Hunting Pirates

Story by SkyWing on SoFurry

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#14 of Other Commissions

And after a long, drawn-out struggle, the sequal to my first game story commission Hunting Slaves is finally done, and this time around it was NOT easy! My luck went back and forth with this one so much it wasn't even funny, although saying that some of you might be amused by the results of those bad rolls. But regardless, I hope you all can enjoy the story I struggled to get through with draconicon.

Name: Necross

Species: Dragon


HP: 36/36

Strength: 16 (+3)

Dexterity: 12 (+1)

Constitution: 14 (+2)

Intelligence: 12 (+1)

Wisdom: 12 (+1)

Charisma: 12 (+1)

Special Moves

Corruptive Musk: Chance of weakening or altering an opponent's mindset, requires being close enough for the musk to be released or fill the room.

Tail Attacks: Not many people know how to deal with tail strikes, so you get a bonus if attacking someone with yours.


Bondage: +2

Sharpshooting: +4

Hypnosis: +3

Intimidation: +2

Martial Arts: +3


Fists: 1d12+3+2

Dual Laser Pistols: 1d10+4+1


-Earbud uplink to ship based computer Alister

-EMP field generator, set into belt

-Anti-Gravity boots (usable in 10 second bursts)


Once more, you are Necross, captain of the Alister and on a mission to the planet Nastasha. You have been here once before, to Refugee Camp 201B, but back then, you were here for a much different reason. Then, you were there to collect a slave. Now, you are returning to deal with a pirate.

Pirate Captain Hendergast, to be precise. From what you remember since your last visit, he arrived a long time back and set up a 'protection' racket for the camp, and made sure that everyone was dosed with a number of drugs hidden in their water and food. You even took away two members of the camp when you left, attracted by a certain musk that you exuded, and you were able to make a few determinations.

One, the musk effect is permanent, though it lessens over time. The rabbit and the wolf that you took along still follow you like obedient puppies, though they are less controlled and more influenced these days.

Two, there is a way to filter it out. If you can provide a stronger scent for someone to focus on - either another sort of musk or a stronger, more vile scent - the control can be broken, at least for a while.

With that in mind, you float over the planet, just out of range of the sensors, waiting as the planet rotates beneath you to give you a clear shot towards the refugee camp. After all, you were nearly spotted last time, and you know it's not going to be any easier this time, particularly as Hendergast - and his large, large ship, a small cruiser by the name of the Indomitable - is currently docked in the camp. Taking on slaves, last you heard.

It's time to put an end to that.


//: Judging all the info I have with the thoughts on what I have to do, I turn back to the bunny who I first met in the docking section and ask what advice he might have. "Do you have any ideas on how to avoid detection from Hendergast for any good length of time bun bun?" (End)

Albus - the rabbit - looks up from the seat he's currently bent over, taking his former work colleague - and now fellow pet - up the ass, his little tail wiggling happily as that wolf cock reams his hole. He blushes a bit as Nathan humps him hard, trying to think.

"Um...there - ah - there's some...some canyons that...that aren't monitored on the - mmmph - on the east side of the camp...can't watch all of them...too expensive..."

He pants, moaning as he gets one leg lifted off of the deck, the wolf's knot slamming into his ass hard and fast, popping in and out as it grows. Still, he dutifully does his best to answer.

"But...there's some...some auto-guns there...Not manned, but...mmmph, fuck...but they are able to shoot...pretty good. Good pilot could get past...far enough away that the noise won't be heard."

The other choices, as you remember, are coming in from the south through monitored canyons, where the people that have replaced Albus and Nathan will likely be questioning anyone that's coming, either for official reasons or because of Hendergast's orders. The other option, and the least likely to work, is to fly overhead and come in with a divebomb, right in the middle of the scanner's blindspot, but in full view of the naked eye.


//: Weighing each option, and wanting to be as stealthy as possible, I decide to see if I can outdo the gun in the east canyon and have as much time as I can to deal with the other dragon. "Let's try and get past those guns then. Alister and my reflexes should get us barely through I believe." (End)

Beg pardon, sir, but I do believe that we will be more than sufficient, provided that you haven't been intoxicated on another of your stimulants with your companions, Alister says. Out loud, rather than in your head, you notice.

Neither of your pets seem to mind, giggling a bit.

As the planet beneath you rotates around, your scanners finally pick up that it's in the proper position, and you take a seat. You start a gradual descent, keeping the flight looking as normal as possible as you come down towards the planet. As the natural gravity re-asserts itself, Nathan and Albus end up flopping over the flight chair that they're fucking against, with the wolf landing on the chair and the rabbit on his lap, knot slammed in hard.

They cum together as they put on a seatbelt, and the ship slowly continues downwards, heading closer and closer towards the camp.

Now that they're tied down, you increase the descent, moving faster so that you drop below the level of the atmospheric scanners before you're in range, and you start flying towards the eastern canyons. You immediately see why people didn't think to start monitoring it. The canyons are less than half the size of the other ones you've used, and you can tell you'll have to be on your toes for this one.

**(Roll Dexterity, DC 13)


You manage to swing the ship up on its side as you move through a narrow part of the canyon, and hear the systems squeal a bit as you do so.

May I remind you, sir, that we haven't had a maintenance check in perhaps five months?

"Okay...the guns are..."

Albus thinks for a bit.

"About two thirds of the way down the canyon..."

Nathan nods.

"They'll be peashooters, for the most part, with one bigger one. Might be worth knocking the big one out, if you've got any weapons on this thing."


//: Thinking to myself, really wishing that we had done a checkup prior just to be on the safe side, I shake my head at the wolf's words. "Got no weapons on here, never had the need when I'm the one doing the hunting, usually on land." I said, keeping an eye out for the guns as we keep moving. (End)

You are likely also regretting the lack of personal gravity fields planetside. In space, you have sufficient energy to keep the floor as down. On the planet...not so much. Due to keeping it a bit slower so that you don't get detected by other scanners, you can feel the constant pull of the planet's gravity tugging you to the side of the seat, an inescapable thing as you can't really keep the ship upright due to the narrow canyons.

Back and forth you weave, feeling like you're playing in a ridiculous game, before the canyon suddenly opens up.

Right in front of the guns. They are a bit on the small side, for the most part, looking like anti-vermin guns rather than anti-ship, except for the big one in the middle. That one could shoot the [i]Alister[/i] right out of the sky with two shots. But maybe it hasn't noticed you?

**(DM roll, DC 15)


Thankfully, it hasn't yet, the sensors on it probably a bit old or underrepaired. But the smaller guns are lifting up and starting to shoot at you. You could easily out-speed those particular shots, zooming over them, but that would definitely wake up the big one. Or you could take the hit. Not much, but the Alister is slightly under the weather for a ship as it is.


//: Thinking quickly and hoping for the best, I decide to force my way through regardless of the shots to avoid the bigger gun, knowing that if things turn out as planned, Alister won't be staying in this ship either. (End)

You brace yourself as you feel the equivalent of a thousand little pot-shots running over the bottom of your ship. It's not like any one of them has done much more than give a tiny dent, considering the calibers of bullets making their way up, but there is a lot of them, and their targeting systems are incredibly good at keeping the shots concentrated to single points. It's like riding inside a giant vibrator, something that leaves Nathan groaning at as his seat buzzes under his ass. Yours is doing the same for that matter.

**(DM's Roll, DC 12)


After about twenty seconds of sustained fire, you hear a sudden BANG as part of the lower hull gives way. Alister closes several emergency bulkheads, keeping the air in the cockpit and the majority of the ship the same, but you can see on your external scanners that the ship now has several very big holes in the bottom of it.

Thankfully, that is about all the damage the little pea-shooters manage to do before you reach the end of the canyon and the end of their range.

You aren't hailed this time, and you see several open hangers, two on the east side, and one on the north side. You also see the Indomitable landed on the south side, near the Clubs where you found the slave last time. Doubtless it's picking up cargo.


//: Figuring it best to keep the distance both manageable by foot and as far from sight I go for one of the east side hangers, hoping to not be contacted at all as we try to land with the damage on the bottom of the ship. "Hopefully we can still land this thing Alister, if not we're gonna have some extra damage to handle if things go south for us." (End)

Pardon me, sir, but I think that extra damage may be the least of our problems, if we can't land. The hangar is closing.

And so it is. Whether it's because of some automated process or someone's deliberate decision, a metal overhang is coming over the top of the hangar. You know that it's going to be strong enough to keep you out if you don't hurry, but at the same time it's hard enough to land a damaged ship when you're taking your time.

**(Roll Dexterity, DC 15)


You try a few tricks, but it seems that the ship is a little too damaged to sustain itself at that point. One of the engines go out, and you go into a semi-controlled tailspin, shooting down towards the hangar. You'll definitely get in at this point, but you sure as hell are going to get banged up if you don't get control of the ship again.


//: "Brace for it boys, we're going in hard for sure now." I tell the other two, trying as best I can to keep control along with Alister to hopefully land right. I know I can handle a little beat up and so can the wolf as he covers the knotted bunny in his lap. (End)

**(Roll Dexterity, DC 14)


You pull and tug at the controls, using every bit of control and all of Alister's tricks to try and wrestle the ship into a more landable position. You almost have it, turning the nose upwards to a 45 degree angle rather than a 90 degree one, when the end of your ship finally hits the ground.


