Post-Show Relaxation

Story by draconicon on SoFurry

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This was a story written for....ME! Hehehe, yep, I wrote a story for myself today, which was pretty darn awesome. Recently, I re-conceived some of Cornelius's backstory, and I thought, why not write something to show it off, and let people see what he's actually like? This is the result.

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Post-Show Relaxation Starring Cornelius by Draconicon

"Hahaha! Look at him go, ladies and gentlemen. Truly, a stud among studs!"

Cornelius laughed with the rest of the audience as the rather burly T-Rex continued to pelvic thrust, pulling himself across the small wooden stage to the rhythm of the rabbit's dancing wand. The rabbit smiled, following right behind the blushing, brown-scaled behemoth, only to spin his wand in a circle as the dinosaur was about to thrust himself right off the stage.

"Ah ah ah, back to me now. Thaaaat's a good boy."

" close..."

The rabbit stifled a chuckle, though he was sure his grin was that much wider as a result. He flicked his wand, and the dinosaur stopped in place, his cock bulging the front of his pants so far that they looked like they were about ready to rip. The tip of the bulge was already soaked through, and bubbles of pre were just starting to pop at the end of it.

He turned to the audience, flicking his wand idly up and down as he put his other hand on his hip. Even though it was only part of the act, he couldn't stop himself from smirking.

"I don't know. I think he could go a little longer. What do you say? Should we ask the audience?"

As horned up as he was, the T-Rex could only nod. Cornelius turned to the audience, a collection of different plant-eaters, almost all of them dinosaurs of some sort. He recognized a couple of species - parasaurs, brachiosaurs, etc. - but most of them were pretty foreign to him. Then again, he'd only popped in this morning, so that was to be expected.

At least this time I recognize something, he thought. The last time he just went somewhere, he'd ended up on a planet of goo. At least this place followed physics.

"What do you say, everyone? Should this lug of a meat eater be allowed to cum? Or should he dance around for your amusement for a bit longer?"

"Dance, dance, dance!"

The rabbit shrugged, turning with another smile to the dancing T-Rex.

"Sorry, my frightful assistant, you've heard the audience. But let's take it up a notch!"

The rabbit grinned, reaching up for his top hat. Every member of the audience gasped, which only heightened the moment for him as he threw it up in the air. The bottom of the hat flared with light before it caught in midair, floating around in a circle. Pointing his wand at it, Cornelius wiggled the tip around until the hat suddenly burst forth with purple light, as if casting a spotlight on the stage.

With the audience still gasping and muttering, he turned his attention back to the big stud he'd picked out for his assistant. It was quite the sight, he was sure. On the one hand, a T-Rex in a tight formal suit, standing almost seven and a half feet tall, while on the other, a little white-furred, brown-spotted rabbit in a speedo and cape, barely clearly five feet.

And I'm the one in charge. With a flick of his wand, he sent his assistant into a spin, the brown dino spinning round and round, faster and faster as his body lost all control. Bits and pieces of the suit came flying off, until -


The purple light from the hat flared, and the T-Rex came to an abrupt stop. His eyes rattled around in their sockets, but that wasn't where most people were looking. Nor where Cornelius was looking for that matter.

Sticking out from his assistant's crotch was quite the massive stretch of cock, reaching what had to be at least eighteen inches in size. Darting forward, he rested his wand against the bulge in the boxers, and confirmed it. Three wand-lengths of six inches each.

With the T-Rex still dizzy, Cornelius flicked his wand around, and this time the purple light from his top hat lifted the meat eater higher and higher off of the stage. By the time his assistant had any idea of what was going on, his three-toed feet were above the rabbit's head, and he didn't dare move.

Chuckling to himself, Cornelius turned to the rest of the crowd.

"Feels good, doesn't it? Seeing someone so small dealing with someone so big?"

The crowd nodded, which he wasn't too surprised about. He was more surprised that he'd been able to find a big guy like this out there, the one meat-eater among a crowd of plant-eaters. It made him wonder...

