Spring Break - Part 3

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#3 of Spring Break

Jeff could never have imagine that only a few days ago he felt like the most miserable wolf in the world. After Lazlo broke up with him, he felt like he reached a new low in life; being dumped by a cheating boyfriend in front of the whole school; it was terrible, but as bad as he felt that day, he now felt like he was on top of the world. His tiger friend Zack had come over, shown him how everyone at school now hated Lazlo, and had confessed his true feelings for the wolf, telling him that he'd had a crush on him for years, but did not say anything because he respected the fact that he and Lazlo were in a relationship together, but once that fell apart, he had to ask the wolf how he felt. Much to his surprise and joy, Jeff agreed to go out with him. It wasn't long before the two boys were in bed getting to better know one another. It had only been one day that they were together, but it felt like a lifetime.

Lying in bed together, Jeff and Zack, without any clothing on either of them, basked in the warmth of each other. Zack purred loudly as his wolf boyfriend licked at his face, causing him to close his eyes and purr even louder. Zack whispered in the tiger's ear.

"Does my kitty cat like that?" he said with a teasing tone.

"Yes, he does," answered Zack. "God, these past twenty-four hours have been the best of my life."

"Feelings mutual," said Jeff. "I should have gone out with you years ago instead of Lazlo."

"Wow," said Zack, opening his eyes in surprise. "You serious about that?"

"Sure am," said Jeff, rubbing the tiger's chest. "Looking back, I think we were together because we simply came out to each other. It wasn't like there were other guys that had admitted they were gay, so I just staid with Lazlo."

"Huh," said Zack. "So it was a lack of options?"

Jeff laughed. "I guess you could say that. I have to admit, things between me and Lazlo--they started to get really distant over the past few months. We didn't talk that much, he always told me that he had a ton of school work. I mean, we'd gone over a month without having sex, and that was weird because we used to go at it everyday."

"I hope I can help you with having sex everyday," said Zack with a grin.

"I'm sure you can," said Jeff, embracing his boyfriend and hugging him tightly. The wolf always loved the sensation of Zack's purring. It was so pleasant, so sensual and so loving. He opened his mouth, letting his long wet tongue come in contact with the rough, sandpaper like tongue of the striped feline. Jeff groaned as he felt Zack put their cocks together; rubbing them up and down and causing them to leak pre. Things were getting intense once more, but Jeff decided to break the mood. Breaking their kiss, he got out of bed and started putting on his clothes. Zack, who was ready for another round of passionate love making, wasn't sure what to make of his new boyfriend's sudden move.

"Did I do something wrong?" asked the tiger; the concern in his voice quite evident.

"No, no, not at all," reassured the wolf as he put his clothes back on. "I just think we should get up and do something, okay?"

Zack found the suggestion confusing, but Jeff had made his life so wonderful in the past day that he just shrugged off the wolf's sudden desire to end their foreplay. Getting his clothes back on, he noticed that Jeff had a devilish grin showing on his muzzle.

"What's going on?" asked the tiger, genuinely curious about the wolf's mysterious actions.

Jeff looked around the room, as if someone might be listening in on them before answering his boyfriend's question. "Look, promise me that you won't get upset by what I'm about to tell you, okay?"

"Um," said Zack, completely confused by the wolf's request. "What . . . what's going on? You're acting really weird."

"I was going to tell you about what happened after Lazlo broke up with me, and before you came over," said Jeff.

"Alright," said Zack, sitting back down once he had gotten dressed. "What happened?"

"The weirdest thing in the world, man," said the wolf. "After I was done balling my eyes out, my Mom and Dad said they wanted to take me and Jeremy out for dinner; you know, try and cheer me up and all that. I told them that I would be happier just staying home that night, and then Jeremy asked to stay home with me. My parents asked if that was okay with me, and I said of course. Jeremy and I have always been super close, and I love him to death; greatest little brother a guy could have. Anyway, we play some air hockey down in the basement, then start watching a movie. Well, about this time we decide to order a pizza. It wasn't until we were done eating that Jeremy tells me that he wants to talk about something, and I can tell from the way he's talking and acting, it's something serious."

