Untouchable: Chapter 49: As good as Damned: Oliver

Story by Dars on SoFurry

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Oliver was annoyed that the injection had failed, for the

SQL servers in ring one. At the rate of errors his team ran into this week's

deployment would be late, Damn all my

personal shit.

He rubbed the side of his muzzle and yawned.

Sean still hadn't read his texts and on friend finder it

showed him somewhere on the Aurora street Bridge for some reason.

What could I text

him to get him to talk to me, we can't just ignore each other now.

He went to the kitchen and warmed some of the soup Paul

made him. Despite being on a liquid diet he liked not needing to make lunch.

He messaged Paul, "Hope you're having a great day I

had more soup, thanks again."

"Any time, how are the meds settling today?" Paul

sent back.

"Still a bit off but that might be the new normal.

So do you think I'm being ridiculous to feel hurt by my dad's response? I mean

he spoke to you it doesn't even seem real," Oliver texted.

"It didn't feel real when my dad died, there was no

body recovered, being a war zone and all, it still doesn't feel real and hurts

but I can't change it. I'm here for you."

"Hugs, so where are you shopping now?"

"Crate and a Barrel."

"If you're buying what I think you're buying it's

still a bit early for that," Oliver texted.

"Maybe but it's so pretty and it's real wood," Paul

wrote back.

"It'll still be there if you end up needing it, wait

for Black Friday, I mean you have time, at least get a deal."

"Oh nice, I'll price check at Sear's and Macy's


"Lol, fine I'll see you later rather than sooner

then," Oliver texted.

He cleaned up his lunch, Is Sean ok, wait did Xander meet up with Sean?

"Hey Xander, do you know why is Sean on Aurora? Did

you see him at City Hall?" Oliver texted.

"Shit that's where he is. I need you to call him and

text him, I'm on my way there," Xander texted.

"Sean's not taking calls or reading his texts."

"That's fine, just give him something to ignore, Oliver

this is important!"

Oliver paced his living room while he pulled up Sean's

contact info. His phone buzzed as he hit dial.

In his ear he heard breathing.

"...Hello, is someone there?" Oliver said.

"Son, I called to talk, man to man" Dad said.

Ice ran down Oliver's spine, "Oh, I thought I was

shunned and you were all done with me?"

"Distant not done, we can't have you interacting

with the family or community, your choices aren't appropriate."

"Who said anything about choices, you know nothing

about me or my life, it's been two, no, it's been over three years dad." Oliver

shredded his last good throw pillow.

"We couldn't have you there with the grandkits

coming over."

"Why because they would catch gay?"

"No the FIV, it's dangerous, your dangerous, the

faithful can't have those toxins in their bodies," Dad said.

"You mean medicine, like those antibiotics, which I

recall you had mom take when she got pneumonia."

"She never forgave me my weakness in faith,


"You shunned me, I'm not your son remember."

"Shunned or not you're still my son, that I failed

to raise right, train up a child in the way he should go and when he is old he

won't turn from you, what did I do wrong?" Dad said.

"Nothing dad you didn't fail me, except throwing me

out when I needed you," Oliver claws bit into his phone case.

"You were living a lie, debauchery or drugs."

"Wrong I didn't do drugs and I didn't choose to have

sex. If you had talk to me you'd have known me and my life but you


"There is always a choice," dad said.

"Not when you are raped... I chose to go to

someone's house foolish yes, but I didn't want that, I didn't want this," Oliver

said, then made himself sit on the couch his heart pounded in his ears.

"But you are taking medicine opening your


"I'm staying alive."

"The Prime would sustain you if he wills it."

"I guess I lost faith when you cut me off," Oliver


"Then you never really had faith to begin

with," dad said, "So I failed you."

"So my faith is your failure, that doesn't make


"Are you now living as a gay man?"

"Why would that matter now, I'm dangerous

remember." Kissing Sean, stripping

with Sean, cuddling Xander, I am gay now.

"Medicine is far more permissible then other

behaviors," Dad said.

"Oh so it's ok to take medicine if you're a

victim," Oliver asked.

"Who said you would continue taking that medicine,

you must return to faith."

"Faith won't keep me alive, the Prime gave us people

wise enough to make these things they are tools, like a hammer or a nail."

"The Angel, the Son of the Prime, took nails into

himself, so we wouldn't have too, you need faith, speak the name of the Prime

and he will free you son," Dad said.

"I did Dad, when I had faith, I don't know what I

have now," Oliver said with arm rest stuffing stuck to his claws.

"Then that wasn't faith."

"Then I can't have faith or love, because you

haven't taught me right."

"For this reason God gave them up to vile passions.

