Slithery Relations, Chapter 2: The Infection Spreads

Story by draconicon on SoFurry

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Hey, look, no death this time. FA: TeryxC has the story continue in chapter two, where we find out what happens when the c-snakes find a different dragon that they want to infest along with their original host.

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Part 1:

Part 2: (You are Here)

Part 3:

Part 4:

Slithery Relations Chapter 2: The Infection Spreads for TeryxC By Draconicon

It took all of Teryx's self-control to remain in his room for the duration of the trip back to port. Even with all his meals being delivered to his cabin - something that he could justify as the Diver of the ship - and having a toilet in his chambers, it was almost impossible to keep himself there...and not just because of the strange creatures inside of him.

Boti's scraps of a body would be found eventually. He knew that much; no matter how well he'd done at hiding it, there was only so long a body could remain unfound on a ship. Paranoia kept pushing him to head back to the closet in the storage hold, to find the remains and throw them off of the ship...

But he didn't.

For all he knew, the worry about the body was something that the parasites in him were planting in his brain. They'd almost gotten him to leave the room twice with their hunger to spread, and he wasn't going to take the chance on a third time. If he was walking through the ship, then they would have an easy access to all the other crew members, including the captain. Even if they didn't end up killing everyone around, they would still find out what he'd done...what he had become...

He almost wanted them to, but not enough to risk it.

So, for days, he sat huddled on his bed, his arms wrapped around his legs in the fetal position as he did his best to ignore the constant whispering from deep inside his body...and the ever-growing pink tint in his spit and sweat.

It took five days to get back to port, and Teryx couldn't remember the last time that he left a ship so quickly. He ran down the gangplank, not even bothering to empty his cabin of his remaining clothes and belongings. There was nothing there that he could use, nothing that he wanted more than to get home and get away from people.

The trek through the city was terrifying; every time that he saw someone that he didn't know, he felt the creatures in his stir, swelling around with need. Even forcing his eyes down to the ground didn't help; the hunger of the creatures was constant, pushing at his mind and at his body in equal measure. The snakes knew that there were people around, that there were hosts that they could enjoy. They knew that he was keeping them from it, and they made it hell.

The entire walk back to his apartment was filled with their thoughts, their whispers in the back of his mind.

Give in...let us spread...

Even as he shook his head, the image of a fox he'd seen, bent over and with legs spread filled his head. The pink goo of the snakes oozing out of his ass, the tip of his cock wide open with a snake sliding into him. His eyes going from white to pink, his body shaking and dripping...

It was only the mental image of what had happened to Boti the snow leopard, the ship doctor, that kept him from being tempted. He forced the fox's blissful face to a dead one, to an empty husk of a body rather than a sexually appealing one.

Yet even that was barely enough to force his erection down to a semi-hard-on.

The two-toned blue dragon was whimpering by the time he reached the apartment building, hugging himself around his belly. He could feel them wriggling around in him, so many snakes inside of him. They had to have multiplied somehow; there were enough of them that he could feel them beneath his scales, pressing against his hands, even rustling around in the very back of his throat. He had to swallow constantly to keep them from pressing up into his mouth, over his tongue...

He coughed as he leaned against the apartment building, and when he looked down, there was pink goo on his hand. It tingled, sending a heat up his arm from the simple contact, and he forcefully wiped it off on the grass around the building.

_Stop it! Stop it! I don't want you!

In you. Need you. Need us.

I don't need anything!

All hollow. All empty. Need us._

That was a reminder that he could have done without, and it left him quivering. He remembered the days on the ship, even the first day after Boti had been...

He remembered the hollowness. Even now, holding himself, he could feel the empty places where bones and organs used to be. There was nothing but creatures inside of him now, only the dozens - if not hundreds - of snakes that were making his body his home, and multiplying more and more with each passing day. If they left...

Would he die?


He wasn't sure if the thought came from the snakes or from him, but he knew better than to stay outside for much longer. His willpower was almost exhausted, and he needed rest. Rest and a chance to be alone.

The next thing he knew, he was standing in front of his apartment door. He didn't remember climbing the stairs, but there wasn't much he could do about that. If something had happened...well, if the world was merciful, he would never be allowed to remember it.

He opened the door and shut it behind him, walking past the small living room to the bathroom. He pulled down his first aid kit, and did what he should have done a long time ago: an exam.

He leaned into the mirror, using the small flashlight in the kit to get a better look at his eyes. The whites of his eyes had already darkened past a bleary-eyed excuse of a drunken night, and the gold color was getting streaks of pink running through it. When he blinked, forcing up tears, it was like looking at some sort of strawberry drink, thinned out by water.

