The Purr-fect Grease Monkey
#50 of Miscellany
From the grimy window of his office, Norman watched the work being done on the floor of the garage. He had a fleet of mechanics working for him, keeping the customers' cars in tip-top shape. They were a mixed lot, that much was for sure, each with their own unique personalities. Some had worked for him for years, while others were fairly recent additions. They came and they went and he rarely tried to stop them. Sometimes you just had to move on in life and who was he to interfere?
Then he spied the kid. He was the newest addition to this collection of engine-repairing misfits. Oh, don't get him wrong. He's wasn't disparaging any of his workforce. If they couldn't do their job they didn't stay around long. But they were a mixed lot, from nimble raccoons to hearty lions. But almost every one of them had started out here as a primate.
The lowly grease monkey.
I remember my early days when I worked around my father's garage, doing all of the odd jobs and more importantly, the really dirty jobs no one else wanted to do. Being a black panther meant that the dark grease didn't show up as readily as it did on the other guys, so I got stuck doing it a lot. I didn't mind. But as time went on I was appreciated for my skills under the hood, and I could tell a lot about engines just from listening to the sounds coming from the tailpipe.
The kid was here for two reasons. The first was as a favor to his uncle. Secondly, it was because he showed promise.
The uncle was a friend of mine from way back. He wasn't the typical fierce feline you'd meet up with, and that tended to cause a lot of friction in his family. Sort of started when he shaved his mane. So, like being the grease monkey when you weren't a primate, this guy was a black sheep without being ovine. He was a good sort of fellow, and we had a lot of great times together and I once told him that if he ever needed anything, to let me know.
So I was now doing a favor for him, because the kid needed something more in his life than the strife he was getting at home. I understood that all too well. I had given him a job here to see how he would do. He seemed to have a knack for working on engines, but like everyone else, he had to start at the bottom. That wasn't so bad. It never hurt to work your way to the top. It gave you an appreciation for all aspects of your job.
I kept him busy keeping the place clean, for I think you can imagine the mess these guys made. Their job was to repair, not to play maid. So when the kid wasn't sweeping the floors or wiping up oil, I had him maintaining the equipment. Today I was going to have him working on something new.
His name, by the way, was Leonard.
"Leo!" I bellowed out my door.
His head snapped up like a startled antelope's. "Yes?"
"Come here!"
I couldn't help it that everything I said sounded like I was mad. My voice was hoarse from years of barking orders to this lot of mechanics. He ran up to me, looking a little frightened. "Yes boss?"
"Come on inside."
He followed and I shut the door behind us.
"Did I do something wrong?"
"Hell no boy! You're doing fine. I was going to just see how you like it here. I know you haven't been here all that long, but I like to keep track of my employees. So, is anyone giving you a rough time?"
"No sir. Why would they?"
"Oh, you never know with this lot. Some of them get ideas. I won't tolerate any shenanigans when it comes to picking on others."
"Uh, thanks?"
Leonard was looking a little uncertain.
"Look kid, no one is the same as the next person. Some guys think that they are better than others, only they do so for the wrong reasons. If you can pull an engine and fix it faster than someone else, then you are better than they are. But only in that one thing. My boys out there are all good at something and better than some at others. But when it comes down to the nitty-gritty, they're all the same to me."
"And yet, I understand that some aren't the same. Do you get what I'm trying to say?"
And yet it seemed that he did. You see, his uncle was like me, and that meant we were a bit of a minority. We were gay. And I was pretty sure this kid was too. The only thing was, his family would have ostracized him if he came out openly. I knew how that was. Only there hadn't been anyone there for me. And if his uncle tried to intervene, then things probably would have gotten a lot worse for him. I wasn't trying to make any moves on him, mind you. I mean, yeah, he was cute and all. I had once been good looking. Time and hardship had rather worn me down to what I was today.
"Are you sure you don't?"
He looked a little uncomfortable with my questioning. There was no point in forcing the issue. He probably knew the kind of trouble he faced if his family found out. Family was funny that way. They're all willing to support you when they like and/or agree with what you are, but they turn to devils when they don't. I mean, yeah, if you turned out to be a killer or something, then I'd understand the attitude. But hell, just being a little different than everyone else was no reason to become total assholes. I knew that all too well. Folks could be assholes quite a bit of the time. And I'm hardly just talking about towards being gay. They were rotten to each other over politics, religion and their favorite sports teams.
