Café Plaisir: Canid's Adventure #4 - Sinister & Dextus

Story by Dark Violet on SoFurry

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#4 of Café Plaisir: Canid's Adventure

Part 4; where more of the Café is revealed, and more of this darker side! Oh, how these ones have developed over the years... <3

Enjoy!Old Description:

After an unexpectedly rough night, I decide to take Eclipse up on his suggestion, and head to his room that evening. The events there excel all my expectations...

Pokémon © Nintendo

Café Plaisir © Pali Bakufun

Sinister & Dextus

Wet fur dripped warm water onto the carpet floor of Canid's room, high on the top floor of Café Plaisir. The wolf stepped slowly out of the en-suite bathroom, glancing over the view out of the ceiling-to-floor window to his right. The sun was high in the cyan-coloured sky, and yellow light shone brightly over the Café's expansive gardens. From one corner of the room, a black laptop played soft classical music, piano and violin notes dancing over and under each other in a beautiful symphony.

Canid smiled, and pulled a towel from his bed, slinging it over his shoulder. The soft fabric brushed against his back, and the wounds that were there. He winced, reaching around with one paw, barely able to rub the freshly sealed cuts.

It had been a hell of a night, Canid thought with a forced chuckle.

He dried his fur off with the large towel, taking care around his back and thighs, the prevalent areas for the previous nights puncture marks. In a short while, he was dry, and by now the laptop had erupted into full orchestral wonder. Canid smiled over at it - he'd written a story to this piece of music. It was one of his favourites.

Canid returned to his bed, and picked up his shorts which lay beside a needle and thread he'd requested from Jack. He'd stitched up the rip in the fabric, and while it was rudimentary, it wasn't noticeable without close inspection. Proud with a morning's worth of handiwork, he slipped his shorts and the rest of his clothes on.

The music was drawing to a soft conclusion, and he sauntered up to the laptop. Over the screen, the gardens of Plaisir were alive in light and movement. He took a final look at the screen. "I'll see you later, Caroline" he smiled. "I don't know when I'll be back, but it'll probably be late." He hesitated in shutting the screen just for a moment, and gave a small chuckle. "...again."

* * *

The main bar had only a few tables occupied as Canid sauntered up to the counter. The atmosphere was quiet, as if expectant. A clock on one of the walls counted down the few minutes left until five in the afternoon, beyond which time the Café would start serving its evening meals, and the room would fill with customers. An uncertain-looking Chameleon worked his way between the empty tables, tailing a shaggy-haired Luxray, who smiled at Canid as he passed. Behind the varnished wood of the bar, a tall, sleek Typhlosion looked up and grinning.

"Ah, Canid!" greeted Jack eagerly. "Ah see you got your shorts fixed, eh?"

Canid nodded, slipping onto a barstool. "Eventually" He said, placing the needle and spool of thread on the bar. Jack took them, slipping them into a pocket in his apron.

"Well now..." Canid looked up at Jack's words. "It ain't a good night if you don't get the scars to prove it, eh?" Canid giggled, nodding, white hair falling over his cheeks. Jack picked up a glass from behind the counter. "The usual?"

Canid shook his head, holding up a paw. "Nothing for me this afternoon." Jack raised an eyebrow.

"Oh, whatcha got planned this time?"

"Your friend...the one I met last night?" Canid gave Jack an accusing stare, which was batted away by the Typhlosion's smile. "...invited me back to his room today. Says he has others he wants me to meet, among other things."

"I know" Jack replied. Canid blinked. "Now, 'e also told me to tell you to meet him at his room at quarter to ten, tonigh' - no later. WE-09 is jus' down that hall, turn right, then down the stairs marked 'Staff Only' - after that, turn right at the junction, an' jus' follow the numbers." He slipped a small pass along the counter. "You'll need this in case anyone questions you bein' in the employee's zone - you got invited an' all, so it's all legit."

Canidae hesitated to let his mind catch up. He took the pass, inspecting the lettering. "It's dangerous to go alone, take this?"

"Somethin' like that, aye."

Canid put both arms on the bar, looking Jack straight in the eyes. "Does anything go on here that you don't know about?"

Jack folded his arms, grinning. "Not a daym thing"

* * *

Canid stepped back into the Café, nodding at the Gardevoir at the front desk, who stared back impassively. Wiping his paws on the front mat, he sauntered back into the Café. It was strange, he thought, as he headed through the Main Bar - only a couple of nights, and it was beginning to feel so homely.