Not good, not good, not good.

Knowing better than to rinse the slime away, he dabbed at his eyes with some toilet paper and threw it away. Stripping down, he put his clothes out in the hallway, and tried to ignore the pink stains in his underwear, not wanting to think about how much of that had been leaking out during the walk through the city, or how much it might mean.

He turned side to side in the mirror. There was no denying that his belly was getting bigger. Not by much, admittedly, no more than a few inches pushing forward, but it was definitely bigger. Bulging, even, something that he didn't want to think about.

Worse, he saw the first actual wriggles of the snakes inside of him, two or three of them forcing their bodies against his belly in a way that made them all too visible. He shuddered as they moved around his middle, and he swore that he could feel them wriggling up into his chest cavity as soon as they were out of sight from the front.

Teryx whimpered as he ran his hands down his body, looking down at his cock. It was definitely bigger as well, almost swollen to twice its size as it hung down from his crotch. Even soft, it was huge, and the tip...

Toilet paper didn't do much to stop the dripping. If anything, as he held the folded patches of paper to it, the flow seemed to increase, dribbling out of his cock and through the paper onto his hand. The same heat from the first dose went rushing through him, and he quickly wiped his hand off and threw away the paper.

The creatures were altering him, but...

But how much, was the question. They'd taken away his organs, they'd taken away most of his freedom. What else would they do?

As he felt pressure from inside, pressing down on his ass, he realized something else. For the last five days, he hadn't had take care of any business, no matter what he ate. The creatures must have why did he feel like he had to do that now?

Curious and fearful at the same time, Teryx laid a handheld mirror on the ground, and slowly squatted over it. He looked down, parting his asscheeks. No sooner had he pulled them out of the way than a pink head started forcing its way out of his asshole, pushing down until a smiling little snake-creature was halfway out of his ass.

"No, no, no!"

He squeezed down hard, but the creature was already slithering out of him. The slime coating his asshole didn't help, almost making him force it out, and the sensation of the slippery thing coming free left him gasping. He slumped forward a bit, almost banging his head against the sink, and his cock slapped up against his belly as more of them pressed against his ass.

It was like a cascade of serpents slithering out of him, pushing as hard as they could to get free of his body. They wriggled out, making every little motion to drive him mad. Their slime coated his rim and his prostate, leaving him gasping and drooling as they slipped free of him, wriggling out of his ass, falling onto the floor and slithering over his legs, over his feet.

The bathroom door is shut. Sealed. They can't get out. Toilet...

With a massive surge of effort and willpower, he pulled himself up and leaned on the toilet lid. They wouldn't get out that way, and the drain for the bath wasn't big enough for them to fit down. The sink...he couldn't stop that. Not now.

As the flood of snakes out of his rear slowed, he felt himself panting softer, his breathing coming harder. He groaned, trying to take a deeper breath, but all that came was a shallow gasp.


No air. Need us.

Need us! Do what we say!


Teryx gasped again, his body almost sliding off of the toilet as his cock suddenly throbbed. He felt the passage of one of the snakes sliding down his urethra, making his cock bulge even more than before, and he couldn't stop it. The dragon could only watch as the tip of his cock swelled outwards, the urethra opening as the snake pushed at it from the inside before sloooowly slithering out.

With each successive snake lost, he found it harder and harder to keep himself upright, his breathing coming harder and harder. He knew that he was barely conscious; the diver in him recognized the signs of oxygen deprivation.


He couldn't even speak. It was nothing more than a hiss coming out of him. He looked down, seeing his belly sagging inwards, so much skinnier than before. He couldn't...he was so...


Do what we say!


Host! Obey!_

The dragon couldn't hold himself together, and fell down. As his eyes closed, he vaguely felt the snakes slithering over him. Some forced their way past his lips, some into his ass, some into his cock...

He woke up again, hours later by the sight of the sun through the window. He groaned as he pulled himself up...

And realized that he was in his living room.

_You moved me!

Saved you! Dying.

...So were you..._

The snakes needed him, he realized. Even with this link - and it was getting stronger all the time - he could tell that they were tired, weaker than they had been when they were threatening him. Even if he needed them to live, they needed him as a host this far from their containers. They had been dying just like him when they'd left his body, just slower.

_Need host. Host needs us.

You have me. Leave the others alone.

One host not enough. Need more.