I didn't much like socializing anymore.
I think you can guess why.
For one thing it didn't leave me a whole lot left to talk about. As for the others, let's just let the matter drop. I wasn't antisocial, but I had a bad taste in my mouth from past dealings. I was pretty restricted with whom I shared drinks. But of those, I had some very close friends.
This kid was good at hiding what he was, so like I said, I wasn't going to push him. He had to come to grips with what he was before he was ever going to be able to move on. But I wanted him to get thinking. He had just turned eighteen, and while he was still in high school, he was going to be on his own very shortly and I wanted him to be prepared for what life might be throwing at him.
"Well, just keep it in mind that you can always talk to me. I ain't the prettiest face out there, but my ears work better than most."
"Uh, sure?"
"Ok. Now get out there and do your stuff."
"Yes sir!"
Like I said, he was a cute kid. Lions were a little pale for my tastes, but his uncle had some nice coloring that helped to set him off from his peers. The kid had youth, which was something that was best utilized while you had it. Me, I had wasted a lot of mine before I found my calling.
Over the next few weeks I kept an eye on him. As it was, he only worked a few hours after his regular school hours, but on the weekend he pulled a full shift. His curiosity found him with his nose in everything, and he was soon helping out with repairs. But that didn't mean I let him slack on the other jobs. I still had a business to run.
It was a Saturday, and I was feeling that he was ignoring his regular duties a little too much. I know he didn't mean any harm by it, but I decided to make him get a work out. "Leo!"
"I want you to clean all of the air lines. Use the stuff we use in the parts washer."
"Clean them?"
"I didn't stutter boy." I had him follow me to the washer, where I grabbed a rag and soaked it in the cleaner. Then, with a firm grasp I grabbed one of the blackened lines and worked the rag back and forth until the red rubber shone through.
"You see? These lines are only black from all of the grease and oil. They won't work any better being back to their normal color, but it might make things look a little more professional around here."
He looked up and down the walls. "All of them?"
"I didn't say today. But I want to see the red showing on all of them eventually."
I don't think he was happy with me, but he immediately started on them. It took a while to clean each one up, but it kept him the in vicinity of the mechanics, so he was still able to chat and observe. I just wanted him to remember that he was here to work too. He was going to need to know how to deal with a lot of things when he was out on his own.
But I think I said that.
Sure enough something must have eventually gone down at home, but it wasn't until about a month after he graduated. I can only guess something was said at home, but he came in looking pretty torn up. I didn't say anything to him. He either understood he could talk to me or he didn't. But I think he thought that I was straight. I didn't "act" gay, like a lot of people thought we acted. I mean, some did act a little sissified, and if that worked for them, then fine. But me, I was pretty deadpan about my sexual preferences.
I doubt he ever noticed the lack of a wedding band on my finger, or the lack of photos hanging in my office. I was a loner because it was safe. I wasn't married because it wasn't allowed for my kind. And truth be told, I hadn't gotten any action in a long while so Was almost forgetting what that was like.
It was rather sad.
Anyway, enough whining about me.
He came to me at the close of the day, since he was working fulltime now. He had a look on his face that I could have read from a mile away. Still, I let him talk at his own pace. He didn't need me butting into whatever revelation he had for me.
"Boss, can I talk to you?"
"Close the door. I think that whatever you have to say needs to stay in this room."
He eyed me with mild suspicion.
"What makes you say that?"
"Kid - I ain't stupid. You could ask me any work related thing anytime during the shift. You waited until quitting time. That means it's an off-the-clock question, and those kind are personal. And personal matters aren't for just any ears. Kapish?"
He seemed to relax.
"So spit it out. Just because you're not getting paid for this doesn't mean I have a lot of time to waste."
He drew in a deep breath.
"I got kicked out of the house."
"And I don't have a place to live."
"You're making your own money. You want help finding a place you can rent?"
"I guess so."
"So why'd your parents give you the boot?"
"Because. Because..."
I'm not always full of patience.
"Because you're gay and they don't tolerate that sort of thing in their household."