"What was it?" asked Zack, wanting to know more.

"Jeremy starts asking me all these questions about when I started to like boys. I didn't think much of it at the time, but the more questions he asked, the more I realized that the questions weren't really about me, they were about Jeremy . . . you know; him liking other boys. He told me that he was attracted to other boys the way other boys his aged were starting to get attracted to girls. Long story short, he told me that he had a crush on this leopard boy that's in his class."

"Wait a minute," said Zack. "Is that leopard the one who's been over here since last night?"

"Yeah," said Zack. "Name's Lance. Seems like they really like each other, like how you and I like each other."

"Well," said Zack with a grin. "Good for them."

"There's more to the story," said Jeff. "Look," he said, trying to explain everything. "I don't know if it was because I was horny and alone, or if it was because I really wanted to show Jeremy how to do things, but . . ."

"You messed around with him, didn't you?" asked Zack nonchalantly.

Jeff was taken aback. "How . . . how'd you know?"

"I didn't," admitted the tiger. "But I could tell where you were going with the story, and I'm not upset."

"Wow," said Jeff, feeling relieved. "So, would you mind if I kept messing around with him. I mean, he's such a cute kit, and It'd be kind of hard to keep my paws off of that cute kit."

"Sure," said Zack. "But, let me ask you something: You think we could get them to mess around with us?"

Jeff's eyes brightened at the suggestion. "Damn, sounds like a good fuckin' idea to me," said Jeff.

"You know where they're at right now?" asked the tiger, getting to his feet.

"Yeah," said Jeff. "They're probably down in the basement playing air hockey. Jeremy's obsessed with that game. Come on, let's go pay those two a little unannounced visit."

"Fine by me," said Zack.

Just as Jeff had guessed, Jeremy and Lance were playing air hockey in the basement. The two ten year old were giggling and squealing as they were enjoying not only the game, but each others company, but the sound of two sets of feet coming down the basement got their attention, causing them to stop what they were doing. Lance just stood where he was, while Jeremy ran over and hugged his big brother. Jeff scratched his little brother's head fur.

"Hey, kit," said the wolf. "You two having fun?"

"Yeah," said Jeremy, wagging his tail. "Just playin' air hockey."

"I see that," said the wolf. "How you doing, Lance?"

"Good," said the leopard, who by this time had walked over next to Jeremy.

"So," said Jeff, unable to keep from grinning. "Did you show Lance any of the stuff we did the other day, Jeremy?"

The young fox was unable to stifle a giggle as he wagged his bushy white tipped red tail. "Yeah," he said. "We played with each others weiners."

"That so?" asked the wolf. "You like it?"

"Yeah," said Jeremy, looking over at the leopard. "You liked it too, right, Lance?"

"It felt real good," admitted the leopard, grinning from ear to ear.

"It does feel really good playing with weiners," said Jeff. "But, did Jeremy tell you that he and I played with each other before you two got together?"

"Uh huh," said Lance. "He said you're big, and you held him upside down and put your tongue up his butt."

"I sure did," said Jeff proudly. "But I was wondering . . . would you two like to play with me and Zack?"

"Really?" said Jeremy, his tail wagging at a hundred miles an hour.

"Sure," said Jeff. "I think Zack and I could show you a few things if you want to."

"Count me in," said Lance.

"Alright," said Jeff. "You know, it's been really warm the past few days, so how about we go out to the pool? It's got a privacy fence, and our neighbors are far away, so we'll have plenty of privacy; that sound good?"

"Yeah," both younger boys said together.

"Let's do it then," said the wolf.

Both Jeff and Zack couldn't suppress their urge to laugh as the younger boys darted past them and up the stairs. Clearly they were eager to spend some time with two older, much bigger males. The older couple walked up the stairs, went around the living room and out the back door to the pool area. Warm as it was, it was only early April, so the pool had been drained and covered until Memorial Day weekend, when Jeff's Dad would fill it for the summer. The wolf thought back to all the countless memories he had out here, either basking in the sun or swimming around and playing in the pool with Jeremy. It was one of his favorite places to be in the world, but after today, it would only get better, with plenty of memories to last a life time.

