A First Date With A Twist

Story by Joshiah on SoFurry

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#45 of Transformation Stories

There's no such thing as a perfect first date. Some are better than others, and in this story for Takaza, we follow one that could be terrible, or amazing...it all depends on your perspective!

Cid the otter has calmed down in life, moving on from the rush of night clubs to more mature, casual adult dating. While on a date with Takaza, a gorgeous border collie, things go swimmingly well, and they end up back at her house. Though he's not looking for a one night stand, things get heated quickly, and something is digging at Takaza, telling her that she needs to be taken.

Her body is changing rapidly, and she doesn't seem to notice it, until she's half naked and on her knees. Can she possibly go on with the act, seeing the way that she's changing?

As always, read, comment and enjoy!

It was never too late for someone to slow down and try to get settled, in the dating world.

Cid was an example of someone who'd bounced around from person to person, never looking for anything serious. At first, it wasn't any sort of an issue for him; everyone knew that he was only there for a one night stand, and though he made some good friends along the way, he was getting a little older, and the club scene was beginning to lose the charm that it once had.

He'd gone from being a regular at weekend concerts and raves to a rare attendee, and though he was only in his late twenties, he couldn't shake the feeling that maybe, such things weren't becoming a thing of the past because of the world changing.

Maybe he was finally changing.

It wasn't all bad, of course. Lots of people were afraid of change, and while Cid was, at first, he was starting to see the benefits of longer dating. He'd been in a couple of meaningful relationships by then, and though he'd learned of the pain of a harsh break up, he'd also felt the benefits that consistent comfort provided. There was something special, something wonderful about knowing that he'd have someone to snuggle on a warm night, rather than having to go to the bar to look for a fuck buddy.

That wasn't to say that he didn't still do that, from time to time, but as months went on, it became less common that he needed to.

Thanks to advice from some of his new friends, he was learning the art of taking someone on a date, and thanks to his sexual ambiguity, he was able to find attraction in a number of different partners. Species and gender were less important than who the person was on the inside, almost the opposite of how things were years before.

"This was a wonderful date, Cid. I was a little worried when I hear the rumors about you, but...you turned out to be a real gentleman. I like that."

Far removed from his days of having sex in the middle of dance floors with random strangers, Cid was wearing a professional, warm polo shirt of orange and a pair of tight blue jeans, feeling the outfit was just the right amount of relaxed, without being too casual for a first date.

The girl sitting across the table from him was dressed modestly, even for a first date, but her attire wasn't out of place, as the cold embrace of winter was coming around. Her warm, cozy sweater of powder blue was rolled up at the sleeves, and though they might feel a little too professional for some, hip-hugging khakis completed a look that Cid was rather fond of.

He was more focused on the beautiful pattern of caramel fur that spread out from around warm, amber eyes, and the thick, full tuft of fluff that sat over the collar of her top. She was a gorgeous border collie, and though he was presuming, she seemed the type who never would have given Cid the time of day, in his past life.

They both wore their emotions on their sleeves, right then, as amber met with indigo in a shared gaze. Cid could feel just a tiny warmth building under the warm, chocolate fur upon his cheeks, and though it was hidden by the soft, delicate fur that graced her muzzle, Takaza was blushing as well, knowing just how deep of a connection had come from a simple, casual date.

"I'm glad I met you when I did," Cid admitted. "I wasn't always this nice...but I'm sure you've always been a wonderful woman."

The flattery wasn't necessary, but it was a nice touch, and Takaza was happy to giggle at the compliment as she reached a paw across the now empty table. Dinner and drinks went swimmingly for the pair, and though the restaurant was getting ready to close, neither one of them was ready for the evening to come to an end.

"For such a slim creature, you sure know how to lay it on thick," Takaza replied, happy to draw attention to just how thin Cid really was. His clothes were form fitting, to be sure, but the otter was taking much better care of himself those days, and what was once a bit of a stick-skinny body was finally starting to put on a little muscle. "Flattery won't get you anywhere these days, though."

"No. You need a car to get anywhere these days," Cid replied, playing along with the sense of humor Takaza set out for him. It was cheesy, but they were both giggling as Cid took the offered paw in his own. "And I'd be happy to take you there, if you told me where you wanted to go...?"

Cid was purer of thought than he'd ever been, so it sent quite a shock through his system when he heard the words, "My place?"

"...You're sure?"

Takaza brought her spare paw to her muzzle and giggled quietly behind it. "Relax, Cid. You don't wanna count your chickens before they hatch, y'know."

