Fates of the Unicorns 1 - Arrival

Story by DragonTalon on SoFurry

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#1 of Fates of the Unicorns

Fates of the Unicorns - Chapter 1 - Arrival

Welcome! This is the first chapter in a long, ongoing series. The story is about, at the start, a group of anthro-unicorn mares, recently captured by dargon raiding parties, enslaved, and sold to their new Master. The story follows them and their Master as they are trained and taught by their dragon owner. The story is primarly about bondage, domination and submission... but the world it is set in is dangerous and complex, and much more happens than just raunchy sex and depraved kinks.

The story at large contains many themes, including non-consentual sex and enslavement, monsters, humiliation, pain and punishment, but also some love and kindness, sacrifice, triumph and defeat.

_Read on... _

Dana's hooves echoed loudly on the stone floor of the passage as she clopped forward with the rest of the line of sixteen naked unicorn slaves she was chained to. She looked to the side as she passed a branch in the tunnel into a larger cavern but jerked her head back forward before she could see much as she heard a grunt from ahead. She quickly adjusted her pace and moved her shackled wrists forward a bit to give some slack to the chain that connected them to the unicorn in front of her. The past month had taught them all to walk carefully, as the chain that connected her wrists to the unicorn in front of her ran between the girls legs, so any mistakes caused the cold steel to yank upward painfully. She winced at memories where the girl behind her had stumbled, causing the chain between her own legs to dig in painfully. She gave a muffled apology through the ball gag in her mouth to the girl in front of her and continued to follow her steadily and carefully, watching her closely from behind. The unicorn mare in front of her was dirty and disheveled, just like all the rest of them. Her normally shiny pure white fur was dull with dust and dirt, her legs caked with mud from the knees down. The golden fetlocks only poked through the mud and grime to present a few matted strands. Their tails all hung low, the long golden tufts of hair looking now like dirty dust-mops.

It had only been a few moons since the attack, and she was still hoping this would all turn out to be a bad dream. Although her village could see the mountain range that defined the start of the dragon empire, it was far enough from the border to have been free from raids, until now. She forced herself not to think of the attack.. that terrible night where her life was turned upside down, dragged from her home, hearing screams and cries and seeing the terrifying drakes the dragons rode, large enough to eat an anthro in two bites. Her mind drifted forward, past the flight to the mountains, crammed into a net with the other captives, then to the long march through mountain passes to he slave processing garrison. She snorted again in disgust at the memories of being held in pens, fitted with bondage and then eventually auctioned off and forced to march again. She tried not to think of the other things that had been done to her.. the painful brand on her hip with the mark of her owner and a slave number, and the terrible day where the sharp tip of her horn had been dulled and ground to a rounded end. She quickly stopped that line of thought, not wanting to dwell on the loss of her horn point, her only weapon. She still felt slightly weak from the loss of it, a unicorns horn giving them their magic qualities, and the tip eternally sharp.. able to pierce through anything with ease, even a dragons armored scales.

Things had changed again yesterday as they were led into a cave at the base of another mountain range. It was the first time Dana had been inside instead of sleeping in the outdoors, covered with a tarp if the weather was particularly bad. The guards of course said nothing as they were led inside, they did not speak to the slaves except to give orders and commands. They walked for hours in the twisting passages, seeming to go up most of the time before being locked in a large cavern for the night. Now they were on the move again, with no idea where or when they would stop. She snorted louder as she though of those guards... mostly felines and canines as the dragons didn't lower themselves to deal directly with the slave trade. how could they willingly work for these scaly bastards? Dragons considered all furs as prey and potential slaves, and any fur that found themselves in the dragon empire would be at their mercy.

The only reason the vast furry alliance that spread from the western ocean to the edge of the eastern mountain range did not declare war against the dragon empire and wipe them out was the thread of the insectoid invasion. The furry continent was the only one not populated by the insect races, a long ago war having been lost to their pincers and stingers and their horrific ability to mutate furries into mindless killers to be sent back to fight their former brothers. The only reason the furry races survived at all was the long stretch of land that connected this continent to the rest of the land was narrow enough and rugged enough to defend, and the dragon warriors who could equal the insects in battle. So the furry alliance ignored the occasional dragon raids into the poor borderlands in return for their constant fighting to keep the invaders from swarming in to finally finish the war they started so long ago.

At first she thought that someone would come rescue them, or demand their release. The alliance couldn't permit such a deep raid. They could threaten to cut off trade, as the dragons imported most of their food and almost anything that was not weapon related. But of course the council wouldn't dare. Open hostility and warfare would be a disaster for both sides, so there would be no diplomats or solders coming to the rescue.

