Heather scoffed a laugh, "I'm a reporter, my whole life has been the pursuit of knowledge."

Donovan smiled sympathetically as he pulled the door open to the abandoned building, a musky damp air wafting out of its broken down husk, "Not this kind of knowledge..."

The pair was silent as the bull took out a flashlight, guiding the panther in. The two careful with their steps as they made their way to a rather weird spot. There was an elevator shaft, with an old fashioned gate. It seemed to be from another time, the whole building showing immense age, except for a single electronic pad on the wall next to the shaft, which seemed completely brand new. "What the hell?" Heather thought aloud as Donovan stepped up to it, typing in a passcode before suddenly the ground shook a tad under them, the sound of something moving echoing through the halls as a shiny new elevator raised up to them. "This is some serious spy movie shit!" Heather laughed as she found herself oddly humoured. Her nerves calmed by just how silly the whole situation was.

"No more words," Donovan said as he opened the old rusty gate, having to use some pressure with his paws to make it move, "You will only answer when asked to, understood?" The panther nodded. "Good" the bull said as the pair stepped in, the elevator only having one button. The bull tapped it and the door to the elevator closed, slowly lowering as the pair inside stood in awkward silence. When it finally opened its doors again, Heather nearly fell over, her surroundings twisting mysteriously into something quite surprising. A long beautiful entranceway with bright lights and well-kept tiles stood before them with two wooden doors, one to the left and one to the right. In the centre of these two doors was a giant circle on the wall with a very strange symbol, several Latin words surrounding it. She looked over them and read as fast as she could, realizing they would likely be entering one of the two doors soon.

They read: Ira, Avaritia, Acedia, Superbia, Luxuria, Invidia, Gula. Underneath the entire circle was a smaller heading that read in very plain text: The Asmodeus Branch. "What the-" Heather began, but stopped as a finger was placed on her lips, Donovan giving her a serious look as he led her to the door on the right. The two stepped forward, hearing mumbled chatter behind the wooden frame.

Donovan waited for a moment before tapping the door with his fist, a bright male voice calling out "Come in!" from the other side. The pair stepped in and Donovan nodded to the group sitting along the table, the same voice from before speaking, this time easily identified as an older tiger, "Donovan, Heather welcome, Donovan has told us you've been a bit of a thorn in his side, I hope we can clear a few things up for you."

Heather said nothing as she took one of the empty seats on the long table, noting who all was there. There was the tiger, another black panther like herself, except male, two crows that seemed black as night itself, a strong and proud looking lion, and a young octopus that seemed unable to be no older than a teen herself. The last two were the biggest surprise however, Isaac Berkley and Bridgette Fletcher, the two head faculty members of Ridgewood Elementary School also amongst the ranks of whatever this secret society was. "So that's Abby's girlfriend?" the hyena asked the bear next to her, a single eye raised, "Hmm cute."

Heather grit her teeth as the name 'Abby' caused anger to rise in her, but she was soon distracted by the voice across the table. "Miss Horner, I'd like to personally welcome you to this meeting," the crow spoke, "I trust you already recognize Isaac and Heather, this here is Jasper." he pointed to the tiger with a pause. "The rest of us go by very specific names, you can call us," he pointed to himself, "Invos," he then pointed to the other crow, "This is my brother Chronos," then the lion, "This is Fenix", and then the panther, "This is Cold ...and last but not least, he leaned his arm around the young octopus next to him in a sort of half hug, "This is Rune." Rune nodded to Heather but said nothing. "Now you're probably wondering-"

"What the fuck this is?" Heather was bluntly honest, still not quite believing she was underground in some sophistic hidden lair.

Invos laughed, "That's quite fair. Alright, where should I begin, my friends here and I," he pointed only to his three friends near Rune, "Are four of the Twelve Kings. I suppose you could call it a gang, but it is more like an order. We are banded together to assist those who need it most. We stand for order, in a world that you have already seen is quite riddled with chaos. Have you ever noticed a bit of extra chaos in Fleetwood?"

Heather thought to herself, "Other than this hidden lair you clearly use to scheme with Donovan."