In his experience, such a statement always meant that sex was coming, but in truth, Takaza did seem truly different. Cid could actually see spending a quiet evening at her residence without a single piece of clothing coming off, and the thought was every bit as comforting as it was refreshing.

"It's okay if we don't count them at all," he agreed, offering a very friendly wink as he stood up from the table. He hooked his arm out and away from his body, and Takaza happily grabbed onto it as he whisked her away to his car, curious how a date might go where sex wasn't the expectation.


Cid didn't think that their kiss at the front door was necessarily a 'good night' kiss, but he wanted to treat it like one.

Just before they'd gotten to the front door of the quaint, small home in the quiet neighborhood Takaza lived in, she'd paused, and her tail began to swish just a little bit quicker than it normally would with her gait. Her eyes were lidded over just slightly with amorous intent, but it stopped short of being lustful, and was impossible to ignore.

A blind man could have seen the signs, and in a past life, Cid would have taken the bait and run with it, but he wanted this kiss to be perfect. It was the first one they would have shared, and he knew just how huge of an impression it would leave, if the kiss was poor.

Nerves got the better of him as he smiled back at Takaza, and put up a pawtip for just a moment. His other paw frantically dug through the pocket of his coat, until he found a stick of lip balm that he'd been keeping around for just such an occasion. His lips were a tiny bit chapped, thanks to Mother Nature, but Takaza happily waited for him to apply just enough of the stuff to moisturize his flesh.

"I didn't know that guys could play the waiting game, too," she teased, as she clasped her paws together and leaned up on the tips of her footpaws. Cid barely had a chance to toss the balm back in his pocket before he leaned down from the neck and smiled genuinely, glad to feel such a powerful connection with Takaza, without their so much as ever having shared a single kiss.

They'd been waiting too long for that moment, and a quiet, happy rumble slipped past Takaza's lips as the end of her muzzle pressed gently into Cid's. Her eyes closed just in time for the sparks to fly within, and in the pit of her tummies, butterflies fought to get free, turning her insides into happy, twisted knots.

Staying as gentlemanly as he could, Cid carefully rested an open palm on Takaza's shoulder and took one step closer in, allowing their bodies to meet in a way that was every bit as subtle as the kiss itself. Even the lightest touch could carry heavy sensations, and warmth sprung up in Cid's belly from the kiss, only to travel a little bit lower in a rather measurable way.

Takaza felt the bump of their hips meeting, and she thought she felt something more only seconds later, but she didn't mind it. She was too busy smiling against the lips of the kind, handsome otter as she rested her paws around his waist.

Neither one of them could have gathered what kind of chaos was waiting on the other side of the tender, peaceful moment, but as Takaza took a half a step back toward the door, the chaos was already starting. The tiniest of cuts remained on Cid's lip, and the balm helped to spread an infection around from it...one that had just been passed to the border collie, through a quick exchange of passion and saliva.

"Y...you can come in now," she whispered bashfully as she pulled away, trying to deny the tender, slick warmth of her arousal, as it began to bud around the lips of her womanhood. Cid was as skillful a kisser as she'd ever known, and if not for the frigid bite of the cold air around them, she likely would have stood there, swimming in the moment for the rest of the evening.

Cold snapped Cid back to reality, as well, as he followed Takaza in the front door, having caught the underlying excitement in her words. He closed the door tightly behind him, and barely had time to turn back around before Takaza pressed him into the door and slipped her paws along the front of his body, tracing the thin, vague outline of his abdominal muscles with a set of curious digits.

"Takaza, I...I th-

Cid wasn't allowed to mince his words. Takaza cut him off as she sealed her lips against his once again, and eager paws yanked at his tucked in polo shirt. The otter was still caught off guard by the sheer passion of the border collie, but he shared an equal attraction to her, and decided to respond in kind, as his paws instinctively wrapped around her lower back and came to cup her rump.

Atta boy, Cid. I'm sorry if this is too forward for you, but...I can't wait any longer for this, she thought, and though her attraction to the otter was never in question, she was shocked at how quickly she'd washed over with sexual energy. She didn't have a clue of just how the infection was changing her, and didn't know that it was spurring her already active libido into high gear.

Of course, Cid would have been a fool to complain, and he growled out deeply in delight, sending a pleasant, vibrating rumble through Takaza's muzzle as he leaned back into the kiss. He was forceful, but not overbearing...showing Takaza that he could take charge, if he had to. Until that moment, she was controlling the pace, and as soon as his shirt came free, she began to yank it up and off of his body, breaking the kiss only so that she could expose him.