"Stop" shouted the feline guard at the front of the line, and they all halted with a minimum of grunts and whimpers. The passage had opened up and was now much wider, and there were a pair of steel doors opened wide.

Dana craned her head, trying to see what was happening at the front of the line, but couldn't see anything until a cat led one of the unicorns through the doors. She had been detached from the line, her chain now running from her wrists, down between her legs and up her back to attach to her solid steel collar.

Another guard led a second unicorn in, giving her a smirk and a smack to her furry ass as she growled, "Hurry up, bitch." The chain was quickly turned into sixteen separate unicorn slaves, all standing in the small chamber. There was nothing inside, but a matching pair of doors opposite of the ones she had just entered. Then the doors were closed and she was plunged into darkness, loud metallic noises came from behind her as the door was sealed and locked. Then nothing but the panting of scared unicorn breath and the feel of the rest of her sister captives pressing in around her. In a way it was comforting.. nothing scary to see and surrounded by the smell and feel of her own kind. Minutes passed, and then the other set of doors were unlocked and opened. Light spilled in, making her wince and squint, seeing daylight for the first time in almost two days. Guards inside ordered them out, and the doors were once more shut.

It took Dana's eyes time to adjust, but she finally realised they were in a very large cave, with one end open to the outside, still too bright to make out what lay beyond. She stood and looked around. She saw the rest of the unicorns all doing the same, and there were half a dozen guards talking and looking over the new batch of slaves with excitement. All these guards wore deep blue collars with differing numbers of gold and silver markings, and matching armbands on their uniforms. All female she noted. The rest of the group had started to spread out slightly, all moving away from the guards as nobody wanted to be too close to them, remembering their treatment in the slave pens. The cave was nearly bare, no furnishings in sight, the walls rough stone. The only decorations she could see were iron rings set into the walls and floor and a few bars and poles set securely into the stone. She all to well remembered what it was like to be bound to the rings and tied to the posts. There were a few pots, a few bales of hay which she wrinkled her nose at.. it's all they had fed them since they were captured. She would kill for some nice cooked vegetables or even raw oats.

"Listen up!" shouted one of the guards, a female cat. "We are going to unlock your gags, bridles and your chain. You may take them off, but you MUST keep them with you. They are all sized to fit you, and are marked with your number. If you loose or damage them their value will be taken out of your hide. Literally. When you are so ordered, you WILL put them back on yourselves. So make sure you practice, as any disobedience or failures will be met with punishment. Your owner is a strict Master, and you had better learn fast if you want to survive." She pointed out a large bowl of water sitting a few feet from one wall, "You need to drink, use that." She moved her arm to indicate another bowl, this one higher, "If you have to go to the bathroom, use that. Don't get them mixed up because they are only serviced once a day." She placed her hands on her hips, "If you have any problems or questions, keep your muzzles shut. We're here to keep you from getting into trouble, not to listen to your blather."

Dana shuddered, for when they were being fitted, one of the slave handlers mentioned that the leather for all their bondage was made from the hide of unicorns who were killed in the attack. She gulped as she realised the guard implied any replacements would come from HER skin. She glanced at the chamber pot, surprised to find herself happy to see it, even if it was just sitting out in the open. Since being captured they all had to go at once when the slave chain paused, nearly pressing up against each other as they squatted. She made a face at the memory and a moment later heard soft metallic tinkling sounds as a guard touched a spot on the wall and traced a complex curving pattern. Reaching up she found she could undo the straps and buckles, where before they were locked tight. She gratefully pulled the ball gag from her mouth, working her sore jaw. It had only been removed before to be fed and quickly replaced, and she was thankful for the release. She took off her muzzle as well, and then struggled to free her wrists from the chain.

"Let me help you with that" said a soft voice, and she looked up to see the tallest unicorn she had ever met who quickly detached the chain from her wrists, letting it drop to swing down between her legs, and then picking up the end and attaching it to her collar so it formed a loop instead of laying uncomfortably against her tail as it had for so long.

"Umm, thanks.." she said, still working her jaw and looking down at her still cuffed, but now free wrists. She looked back up at the impressive unicorn and noted the tip of her horn was covered in a steel cap.

The tall unicorn saw her gaze and shrugged, "They didn't dull mine, but I don't know why." She then turned to look at the sound of running hooves. One of the girls had decided to make a break for it, running for the open end of the cavern. "Oh no... those guards are going to kill her."