It wasn't long before he came across the 'Staff Only' staircase he's been told about. He unzipped a pocket in the fabrics hanging from one of his belts, and took out the pass card he'd been given. Kissing it for luck, he descended into the depths.

The following corridor at the bottom... was actually a bit dingier than the previous one, with the lack of sunlight, but apart from that was almost identical. Canid felt a bit let down, in a silly way. Just because places were marked 'Staff Only' didn't mean they were portals to different dimensions, he reminded himself. A little way along, he could see the door leading to a shower area, with steam and water swirling around Pokémon on the other side. He smiled, turned right, and wandered down the hallway.

He read the room numbers as he passed. 03, 04... a Flygon passed him, and Canidae nodded in acknowledgement, gripping his pass card tightly - but he went unchallenged. The Flygon only smiled, opened a room to Canid's left, and went inside.

Canid walked on. The room WE-09 was a little further down on his right.

The doors here were a little different from what he was used to. While it was still the same height and width, the lock was a bit further down, and in addition to the handle there was also a bar beneath it, like a miniature version of those on fire doors. It was only about a foot across, and marked with a number of scratches from use.

It took a few seconds for Canid to realise why it was like that. Normal doors were built for bipedal creatures - humans, Typhlosion, even anthropomorphic wolves could use them. But such a design would be hard to use for ferals. The Café might even have commissioned them especially. Canidae smiled at the ingenious solution, and knocked on the door.

A movement down the corridor caught his attention, but when he looked, nothing could be seen. He must have just seen the Flygon's door closing, he assumed.

The door to WE-09 opened smoothly, making Canid sharply look back. In the half-open doorway stood a large Mightyena, head coming all the way up to Canid's chest. His face's fur was inverted in colour - whilst normal Mightyena had black marks beneath their eyes on grey fur, this particular hyena had grey marks on black fur. The rest of his body seemed a bit darker than the usual too - but this accentuated his eyes, ruby red circles upon bright yellow orbs, shining brightly beneath the dark fur.

Eclipse smiled. "Well, look who's two minutes late..."

"Well at least I'm not introducing myself by attacking you" Canid retorted with a grin. Eclipse huffed, and backed away from the door, gesturing with his head for the wolf to come in.

Slipping the unneeded pass back into his pocket, Canid stepped into the room. It was dark - and the little light there was cast shadows beneath the low tables and counters of the room.

It was a place that had been modified for feral living. Instead of a bed, there was instead a collection of various duvets, blankets, pillows and cushions shoved up against the far wall. Tables and cupboards were low and wide, and any doors had long hardened bars along them, giving purchase to teeth or paws. The central lampshade hung low too, just above Canid's eye level. The furniture, which also included a scratched-up blue sofa across the left-hand wall, left much more wall space, which had been filled with long banners and posters of night time landscapes.

A shape moved from the sofa, and another Mightyena looked up. This one was clearly a bit smaller than Eclipse, and looked a bit younger too. But the most striking difference was the facial markings. While Eclipse's markings had been inverted, this Mightyena's markings were completely different from the norm. A large, black, thick crescent moon covered almost everything on the right side of the face and muzzle with the points encroaching along the left, sitting on grey fur.

As Eclipse tapped the door, letting it shut behind them, the other Mightyena spoke. "So this is the girl you were talking about."

"Canidae, Dextus. Dextus, Canidae." Eclipse said shortly, going to one of the cupboards. He opened it with his mouth, and started to rummage inside.

Canidae smiled. "Hi..." he said shyly. Dextus stood up on the sofa. He was easily just over three feet, about normal for a Mightyena, he expected - but smaller than Eclipse still.

"...what are you?" He said. Dextus' voice was lighter than Eclipse's, and though his attitude was similar, Canid detected an ounce more warmth that was present in the other Mightyena.

"Long story..." Canidae smiled, sitting down on the sofa - he'd felt a bit out of place, standing in a room meant for ferals. Dextus sat back on his haunches. "I don't come from around here, but I'm called a wolf."

"Well, I'm Dextus, as you've been told by the giant over there." He nodded at Eclipse, who pulled out a large, embroidered piece of dark red cloth, and tossed it over his back. The Café's name was displayed on the bottom.

Canid nodded. "He is a tad big, isn't he...?" He said quietly to Dextus. The smaller Mightyena smiled and nodded.