You hit it hard, skidding forward through the hangar, and bouncing around inside the cabin. You are very, very thankful for the seatbelts, as it keeps you from flying up against the viewscreen or against the roof of the ship, but at the same time, they hurt like hell, digging into your body from all directions and making it a royal pain.

Bounce, bounce goes the ship, and you can only imagine the dents and rips that are happening to the hull. A sickening screech fills the air as you come forward, sliding along towards the wall, and your momentum is such that you crash through the wall just a bit, the nose of your ship penetrating the cheap metal.

Finally, it comes to a halt. Nathan and Albus shake a bit in their seat, and you hear a soft pop. Guess terror finally made that knot shrink down.

"Are...are we alive?" Albus asks.


//: "Yeah, we're alive thankfully bun bun. Just gotta stretch the pain out some and get dressed to get this plan off to a better start than this hopefully." I grumble as I tug the seatbelt off and stand up, minding my head of anything to look at the ship and my two pets. (End)

Miraculously, you didn't take too much personal damage. The cushioned seats and the very well-crafted restraints were sufficient to keep you in a little safety bubble. Aside from the bruises along your shoulders and torso from the jostling about, you're surprisingly unhurt, and the same goes for the two others that you had brought along.

The ship, however...

Damage analysis complete, sir. Underside of the ship is torn apart, with less than 20% integrity. Life support generators torn and damaged during the impact. Shield generators at less than 10% power. Engines dislodged from connector couplings. And overall power generators and fuel down to 20%. If I may, sir, I would say 'ouch.'

"Yeah, you're not kidding, junk-pile."

Nathan mutters as he helps Albus off of him, the rabbit straining slightly. His smaller frame took a bigger bit of the impact than it was meant to, despite Nathan's shielding, and he limps a bit as he moves. At a guess, you'd say that his hips are pretty bruised, possibly down to the bone.


//: I walk over to the bunny and try to see how badly he's hurt, while nodding at the assessment. "Alister, hopefully we're gonna do this plan right or we'll be done for and you'll be in the scrapyard without a prayer. Continue with our plan regardless and get ready for a download sequence for you and all our data. Now, are you alright Albus, hope you can still move well enough boy?" (End)

Download sequence and transfer is ready, sir. I also have a self-destruct mechanism ready for the coding and ship, upon downloading into a proper location. Alister, it seems, is quite ready to leave this particular 'body' for something better.

Albus grunts a bit as you check him out, hissing softly in discomfort as you touch his hips. The naked bunny is definitely pretty darn sore, but he forces a small smile as you ask him if he can keep moving.

"If I can't keep moving, I can't keep up with you, can I, sir?" He smiles. "I'll do okay. Just gotta...gotta take it slow for a little while."

The wolf nods, going towards one of the backrooms - after Alister unlocks one of the bulkheads to let him - to get some equipment, and some jumpsuits for him and the rabbit. They only have one each, really; you haven't given them more, as they haven't needed more on the ship.

Sir, I'm afraid I won't be of much use to your plan, here. The scanners are dangerously expensive on my power resources; the most I can do is give an occasional targeted scan, rather than a continuous one, or I won't have power to send the download later.

Soon, Nathan returns with clothing, pistols, and a rifle for himself.

"So, what's the plan, sir?" he asks.


//: "Work with what you can Alister, we can use whatever you can manage to send to us. If it increases the success rate at all it is worth doing. Nathan you and I will make our way to the dragon's ship as quick as we can, and Albus can make his way at his own pace. He's not as combat ready as us anyways so he can work tech support with Alister through a terminal somewhere if he manages to get access still," I say, checking my own gear and preparing to unlock the door to head out. (End)

"Wouldn't Captain Hendergast have changed the passwords by now?"

"Don't worry about that. I might...might have been new when I got hired, Nathan, but they told me that most of the passwords and access codes are hardwired in. Standard refugee camp policy, so that they can't hide everything from inspectors," Albus explains.

The rabbit has managed to get dressed, for the most part. He blushes a little as he has never found boots or shoes for himself, so he has to follow you guys barefoot. The wolf, on the other hand, is pretty combat ready, with a jumpsuit that has some armor built in, and a rifle that's pretty powerful, and one you've let him customize a little bit. He looks rather angry, actually; ever since you explained what Hendergast was really doing, running a slave trade, he's been looking to come back and get payback.

The three of you line up at the door as you open it. Thankfully, there are no enemies right outside. Whatever noise you have made hasn't gotten the guards called on you yet, so either they're still on their way, or everyone has retreated either to the center of the camp, or to the southern part of it.

The hangar itself is a mess. You've left fire and burn marks in your wake, and you must have landed partially on another ship, because there's one that looks like it's been cut in half. The door out is open, but that's partly because the crashed ship [i]Alister[/i] cut through the power couplings in the wall.


//: I chuckle at the face Nathan was making, not mentioning to him just what might really happen at the end if we manage to replace the other dragon. I shake my head at the damage, just being thankful that nobody is around now. "Nathan, you have the best sense of direction for this place, so lead us both on the best route to getting to the Indomitable without much attention. Albus, come at your pace like I said before and find terminals where you can gather info for us as you go." (End)

"Wait, sir."

Nathan turns to you.

"What about the other security forces here? Maybe you can do something to...I don't know, fix them. The way that you did me. The more guns we have when we deal with Hendergast, the better, right?"

It's a thought. You were able to overcome Nathan's conditioning very quickly with a direct application of your own musk, and he has proven to be quite the ally. He points westwards, towards the center of the camp.

"If we cut through there, then we could get to the main barracks. The whole place won't be full, but there'll be at least a few squads there."

"Or you could end up running into a whole group and getting gunned down. What about getting the master right to the [i]Indomitable[/i]? It's too dangerous to go to the middle."

The pair of them have already started arguing. Which is usual; if they're not fucking, they're fighting.


//: Thinking briefly on the idea Nathan gives, I decide it would probably have the best outcome regardless of how much longer it will take for us to do it. "I think Nathan has a point bun bun, the more guns we have, the better it will be. If nothing else, we can use then to either help sneak us on there or as a distraction to get on without notice." I smirk to myself as I pull out a small glass ball from my pocket, a special "musk bomb" just to help things along. "If we toss this in they can be more docile to handle and maybe get some fun out of things." (End)

Albus blushes heavily as he looks at the bomb that you took out, his eyes rolling back and his toes curling into the ground as he remembers you testing that out, and how many nights he spent all blissed out on your scent. The rabbit's jumpsuit starts to get a little damp at the crotch, much to the wolf's amusement.

However, he doesn't mock Albus, and instead waves for you guys to follow him.

He leads you out of the hangar and down the hallways for a bit before he comes to a spot on the wall that looks slightly different from the rest of it. He tugs it down, revealing it to be a panel that hid a secret passageway, and steps inside.

"This'll take us right to the central barracks, as long as they didn't put a trap in somewhere along the way."

Albus shivers as he comes in at the rear, following slowly, and soon falling out of sight as you and Nathan take the lead down the corridor.

You soon find that it's impossible to see, even with your eyes, and that you're finding your way around purely by scent and by touch, holding your hand against the wall and following the wolf smell in front of you.

"So, sir, what are you gonna do to Hendergast when we find him? If you take my suggestion, we'll blow him to bits and then turn in his ship for a reward."


//: I chuckle at the wolf's choice of words, smirking to myself in the dark hallway. "While you might want to do that to get even with him, I have a better idea. I managed to remake the drugs he used on you two back on the ship with Alister, and put it in a dart. I think it would prove a better 'fate' for him, if you will, to suffer the way he had all you live. I'll even let you have second crack at him when I finish with his scaly butt. Who knows, perhaps you can keep him as your personal pet and with a little suggestions, a punching bag for your frustrations." (End)

Nathan hmmphs at that, looking over his shoulder. At least, you think he is; you can see a little glitter in the dark that you assume are his eyes, and he has stopped moving.

"He should get more punishment than that. What if he gets away from that? You and he are the only ones that seem to do anything with that drug. We should just get rid of him..."

He's got a pretty big hang-up on this. Possibly because he was so unwillingly enslaved and enamored of the dragon before, and now he feels completely humiliated about it. Possibly because he worries about someone like that getting free. Possibly because he feels unworthy and unable to keep control of that Captain if he was entrusted with him.

At any rate, you can tell that he's not particularly happy with that decision, and you might have to fight with him a bit later. But not now; he's more concerned with moving on at the moment.

**(DM roll, DC 11)


Unfortunately, you only manage a couple more steps before something goes BOOM above your heads. A bright flash of light fills the tunnel, and you are suddenly hit with a fluid-like bomb. Your first thought is a worry about it being acidic, but it's not. Instead, it stinks...stinks like the fluids of another dragon.

You realize you've been essentially bukkake bombed.

You then realize that the same, musky scent has also hit the suddenly-still Nathan in front of you, and there's an intercom crackling to life, doubtlessly with orders that the now-rezonked Nathan may be compelled to follow.


