Chasing The Horizon

Story by Runa on SoFurry

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Art - dog-bone

Writing - Runa

Mikhail - SuperLemonz

Ilorek/Valencia - Runa

Others: olympiaxylaige gilbertthepony2

Sequel to:

Parallel to:

Loved writing this. Got two delicious sex scenes in it, including the icon scene halfway through the story. I also put some...interesting cameos in there that might toss you up a bit, confuse you. It makes sense, I promise.

In this story, Miki deals with the stress that comes with his station being questioned internally. However, if you've ever read my work, you know it all turns out fine for all parties involved and a paradigm shift happens within his mind that finally allows him to relax a bit, show his more dominant side.

Even if that means overstepping a bit.

Chasing the Horizon

Mikhail was putting himself through a harrowing experience as he rushed his way down the flights of stairs from the deck to the lower levels, where his personal quarters were located. The look in Ilorek's golden yellow eyes was unmistakably intense, and his slitted pupils made him look incredibly aggressive. His words, though reassuring, were not enough to soften the image of his rage. He tried to hold back a sob as he burst through the doors into the quarters that both he and his deck-lass friend Arnika shared, slamming the door behind him.

"This is it. This is how I die. Gonna have rocks tied to my ankles, then I'll be thrown off into the depths. I should start packing now; at least if I have my stuff, I'll be able to take it to the afterlife with me." He grabbed for his dresser drawer, but then let go and flopped onto his bed, arms outstretched on either side. His heart was racing, fluttering in his chest as a warm flow of adrenaline coursed through his torso. His mind was not made up, and amidst his fear and worry he also had an odd sense of calmness in the back of his mind. Ilorek was a nice hippogryph, and a wonderful captain. Maybe he'd just punish Miki instead of throwing him to the sharks. Yeah, a good whipping would do just fine.

No, that didn't scream Ilorek at all. Maybe something more intimate, more embarrassing. Mikhail could see himself now, tied to the mast with his body strewn over a crate of goods with his tail forced up so that the rest of the crew could have a go at him one by one. A creative punishment, but not entirely bad. He'd been through worse in his employ at the brothel, and that wasn't even punishment.

A light rapping knock came on his door, jerking him out of position and nearly making him fall off the bed. A jolt of adrenaline shot through him as he whimpered to himself, glancing over to the door. "Y-yes?" He asked. "Who's there?"

"It's the captain speaking. Just thought I'd come and clarify a few things. May I come in?" His deep voice was silken, almost sinister in its inflection.

Miki had no idea how to respond. He wanted to spew some witty comeback to make himself feel strong and rebellious, but instead just sighed. "It's your ship, you can do whatever you'd like." The second the words left his lips he regretted it, slamming his palms over his maw to keep himself silent, for fear of responding with any further sass.

The door handle spun and the door slowly swung open, a deep creak accompanying the natural groan of the ship as it rocked back and forth on the gentle waves of the night. Ilorek stepped inside and shut the door behind him, smiling with a devious grin that pulled at one side of his beak. He was wearing his black and orange kilt adorned with golden buttons and buckles, with an orange, black, and gold highlighted sailor's jacket and a red captain's hat. Wearing his entire captain's uniform ensured he meant business. "Now Miki, what did I tell you last time?" He asked, slowly shaking his head in discontent.

He gulped deep before answering. "You've told me many things, captain. Many, many things. Please, do refresh me on what thing you refer to and I'll see if it will rejuvenate my memory." This time he managed to hold back from slapping himself on the cheek for the pompous answer. He was on the bed, sitting cross-legged with his pillow on his lap, clutched close to his chest.

"I refer to my mate, Valencia. What did I tell you last time you made a crack about having her for yourself?" He crossed his arms over his thick, feathered chest. "At the tavern."

"You said you'd kill me." Miki responded with a dour acceptance, slowly lowering his chin to rub on the soft pillow.

Ilorek nodded slowly. "I did, didn't I? And did you believe me?"

A sobbing heave bubbled up in Mikhail's chest before he held it down and gulped heavily, sniffling as he nodded. "My captain, I have utter faith in everything you say and tell me. Yes, I believed you, and still do."

The captain rolled his eyes and clicked his beak. His look was one of pure disdain. "When will you learn, Miki? I say a lot of stupid shit when I'm drinking. You've been on this vessel for over a year now, you should know better than to listen to me when I'm clearly sloshed." He stepped forward, powerful black talons clicking on the wood of the floor; his form was so big compared to the room that he actually had to hunch over a bit to not bump his head on the beams that were load-bearing for the next level up in the ship. He came to sit next to Mikhail, wrapping his arms around the deck-lad's shoulders. he had to keep his neck slouched forward to not hit it on Arnika's top bunk.

And again, that's when Mikhail accepted to himself that this was the end of his life. Ilorek was going to snap his neck or bite his jugular out. He knew it.

But instead, when Ilorek leaned in, it was to gently prod and preen the soft fur of Miki's cheeks, an act of affection. When he pulled away, Mikhail saw he had a wide grin across his partially gaped beak. "Miki, darling, I can assure you I'd never kill you, or even harm you for having your way with Valencia. She's a grown bitch, and can take care of herself just fine. If she didn't want something, she'd let you know. I have no say in who or what she does to please herself."

Mikhail was stiff as a board, eyes darting around the room as his mind raced. "But...but you said-"

"Forget what I said before, listen to what I'm saying now. I am telling you that you are free to do what you will, provided there is consent from both parties. What others want is irrelevant. On The Storm of the Rift, both Val and myself believe in freedom in every sense of the word. Freedom from the ties of land and government, freedom from the rules of kings and queens, and freedom to love and please one another at will. If you want to fool around with someone - ANYONE - all that matters is that both you and the one you're with are down for whatever kinky shit you're into. I trust Val to make the decision that's best for her, for you, and for the crew. So if she wants you, I advise you to go ahead, have fun. She and I have been together long enough that we know where our allegiances lie. Love is a crazy thing. Trust in it." He patted Miki on the head and stood up, adjusting his coat as he walked over to the door.

"So you're saying-" Miki started, only to be cut off by Ilorek

The captain turned around, coat swinging around him. "I'm saying that you are a part of the family here; a key member of the crew on the Storm of the Rift. There is virtually nothing you can do to anger me to the point that I would have any desire to harm you. Short of mutiny, theft, or murder, you're safe. Worst case scenario, you'll get a stern talking to. Please lighten up; your work suffers when you're stressed and worried. In the mean time, I'm gonna go have some fun with two wonderful women who are begging for my attention. Please, feel free to join us if you've got it in ya still, eh matey?" He winked and turned back around, leaving the door open as he disappeared through the barracks to go up back to the deck level.