Eclipse looked at the wolf. "You'd know it" he said flatly, and went back to adjusting the cloth.

Dextus laughed, and Canidae looked at him. "Yeah, he's told all about last night. But don't worry. You're secret's safe with us."

Canid sat back, looking sceptically at him. "You do realise that some may have called that rape..."

"It's not called rape if you enjoy it." He replied.

"Well, me personally, sure" Canidae retorted, "But you should be careful. I mean, while I'm not going to pretend I'm not a stranger to this land, I'm pretty sure that rape's still illegal here..."

"Well..." said a female voice to his right. The door - which had been held slightly open - suddenly swung the rest of the way open, and a third Mightyena walked in slowly, eyeing the wolf. "There's legal...and then there's what us dark types do." She grinned.

This new Mightyena was similar in size to Dextus, but had the slight feminine build typical of a female feral. A red-purple cloth, similar to Eclipse's, was slung over her back, bearing Plaisir's logo. As she looked Canidae over, he saw how her facial markings were again different from the norm. The left half of her face was black, the fur curling around into a crescent as it made its way to the right, covered in grey fur. It looked like a mirror image of Dextus' face.

Canidae was about to introduce himself, when the Mightyena looked over at Dextus. "Hey, Dex, wanna get on clean-up duty while I take all my stuff off?" Dextus nodded, smiling, and jumped down from the sofa and padded over to her. As she turned around, she raised her tail, giving Canid a good view of her crotch - wet, glistening, and dripping white cum. Evidently, this new Mightyena was one of Plaisir's bedroom waiters.

As the wolf watched, Dextus went straight for it - long tongue lapping at the Mightyena's cunt eagerly, eliciting moans from the other end. Canid blushed immediately, and looked away, his gaze falling onto Eclipse.

He sat on his haunches, watching the spectacle. His blood red cloth had been secured over his back, and he looked to Canid.

"Canidae, meet Sinister. Sinister, Canidae the wolf."

"Hello-ohhh..." Sinister moaned.

Instantly, he got it. The similarity in build, markings, age - they could have been coincidences. But the names too - Sinister and Dextus - Latin for left and right (or at least, close enough), just like the side of the face their crescent was on.

Canidae's gaze flicked between the two of them and Eclipse's grinning face. "Are you and sister?"

"Twin brother and sister..." Eclipse replied.

There was a loud gasp from the Sinister as her brother pressed his muzzle against her crotch. Canidae fell back to speechlessness. He never knew that such a pairing would be allowed - but then, like Sinister had said, there's legal...

"When you two have finished..." Eclipse interrupted, "you may be interested to know that Mom sent a message for us earlier. I thought I'd leave it for when we're all here."

This just got better and better, thought Canidae. Eclipse, the older brother of twin sister and brother...all living together in Café Plaisir.

With a sigh, Dextus drew back, licking his muzzle. Sinister lowered her tail, and turned around. She'd taken her cloth from her back, and with a toss, it span through the air to land in the cupboard near Eclipse. She grinned at Dextus, and gave the Mightyena a quick lick on the muzzle. "Okay, let's play it" she said.

Eclipse stood up, and walked over to near a screen set into one of the walls. He put a paw on a pad beneath it, and it sprang into life, showing a menu. While he navigated the options, Sinister jumped up on the sofa next to Canid and sat down. Eclipse hit a play button on the pad, and backed off.

On the screen appeared the picture of an older Mightyena, a female. Her markings were almost typical, but her right eye had a scar-shape of black fur over it, instead of the normal marking underneath. The mother of the family.

"Hi there, you three." She started. Her voice was lower than Canid expected - but then, the Mightyena was a relatively new species to him. "I thought I would give you an update on how we're doing. Cyan's heading off to the next city; I think she wants to try out at the next Gym. I guess we all impressed her so much at the last one, though I think I could have done better if I'd been given more time..."

"Our Mom's part of a party," Eclipse explained as the message continued. "Her trainer's travelling - has been since she was ten, so we've been told. She settled down for a while a few years ago when our Mom gave birth to us, but I found a job here and when I brought these two along, Cyan was off like a bullet seed."

"You brought them along?" Canidae asked, surprised.

"It was hardly a gamble..." Dextus chipped in. "He caught us. It was her fault, she barks too loud." He waved a paw at Sinister, who snapped at him playfully.

"I'd already been here for a while." Eclipse continued. "When they reached the age to work here, I invited them to try out for jobs. They moved in a week later."

