Not Your Average Television Interview

Story by Joshiah on SoFurry

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There's little that's average about Jon, the football playing otter who has taken the Furry Football League by storm. His commercials are wild, but his television interviews are no different!

In this commission for Jon Sanders, the talented otter finds himself in the usual situation of a post game interview, but a rookie reporter, Sheena Timmons, is the woman assigned to getting the inside scoop. She does her best to maintain a professional profile, which naturally leads to her finding a soaped up Jon, still in the shower, and nude for the whole world to enjoy. It's only a matter of time before the athlete is having his anus probed, just like the public wants!

As always, read, comment and enjoy!

Sometimes, the limelight could be a little too much for even the brightest of stars to handle. It was easy for an athlete to be on the field, in his natural habitat, performing at the peak of his abilities.

Every now and again, however, no matter how much they loved the attention, it was nice to be able to get away from it all. Private vacation homes, expensive resorts, foreign countries...there were all sorts of ways to make a great escape.

Then, there was Jon, the kind of athlete who not only never needed a break from the media, but in fact had a somewhat unhealthy relationship with it. He not only allowed it into every facet of his public life, but often invited it into his personal life, to the point that acts once considered twisted were seen as nearly being commonplace.

"Another amazing performance out there today, Jon. Twelve catches, 158 yards and three touchdowns against one of the best defenses in the league. I think the one thing on everyone's mind is this: Can anyone hope to stop you this season?"

The sport of football was good to Jon, and the slippery otter was continuing his dominance of the league, week in and week out. He was recognized as an all-star player in each of his first four years, and now in his fifth, he only seemed to be getting better. The media was taking notice of it, naturally, but this far along in his career, and this far into the antics that made him just as famous off the field, it wasn't too surprising that the current post-game interview wasn't taking place on the field.

It was taking place in the billowing clouds of steam that kicked up from a locker room shower, and impressively enough, Jon was going about his business as if the reporter and camera crew weren't anywhere near him. He had a look of bliss upon his face as warm water rinsed away the rigors of a difficult, strenuous game, and that joy only seemed to be heightened by the media prying into his afternoon ritual.

"There's still a lot of great teams left for us to face. We're not even halfway through the season; I'm not about to get too high on myself," Jon explained, as he gently rubbed a bar of soap across the wide, slim spread of his chest. He had perhaps the best build that a wide receiver could ask for, with a slim and lithe frame that supported just enough muscle to get open in the field, and a thick, long rudder of a tail that helped him keep balance during quick cuts and difficult routes. "I'll be worried about people stopping me when we get to the playoffs. Until then, I'm just going out there and doing the best that I can."

"That's awfully tall talk," the reporter replied, as she kept the mic out of the range of the spraying water. "You really think that your team has what it takes to make it to the playoffs this year?"

Most men would have been at least a little bashful about having a fully clothed woman interviewing them while they stood naked under a stream of hot water, but Jon carried on with his shower all the same.

A female reporter who was trying to dispel the stigma that females were only ever tabbed as commentators for their looks, Sheena Timmons was certainly plenty attractive herself, but the quirky coyote took her job very seriously, and she'd been looking forward to the chance to interview Jon Sanders since she broke in to the business; it was the kind of job that only the most composed reporters were able to handle, and with her skirt pressed down, her top tucked in, and her hair pulled back into a tight, professional looking ponytail, she was sure that she was ready for the challenge.

She also knew that she had to put up with whatever rigors Jon might put her though, as he was one of the most unpredictable personalities in all of football. "We're undefeated this year, five games in, and if we double that feat, I think we've got a pretty good shot. Don't wanna say too much about that, though. Don't feel like getting myself in hot water with the coach."

"You sure don't seem to mind hot water too much," Sheena pointed out. Jon had been standing in the water for far longer than he needed to, and she knew that he might have been goading her on, at this point. She had to be ready for his wiles...and she steeled her resolve as she continued to push his buttons. "Then again, you're the type to really put yourself out there, aren't you?"

"U...uh...are we still talking about football?" Jon asked, looking just a little bit bashful as he felt Sheena's eyes roaming over his body. "Cause I'm not sure that we are."