He made as if to drop the T-Rex, only to catch him just before he hit the stage, floating him back up again...then dropping...then lifting him up again, each time making it come closer and closer to the stage floor. Each time, the bigger male's cock twitched in his boxers, looking thicker and harder than ever, making him look closer and closer to losing control.

As the crowd cheered, he stepped beneath the whimpering, blushing dinosaur. He flapped his cape around, letting it air out. A card or two fell to the floor, clattering on the ground, but that was fine. The audience already knew his tricks were beyond the typical card things.

Instead, he flicked his wand at his assistant's underwear, making it slip a bit. The boxers slid down a few inches, almost popping that cock head out into the open. The audience gasped, and he chuckled.

"He's so big, and so heavy. He could slip free any time..."

"Don't let him go! Don't let him cum!"

The audience member blushed, but the cry was taken up, the whole group starting to chant louder and louder.

"Don't let him go! Don't let him cum! Don't let him go! Don't let him cum!"

As the chant got louder and louder, he sighed, his smile fading a bit. So much for a bit of fun here. As soon as he'd seen the larger group, he had an idea that it would end up like this, and now he had confirmation. Glancing upwards, he saw a bit of extra shame bloom in the T-Rex's cheeks, and sighed.

Well, that takes this show somewhere I didn't want it to go. Hmmm...

"Well, well. Looks like we have a little bias in the house tonight. I wonder if you'd be saying the same if you were up here."

"It's what the meat-eater gets!"

That was all the confirmation he needed. Shaking his head, the rabbit's smile died. With a flick of his wand, he released the T-Rex. The big guy fell, face first towards a shuffling rabbit foot...and vanished.

The crowd leaped back from the stage as the massive meat-eater disappeared, and Cornelius slid backwards from the front of the stage. A flick of his wand summoned the hat back to him, and he caught it in one hand. Keeping his feet firmly planted on the wood, he bowed.

"So sorry to cut the show short, but I'm not in the mood to perform for jerks that sell out their fellow man, just because he's different."

"What -"

"So long, farewell, and hope to never see you again."

The rabbit jammed the hat down on his head, and disappeared into it.

"HAT, if you'd get us a couple centuries away from here, that'd be wonderful."

"Of course, Cornelius. Forward or backwards?"

"Forwards. Hopefully these people learn a little something over the next two hundred years."

"Setting course."

As the hat hummed around him, the rabbit let himself be drawn further and further up the shimmering central spire. The only movement he made was to kneel down and pick up the playing card that he'd curled his toes around. It wasn't much, just a little matte-back card, but it was the picture on it that was rather precious at the moment.

Sorry about taking you away from there, but I wasn't gonna spend another minute around those jerks, Cornelius thought as he looked at an exact copy of the T-Rex from the stage. Still in his boxers, admittedly, but frozen in the moment of orgasm. The first spray was just jutting through the front of them, splattering through the air, and he chuckled. He could sell that as a photograph, once he made a copy.

Could he make a copy? Good question. He'd never tried. Might end up making a twin, though, and that might be a bad idea.

He'd look into it later. For the moment, he would need to make sure he stepped off on the right 'floor.' The hat had a lot of them, after all, and he didn't want to spend the next few hours finding the long way around when he could be -

"Here we are."

A little hop took him out of the elevator center, and left him in a narrow doorway. He took a step forward, smelled cinnamon down that end, and stopped. Blinking, he turned around, and saw the pink walls of the room he meant to go to behind him.

"Always get so turned around in that thing..."

Hopping across the elevator shaft in the way that only a rabbit could do, Cornelius pulled his cape off of his shoulders and laid it over one of the different cushions that the chamber ahead was filled with. Rather than seats, like in the library a few floors...down, he thought it was...he'd stocked this place with bean bags. Much more comfortable, and with a pink wall, it just seemed better to have something set up for comfort rather than for looks.

