Who's A Good Pony
Raunchy times ahead with rubber bondage and pony play.
Who's a Good Pony
Hehhey, folks! This is one of those rather infamous "In bed with Gruffy" stories, this time featuring...well, you guessed it, Gruffy with
Starlion in the shape of his fursona Alex , heheh. I hope you'll find this an interesting read, and I look forward to your feedback! All votes, faves and watches will help others to find these stories to enjoy as well!
The tiger on the doorway looked shyly at the the person who had opened the door for him.
"You must be Alex," a rather soft voice commented on this visitor's appearance.
"Yes, sir," the cat replied nervously. His eyes were now trained on his own feet rather than looking directly at his host, showing deference in such a tangible manner.
The person at the doorway chuckled at this.
"Well you're a quiet little thing, aren't you?" he stated.
"Yes, sir," the tiger said.
"Oh yes?"
"I'm whatever you need me to be, sir," the cat replied. "Please, sir."
A chuckle. His host seemed to weight his response for a moment before he spoke again, simply.
"Come on in then."
"Yes, sir."
His host turned about and entered the apartment. The movement showed a striped tail behind him as well. Alex followed him into the hall. The fellow tiger in possession of the apartment closed the door behind them.
"You've been here before, so you'll know where to go to, just turn to the right and into the living room," the tiger instructed his guest. "Go on."
"Yes, sir."
His tiger host chuckled while he trailed the seemingly meek tiger into a spacious living room mostly occupied by bookshelves and leather-upholstered furniture.
"So very polite," he mused. He could see the tiger's ears flicker up a little from their mostly flat position as he heard the words come.
His guest did not make himself at home on any of the seats available in the living room. He remained standing up and presented himself in the same subdued manner as before, eyes down, ears quite close to his skull and with his tail drawn between his legs.
"You should call me Gruff," his host commented. "I find that most appropriate."
"Yes, Gruff," the cat said.
"There we go," the tiger smirked. "Your name is Alex, is it not?"
"Yes, Gruff," he answered.
Gruff smirked.
"Now, Druff has been very kind in lending me both his apartment for tonight and...well, you as well, I suppose..." the tiger mused.
"Yes, Gruff."
The tiger faced his fellow feline, as much as that was possible with the cat avoiding his eyes.
"Druff says you are very amusing," Gruff said, "I shall have to see if he was speaking the truth."
"Yes, Gruff," Alex said. "Whatever he says."
Gruff snorted.
"Don't you have any opinions of your own?" he questioned.
The tiger in front of him looked guilty.
"Is it important, sir?" he asked. "Gruff, I mean, sorry..."
"Interesting," Gruff said.
"Yes, Gruff."
"Well, you follow me now," Gruff noted, "I think you know the next room as well..."
He laughed a little when he led the tiger down a hallway, past a few doors before the one at the end was opened. The flick of light turned on a harsh glow from the ceiling and illuminated the interior of the room. The scent in the air was thick with leather and musk that simply wouldn't leave the room even with the religious use of de-scenting spray and disinfectants.
The very smell of the room was suggestive of its purpose, even if you did not recognize its fittings. Gruff knew that his guest had no trouble with that. The many toys, implements of raunchy play, the leather-padded bench...all of them must've been familiar sights for the apparently shy tiger. Gruff could see his eyes become more alive when he looked about the room and what it contained.
"Impressive, isn't it?"
"Yes, Gruff," Alex said.
"I am glad that Druff lets me experiment with all this..." Gruff mused as he entered the room, "much of it is somewhat beyond my tastes but they do say that one should have a very...variable diet..."
He snickered to himself. The tiger's ears flicked curiously.
"Come on, come in and get undressed. Let's get you...saddled up."
"Yes, Gruff."
The tiger entered without further questions and began to remove his clothes quickly. His zippered sweater, pants, shoes and shirt went off quickly and he remained only in the boxers he wore for his underwear. A notable bulge pushed the front of the elastic cloth away.
"All of it," Gruff noted.
"Yes, Gruff."
He removed this final piece of clothing with equally swiftness and then stood in his previous neutral position as before.
"Well, well..." Gruff expressed curiously.
His fellow tiger's package was covered in a clear plastic cage meant to prevent him from being able to touch himself. A plastic dome covered the top of the sheath and had a little slit on it to allow him to urinate. A similarly plastic ring pulled the fuzzy sac of Alex's balls down and away from his body. It was a mischievous, almost ruthless setup, for complete chastity.
"This is quite the thing," Gruff mused.
He reached out and cupped the whole plastic-enclosed package into his palm. It felt warm despite the hard cover around it. The plastic must've retained the tiger's body heat, Gruff thought casually.
He let the tiger's trapped genitals drop. Alex let out a little 'ohh' at the sensation this caused, with all those sensitive places being tugged by the ruthless plastic that kept him enclosed.
"How long have you had it on?" Gruff asked.
"Eighteen days, Gruff," Alex replied.
Gruff looked at the tiger's quickly swelling sheath. Even the brief handling, through the plastic, had caused him to start growing erect within its confines. Both of them knew that he would run out of space very quickly and then things would get much more uncomfortable. The red tip peeked out of the top of the sheath and pressed into the unyielding plastic. The tiger stood very still, paws to sides, simply watching himself throb helplessly there under his host's scrutiny.
"I think it suits you, boy," the tiger rumbled.
"Thank you, Gruff," Alex said.
Gruff contemplated the tiger for a moment before he decided on the next step.