"Alright," said Jeff, seeing the two reclining lawn chairs around the pool area. "How about we all get undressed first, okay?"

None of the four had any qualms, any reservations about stripping down to their bare fur. With all their clothes in a pile, Jeff and Zack laid down in the chairs, seeing that the two younger, naked cubs were both wagging their tails, no doubt wanting to get it on right then and there. Jeff gave them further instructions.

"Lance, how about you come over here and play with me? Jeremy you go over to Zack, alright?"

The two younger boys did as they were told. Both waited to get to work as they watched the older boys' cocks slide out of their sheaths and come to prominence. Though Jeremy had seen Jeff's erect cock several times over the last few days, Lance was awestruck, seeing the wolf's dick come to life. Jeff grinned at the young leopard.

"Don't worry, Lance," reassured Jeff. "Just take a few inches at a time, okay?"

"Okay," said the spotted cat. Lance knelt down, seeing the long, thick shaft pointing up at him. Never before in his life did he imagine that the male appendage could get so big, but here he was, staring at one right now. He looked over at his new boyfriend, Jeremy. The young fox wasted no time in getting to work on the large cock, with the vulpine slobbering all over the member before taking the shaft into his mouth. Lance looked back at the wolf dick in front of him and was determined not to be outdone by Jeremy. Opening his mouth, he took his feline tongue and ran it all up and down the lupine prick. Jeff groaned from the sensation; clearly enjoying what the young cat was doing to him. Not having any experience with older males like Jeremy did, the leopard went to work slowly, carefully, only taking in a few inches at a time, and not sucking very hard. Jeff reached a paw down and rubbed the cat's tuft ears. The wolf had to admit, Lance was a cute, spotted little cat, and he was quite happy that Jeremy had him as a boyfriend now.

Leaning his head back, he shuddered; thrilled with how good of a job Lance was doing on his cock. The wolf looked over, seeing Jeremy going down on Zack. The big, striped cat was breathing deeply; obviously content with what Jeremy was doing to him. Their reclining chairs were close enough that the two older boyfriends could grasp their paws. Zack, still in a state of ecstasy, turned his head around to look at Jeff.

"God damn," he said in a strained, but happy tone. "Never thought I'd get my cock sucked by a ten year old."

"He's pretty good for having only done it just a few days ago, isn't he?" asked the wolf.

Zack didn't answer, he was too busy feeling the ticklish sensation that Jeremy's tongue was giving the head of his cock. He'd long known that the underside of the shaft was the most sensitive area of the male genitalia, and the little fox knew just how to work that spot. The little fox rubbed at his own cock; obviously needing release from all the sexual tension he was enduring at the moment. Jeff, seeing this, smacked the kit's paw away from his own cock, telling him to save it. Jeremy stopped sucking for a moment, noticing the serious look his older brother was giving him. Not wanting to irritate the wolf, the kit went back to work on the big, striped feline, drawing him closer and closer to orgasm. Jeff could hear the growling, roaring tones of Zack as his climax was near. With a roar that rattled the chairs, the tiger came, blasting his load into the fox's maw, who happily swallowed it. Jeff wasn't very far behind, with the leopard's tongue working it's magic. Without thinking about it, the wolf grabbed the spotted cat's head, pulling it all the way down on his cock as he howled like there was a full moon. Lance felt the strong stream of wolf seed being spilled into his maw and drank it down. Both the older males breathed heavily, immensely enjoying basking in the afterglow of being sucked off by two cubs.

"Hey, Jeremy," said Jeff. "Go get my shorts, would you?"

The little fox did as he was told, bringing back the wolf's shorts. Jeff stuck his paw in the right pocket and pulled out a small tube. Grinning, he unscrewed the cap and handed it to his little brother.