He stared at me and stammered out;
"Nnnnno I'm not!"
"Sure you are. There ain't anything wrong with it either, so don't let no one tell you any differently. You have the makings of a great mechanic. You're handsome to the point of being cute. And you have the potential for a long, satisfying life ahead of you."
A lump formed in his throat.
"Cute? You think I'm cute!"
"Sure. You've got that woebegone look on your face and you're slim; you have only half a mane right now and you've got the damnedest blue eyes I've ever seen. Ever make it with the lionesses?"
He started upright, standing a little taller and chose his words carefully.
"Once or twice."
"It wasn't how others said it would be, was it?"
"Did you figure out why?"
"No... Maybe."
"Oh, don't be coy. You were fucking them just fine, but it felt odd. It didn't quite feel right, did it?"
"Did you figure out why?"
He looked down at the floor and shifted nervously.
I chuckled a little.
"Kid, you're a lot like me. I tried the girls on for size and found they didn't fit me. Not one bit. My stiffies came to me in the locker room. Gave me nothing but hell during high school. I was glad when it was over."
"I ain't got no reason to lie to ya kid. Sort of recognized a kindred spirit in you. I bet I can tell you your problem right off the bat. Your family is religiously uptight, and being gay is a sin. Well, I'll give you a hint kid; if you ain't from that religion nothing it says makes a hill of beans of difference. I ain't never been impressed with anyone spouting rubbish unless they're actually living what they preach. And that ain't happened yet. So while I ain't tellin ya to ditch your family just yet, understand that they'll likely not accept ya unless you ask forgiveness for being something you were born into."
"You sound pretty sure of yourself."
"Kid, I've been there and done that. Family is the best thing in the world until you do something they don't approve of. Then they'll throw you over like week old garbage."
Well, let's just say we got talking for a while. I didn't realize how late it was until Doug, one of my mechanics, knocked on the door.
"Hey boss, I hate to interrupt, but I'm finally done for the night. You want me to finish closing up or do you want to do it?"
"Go one home. Me and the kid here are just having a man to man. We'll probably be right on your heels."
"Ok. See you two later!"
And he was out of there like a shot. The slamming door echoed around the garage.
"So kid; what do ya think you need to know?"
"I don't know. I mean, I never really thought too much on it."
"What's there to think on? You and I just don't like girls in the way everyone thinks we should. Funny thing is, I might not like salads, cheap beer and nasty cigarettes and that's ok. Blame it on my taste buds or something. But because I happen to prefer other males over the females, then I'm some sort of self made monster."
"But you're not a monster!" cried the kid, coming to my aid though I didn't hardly need it.
"I know kid. But that's the way people often look at ya when you tell 'em how you swing."
"I know. There was a kid in my class who came out and everyone was rotten to him. I would have said something to him but then they would have been even worse to me."
"Yeah, it can be tough sticking up for yourself. It's tougher sticking up for others. Like I said; people can be real jerks about your preferences."
"Is it really a preference?"
I laughed a little.
"I suppose not. It's part of who you are, just like your fur color and your mane. Some people end up with blue eyes, and others yellow or green. No one bashes them over the head for that. But tell them you're gay and they come unglued."
"So you're not pulling my leg are you? You're gay too?"
"What's the matter kid? Am I too macho for your tastes?"
"No! I just thought with you being all tough and everything that you were, well..."
"Yes? You thought what?"
"I dunno. I just didn't think of you as being like me."
"Kid, I ain't like you. I haven't been like you in decades. But I was once. I know the ordeal you're going through. So let's get something out before we talk any further. You got a place to stay?"
"Not really."
"Then I'll give you two choices. One, you can stay here. Not the most comfortable, but it's out of the rain, there's a fridge and a shower, and you already have to come here to work."
"I guess that'll work for now. What's the second choice?"
"How about we discuss that later? Right now I think you have something else on your mind."
"Like what?" he asked, a shiver of nervousness running through his thin frame.
"You're cute kid. Really you are. But you see, I ain't gonna put words in your mouth. You have to say and ask what it is you have on your mind. Never let others do it for you."
He stood there for a moment, looking down at the floor. I could tell he had something on his mind, and to be honest, I was hoping he said it plainly and clearly. But finding someone who accepted him for who he was wasn't a common thing. As far as he knew, I was just baiting him.