His eyes opened as the garment came off, and the gazed right down to a tender paw, holding tightly on the end of his belt. "You...you're sure you don't mind?" she asked, sounding so sweet and innocent, but looking so amorous and heated. "If this is all too fast-

"Slower than I'm used to," Cid admitted, cutting off Takaza this time and putting on a playful grin as she smiled wide and yanked the belt free. It was the only thing keeping his pants on, and matching orange boxers appeared over an underbelly of smooth, toned cream. "Not that I mind...t-this is really nice."

Having such emotions tied to the moment still felt new to Cid, and it made him fumble over his words. Takaza couldn't help giggling at how silly it made him sound, and playing fair, she tucked her paws into her own sweater and tugged it up and away from her body, exposing it fully; her bust was supple, but modest enough that she went without a bra that evening, and nipples began to perk the moment that cooler air dawned upon them. "It's gonna get a whole lot better from here," Takaza assured him, as she brought her paws to rest under the delicate, perky flesh of her chest and cupped her breasts. "Like what you see, Cid?"

It would have been the easiest question in the world to answer...if Cid didn't see something more than her breasts. They were delightfully perky, with the cutest bounce to them every time that Takaza fluffed them up, but the white fur upon them was turning dark, and rapidly at that.

"...Love it," he replied after a pause of thought, "But...are you feeling okay, Takaza?"

With each passing moment, the changes were becoming more evident, but Takaza was too absorbed in the moment, and unaware that her heightened arousal was directly related to the change. "Never felt better," she replied breathlessly, as she fell to her knees and released her breasts, so that she could yank down fiercely at the boxers. Just as she expected, Cid sprung to attention, and his cock was already drooling a little precum from their earlier kiss. It was still growing before her, and it gently kicked against her cheek, drawing another giggle out of her. "Hehe...Looks to me like you're feeling pretty great, too!"

Cid wanted to focus on the feeling of the warm, fluffy fur against the side of his growing shaft, but that warmth was fading just a little bit as the fur shortened and changed tone. The excess fluff was shrinking back as it turned a dark, chocolate brown, almost a perfect match to Cid's fur. He thought he might need to stop her and warn her...but her tongue was too powerful a distraction, as it passed over the head of his manhood and licked away the dripping precum.

"Y-yeah...I feel p-pretty damn good," Cid stammered, bracing his paws against the door as his legs turned to jelly. Though her body was still changing, Takaza sported a tongue that was flat, wide and moist, perfect for teasing the head of any man's cock. No matter his experience level, Cid could barely take the sensations, and he gasped aloud as Takaza began moving down his shaft, making sure to coat his entire length with her saliva.

Even as she worked on him, she teased herself, and Cid could see just past her bobbing head to watch her paw moving around under the fabric of her slacks. The outline of her pawtips rapidly rubbing against her clit only added to the excitement of the moment, and though he wasn't sure what had caused the change in Takaza, Cid was past the point of caring; her skills were mind-blowing, and his train of thought didn't stand a chance as her muzzle pushed into the base of his crotch, and her tongue flickered out, slipping between the orbs within his sack.

It's like I'm melting inside...I've never needed to be fucked so badly in my life! Damn...I want it now...I need it now! Takaza's mind was overflowing with lustful thoughts, and her body was responding in kind. She knew that her labia was pouting around her pawtips, aching with a need that she could scarcely comprehend, but she was enjoying her mouthful so much, it was almost painful to move away from it.

It was a necessary evil, however, as she slipped back and let Cid's early mess spill onto her breasts...and only then, when she saw that the excess fluff above her cleavage was gone, did she notice the continued changes.

Her tail felt heavy out of nowhere, but it had been changing the entire time through the blow job. It was a perfect mirror of the thick, heavy rudder that Cid sported himself, and though he was quite the impressively sized male, she felt like she was having trouble taking all of him into her muzzle for a different reason.

The fact that it was much shorter, as she came to realize, was part of the problem.

Paws that were still soaked with slick, glistening juices came up to feel the muzzle of their owner, and Takaza gasped as she jumped literally out of her pants and up to her footpaws. "C...Cid, what...what's going on?!" she cried out in a flurry of panic, as she ran into the living room. There was a full body mirror waiting for her there, one that she generally used for getting ready in the mornings, but nothing could prepare her for the sight of her new, streamlined figure.

