Dragon’s Path: Treated by a Hydra

Story by Cheetahs on SoFurry

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Vrelgor's first fight is against a hydra. Can the dragon put up with the overwhelming odds and keep his seed inside, or will the weakness get the better of him? Read and find out!

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***Part 11 < Current chapter > Part 13***

Description: Vrelgor's first fight is against a hydra. Can the dragon put up with the overwhelming odds and keep his seed inside, or will the weakness get the better of him? Read and find out! ***

This particular chamber was far more disappointing than the rest of Akerion's establishment. After he left the sands of the arena, the dragon expected a certain level of comfort. Perhaps not the lavish pillows and cloths spread over the Herald's chambers. Just...something to cover the bare stone with.

As it stood now, this cramped chamber looked pretty much like a simple dragon cave. At least RuSturak had vegetation inside his den. And a river. Even sunlight. This room had none of that.

Vrelgor poked his nose at one of the glowing sun orbs. The warmth felt uncomfortable to his sensitive nostrils, but the light oozed by the crystal sphere was barely enough to make his pupils fully squint.

"Are you going to stare at it all day?"

Vrelgor turned around. He arranged his wings at his sides and walked around the kobold, his claws clicking on the hard stone. It wasn't even smooth. Cracks ran between the heavy tiles of sandy colored stone that made up the floor. The walls were a darker shade, closer to the fiery essence of the four orbs mounted on each wall.

"I don't understand how you can be so restless after what that wolf did to you. In all my years, I had my slit pierced once, and that happened when I got overly curious with my fingers. You have no feasible excuse, so if you can sit on your tail and stop clicking your claws in my ears, I would appreciate that."

"I just find it strange," Vrelgor walked from one wall to the other. "You saw his garden."

"I saw his arse, same as I see yours. Sit."

Vrelgor continued to nose around. "He had those thin trees. The ones with leaves in the shape of a claw. My brother is no herb master, but I distinctly remember when he told me those trees grow only in the far east of the empire."

"So?" Dahrzin twitched his wings.

"This human went through a bit of trouble to acquire those trees."

"Astute observation. Should I congratulate you? Reward you? Because your sharp mind figured it all out," the kobold spread his arms. "The young dragon finally learns the perks of nobility. Yes, I saw his garden, as well as every other chamber he had before extending his establishment into an arena. There is very little Akerion cannot afford."

"Yet he put us in this stone cage," Vrelgor brushed a wing along the wall, then turned towards the kobold. "Is not that a bit strange to you?"

"Not in the slightest. You are not a guest, an ambassador, or even a creature of importance like his beasts. We are his slaves. Scale-head. We pledged ourselves to him. We are his to do whatever he wants with. Maybe the man wanted to teach you a lesson in humility, or maybe he has rules about how he treats his slaves. I don't know."

"But the cloth tied between his spires."

"Pillars," Dahrzin corrected.

"The lake he had inside the-"


"Grrrr... "

"That's better," Dahrzin revealed the tips of his teeth. "I like your growls more than your words, dragon. They make better sense. Not all humans are the same. Just because the Herald wanted to impress us with wealth, this does not mean Akerion shares the same approach. Now sit. Rest. Do something better than sniffing along the walls. Already spilled enough seed with that wolf sucking your cock a second time. Keep the rest of your vitality inside. Something tells me you are going to need it."

The stone felt somewhat warm to his belly, at least. Vrelgor licked his paws, his wings, then followed along his leg until his tongue slid over the salty entrance of his slit. The wolf's essence still lingered amidst the haze of his own musk. The dragon licked himself a few times, then placed his head on the ground, blowing a stream of warm air through his nostrils. Perhaps Dahrzin was right. Sleeping was the better choice.

"The sands had seed beneath them," he said instead. "Clumps. Like the pebbles beneath a flowing river. The smells stung my nostrils. There were as many as the blocks of stone we sit upon."

"Akerion is a man whose desire is not easily sated," Dahrzin said.

Vrelgor turned his head towards him. "What do you know about this arena?"

Dahrzin thought for a bit, then got up and pointed under a wing. "Mind if I rest my back?"

Vrelgor lifted his wing. Once the kobold snuggled against him, he curled his neck around to heat the kobold's bare feet with his breath.