"Who's your father?"

"Only she knows. She doesn't talk about him much; he seems to be more a secret lover than a husband. Cyan and Mom are more than good enough parents though - not that any of us would tell them the details of where we work, or what we do anyhow..."

"They don't know?" Canidae asked, ears perking up in surprise.

"Oh, that'd be a fun conversation..." replied Sinister sarcastically. "Oh hey Mom, you know those jobs we all got? It's at this whore house on the plains. It's actually very nice, especially in the evenings when Dex and I get to fuck each other as much as we want. Sometimes even Eclipse joins in. You should let him try you out Mom, he really knows his way around a cunt..."

Canidae managed a nervous giggle, drowned out by Dex's laugh as he lay on the floor, looking back at his sister. The wolf smiled as he looked around at the family of Mightyena - they clearly enjoyed being with each other, and were closer than friends - and by their actions, closer than siblings. It seemed a rough, playful harmony.

The message was drawing to a close. "...and Crimson gives his love too - especially to you, Sinister. Arcanine aren't subtle when it comes to that kind of stuff, but it's about time you got a boyfriend."

"Get with the times, Mom" Sinister laughed at the screen. Canid couldn't help but admire the irony of what their mother had said.

"I'll update you again when we reach the next city, or when Cyan finds another campsite she just has to go stay at. Take care, all of you." She licked the air in front of her, which Canidae assumed was the feral's version of blowing a kiss, and the screen froze as the message ended.

"Well, now that's over, my shift's about to start" Eclipse said, standing up. He tugged a bit at his cloth, and then turned to the other two, nodding at Canid, who blinked in mild surprise. "Don't worry about her, she can take her fair share of punishment - and then some..."

The larger Mightyena padded to the door, and pulled down on a hanging piece of rope near to it, that was attached to a pulley system. The door clicked and swung open, letting Eclipse trot through and off down the corridor.

Canidae looked to Sinister and Dextus. The twins were eyeing the door as it slowly pivoted about its hinges, finally shutting with another soft click.

"Right" Sinister said, looked at Canidae, "How do you want to do this, Dex?"

"We can start by seeing exactly what we're going to be working with..." he replied, standing up and walking to the sofa.

Canidae blushed, resisting the urge to gulp. "Hey, come on now, I..." but he got no further as Dextus leapt up onto the sofa, teeth curling around the join in Canid's belts. With a few shakes from his head, it separated, letting the Mightyena pull them from his hips.

Meanwhile, Sinister had started on Canid's top, pressing her paws onto the wolf's chest as she roughly began to pull the black fabric over his head. Canidae tried to protest, but it was clear that neither of them were about to change their minds in a hurry.

Sinister pulled the rest of Canid's top over his head, and tossed it to the floor after his belts. Now, only his shorts were left covering him. Canid shivered - not through cold, but with the realisation that - these two hyenas thought that he was a girl...

But again - there was no time for any protest. As Sinister stood over him, Dextus grabbed the hem of Canid's shorts, and roughly pulled them down his hips, revealing his white-furred sheath, and the pink tip of his cock.

"Come now, my darling brother Eclipse..." Sinister said, grinning at the sight of Canid's crotch. "You thought you could fool us?" She lowered her head and slipped a long, canine tongue around the tip of Canid's member, letting her saliva drip onto the sensitive flesh. The wolf moaned in pleasure.

As he watched, Dextus jumped up onto the other side of Canid, back paw on the wolf's leg, front paw on his chest. He stepped forwards, smiling mischievously at him. Canid's eyes were drawn to Dex's crotch, were his grey sheath was retracting over a growing cock. Dextus stepped forwards further, one paw on the back of the sofa, the other pushing Canid's head down towards the pink member.

Canid opened his mouth as the tip touched his lips, letting Dextus thrust in suddenly with a sigh of pleasure. Canid echoed it as Sinister drew his own cock into her mouth, the flesh lubricated with the copious amounts of her saliva.

Dextus was quickly taking things his own way, grunting as he thrust his cock into Canid's mouth. Canid remembered how he had been licking out his sister before, how much he must have been turned on by that, and wondered just how strongly he'd had to resist jumping something. The sexual energy was now being released on him, Canidae feeling the rest of his cock slide out of his sheath as Dextus mercilessly humped Canid's muzzle.