Mikhail sat on his bed in awe, horns nearly scraping the underside of Arnika's bunk. He had no idea what to do or how to respond to any of that. On one hand, it was a huge relief off his shoulders, but on the other hand it was also a huge burden to bare. Sure, he wasn't going to be killed for enjoying himself - a positive response in any position - but on the other hand the endorsement of his intimacy just reverted him back to the days where it was his job to please others. Now he had something to prove, and a person worth proving it to.

One year of being free on the high seas was not nearly enough to undo almost a decade of physical and mental distress and abuse when at the brothel.

He could have followed Ilorek, join in on the fun, but he wasn't in the mood anymore. He'd enjoyed himself already, was kind of exhausted, and knew that the ladies would find plenty of solace in the captain. Miki wasn't the greedy type.

After his heart calmed and the adrenaline drained from his system, Miki found the strength to sit over the side of the bed and open the drawer, grabbing a few pieces of jerky to chew on before laying back on his pillow. In between the drawn out groans of the ship's wood and mast, Mikhail could hear the moans of his captains having their way with Arnika; they were loud enough that if anyone else was awake in their cabins, they would hear them, too.

Eventually, the sounds died down and Mikhail found himself drifting off into sleep, at least until his door gently creaked open, revealing Arnika's naked form. His companion used her rump to shut the door, skipped over to the bunk, and hopped up above him. Though her entrance jostled him from his sleep, it wasn't long before his mind dissolved into his own personal dreamscapes.

Upon waking the following morn to the sound of Pluvian squawking to jostle the crew from sleep, Mikhail was happy to find that any and all apprehension was gone from his body. After a good night's sleep preceded by an uplifting chat and tension releasing go at Captain Valencia, he was finally relaxed. There remained a hint of worry and anxiety clawing at the back of his mind when he thought about how much it would hurt him to disappoint Ilorek, but he was able to wipe that away for the most part.

When he made it - alongside the rest of the crew - to the deck, he was greeted with the tall mountains and cliffs of a tropical island dropping right into the sea, with a crescent shaped beach in between two peninsula. With them getting so close to shore, the crew woke up and immediately went into a rushed panic, tending to their jobs.

To Mikhail, it was like the others were going in rapid motion around him as he calmly made his way from crew member to captain and back again, calmly dishing out orders, taking inventory, and prepping the vessel to weigh anchor near the sand bar. He had a brief consultation with Ilorek where he discussed the nature of the map that would lead them to the treasure that had been left there by Captain Ceylon a few weeks prior. Miki was happy to be included in the discussion and even caught himself leaning in close to Ilorek, as though he was cuddling the captain, until Arnika noticed and laughed at him.

Against his personal judgment, Miki was actually taken ashore with Ilorek, Matilda, Krendius, and Olympia to scout the island and help with navigation. It was uncommon for Miki or Arnika to do anything off the ship, unless they were at port; usually, they stayed on board to do their jobs as maintenance and inventory. But no, this was a new adventure for him that he took to quite well.

He found himself happily taking point, hacking through leaves to make a path for himself and others, then jumping onto logs and flailing about when a snake hissed at him. He was having fun, enjoying himself, and getting social with other crew members; the whole ordeal was foreign to him yet he took to it quite enthusiastically. His crowning moment was when he saw the glint of a gem twinkling through ferns, and he became the one who helped the others pinpoint the grove where the treasure haul was left.

A brief moment of confusion came over Miki concerning the logistics of hauling all that loot back to the ship, but it was remedied when Ilorek decided to use some of his telekinetic magic to ease the pain, digging out the half-full trunks so that they could each take a handle. Ilorek and Mikhail took the larger, more full of the two trunks while Krendius and Olympia hauled the other one together.

The trek back through the jungle to shore was a long and arduous, sweaty mess of a trip. It was nearly noon before they managed to get the trunks back to the sandy shores after a dozen pit stops to drink and eat fruit from the trees for hydration and energy. Every step of the way, all Miki could think about was the massive member Ilorek was packing, as well as the glorious time he had the night before. Arnika, as well as Captain Valencia, with the potential to bend over for that wonderful cock of Ilorek's.

When back to the surf, the crew took a series of trips to and from the ship by floating both of the smaller boats, dividing up the treasure into money bags and smaller trunks that would fit. The hauling of the loot onto the deck and into the cargo hold was time consuming, but Miki didn't mind one bit. The more time he spent working alongside the others was better for him, gently putting his mind at a more thorough ease, right up until it was time to leave. Finally, they left the trunks ashore for other treasure hunters to know that they had been beaten to the stash by Storm of the Rift, and that they would forever be slower than the flagship vessel.

Before raising the anchor and sails, another party was to be had on deck, but Miki had socialized himself well beyond his usual threshold, so he climbed up the stern mast - the shorter one - to be away from the blokes who were drinking and partying to remain on his own up in the crow's nest. The added breeze that high above sea level was quite refreshing, as it cooled him off in tandem with the sweat he'd worked up hauling back all the coin and gems.

He kept his eyes closed as he let the sea breeze whip over his hair and horns, a gentle smile spread across his maw in a toothy yet subtle grin. This truly was the life, and his change in demeanor thanks to Ilorek was giving him yet another renewal on his own spiritual energy. He had all he could possibly hope for upon this ship, even if he was only now starting to get to know the other crew members a bit closer.

Over a year of being at sea, and he was just not opening himself enough to trust the crew he should be calling family by now. By Ilorek's own words, the crew was family, not by blood but by the salt of the sea that coursed through their bodies. He'd heard such words of encouragement constantly, but his reserved nature ensured that he never participated, much to the chagrin of Arnika. She was perpetually badgering him to socialize more, but he never felt he belonged. Now he did. Now he felt at ease, like this was his place to be, and with the Captain's blessing, that would never be taken away.

The day was quite profitable, the ship was doing well, the crew was happy and drunk, and everything was looking up. Right about now would have been the perfect time for everything to go wrong, as Miki had trained himself to expect, but life aboard the Storm of the Rift was not a typical life.

"Hey, what's up with you?" A voice came from the hatch below Miki. When he looked, he saw it was Captain Ilorek with hat on poking his head up into the crow's nest. "Mind if I intrude on your personal party?" He didn't wait for an answer, just hopped up and pulled his legs up after him, closing the trap door when he was fully aboard.

Miki shook his head, rolled his eyes, and chuckled a bit. "Uh, sure. It's your ship, after all."