//: Growling at the stupid trap they set, my ears flick at the sound of the intercom and I reach forward for the wolf, quickly sliding my hands up his body to his head and pinning his ears down with my hands as I look around, trying to figure out where the sound was coming from and where best to get out of this mess. 'Pitifully made, would only work on these two,' I think to myself. (End)

**(Roll Martial Arts, DC 13)


Despite Nathan's struggles, you are able to pin his ears without having to fight him too hard; either residual loyalty or sheer stupid from the musk has kept him from fighting too hard. However, your fingers and hands are now covered with the slimy fluids of another male dragon, and you can feel that scent sinking into your scales. You haven't experienced it before, but now you get a better picture as to why Hendergast has been so able to subdue people. His musk is as strong as yours in this bomb of a thing, and that has to have lost some potency. Fresh, it would be quite strong indeed.

Soon, the crackling resolves...

**(Roll Wisdom, DC 12)


But you can't tell where it's coming from in the dark. All you can do is hold the slippery wolf with your slippery hands as you press your slippery selves against each other. A voice, very deep and rather slithery in tone, comes over the speakers.

"Hello. This is Captain Hendergast speaking. Whoever is listening to this, I want you to know. I know you have two of my products with you in the tunnels. I know that you're looking to come after me. And I know that you think you can handle whatever I have here. Let me save you some time.

"You can't. If you want to live, I would suggest leaving now. If you start walking, you'll find a small farmstead a hundred miles to the south. You can find a way to a spaceport from there. If you leave now, and leave my products behind, then I'll let you live.

"If you don't...well, I haven't sold a dragon before. It'll be interesting to see how long it takes to break you."

The intercom crackles again.

"Oh yes. And slaves...Destroy him, if you can."

It finally goes silent. You feel Nathan grunting a bit, but the command seems to have been stifled well enough for the moment, though the wolf still seems rather zonked out, and unresponsive even when you speak to him.


//: "Of course it would be him that speaks, setting off a trap so soon really kicks our plan down the drain even more. Luckily he doesn't really know enough about me as I do him, or he wouldn't say I can't handle him. Our musk is even at best." I say aloud to myself, before dragging my disturbingly sticky hands off the wolf and leaning over his body, hoping for the best as I use a trigger word I made for him. "Loyalty time puppy." I whisper, intended to make sure he follows no other orders unless they come from me. (End)

**(Roll Hypnosis, DC 11)


(DM Roll, DC 13)


It takes a little bit, but Nathan slowly pulls himself out of the musk trance, groaning to himself and then slowly reaching up to his face. You can hear his growl start deep, deep in his throat, and you hear the safety go off of his rifle as he clicks it out of place.

"I swear to god, I'm going to kill that fucker."

And in that tone, you have no doubt that the wolf will if he gets his hand on that other dragon. Possibly in the way of a snuff film, hate fucking him to death, but definitely killing him.

He turns with a growl and a snarl, running down the tunnel, and you are forced to catch up with him, unless you call out to him to stop.

As this happens, you hear a beep in your ear, and then Albus' voice.

"Um, um, sir. We, uh, we have a problem. I'm looking through...through a terminal, and there's at least a dozen types of traps between you and the barracks. Some filled with some sort of liquids, others like darts, and...I don't know. There's a lot. And...and it smells really weird, where I am. Kind of...musky..."


//: "Albus, cover your mouth as best you can with your suit, you're breathing that dragon's musk again and we all know you guys don't want to go back to how things were before with him in control. Nathan, we're rushing this as fast as we can, screw the traps. We'll slam into the barracks and I'll shoot off my own bomb to handle the soldiers, you just make sure not to go off without me Understood?" I say, keeping a drill sergeant voice to make him know I give little room for arguing. (End)

Nathan nods his head immediately, giving a short salute out of instinct before he turns to lead the way. This time, there's no slow walk. He moves in a hard charge straight ahead of you, and you follow behind him, knowing better than to allow too much room between people during trap runs.

It doesn't take long to come to a more illuminated set of hallways, and you can see some of the triggers - though not all of them - marked into the floor and walls. You can also see burst holes, laser ports, gas vents, and quite a few other things. It is clear that someone has been spending a long time making sure that the back door to the barracks is nearly inaccessible to other people.

Nathan gives one last look back, and nods before charging forward with you.

**(Dexterity Roll, DC 9, 12, and 15)

(Necross, 19+1=20, 5+1=6, 3+1=4)

(Nathan, 11+3=14, 11+3=14, 1+3=4)**

You both clear the first trap of a dart launcher, which was relatively primitive and seemed less likely to keep out people than vermin. The second trap, however, a gas trap, catches you in it as Nathan goes shooting past. It stinks, and you can feel it trying to settle into your system, and even the first breath causes a fair bit of pain. You fight, struggling to push through it...

**(Constitution Roll, DC 13)


And eventually push out of the cloud, coughing, but relatively unharmed. Relatively.

[-5 HP]

Unfortunately, as soon as you get through, you see that Nathan is in a bit more trouble. He not only slipped up on the last one, but he critically missed it. He slipped and was bound by a laser field, grabbed by the arms and wrists and pulled back against a wall. You recognize it as a similar thing to something police use for surprise searches and imprisonment, as it burns off the wolf's jumpsuit and leaves him naked, collared in hard-light projectors and bound to the wall, his hips thrust forward a bit by the protrusions there.

The one upside is that the system is so busy with that that it doesn't notice you...yet.


//: 'Now I'll have to worry about him getting a new suit in the barracks if we arrive,' I think to myself as I clench my fist, looking around for the control system for the trap, planning to smash it to bits knowing they aren't the most durable things to begin with. "Where are you stupid box?" (End)

It doesn't take you long to find the box, though it might take you a bit longer to actually get to it. As you look towards the last ten feet between you and the barracks, you can see the box along the wall...with the hard-light trap between you and it. It's possible that you could run past it without getting caught, if you're fast enough, or you could try and shoot it. However, shooting the thing would probably end up making a fair bit of noise, which would get people in the barracks to come check on you.

Nathan isn't making that much noise, mostly because his muzzle has been tied shut by the mechanical system. It's essentially high tech bondage, particularly the way that the weird-shaped wall arches his hips forwards, putting his sheath and balls on display in a most lewd way. He blushes a bit at the way that he's presented to you, and due to all your prior fun, can't help but start showing a bit of cock.

The gas is spreading behind you, though, and you know you don't have long to make a decision.


//: Still wanting to make as best of a surprise attack as we can, I bite the bullet so to speak and rush for the control panel regardless of the trap itself, wagering it only gets half my body at best if it does catch me and I can jump the rest of the way to it just fine. (End)

**(Roll Dexterity, DC 13)


You feel a tentacle grab hold of your ankle as soon as you leave the ground, followed shortly after by another one. It yanks you towards the wall before you can stop it, and you feel the searing heat of the light running over your body, burning off your clothes and leaving your guns to clatter to the floor. Just about the only things you have left are your belt and boots; everything else is gone.

Three more latch around your wrists and your neck, yanking you back. You crack against the wall, hard, your hips shoved forward and your tail arched up behind your back. You are not entirely comfortable with the way that the metal wall presses under your tail, but there's nothing actually penetrating you, so there's a relief there.

Still...this is a predicament.

"Uh, sir? Sir, are you there? I'm, I'm seeing all sorts of power readings coming from the corridor. Did you...did you trip something, sir?"

Albus. He's at a terminal. He might be able to free you...if you can dodge the tendril coming around to seal your muzzle shut. Or if you can get a different message out to him. You can also hear sounds coming from the barracks. There may be some sort of warning going on, that the traps have been triggered, or it might be nothing. Either way, you have problems.


//: "Loyalty. Shut down." I shout as the tendril closes in, hoping the trigger works for the bunny in the semi-clearer air than for the wolf and he can think through the message enough to shut down the trap we're both in. And if not, I let my musk out too just to help get whoever is coming through as out of their minds as can be with the musk from the captain already on us. 'God I hope this works,' I think, knowing how wire-thin the chances are. (End)

**(Roll Hypnosis, DC 12)


(Roll Dexterity, DC 14)


You have a very good feeling about whether the bunny is affected by the power of the hypnotic trigger, but the channel goes dead a second later. Whether it is local interference or something else, you aren't sure, but you know that you aren't going to get to talk again for a while.

You attempt to dodge and move out of the way to keep the tendril from sliding down your throat. The hard-light projection is quick, however, and it darts forward and manages to get a few microns of itself past your jaw. As soon as it does, it expands, holding your mouth open and sliding further inside, keeping your face in place. It seems to reach just to the back of your throat, and then stops, poised perhaps to deliver something?

Glancing over at Nathan, you can see that there's some sort of fluid being fed to him, and the result is that he's getting very hard, very fast.

And looking up, you can see a similar fluid coming down towards you.

**(DM roll, DC 16)


However, a secondary bit of hard-light comes up, blocking the tube...for now. You have at least a few seconds of leeway before that gets overridden, but seems that your bunny is trying to save you.