Too many in nest._

He was the nest...he was the one that was carrying them to where they needed to go, and he was the one that was, even now, dooming the rest of the people in this city. If he didn't find some way to contain them -

Make feel good?

The offer was as sudden as it was unexpected. Before Teryx could ask what the hell the snakes meant, he felt another shift inside of him, another little change as one of the snakes started running itself out of his cock. The pressure of something sliding down his shaft led to its own sort of pleasure, and he groaned as he laid back down on the couch the snakes had carried him to.

He had a front-row seat to the swelling of his own cock, getting so much thicker at the base as the snake slithered towards the tip. It was like watching his cock grow in some sort of porn animation, and he couldn't deny that it felt good. The pain that should have been there from something so big sliding through his cock simply wasn't there, overwhelmed by too much pleasure.

The head of the snake pierced through the head of his cock, slithering free, and it wobbled back and forth, making his cock do the same.


Half-curious and half-stunned, the dragon obeyed before thinking about it, pulling his legs off to the side. As soon as he did, the snake parasite lunged downwards, past his balls and -


He bit off the scream before it could get too loud, but he couldn't stop the sensation of pleasure that came with it. The snake had darted down past his balls and into his ass, fucking him with its body. His cock followed, stretching along with the strange creature, and it almost felt like the rigid length was defying physics, the head reaching further and further towards his own ass.

Teryx bit his lip in protest, trying to keep his mind on what he needed to do, what he had to do to keep people safe, but it was so hard when the creature was giving him this sort of pleasure. Their slime made every touch feel so good, and he swore that it was oozing something else right over his prostate. His ass had never felt this loose, this slippery, this slimy, this good before, and it was only getting better as the slippery, slithery thing kept pounding in and out of him, deeper and deeper with each thrust, taking itself to a place that he had never imagined these parasites would ever go.

He felt all the others wriggling around inside of him, even down in his balls. They squirmed, they slithered...and they made him feel good.

_Obedience good, yes?

Don't...don't want to...good..._

Hard to think. Hard to do anything when the creatures were treating him like this. His cock throbbed, oozing pink pre all over the snake, and he could see that his cock was actually bending. Even though it felt hard, it was as floppy and flexible as any time that it had been soft. It pushed down towards his ass, and his eyes went wide just before it -


His toes curled as it slammed into him, his cock so big and so under the control of the snakes that it just slipped right inside of him, ramming into his hole. The combination of being fucked and fucking himself was just...just...

He came. He couldn't stop himself, and he came. The dragon bit down on his fist to stifle his moans as he came that snake right back into himself, and felt two more slither down his cock and up his own asshole before he stopped.

Panting and shaking from the pleasure, the naked dragon Vulnerable. And the snakes took advantage.

He was on his feet before he knew it, and walking towards the door. He was a passenger in his own head again, just as had happened with Boti. And just like before, he knew that something was very, very wrong. As he walked towards the door of his apartment, he saw a note. Something...

_Hey, Teryx,

Heard you're getting back from the latest dive soon. I'll be heading by the apartment as soon as I hear from the captain. Looking forward to sharing a few stories...and reminding you who the best Diver really is, heheh.



The sight of his rival's name filled him with dread, and for all the wrong reasons, besides. Darren shouldn't have been back yet; he thought that the other dragon - a fiery red one, barely even a real Diver but still good enough to get hired as one - wouldn't be back in port for another two weeks.

He's gonna be here any minute, then, Teryx thought as the math added up. Hours since he got home, running off the ship in a way that made no sense. Darren would be around any second to start rubbing it in his face, showing off how good he was, and everything else that the fire dragon loved to do.

Knock, knock.

The snakes in him didn't even bother putting on clothes. Instead, they walked him towards the door, flooding his brain with pleasure, keeping him from even being able to think a protest their way. All he could do was moan in the back of his skull.

Darren shook his head as he waited for the rain dragon to get to the door. He knew that Teryx was only barely back from a dive, but the lazy dragon couldn't be napping already. He wasn't that lazy. Close, but not quite.

He was about to knock on the door again when it opened, and he blinked at the sight before him.

"Geez, I've heard of getting settled, but isn't that taking it a bit too far?"

The blue dragon didn't answer, only staring at him for a few seconds, and Darren took that as permission to stare back.

There'd been no question that Teryx had the better body between them, but this really drove that home in an unfair way. The red dragon had the muscles, admittedly, but the rain dragon's body was much more smooth, more toned than his. It made him really look like a Diver rather than like a bodybuilder.