The crow let out another low chuckle, "No, have you ever noticed the citizens here are a little more... perverse, than anywhere else you've been.

Heather thought for a moment, thinking of her husband's perversities, the poly relationship she found herself in, which included incest. Incest, a concept that was currently plaguing her mind as she thought about the awful things she had just done with her daughter. She then thought on how she met Abby and Gerrick, all the strange meet ups around Ridgewood Elementary and all the suspicions she had of what really went on at that school. The feline hissed as she spouted out the realization, "Ok fine, we're the grossest city in Canada, everyone here is a sick minded pervert and we paint the town up to look pretty and artsy to hide the fact we should all be locked up for sex crimes."

There was a pause, before several members at the table laughed quite heartily. "Alright," Chronos spoke up, the crow's younger brother elaborating on his brother's speech, "A tad sarcastic, but you understand what we're getting at. This city is cursed."

"You're telling me" Heather laughed uncomfortably.

"No," Chronos continued, "I really mean that, I mean, literally mean that. This city is cursed with Lust."

Heather thought to the words on the wall and realized why they were familiar. Ira, Wrath. Avaritia, Greed. Acedia, Sloth. Superbia, Pride. Luxuria, Lust. Invidia, Envy. Gula, Gluttony. Each word was Latin for another one of the fabled seven deadly sins. "Hold on," the panther raised her eyes, "You're telling me this city is some resting ground for the seven deadly sins?"

"Of course not," Cold chimed in, the panther wearing a humoured expression, "That would be just plain silly... It's only cursed by one of the sins. Fleetwood is the resting place of Lust, lust in its purest, most deadly form."

Heather remained silent, turning her head as Fenix spoke, "That is not to say everyone is some deadly sex crazed maniac, but purity is definitely hard to come by here."

The panther thought to herself, "...and there are six other cities, somewhere in North America cursed by these sins?"

"No," the tiger chimed in, "Not North America, Earth. As far as we can tell only two of the sins reside in North America, the others are all scattered elsewhere."

"Let me guess," Heather let out an awkward laugh, "Greed is in America?"

"Cute," Jasper pretended to chuckle, "I happen to be from America, and no, Wrath actually..."

Heather laughed shrilly, "This is fun, really guys, but LARPing has never been my thing, I'm a reporter and I'll stick to truth over fiction thanks."

'Some truths aren't so easy to see' a sweet young girl's voice entered the panther's head, causing her to nearly fall from her chair.

"What the hell was that?!" she shrieked, noting that no one else in the room had heard it.

She looked over to see the young octopus smiling back at her, another thought entering her mind, 'Do not be afraid, this is simply how I communicate. I implore you to open your mind, there is much you will learn tonight. It may shock you, but we are here for you.'

"Are you feeling alright?" Jasper asked the fellow feline.

Heather rubbed her forehead as she let out a vicious laugh, "Please, tell me there's alcohol down here."

Fenix laughed as he got to his feet, the lion stepping towards the back of the room to where there were several drawers, "Let me make you something to take the edge off. I'm sorry this is so alarming, but you did want the story..."


After a lengthy explanation of supposed legends regarding sins and fate, Heather was left with a spinning head. It all seemed farfetched, especially with this strange group stating that only two sins had been apparently found and one of which in her own town. The hardest thing to believe however, was their explanation of how the sins existed in those states, how some sort of language was what made a certain negative virtue so prevalent in a single place. "Ok... I have to admit," the panther started to say slowly, still eying the room carefully, "The whole telekinesis thing freaked me out, but I mean shit like that's been documented, speculated, not totally beyond the realm of possibility... clearly, but this whole sin thing?"

Invos rubbed his eyes with his wingtips as he felt the slightest tickle of impatience with their guest, finally sighing as he offered a rather controversial approach, "Would you like proof?"

Heather eyed the crow carefully before replying, "Proof?"


Time passed and the crow had brought the panther through a door to the back of the meeting room, leading to one of the longest halls Heather had ever seen. The two were alone as they travelled down the long corridor, the still hesitant and skeptical panther feeling her heart beat wildly. This hidden base, the strange cult like order which had not only the mayor of the town involved, but also both the principal and super intendant of her daughter's school in it, and the strange young girl that seemed to half some sort of telepathic ability, it was all so unbelievable and crazy, the feline starting to feel like her life was turning upside down. "Here it is," the crow finally said as they reached a heavy lead door, a keypad placed on the door, "I warn you, this won't be easy."