There was no excess fluff or fur anywhere, and what fur remained was a dark, soothing brown, other than a stripe of tan going down the middle of her breasts and tummy. Her eyes remained the same shade of amber, but her muzzle was short and stout, compared to the canine length it carried before. Her body was still changing just slightly, as she could see her fur blending down along her legs and arms...but she could draw the conclusion without having to see it.

Cid followed her into the living room with a bashful look upon his face, knowing that his cock was throbbing harder than ever at the sight of Takaza slightly bent over in front of the mirror, with only soaking panties to preserve her modesty. "I...I tried to say something, but you...kinda cut me off."

Mad as she wanted to be about it, Takaza realized that Cid was right. It would have been terribly awkward to try and find the words in such a situation, and if that wasn't enough, she couldn't blame Cid for being distracted when she was literally gorging herself on his cock.

It didn't explain the overwhelming arousal, but this far along, she didn't dare to question that. She knew she was turning into an otter, for whatever reason, and there was a lustful, male otter standing right behind her, ready to satisfy her if she so much as said the word.

"Do you...do you like me better like this, Cid?"

He could see Takaza already starting to bend from the hip, as her paws, despite the slowly growing webbing between them, began to slide back to her rump.

"I like you in whatever form you'd take, Takaza," he replied, without a single hesitation. "You're a beautiful person, honestly...it doesn't matter what shape you take on the outside."

Takaza couldn't hide her blush, thanks to the mirror in front of her...but she could try to distract Cid one last time, as she tugged her panties aside and cast one lustful gaze back at him.

"Good answer, Cid...now...how about you come put your money where your mouth is?"

Actions always spoke louder than words, and Cid put an exclamation point on the moment as he stepped right up to Takaza and pressed the very tip of his drooling, pulsing manhood to her soaking, eager folds. They draped lazily over the head, and gave a warm, welcoming squeeze as he pumped in easily, finding that the new otter was already plenty wet enough to accept his advances.

"F-fuck...Takaza...d-did you cum already?" he asked, tripping over panting, desperate gasps as he felt the tight, velvety folds of his date clamping down around his shaft.

The pace picked up quickly, as Takaza reached back with a paw once again and played with her clit, overwhelmed with a need for climax, thanks to the change. "Trust me, nnngh... y-you'll know when I do," she told him, sealing the statement with a wink. "I did get damn close, though...p-please...make me cum?"

No man could turn down such a request, and Cid was more than capable of satisfying it. His hips were already turning to a blur as he wrapped his arms tight around Takaza's waist and pulled her into his body. She leaned down to the floor and stayed on all fours as she moved, and her breasts swayed with the force of each thrust as Cid gave up on fighting his own climax. She'd already brought him to the edge with her oral skills, and it only felt fitting to reward her with the release she so terribly desired.

For such a romantic couple, it only felt fitting that they'd climax together, and though he had to grit his fangs to do it, Cid held out until he felt the first uneven, fluttering clench around the base of his shaft, knowing just what it signaled.

"C-cumming...oooohyes, Cid! I'm cumming! D-don't stop! Please don't stop!" Takaza cried out for him, as the last of her fur changed color in the peak of the moment, and her thick, transformed tail stuck out straight with delight.

Cid dug his dull, gentle claws in against the tender flesh of her tummy as his hips lunged forward and shook Takaza with their energy. "Me too...T-Takaza, I'm cumming too! Fuck! It's...going inside!" He warned her, realizing just how irresponsible it was of him to do leave his cock within the deliciously wet confines of her womanhood, but her grip was too tight to leave, and he knew it was what she would have wanted...each little squeak of delight from her muzzle confirmed it, as strand after strand of thick, heated cum painted her inner walls and spilled into the depths of her womb, flooding her sex to the breaking point.

Tiny, warm trails of mingled seed and feminine arousal spilled over, drooling past her labia and leaving a tiny puddle on the floor between them as Cid's hips finally slowed to a crawl, and then, stopped entirely as he rested inside of her. His whole body was shaking with the most wonderful sense of exhaustion as Takaza struggled to keep their bodies upright, until she finally collapsed into the growing puddle of their messes, shuddering with ecstasy.

"D-do...do you know...h-how to fix this?" she asked, though her voice was still more aroused than worried, or anything else, for that matter.

Cid only shook his forehead against her upper back, rubbing beaded sweat into her smooth, velvety fur. "Not a clue."

It wasn't a look of shock or fear, but a grin of excitement that Cid saw in the mirror, as Takaza gazed at him through her reflection.

"Then you're gonna be a very busy boy tonight..."

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