Was he always that hung? He didn't remember Teryx making such a bulge in his speedo the last time that the two of them had met up at the gym. In fact, he remembered it being smaller than his own, for sure...and definitely not as thick.

Not that he had any real experience with it...

"Anyway, you gonna let me in? I got a lot of stories to talk about, if you're done waving your dick around."


Even sounded weird, but Darren brushed that off as he stepped through the door. He carried a bottle with him - some wine that he'd picked up in port for their chat - and dropped it off on the dining room table. As he stepped a bit further in, he swore that the whole place smelled liked dragon musk, and something...

Something else. He sniffed the air, trying to figure out what it was that was filling his head, but it was just out of reach, just defying definition.

"Hey, Teryx, what is that, some sort of freaky lube or something? It's weird."

The rain dragon whimpered as the snakes took control of his mouth, robbing him of even the chance of warning Darren away. The humiliation of being naked in front of his rival was bad enough; the fact that the snakes were looking at the other dragon with blatant lust wasn't helping matters.

_Don't do this! He -

He is host. Can be changed.

He doesn't deserve that! He's a...a decent person.

Host needed. Memories say not good person. Why object?

This is -_

He was cut off by another mental moan, the creatures flooding his mind with more of their chemical pleasure, even as they gave him a blast of images to go with it. The red dragon pinned down as he was fed with the snakes, his mouth filled with the dripping pink serpents. Darren forced onto his belly, his muscular ass-cheeks parted as the snakes fucked him, filled him, pinked him with their goo and their power. The dragon on his back, drooling happily as the two dragons frotted each other, their cocks oozing all over one another and the snakes slithering all over their cocks.

By the time that he'd managed to clear his head, the snakes were already embracing the red dragon, giving him a hug and getting him to give them one back. The bottle of wine was picked up again, and Teryx could only watch as they guzzled half of it in one massive suck.

He couldn't feel himself getting drunk - the snakes seemed to take that from him - but they did make it look...look cool...

It was getting harder and harder to think, and he was seeing everything through a pink haze now, his eyes glazed over with the same filter as the snakes left on everything. His body wobbled, almost as if it were drunk, and Darren caught him.

"Heh, look at you. You always were a lightweight, you silly drake. How you keep getting paid more than me, I'll never know."


The snakes were still struggling to use his mouth, but they were getting better at it. And they were picking information from his brain to share, worst of all. They knew what they needed to say to pass, at least as a drunken version of him.

And it worked. Darren laughed.

"You get by on looks? Maybe for the guys that like that sort of twinky look you got going on."

Twink...twinky? He felt himself blushing, even as he was aware of the new weight that he had going on in his ass. It felt like it was swelling outwards, rounding with the many parasites that were flooding him...and heavy, too, weighing down his movements. It was more than a little embarrassing, and arousing.

They sat down - his body more clumsily than Darren's - and they started talking. He was barely conscious of what was being said, the parasites flooding him with more and more information, more and more ideas, keeping him from responding with all the things that they had for distractions...

_Big red dragon over him, drooling pink goo from the possession of the snakes...

Big red cock ploughing his ass after taking over the big guy, filling him with snakes, making him ooze more out of his cock...

Circle of possession, sliding into the big red from behind as he fucked, only to come out again...

Circle of hosts..._

And slowly, bit by bit, Teryx faded away, his thoughts themselves overlaid by the powerful pink presence of the many, many snakes inside of him.

Pretty freaking weird to be talking to him like this, Darren thought as he kept up his conversation with the naked dragon. He ain't drunk, but he's definitely weird...and he's never been this comfortable being naked around someone else, I think.

It was too weird. Teryx had something on his mind, or had been doing something to put something in his head, at least. Maybe some sort of drug or something; he was definitely not thinking straight, and all of his words came a bit too late for it to be a real reaction, like he was having to really focus to come up with them. That wasn't normal. Wasn't normal at all.

Darren pretended it was, though. There was something about the eye-candy, after all, and even though he knew that Teryx hadn't been that big before, there was something about that thick cock hanging down between his legs that was fun to look at. The fact that he filled the chair more with that plump ass didn't hurt, either.

But there was only so long that he could hold back. Rivals or not, Teryx was another Diver and a off-and-on friend again, besides.

"Hey, Teryx?"

Another sign that things weren't going well. The dragon took almost five seconds to look up at him, and his eyes were unfocused. No more denying it. Darren shook his head.

"Okay, there's something seriously wrong with you. We should get you to a hospital."


"You need something, man. Look at you. You're naked, you're out of it. You sure ain't drunk; this is something else."