He flopped down on one of the cushions, holding the card above his head, and debated what he could do.

On the one hand, he could keep the T-Rex in the card for as long as he needed. It wasn't like the stasis field really interrupted the time-space continuum around it all that much, really. Sure, there were little flickers where things got closer or further than they were supposed to be, but that was manageable. And he could do what he wanted rather than heading back to that particular time in a hurry.

On the other hand, he could head back and free up the card right away. A person did take up the whole thing, and he had a limited number of these stasis cards. There was only so many people - and things, he supposed - that he could carry at once.

On the third hand - Lovely thing to have, he thought as he remembered several species with them - he could just have a bit of fun...maybe make up for what he'd been doing.

Yes, that sounded like just the thing.

Now that he was in the hat, he didn't need to use his wand to release things. Instead, he flipped the picture to face away from him, and flicked the back of the card.


Right on cue, the moaning T-Rex came flying out of the card, landing face-first in a cushion and humping the floor. Cornelius winced sympathetically, and slowly got up, walking around the growing white puddles on the ground.

"Hey, uh, there. Are you okay?"


"Yeah, afterglow hits pretty hard after that much edging, doesn't it?"


"Need a minute?"


"Okay. So...I never really got your name."


"Ah, Gartek. Nice to meet you. And you know me, of course."

"Not really. I...Nnngh..."

Really should see if there's a way for the continuum balancers not to amplify orgasms like that, he thought as the T-Rex went through a second, and then a third spontaneous orgasm on the spot, soaking the floor and his underwear to the extreme. At this point, the rabbit wasn't sure that the underwear would really be salvageable as anything but a fetish tool.

Shaking his head, he gently turned the dinosaur around, letting Gartek rest on the pillow. He sat down himself not far away, letting his legs flop out as he rested his hands on his latex speedo.

"Heh...Anyway, uh, probably owe you an explanation."

As the dinosaur looked around the room, Cornelius leaped into the calmest, gentlest explanation he could of what had just happened.

"I'm basically a traveler who can do things that are pretty insane. It's not magic, but it's fun to pretend it is, you know? I'm a little kid that way."

"I...I think I see that..."

"Yes? Oh, that's good. Most people don't. Anyway. What we're doing right now is flying through time. Do you have that concept?"

"Like...time zones, or -"

"No, no, no. I'm afraid not. More like real time. Like...HAT, how far ahead are we now?"

"154 years, Cornelius."

"Ah. Then you probably would have been dead for a while now. Sorry about that. You're fine though, really. You can't get...oh, great."

The rabbit sighed as he saw that the T-Rex had fainted halfway through the explanation. Probably about the time that HAT had mentioned how much time had passed. He shook his head, getting up and grabbing his wand.

"Always gets them the first time."

It took the rabbit a good ten minutes to find where he'd shuffled the bedrooms off to, but he eventually found them three floors up from where he had been. Finding one with a good king-sized mattress, he floated Gartek onto it and sat down on the edge of it, looking him over.

I do know how to pick the lookers, he thought with a chuckle, looking the dino over. Though he was definitely big and a bit on the brutish side, there was a certain softness to the T-Rex's face that kept him from looking like a monster. His arms were thick enough in the shoulder to throw off their slightly shorter than proportional length, and his body in general positively rippled with the stuff.

And in the back...

He couldn't quite resist. The rabbit flipped the sleeping dinosaur over, and grinned widely at the outline in those boxers.

"Oh ho ho...Now that is beautiful."

Chuckling, he reached down and fondled those muscled cheeks, feeling them up, grinding them against the palms of his hand. They were so firm, so hard against his fingers, barely moving as he pushed them around, and squeezing every time that he slid a finger around the base of the tail.

Whatever else you want to say about predators, you can sure as hell say that they look good, he said with a smile. Then he shook his head. No, no, no, Cornelius, bad rabbit. That's just like how they were sounding...okay, more complimentary, but keep it from getting worse.