"That feels...warm," Dahrzin spread his clawed toes, wings trembling with delight. "Good thinking. You deserve to know a piece of my mind. Many years ago, during my slave years, Akerion had but a humble home compared to the castle we sit in. His stables held about a dozen beasts. Enough to sate his desires, yet not quite enough to feed his ambitions. I think he plans to impress, dragon. Humans don't take. They build. And I never met a crafter who builds without purpose."

"Did he say anything about these games?"

Dahrzin scratched his jaw. "Not yet. He wants you more than me. Of that I am certain. Rest for as long as you can, dragon. Something tells me the sands you stepped on are going to take more than just seed."

His strength? His sanity? What could a pile of sand really take? The portcullis stole Vrelgor's attention. Two humans dragged in a sizable bowl. Pieces of meat swam around in a sharp smelling concoction that made the dragon's maw wet in an instant. Vrelgor tucked in as soon as the men placed the bowl down. The meat was just stringy enough to last more than a few chews, and the tasty juices made his throat rumble with satisfaction.

Next to him, Dahrzin had his own smaller bowl. He ate more carefully, sparing a glance every now and then.

Vrelgor had no intention of sharing his meal this time. He was so hungry he licked the bowl clean two times after he finished. He growled to let the guards know, yet instead of the two humans, only a kobold returned, female by the smell of it. Her tawny scales almost matched the color of the stone. She walked with slow steps, her auburn eyes glancing at the two males with a fugitive gaze before she picked the two empty bowls.

"Akerion still has a taste for kobolds, it seems. What is your name, fair lady?"

The female turned around, filling the room with the sharp screech of metal rolling against bare stone.

"I think she likes you," Vrelgor poked his friend who still stared at the open door.

"I was the same, you know. Slavery is harder for us. We're small. Insignificant. Kobolds disappear more often than humans or other two-legs. She's just guarding herself."

"Your big mouth tends to have that effect."

Vrelgor's growl climbed a pitch higher. Dahrzin was a sneaky little mink. It was no surprise a rogue like him would go for the most sensitive of places. This time, it was Vrelgor's slit, the kobold's fingers piercing halfway through the fleshy walls.

"I shut your maw now, haven't I?"

"Made...your point..." Vrelgor hissed.

"Good," Dahrzin shoved his hand deeper. "Because I am utterly convinced you will be better prepared for your next fight than to insult a kobold."

Vrelgor said nothing. He waited for Dahrzin to get out, then coiled around himself, lifting a wing for the approaching kobold. Dahrzin was a nasty lizard now and again, but even he deserved better than sleeping on cold stone.

They came for him early in the morning. A group of armed guards, and at their head Akerion himself dressed in fine green silk that flowed like a verdant waterfall behind him. Vrelgor almost felt tempted to step on the human's trailing cloth. See if it would unravel. He did no such thing, of course. Like Dahrzin, he was but a slave, and the man ahead of him was not a human, but his master.

Vrelgor had no need to remember what steps he took when he first came here. The clamor booming outside the walls made his destination obvious enough. As soon as Akerion stepped outside his walls, a sea of men rose up to greet him. They shouted, threw their hands in the air, their fiery demands almost heating the chill of the morning. Vrelgor was awed to see so many figures in one place. It was not just humans. He could make out a few patches furred creatures between the sea of pink skins. How could so many two-legs fit in there? Did they all come for the games? To see Vrelgor spill his essence before their eyes? Though he was one of the most powerful predators in the land, Vrelgor felt small before the booming shouts cascading upon him. Once enemies, the guards that flanked him almost felt like an additional layer of scales that shielded the blue's naked form. They advanced forward, forcing Vrelgor to keep his paws moving and focus on the sands beneath his clawed feet until Akerion planted himself near the middle of his arena.

He raised both hands to greet his attendants and even shouted a few words back at them before one of his hands fell down. Surprising, how a single gesture tamed an entire arena. The voices lessened down to a chatter, then dwindled into nothingness.

"Good people of Lake City," Akerion started. "I welcome you upon the seats of my arena. Some of you have come a long way to see these sands, while others have been here since this enormous ring was nothing but a patch of land. A garden, lost among many. You poured your dreams, your sweat, your coin to be here, and it is my greatest pleasure to announce the obvious. Your words have been heard!"