"Damn right it's my ship, mate!" The captain said with pride, hopping to his feet. "And how are ye? I noticed you had a lot more energy today than normal. You weren't simply letting your mind and body take over for you. You took control, you were proactive. What changed?" He asked, even though he knew the answer.

Miki turned back out to gaze out over the open seas away from the island, gulls chirping and squawking around the boat, each one eagerly waiting for some scraps from the party on deck. With arms crossed on the barricade, he slowly nodded to himself, a form of self affirmation. "You know why I'm happier. Your little helped a lot. I appreciate it." As he revealed himself to the captain, he couldn't help but feel an embarrassed flush of heat in his chest, neck, and cheeks.

Ilorek stepped away from the mast to lean against the barricade with Miki, matching his crossed-arm position while overlooking the glimmering surface of the ocean before them. "That powerful, yarr? I didn't think a reassurance that I wouldn't kill you over my mate's desires would be that much of a revelation, but if it helps, I'm glad. I like you better like this. You're a lot more useful to me, and much more likable as far as the rest of the crew is concerned. Not sure if you can hear the chatting going on down on deck, but Olympia and Krendius had a fun time telling tales of your encounter with that snake. Never seen them pay this much attention to you, ever. It's refreshing."

"Naw, I wasn't listening. All I can hear is the roar of the waves and the sounds of birds all around right now. I like the relative solitude up here, but it's nice to hear that. I still have a lot of internal barriers to break through, but I'm sure with your help I'll have no problem doing that." He reached out to caress Ilorek on his feathered shoulder, but then pulled away when he realized that he was getting a bit too physical. That's when he decided to make a joke, perhaps in poor taste. "Won't lie, though, couldn't stop thinking about Valencia the entire time we were out. Damn that woman's tight." He said it as nonchalantly as he could, for added humor.

To his surprise, Ilorek didn't make a snide comment back. "Yep, can't say I blame you. There's a reason I married her all those years ago. She's too good to keep to myself, and I hope you have some fun with her next chance you get. I know she was talking about you before I went to bed last night."

Miki's eyes went wide as he gulped. "R-really? What did she say?"

"Lot's of stuff, really, but I told her I didn't believe a word she said. I'll have to find out for myself." Ilorek said with a sidelong glance, his hand reaching down to cup Mikhail's rump, pulling him in close so that their eyes could lock in together. "I don't suppose you want to make a liar out of her, do you?" He grinned and winked, beak agape as he licked his maw.

Almost instantly, Miki's mind traveled south to underneath Ilorek's kilt, and the brisk memory he had of the night before when he saw what was hiding in there. His own member twitched and throbbed awake in his pants, quickly forming a bulge there. Only a blush and a meek shake of his head would answer the captain.

With hand still on Miki's rump, Ilorek pulled his deck-lad up close so that their hips were pressed together, with Mikhal's crotch bulge pressed right against Ilorek's. He chirped and raised his eyebrows while giving an encouraging nod.

The warmth of the hippogryph captain's member was pressed right to Mikhail's, coaxing it from its confines one throbbing heartbeat at a time. He wanted to do something, to respond, but was cut off when he felt Ilorek's powerful hands tugging on his belt.

"I really don't think that's necessary." The captain declared as he undid Miki's buckle, whipping the belt out and tossing it to the other side of he nest to leave the deck-lad's pants to fall down to his ankles. When he saw Miki's semi-erect member, he grinned and nodded, once again leaning in close so that his breath could be felt tickling at the chimera's neck. Ilorek lifted the front of his kilt to rest at Miki's waist, letting both of their members gently rub against each other underneath the fabric. The warmth within Ilorek's kilt was overbearing, an intensity that led Miki to sweat and blush. "Is something wrong, hun?"

Miki lowered his gaze a bit, deliberately avoiding eye contact as he felt the familiar swell in his loins. He had seen his captain naked before, fantasized about him plenty, but never once thought he was of high enough station to be given such an opportunity. His time in the brothel ensured that he saw sex as a way of punishment or servitude, but his time aboard the Storm of the Rift had done some to reverse that and turn sex into something of joy. Now, this was a reward, and while he'd had some fun with Valencia the night before, he didn't have time to properly enjoy it.

Now he was alone, with the captain, in the crisp breeze of the sea high in the mast while the rest of the crew partied down below. He could hear the cheering and singing and chanting over the food and drink; part of him felt like they were cheering for him, and that made his chest fur puff out in pride.

"Nothing wrong, Captain." He whispered with a smile, still avoiding eye contact.

The sound of the wind whipping their fur and feathers combined with the creaking of the boat as it rocked muffled the sound of his voice, so Ilorek brought his hand up to cradle Miki's chin, forcing eye contact. "What's that, I couldn't hear you." While he spoke, the golden yellow of his eyes seemed to light up a bit, distracting Miki from the sensation of a hand trailing over and down his chest and belly, eventually coming to wrap finger and thumb around the base of his cock.

He squeaked a bit at the touch, but dared not pull his eyes away from his captain's gaze. "I-I said nothing's wrong. Captain." He tried to bring his hand up to salute, but was cut off when he felt a gentle tug on his member. Ilorek's hand gently stroked him, slowly pushing the kilt off them both. A glistening bead of precum was forming at the tip in the nest of folded up foreskin, at least until Ilorek rubbed his thumb into it and peeled the skin back, exposing the taut sheen of his glans. "Nothing wrong at all." Miki said, mostly to himself.

"I didn't think so." Ilorek confirmed, confidently undoing his belt to let his kilt fall around his ankles; the weight and motion let his member spring back up, throbbing in place as tiny globs of fluid spattered on Miki's belly. His member twitched every few seconds, the veins throbbing and wide equine flare expanding every time only to deflate again. A visible sheen of lubricants and precum could be seen moistening around the cock's opening, nestled deep in the cavern around the inside of his flare.

Almost instantly, Miki fell to a squat to cradle that glorious shaft with both hands, worshipping it with maw agape. He panted heavily at its majesty, tongue out to catch and dripping mess before reaching out, stroking the underside of it as his own member throbbed and bobbed between his legs. Nervously, he craned his neck forward until his lips pressed against Ilorek's tip, pausing to look up for permission before continuing.

Ilorek stared down at him with a sly grin. His eyes were slitted and intense, but also affectionate and encouraging. He crossed his arms over his lower back, powerful chest pushed out in a show of dominance, like he knew he was sexy.

That was answer enough. Mikhail closed his eyes and focused on the physical sensations before him; his hands lightly traced up and down Ilorek's shaft, fingertips dragging over the velvety half near the base, the plump median ring, all the veins, and the detailed texture between them and the gently barbed tip. The musky scent of sweaty, aroused stallion blended with the peculiarly sweet aroma of Ilorek's avian half, triggering another deeper desire in Miki.