Still shaking his head, he reached up and slowly dragged those boxers down. The soaked cloth - very soaked in the front, though enough of the cum had rolled down to soak the back and taint as well - went flying over his shoulder for HAT to deal with, and the rabbit settled in to take a closer look.

Look. Just look. He made sure not to touch, as that would have been a bit much for a guest. He turned his head this way and that, admiring the curves of his guest's ass cheeks. They pressed together firmly, resisting any non-groping attempt to part them, and he whistled as he got off the bed. He needed a distraction, and fetching clothes would probably be the best idea.

Though it'd be a pity to wrap that in anything more than a loincloth.

He chuckled to himself, then paused at the elevator.


"Yes, sir?"

"Look up Gartek's biography. I want to know if he'd even want to go back."

"Yes, sir. Right away, sir."

And so he dropped back down the elevator, on the great adventure search for the closet of lost dreams. Otherwise known as the wardrobe.

By the time he'd found it, the biography was assembled. By the time he'd found anything in Gartek's size, he'd read it three times.

Hmmm, businessman, not particularly brilliant at it. In debt three times, barely making it towards paying off the second loan, let alone the third. Rather dominated by herbivore species, and not particularly able to break free of the mold. Dealing with a lawsuit that would eventually get dismissed but not before -

"God, why do I get the sob stories?"

"Activating GOD."

"It's an expression, HAT. Don't turn him on."

"Deactivating GOD."

"Thank you."

Well, on the plus side, he couldn't see anything in the records that would make Gartek want to go back to his time anytime soon. Not much that would show people missing him, not much to show that he would miss them. No family yet; his own had died off earlier in his life, and he hadn't gotten close to anyone to marry.

Looks like he's more or less in the clear to travel, if he wants to.

That, of course, assumed that he would want to. Cornelius couldn't think of any reason why the T-Rex might not want to, but then again, people were weird, and dinosaurs were weirder. Something about stranger takes on evolution, as far as he could tell.

Closing down the biography, he grabbed the clothes and turned back to the elevator. A short lift later, he was back in the bedroom, and -

"Oh, you're up."

"Um...yeah. Where's my clothes?"

"Ah. Clothes."

He stared at the big guy. Gartek looked even better now that he was standing up, the T-Rex standing on shaky but very thick legs. It was like watching someone walking around on tree-trunks, if tree-trunks ended on flat, three-toed feet that looked like they'd crush anything beneath them. The swaying cock and the dangling balls didn't hurt, either.

Did I say beautiful? I need to find a better word.

Shaking himself back to the moment, the rabbit unslung the clothes from his shoulder.

"Yeah, I had to get rid of the underwear, and I didn't quite manage to save your suit from the stage. However, this should fit you."

"What...I don't even know what half of this stuff is."

"Well, you can always go without. I don't -"

"I'll, uh, make it work."

"Heh. As you wish."

The rabbit walked around and found himself a seat on the bed, letting the dinosaur puzzle through the different clothes. They were older, rather than newer, than his time, so he figured it out easily enough. It was a step down, though, as the T-Rex slowly turned around, looking at himself in the denim coveralls that the rabbit had been able to find.

" the world...are these?"

"They're the only thing I have that'll fit someone as big as you."

"They're ridiculous!"

"Heh, you could go naked."

"I'm tempted to!"


"Yes! At least naked, people don't think I'm..."

"That you're what?"

"...You wouldn't understand."


Gartek nodded. The rabbit leaned back, folding his arms over his bare chest.

"Let me give it a try, then. You don't want to wear it because you think it'll make you look like a country boy, when you're an educated young dino who has done better than half of his classmates at everything, and yet finds himself in last place. And you don't want to give the world any excuse to think that you're less than the people around him. Close enough?"


"Before you say it, it isn't an herbivore thing. It's a showman thing. You learn to read an audience. Though I MUST get better at that; I thought that the crowd wouldn't get that mean that fast."