The voices boomed like crackling thunder. Men, women, furred beasts rose left and right, clapping, roaring or shouting their approval.

"A dragon stands before you, one of the few that have agreed to step upon the sands. Yet it is not bloodshed we are after. We are above such basic urges. Are we men, or beasts?"


"We're men!"

"Men! Men! Men!" the crowd started chanting.

"Good men! Honorable men!" Akerion's voice cut through the crowd. "Yet as high as we stand above the ordinary, we too have to indulge into a certain kind of desires. Behold, Vrelgor!"

The man turned around in all his emerald splendor, directing the whole fervor of the crowd towards the lone dragon.

Vrelgor tucked his wings in reflex. So many pairs of eyes stared at him. So many hands, finger, or claws pointed in his direction.

"Vrelgor, good people. A strong name fit for a sire of dragons. Yet this one has not yet spilled his seed upon the sands of our grand arena. He fathered no clutch, took no mate, presented no arse to his opponent. He's young, he's eager, hardening with desire to meet his opponent, as the dragon will have the intense pleasure of facing none other than Fargodar!"

A set of heavy doors opened to reveal the outline of a beast. The shadows kept it concealed. Vrelgor narrowed his eyes, trying to glimpse at his opponent.

A clawed foot stepped out, similar to a dragon, yet the creature it dragged behind was unlike anything Vrelgor saw before. It spilled from the shadows like a rolling forest, a sea of green scales, big legs, and no less than five separate heads that blinked, stared, and licked at the air, each looking in different directions.

"Fargodar! Fargodar! Fargodar!" The arena boomed with excitement.

"Fargodaaaar!" Akerion cut in. "Is he not the proudest beast that ever walked the land? Scales, cut from the heart of the wilderness itself. Claws sharper than swords. A tail stronger than any hammer, and tongues that can melt the sturdiest of males. Behold, Fargodar. Hydra from the Southern Jungles, Bender of Beasts and Conqueror of Dragons!"

Akerion basked in the fire of the crowd for a long moment before he focused back on the two beasts present upon his sands. One was a dragon whose shuddering wings trembled with the urge to flee. The other, a wingless monster who scanned the arena not with fear, but with curios excitement.

"Look at them. Admire them. Feast your eyes upon these beasts before they lock themselves in a shattering conflict that will make the stone tremble with their growls and the sand wet with their seed!"

"Breed! Breed! Breed!" The crowd shouted.

"Is that what you truly desire?" Akerion circled the entire crowd with a pudgy finger. "Do you not want to see how fast the dragon crumbles before five separate tongues? Shall this proud hydra not use his gift, these many beautiful heads, to drain this dragon dry?"


"Suck him!"

"Suck his cock you dumb, filthy beast!"

"And so the crowd has spoken!" Akerion boomed. "Bring rope and oil! We shall see if dragons are truly as sturdy as the stories say."

A pair of guards went to procure the necessary materials, then returned, flaring the cries of the arena.

Akerion oiled the rope, picked up a flaming torch, then looked at Vrelgor with those green, greedy eyes.

"Try to last until this rope burns out, you wicked beast," he snarled, then put fire to the rope, causing a thin rivulet of black smoke to rise in the air.

The crowd thundered louder than ever. Vrelgor's eyes went towards his watchers for a moment, then fixed on the green beast as all five heads stared at him with clear, sky blue eyes. How could he even hope to defeat such wicked creature?


The hydra hissed, four heads pointing towards Vrelgor. The dragon walked around carefully. He didn't know what this hydra was about to do to him. The beast, majestic as it was, looked rather slow. Vrelgor thought he was able to out maneuver it, so he walked around the hydra, trying to think on how to handle this five headed creature.

One head followed his movements. Then a second, and a third. The creature turned towards Vrelgor, then launched one serpentine head forth, bridging the gap between them in less than a heartbeat.

A tremor rushed along the dragon's form as he felt the touch of scales upon scales. The dragon-like head sniffed twice, then nuzzled along his jaw.

Vrelgor blinked. The next time he opened his eyes, another head joined in, rubbing along his chest. The sensation felt eerily comforting. The hydra approached further, and the three remaining heads flicked their tongues out, tasting the dragon's snout, then coiling around Vrelgor's neck in a warm embrace.