"Remember how I stopped you from pawing off?" asked Jeff.

"Yeah," said Jeremy.

"You know why?" asked the wolf.

"No," said Jeremy, with Lance now standing by his side.

"It's because I want to see you two having anal sex. You know what that is?"

Both the boys shook their heads, not having a clues. Jeff just laughed. "Okay, I guess I have to educate you. Anal sex is when you stick your weiner up someone's butt."

"Really?" asked Lance. "Does . . . does it feel good?"

"Sure does," said Zack, who'd happily found his place as a bottom for Jeff. "You just have to be careful and relax. Don't get tense or it will hurt, okay?"

Jeremy and Lance looked at each other, with the fox smiling. "You . . . you want me to put my weiner in your butt, Lance?"

The spotted cat nodded his head enthusiastically. Jeff handed the tube of lubricant to his little brother, telling him to smear the substance on his cock, and put some on Lance's tail hole. The little fox did as he was told, taking the tube and liberally rubbing the substance all over his shaft before placing some around Lance's tail hole. With the leopard on his back, lying on the cement ground of the pool area, he watched as Jeremy carefully got behind him, trying to get into a comfortable position. Lance laid down on his back and stuck his legs in the air. Jeremy, still finding the process awkward and unfamiliar, waited for Jeff to assist him. The wolf told his little brother to get on his knees and take a deep breath. Jeremy did as he was told, trusting that his brother knew what he was doing. Looking down at the leopard's entrance, Jeremy took hold of his own cock and carefully slipped it inside the spotted little cat.

Lance had heeded Zack's words, and was sure to relax his body, letting all the tension flow out of him, despite being in an awkward position. He bit down on his lower lip as he felt the first inch of his vulpine boyfriend's cock penetrating his anus. Neither Jeff or Zack had thought to ask the leopard if he had taken a dump that day, as it would sure be a mood killer for Jeremy to stick his dick inside the leopard, only to find that it was filled with an undesirable substance. Luckily for everyone involved, that did not seem to be the case. Jeremy, careful not to hurt his new lover, looked over at his big brother.

"Feels tight," said the fox, sticking his tongue out as he panted.

"You okay, Lance?" asked the wolf.

"Yeah," said the leopard. "Just feels like I gotta take a dump."

The wolf encouraged his brother to thrust in and out of the leopard, and Jeremy soon found the appeal of this sexual practice, as did Lance. The fox had the benefit of having his cock being squeezed by a tight, virgin orifice, while Lance was enjoying having a vulpine cock rub up against his prostate. It wasn't long before the fox went to work on his boyfriend; thrusting in and out of the leopard's tight ass. As he was fucking his boyfriend, Jeremy looked down, seeing that Lance's own cock was in need of attention. Jeff marveled at the attention his little brother was showing his new boyfriend. Jeremy had the presence of mind to paw off his boyfriend, even without being told to do so. Clearly, the kit had strong feelings for his new feline lover, and Jeff was quite happy about that. The wolf and tiger watched as Jeremy kept fucking his leopard boyfriend, and Lance was positively enjoying what his fox was doing to him. Jeff and Zack looked on as they saw the fox's eyes almost spinning around in his head. It would not be long now.

Jeremy, despite being a fox, howled like his lupine brother did when he climaxed. His seed shot inside the leopard's rear, with much of it dribbling down onto the cement. Though he had already cummed, Jeremy kept pumping his boyfriend's member until the leopard had shot his seed all over his stomach and chest, and everywhere else too. Conscious that he did not want to hurt his boyfriend, Jeremy waited for some time before he pulled out of the leopard. As he did so, he looked over at his big brother.

"Did I do good?" asked the little vulpine.

"You sure did," answered Jeff. "Would you guys want to do stuff like this more often. Paws up if you want to have fun with each other."

Jeff saw that everyone's paw, including his own, quickly raised towards the sky. He grinned, realizing that this was far better than Tahiti ever could be.

Spring Break - Part 4

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