"Don't need...anything...but..."

"But what? This is getting weird."



The red dragon blinked, and in the space of that moment, Teryx leaned forward. Darren felt scaly lips pressing against his own, almost shoving him back into his seat, and for a moment he couldn't think. Seeing the twinky dragon so eager...

But this wasn't him!

He pushed the rain dragon back, rubbing his lips of some weird slime that had been left behind. It was tingly, too...

He looked down at his fingers. Some sort of pink goo. Rubbing it off on his pants leg and doing his best to ignore what it might be - some sort of weird syrup drug, or something - he looked back up -

But Teryx was already on his feet, the naked dragon pumping his cock. Darren stared up at him, not because of the blatant sexuality, but because of what else was coming out.

"What the fuck..."

Snakes. Great pink snakes were slowly pushing out of different places on the rain dragon, one already forcing itself through the opening of the rain dragon's cock, while another was pushing out from under his tail. Two more were using the dragon's ears, and a third was pushing out from his mouth. All of them dripped slime all over the place, and now that he was taking a closer look, he could see that Teryx's eyes had become almost completely pink, just like the slime that was dripping from all the snakes.

"Oh, you...Teryx..."

He had one moment for sadness before the snakes leaped at him.

Darren shouted as he punched one of them heading for his face, but the others were moving just as fast. They slithered across the floor, two of them managing to get to his leg before he could stomp on them, while he mashed the other ones into gooey past on the floor. He reached for his pants -


The dragon that had been Teryx grabbed at Darren's hands, stopping them in place as they tried to reach for the zipper of the black pants. The dragon that had been Teryx held them tight, tighter than Teryx could ever have held them. The power of the nest, the strength of the coils was too much for any normal person to be able to take.

New-host looked at them, and he kept squirming, straining to pull away, but Teryx-host was too strong. The dragon grinned as he watched the slithering, wet trails of the snakes sliding up those pants, almost at New-host's crotch. It wouldn't take long, once they were inside.

Even now, more of the nest was flooding out of him, forming a bed of coils on the ground. Soon, they'd be needed. Soon, they would give the New-host what he needed.

The first sign of infection, the gasp and yelp of something sliding inside. In the back, Teryx-host believed. They were sliding in deep, one of the snakes slithering up the red dragon's rump. As New-host was distracted, Teryx-host pushed him down, using its new strength to pull the red dragon's pants off.

Treated to the sight of the first snake slithering in, Teryx-host drooled, pulling at its cock and enjoying the sight. It was easy for the snake, less easy for the New-host as that thing wriggled and twisted around, making its way in deep from the start. Teryx-host reached down, rubbing more of the pink slime into New-host's hole, making it more slippery, making it more -

"Nnngh! Teryx, stop!"

"No Teryx. Just Teryx-host."

"Stop this! This isn't you! Just - agh!"

And now, the front. Teryx-host looked down as he watched the snake slither down the red dragon's cock, opening it up and leaving the urethra gaping wide open as it went. Only the slime would make that pleasurable in any way, and Teryx-host knew that it would take some time for New-host to get used to it. At the same time, Teryx-host was looking forward to encouraging the corruption and spread of the nest through as many of the Divers as he could.

As soon as the two snakes were inside, New-host was flipped onto his back, left to rest on the bed of snakes. They writhed around him, slithering over his body, covering him in ever-increasing amounts of slime. Teryx-host continued to grin, continued to stroke himself as several of the snakes slithered right down New-host's throat, filling him and keeping him from speaking.

It didn't take long for the slime to start having an effect. New-host was throbbing hard in seconds, and his hole twitched, oozing and relaxing as it gaped wide open. The snakes were desperate to enter, to carve out a new nest for themselves, but they waited. Teryx-host was the one that would seed it. Teryx-host would be the one to give it to them.

The empty rain dragon lowered himself to his knees, pulling the bigger New-host to him. He leaned forward, his cock grinding between those heavy, muscular ass cheeks, his tip sliding through the slime that oozed out of New-host's hole.

"You will become New-host. You will be the second nest."

He slammed in, and both of them broke out in a moan. Teryx-host slammed in faster and faster, fucking the new hole frantically. The feeling of it converting around him, the constant slime oozing from his cock making it both looser and more eager, was amazing. It was so unlike Boti, so different now that it was a proper, suitable host. There was no swelling, no tightening around him; instead, it was a constant shift to loosen, expand, to take their nests inside.