For even their women exchanged the natural use for what is against


have read all of this before," Oliver said then dug further into the arm


"Likewise also the men, leaving the natural use of

the woman, burned in their lust for one another, men with men committing what

is shameful, and receiving in themselves the penalty of their error which was

due." Dad said.

"Are you saying FIV is my due?"

"And even as they did not like to retain God in

their knowledge, God gave them over to a debased mind, to do those things which

are not fitting."

"I see you called to preach at me."

"To the pure all things are pure to those who are

corrupted and do not believe nothing is pure neither their mind nor their

Conscience," Dad said.

"So you are saying my mind was corrupted, so I can't

have faith, and because I don't have faith God turned me Gay at twelve, and

then had me raped and given FIV to teach me a lesson," Oliver asked.

"You have lost the Lords favor, son it would be

better for you to die without your medicine but in the faith, your mother and I

would then at least see you in heaven."

"Shouldn't that be between me and the Prime?"

"If you had a testimony but you have abandoned


"I abandoned nothing, I pray to the Prime and I go

to a Pridian Service Thursday evenings. I have my testimony you're the only one

saying it's gone," Oliver said.

"A corrupted testimony is not a testimony," Dad


"Does an adulterer lose their Testimony when they


"That's not the same they don't go on sinning."

"Like hell they don't, every time that couple has

sex its adultery or are you going to pick and choose what's relevant scripture

for a Primes Witness?" Oliver said and when his dad didn't speak he

continued, "If the Prime is the Prime and gives grace to the adulterer,

there has to be grace for the gay."

"How have you been so turned by Satan," Dad said.

"So to disagree with you means I'm a child of hell? Who

made you the Prime?"

"I'm not the Prime but you are not a Witness."

"I guess you're right, I'm not a Witness as you

define it, but I still love the Prime despite every stumbling block you've put

before me."

"Son I will pray that the Prime sets you free,"

Dad said.

"The only thing I need to be free from is needless

hate," Oliver said, Damnit he is

going to pray now.

"Prime our father, I ask you set my son, who is

fallen, free."

"I'm not possessed, dad."

"Banish this demon of lust that pursues him."

"Should I pray in argument, Prime please help my dad

be less of a hypocrite," Oliver said.

"Prime my son is entangled in the thorns help him

stand fast in the liberty which hath made us free, and be not entangled in the

yoke of bondage," Dad said more loudly.

"Prime, help my father to love others, even sinners,

more than his own selfish love."

"Prime, he is blinded by his anger for my actions,

please help him for you hath not given him the spirit of fear; but of power,

and of love, and of a sound mind, return his mind to your way."

"My mind is perfectly sound, I'm not the one that's

assuming logical arguments mean demon possession," Oliver yelled.

"Prime our Father my son is not my son anymore,

please, PLEASE, bring him back to us, to you, for the thief comes only to

steal, kill and destroy, you came that they may have life, and have it abundantly,

raise him as you raise you're angel," Dad said then sobbed.

"Oh, now you care, where were you dad, when I needed

you, you lived like I was dead."

"Not dead damned, you are as good as damned, please

son, Please listen to reason."

"I have my reason, you're the one that's lost


"Prime help my son to be made free from sin..."

Dad said while he cried more, "and become a servant to you, give him your

fruit of holiness, and the everlasting life."

"Why can't you love me for me, you only ever, ever

and always, wanted me to be something else," Oliver yelled.

"Prime forgive me, Oliver forgive me I failed you


"That's right you failed you are incapable of loving

on any other terms but your own, you arrogant, selfish, fool!"

"You don't even understand FIV, if you did you'd

know I'm not a risk being near the grandkits," Oliver yelled but the line

was dead.

"PRIME FUCKING DAMNIT!" Oliver screamed then

slammed the phone into the floor and stomped on it.

The heat of his rage transformed to an avalanche, I was going to call Sean, "no, no,

No, NO Prime no."

Untouchable: Chapter 50: Commitments for Tomorrow: Xander

I bounced in my seat happily, as our rental van reached the hotel on the east side of Disney Land. Sean had been quiet on the flight but didn't sleep like I had. "What do you want to do after dinner," I asked."Probably just sleep it's been a really...

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Untouchable: Chapter 48: Reversion: Sean

"Sean are you ok," Jessi asked just outside Mr. Frank's office."Yes, no, I don't know I'm just sleepy, I was in the hospital my allergy meds had an interaction with something else," Sean said then thought, why didn't I just call in sick and go...

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Untouchable: Chapter 47: Steadfast: Xander

"Oliver did you hear me?" Xander asked"Hear what, no I'm sorry, what did you say?" Oliver asked glassy eyed."I asked if you wanted lunch," Xander said."You did? Oh... I'm not hungry... where is Paul he was just here?" Oliver asked."Oliver he left to go...

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