Opting to not waste any time, Miki wrapped both hands around Ilorek's shaft, holding it in place while he shoved it in his mouth. His lips formed a seal around its impressive girth as he kept his jaw slack and tongue tensed to cradle its underside; he wanted to be careful with his teeth since he was worried too much pressure might result in accidental biting. However, as he felt the girth of the flare expanding in the back of his maw, he realized that biting down wasn't an option. It was almost too big for him already, and he had barely gotten started.

When a gentle caress met his cheek, he looked up to see Ilorek stroking his face, looking down over his barrel-chest with a concerned look. "You still okay?" He was leaning against the mast, using it for balance as his talons dug into the dirt of the crow's nest.

Miki only nodded gently in response, careful to not let his teeth snag on Ilorek's taut cock flesh. He tried to smile, but when he felt a bit of fluid drooling out of the corner of his mouth, he returned to a circular shape to keep the seal; he wanted to taste and swallow every drop of the captain's seamen. His tongue caressed the underside and he sucked gently while his hands kept a steady stroking pattern. Before long he found himself really getting into it, closing his eyes again as he started bobbing his head back and forth.

Slowly but gradually, Miki lost himself to the exquisite combination of Ilorek's essence. The taste of Hippogryph cum tickled the back of his throat, triggering only the most pleasant mix of bitter and sweet with a touch of earthiness. The girth of the flare pressed out against all sides of his maw with added pressure on his tongue without making him gag. The thick musky aroma of Ilorek's crotch and sweaty bits was so viscous it almost felt like it was a tendril prodding his nostrils. He quickly lost himself in the brew through all three senses until he heard a gentle moan.

He split his eyes open to look up at Ilorek, and nearly blushed when he saw the captain was grabbing at the mast behind him with eyes partially squinted as though he were holding back his climax. It was almost too cute, but Miki wanted to help finish him off, prove himself as an asset of pleasure aboard the Storm of the Rift.

At least that was until Ilorek doubled over, jerkily grabbing at Miki's chin and pulling his cock out with a juicy, wet mess of precum and saliva. He stared Miki in the eyes, half smiling, as he assured him. "Wow, don't finish me up too quickly, darlin'. Leave some for under that tail of yours!"

Mikhail was shocked when Ilorek pulled out so quickly, but then started wagging his hind end when Ilorek told him what was next. "Yes Cap'n!" He said, then saluted as he stood with Ilorek's cock head in his free palm. "How would you like me?"

In one swift motion, Ilorek leaned in close and wrapped his arm around Miki's waist to bring them together hip to hip. "You're the expert, you tell me." He snapped his beak at him in an affectionate way followed by a devious gaped grin and intense stare.

Miki nodded excitedly as his eyes went puppy-dogged, his palms resting gently on the captain's thickly feathered chest, fingers tickled by the plumage. "I think...sometimes the most basic ways are best. Especially up here against the mast." He pushed away gently, then turned and lifted his tail as he bent over the railing. "Like this, captain?" His haunches swayed gently, exposing his own meaty rump.

As if by instinct, Ilorek quickly grabbed the base of Miki's tail and clenched it tight, reefing it up over his deck-lad's lower back. His thumb trailed down the underside of it to gently prod at the soft flesh of his booty hole, while his other hand grabbed his shaft and smeared precum and fluids all over himself. "You ready?" He asked while simultaneously rubbing his cock against that same soft rump hole and lubricating it with his finger.

Miki looked back over his shoulders with a broad grin, ears up high. "For you, Captain, anything." He nodded and braced himself against the railing, keeping an eye around his body to watch as Ilorek leaned into him. His hooves tensed up as he felt the long shaft slide into him effortlessly. Within seconds, every measure of the captain's cock had been buried deep in his backside, spreading his booty wide with generous aplomb.

"There we go, Miki. And wow,'re so soft!" Ilorek complimented as he gently let his hand slide up Miki's tail while also gently pulling out. "Snug, yet tender. It's almost like you practice for me?"

All Mikhail could muster was a meek nod as he bit his lower lip. His rump end twitched and clenched gently, depths massaging every bit of Ilorek's length within him. To his delight, Ilorek's member was just the right thickness to give him that full feeling without putting him in pain or making him feel like he was being split down the middle. Comfort with power. A pleasure with every gentle push back he offered right up until he felt the softness of Ilorek's sheath up against the underside of his tail.

Ilorek gradually started picking up his pace, slowly thrusting in and out from tip to base, pausing at every completed insertion to enjoy the warmth while twitching his member in sucha way that Miki could feel it all throughout him. As he pulled out, however, the ship hit a wave and rocked the mast back and forth. Ilorek flailed and grasped at Miki's tail to keep himself from being yanked from the snug depths, but then was forced in as deep as he would go, his body half folding over Miki's back.

"H-hey, careful captain." Miki protested, hands gripping the railing to ensure he didn't trip and lose his ground. When he was stable and sturdy, he stomped one hoof and offered a pleasant growl of pleasure against Ilorek's chest, which was still pressed tight to his back. He opened his maw to give a bit of a peck on the captain's cheek, when out of the corner of his eye he saw the silhouette of another ship cresting the horizon. A fear washed over him and his rump end squeezed tight in distress. When he turned to glance back to Ilorek to see if he had also noticed the other vessel, he was met with an intense close up glare.

"That's more like it, squeeze tight." Ilorek commanded, his hips speeding up to an aggressive pace. His hand slid up Miki's shoulder to wrap tight around his throat, holding him in place while he bucked wildly into him.

Miki wanted to protest, to point out the potential threat, but the power of Ilorek holding his neck and the aggressive pounding of his tail hole caused pleasure that made his eyes roll back in his skull. The angle and vigor combined with his own natural instinct to dip the small of his back against whoever mounted him coaxed a thick, steady stream of semen from him as though he were being milked.

As a puddle formed between his legs, he parted his hooves a bit and leaned back as hard as he could, using the railway for leverage as he slammed back in unison with every one of Ilorek's hip thrusts. The pressure suddenly intensified within him as the captain's bucks became erratic and twitchy within him, followed by a hot blast of cum deep within him. A moment later, he felt Ilorek's hand slowly release his neck, only to then feel a beak chomping down on his nape.