//: Sighing briefly at the last minute save, I remember the EMP field generator on my belt and start to wiggle my free tail around to try and activate it, hopefully before the guards can come or the defense fades. (End)

**(DM roll, DC 13)


(Roll Dexterity, DC 15)


So far, you're lucky enough that the guards haven't managed to get themselves together to come check on the disturbance out in the hallway. That, or they're not bothered quite enough by the noise so far; either way, they're taking their time to come out and get to you.

Unfortunately, your wriggling does little to get your tail free. If anything, it seems to wedge it a little bit more beneath your back, between your wings, and that doesn't make you very comfortable. At any rate, you fail to press the button or get your tail free enough to help you.

Across from you, with Nathan, you can see a hint of your fate if you don't get yourself free soon. He's already completely erect, knot formed at the base of his cock, and throbbing and oozing. A simple look at his face shows that he's completely lost his mind to lust, though that was never a long trip, and is humping at the air as much as his restraints allow him. The goo must be some sort of aphrodisiac, something to weaken the minds of prisoners before people come to collect them. The musk is filling the corridor.

**(DM roll, DC 14)


And Albus hasn't had any further luck with turning the thing off. The hard-light defense flickers, and you know it's going to be gone in a second or two. Your weapons are just a few inches away from your boots, your tail is still wriggling desperately, and your captors aren't quite here yet. It's not going that great for you, but you might still have a chance.


//: I still keep trying to free my tail as best I can, even trying to activate my boot just to see if they could give me even a little bit more wiggle room to free my tail enough to get to the button before it's too late. (End)

Well, that is an interesting idea, and one that might just give you the freedom you need to get your tail out...if you can get a good enough angle to jam your boots into the wall and hit the activation buttons...which -

**(Roll Dexterity, DC 12)


(DM Roll, DC 13)


You are in luck. You manage to slam your boots back and activate the anti-gravity bits to them, allowing you just enough slack to start working your tail out even better...but not before the sludge in the tube finally starts moving again. Even as you work your tail around, you can feel a huge mouthful forced down your throat, the goo thin and slimy, and hot and salty over your tongue. You are desperately hoping that it's not more of the other dragon's cum, but judging by the heat trying to rise in your body, it might be worse than that.

**(Roll Constitution, DC 13)


Even as you brace yourself, your body suddenly slams into overdrive, almost like you've been shoved into rut prematurely. You can feel your cock throbbing with need, going from mostly soft to completely hard in the space of three seconds, dripping and oozing with slit fluid and with your pre. It's on hyper production, to the point where your legs feel like they should be spreading to accommodate growing balls...

But you still have your mind. For now.

You whip your tail around and hit the button. A quick burst of electrical energy whooshes out, knocking out the machinery holding you and Nathan, and leaving you with nothing but your boots and your belt in terms of clothing.

But there's one more problem. You are incredibly hard, incredibly horny, but you still have your mind. Nathan is incredibly hard, incredibly horny...but he has lost his mind, and is looking at you like a big, fat target for fucking.


//: Figuring I can certainly outrun him enough, I dash towards the rest of the tunnel where the guards are coming from and hoping the surprise will be enough where one of them becomes a target instead and I can grab whoever else is there too for some fun myself. (End)

**(Roll Dexterity, DC 9)


Unfortunately, running while you're this fucking hard and this freaking horny does not come easily, and with a huge cock like yours, there's always difficulties. Such as running forward and getting your cock caught between your legs.

You trip and fall, hitting the wall with a grunt only a few feet away from the door. Nathan is on you immediately, and - thankfully - he seems more the sort of guy to start with a rimming session. He growls as he grabs you by the ass, and you feel a canine tongue starting to whip over your hole again, and again, licking over the sweat and the scales, eating out your ass. A small part of you enjoys it, and though you don't want what's coming next, your cock flexes out of reflex.

**(DM Roll, DC 6)


Pinned by the wolf as you are, you have a perfect view as a rabbit opens the door to the barracks, and glances down at the pair of you. He stares, and starts opening his mouth to call for the others...

**(DM Roll, DC 8)


But takes a breath and catches the scent of your musk. He goes a bit limp, staring ahead, immediately hypnotized by your scent. The sound of other guards - perhaps as many as five others - can be heard further back in the barracks, but this bunny seems to be the only one sent to check things, and he stares blankly at you as your ass is licked and slurped on, getting a bigger and bigger erection in his pants as he does.


//: Giving a heavy sigh at the luck of his breath getting the better of him, I try to use my tail to pull Nathan off me long enough to get out from under him as I stare at the rabbit and speak, hoping his zonked mind will listen. "Get in here and shut the door, then help the wolf with his hardon rabbit." (End)

**(Roll Strength, DC 11)


You are able to hold the wolf off of you long enough to command the rabbit, and it works. He steps out of the barracks, shutting the door behind him, and gets between you and the wolf. You immediately see the rabbit's bodyarmor coming off, getting thrown all over the place, and soon the rabbit is pinned down on the ground without any preamble. The tunnel fills with the sound of a hot, sloppy fuck, the sight of a knotted cock - is it bigger than before? It seems like it - slamming into bunny butt all you can hear besides Nathan's desperate panting and the rabbit's eager moans.

You finally can catch your breath, though your dick is demanding a ton of attention. Every pulse of your heart seems to carry more hormones around, feeding your need. Your nostrils flare, and you feel like you're on the hunt for a good hole to fuck as well as your target. Your mind is filling with ideas of hot asses to breed, hot sluts to take over, twinks and muscular men alike bowing before you as is only proper...

Your dick is oozing more pre than you've seen it let loose in a long time, and it's drooling all over your feet. Hell, you could probably refill a musk grenade at this point, considering how productive you're becoming.


//: Barely holding myself back from joining the rutting pair behind me, I pick up the musk bomb I brought along and step towards the door the rabbit came through. I give one last sigh, planning a quick plan to open the door and throw it in and shut it to let the smell stay in and get to everyone... then have my fun quickly. (End)

Well, there's nobody to stop you, finally. Perhaps your luck is finally turning around. You step up to the door and press the button to open it. You get a brief glimpse of a longer room with beds at the far end of the barracks, but most of the guys - if not all of them - seem to be focused around a rec-room corner that's easily in view, and in throwing distance. You make a headcount, not really noting the species for now but merely the numbers. Five. Five guys.

Then you throw the musk bomb, and shut the door tight.

Three, two, POOOMF!

The whole place shakes with the massive pressure of gasses released in the other room, but that doesn't stop the rutting couple in front of you. Nathan is now knot-fucking the rabbit, popping the full-size thing in and out of his hole, utterly wrecking him. Your musk seems to be the only thing that is keeping the rabbit submissive enough to take it without complaint, but then again, the rabbit's smaller hard-on certainly seems to be showing his own pleasure.

The longer you watch, the more that you are sure that Nathan's cock has grown. It used to be a good eight or nine inches, but now it's closer to thirteen, with a knot that's as big as your fist. It's kind of scary looking, in a sexy sort of way.

You wonder, briefly, as you countdown the seconds to heading into the barracks, if yours has changed as well.


//: As I keep the countdown going in my head before I go into the barracks I stare at my own cock, guessing the stuff that we were fed also had some growth properties along with the aphrodisiacs. (End)

A quick glance confirms that you're right, and though you're smart enough not to try and touch yourself while you're this horny - who knows what you might give into - you can tell that your cock is now much longer than it was. You'd need at least three hands to tend to it properly, now, and you can guess that it's past the fifteen inch mark, though how much past it you're not entirely sure.

One thing is sure, though; anyone that you meet will need to be hypnotized before daring to take it, at least anyone normal. You're getting close to a size queen's dream size, though.

You keep the countdown going in your head for another minute, letting the gas fade enough for you to be safe, as well as for it to get the maximum effect on people inside. You have five seconds left, with Nathan finally cumming at that point, spewing enough seed to turn the bunny from brown and speckled to almost pure white from his ass to his head.


//: I grunt in arousal as I watch the wolf cum all over the rabbit, my own hard cock throbbing all the more as a result... but I keep waiting. "Just a little more and then I'm pounding the first twink in there to my knot before we're all getting the dragon and ending this whole thing," I tell myself, claws digging at the door. (End)

The countdown ends, and you open the door. The hint of musk is still in the air, and even now, after it's faded a bit, you can still almost taste it, almost like you'd shoved your face into your own slit. The sheer potency of what it must have been when you first unleashed it is a pretty scary thought. You glance around, seeing who, if any, might have managed to avoid the effects.

**(DM's Roll, 1d6-3 for people unaffected.)

(1-3=-2. Everyone affected.)**

Lying down on the floor, in an array of jockstraps, white shirts, and occasional socks, are the five guards that you saw when you poked your head through the doors. They're an array of species, as well, with two wolves, a stag, a panther, and a lizard. They all stare towards the ceiling, their cocks hard as hell, and their eyes completely glazed over.

On the holo-projector built into the wall, there's a porno playing. It seems that some of them were bored enough to actually risk jerking it around other guys, considering that they were watching a straight one.

You step up to the five of them, and smirk as you can see that only two have their asses covered, and even then only by a pair of sweatpants. The guards are there, yours for the taking...and something suggests that you aren't going to hold back.