"Can you show me what it's like?"
"What what's like? Being gay isn't all that different from being anything else. You just have a liking for your own gender is all. Hell, you couldn't tell I was, now could you?"
"No. You're all tough and mean. Well, tough anyways."
I laughed.
"Kid, I have to act mean or those bozos out on the floor will goof off the entire shift. It's mostly an act you know. I happen to have a soft side, and I have a hard side most people don't see."
"A hard side?" he asked, uncertain what I meant.
"I'll tell you what. I'll make a suggestion. You think it over. If you're all for it, then fine. And if you think it's too soon, fine there too."
"Uh, ok."
"You're dirty. I could use a shower too. What say we get to know each other under the fall of the hot water and see what happens?"
He stood a little taller and shifted his feet. I smiled as a bulge appeared in the front of his work pants.
"Are you sure we should?"
"No one here but us. If you'll feel better about it I'll make sure the place is locked up tight. No one will ever know."
He stood there for a moment more, gathering his courage.
"Geez Leo, don't sound so excited."
"Sorry. I feel a little nervous is all."
"Don't worry. We'll take it nice and slow. No point in overloading you on your first time, now is there?"
Now, I'm not the romantic type, but even I knew that an auto garage shower stall is hardly the place for a first time. But it was safe. At least the kid didn't have to worry about anyone busting in on us. The last thing he needed was a dirty boot stomping his fragile ego into the ground. Let him get a feel for what he was, and at the same time, I was going to get a feel for what he was. I considered it a win-win situation.
I went first in getting undressed. Let the kid see what he was in for. I wasn't in the same shape I was twenty years ago, but I still worked out a bit. It wasn't vanity precisely. I just liked the pants size I was wearing and I made sure I stayed in them. I hated buying anything outside of what I was used to. Call me set in my ways.
The kid's eyes never left me as I dropped my clothing on the bench. I flexed a little, trying to show off that which I didn't really have. But then, I never was too much into body building. It's great to have strength, but I think it looks ugly when your muscles have muscles.
"So what do you think kid? I ain't what I used to be, but I think I still have a few moves."
"You look good. I always wondered what you looked like underneath it all."
"Dark and steamy," I managed to say with a straight face.
He looked up at me and saw the start of a smile that I was having trouble containing. It proved to be contagious. He broke out in a fit of laugher before I did. Once he was going, I didn't have a choice. We were both in tears before we got straightened out.
"Thanks boss. I really needed that."
"That's not the only thing you need. Get undressed. I hate wasting water. There's room for two in there. Oh, and call me Norm. As of this moment tonight, I'm not your boss."
"What about tomorrow?"
"Kid, tomorrow will be just like any other. At work you're my employee. After hours will be all up to you."
He seemed satisfied with that statement. I wasn't lying either. The last thing I wanted to do was appear to be strong-arming him on the off hours, or pampering him during the work ones. At this age he needed to figure out where he was headed in life.
He stripped down, tossing his work uniform on the floor. His tawny fur was patched on his arms with black grease. But that easily removable. In fact, it would be a pleasure to assist him in getting clean. But then, I had to restrain myself. I didn't want to come on too strongly, even in little things like that. There was no telling what might overwhelm him.
He was good looking, and though a little thin, I less-than-fondly remembered my early days and how worry had kept me from eating like I should. Given time and getting comfortable with who he was would likely take care of that.
"So kid, how do you want to do this?"
"Uh, I don't know."
"How are you feeling about this now that you see me as I am?"
"I want to say scared, but the funny thing is, I don't feel that way. Still nervous I guess."
"That's normal. I used to feel that way every time I met someone new."
"Potential partners kid. You never know how they're going to be. Everyone is different."
"Like you. I always thought you'd be, well; mean."
I laughed.
"Yeah, I can see where you'd get that. But I'm only gruff in my mannerisms because I have to be. You'd be surprised by the things I like."
"Such as?"
"Roses, wine and lion cock."
"Which part?" I asked with a smile.
"All of it. You look like a beer drinking sports fan to me."