The pressure and sharpness of it made his head crane backward, spine still dipped and tail curled up high as he idly grinded back against the hippogryph's throbbing, cum-spewing member. As the combination of sharp pain and full-bodied pleasure and the constant pounding of his most sensitive inner spots brought him quickly to his own climax. An electric wave burst from his body as he trembled, cock twitching to release a series of cum splatters against the wood while his rump clenched even tighter around the meaty equine member that caressed him from within.

Each twitch of muscle and throb of vein within him felt intensified as the pressure built. Ilorek quickly halted his forward motion, instead staying in place as his girth pulsated against Miki's tender flesh. The cum kept spurting, one twitch at a time, until it started to force its way out between the two of them, trickling out the tiny crevasses of Miki's rump. He clenched one last time, forcing a spray of seed to trickle down Ilorek's length, coating his balls and forming a puddle between them.

After that, Ilorek gently released his beak from Miki's neck, preening at the fur there and nuzzling lightly before pulling away and standing up straight. His member was slowly growing soft inside his deck-lad's rump end, but he wasn't ready to let it slide out so he pushed in until every bit of its flaccid length had wormed its way into him. He grunted and chirped a bit, giving Miki a light slap on the rump followed by a full-hand grope.

Mikhail took in a series of long breaths as he looked back to Ilorek, then turned out to the ocean to see that the ship was getting closer. His rump was tingling from hole to depths, but the soothing sensation of hot seed moisturizing his flesh seemed to calm and lessen the friction. His mind shot back to the reality of the incoming ship, now that his seed had been spent and he was able to apply natural logic.

"I wouldn't worry too much about the ship, Miki." Ilorek assured as he leaned back, letting his member slowly fall out of Mikhail's rump, drooping and swinging between his legs while coated in a thick cum that bridged the flesh of them both.

The assurance was enough to let Miki be calm and relaxed, his rump staying open while a flow of bubbling semen trickled out over his taint and balls. A squishing sound accompanied his rump as it clenched close, forcing much of the mess out onto the wood of the deck. The cool breeze of the sea tickled his backside gently, and he didn't want to close it off with the base of his tail, so he let his back stay angled while the flesh of his rump was caressed by the wind. "What do you mean? Shouldn't we always be wary of other ships? I know I'm not the captain, but-"

Ilorek grabbed his kilt and quickly leaned into Miki, peck-kissing him on the cheek. "Trust me, I know that ship. It's captained by a good friend of mine. Olfrin Stormfin. Him and Lady Luero Venosa, that's the Ademane's Venomous Wrath." He stealthily slid his hand down Miki's spine to wrap around his tail, gently prodding at his pucker as he carried on. "I know you can't see as well as I can with my literal eagle eyes, but I can see the flag they fly from here. Things are about to get even more fun than before. I don't want to rush you, but get dressed, we have some guests to entertain."

When Ilorek pulled his fingers from Mikhail's rump, he gave one final rub down his deck-lad's taint before licking himself clean, quickly stepping into his kilt and plopping his hat on his head. Within less than a minute, he'd opened the latch to the ladder and was sliding his way down to the deck to join the rest of the crew.

Mikhail was a bit slower to get his bearings. He hobbled across the nest to get his clothes, but then paused when he got a better look at the ship that had been approaching. He could see a gray flag with what looked like a shark's fin flanked by two snake fangs. Interesting flag, for sure. As soon as he saw it, he was sure that Ilorek was correct; the Ademane's Venomous Wrath was one of the three flagships of the Nautical Liberation Force alongside Ilorek and Valencia's Storm of the Rift and Ceylon's Spirit of Dalonia.

After a few moments of rest and recovery from the brisk yet passionate mating he'd received from the Captain, Miki finally found himself dressed and leaning over the rail of the nest, reflecting on what had just happened. He had just been granted the pleasure of the company of the captain - the heroic stallion pirate who saved him - while also being given his blessings to have his way with any crew member as long as there was consent provided.

He found himself shivering in joy, his arms wrapped around his torso in a self hug as an unfamiliar sensation of self worth washed over him. This was the best day since the one where Ilorek had rescued him from that brothel.

Funny how most of Miki's best days were in some way linked to the other members of this ship.

When he finally was prepared to go down and meet with the rest of the partying crew, the other ship had finally gotten close enough to board. The other vessel threw over ropes and a ramp, and the two groups had a wonderful, booze soaked party right up until nightfall, with Mikhail gaining up the courage to let himself go in the wake of his renewed, reinvigorated self worth.

Problem was, he didn't remember most of the day from that point forward. Too much booze and bombast, not enough food.

Sailors of all walks of life party the hardest, be it at port, at sea, or when hunting for treasure. Mikhail now knew that, as the party on the deck had taken its toll on him. It was so bad he didn't even remember what happened to the crew of the Ademane's Venomous Wrath or what happened. All he could remember was a few wisps of the sea serpent Lady Luero Venosa and the aquatic captain Olfrin Stormfin. Even then, he didn't remember anything that happened.

When he woke the next morning, he was half hanging off the side of his bed with his tail and talons resting on the groaning wood of the floor. The constant groaning and sloshing sound of the ship rocking back and forth on the waves was messing his equilibrium up, and the room...actually felt like it was still. The wooziness of the hangover seemed to get cancelled out by the rocking of the boat.

Hm. Perhaps that was why sailors were such notorious drinkers.

"All ashore!" A voice called down from above deck. It was Krendius, as far as Miki could tell.

He groaned, slowly swinging his legs around the bed to lean over himself, cradling cheeks in his palms. His gaze went blurry for a moment, only to have it clear up when Arnika's tail swung over the top bunk to tickle at his hair and horns. He wanted to brush her away, but couldn't be bothered. "I think we're back at port." He said, slurring his words a bit. "Time to get up."

Arnika yipped and excitedly popped her head over the side of the bed, looking down at him with a broad grin on her face. "I know, I was up early and helping prep the mooring lines. Just came back to bed for some good old fashioned self pleasure. Gotta keep the fingers moving!" She hopped off the top bunk to land on the ground in front of him, only to quickly dive into the dresser to get some clothes. When she was dressed, she looked gorgeous yet rugged, with a dainty little hat and a tank top that barely kept her modest, as well as a short little skirt and a long sailor's jacket. "Yarrr, it be time to roll ashore, get up sleepyhead." She kicked his shin, then quickly turned to leave the room.

"Ugh. I need to drink less. Or more. Maybe it'd be better to acclimatize myself to alcohol if I'm going to live a life at sea." He shook his head, cradling his face in his hands before standing straight up. He stretched and yawned, only to lose his balance a bit and fall into the bed, forcing him to grab the top bunk. "Blech."