//: I grin down at all of them, before grabbing at the lizard for something new. I lift him up and then bend him over one of the tables before going straight to town with my large cock, the only thought in my mind being not to knot him so we can keep moving. (End)

The lizard gasps as you first penetrate him, but doesn't complain. He's too zonked out to be able to, despite the massive size that you ram into his ass. He groans under his breath, but you can see his cock growing outwards and getting harder as you start slapping your hips off of his ass. It doesn't take you long before you can feel your cock starting to swell, begging for orgasm, but you hold back, wanting to make sure that you enjoy this as much as possible.

It's a powerful fuck, too, feeling your cock slamming in and out. You're oozing so much that you can feel it splashing around your cock with every thrust, lewd and wet and potent, feeling like you're filling the lizard up with as much of your claiming juices as you can. Soon, you can even feel it splashing out with every thrust, rolling along your cock and balls, adding to the musk in the air.

You hear a sound behind you, and glance around. The stag has gotten to his feet, and he is staring at you blankly. His cock sticks out in front of him, making his jockstrap stretch a little in the front, and he pants heavily as he watches you fuck the lizard.

The two wolves are also somewhat conscious, but you can see them eyeing each other rather than you. A quick glance shows that they have the same names on their uniforms; brothers, perhaps, but loving ones as they start fondling and then kissing each other.

The panther stays down, groaning, a soft sound overpowered by the hard fuck still going on in the tunnels.

But all that is secondary. What matters is that you can feel the lizard getting close to climax, clenching down hard on your cock with every thrust.


//: "Fuck the cat deer boy." I growl out, trying to avoid another episode of someone going for my butt before going back to the lizard and ramming him all the harder, my knot straining against his cheeks, but I still hold back enough to not push it in. (End)

At this point, your knot would only be taken by someone that had been double fisting for a while; it's grown in proportion to the rest of your cock. Some small part of you realizes that you will need to train Albus and Nathan to take something this size, rather than being able to knot them normally for a while, but that part is pretty quiet.

The more you feed your lusts, the more it seems to rise higher, and higher, inside of you. Even as the lizard lets out a bit of a pathetic moan of pleasure, cumming all over himself, you can feel that your needs are not met yet. You aren't even sure that they can be met with this chemical running through your system, but you are damn well going to try.

As the deer turns to the panther, pulling down his jockstrap to reveal a ten-inch dick, you feel your balls trying to pull up, trying to deliver their seed to the lizard...

**(Roll Constitution, DC 14)


But you manage to hold back from doing that, just as you hold back from knotting him. You pull your cock out of that scaly ass, and smirk at the work that you've done to it. In just a few minutes, you've wrecked it, left it gaping wide enough that Nathan could get four fingers inside without even touching the walls...and yet, as you slam in again with your bigger dick, you can still feel it as incredibly tight on you.

You realize that you have one hell of an ass-wrecker swaying between your legs, and you also realize that your pets will never get satisfaction with anyone else equal to what they get from you.


//: The thought of having such a huge cock that leaves anyone taking it unfulfilled by anyone else sends me over the edge, my knot pushed up against the scaly cheeks as I unload everything I have into the lizard below me. (End)

The lizard moans in a second orgasm as you fill him up, but despite emptying your load - and it is a massive load, actually distending the lizard's belly and lifting him up before you pull out - you still feel...unsatisfied. Your cock aches, and continues to throb, with no sign of it going soft in the slightest. You can't help but grunt, panting almost bestially. The thoughts fill your mind of going on a rampage, of being as feral and territorial and grasping as your feral ancestors. That part of you wants to take every guard here, every single one, and take them as your own sex toy.

**(Roll Wisdom, DC 8)


And you only barely shake it off. You are left with a shiver going up and down your back, realizing that you almost succumbed to an urge that would have taken hours to shake off...but that doesn't mean you aren't still feeling that desperate need to fuck and hump and fill every single one of the guards at this point in time.

You know that you only have a limited time to go after Hendergast...but you do feel slightly better, now. Just slightly, perhaps at 97% needy rather than 100%, but that's better than nothing.

The wolf brothers look at you, both of them naked save for their tented jockstraps, and crawl to kneel in front of you, staring up past your cock, their breath panting softly over your slick, wet, dripping cock head. All of them seem to be staring at you for orders, even the dripping, cum-fountaining lizard on the table.


//: I grin as they all stare at me, still barely holding back on the urge to take them all in turn... Save it for the dragon, is what I tell myself before I step away from them, looking around for something to wear as I shout at the five of them. "On your feet men, from this moment forth you listen to me and only me. Forget about listening to Hendergast cause you're gonna help me get to his corrupt tail and bring him down, hard. Now get dressed and drag those other two out of the tunnel and get ready to go to his ship." (End)

It is one thing to command them around the place, with things that they want to do already. It's another to tell them not to listen to Hendergast...but your musk is quite potent, and they are soldiers. Perhaps they will listen...

**(Roll Hypnosis, DC 13)


They look at one another, staring at each other, but they do start moving around to get stuff together. They are getting dressed, and they are getting weapons, but you have a bit of a worry about whether they'll actually listen to you exclusively. There's a good chance that they will, but if they get exposed to a musk or cum bomb from the other dragon...well, you'll just have to keep an eye out for that.

As two of them go to get their fellow guard and Nathan out of the tunnel - followed by a yelp as one of them is pounced by the wolf - you keep searching through the barracks for some decent stuff. Unfortunately, the biggest guys there are the wolf brothers, and they're maybe 80% your size. You will not fit into their armor at all.

A good scrounging eventually turns up a jockstrap that will contain most of your cock, a new set of holsters for your pistols, a couple of regular grenades, a shock grenade, and a harness that looks peculiarly like a BDSM one that is ostensibly for carrying ammunition.

Whether you use them or not, of course, is up to you. You also find a pair of boots, but despite your hover boots being filled with your own dripping, oozing seed that's been running down your legs, it's doubtful you want to switch.


//: I groan heavily at the lack of fitting attire for me to take, knowing that was a lost cause I put on the jockstrap and take the holsters and grenades and put them all on my belt, then putting the harness on just for having something else. I look at all of them and once everyone or mostly everyone is around I look to the guards that were in here. "Someone lead us to the dragon's ship as best you can without us being seen and tell me how I can get on it. The rest of you follow too and get more instructions as we walk." (End)

"Master, I think I can help with that."

You hear Albus talking in your ear, and you realize that you still haven't seen the bunny catch up with you. He keeps talking.

"Sorry I couldn't help with the light trap...but I found some other good things. I think I have a back door into Hendergast's ship systems. He's tied into the whole refugee camp systems so he can watch what's going on, but that means I can back-hack into his systems. I think I can shut off his connection, too, but that would mean I can't do anything to help you when you get there. On the other hand, it would mean he'd have no way of seeing you on the way there...What do you want me to do?"

The lizard, still recovering from the hard fuck, slowly raises his hand.

"I know the tunnels to where his ship is. There's lots of unofficial ones, things that the smugglers between the dens use. If you don't mind dealing with some...vermin types...we can get there without going through any traps."


//: I think it over real quick and figure that the best thing to do is go off what they both have said. "Albus, trash what you can of his systems and then get away to somewhere safe so they don't find you. Regardless of what damage you inflict Alister can repair when the ship is his to control. You lizard boy, show us the way. I have ideas to handle those scavengers easily enough." (End)

"Yes, Master."

"Yes, Master."

They seem to say it so easily, despite the former not being yours for more than ten minutes. He walks over to one of the exits of the barracks, and leads you out. As you leave, you can see that all of the guards have made modifications to their armor in the short time that they were waiting, cutting out parts of the back to keep their asses exposed to you, the lizard's hole in particular a gaping, wet mess that twitches whenever he's in front of you.

He walks you through a rather official looking waiting area, out of the main barracks, and into a scummy sort of neighborhood. The lizard takes you towards a trash heap, and pushes several things out of the way to reveal a large hole.

"We'll have to crawl, but it's going to be completely out of sight. Some of the refugees use it for smuggling stuff. Small time things, so we never cracked down, but we might run into some rats or other rodents down here. If they're armed...well, we trust you, Master."

He gets down, obediently, on all fours and starts crawling in. You suddenly realize that you'll have to spend a fair amount of time on your hands and knees, staring at a sexy ass, with a cock that's already begging for a hell of a lot of attention, for who knows how long in order to get where you're going, and you groan.


//: I groan indeed, but my ultimate goal in mind keeps me grinning on the inside as I drop down and start to follow the sexy, scaly, and messy rump in front of me, a small part of me knowing that now my own is on display for whoever is directly behind me and that dampens my arousal a bit. "Not how I was hoping to be dressed to trash this pirate." (End)

"It is a good look for you, Master. It lets us tend to you anytime," the stag behind you says, his antlers scraping the top of the pipe before he gets in close and keeps his head adjusted. You can feel the heat of his breath along the back of your legs, showing how close he is keeping behind you as you guys start making your way through the tunnels.

You move forward rather quickly, despite being on all fours, and you can feel your musk filling the enclosed area. That overproduction of yours still hasn't stopped, and the jockstrap is rapidly soaking around your crotch, form-fitting to your cock and making it impossible to miss.