Sinister's actions were slower, more deliberate as she enjoyed Canid's taste, sucking forcefully on his cock, but with a deliberate, savouring slowness. She put a paw on his balls, and Canid almost thrusted into her mouth as a ripple of pleasure spread through his body.

A spurt of pre - Canid swallowed it instinctively, as Dextus crouched a bit more, stopping briefly to let another one splash onto Canid's tongue, who murred in response. Canid tried to look at either of them, but his vision was obscured by Dex's grey crotch, and his own long white hair that had fallen over his face. Dextus gripped the back of the wolf's head with his paws, and continued to hump his muzzle, letting out another long sigh of pleasure.

It was only after a while that Dex pulled out, so abruptly that Canid jumped, the movement thrusting his cock into Sinister's maw, the Mightyena growling and pressing her own muzzle down, taking him right to the knot, which had almost grown to full size. Dex released Canid's head, and the wolf blinked, looking up at the brother.

"Hey, Sin, let me at that, I want to see what it's like"

Sinister pulled off Canid's cock. "Okay, but I'm getting the cum, got it?" Canidae didn't blush this time; he'd already gotten used to the attitude of the twins.

Sinister left Canidae's cock, stepping up onto his stomach, allowing Dextus to dive in behind her, closing his maw around Canid's tip, another moan from the wolf as he did so.

When Canid opened his eyes again, Sinister was facing him, almost muzzle to muzzle. With a smile, she spontaneously locked maws with him, pressing her tongue into his mouth.

Canid raised a paw, holding the back of her head, finally getting an ounce of control on the situation. He pressed against her muzzle, holding the kiss tight. Sinister was doing the same thing she had done with his cock, her movements slow and deliberate as she tasted the wolf. Canid made his movements the same, allowing their tongues to slowly rub over each other in a delicate symphony of movement.

A sudden moan from Canidae, as Sinister's hips suddenly pressed against his member, her wet lips sliding over his knot as Dextus continued his bobbing up and down the flesh. If this continued much longer, Canid thought, then he'd...he'd...

"Hey, Dex" Sinister broke the kiss, and looked back, moving her hips from Canid's cock. Dextus released the pink member and looked up, Canid panting as he moved away from the precipice of orgasm. "I got a better idea."

"Tell me" Dextus sat back, licking his lips.

"Wolf, you lie on the floor."

"Hey..." complained Canidae. "Don't I get a say in this?"

"Nope," Replied Sinister, stepping off the wolf, "now hurry up; none of us are getting any less horny."

Canidae pushed himself off the sofa, and down onto the floor, lying in the middle of the room. Sitting up, he watched Sinister jump down from the sofa, and approach Canid from his tail end. Again with a deliberate slowness, Sin padded her way up his torso, until her head was level with his. She looked back between them as she lowered her hips - letting her cunt slip along Canid's cock. The wolf cried out at the tease.

Canidae heard Dextus jump down, and move around to his head. "And this gives me two muzzles to play with, huh?"

"You got it, bro." Sin grinned at Canid, licking his muzzle. Canidae panted a bit, giving her a quick kiss, as Dextus climbed over the both of them, mounting his sister from the front.

Dextus placed his hindpaws beside Canid's head, his balls hanging down, brushing along his hair as he rubbed his cock along his and Sinister's muzzles. Sinister laughed, taking her brother's cock in her jaws, and let her tongue manoeuvre the length down into her maw. Canid grinned - it was clear she'd had practise.

Oh gods, Canid thought suddenly. She hadn't just had practise with her mouth. Slowly, Canid felt the Mightyena press her hips back, her wet lips sliding over his cock, the pink length penetrating her with a teasing, agonising slowness.

The wolf let a cry out, laying his head back. His eyes only just open, he watched Dextus resume the rapid thrusting he'd done on Canid, his length appearing and disappearing as he hammered Sin's muzzle. Sinister's eyes were closed as she concentrated on sucking her brother's cock, and slowly taking Canid beneath her.

Finally, the female Mightyena reached Canid's knot with her lips. The wolf moaned again as she squeezed her lips around him, rubbing his cock inside her.

Canid slipped his arms around Sinister, gripping her tight as she began to slide her hips up and down his cock. Finally, the wolf thought with relief, she'd stopped focusing on every small movement, and began to move as eagerly as Dextus, still humping her muzzle. Canid's fingers gripped the long black fur on her back, and felt Dextus hook his forepaws over his arms.