After stumbling about for a few minutes, Mikhail finally managed to collect some clothes, a pistol, and a dagger for when he was to head ashore, including a kilt, a nautical jacket, and a shoulder strap, but then he decided the coat was too much. This was north Koluma, too hot for a nautical jacket. When he was confident with his look and stability, he burst into the main hall and made his way to the deck. Up he went, past the gunnery level, past the captain's cabin, and onto the deck with the rest of the crew aside from Valencia who were all standing around, leaning against crates, and perched on the bannister that held the cannons.

Ilorek was standing at the bow-landing, holding a sword high. "Today, we celebrate a glorious haul from the Ijimulian! Take the loot, disperse the haul, and have a great day. Matilda, Olympia, and Krendius, please stay aboard the ship to help with taking care of the goods. Val's going to be taking Arnika, Mikhail, Pariah, and Pluvian, you know what to do." He nodded and hopped down from the bow to pat the shoulders of each of the crew mates. "Take some loot, buy spices and salt, trade for fabrics and ammo, get something expensive to eat. You know the drill."

When he was done, he immediately withdrew to his room; With the door open, Mikhail saw Val hop up to give Ilorek a kiss on his beak before coming out to guide the crew. She was dressed in a gray and red coat, but it was more of a vest since sleeves didn't work well on one with wings for arms.

"You heard the captain, ye be landlubbers today! Everyone take a bag of loot, come back with something useful!" She clapped hands together - well, the part of her wing that was most like a hand, and the crew dispersed.

Naturally, Arnika gravitated towards Miki, and the two of them stepped down the ramp off the boat to the dock, where the immediately went to get something to drink. Arnika wanted a cocktail, but Miki just wanted juice or water. He was parched, and the booze was kicking his tail. When they made it to a juice bar that was on the pier, they sat together on stools and demanded water and a pitcher of Uriel Sauce, a thick juice made of the pulp of the uriel fruit blended with a touch of honey, strawberry, and kiwi. High in energy, tops in flavor, and great for hydration. He didn't even ask for a cup or a mug, he just drank from the jug.

"You're going to get quite the belly there, Miki." Arnika cautioned as she leaned over to rub his gut. "Bloat is not a good thing when on a rocking ship all day."

He gulped as much of the juice as he could, chugging half the jug in one go before putting it down gently on the bar and wiping his lips. "I'll be fine. Needed the hydration more than anything else. Besides, I'm feeling better already." He took another sip and asked for a straw, that way he could enjoy it in lighter doses.

The two of them enjoyed a real nice meal, with Miki chomping down on the most expensive, juicy steak he'd had in months and Arnika enjoying some shrimp pasta. They were nearly done and had already paid when Valencia hopped up next to them, with Jarell the canine gryph in tow.

"Hey you two chumps. We're heading inland a bit, away from the pier. Gonna do some artifact trading for big coin if you'd like to join us." She made a cute chirping squeaking sound before leaning over to Jarell and giving him a pat between the ears. "And trust me, it's gonna be fun."

Miki took another big drink of his beverage to wash down the steak, and as he went to talk released a powerful belch that seemed to reverberate through the wispy leaves that dangled over the ridge of the tavern roof. He immediately blushed and covered his mouth, embarrassed.

"Well now you gotta come with us to make up for that horrific display!" She joked, tipping her hat to him. "Come on, finish up and pay, I know a few places near the Tritian embassy that would be great to visit. Friend of a friend sells some pretty wicked potions and has quite the vault to trade for ademane rich gems like the ones on the island. Give us a lot of jade coin and drink, which is very much so worth it."

Arnika laughed at him, patting him on the back to coax another gentle burp out of him before she put the last bite of shrimp in her maw, flipping a single gold coin over the counter to the waiter. "Yeah, let's go." She grabbed her tiny trunk of coin and gems to sling it over her shoulder before grabbing Miki and pulling him along.

The four of them quickly made their way through town, making their way past various two story buildings with homes on top and stores on the bottom. It became strikingly clear why this place had come to be known as the Koluman International Trade Annex. From the shore, where there were nearly a hundred places to dock ships of all sizes right to the farmer's market deeper inland, the entire city screamed 'buy something'. That was fine for Mikhail, since he had secured quite the haul and had the money to buy anything he wanted.

As they walked by shops and vendors, Mikhail stopped periodically to check out some wares of all kinds. Potions for healing, delicious fruit and vegetables, meals, jewelry for his ears, parchment and stationery for writing his daily inventory, and even puzzle boxes to keep his mind sharp when on the open ocean. He wanted to buy it all, but the ladies in his little group kept him focused for a while, at least as best they could with him still marginally hung over. Of course, the image of Valencia's backside swaying before him and the tail that swished with every step was quite the motivator to keep up.

She wasn't naked, but wasn't exactly known for wearing much unless she had to. Valencia wore her hat and a simple blouse and skirt, but the skirt was very short, so if Miki was far enough behind, the angle was just right to catch a series of glimpses of her shapely, furred rump. He tried to be nonchalant about it by glancing around whenever she looked back, which was the cause of his constant distractions. Still, he had enough lucidity to not stare, and certainly enough to not grab her rump even if he had those desires bubbling up in him.

"Alright, we're just about here. Remember, these folks are my friends. Have some of the best potions in town, as well as a lot of coin to trade for these jewels. The one running the shop is actually a princess, collecting the most beautiful things she can find to decorate her throne room for when she becomes queen, so you'd best keep in her best books. Understood?" Valencia warned, walking backwards while addressing both Miki and Arnika.

"Aye-aye, captain." Arnika said with a salute.

Mikhail nodded gently. "When have I ever been disrespectful?"

Valencia paused and cocked her head to the side, one ear up. "Well until last night, never." She winked. "Come on, she's here in the big round castle-like building." She led them out from an alley into a large roundabout-looking zone, with a circular gray brick wall with a series of windows open for trading. Inside beyond the counters and windows there was an open area with another smaller circular room in the middle, only this one was two stories tall and poked up above the single story round building. The roundabout pathway between the castle building and the rest of the city was dotted with a few folks who were all making their way from window to window. "She'll be around the other side, I think."

When they arrived at the window, they were greeted by a half human, half jysar woman dressed in an odd combination of worn leathers and flowing green and blue fabric. Her skin was patched and speckled, half light and half caramel, while her furred sections such as her ears, the back of her hands, tail, and upper arms were a similar fur color, patched light cream and dark caramel. "Hey there Val, long time no see!"

Valencia hopped up onto the counter resting in the window to give the vendor a hug, since Val was so much shorter than everyone else. "I know, I know! Been months now. How's Alara been?"