It doesn't get any easier when the lizard comes to a stop in front of you, as he occasionally does to make sure that he's going the right way. Every time that happens, you feel either hands or lips pressing against the jockstrap, sucking or fondling you, keeping you hard, keeping you horny, and making it very difficult for you to push those thoughts of ravaging everyone down and out of your head. Even if you tell them to stop, the smell persuades the buck - or anyone else - to try again.

**(DM's Roll, DC 12)


Unfortunately, about two thirds of the way there - by your reckoning - you stop in a more open area, having come across three rat refugees. They're barely dressed, and they look like they were in the middle of something. One of them, younger and twinkier than the others, pulls some stuff around him to cover up, while the other two - one burly and one older - glare and stand in front of him.

"Who are you fucks? What do you want?" the older one asks.


//: I blink a little at the strange group, before taking the opportunity to stand up, even if it really just ends up exposing me more. "We're not after you or anything. I'm working with these guys to take that other dragon Hendergast down and remove his control over this area as best I can. I doubt many of you would fully like the situation as it is." (End)

"What are you? Some kinda...mercenary?"

You can see the eyes of the older rat light up at that, and you can guess a bit of what's going on. He's a pimp, and the younger rat's the whore, and the muscled one is...well, the muscle. The rat takes a step forward.

"Sure, you can go after him. But look at you, big man. You got a lot of tension built up there. Can't go fighting Hendergast with something like that weighing you down. Why don't you spend a few credits and have a go at the boy here? You never know, having less on your mind might save your life."

"But...but dad, I don't think -"

"Shut up, son, daddy's getting you a client."

"But -"

"So, you got a need in mind, sir? The boy'll do anything you like."


//: "Unfortunately I'm all good with these eager guards here, as the lizard's tail can probably show. How about we give you boys a chance to have something new and take one of these guys besides the lizard and Nathan for a bit of fun until I can get rid of Hendergast instead? I'm sure the opportunity to do what you like with a guard is a very rare, or non-existing chance right?" I tease, smirking at them knowing how lost the guards are to my musk so far. (End)

They look over the guards that you have along with you. It's true, they are looking for a bit of fun - and perhaps some revenge - but they're also trying to scrounge out a living. Without some money to pay for their time, they could be in trouble. But the temptation is definitely there...

**(Roll Charisma, DC 12)


"Fine," the older rat says, walking over and grabbing the stag. He shoves him over towards the wall, and you can hear the rat pulling down his pants a bit, wiggling out a cock. "Piss on us, will you? Put us down? Well, let's see how you like it..."

The muscled one joins the older one in the process, and you can hear the sound of urine running down the guard's body. The twinky one, however, pokes his head out from behind a pile of garbage. You can tell that he's almost like a femboy in build, blushing as he looks you over, his eyes looking down at your cock.

"Are a mercenary? Really here help us out a bit?"

He sounds almost like a kid looking for a hero, despite his age as an adult. He also seems to be developing a bit of a hero crush in record time.


//: I chuckle at the act the two rats get right into doing with the stag, though feeling a little sorry that he has to suffer that even if he didn't do anything before I look at the kid with a full grin. "Sure am boy, plan to take the dragon down and make him what he's made each of you on this camp. Try to keep an eye on your dad and the other one and make sure they don't hurt my guard friend any or they'll get it back on them. Lizard, onwards. Boys, let's move out." (End)

"A-alright...I hope...good luck. I'll see you...after..."

The rat twink turns as you walk by, giving you a glance at his surprisingly nicely groomed ass, tail lifted and his hole winking at you, shiny and pre-lubed. He gives a shy glance, like he's trying to give you a reason to succeed and come back.

Then you're back in the tunnel, the lizard's ass almost right in your face, and your own musk swallowing up everything else. Your slaves are right behind you, and this time it's a rough feline tongue licking at you every time you stop, occasionally getting right up to your rim and giving it one or two licks before you are moving again. Your jockstrap is utterly soaked, so wet and so see-through that it's ridiculous at this point, almost worthless in terms of cover.

You go through this for perhaps half an hour before you finally pop out of the far end of the tunnel, and this time, you know you're in the right place.

Hendergast's ship is parked right on the landing pad, taking up several of them, and there's a number of refugees on the bigger platform leading up to the landing pads. Several gun turrets on the ship are trained on the zombie-like refugees, showing that they're being processed to be taken off-planet and sold, and you can see a few dozen pirates walking around, patrolling the place.

"Sir," Albus says in your ear. "I've got a few choices...As soon as I do this, he'll cut me out of the system, but I can either take out the ship weapons, or cut the communications between the guards, or I can fiddle with the engines of the ship. What do you want me to do?"

Currently, you are hidden by a heap of garbage, completely out of sight for most of the people on the platform, and those that might see you have no reason to be looking. The platform is about a hundred feet away, and the landing pads are about 50 feet south of that. And at this point, you don't see another dragon wandering around through the group.


//: I weigh each option in my head, thinking over the possibilities before making my choice. "Albus, cut the weapons. If we all set our stuff to stun and can take the pirates out the com links won't be needed. Boys, set your weapons to stun and target whatever pirate you can and make sure not to hit a refugee if you can help it. I want them all down once we pounce out of this hole." (End)

"Do I look like a sniper?"

Nathan complains a bit to himself, barely out of the lust trance that he'd been in for the last few hours. He groans, though, getting his gun ready and switching over to the quieter stun function. The other guards are doing a similar sort of thing, getting ready.

As you peek over the edge, you can tell that this is going to be a little tricky. You do have at least a guard each to take care of, and the closest one is about twenty feet away. The others are much further off, and one little miss is going to get the attention of all of them.

"Okay...guns cutting out in five seconds..."

Albus' voice is as steady as one can imagine, which is probably easy for him, considering he's pretty far from this particular area. A remote link is a rather nice thing to have, you would imagine; not for you, considering your up-in-your-face method of dealing with things, but for the rabbit, most definitely.

As promised, the guns are off-line. It's hard for most to notice, but you are paying attention, and you can see the slight dip in all the weapons at once as they go off-line. The ship is no longer able to shoot you. The guards, however...well, you better hope you and the others are good shots.

"Now?" Nathan whispers.


//: I take a moment to look to each guard out in front of the ship, figuring out how many there are for each of us. I smile a little when I see the guns dip slightly as Albus takes them offline. "One last thing boys, when we jump out, announce your target for the rest to know not to take the same person. We need them all down as quick as can be. Now, on three... one... two... three!" (End)

Your followers - eyes on your crotch rather than your face as you speak, as per usual - nod their heads at your instructions. They peek over the edge a few times, some of them passing along targets of choice in the brief moment before you tell them to take their shots. It seems like they're pretty well trained, despite not being soldiers.

Due to you having pistols rather than a rifle, you take the nearest target, a guard that seems to be rather well-scaled under his armor. You line up the shot quickly...

**(Roll Sharpshooting, DC 12)


Your shot goes off course, splatting down on the ground at the guard's feet. He pauses in the middle of his patrol, starting to turn. You take aim with your other pistol...

(Roll Sharpshooting, DC 13)


And this time the shot hits him square in the chest. The pirate crumples to the ground, hard, his breathing even and slow. You let out a sigh of relief, even though a part of you feels a little bit tempted by that big, rounded ass sticking up under that tail.

Your fellows stand up, letting loose a quick series of shots, almost all at once.

**(DM's Roll, 1d6-1, to determine how many are taken down.)

(1-1=0...All are still awake)**

The volley of stun shots completely miss the other guards, and they all turn towards your garbage heap, even as the security people you have duck back into hiding, hoping against hope that they aren't getting seen. Perhaps you should do the same.


//: I swear silently to myself before yelling at them. "Just get back up and shoot! We need them down even if we have to shoot a dozen times to get them." (End)

Nathan groans, but nods, joining you at the edge of your garbage heap cover. It gives you something, at least, and you are on a decent elevation over the pirates on the main ground, though not with the two nearest the ship, on the landing platform. The pirates are running around, getting to cover, and you know that you have to take them down fast. Taking aim at two separate targets with your pistols, you squeeze off a pair of shots.

**(Roll Sharpshooting, DC 12)

(16+4=20, 19+4=23)**

Your snapped off shots take out two pirates in a single move, and you leap out from the garbage post to another part of the landing bay, taking cover behind some of the cargo containers that are spread out. Food products, from what little labeling they have; the pirates would have to keep the crew fed, after all, and the slaves as well.

Nathan and the others leap out, taking a flurry of shots around, more of a spray and pray maneuver from most of them, though the big wolf seems to try and take a serious shot at one of those by the ship.

**(DM roll, Sharpshooting, DC 15)


(DM Roll, 1d6-2)


Unfortunately, you seem to be the only competent shooter of the bunch, as once again everyone misses their targets. Nathan's shot does spang off of the landing platform by the ship, scattering the two pirates over there out from cover, at least, but that's all the effect that their shooting has.

It doesn't help that running around is making your cock slide and grind against the front of your jockstrap, either, your pre running through the fabric, dripping off of your balls, and sliding down between your legs. Some bit of it seems insistent on getting caught under your tail, as well.