"Stay there. I'm going to fetch some stuff."
"Yes, Gruff," said Alex.
He remained in place obediently while his host gathered an array of things that he then laid down over the threatening leather bench. He could see that Alex followed every move he made attentively, although his eyes snapped down to the floor whenever he saw the tiger watching him. Gruff found that endearing in its own strange way.
The pile of curious contraptions grew on the bench until Gruff was happy with his finds.
"Gruff has assumed that this stuff will be a proper so, and I hope so...at least much of it seems adjustable..."
"Yes, Gruff."
Gruff chuckled.
"Let's make you pretty, then...that's what you want, isn't it?"
"Yes, Gruff, thank you," the tiger whispered.
With Alex's fawning approval, Gruff began to dress the cat up for his ultimate role. The various pieces of shiny rubber awaited for Alex, and were eventually placed upon his body. The tiger started with a kind of a vest, tight to cover part of the submissive cat's body. The zipper on the back sank deep into the thick rubber and almost disappeared into it.
"How does that feel?" Gruff asked.
"Hmmm...very good..." said Alex. His tail flicked eagerly, likely excited by the feeling of the thick, slick, oiled rubber upon his fur and skin. The rubber material grew body tight once the zipper was closed and the outfit hugged onto the tiger's torso.
"I thought so," Gruff chuckled. "And there'll be more..."
"Yes, Gruff," the tiger sounded more eager than meek for once.
"Turn around to face me. I'll put the mask on next."
The tiger did so, without another word. Gruff picked the mask from the bondage bench. It was a heavy thing, enough that he let out a little harrumph when he lifted it up over Alex's head. The whole mask was made of one piece and lubricated from within already so that it would be easy to slip the hood-like mask to cover all of Alex's head with its rubbery clutch. Gruff could hear the tiger gasp when his world was shrunk into the confines of the mask. His eyes appeared from the little holes provided for them, but beyond that the only real opening was the maw that no longer had a feline shape. The mask elongated and broadened his features, giving him taller ears and a square jaw.
"Heh heh..." said Gruff. "The effect is remarkable... I'll be sure to take a photo for you."
"Thank you, Gruff."
The tiger's voice sounded muffled now. The lips of the mask remained unmoving.
The next piece was a heavy leather collar. It was studded and had a large D-ring with the obvious purpose of attaching a leash onto it. Gruff made sure to pull the collar as tight as was comfortable. Alex's enclosed erection showed no signs of abating despite the rather indirect stimulation going on.
"This may be a tricky part...you better sit down."
"Alright, Gruff."
The tiger pulled out a stool for the cat to sit on. It was necessarily, considering the next articles of rubber went over all of Alex's four limbs. The rubber sheaths were tight and reached to his knees and his elbows, and closed on his paws. By the time Gruff was done with them, the tiger's paws no longer bore resemblance to their original shape. He no longer had mobile fingers or toes, either, just solid black hooves made of thick, reinforced rubbed padded from within for his paws to rest in.
"Hmmm...yep...looks good. But I won't let you experiment with them yet. Still needs some things to wrap it all up."
"Yes, Gruff."
The tiger completed the tiger's new looks with a leather bridle and a harness, equally tightened so that the tiger underneath all that rubber could feel their clutch despite the layers of thick material between the leather and the tiger's skin.
"Hmm. Yes. Now...on all fours...pony."
Alex settled onto his four new rubber hooves. Combined with the mask and the bridle, he almost looked like a strange tiger-striped equine instead. He appeared somewhat unsteady on the hooves at first, but a couple of experimental steps made him more confident on his brand new shiny limbs.
"Hmm. That does look so bizarre...but I can see you are enjoying..."
"Yes, sir."
"Though can't let an unruly pony run loose around my father's house..."
"No, sir."
"And no talking. Ponies don't speak."
The long rubber equine snout dipped down in a nod.
"That's a good pony. Now stay still and you'll get a carrot...and a stick, perhaps."
Gruff chuckled, mostly to himself. He moved over to a cabinet to rummage through its contents, before returning with a large rubber butt plug in his paw.
"I think I know a way to make sure that ponies remain good steeds..."
He procured a tube of lubricant and slathered the whole plug with the oozy substance. The slimy goo dribbled off the toy and onto the floor.
"Hmm...this was stickier than I thought..." Gruff snorted.
He knelt down on the floor and grabbed the tiger-pony's tail. He could feel it tense up at the sudden manipulation.
"It's not quite a carrot but..." Gruff mused.
The tiger placed the lubed toy against Alex's pucker. The cat's hole clenched when being subjected to the surprise prodding by the plug's tapered end. A soft whine came from his newly rubberized muzzle. The rubber pony pushed his rear eagerly to meet the wannabe intrusion into his ass.
"...it will do..."
Alex's wanton movements and the tiger's pushing made the plug slip inside him, slowly yet surely. The rubber boy let out a grunt and a whine when the plug grew as thick as it would and then popped past his pink little pucker and locked itself into place inside the rubber pony's chute.
Gruff gave the striped butt a slap and stood up.
"I think that's right."
"As long as you remain a good pony..."
The tiger-pony hung his head down in submission. Gruff noted this with a smirk of his own.
"We shall see."
He procured a leather leash that he attached onto Alex's bridle and pulled the leather thong taut.
"Let's go for a little walk, boy."
His brand new clip clop followed him obediently out of the home dungeon and into adventures ahead.
Thank you for reading my story! Remember that all votes, faves and watches will help others to find these stories to enjoy as well!
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