"Oh, she's fine, just bein' her." She looked back to an equally tiny black feline dressed in a dark blue cloak curled up on a chair, with tail dangling out one side and one arm dangling over the other. When Mikhail listened closely, he could hear a gentle purr coming from her. "Lazy during the day, as always. Anyway, what can I do for you?"

"We've got some loot we'd like to trade for smaller coin denominations. Also, got some pretty gems and stuff for ya if you're interested." Valencia started, only to pause and wave a hand over to Arnika and Mikhail. "Oh, and these are my deck-hands. Deck-lad Mikhail Alkaev and deck-lass Arnika Breznik. New hires on the ship. Well, yearlings. They came with us on our last expedition to the Ijimulian, and we got quite the haul."

Both Miki and Arnika saluted to her.

"Oh, I am so very sorry! Forgot to introduce myself. I'm Princess Ivanah of Trithe! This here's my mate Alara, and...." She paused, glancing around. "'Ey! Runa! Come say hi to Val's new hires!"

A moment later, a tall, thickly built red and black striped jysar came through the back door of the room. He was wearing a gray and gold cloak that mostly covered his body. He was tall, but still a full head shorter than Miki. "Oh, hi! Name's Runa Merone." He extended a paw over the counter that Miki and Arnika both shook, while Jarell simply sniffed. "Pleasure to meet you. What brings you to KITA?"

"They've got gems for me. Well, they've got gems, I've got jade. Let's see what you've got." Ivanah asked, leaning over the counter.

When Miki, Arnika, and Val all took out their own trunks, they grabbed for each of the gems and artifacts while sifting through the coin, leaving a pile of non-currency sitting on the desk. There were rubies, emeralds, sapphires, pearls, an ornate gem encrusted puzzle box, an opal clam, and a pure jade dildo that was nicely ridged and textured with a flat and wide base; clearly a plug of sorts. Arnika quickly grabbed that one and kept it in her box.

"Wow, we've got some wonderful stuff here. Come on, let's go around back and negotiate some prices for these things. And Arnika, darling, I don't suppose you'd be interested in parting with that particular artifact, would ya?" Ivanah winked and bared her long sharp teeth. "I'm sure my lady Alara could use it for when I'm not around."

Alara's ear perked up and one eye struggled to partially open for a moment before rolling in disdain, closing back up as she returned to her slumber.

Of course, that was exactly what Val had in mind, so the group went behind the counter to chat things up with the three who were running the shop. In the end, they ended up with tiny bags full of jade coins, which was insanely valuable. A single jade coin was worth one hundred gold coins, which in turn were worth ten silver coins each. A single silver coin was worth ten bronze, which in turn were valued at about one hundred copper. A single gold coin could pay for two high end meals and alcoholic beverages with a hefty tip, so the bags of jade they ended up with was absolutely astounding. Only a few dozen of them would be enough to feed and house a family for months, and they had made out with nearly a hundred in total between the three of them.

When they parted ways, Arnika decided she had to go get herself something, so she and Jarell went back to one of the jewelry dealers Miki had pointed out on the way in, leaving Valencia and Mikhail alone, wandering through the market roundabout.

Suddenly, he choked up and got nervous around her again. Now that they were alone, there were no others around to buffer his bashfulness.

"Alright, we did the key trades for the day. What do you wanna do now? See a show? Eat out? Buy some clothes? I know I have to pick up some ammunition and spark-dust, but other than that, I don't really have a whole lot planned. So, mate, what be on yer mind?"

Mikhail didn't know for sure what came over him, but Ilorek's speech to him the day before combined with the lingering wisps of alcohol flowing through his body that left him with a hangover seemed to give him the impression he could get away with just about anything. So he said, "You."

Val squeaked a bit, lowering one ear in confusion. "Huh?"

"You asked what's on my mind, what I want to do. The answer is you." He grinned, slowly nodding his head. "So what say ye? Want to rent a room for the afternoon?" He leaned in and grabbed her rump, massive hands treating it more like a pinch.

She squeaked again, jumping forward right into him. There was a look of confusion on her face for a brief moment before that look melted into one of devious intent, a sly toothy grin spreading across her face. "Oh, I think I like confident Miki. I admit I wasn't expecting this out of you after so long, but I guess a little bit of alcohol and some encouraging words goes a long way with you, doesn't it?" She leaned in close and used her wing-arm to grab his shirt, yanking him down to her level. "And now you've got me wanting, so you better not make me wait."

Valencia was less than half Miki's size, with her face often times at about his belly's level, yet her words carried an unmistakable power in them, and Miki needed to take advantage of that. When she turned to disappear between the crowd headed towards an alleyway, the much larger Mikhail eagerly followed, lightly pushing through groups of people to catch up.

When he emerged into the abandoned alleyway between two stone and wood buildings, he found that he couldn't immediately see Valencia anywhere. That was, until he heard her distinctive squeak whistle from behind a stack of barrels and crates. He quickly caught up to her to see she was up on a shipping crate, standing so that her face was at his level. The moment he got close, she grabbed him by the neck and pulled him in close, pressing her chest to his as she nibbled at his shoulder.

A coldness coursed through Miki's body as adrenaline surged, followed by a familiar throb and swell in his loins. The faux confidence was not getting him in trouble, but was actually getting him exactly what he wanted. Sure, he felt wrong doing it the very second after he said it, but the situation was turning out considerably better than he ever imagined, and he pretty much didn't know what he was doing.

Luckily Valencia was taking a bit of control. As she kept her burrowing snout pressed tightly to his neck and shoulder, she grabbed at his chest fur while her toes fiddled at Miki's belt loop, expertly undoing it to leave his pants loose around his hips. She kicked the pants down to his thigh level, revealing Miki's semi-erect member. Without missing a beat, she wrapped her long, finger-like toes around its girth and started to stroke until it was fully hard, and that's when she hopped back away from him to lean against the wall. "Now now, there. You're even bigger than you were last time I got a good look. Hope you don't mind using it a little rough."

Again, something came over Mikhail that made him reach out to her, grabbing her by the shoulder and pushing her down against one of the barrels so that she was laying belly down with rump end aimed at him. Though his worry was manifesting by keeping his cock from being as stiff as it could be, the natural and instinctive lift of her tail bolstered his confidence and he grabbed her at the base with one hand while aiming with the other. She was just a touch too high for him to reach, so he hoisted up his other leg to stand on the crate she'd been standing on, giving him just enough leverage to press his cock tip against her puffy flesh under her skirt.