//: I grunt at both the terrible shooting skills the other have and the currently unwanted attention on my cock and balls as I keep looking around and trying to make up for the others' attempts in taking the last few guards down, thanking god that we did shut the guns down and not something else. (End)

Perhaps something else might have been preferable, in a way. As two of the three remaining pirates take cover among the refugees that are mind-zonked, the third - you can see - is talking into a radio device. You can't quite hear him, but you can guess what he's doing. With coms still open, he's calling for reinforcements, and perhaps even informing Captain Hendergast of what's going on out on the landing platform.

You might just be able to take him down, but it'll be a bit of a trick shot.

**(Roll Sharpshooting, DC 16)


Your shot goes wild, flying over his head. He ducks down, but the very tip of his helmet is still in view. It wouldn't go down with a stun shot, though. If you want to silence him, it'd need a kill shot.

Your other friends are taking cover where they can, particularly as the pirates start to fire back.

**(DM's Roll, Sharpshooting, DC 14, 15)

(6+2=8, 15+2=17)**

One shot misses, but the other...

**(Damage, 1d10+3)


The other hits Nathan in the leg, burning through a piece of the wolf's clothing - what little is left of it - and damaging his thigh. He goes down with a scream, clutching the burnt flesh as the laser cuts into him. The other guards shout in shock, and return fire.



And once more, they are utterly useless, only hitting a few of the refugees and knocking them out.


//: 'This is really a terrible situation now.' I think to myself, grimacing at Nathan's wound and thinking about what the guard was saying on his radio. I grit my teeth in frustration, for multiple sources now, and continue to shoot as best I can. 'If anything, once these idiots are down the others can take Nathan to somewhere to get his leg treated. (End)

Grimacing, indeed, as you know that the reinforcements won't be long now. Taking a deep breath, you jump out of cover, running towards something closer. The pirates, a bit shocked at that, don't take the immediate opportunity to fill you with holes, and you snap off another couple of shots in their direction.

**(Roll Sharpshooting, DC 13)

(16+4=20, 10+4=14)**

And what do you know, you are more useful than your friends, again. The two guards hidden among the refugees go down, their bodies soon trampled on by the still-moving line of zonked refugees. That leaves only the guy that's on the platform, calling for reinforcements. Everyone in your little group knows where he is, and you can see their sights locking on him, getting a bead on him before they squeeze off another series of shots.

**(Roll 1d6-1)


Three of the shots hit the radio caller, and since they're from something higher powered than your pistols, and so many of them, you can see the guy spasm and go down. His radio flops out of his hand, and clatters across the floor.

It's still chattering, though too far away for you to hear, at least for now.


//: I breath a quick sigh of relief that the group finally manage to hit one of the pirates, before calling to the closest one. "Someone go help Nathan get treatment, the rest follow me to get that line of people to stop and hopefully bust that call for reinforcements somehow." I say, before jumping out of hiding and running to the radio and hopefully see what was said and if I can salvage any luck of sneaking aboard. (End)

The line of people keep moving, heedless of what is going on around them. Everyone's eyes are droopy, half-open, and you know the look from the times that your musk has done something to someone else. But these people are deep. So, so very deep, as if in a trance months in the making. They trample over their former guards, never thinking to step away.

As you leap onto the platform and get the radio, you can hear the chatter coming from the other side.

Say again, how many intruders? We can hear the laser fire from inside; what are the results of the battle. Say again, intruders and results.

It sounds like they know a fight has been going on, just not what's going on. Either the people inside are blind, or their scanners aren't currently operating.

Across the landing platform, you can see Nathan refusing to leave, arguing with the wolf brothers that want to take him away, until one of them gets him into a headlock and starts dragging him off. He keeps fighting, shouting about how he wants to take down Hendergast, but he's too weak to actually fight it at the moment.

At the very least, that's a confrontation you can worry about later.

You can see that the zonked refugees are stripping as they get to the landing ramp of the ship, taking off all of their clothes and throwing them off to the side. As a result, you get quite the view and shot, of foxes, wolves, leopards, panthers, lizards, pandas, almost every species that you can imagine getting naked before you as the radio keeps chattering at you. Your cock probably seriously hurts at the temptation.


//: Hurting is an understatement as I almost glare at the multitude of naked males and females in the ship before clicking the radio on to hopefully give them a convincing false report. "Most of the shots were ours, seems like it was that guy that took that rabbit and wolf a while ago and came back for whatever reason. All three are down, we can handle them from here ourselves. Over." (End)

There is a scuffle on the other end of the radio, and when you hear the speaker again, it's someone different. In fact, it's the voice of Captain Hendergast, talking quietly, and like someone that's doing their very best to keep control.

"You have all three down, you say? You are completely, completely sure of this?"

From the sound of it, this captain is looking forward to dancing on your body. That, or he's utterly pissed off that someone else managed to kill you before he did, considering how much of his product you stole and how much trouble you caused for him last time.

Out of the corner of your eyes, you can see the guards - a wolf, a lizard, and a panther - looking over the people coming into the ship. When they pause the strip, and the line comes to a complete halt, the guards start messing with them, pulling on those naked asses, spreading the cheeks, poking at holes that barely twitch in response. They seem to be having a grand old time, just fondling these walking dolls and talking to each other about how strange this is.

"Speak up. Are they dead, or not?"


//: I roll my eyes at the fooling around before responding to the other dragon. "Looks like all three are injured, the captor more than the rabbit and wolf. They can probably be healed in a little while, this guy could take longer if you don't want to finish the job yourself. What do you want us to do with them captain? Over." (End)

(Roll Charisma, DC 12)


There's a moment of silence over the radio before Hendergast responds.

"Get the two products over to the processing chambers. We'll get 'em ringed and marked before we take off. Put the other dragon down in the med-bay, and wash him down completely; I want all that scent off of him before I get down there, and I want him tied up with the best things we have. And don't take your guns off of him for a second; he moves, shoot him. I'll be down in an hour."

You hear the soft slap, slap, slap sounds of definite fucking, and you almost don't want to look, considering how fucking hard you are at that point. You know that the guards have pulled one of the zonked refugees out of line and have started fucking him, and even the sound has your cock throbbing, the distended, soaked jockstrap visibly twitching as your cock bounces up and down to the sound of each sloppy thrust just out of sight.


//: "Roger that captain. Over and out." I say, before chucking the radio straight at one of the ship's walls at the disturbing things he said. I don't look back as I stare at the insides of the ship to find a way deeper in. "Quit the molestations and someone get up here to tell me where I can get to that dragon without being seen by too many other pirates on this ship." (End)

You hear a groan and several soft moans, and you realize that they were about to stop anyway. One lewd slurp later that sets your teeth on edge - and puts that massive cock of yours almost at the point of popping out of the jockstrap - the panther walks over to you, tucking his cock back into his uniform.

"Uh...begging your pardon, sir, but we're not part of their crew...we're part of the security here on the planet. We've never been on the ship."

That is a bit of an issue, though you know enough about ships to know that this thing looks like a modified cargo ship. Very heavily modified, from a very big ship, but it still has the base shape. Looking inside, you can tell that the first chamber is an extension of the two main cargo holds on the lower deck, with ladders and stairs on the far side. You can make out a red-lined door leading to the upper, main deck. Unguarded, from what you can tell.

However, that first room isn't. You can barely make out two figures - in scientist uniforms - on the far left of the lower deck, guiding the stripped refugees into another chamber. Processing, probably.

(Roll Dexterity, DC 12)


You have a moment where someone passes into view, and try to look away, but it's too late. The creampied ass of a fox walks in front of you, his big, bushy tail raised high as the panther's cum streams down his leg. Each step parts those ass cheeks, letting you see that violated hole, that eager, puckering rim that just begs for attention. Your cock is screaming to let you go after it...

**(Roll Wisdom, DC 11)


And you can't resist. You simply, simply, can't.


//: Before the lust takes over, I had the briefest thought that seeing the lab coats meant I could take another person under my control to guide me to the dragon. But as soon as the messy fox butt comes into view, the throbbing in my cock takes over too quickly for me to stop this time with all the extra adrenaline in my system. Keeping the idea of taking a scientist, I hope that as I rush the room I grab one of them instead of a random civilian. (End)

**(DM's Roll, DC 15)


Well, the plus side, you are far enough away from the scientists that nobody sees you doing this but your own guys. You plow right into the fox, knocking him down onto the main deck. He doesn't even react, at least, not initially. Your cock grinds right between those flush, bouncy ass cheeks, grinding up and down between them. You barely have the energy and the foresight to pull your jockstrap down, but you manage it just before ramming forward.

If it weren't for the panther's cum inside, this tight little ass would have been broken by your cock. As it stands, you can feel it around you, so tight, so hot, so perfectly suited for fucking. It doesn't take long for your hips to be pounding back and forth, back and forth, in and out. Your knot is throbbing as it swells upwards, thicker and thicker as it starts making wet, lewd, popping sounds as it goes in and out of the fox's ass.

Soon enough, the refugee starts moaning and whining beneath you, his hole getting broken in by your massive - and it is truly massive - cock. When your energy overtakes you, making you pull too far back, you can see how much you've stretched him out. His hole can't close enough now, and you imagine you could possibly fit a fist in there.