"Who happens to like cute, tawny lions? I guess I'm a sports fan, depending on the sport. I mean, most of them involve handling balls of some sort, and there as those involving a long stick, and most of them have some sort of body to body contact, so what's not to like?"
The kid looked at me dumbfounded until my words sunk in.
"You're not at all like I thought you were."
"Maybe not. Wanna learn more?"
"Yeah. I think I do."
He was much more relaxed now that he found out I was an actual person, not just a mean old jaguar.
"Good. First rule; body odor isn't necessarily offensive, but being clean goes a long way in making an impression on someone. Let's get cleaned up."
He stepped into the stall, allowing me a good look at his finely sculpted buttocks. I wanted to just grab that tail and give it a yank, just to see if this was real. I had no intention of taking advantage of the kid, but I hoped to take advantage of all he had to offer. I had to put every ounce of restraint I owned into keeping my hands to myself.
For now, that is.
Even my cock woke up; a first in a long time. You suppress the urges long enough and they almost forget how to function.
I stepped in behind him, purposely, but lightly, bumping into him. Let the first contact seem accidental.
He moved over to let me in. I reached over his shoulder to turn the shower head so that it was spraying more in the middle of the stall. I then grabbed a bar of soap, got it wet, and began to lather up his arms. This wasn't no sweet-scented lather, just the tough stuff we used around here to cut the grime. Maybe the next time; if there happened to be a next time; we'd do this a little more properly.
He seemed bemused by having someone do the cleaning for him, but he didn't protest. I worked the soap into his fur, using my strong fingers to gently work in the suds. It took me a little while to get the grease out, but in the end his fur was as unblemished as the day he was born.
Before he could thank me, or say anything for that matter, I started on his shoulders, avoiding his mane, and massaged the fur, the skin and the muscles below just like I liked to have done. Damn if a good massage didn't get me purring, and that's bloody undignified, but it's the truth. I melt into a puddle and you can do anything you like with me then. Yeah, and that's why I don't often let people see the real me.
The kid's muscles were tight, probably from a hard day's work, coupled with his troubles at home. I knew how that was. Both of those things. He groaned a little and tilted his head back as I worked my fingertips into the hidden knots. I leaned in and set my chin on the top of his head. This was turning out far better than I had any right to expect.
I could just imagine being in bed with him. I have had many lovers in the past, though none recently. Times change and so do people. When you get to be my age, you just sort of get resigned to the fact that finding a discreet friend isn't all that easy. Finding one as green as Leo was something even rarer for someone like me.
I'm not religious but I said a little prayer that this all went down without a hitch.
I worked my hands down his sides, feeling him shiver as I did. Warm water or not, the kid was getting chills. That was a good sign. I slowly fingered my way up and around to his chest, feeling the strong musculature there, obviously an added benefit from me making him work for his money. Exercise was good for the body as well as it was for the soul. His nipples were hard little peaks on his pectorals, and his fur was slightly raised up from the sensual excitement of having someone touch him so intimately. Hell, if his body thought this was intimate, it had a lot to learn.
And I happened to be a good teacher.
I made my way down his belly, finding him to be a bit ticklish. I didn't want the present mood to change so I quickly went lower, finding his sheath and feeling the firmness within. He was, like me, barely containing himself. I stroked him down there; very slowly and very softly. I was rapidly rewarded with a smooth length of very stiff cock. I couldn't see it, but I knew what it looked like. Me and my lion kin had shared a few romps together.
I quickly soaped up my hands and stroked him with a little more zeal. It was obvious at this point that he was into this, so going a little more headstrong and cocksure into it seemed appropriate.
And yes, I did just use the word cocksure appropriately.
My cock was sure. His cock was sure.
And yet, I still held myself back. After all of these years, I did have remarkable control over my body. Some of my mechanics; let me rephrase that; most of my mechanics were hetero. That didn't mean that I didn't find some of them attractive. But making any untoward moves on a guy who wasn't into it would be nothing more than a headache I didn't want to deal with. So watching a nice ass bent over the fender of a car was all well and good, but getting a stiff one because of it was out of the question. There was no point in letting them in on my well kept secret.
But today was different. All in good time.
Trust me; it was difficult to not get hard with my front bumping into his delicious rear end. But I persevered. Patience was a virtue.