"What do you mean?" Heather asked anxiously.

Invos chuckled, rubbing the panther's back, which she seemed not really for but made no effort to resist, "It's hard to explain..."

Heather growled and kicked her feet down to the floor, "Fuck it, I've done enough awful shit these last couple days, just let me in the god damn room."

Invos smiled, "Yes mam." He typed a code down on the keypad and the door slowly opened, whispers filling both their ears.

"Who-who's in there?" Heather asked in a worried whimper.

The crow shook his head, "No one, what you are about to witness, is true, living memory."

Heather pushed the crow aside as she stepped into the room, nervous as hell but making up for it with blunt courage, "Alright Tom Cruise, that's enough mythos for one day!" As soon as she stepped in she fell to the floor, something heavy and warm keeping her glued to the floor. Her eyes looked up as if beyond her control as the room turned a vibrant blue, blinding flashes of white hot light illuminating the natural stone wall of the earth around her in unknown symbols. There was a hum, like a mechanical buzz mixed with some exotic instrument that made her teeth rattle and ears ring. Voices of numerous tone rang through her mind, using words that were unknown to her, and all the while she felt herself getting uncontrollably aroused.

She was nearly sick as she crawled back to the door, feeling as though it was miles away. She clawed the ground as though swimming back to some distant shore, the words in her mind screaming louder the farther she got from the wall. At the same time she had felt herself getting quite wet, moans escaping her parched lips as climaxes were stolen from her in some sickening subconscious way. She suddenly felt someone's arm reach for her, pulling her back into the corridor and shutting the door. "Yes, oh god yes!" she cried as she was yanked away, mumbling uncontrollably, even after the heavy door had shut away the lights, sounds and powers of the mysterious wall on its other side. She reached out for the man who had saved her, clutching Invos' legs as she rubbed her face against his crotch. She made the strangest purr like sounds, nipping at his zipper as tears filled her eyes.

She was pushed away, not violently but with enough force to snap her out of her trance, the panther panting and growling before curling into a ball and sobbing. "Heather... I think, it may be best we bring you home."


It was getting closer and closer to daybreak as Lacy and Abby sat out front of her apartment building, clutched together in a snuggle. "I fucked up Lacy," the poodle said with her eyes still stained with tears, "I really fucked up!"

"Don't say that," the young panther sniffled as she clutched her older friend tighter, "I agreed with the plan, I-I think I always wanted someone's help. Wh-why does she have to be my mother, I love her so much!"

"I love her too," Abby sighed anxiously as she kissed the cub's forehead, "I had her, how could I do something so stupid. To risk losing her, to risk fucking up her relationship with her own daughter. What's wrong with me?"

Lacy looked up at Abby, "She was ok with you being with your brother, what stretch would it be that she thought other, in-incest was ok?" The pair had been talking for most of the night, having decided a short hour ago to wait downstairs on the off chance Heather was coming back. In that time they had shared much with each other, comforting each other for their own mistakes in their twisted plan. Lucky for them Gerrick and Jake had been out drinking, and had texted Abby to let her know they were passing out on a friend's couch.

"It's different, I grew up this perverted and strange. She raised you, and she... oh my god Lacy she's here!" The two stood up quite suddenly as they watched the panther's car turn into the lot, slowly breaking into an empty spot before the beautiful feline emerged. She had gotten out from the passenger seat though, a second figure exiting the driver's seat before locking the car up and passing Heather the keys. They exchanged words for a moment before the stranger left, Abby and Lacy watching as what seemed to be a bird of some kind walked towards the street, entering another car. Heather seemed shaky as she walked towards the pair by the lobby doors, an exhausted glazed daze in her eyes. "H-Heather..." Abby whimpered as she approached her mate, the panther looking at her blankly, then down to her own daughter, "I'm so sorry!"

