A Tale of Dragons: chapter two

Story by Xianyu on SoFurry

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#2 of A tale of dragons

A tale of dragons

Chapter two

It is with regret that I consign my first non-yiff chapter to yiffstar. (It would be a minor miracle if I could put a yiff scene in this chapter. But look forwards to yiff scenes a bit later [after Brian and Miralage work out their relationship, and if Matimura and Kylara kiss and make up])

BTW the chapters for this story will be rather small, (a few thousand words if you're lucky.) If this pisses you off, too bad, but it means that I'll be able to put additional chapters faster. (A week or so between each one instead of the weeks or months [or dare I say it...years!] you have to wait for updates to stories)

Has anyone figured out who Brian really is yet? There are plenty of clues (an absolutely HUGE one in this chapter. If you think you know, send me an email, and I'll tell you if you're right. (but don't shout it from the rooftops, that'd ruin a good twist.)

PS Thanks to all the people who commented. (Not just the yiffstarians, but people from all over the web as well. I love receiving emails and comments and all that shit, so please send me some more!)

It only took Brian a few hours to make his way to the other side of the mountain, it would have taken lees time than that, but Miralage insisted on stopping and sniffing at every little thing she came across. Brian would have been very angry with her if she weren't so cute.

Every time he got angry with her constant interruptions, and turned around to tell her to hurry up, she would sit down on her haunches and cock her head while staring up at him, looking impossibly cute. She knew that she was beautiful, and wasn't afraid to use that to her advantage. If it were anyone else who was manipulating him like that, then he would have been very pissed off with them, but, as it was Miralage who was doing it, it was acceptable, because he just couldn't get angry with her

The cave was halfway up the mountain, and it was starting to get dark, so Brian was pretty sure that he would have to sleep in the cave that night.

When he finally got inside, he was very disappointed. There was nothing in there. The only thing that he could see that was also in the memory was the basin of water, fed by a drip of water that ran down the ceiling.

He went over to the basin, and reached in to get some water, but found that it was extremely shallow.

He felt around, looking for anything that might be in there. The basin was deep in his memory, deep enough for a dragon to dip its muzzle into it, so t stood to reason that it was now shallow for a reason. He finally found what he was looking for. It was a watertight package, weighted down with a small rock, on the side of the basin, out of the way.

He was about to open the package, which seemed to be a note, when Miralage, who had been investigating the back of the cave, turned around and hissed at the entrance of the cave, backing up slowly and extending her wings to their fullest extent, tripling her size and making her seem to be much bigger than she was.

Brian turned, and saw the black dragon, her jaws bared, hissing at them both, her long claws sliding from her paws and digging out great gouges in the ground as she advanced on the human and dragonet, both of them defenceless, cornered, and with no chance of escape.

* * *

Matimura coughed as he awoke. It felt as though he had been dragged through broken glass and then pounded with meat mallets. He felt, in short, as though he had been hit across the chest with a large object moving at close to the speed of sound, and then thrown off a cliff.

Matimura opened his eyes and saw two beaks hovering over his face, one wearing an expectant expression, while the other was staring at him in humour.

"You mussst have rrreally pissssssed Kylarrra off." Skel stated, almost laughingly.

"Arrre you alrrright?" Kerasaline asked with concern, rubbing her beak against his cheek worriedly.

"I just got thrown off a cliff by a very pissed off black dragon. No, I'm not all right." He stated.

"Well, you ssshould ssstay in bed forrr the next few monthsss." Kerasaline said.

"Ssshe lovesss the idea of tending to you." Skel said, and then fell about laughing.

"Shouldn't you be lying down?" Matimura asked Skel.

"Nope, jussst got the bandagesss off. Docsss sssay that it'll be alrrright if I don't do anything strrrenuousss for the next few weekssss." He replied.

"How bad am I?" He asked.

"Brrroken arrrm, frrracturrred elbow, crrrussshed ssspinal pad, and prrrobably a frrracturrred rrrib or two." Skel said, ticking off the injuries on his talons like it was nothing more than a shopping list.

"Why aren't my legs broken?" He asked.

"I caught you." Kerasaline said, somehow seeming prideful and shy at the same time. "Ssso you only got the injurrriesss frrrom the tail."

"You followed me?" He asked, focusing on her.

She gave a shy, reluctant nod.

"Did you hear everything?" he asked, already knowing the answer.

"Yesss..." She hissed.

"Ssshe wantsss you all to herssself!" Skel cawed, earning a burning look of reproach from Kerasaline that did nothing to stifle his joyous outburst of laughter.

Matimura swung his legs over the bed and rose painfully to his feet.

Both gryphons gave a cry of surprise at his movement.

"Where is she?" He asked.

"In herrr lairrr, crrrying." Skel said, not laughing any more. "I wouldn't go up therrre." He warned. "Moody female drrragonsss are not the mossst polite of company."

Matimura turned and walked out of the tent. He made his painful way up to Kylara's lair. It took him a while, but he finally reached the entrance, and could see immediately that she wasn't there.

He gave a sigh of malcontent and sat down to wait.

* * *

Brian drew his sword, wondering what the hell he was going to do. He didn't know how to fight! The only thing he could do was use magic, and he didn't even know how he did that!

But he stood his ground as the dragon advanced. He stepped in front of Miralage, shielding her from the dragon, while his mind screamed at him to run.

"Why are you in Ryshkae's lair!" The dragon roared, making Brian wince and almost drop the sword.

As his eyes started to adjust to the darkness properly, he was startled to see that there were tears falling down her muzzle.

"I'm trying to find out where Ryshkae's mate is." Brian said, and was pleased that his voice didn't shake.

"He's gone, he has been for nearly twelve years now." The dragon said, stomping over to a corner and lying down facing away from him. Miralage was by now tentatively peeking out from behind one of his knees.

"Who are you?" He asked.

"Kylara." She said. "Now get out before I change my mind."

"Change your mind?" Brian asked.

"About tearing you apart!" Kylara hissed dangerously.

Brian thought it best to leave.

When he returned to camp, which took a lot less time than getting to the cave in the first place, he opened the note, and saw thin, slanting writing. It absolutely boggled the mind to think that a dragon could write so small and neat with such huge paws.

The note simply said, Ryshkae, my dear, I've finally got it! I'm opening the portal this afternoon! I've arranged it so that I will return if I get stuck. I will return on... after this was a date, which was for that day. And a time, that was some two hours previously.

Brian sighed. He was in the cave at the exact time that Trinyth was supposed to arrive. That meant that Trinyth was dead. He now had no way of finding out who he was, or why he was having his memories.

Brian sighed again, and went to find someone who could tell him what he had to do to start Miralage on magic training.

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