"You are...a very strange creature."

"Rabbit. The word is rabbit."

"Thank you. But...why did you -"

"Take you with me?"

"Well, yeah."

"Well, I knew that I couldn't stand where the behavior was going, and I knew that if I left, then someone else would have to become the target for attention. Probably negative attention at that. You were the other outlier in the club, which meant that you were the next most likely target. Considering you'd already been humiliated - sorry for that, by the way -"

"No need."

"Eh, some need. Considering you'd already been humiliated, I didn't want to make you a target twice."

"That is rather generous of you."

"It's called being nice. I don't like it when people are cruel."

"And your act?"

"Usually it works better than that. I look for people that want to have that happen to them, rather than people that just...hate it. There's a difference between wanting and willing. The people that want it in the back of their heads, that are too afraid or something? They make for a great assistant because they want to be laughed at. They want to have all this happen to them. I can get by with someone willing, but then I have to do a lot more work. I try really hard to avoid the completely unwilling, though."

Which apparently he'd mucked up tonight, though. If he'd thought about it, being in an entirely prey club, with just one pred person around...

God, I'm slow sometimes.

He shrugged, about to get up when Gartek reached for the buttons of his overalls. The rabbit watched with a blink as they hit the floor, leaving the big guy naked again.

"Heh..guess you were serious after all."

"I am always serious...except in two occasions, I suppose."

"Really? And what are they, just so I know?"

"I, um...well, that is a bit awkward...."

"...Oh, you're not...oh, oh ho ho..."

"What? What?!"

"You were enjoying that show, weren't you?!"

The T-Rex's blush was all that he needed. Cornelius leaped to his feet and crowed in victory. Punching the air a few times, he strutted around in a little dance, his big rabbit feet thumping along for his own sense of rhythm.

It still wasn't enough. Positioning himself properly, he called out.

"HAT! Victory sound B4."


With a trumpeting fanfare, Cornelius thrust his arms up in the air. Finally, that felt about right. Still grinning like an idiot, he turned his attention back to the T-Rex, who was blushing and slowly showing a bit of a stir in his groin. Playing on it, the rabbit pulled his wand back out from his speedo, waving it around a bit. Gartek continued to blush, shaking his head.

"I still don't - what are you even -"

"You like to get humiliated, don't you?"

"What? No, no, I -"

"One of two things that you're not serious about. You like to get shown off, and laughed at, and teased. You like it when someone smaller than you gets at you. That's why you were in that club, wasn't it?"

"I, um, I -"

He pointed his wand at the dino's cock, which was rising higher and higher.

"Ha! I knew it! I knew I was reading you right. Man, you had me worried for a minute. I thought I was losing it."

"I - I mean, Cornelius -"

"Oh, and I didn't let you finish properly. Oh, we'll have to fix that."

"How - why are you taking your pants - what -"

The dino's stammers of embarrassment were just too cute. As he flicked his speedos off, the wand came up, and the dino went flying back to bed, flipped around onto his belly. Cornelius followed it up with a leap of his own, landing on the foot of the bed before running over to stand between the dino's thick legs.

Heh, gotta love 'magic,' he thought as he wiggled his wand, making that tail go up and keeping the T-Rex's legs spread. A nice, tight ass was revealed to him, one that looked like it hadn't had much attention in a while. However, as he stroked a finger over it - getting a gasp in return - he saw it twitch in the way of a hole that loved getting attention.

"Mmm, look at you, my big, scaly friend. Getting all eager for the touch of someone he could stomp in a second."

"I...I didn't..."

"All you have to do is say no, Gartek. But something tells me..."

He pulled his finger back, sucking on it for a moment before pressing it back to that pucker. It barely took any pressure to wiggle his pointer finger in, and the moan that came from the insertion was so far from innocent.

"Something tells me you want this bad."