"I take it you're the captain now, Miki?" She teased as she glanced back over her shoulder. Her form leaned heavily on her elbows as she got a hold of the wood and metal rings of the barrel below her for balance. When she was fully balanced, she bent her knees to go down a bit, the motion sitting her haunches right on Miki's cock tip, as if to force him to enter her. Furthermore, she started wagging that thick tail of hers in his hand, the motions lightly rocking her back and forth against him.

The desire and need couldn't possibly be any more clear and evident if she was screaming it in her face. Valencia was a powerful bitch in a very high position on the ship so Mikhail knew that she was his boss, but for a brief moment none of that mattered. She was acting submissive to him, while at the same time commanding his action against her. The warmth of her pussy was teasing him in just the right way as a thick slime of arousal dribbled from within her to trickle down the underside of his shaft, coaxing the dominance out of him that she so clearly wanted.

Thanks to the grip on her tail as well as the surprising slickness and softness of her nether region, Miki found himself quickly able to plunge his entire member deep into her. Each full-cocked ridge of his burst into her, slipping between her folds in rapid succession until he felt the underside of her tail press tight against his belly. The warmth of her flesh and the snug fit of her pussy squeezed him just right, and he found himself arching his neck to nearly howl to the sky in pleasure, his hands digging into her thighs for leverage.

She paused a moment to let him start his motions, but when he didn't move, she clenched her pelvic muscles and looked back again. "Well, go ahead, Miki. For the next...however long it takes, I'm all yours."

He grunted and whimpered a bit, only making the slightest of body motions to shift his member within her. "L-let me take a moment to relish this." He muttered with closed eyes, concentrating on the sensations of her body squeezing him tight. This was it, the pinnacle of everything he'd wanted since coming aboard the Storm of the Rift, and it was everything he'd hoped it would be. Sure, he'd enjoyed her a bit with Arnika, but he couldn't quite concentrate just on Captain Valencia, and now she was all his.

At least until he finished.

With that nugget of knowledge banging around in his mind, he decided to keep it slow, gently waving forward and back to have his thick cock slide through her depths and spread her lips taut. It was dark in the alley, but there was enough light to see the juicy mess that had formed along his dark-fleshed shaft, accented by the light reflections that glistened along each ridge. Every tiny motion he made felt like a full thrust to him, thanks to how snug her flesh held him. Gradually, he picked up the pace, grinding hips and slapping thighs with increased vigor until all he could hear was the gentle chirps of Valencia accenting every forward motion, with a hint of flesh slapping wetness.

She was gasping, grunting, groaning, chirping, and squeaking at him as her wings flared out wide against the barrel, so he knew he was doing well. Years in the brothel meant he knew how to pleasure a woman, how to read her every muscle twitch and body motion, so that meant he was doing very, very well. Problem was, he was finding that his arousal was rising to dangerous levels very quickly thanks to the play of his fantasies that ran parallel to the vigorous motions of his hips.

In an effort to slow himself, he pulled out one slow time, then slammed in hard. When he was all the way in, he clenched his pelvic region to direct blood flow into his flare, making it expand within her as he wrapped his hands around her hip and torso, lifting her up while still inside her, carrying her over to another barrel to lay her down, all the while being assaulted by her craning her neck and pecking him on the cheeks with a series of kisses and nibbles.

When he put her down, she rolled over onto her back with both legs up high for him to grab, skirt folded up on her belly. "This is a power I'm really diggin', mate!" She growled at him with a grin. She was moving her spine in waves to grind down against him, even though he wasn't doing much to thrust back into her.

He wrapped his large, powerful hands around her waist and held her in place as a deep rumble of a growl built up in his chest, seeping out through his teeth as he matched her wavelike motions. The twitching and fleshy contractions around his member seemed to hit him just right, a constant form of friction that slid over his flesh with a precision that seemed almost like it was too good.

Too good because he quickly found himself losing his rhythm, his thrusts turning into jerky twitches as his pleasure hit its peak without warning. A sharp climax hit him as each ridge and his flare expanded within her, locking him in place to spew thick mess deep into her pussy, filling her with his seed. His hooves stomped on the cobblestone pathway as he bared his fangs, embarrassed at the early finish but in too much pleasure to really stop himself from letting his loins flow into her.

"Miki?" She squeaked at him, looking up with bright green eyes. "Are you done already?"

When he slowly opened his eyes, he was met with a disappointed look, but not the angry type of disappointed. It was more like casual playful disappointment. He immediately hung his head and tried to offer another gentle hip thrust, but the motion mixed with the pressure within her and the tightness of her flesh squeezed out his flaccid member in a sloppy, cum-drenched mess.

She immediately got to her feet, to keep the gooey seed from mucking up her tail or backside of her skirt, instead having it land in a puddle on the ground next to the crate she'd been bent over. Her legs were gently spread as she reached up past his cock to grab his shirt, pulling him down to her level again. "That's fine, lots of drakes can't last long with a tight little cunt like mine. Don't worry Miki, I'm looking forward to next time; hopefully you won't let your anticipation get the better of you now that you've had me once."

Mikhail just stayed in place with hands out and cock dangling out over the waist band of his pants, utterly shocked at his quick trigger.

She winked and kissed him on the snout before squatting down to release as much of his mess from her pussy as she could, catching some on her fingers to lick up. When she was clean enough, she got back up, brushed herself off, and headed out of the alleyway while making long, deliberate steps that swayed her rump and tail out behind her.

She was tantalizing him again, but he didn't mind, he got to see a better look at that booty again before he would return to the ship with his wares. After recovering from the shock of his performance, he zipped back up and stood tall, eagerly chasing her back into the marketplace with head held high. She may have finished him off much quicker than he'd expected, but that didn't mean he wasn't full of pride for having had her.

A wonderful captain, a wonderful mate, and a wonderful boss. Yes, he'd have to have her again, hopefully soon. For now, though, he had ammunition and spark-dust to collect with her. They had a ship to maintain.


Top-O-The-Seas She grabbed a huge bag of salt and slung it over her shoulder, muscles rippling under her short, dark brown equine hair. Her mane flowed out behind her atop a white frilly nautical blouse, her horseshoes clopping on the deck and her...

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Wrinkle In The Moon's Reflection

Wrinkle in the Moon's Reflection What an adventure. Life aboard the Storm of the Rift was certainly interesting for both Mikhail and Arnika ever since being 'rescued' from the clutches of their old brothel. For years, both of them were tormented,...

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Exhaustive Pre-Departure Check

Exhaustive Pre-Departue Check When Chezza signed up to be a deck hand on the HMS Northern Frost of Unity, it was never supposed to escalate to the level it did. She, alongside some of her college friends Telkop, Natasha, Kansi, and Trisani, had...

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