Heather exhaled weakly before raising a paw, Abby closing her eyes as she prepared for the slap. Instead she felt the paw wrap around her shoulder, the panther pulling both girls closer to her. She reached down first to plant a kiss on her daughter's forehead, and then one on the poodle's lips. There was strange, cold silence at first, and then the shortest statement from the panther, "Let's fucking sleep."


Sleep was uneasy for Heather that night, heavy and restless, filled with dreams she just knew were not simply dreams. The strange words still buzzed in her head, and that unearthly sound that the wall seemed to hum. Right before she finally awoke she could see the outline of some face, unlike any species she had ever seen. Something made it seem feminine, and sad, so very, very sad. She woke to found herself covered in both Lacy and Abby, the two most important women in her life tangled in her desperately. It was as if after their mistakes they feared Heather would leave again and never return. The panther slowly pulled away from the two as they remained in gentle slumber, crawling out of bed to stretch and yawn. The panther was made of strong stuff and had not been detoured by the events of that early morning. She had told the strange group she would return, having learned far too many mysterious truths to simply stop there. She was a reporter, a strong willed, inquisitive report, and whether it was published or not, she would get to the bottom of her story.

She peaked at her sleeping daughter and smiled. Although learning of such chaos in a world already filled with such turmoil was terrifying, it was her daughter that she feared for. She reached out and rubbed the girl's hair with her paw, sighing as the smooth strands filled her fingers. She suddenly could hear the hum of the wall again, the strange language lingering in her psyche as she remembered the eve before, the skills of her daughter's tongue and how willing she was to use them. 'Just ask her, it's what she wants!' the thought entered her mind as though it was someone else's voice. She felt sick as she realized just how lustful her encounter with the unknown had made her. Despite her better judgement and scientific mind, she was starting to believe.

She got to her feet and walked towards the door, deciding a nice hot shower might be best. "M-mom?" a soft voice suddenly stirred from behind her, Heather turning to look at her daughter, "Are you leaving again?"

"What? No sweetie, mommy is never leaving, ever."

"Wh-what about Abby?" the young panther asked in a worrisome way.

"Well, Abby is so very stupid sometimes dear," the panther grumbled, "But no, mommy is not leaving Abby either, she loves the stupid mutt too much."

Lacy nodded, grinning at the small victory, "Where are you going?"

"I'm going to shower," Heather replied softly, "That's all."

"Oh, ok, g-good idea, I'll have one after you..."

Heather blushed as another strange thought entered her mind, supported by the buzzing that now seemed to at least temporarily live in her brain, "If-if you wish sweetie." Lacy gulped as her mother turned away, her strange reply and distant expression giving the young feline extremely mixed signals. She waited until her mother was gone, listening for the bathroom door to close and the eventual running of water as the shower came to life. She took a deep, baited breath before leaving the room, headed straight for the bathroom door. She reached up for the handle slowly, turning it quietly as a test. Her eyes lit up as she found it unlocked, hoping beyond hopes that it was some sort of sign.

Heather let out a low, anxious breath as she heard the door open and close behind her, closing her eyes as she simply let the warm water of the shower nozzle rain down upon her. There was a bit of a pause before a small form slid into the shower behind her, the feline slowly turning to face her naked daughter. "S-sorry, I m-may just be being st-stupid again..." Lacy's arm was behind her back as she looked away, her cheeks flushed red as she could hardly look upon the damp beauty of her mother's body.

Heather remained calm, despite the humming in her head, "Is this... is this truly what you want sweetie?" Lacy couldn't speak, but her head shook in an agreeing motion as if it was unhinged, "I don't wish to stop being your mother."

"Y-you don't have to..." Lacy squeaked.

"When Jake and Gerrick are around you're my daughter, and nothing else... is that clear?"

Lacy panted, feeling her heart explode with emotion, "Yes!"

"This is gonna take me some time to get used to Lacy."

"That's ok" Lacy whimpered.