Teryx-host moaned even more as he felt the snakes beneath him slithering up and around his cock, working down it and opening the bigger dragon up even further, the combined thicknesses of his cock and several snakes at once making the red dragon gape wide. No scream came with it; New-host was too busy swallowing snakes down his throat, too busy getting converted by the slime to be able to do anything.

Teryx-host continued thrusting back and forth, his cock so big that it was reaching up towards the dragon's belly, or so it felt. He wasn't sure if the bulges moving around in New-host were his cock or the other snakes that were sliding inside. It could have been either, for how quickly they were seeding him, how fast they were converting him.

In and out, in and out he went, his body moving like a machine. Teryx-host knew that the snakes were not concerned with his pleasure, this time, but only with spreading the nest. His body, however, was more than sufficient to gain pleasure...pleasure that drowned him...drowned out what tiny bit of him remained. He didn't care. He rode that stream of damnation all the way to the end of the road.

In and out, in and out, and soon New-host was clenching on him, taking more. That thick dragon cock throbbed above the red belly, each little throb oozing pre that was increasingly tainted. Thin, colorless stuff was slowly turning pink, slowly turning thicker, darker and more copious.

Teryx-host leaned down, licking it up. The slime was getting there. Soon, it would have the power to turn. Soon, it would have the same lust-building capabilities as his own cock and cum.

Barely minutes later, New-host came. Teryx-host wasn't finished yet, but knew there was more to be done. He pulled out and flipped New-host over, pushing him down so that he was on all fours, his cock dangling over the swarm below. They were already active, already eager, and were quick to use their new entry point as he slammed right back in.

Every thrust came with either a new shot of snakes from his cock or a slithering thrust of the snakes below, and New-host no longer complained. It couldn't. New-host had been taken, its mind fogged up, and was slowly being converted to being a proper nest.

Teryx-host is good...Teryx-host will be rewarded.

He started humping faster, harder. The promise of reward...even in this darkness, even in this confusion, some part of him wanted it. Wanted it more than ever.

When it came, it hit him like a freight train. His back snapped straight so hard it almost felt like it would snap, his body shaking, almost spasming from head to toe as his cock erupted. He bucked in minute tremors, his entire body just going over the edge in the most electric, most violently pleasurable way possible as his cock felt like it was exploding, bursting with cum and snakes shooting down its length. More, more, more hit him until his head felt like it was a cacophony of pleasurable fireworks, his body shivering, his throat clenched from the earth-shattering orgasm.

The sheer release of snakes had exhausted him, leaving him panting, barely breathing again. There were sufficient snakes in him to make it possible to survive...but only barely. He needed to rest...and New-host needed to be converted.


Six hours later...

Teryx-host opened his eyes, and saw the red dragon squatting over a pile of the snakes, the last of them slowly slithering up the red dragon's ass. As the last one disappeared, New-host looked at him, and the pink had spread almost entirely across his eyes.


There was still something of New-host's old personality. No, not New-host. Darren-host. Better name. Better identity, as much as the snakes could understand something along those lines.

Teryx-host stood up, feeling that the snakes had bred enough to keep him on his feet. It was all...all he was aware of anymore.

Teryx-host walked over to the red dragon and kissed him, the two of them sharing a stream of pink between their mouths before they embraced. The pink continued to grow in the red dragon's eyes, the pair of them slowly building their own corruption, their own infection, until there was nothing left. The snakes fed off of each other, built each other up, and the destruction and corruption of Darren-host's old identity was nearly complete in less than a day, far faster than Teryx-host's original identity.


There was more to do. Even the primitive snakes were able to tell that there were many more hosts in the world, many more dragons that were suitable for them to infest. The information was there, in the minds of Teryx-host and Darren-host. An entire thing. A guild, as they called it; the word meant nothing to the snakes, but the connotations did. Home, rest, family, friends, connection. The dragon nest. Which would become their nests.

Already they were filling up, getting stuffed with the snakes that needed more nests of their own, and the two hosts would only be sufficient for so long. They needed more. And they needed hosts besides the dragons that would hold them...somehow.

Teryx-host and Darren-host sat down in the apartment, their cocks oozing out a few snakes to touch each other. Information had to be shared between the different nests, and a plan had to be made.

As they 'spoke', the rest of the nests reached out with their longest members, tongues fucking mouths, and long snakes fucking the hole of the other dragon. The hosts groaned in the depths of their minds, the tiniest bits of them still left reacting to the 'reward' that their nests were giving them. Just as they should be. Just as they always should.

Just as they always would.

The End

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