Kibben's Musk Farm

Story by Muskwalker on SoFurry

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Kibben walked past the rows of stalls, trying to find the scent he needed. The musk farm by its nature was a rather fragrant place, but the beaver's nose was keener than most and he could always pick out the smell he was looking for.

The farm was well known for being able to provide exotic scents on demand, thanks to the many furs whose scents the beaver had been cultivating. Every person who came to serve as livestock was given free rein to pursue whatever sort of lifestyle they could manage in the small spaces that were afforded to them. Some lived simple, unwashed lives, letting their own natural scent accumulate over time. Others would seek out filth, piss, and sex as ingredients in their brand. A very few even tried to sell the scent of their cleanliness, though they did find themselves in low demand; Kibben's Musk Farm was primarily a place where slobs were cultivated.

The beaver himself kept a professional appearance for the sake of his clients. Nothing too formal, because it could be a messy job indeed, but business casual at the least--khakis and dark collared shirts tucked in under his paunch, and sometimes a bright power tie to make his short stature look a little more respectable for prestigious customers... like today's.

Mr. X-- (who refused to put his real name on any of Kibben's paperwork) was at the top of the VIP list thanks to the many extravagant parties he furnished with bottles of Kibben's stock. That was, at least, the rumor he'd heard; the beaver respected the tiger's patronage too much to question into his privacy.

Today's order was an even taller one than usual.

So Kibben followed his nose past stall after stall of stinking, filthy, wallowing manbeasts in search of his top producer--one of the first to join the stables. He found him housed in one of the larger stalls at the end of the row, partly as a place of honor but chiefly to give room to his endowments: the rat-tanuki hybrid had a scrotum large enough to hinder his mobility, and the farmhands would move him to bigger quarters from time to time as his continuing growth demanded.

The ratnuki in his stall was leaning against the back wall, his eyes closed and a blissful expression on his masked face as he pointed his dick straight up in the air, a thick stream of piss arcking up and drenching that beanbag ballsack of his.

Kibben waited a moment for him to finish... waited a bit more... then decided he didn't have all day and interrupted the big hybrid: "Good morning, Shiloh."

Shiloh opened an eye and grinned big as he playfully swung his piss stream towards the beaver. "Heya boss. Come for a drink?" He laughed a bit as the beaver blushed--Kibben tried not to get playful with his livestock, but he found Shiloh irresistible and Shiloh knew it.

"Sorry," he said. "Here for business this time."

"Oh? More for me, then." The ratnuki pointed his dick over the curve of his gut and aimed the remainder of his piss into his muzzle as the stream died down.

Meanwhile, Kibben rolled a cart with a multi-gallon barrel and a sponge hanging off it into the stall and pulled up a stool, taking a seat facing Shiloh's massive balls.

The beaver started rubbing the sponge through layers of sweat and piss and cum that had accumulated over the hybrid's furry scrotum. Every few strokes, he held the sponge over the barrel and just started wringing out all the fragrant material, that pure deep musk.

"I swear you just come in to tease me sometimes," Shiloh said. "C'mon, rub those balls like you mean it."

Despite the accusation, Kibben knew Shiloh was more likely to tease him than the other way around. He knew of the beaver's fascination with his balls, the massive orbs that left him drooling sometimes. They could take a beating and it wouldn't bring him any pain, though it often made his shaft double its output of precum--which was almost an even bigger weakness for the beaver than just the hybrid's balls themselves.

Still... He pushed in deeper as he scoured the ratnuki's ballsac for more of the accumulated musk, pressing in deep on those heavy testicles as the stink of him was worked loose and found its way further into his nostrils.

Smell a guy enough and you can feel him inside of you as well as out.

Shiloh's sturdy shaft was indeed leaking big drops of pre now, making Kibben's mouth water. Such a shame I'm on the job and can't enjoy that right now, he thought, taking the sponge to the ratnuki's dick and giving it a few strokes to soak up the flow of precum.

"Now that's what I'm talking about," Shiloh said, rocking his hips to hump the sponge slowly. "Gonna milk me? I've been so pent up..."

Most of Kibben's stock were allowed to get off anytime they liked, but the top producers were told not to squander their valuable resources, since they might be needed at any time. Kibben squeezed the load of pre out into the barrel.

"It is a big order," he said. "Yeah, we're going to need everything you've got."

Shiloh huffed with excitement as his boss unmoored the milking apparatus from its place on the wall and secured it in place around his dick. As the beaver set the milker in motion, he moved his own seat up to the ratnuki's side, drawing the sponge along his soft furry underarm.

"Oh, you take good care of me," the hybrid said, closing his eyes and grinding against the milker slowly as it worked him over. "Wish it were your ass, though... would love to slide under that cute little tail... flood you with spunk... add the smell of your hole to my musk..."

Kibben adjusted his growing arousal and tried not to give in to the ratnuki's words, but Shiloh knew how to push his buttons all too well.

"Mmm... remember what it was like before you made it big? You and me had more time to play... Used to make you waddle from all the cum I pumped into you, remember that?"

Kibben remembered. He leaned over the bigger hybrid's chest to reach his other underarm, loading up his sponge with the accumulated musky sweat, and Shiloh took the opportunity to lean forward, his long muzzle at the beaver's ear: "We can do it right now."