Heather smiled, finding a brand new irresistibility in her daughter in this adorably shy state, "You've always been a wonderful daughter Lacy. I'm a proud mommy." She slowly reached down, moving her daughter's face towards her, their eyes meeting, both wearing heavy blushes, "I guess I could learn to be a proud lover too." Lacy's lips tried to form words, but faltered as her mother's lips pressed to hers, the two closing their eyes and moaning as their tongues slid over one another. There was a lost passion in their kiss, the pair caressing each other gently as they rubbed each other's arms softly with their paws. Heather soon clutched her daughter's cheeks with her paws as she kissed her deeper, a satisfied, near growled purr escaping her lips as her tongue explored the younger feline's muzzle.

"H-Heather..." Lacy breathed as the kiss broke, her breath low and panted as she looked into her mother's beautiful eyes.

The older female was feeling a deep warmth inside her, it wasn't time for her heat but she felt as though she had somehow reached it. Deep down she knew it must have had something to do with the supernatural forces she had been introduced to, but at that moment, she wasn't overly concerned of the feeling's origin. "Why don't you, show me what you can do with your tongue again?" her voice was sultry, flirtatious, and to Lacy, completely irresistible.

She let out a longing sigh as she stumbled forward, her mother standing tall, looking down with strands of water soaked hair tangling over the girl. Lacy buried her face between her mother's legs immediately, a long exhale escaping her as if she had just had the biggest weight lifted from her life. She pressed her lips tightly to her mother's gorgeous flower, sliding her tongue in with one passionate press. She let it glide over the surface of the lovely petals gently, kissing the panther's clit when she reached it. "You... are... everything..." Lacy sighed between each kiss she planted on her mother's pussy, tongue soon diving deep to coax out some of her sweet nectar.

"Lacy, oh god Lacy!" Heather moaned as she pressed her paws to the tiles of the shower wall, grinding over her daughter's face as her tongue once again found the most sensitive parts of her body, "Dear god, where did you learn to do this?!"

Lacy blushed as she kept lapping, breaking only to add, "Practice, and s-some help from others."

Heather shook her head, but kept shaking as her daughter's tongue slithered back up inside her, hungrily pushing in and out of her soaked folds, "D-dirty, just like your mama!" Heather watched with a blush as Lacy's mouth warped in the shapes of her laps, as if she was making out with the panther's drippy sex. A moment later her lips moved up towards her clit and pressed down tightly, the younger feline starting to suck gently at the overly sensitive nub. "L-Lacy, Lacy that, that's, oh shit, don't stop!" Heather gave up any words as she turned into a mess, a living puddle as her daughter stole climaxes from her as if it were no big thing. Heather finally pushed her daughter back gently as it all became too much, the younger feline's face left soaked and sticky, "Th-that was, incredible, fuck, I c-can't even believe you know how to do that so well..."

Lacy smiled as she sat for a moment, blushing as her fingers fiddled with her own pussy, "I needed to be perfect for you, to worship this perfect body of yours."

Heather gulped slightly uncomfortably, "You've been obsessed for a while huh?"

Lacy gulped and nodded shyly, still toying with herself, "Yeah... I'm sorry mom..."

Heather shook her head, turning away to face the nozzle, allowing some of the warm water to hit her face, "It's fine... we're gonna make this work ok?"

"Yeah." Lacy watched as her mother faced the other way, her perfect butt in front of her. She watched as the perfect form of the feline stood before her, and within moments had crawled forward again, nuzzling between her cheeks and sliding her tongue up her lover's rear.

"Mmm, Lacy," Heather sighed as she felt the wonderful tickle, the younger feline digging deep, "You love mommy's ass too don't you?"

Lacy groaned from the perversity in which her new lover would use her maternal role in play, reluctantly replying as she wanted to keep her tongue buried in her tight warmth, "I l-love," she lapped the pucker between words, "Every inch of you!"

"Well," Heather sighed, groaning as her daughter's entire tongue slid into her, probing her depths and circling around, "Y-you're welcome to it!" She pushed back on her daughter's face, feeling the girl's tongue only work harder as it was given resistance, "Fuck, that tongue is so perfect Lacy!" She continued to pant as the younger feline lapped softly, Heather eventually turning the water off, "O-ok, let's get dry sweetie."

Lacy removed her tongue and nodded, grabbing her mother's paw as she helped ok, "Ok." She wore a soft grin, feeling as though everything was finally right in her world.