It didn't take long to stretch the big T-Rex out for a second finger, and Cornelius grinned as he reached down to his own cock. It was nothing like the monster hanging from between Gartek's legs, but he was satisfied with his seven inches or so. The rabbit gave himself a couple good strokes, making sure that he was fully hard before he pulled his fingers back.

A quick spank shocked the dino into speech again, even as his hole puckered needily, and Cornelius could hear the muscular man's cock slapping against his belly.


"Heh, is that a please for a 'prey' cock?"

"Mmmph...I...I can't...You wouldn't..."

"Mmm, say it, big guy."

Another spank, another muscle twitch across those lovely, scaly cheeks. They were so hard, so strong...

Hot-dogging those ass cheeks as he waited, he looked around for something to use for extra lube. That hole was tight enough that he was a bit worried about just going to -

There it was. Thanks to HAT, a small vial floated out silently from the elevator. Raising it like a toasting glass to the ceiling with a silent 'thank you,' he turned and poured it over his cock, letting it ooze down into the valley between the cheeks like anointing oil.

"Heh...come on, Gartek. Say what you want..."


"I can hear how hard your cock is. It's smacking against your belly like you've smelled someone in heat. You need it. Come on...just say it."

"I...I want your..."

The T-Rex whimpered, his face red.

"I want your...cock..."

"Heh, you want MY cock? You want this little rabbit to fuck your ass?"

"Oh stars..."

Cornelius chuckled, pulling back a bit, nudging that hole a few times. He felt it puckering, twitching against his cock head. Much as he liked teasing, Gartek had earned a small reward, and he pushed in. Just a bit, just the first two inches. Enough to get the dino gasping, though.


" like that?"

"I do...I do that prey cock..."

"You want more?"

"Oh yes..."

"You want all of it?"

"Give me...give me all of that cock, Cornelius..."

That was all he need. With a grunt, the rabbit slammed himself in, having to stand on the backs of the T-Rex's thighs to get the right angle, but it was more than worth it. He grabbed those wide, muscular ass cheeks, pulling himself in and out, fucking that little hole with his cock. Feeling it squeeze down, he knew he'd read the dino perfectly.

It didn't take long for Gartek to start thrusting back, and despite his smaller cock size, Cornelius could feel the bigger guy getting closer to orgasm, faster. He smirked, raising his wand again, and flicking it down.

Gartek gasped, the sound barely muffled by the smack of the dino's cock swinging up. Up and down, up and down, guided by the rabbit's 'magic' to tease that cock all the more. He raised his arms above his head, conducting that dick to the rhythm of his thrusts, in and out, in and out, up and down, up and down.

Soon, they were both panting, and Cornelius groaned at the way that the hole seemed to tighten up around him the closer that the dino got to orgasm. He thrust harder, faster, his hips moving with the speed that all rabbits were famous for, and it pushed Gartek's head down against the bed, the big, powerful guy unable to hold himself up against the constant pressure, the jackhammering thrusts.

" close..."

"Heh, go on...cum, big guy..."

"Please...I want..."

"I'll finish...I'm so close..."

Suddenly, he felt that hole tighten, HARD. The rabbit was held completely still by the sudden clench, the powerful muscles all over the T-Rex suddenly seizing up all over, squeezing, clenching...milking. He leaned forward, panting as the sheer musculature of the dinosaur beneath him took him over the edge and held him there, making him cum so much more than he expected.

He wasn't sure how long it lasted, but eventually he fell backwards, flopping down between the T-Rex's legs. Gartek got up slowly, and the rabbit got the happy view of white oozing out from between those beefy ass cheeks.

The blush was still there as Gartek looked at him.


"There's a washroom 2 floors down."

"I...I was meaning to ask..."


"Could I stay? For a while, at least?"




"Heh. I'll go clean up, then."

He waved the dino off, staring up at the ceiling. Well, it had been a while since he had someone along out of a card...might be fun. Particularly if he got a chance to use that ass every night. Wow.

The End

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