The three of them were like that for no more than a minute, the furious movements from each as all emitting moans and murrs signifying approaching orgasms. When one of the furry time-bombs would explode, the others were sure to follow.

It was Dextus who came first - all the Mightyena's pent up sexual energy and desire being emitted in one loud cry, followed by a gagging sound coming from Sinister's muzzle as his cock exploded with cum. He continued his ferocious humping, but Sinister drew back quickly, drinking the load in her mouth, letting the rest of it spurt over both hers and Canid's bodies, covering their fur with the brother's sticky white seed.

Canid came next - it was inevitable. Just as Dextus' cum splashed over the two of them, Sinister sat back roughly, Canid's cock squeezing inside her, stretching her lips wide. Canid's cock throbbed, jumped once, before the wolf howled in ecstasy as he spurted his own hot seed deep into Sinister's depths.

Sinister came almost immediately afterwards, her inner walls contracted around Canid's cock as she milked him for his seed, eyes closed, mouth dripping with drool and cum as she panted for breath along with the other two.

Eventually, they all came down from their orgasms. Dextus' and Canid's flows reduced to small trickles, and Sinister relinquished the tight grip on Canid inside her. Canid's ears were filled with the sounds of each of them gasping for air, exhausted.

After a few minutes of lying in the fruits of their efforts, Dextus sighed, standing up. His cock, now hanging limp and still dripping beneath him, pushed himself up, off the two bodies beneath him, and sat back on his haunches with a grin on his muzzle. "Having fun, you two?" he asked.

Canid giggled, looking back. Sinister gave an air-lick to Dextus, who batted it away with a paw - and went in for a proper one. Canid blushed again as the twins kissed above him, but eventually Sinister broke it off.

"You obviously did, anyway" Sin winked.

Dextus licked his lips, tasting the cum that had rubbed off on him. "Fuck yes."

Canid pushed himself up, and Sinister rolled onto one side with him. She gave one or two experimental tugs at her hips, the squelching sounds telling that they were stuck together. "Hey, wolf, you might want to hold onto something" she said, and before Canid had a chance to comply, she put all four paws on him, and pulled abruptly.

Canidae let out another moan of pleasure as his cock popped out of Sinister's lips, cum leaking out onto the soft carpet underneath them. She sighed in pleasure, and rolled over, standing up on all fours.

Canid lay on his side, face and chest covered in cum, his cock dripping with his own, as he watched the two siblings. Sinister lay down next to Dextus, and leaned her head against his paws. Dextus stroked a paw along his sister's short mane, and leaned down to lick her cheek.

"I love you" he said, softly.

Sinister rolled over, grasped his head in her paws and kissed him on the lips. "I love you too" she laughed, and then glanced over at Canid.

The wolf smiled. "I guess I better leave you two lovebirds at it, huh?" he suggested, but Sinister shook her head.

"Don't you start. Dex, get the lights." She rolled over and got up. Dextus padded to a low switch on the wall, and pressed it with on paw. The lights dimmed, plunging the room into a low twilight.

Sinister nodded her head at the pile of cushions against one of the walls, and started off, waving her tail at Canid, letting the wolf catch glimpses of her lips, now soaked with his own cum. Canid smiled and sat up, pushing himself after her and onto the cushions.

The female Mightyena grabbed a light, soft blanket in her teeth, and pulled it over the both of them. Dextus nosed his way under too, climbing in next to his sister, who lay between the two males now. Sinister's smile could only just be seen in the darkness.

"Welcome to the family" She said quietly, and pulled the blanket over their heads.

Café Plaisir: Canid's Adventure #5 - Ceylon

**Ceylon** "What about him?" "Quite subby, lahk's people ta play a lil' rough wit' him. Odd fer a Houndoom, ah know, but that jus' makes him kinda special. If you're looking fer a dom, then he ain't fer you, ah'm afraid." Canid nodded. He clicked...

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Café Plaisir: Canid's Adventure #3 - Eclipse

"So, how big was it?" "The waterfall, or the hidden cave?" The two canines sat on a carefully crafted wooden bench in Café Plaisir's Inner Garden. It was early afternoon, and the high sun glinted off the vast, curved solar mirror high above them....

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Café Plaisir: Canid's Adventure #2 - Firenze

Canidae sat back in his chair, his long grey tail slipping from side to side behind him, the white underside appearing gold in the light of the bar. He lifted his glass to his lips and took a drink, the sweet, alcoholic liquid slipping into his wet...

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