A short while later Lacy let out a squeak as she was tossed gently onto the bed, the now awake Abby raising her eyes with a grin as she watched the two naked felines play. Heather hopped up after her and spread her legs, kissing her belly just once before sliding her tongue into her tight little pussy. "H-Heather, oh my god!" Lacy whimpered as she felt her mother's tongue slide up inside her, Abby looking to the pair with much interest.

"Looks like you two are getting along just fine!" she wore her usual cocky grin, but inside was panting a sigh of relief.

Heather stopped lapping at her daughter's folds for just a moment, giving the poodle a serious snarl, "I'm still mad at you dog, so go apologise!"

Abby gulped and nodded anxiously, quickly hopping behind the bed on her knees. "S-sorry love."

"I'm..." Heather began to dictate.

"I'm..." Abby repeated.

"A dumb dog..."

"A dumb dog..." Abby frowned.

"Who is very sorry..."

"Who is very sorry..."

"...and wishes to eat your perfect ass as penance." Abby just glared, Heather wearing a twisted grin, "Well, say it."

"...and wishes to eat your perfect..." she rolled her eyes as she said it extra sarcastically, "...Ass as penance... you're just lucky it is perfect." After grumbling she rested her muzzle in the panther's cheeks as slowly lapped at her pucker, digging her tongue in and moaning.

"That's a good girl!" Heather sighed as she resumed eating out her daughter, the younger feline squirming about as pleasure coursed through her. She let out low little meow-like growls as she dug her tongue deeper, moving it around in smooth slides before giving her daughter's clitoris some gentle kisses. All the while the canine's tongue kept plunging deeper inside her, pushing in and out over and over until all three were left a slobbering mess. There were high pitched moans from the trio as they writhed around on the bed, juices flowing everywhere as they enjoyed their devious pleasures. Heather couldn't help but think to the wall she had been shown, all the myths, all the legends she had been told. How far did the wall reach? How deeply were the residences of their town infected? How truly lost was she as she devoured her own daughter's sweet flower?

"Heather!" Lacy cried out as she clutched her mother's hair, the strands balling in her fists.

"Mmm, cum in mommy's mouth!" Heather growled, something unlike her coming out, "Feed me your climax!" Lacy said nothing as she simply squealed out, her juices soon flooding her mother's muzzle as she kicked her legs in orgasm. Heather groaned as she lapped her daughter clean, rubbing her own soaked sex as Abby kept rimming her. It didn't take long to coax a climax out of herself after that, long gasps escaping her before she dropped down, all three finally resting on the bed. There was a comfortable silence that washed over the group as they lay in a pile, Heather reaching out to stroke the hair of both her lovers. She knew she would need to dress soon, not wanting Gerrick or Jake to see any of her incestuous activities with her own daughter. There was still time though, she was sure of that, and the trio just lay for now, in calm, loving afterglow. They were all exhausted and in their state of bliss, found themselves quickly drifting into brief slumber again.


Heather found herself in darkness, thick, impenetrable darkness, with no sound save for the echo of each step she took. She thought at first to be all alone as she walked forward, no other soul in sight until, suddenly, from a short distance she could see a figure hunched over a small box. It was the figure from before, a species she could not describe with feminine features and the saddest expression. She reached out for it, but found herself unable to approach any closer. It reach down for the box and slowly opened it. There was a sound, gentle at first, but soon filling the void around them. It was warm, calming, and gentle. It was music.

The Teenage Temptress

_All characters depicted in this work are purely fictional and over the age of consent. Any situation is meant as parody and does not represent any child, living or otherwise._ _..._ Alkira let out a long irritated sigh as her afternoon continued to...

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Chelsea's Birthday Debauchery

_All characters depicted in this work are purely fictional and over the age of consent. Any situation is meant as parody and does not represent any child, living or otherwise._ _..._ **March 29 2014** Chelsea waited anxiously for her friends to...

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A Father's Flower

_All characters depicted in this work are purely fictional and over the age of consent. Any situation is meant as parody and does not represent any child, living or otherwise._ _..._ Xzi lay on her belly as she watched her favourite cartoons on TV,...

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