Jon nervously stroked a single pawtip along the thin, narrow cracks in his left fang, knowing just what kind of interview this was about to turn into. "Not exactly, no, though you do play in about the same attire that you have right now, after all. It's quite the interesting're naked on the field just as often as you are off of it."

"It's just more comfortable for me, y'know?" Jon asked in response, showing a surprising amount of tact and poise in his answer. It was the kind of thing that Sheena had been warned about, and her bosses made it very clear to her that the public of the country simply loved to see the young otter blush on national television, almost as much as they enjoyed seeing his nude form in uncensored glory.

"It shows. You're certainly in your element out there on the field," Sheena agreed, "And it seems to me that you're in your element here, too. I can't exactly tell, but you look a little bit excited to be in front of the cameras, again!"

Jon scratched his chin in thought for a moment, before he realized just what Sheena was getting at. Her brilliant eyes of sapphire were focused right upon it, as if she were expecting it to rise and answer to the microphone itself, but all the while, Jon's cock sat flaccid against his body, as slow, lazy streams of water and suds poured down from his chest to his crotch. "O-oh, that. No, it's just...just always like that! I figure you would have noticed, if you were really watching all of the games."

The otter was wise to put the onus back on Sheena, who seemed ready for his turnabout. Of course, anyone who watched football those days had seen plenty of what Jon had to offer, and even if his member wasn't stiff, it still hung thick and proud, and plenty long enough to catch the eyes of lustful men and women alike. Regardless of his incredible talent on the field, there were still those who only watched him play so that they could watch his limited gear trying to contain all that his body offered, and as a reporter, Sheena was all too familiar with Jon's rather legendary equipment.

"It's the most polished part of your game," Sheena teased, giving a quick wink to the gentle giant of a wide receiver. He smiled bashfully as he continued to work the soap around his body, knowing that the parts in question were the only ones that hadn't been properly washed. "Do you ever feel like you're more of an act than a player? Do you think you're respected in the league for your abilities?"

Jon wasn't exactly the boastful type, but he was very proud, and refused to have his playing skills put into question so easily. "I know that I'm well respected in this league. I think my numbers speak for themselves," he replied with a hint of a growl in his voice, suddenly finding a bit of an attitude that wasn't there before. It made Sheena twitch her ears just slightly, but she refused to show any hesitance or fear in her expression. Instead, she kept a confident smirk upon her muzzle as she leaned a little closer in, toward the stream of water, regardless of the damage it might cause to the microphone.

"Do you have a message for the other teams that still have to face you this year, then?"

Her words were unwavering. She intended to get a rise out of the otter, and even if he was aware of her tactics, it didn't mean that Jon could resist them. "Anyone who lines up across from me had better be ready to get burned. I've got a lot of records to break, and I'm not gonna let anyone stand in the way of that."

Such a bold declaration was just slightly out of place for the Jon, who was indeed a media diva, but also not often the type to make such a strong, provocative statement. No doubt, every defensive back in the league was watching the interview and hanging on his every word, as the fans at home hung on every detail.

They also watched with hanging, gaping muzzles as the camera zoomed in on the bar of soap as it traveled down and along the slim valley of Jon's abdomen, right into the lines of his crotch and across his hanging, girthy cock. Even as he was watched, Jon carried on with business as usual, working the bar of soap around his shaft and down toward the base, soaping up his sweaty, hefty sack and fondling the orbs within in the process.

Sheena gulped back her arousal as she watched, her eyes going just a little bit wider than she hoped that they would have as she got an up close look at just how Jon took care of himself after a football game. "That's quite the declaration, Jon. I'm sure that the whole league is fired up to hear it."

"They'd better be," he replied sternly, before shooting Sheena a very quick wink to go with a softer, kinder smile. He could tell that she was a little inexperienced in her position, and he knew that he'd never seen her on the sidelines or in the broadcast booth before. He didn't want to ruin her career before it had a chance to get off of the ground, and for what it was worth, he thought that she was doing a fairly good job, interviewing one of the most polarizing figures in the league. "Any other questions for me, Sheena?"