What was going on? The dragon's throat rumbled with indecision. He couldn't really move with so many heads rubbing along his body, so he allowed the beast to do whatever it wanted. Right now, it seemed intent on exploring him. Two heads blew warm gusts along his sensitive membrane, making his wings shiver in the process while the rest moved closer towards his tail, nuzzling and touching everything in their path. It felt too good. Too warm, as if he was back in his natal cave all over again.

One of the heads sneaked between his legs, and Vrelgor beat his wings in surprise when a wave of warmth fell upon his slit.

"Grrrhh..." he rumbled while the curious head took in his masculine scent with greedy whiffs. Vrelgor knew what was going to come next. He just didn't expect it to feel so raw, so sudden. A slick tongue as long as the creature's necks pushed through his crevice, delving deep into the bosom of his nest where it wriggled rubbed against the receptive flesh.

The dragon's walls spasmed with a blissful embrace. The tongue rolled back with a sharp hiss, forcing more heads to direct their attention between the blue's legs. One nuzzled, another licked with rapid strokes, and Vrelgor clawed into the sand, trying to remain strong in spite of the delightful tongue rolling around his most sensitive of places. Vrelgor throbbed within his shelter. He was close, so close to spill his member out when the flurry of heads pulled back. The other fours sniffed and licked around the fifth's snout, a wild and passionate display of tongues that warmed Vrelgor just as much as it did to the creature. It looked at him with an intent gaze, and Vrelgor's slit seethed with desire.

He lay down on the sands, exposing himself completely before the better, stronger creature, enduring the sniffing and the nuzzling of the hydra until the creature laid on its haunches, the narrow shape of its slit encased by smaller, sandy scales.

Vrelgor drew in a sharp breath. Sharp, distinguishable musk rolled into the depths of his nostrils. Though the creature looked like a female, it was definitely the opposite. Vrelgor could tell it from its name, from the smell...

And from the way it tongued his slit with practiced precision. Only a male knew how to arouse another. Two eager tongues parted the walls of his shelter to lap at his juicy insides, each flick of tongue unleashing a burst of pleasure along the dragon's trembling slit. His sensitive flesh moistened, forming a wet, protective coat around his throbbing member.

Vrelgor closed his eyes, lying completely limp. Only one part of his body moved. His cock, desperate to get a taste of those tongues. One wrapped around the head, applying heavy pressure while the other slurped the clear slime that coated the dragon's insides.

Was the hydra teasing him? Vrelgor spasmed once, twice, thrice, stimulating his own member with all the blood he held in his slit, trying to push it out. Yet the hydra was strong and stubborn. It knew how sensitive a male's cock was during its ascent. How strong stimulation was perceived by a softer cock. Vrelgor was lured into a false sense of entrapment, and when he thought everything was futile, the tongue yanked his cock out of his slit in a burst of growls and saliva.

Vrelgor's claws curled inwards. His muscles clenched with all they had, forcing too much blood inside his cock, making it extra sensitive to the two eager tongues that licked it. They rolled around the barbed head, then coiled around the smoother middle, forcing the dragon's shaky breath back into the depths of his throat. The pleasure was so intense, Vrelgor couldn't even throb. His cock remained lock in that blissful half-hardened state, a prisoner to the two tongues that bathed it.

"Mroooarrr!" a sharp growl burst from his throat when another surge of blood rushed through his member. The barbs flared like angry spikes. His member thickened, and the bulge around the base acquired a more prominent shape. Veins revealed their outlines along the dragon's hardening maleness, preparing him for the upcoming climax.

Two throbs made him harder than dragon scales. Vrelgor blinked his eyes open. He stared at his stiff erection, and at the two heads that looked at him with devious intent. The twin tongues flicked over each respective nose, then got back to work, one strangling his barbed head while the other wrapped around his bulge.

"Haaarrr!" Vrelgor burst with another growl. H-how? How could it know his every weak spot? Those tiny barbs that filled him with electric jitters. That hard, sensitive bulge that made his slit clamp shut with climactic throbs. Those two tongues worked more pleasure along his cock than even RuSturak. Vrelgor remembered his first, shiver-inducing lick. He remembered how hot it felt to be tasted, how overpowering the heat of a maw touched upon his bare cock, because the hydra's licks felt just as potent.

Vrelgor spread his wings, clenched his jaws, his claws, straining to keep his seed inside for just a while longer.