I continued to stroke his cock, getting both hands involved because there was room for both. That too was nice. I'll never knock anyone about their size, cuz no one has any say in it, but a good sized one is always a lot of fun. If nothing else, there is always the challenge in tackling a bigger one, even for an experienced guy like me.
He groaned softly as I played along his length, feeling it getting ever more rigid. I was pretty sure he had done this to himself plenty of times, because what guy didn't, regardless of their orientation? But I had to wonder if those occasions ever felt like having someone else doing it? I doubted it. Having a partner was often a key to happiness and fulfillment.
I worked a little harder and faster, knowing full well that soap, while it lasted, wasn't the best lubricant for this. I moved one hand down to his balls and tickled them while the other danced along his shaft. It didn't take too long for him to cum. I was pretty sure he had a lot of pent up emotions that needed to be released, and a good jolt to the old genitals was always ideal for that.
I pressed against him while he shot his load all over the wall of the shower. It was a waste really, but then, as I said, all things in good time.
His legs started to give out on him, so I got a grip by locking my arms under his shoulders. He sagged into me for a moment as the pleasure swept across him like a wildfire. It was no bad thing, that, for I liked having him there. I nearly lost it myself, but I fought down the urges. I didn't want to seem overly eager.
Yes, I was. But he didn't need to know that.
As he recovered himself, I let go as he stood and turned.
"Wow," he muttered, still trying to catch his breath, "I didn't know it could be so, so..."
"Incredible?" I suggested as the word he was looking for.
"Yeah! I always sort of imagined something cool, but that was better than anything I was ever able to conjure up."
"Sex between two consenting adults can be a lot of fun kid. But always make sure it's consenting. Don't let people railroad you into doing something you don't want to do."
"Sure, I get that. But how will I know unless I try it?"
"Good point. You never know what you'll have a taste for until you try it."
"Taste?" he asked, a touch a humor in his voice.
"Sure kid, there's that too. Kind of fun regardless of which side you're on."
"Which side?" he asked hesitantly.
"Yeah, giving or receiving. There are always two sides to every action."
"Oh. What's it like?"
"Which one?"
He chuckled at his own stupid question.
"I guess I meant giving. I already received."
The ole cock-a-rooni just about made an appearance. I fought it down again. Harder.
"I guess there's only one way to find out, now isn't there?"
His eyes lit up.
"Yeah, I guess so. Would that be a problem for you?"
I nearly doubled over in laughter. This kid was so damn cute I could hardly contain myself.
"What do you think? Mentally switch places with me and ask it again."
He actually thought it over.
"No, I don't think I would mind."
I smiled. I mean a big old stupid grin.
"Me neither."
He wasn't quite sure how to start. Stroking your own meat was one thing, but doing someone else's was another. He hesitated, looking down and my crotch and then up to my face.
"Uh, what should I do?"
I would have laughed had I not known how he would have reacted. It was no fun being a newbie.
"What color is my fur Leo?"
"Uh, black."
"Right. And what did I tell you about cleaning the hoses?"
He looked at me like I was crazy.
"Uh, you said to clean them until the red shown through."
"Yep. Same here."
It took him a moment before it dawned on him what I meant. I think he turned his own shade of red under his fine fur.
"Oh. Gotcha."
He looked down again, and then got on his knees. With a quavering touch (as if he expected my cock to jump out like a snake) he stroked the sheath ever so carefully. When nothing unexpected happened, his touch grew more confident. I closed my eyes and relaxed. Now was my turn, and I intended to enjoy it completely. Who knew when the next time might be? And with the water running over me, it couldn't get much better; under the present circumstances of course.
It didn't take long for my cock to show itself, and while no snake, was impressive in its own right. The kid seemed struck with it, but seeing as it was probably the first one he had likely ever seen this close up, I didn't read too much into it. But it was still nice to be appreciated.
He ran his fingers along it, tracing the length of it from its base to its tip. His fingers were soft and as they undulated up and down the engorged skin of it, I mirrored his earlier vocalizations by uttering my own groan. It was so nice to have someone else to have fun with. Alone at home gets to be pretty damn boring,
I didn't expect too much from him, so when he knelt down and his head moved in and I felt the warm wet interior of his mouth, my eyes nearly popped from my head. He was adventurous, that was for sure. I didn't mind as long as he didn't.