The beaver froze for a full second, and there was silence in the stall aside from the steady pump of the milking machine.

"I-- I'm working, Shiloh..."

"What you're doing now is hardly more professional."

"But the order--"

"Strip." That deep voice, low and firm, in the beaver's ear, made his dick throb.


"Strip. And get the milker off before I blow. This load's for your hole."


"Do it."

Kibben slid off the hybrid's chest, dropped the sponge in the barrel with a splash, knocked the milker unceremoniously away from Shiloh's cock, and hurriedly worked to undo his tie and scramble out of his clothes, hanging them over the stall gate.

The ratnuki lay where he was, arms behind his back, watching his keeper's fastidiousness with some amusement. "C'mon, Kibs."

With some muttered grumbling about stupid sexy distracting beasts, the beaver clambered up on Shiloh's balls, straddling them and leaning over the bigger fur's thick cock. "Mmm... it has been a while, hasn't it?" He gave the ratnuki's shaft a few slow strokes to firm it back up and slicken it with the free-flowing precum, before slowly easing his weight down onto it.

Shiloh exhaled slowly as he felt himself sink into the beaver's hole, his balls tensing with increased arousal. "Ooh... fuck, boss." Kibben's tightness was intense, and the ratnuki grabbed his hips to stop him from grinding any further, lest he lose it too soon. "So fucking tight... How long has it been? With anyone?"

The beaver reddened and didn't answer.

"That long, eh?"

Shiloh could practically feel the intensity of the beaver's blush through his dick.

"That long?" He ground his shaft deep into Kibben's tight hole. "Well. We'd better be making up for lost time, then."

He held the beaver's hips and started thrusting upwards, his massive balls rocking back and forth against his rump with each motion. The smell of sex intensified, rising above even the riotous background of Shiloh's musk. Kibben shook with each thrust, weak-kneed as the ratnuki's girth stretched open his rump in a way that he hadn't felt since that last time, so long ago.

And he remembered what had happened that time, what was going to happen again--any second now.

Shiloh huffed again, and Kibben could tell--by the way the grip on his hips tightened, by the way the hybrid's body tensed up under him, by the audible churn of cum in that beanbag ballsack--that his climax was coming.

And yet, just like the last time, it was impossible to really prepare for that onrush of seed, that first gallon blasting in and filling his ass already to a painful degree--even though it was but a fraction of the hybrid's capacity.

The beaver gripped Shiloh's hips with his legs as the flood continued, his belly visibly swelling more with every shot of cum, his whole body filling out with the hybrid's release. He panted hard as he tried to keep it all in.

"Fuck-- fuck--" Kibben held the sides of his gut as it bloated up past beach-ball size proportions, obscuring Shiloh's face from view. The beaver panted hard and fast, his flat tail thumping Shiloh's massive balls as his body tried to resolve the intense pressure into either intense pain or intense pleasure; the only thing he was sure of was that his dick, buried somewhere under the heavy globe of his gut, was rock-hard.

He tried, unsuccessfully, to fight the rising tide of cum making its way up his throat--fortunately for him, the hybrid's climax finally died down a few moments later.

Shiloh rubbed his paws over the big beaver cumball filling his vision as the poor beast coughed up enough cum to clear his airway. "See what all work and no play gets ya? You could've been a pro at this by now."

"Shiloh," Kibben said.


"Why did I let you talk me into this-- I'm not going to be able to fill Mr. X--'s order-- all this wasted--"

"Calm down, boss." The ratnuki thumped the beaver's sloshy round gut. "It's not like you're keeping this."

Kibben looked over his belly again with renewed dismay, as though seeing it for the first time. "Fuck, and it'll take me hours to get presentable now too..."

Shiloh growled and shoved both paws into the taut ball belly, making the barely-contained gallons of cum wobble.

"Shiloh, what--"

Shiloh pushed harder, and his boss yelped out as pressurized cum forced out of his ass and blasted out across the ratnuki's balls. "See? You'll get it all back. Just let it out."

The beaver whimpered, face red, as the thought of letting it all out anywhere but in private had clearly never occurred to him. It took a few more moments of the hybrid pushing on his gut before he gave in and leaned forward on his own gut, raising his tail as he felt the flood of thick cum rushing out of him, drenching the lower half of the hybrid and spattering spent cum across half the room.

As the beaver's bloat subsided, Shiloh took hold of him, nuzzling at him gently while the outflow from his ass died down, leaving only a slight trickle onto the ratnuki's balls. Kibben rested from the ordeal for a few moments before remembering himself, sliding off the ratnuki and back into his clothes, which were now hopelessly cum-stained.

He sighed and went back to his original task, wiping the massive balls down and collecting all the used cum in the big barrel, working in silence as Shiloh lay back, resting up for his next load.

In the end, it was more than enough. Kibben hefted the big barrel back onto the cart and took a moment to lean over it, breathing in the thick, concentrated scent of the ratnuki's musk--which his discerning nose could easily tell was tinged with the scent of himself. To most people the mix of fluids would just convey Shiloh's strength, but for him it would always be a memory of...

He looked back at the big hybrid as he pushed the cart out of the stall.

Shiloh was already pissing himself again. "Hey boss... tell me you'll come around more often."

Kibben stopped and inhaled deeply, once again taking in the mixed scent from the barrel.

"Of course I will... Of course I will."

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