Then a wet caress pressed upon his tailhole, forcing his muscles to spasm, feeding blood to his infuriatingly receptive cock.

Vrelgor had no need to open his eyes to know that another head found interest in his tailhole. That slick touch belonged to nothing else but a wet, eager tongue intent on sending him over the edge. It circled his puckered entrance like a predator, making it warmer, wetter, flicking upon it gently before diving through the ring of muscles.

Vrelgor tensed so hard, tears formed in his eyes. His cock was just on the verge of spilling, and now his tail was being stimulated too! The invading tongue kept close to the entrance, tasting his insides like a thirsty beast, keeping his muscles weak and sensitive.

No male could handle this vicious assault longer than a few heartbeats. Vrelgor's chest pounded with the savage rhythm of his heart. His nostrils, flared wide, sucked in the hydra-scented air, and his cock, wet and eager throbbed almost like a second heart, feeding the overwhelming bliss welling within the squelching depths of his slit.

A heated surge climbed towards his tip. Vrelgor throbbed, pelting a green snout with a sharp string of pre-seed. The hydra only coiled its tongues harder, burying the dragon under his own vicious lust.

Vrelgor's body seized up as the overwhelming heat poured out of his flesh. His member hardened in anticipation, tip dribbling with cloudy drops. He almost thought he was going to spill out in the open and paint the hydra's snouts white before one maw parted to soak his entire erection into a sea of heat.

"Mrrh...mmmrroooaarrrmmmmm..." shaking growls escaped from the dragon's clenched throat. One tongue squeezed around his base. Another delved deeper into his tailhole, reaching towards the source of his greatest pleasure. And the one that held his cock captive rolled around the better part of his cock, going over the barbs and sliding along the smooth shaft like a dragon's blissful vent. It was too much. Too quick, too hot, and far too intense.

"Aaaawwrrrrrrr!" Vrelgor parted his jaws to unleash a roar as sharp as his throb. His seed burst through his bloating cock like a spear. The hydra's maw squelched, intent on keeping every drop inside. Vrelgor felt the maw constrict, drawing his entire load into the beast's hungry throat.

He spurted again, then again, quicker than the beast could swallow. Rivulets of milky essence trailed between the beast's suckling jaws, going over the tongue that squeezed the dragon's bulge for all its worth.

Vrelgor's slit squelched louder as more of his sticky seed poured out of his cock. He wanted that. He wanted to release everything he had. Against his will, his hips thrust into the hydra's maw, and the beast opened wider to take the entire cock within.

Vrelgor's roar climbed a pitch higher. With his entire spire soaked by saliva, he erupted like an enraged beast, tailhole clenching hard around the invading tongue, sharp loads of fresh seed traveling along his tightening slit to explode from his throbbing cock.

Vrelgor gave the hydra everything he had. His aching cock was spat back to be cleaned along with his slit. Vrelgor blinked his teary eyes to see four heads working together to clean every drop of seed both from his cock and from the maw that drained him.

After his member retreated back inside his slit, Vrelgor slammed his head into the sand. The roars of the arena became distant, forgotten. He was tired. Spent. Just like his cock. His eyelids felt heavy. His legs a trembling mess.

Yet there was a scent upon the air that gave him pause. The hydra's scent, sharper, more bitter now that the beast's slit was completely soaked. Vrelgor could even see the tip of the beast's member, a speck of pink amidst a sea of washed gold. He flicked his tongue out of his maw. Too far out of reach. Vrelgor growled. He would have liked a taste. Maybe after his heart steadied, he would be able to sample the hydra's scent just as the beast sampled him.

It was getting affectionate now, three heads nuzzling along his body while the other two licked each other. Vrelgor spread his legs. He liked tongues, especially when they slid between his toes with such precision. He gave in to the hydra's warm treatment, not realizing the roar of the arena picked up.

"More! More! More!" they chanted.

"You want more?" Akerion's voice boomed. "Ask, and you shall have it!"


"More! Take his slit!"

"Drain his cock!"

"Make the dragon roar!"

"Fargodar, give him more. And suck your own cock for Maker's sake. I want these sands wet with your seed!" Akerion commanded.

Two heads cocked in confusion. A third nuzzled around the dragon's slit, then looked at Akerion, pointing out there was nothing more to give.