His approach was one of caution, not knowing what to do or what to expect. I could feel his lips tighten around me and his tongue do an exploratory caress or two. It was a good start. To be honest, it was a wonderful start. I didn't make a move; I just let him do his thing. If he needed direction later on, I'd be happy to give it.
When nothing happened (I'm not sure what he expected) he grew bolder, slipping down farther over my cock with that wonderfully warm and wet mouth of his. His hands found their way to my ass, and between the water raining down on the outside of me and the moisture surrounding my cock, I was in a little slice of heaven. He worked it in as far as it would go without making him choke, and then he pulled back, locking his lips around the head of it. His tongue slithered across the end and I nearly blew right then.
Why didn't I?
Because this might be our only time together and the hell if I was going to get it over with too quickly.
I felt his cheeks tighten up as he puckered his lips, putting an amazing amount of suction into what he was doing. I groaned again and grabbed his mane, locking my fingers into his thick hair and making sure he didn't go anywhere until he was finished. More importantly, until I was finished with him.
He took my reaction as a good sign, and worked over my raging hard-on with greater intensity. I had to restrain myself from face-fucking him. I didn't think he was ready for anything that intense. But damn; it was difficult not slamming his face into my crotch. I had really gone too long without having a partner and it was showing.
I sucked in a deep breath and tried to calm down. The increased action on my cock however, was making self-control pretty damn unmanageable. I dug my fingers in tighter, not wishing to hurt him but needing some outlet for my present tension. This was getting totally insane and we weren't even really doing all that much. I guess the fact was; I was smitten with this kitten, and the mere fact that he would have anything to do with me had eroded my naturally guarded emotions.
You know, even when the hot water ran out, that stall was still steamy as hell. In the end, I didn't have to face fuck the poor kid. He took the initiative and was going down on my stiffy like a crazed woodpecker. God, how good that felt! He was taking the whole thing in by now and I could feel the tip of my cock bumping into the back of his throat. How he wasn't gagging I don't know, and at the time, I didn't care.
With a roar enough to clear the garage floor, I let loose with everything I had kept inside for the past couple of years. Not only did my vocal cords let loose with a primal cry, my loins burst forth in a torrent of hot sticky white that drove itself straight into Leo's throat.
This time he did gag.
But never once did he stop working over my cock. He didn't let up until he could tell I had nothing more to give. After that, it was simply him waiting me out until I let go of his head. I sort of forgot I even still had his mane in my fingers, so overcome was I with what had happened. I sheepishly let go, allowing him to pull off of me. I half expected to see a look of hurt on his face, but instead was rewarded with a look of pure joy.
"Did I do good?"
"Fuck kid, you did great!"
I ruffled his wet mane, which didn't work as well as if it had been dry.
"Damn right. You're a natural."
He downright beamed.
"This was fun! I didn't know if I was not. I sort of hoped I was normal. But I guess I'm not."
I got a little huffy.
"Be careful with your words kid. There isn't anything unnatural about us. We just are. You're as normal as they come. Be proud of that. Hide it when you have to; revel in it when you can."
He caught the seriousness in my voice.
"I'm sorry. Just so many years of having the opposite beaten into my head."
"Don't be sorry, just be who you are."
I heard in take in a deep breath.
"I'm not sure who that is."
"Good. Take the time to find out now. You're on your own with no one to tell you what to do. Figure out who you are and then live out your life that way."
"But you'll tell me what to do!"
"No I won't!" I protested.
He chuckled.
"Tomorrow at work you will."
"That's tomorrow kid."
"So what about the rest of tonight?"
"What about it?"
"There's still a lot left to it."
I felt my cock stir again.
"So there is. Wanna do something with it?"
"Sure. But how about getting something to eat first?"
I rolled my eyes.
"Sounds good. Dutch, or am I buying?"
"That depends. Is it just a meal between friends are do you want to call it a date?"
He was looking at me with soulful eyes. Damn if I knew how he was managing that.
"Call it a date then. I'll buy."
"Wine and roses?"
"Don't push it kid. Beer and burgers will do."
He leaned in and kissed me.
"Yes they will. They'll do just fine."