The otter was still giving a thorough, perhaps even lewd scrub to his genitals as he tried to keep a grip on the bar of soap, but as the streams of water continued to pour over his paws, he could feel slick deposits building up in the webbing, until he finally lost the grip on the bar and watched it slip into the small puddle around the shower drain. His nethers were still riddled with soap suds as he started to bend over to pick the bar back up, and Sheena's eyes went bright and wide as she leaned the microphone back toward herself.

"You're quite the famous personality, Jon, for a number of different reasons, on and off of the field. Fans love you, other players want to be you, and it seems that there's something about you that everyone in the world loves."

Jon felt his cheeks warming once again as Sheena buttered him up, though he wasn't sure what it was for. "O...okay...what's the question?"

"Do you think that perhaps we could get a glimpse at that wide, tasty looking little asshole?"

The question was so matter-of-fact and to the point that Jon gulped before he could make a proper response. He was used to this kind of attention, but the reporters were usually a bit more sly about the way that they asked him to reveal himself. Sheena jumped right at the opportunity the moment that he bent over, and even if he might have expected it to come shortly thereafter, Sheena's confidence was more than he was prepared for.

"W-well...anything for my fans," Jon finally did reply, after a moment of looking up at Sheena from his bent over posture. Putting on his best cheesy smile, Jon did grab the bar of soap, but was quick to flip around under the hot, steaming water of the shower and lift his tail up in the air. The rudder stood up stiff, and as Jon looked back over his shoulder at the camera, he could feel the tip of his member dangling down to peek into view, and knew that the back of his sack would be right in the middle of the prime time shot. The most sought after view, however, was just above it, across the gently furred gap, sitting moist with the collected sweat of his efforts.

"They truly do appreciate it," Sheena assured him, as she gestured at the camera crew to come in a little bit closer. "And you've never let them down before!"

Lenses zoomed in on the meaty, wide pucker, and Jon kept his bashful smile upon his lips as swayed his tail from side to side just a little bit; just enough for the cameras to pick up on it. Wanting to put on the best show that he could, Jon reached back and lightly scrubbed at his anus, making sure to lather up his ticklish, delicate flesh just enough to obscure it, and then, the crowds at home groaned in anticipation, followed by a sigh of satisfaction as water washed away the bubbles and brought the orifice back into view.

"Don't worry," Jon replied, trying to keep his quiet gasps to himself. He knew that the microphones would pick up on at least a couple of the subtle moans, and accepted that he couldn't keep from shuddering just a little bit as the cool bar of soap left a thin, slippery film over his most private areas. "I'd do a-anything for my fans..."

"For a view like that, I'm sure that your fans would do anything too, Jon," Sheena pointed out, as she resisted her every temptation to help Jon along with his shower. She knew that she could probably get away with it, and perhaps, at a future interview, she'd get a little more hands on with the rising star, but until then, she'd play it safe, and wrap things up. "We appreciate all of your time, of course. From the locker room, with Jon Sanders, I'm Sheena Timmons. Back to you guys in the booth!"

The cameras cut out, and Sheena let out a deep, drawn sigh, one that she'd been keeping in for the entirety of the interview, as she offered a very friendly smile to Jon. "T-thank you," she said, her voice just a little shaky as she set the microphone down.

"Don't mention it," Jon replied casually, showing off just how much more comfortable he was with such a situation. He stood upright and continued to rinse off, never missing a beat. "But for what it's worth, Sheena, I think you did a fantastic job."

Sheena knew that she was blushing just a little bit, not just from the unabashedly nude male standing in front of her, but his genuine compliment, as well. "You weren't too bad yourself, otter...I don't suppose you'd like a little the record?"

"I...heh. Maybe next time," Jon tried to play it off, as the pair shared more than a moment of eye contact. There may have been a spark, but as a player and a reporter, Jon knew it was for the best that they kept things to nothing more than a gaze...but he wasn't afraid to let her get an extended view of what he had to offer. "But feel free to hang around until the interview is over."

Giggling quietly, Sheena took a seat on one of the benches in the locker room and made herself comfortable, enjoying the lewd show that was offered to her, as Jon bent over in the shower and did the same.

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