"Do it, blazes take you. Get him hard now!"

The tongues returned, yet as eager as they were, the touch lacked the same sizzling heat that got Vrelgor to release his seed. No amount of slit licking stirred his flesh, and his tailhole felt more uncomfortable every time the hydra's tongue pierced him like a long, slimy cock.

While three heads worked on Vrelgor, a fourth cleaned the slime oozing out from the hydra's own slit. The beast was as ravenous as it was aroused. He took his cock in as soon as he could, suckling onto it with the same heated lust Vrelgor was submitted to. The beast grew to full mast in moment, the ridges lining his thicker base flaring out with every throb.

Vrelgor stretched his neck. The lewd suckling paired with the trails of moisture coming out of the beast's gooey slit were too much of a treat to resist. He poked his tongue out, pressed it between the fleshy walls, then growled at the potent scents of the beast's musk invaded his nostrils. The beast was virile. Strong. And most of all, aroused.

Vrelgor pushed himself closer, and closer, sniffing at the beast's cock, rumbling from how filling that sharp musk felt to his senses. Above him, a lone head was desperately trying to bring the entire beast to completion. It was close. It had to be. One of the heads was lazier than the rest, tongue lolling out, eyes half lidded, ragged breath coming out through rapid breaths.

A sharp moan erupted from all the heads at the same time, then a long, blissful roar as the beast thrust his cock further inside his own maw. Seed splattered down onto Vrelgor's head. The beast throbbed again, its maw too stuffed, its cock too eager. Trails of essence splattered down the beast's throbbing cock to be devoured by the blue dragon's eager tongue. Vrelgor's snout was moist with the hydra's seed. He nuzzled around his contracting slit, feeling the throbs that fueled the raging cock, taking in the delightful smells that filled his maw with the greatest gift a male could offer. His tongue dripped with hydra seed, a warm and bittersweet concoction that was a true feast for the senses. Vrelgor could not remain within his own slit for long. Not after he swallowed hefty amounts from another male's seed. His cock speared through his slit, falling into the hydra's eager maw to be suckled with the same tugging motion the beast applied on himself.

"Mrruuuurrrr," Vrelgor moaned with lust as his cock rapidly grew within the wet confines of an eager maw. That was not the only source of stimulation. His tailhole clenched with hard spasms around a tongue that pushed deeper than ever. The hydra wriggled inside, searching for something hard. Something only males carried deep within their intimate passage. And it found it. A small rock-like sack that spurred life into the dragon's cock.

Vrelgor shuddered wildly when the hydra pressed against his special place. It wriggled its tongue quick over the sensitive surface, driving lashes of pure pleasure along the blue's tensing body. With cum in his maw, musk in his nostrils, and a maw wrapped around his cock, Vrelgor stood no chance against the storm of stimuli that washed over him. Like the hydra, he cried out his own climactic growl, pumping out whatever seed still resided within him through hard, eager throbs.

The arena exploded with an even louder roar. Men got up, left and right, shouting, pointing, crying out their lust for seed.

Vrelgor cared about neither of those. He had his own raging climax to endure, and with his next meal dripping onto his snout, he found no reason to busy his maw with things of less importance. He found the hydra's ridges to be very sensitive to stimulation. Every time he licked around them, the beast throbbed harder, spurting more of its precious seed, an essence that kept Vrelgor in a constant state of arousal until his tail ached and his cock burned with debilitating fatigue.

"What a display!" Akerion clapped his hands when the two males pulled apart. "Surely, it was enough to harden the Maker himself! Is this not the wildest coupling you have witnessed? Two beasts fueled by the need to breed, to lick, to swallow each other's seed?"

The crowd roared its approval.

"As it should be! Let the hydra rest. Have the dragon recover his strength, for these beasts are going to paint the sands white next time they meet!"

Akerion summoned his guards. Four escorted the hydra back while a pair walked towards Vrelgor.

"I will see you fed, cleaned, and rested. Men!"

The guards nodded. Each pulled onto the dragon's legs, and when he finally found the strength to rise, Vrelgor trudged through the sands, the taste of hydra seed still fresh upon his tongue. That was his only comfort amidst the boulders that weighted his every step.


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Urban Dragon: Untamed Pleasure

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Urban Dragon: First Taste

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Canine Duty

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