Sword of St. Michael #17
#49 of Sampson and Devilah
Faniel, the Stumbled Angel
"I Get Knocked Down, But I Get Up Again. You're Never Gonna Keep Me Down..."
In which frankly the story gets it's loose ends tied up and a future story is set up. Epilogue still to come though. Maybe tonight as it's totally finished!
| And without further ado, they ran through the portal and found themselves in the wilds of Skyrim. The stars still shone, though a faint glow at the eastern border hinted at a sunrise to come while the glow from the portal abruptly vanished. The three sat down to decide what to do next. | |
| "Funny thing about that voice," Faniel was saying as the other two caught their breath. "It really doesn't sound much different than the Creator's voice. I wonder... Oh, no matter. I guess you two may have some questions for me."
"Well, yeah!" Devilah started. "Like, for instance, who are you and how did you manage to find your way to us in Hell?!"
Faniel smiled a genuine smile that even Devilah could not suspect of hiding anything. "Well, Devilah. I am... or at least I was until recently... your Guardian Angel."
"My what?" Devilah started. | |
| "Oh yes. As soon as you prayed to my Lord that night, you became a mortal... of sorts. And all mortals need a Guardian Angel. I just happened to be nearby and free, so I was assigned to your case. Also, I have a vested interest."
Sampson asked, "I would think you'd be a little more... furry."
"Afraid not. Devilah's not really a Khajiit you know. We don't have any Angels that fit her particular... species. She's a bit unique in that respect. But I was chosen and tried to do my best. Unfortunately, you required a bit more than Guardianship. So I was transfigured into this body so I could help more directly. And to take care of another matter."
"Well, it's a good thing you were! Thanks Faniel," Devilah said. | |
| Faniel sighed. "You had the power all along, Devilah. But you wouldn't have believed it. Besides, I'm kinda being punished anyway. I'm not exactly a 'fallen' angel. More like a 'stumbled' angel. I have to serve a penance anyway for something I did."
"You? But you're an Angel, aren't you?"
"Used to be. Now I'm kinda in-between. Mortal, but destined to return to Angelhood when I complete my penance. Really kinda like you Devilah. You're mortal now too. The sword indicates you're destined for Good, so you've got that going for you. But you need to be more careful now. You've lost the immortality of the Hellspawn I'm afraid. Now you're just another mortal like Sampson." | |
| "So... what? I'm like a Khajiit now?"
"Oh, no... no... you're still a Succubus. Can't change basic nature. You're just a mortal succubus. Still have to do the whole sucky sucky, fucky fucky thing."
Sampson tried to assure her, "It's okay Devilah. I can provide all you need!"
Devilah looked up at the big man with a wan smile. "Sampson, we're going to have to have a long talk. You're like a fine steak. Maybe the best food a Succubus can ask for, and plenty of it... but... They say man cannot live on bread alone. Or steak." | |
| "Wait, so you mean you'll still..."
Devilah held her hands out, pleading for understanding. "Sampson, I love you dearly. But it's my nature. I can't help myself. And if I were to promise not to, I'd be lying to you. Try to understand!"
Sampson turned to the ex-angel. "But, what about sin? Fornication prohibitions? All that?"
Faniel shrugged. "Look Sampson, the Creator gave each creature it's own special place in the world. You are of a species that mates for life - well, at least optimally. Devilah isn't. The rules meant for one species don't necessarily apply to another. She kinda has to fornicate. Calling it a sin would be like calling pissing a sin. It might be distasteful to you, but you're sure going to do it, regardless. Afraid you two are going to have to work this one out on your own. All I can tell you is that you will."
"What, do you know the future Faniel?" Sampson asked the angel, a bit angrily which even he knew she didn't deserve.
"I used to. Before I became mortal. But the memory fades the longer I stay here." | |
| Devilah held Sampson close. "We can, you know. If we really try. I know it's not in your nature to tolerate someone like me. But, we can try at least, right?"
Sampson looked down at the eyes, now bright with hope. "Yes, Devilah. We'll try."
"Good! I'm getting a little... peckish," Devilah said, dropping to her knees and gobbling up his manhood.
"Whoa! Hold on a second Devilah!" Faniel said, eyes looking aside. "There is such a thing as propriety you know!"
"Oh, I'll do him properly!" Devilah said around a full mouth, which was getting fuller every second.
"No... propriety! As in, a proper place and time!" | |
| "Ulp... Oh. Sorry," Devilah said, releasing Sampson. "I thought as my Guardian Angel, you've already seen all this stuff..."
"Well, it's only been a day. And that was before I became mortal! Now, it's kinda weird for me. I get all... tingly. I dread to tell you what shaking his penis did to me!"
"And please, please Devilah - give me some warning first! That's my only one!" laughed Sampson.
"Fair enough. Faniel, I owe you a lot! But it's going to get weirder if we don't find you and Sampson some clothes pretty soon."
"I think I see a cabin up there. Any idea where we are?" asked Sampson. | |
| The angel shook her head. "Not a clue."
"Well, let's head up there for lack of anyplace else to go. Maybe we can find some clothes for you two there," Devilah said.
"None for me, thanks," replied Faniel. "I won't be needing any while I'm here."
"That may make for some interesting encounters with the locals, you know. Not to mention the weather." Devilah noted.
"So will the wings, but I'm not going to cover what I am. It's not in my nature. Smacks of deceit. As for the weather, I'm immune. As are you I believe?"
"Pretty much. Say, Faniel. What was it that got you in trouble anyway?"
"I... well, I sorta lost the sword here in the first place. That's why I was available to be your Guardian Angel. I was tracking the Sword's essence." | |
| "And your penance?"
"I've got to recover it," Faniel said. "I know it's still here in Skyrim, but I'm afraid I've no clue where. I get a very general sense of it's direction, but it feels like it's far, far away."
"But I've got my sword here in my inventory. Maybe it will return?" Sampson asked as they headed for the cabin.
Faniel shook her head. "It must occupy some object, that is true. But that blast from Agrat sent it off out of Hell into... something else, somewhere else."
"Another sword?" Sampson asked.
"Most likely. It tends to prefer things like that."
"Speaking of swords, you'd better get yours out Sampson. No telling whats in that cabin. Though it does look empty," Devilah suggested.