Dana whimpered in agreement, the guards had been quick to punish and hurt anyone who dared step out of line even the slightest, and she feared what they will do to the running girl. But the guards made no move to stop her, some grinning, others looking a little concerned." The unicorn girl suddenly let out a shriek of fear and came to a skidding halt, backing away and looking from side to side in panic. The tall unicorn stepped forward and made her way to the runaway. Now knowing why, Dana cautiously followed her, and then gasped as her eyes, now adjusted made out what lay beyond the cave entrance.

She gazed out to an enormous sight. The cave entrance ended in a sheer cliff, dropping off for who knows how far. A large valley seemed to spread out before her, ringed with a solid wall of mountain cliffs. Far below she could make out a huge city, tiny houses and castles with even smaller dots moving about. What she took for birds on the ground and flying about she realised were the large drakes the dragons rode into battle and she shivered.. they must be hundreds of them!

"The capital city of the dragon empire" remarked the tall unicorn. "No doubt about it, there can't be two cities built in the bowl of a massive volcano. Just look at all those caves... and drakes living in most of them." She shook her head, "No way we could ever field an army big enough to take this."

Dana frowned at the odd comment, but looked out as other unicorns came forward to look at their prison. It was a stunning view, and she almost forgot why she was here as she took in the sights.. ornate castles, ponds, parks, markets... and once more she was interrupted by a squeal of unicorn fear. She watched the tall unicorn move to the edge of the cliff, next to a unicorn who was scrambling back on her rump, having previously been on all fours edging to look down.

"Calm down" said the tall girl, shaking her head at the unicorn scrambling away, and then taking a few steps back. "Stay away from the edge, everyone. There is another ledge below this one, and one of those drakes is sunning itself on it." Most of the unicorns backed quickly away at this, and Dana started but the tall unicorn put a hand on her shoulder. "It's ok... if it was going to eat us, it would have come up here already. I'd stay out of it's direct sight, but frankly, I'm tired of running and this view is the best thing I have seen since the attacks."

Dana nodded, relaxing a bit. "I'm Dana.. from the village of Nerrazine" she said. "Thanks for the help with my..." she was about to say bondage, but stopped and said, "...my wrists." She suddenly realised she was naked and crossed her arms over her chest, embarrassed. While being chained with the others and gagged, she felt like property.. and object. But freed and talking she began to feel a bit more like a person, and turned her head a bit from the tall unicorn, realising again she was naked as well, and her ample chest was about level with her head.

The tall unicorn smiled and said, "I'm Tamira. I was stationed at the closest garrison to the attacks." She frowned, "Not much good it did... we never even made it to the first village before we were ambushed."

Dana noticed one of the other unicorns turn her head at this and stride angrily forward. She was dirty and unkempt like everyone else, but you could still see traces of fine grooming and her tail was still braided in the style of nobility.

"You!" shouted the braided unicorn, quickly striding up as she overheard. "Why didn't you stop them! All those taxes we pay to the army and you just let those dragons walk in and take us! Look at me, look what you let them do to me!" she shouted angrily.

Tamira blinked but responded calmly even though her hands shook, "Most of my regiment is dead... they died trying to protect you. We did everything we could."

"They killed my mate! Destroyed my home!" said another unhappy mare.

"Well you should have died too!" shouted the braided unicorn, and slapped at Tamira's muzzle. "Why didn't you STOP them!" she screamed in anger and frustration. She stomped a hoof in frustration and began to pound her fists at the startled warrior.

Tamira did nothing but raise an arm to block the blows to her head, letting the rest land on her chest and torso. A number of other unicorns turned to watch, some looking angry at the warrior as well, others uneasy at the fighting.

"How could you say such a thing!" said Dana, appalled at the outburst and attack. "She tried her best!" she said and pulled the enraged unicorn back. Dana let out a soft yipe as the unicorn whirled at her as if she was going to hit, but the anger drained from her and she ran off, sobbing. The muttering soon died out and it was silent once more.

She swallowed and told the warrior, "When they came.. there were so many... nobody thought they would come so deep into" but broke off as she saw Tamira slowly sit down, looking sadly down at her dirty hooves. "Hey..." she knelt down behind her, "Don't listen to her..."

"I SHOULD have died, she is right.. it was my duty, even if I couldn't stop them I should have died trying" she said as she stared into space, eyes misty.

Dana didn't know what to say to this, so she just sat down next to the sad warrior and looked out at the slowly dimming sky, the sun setting over the edge of the volcanic rim, and the night sliding over the view like a slow wave, like she imagined the dragons did when they took the villages and the unicorns that lived there.


Fates of the Unicorns 2 - Welcome

## Fates of the Unicorns - Chapter 2 - Welcome Dana woke stiff and sore from sleeping the night on the hard stone. This was not unusual and she was used to it, as well as sleeping in close contact with the other captives. What made her pause was the...

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