But that doesn't matter. All you want in there is your cock, and you slam it right back in, growling and panting, almost feral from your need as you hump him again, and again, and again.

**(Roll Constitution, DC 9)


It takes you almost no time to cum...but you cum hard. So hard, so very, very, very hard that you black out from the pleasure of your orgasm.

**(DM's roll, DC 15)


Thankfully, when you wake up, you're still in the fox, and you're not arrested or captured. Though you are in the med-bay, surrounded by your companions, with their guns trained on the two different scientists that you had seen.


//: I groan a bit as I wake up, blinking away the bit of disorientation I have from the hard and very needed climax before looking around and seeing the trio keeping the scientists under control. "Thank god I wasn't out long. One of you get those two to work with me in getting to that dragon please." I half-say to myself before looking down and hoping I didn't knot the fox and could pull out to talk with the scientists myself. (End)

Well, you're half right in your hopes. You did knot the fox, but it was long enough ago - perhaps fifteen, perhaps twenty minutes - that the knot has come down enough to slide out. He's still so zonked that he doesn't even react as you pull back, even though the bulge stretches his hole further still. It is so very, very wrecked; you can't imagine any other cock possibly giving that fox any sort of satisfaction, or him satisfying anyone else with that thing.

The two scientists - a bobcat and a doberman - stare up from their corner in the room, looking more than a little terrified. They are kept pinned by the three friends of yours, each one holding a weapon on the scientists to keep them from running off. The doberman speaks up.

"You want to go after Hendergast? The captain? That's crazy. He's going to turn you into...into one of them if you fight him. Hell, he'll do the same thing to us if we try and help you."

The bobcat nods, confirming that as he shivers nervously. However, the panther pulls the doberman away from the wall, using his weapon to keep the dog on his knees, and points the scientist towards you.

Even now, after your climax, you can still feel that massive amount of lust inside of you, like you could fuck for days without stopping, but the fox has given you some small bit of relief. It's not as rampant, even though a part of you wants nothing more than to face-fuck the doberman until he is a gibbering cum-slut addict.

"What do you say, sir?" the panther asks. "Want to convert him?"


//: I grunt a bit as I pull my still swollen knot out of the fox and stand up, slipping the jock back up even knowing it's pretty useless at this point before looking at the canine. "As much fun as that would be, doubt we have the time. Hendergast said he'd be done in an hour from when we talked on the radio to see me strapped down in here. Sure I lost at least a third of that thanks to his stupid drugs pushing my lust to make me rut the fox just now." I reply to the feline before addressing the doberman. "Now look, I might not look like it from this but I'm still a mercenary and I plan to take that captain down a peg or two and take his place, likely making this whole arrangement better for everyone. So you can either guide me to where he is now without being seen by others, or kitty there can knock you out and rut you like I did the fox. Get it?" (End)

**(Roll Intimidation, DC 12)


The doberman shivers at the thought of you actually doing something like that; it's clear that he's never had a threat from a dragon not be followed through on. He looks away for a moment, trying to think.

"There's...there's no sideways corridors in this ship. Everything is open. We can't take you to him, not without getting seen...But...we do have a couple options...

"We could make you into a...a patient that we're escorting to a special area. Wrap you up all the way, cover your face and everything. Everyone else would have to stay behind, but you could get to the Captain in his private quarters without anyone else around.

"Or we can...we can pretend to tie you up in here, and make sure that he leaves any bodyguards behind. After all, he might be...afraid of having them exposed..."

The doberman shivers as he waits for your decision.


//: "Hmmm, the latter would mean waiting too long down here. Both of you get up and ready me like in the first plan. The sooner I can get to him the better off of a surprise attack it will be. Just remember what going against me means and if this works you'll both not have to worry about getting raped by my friends here at all." (End)

They nod, and quickly get to work. The bobcat and the doberman start wrapping you up in bandages, apologizing as they pull your jockstrap away to start working that over as well. You are soon looking similar to a mummy from the neck down, your arms and legs wrapped up tightly - over your belt and your hover boots - and your cock tied to your belly. The restraints do keep it from grinding the way that the jockstrap tended to do, but the wraps are tight enough around the base to feel like a cock ring, in a way.

That done, they start walking you through the ship. Nobody gives you a second look, particularly with the 'Sick' hood that they put on you. It hides your face completely, keeping you from being recognized, and keeping people from paying much attention to you.

You are only stopped once, and the two technicians quickly convince the bull in the way to let them past.

Soon, you reach Hendergast's private chambers. It's a series of three interconnected, square rooms. You enter one, and you can see the other two in a straight line ahead through two open doors. This one is the kitchen, the middle is the living room, and the last is the bed and bathroom.

"Good luck," the doberman says before disappearing.

You know Hendergast will likely come here before he would be going down to the medbay. All things considered, that means you have perhaps five minutes before he arrives, considering how long it took you to get here. Five minutes to prepare...


//: I work my way out of the bandages as quick and quiet as I can before I drop down to my knees and begin to use them like a wire to rig the door between the first two rooms. I connect one end to the shock grenade from the security room and set things up like a trip wire trap along the lower portion of the door. Once everything is set up as best as I could manage, I get back up and slip further in to the bedroom, letting the door close behind me before I lean against the wall across from it, drawing my pistols and ready to shoot just in case. 'Can only hope this works well enough to at least paralyze or knock him out so I can get the drug in him and let it work its magic.' (End)

You manage to get your little trap set up in the course of about four minutes, fumbling about with the grenade and making sure that the bandage fibers don't get too thick, or pull on the grenade prematurely. The last thing you need is for it to go off in your hands while you're setting it up. The whole point is to get Captain Hendergast caught in this, not yourself.

Still, you manage it, and you dart back towards the end of the quarters, taking cover behind the door. You settle in and wait, taking deep breaths to keep yourself calm.

Then, you hear it. The soft thud, thud of footsteps coming from out in the hall. It's getting closer, and closer, and soon, you know the trap is going to go off. That is, if he doesn't see it. It's very unlikely, but if he is as paranoid as you think, there's a small chance...

**(DM's Roll, DC 18)


But he doesn't. You hear the sudden click of the grenade falling, followed immediately by the explosion. The crackle of electricity and gasses hissing through the air fills your ears, as well as the sudden shout from the other dragon. Even with the door between you and the other room, you can feel the sheer violence of the shock grenade.


//: 'Wow, that was definitely more powerful than I thought it would be,' I think to myself before sliding across the room to beside the door, sliding it open slowly to take a look and see if he is down or not. 'If he's down and out, that would be perfect. Then I can get to work on drugging his annoying tail and renovate this operation of his.' (End)

**(DM's Roll, DC 16)


Hendergast...was caught in the blast, but he is still standing. The dragon is panting, gasping for breath, but he wasn't quite knocked unconscious by the grenade. Still, he's about the next thing to it, having to lean against the wall with his clothes half blown off, and one of his weapons out of commission from being directly exposed to the blast.

Grunting, he glares at you as he fights to keep from sliding down the wall.

"You're...good...Very good..."

He shakes his head, reaching around behind him.

"Should you for my crew...last time, instead of...chasing you around here..."

You can't tell what he's reaching for, but it can't be anything good.


//: I open the door fully as he starts to speak, smirking to myself that at least he was caught fully by the blast and wasn't unharmed somehow by it. As he reaches behind him, I pull up both of my pistols and prepare to shoot him to knock him out finally. (End)

**(Roll Sharpshooting, DC 14)


Your stun shot misses by a mile, splatting against the ceiling above him. You hope that he considers it a warning shot rather than a horrible one, and you focus your guns on him again, shaking your head.

Captain Hendergast pauses, biting his lips as one of the burns from the electricity pains him, and then forces a bit of a smile.

"Come can let a lifetime captain...offer a bribe to the person hunting him, can't you? I have a lot to offer ships...Hell, I can give you something right now just as a little sweetener, if you tell me you aren't gonna shoot me as soon as I move."

You can tell that he's not pulling out a gun; the suit that he's wearing would bulge too much if he had something hidden above his tail, where he's reaching, but you can't be sure just what he might be pulling out. Could be a bundle of credits, could be something like a grenade; you can't be sure unless you get behind him.


//: After listening to his little speech, I smirk at him as I keep my pistols trained on him. "Well, I can't fault you for wanting to do that. Unfortunately, what I want you'd likely not hand over so eagerly, especially after hurting you that badly, because what I want is your very spot in this operation." As I finish speaking, I decide it's better to have him out then still awake, so I shoot again to hopefully take him out this time. (End)

**(Roll Sharpshooting, DC 12)


This time, you hit him square on. One shot hits him in the chest, the other in the balls, and he goes down in the space of a second. His eyes are closed and his body is limp.

Of course, that means that whatever he was holding also rolls out of his now-limp hand. Dropping to the ground and bouncing a few times is a white ball, beeping rapidly as it rolls towards you. At a guess, you'd think it was a grenade version of the bukkake bomb that went off in the corridors and tunnels, something that he could use for short-term mind alteration. And considering your current, barely contained lustful state, plus the way that it actually had almost affected you before, that's not good.

You leap for cover...

**(Roll Dexterity, DC 13)


And barely make it, leaping behind a couch just as the grenade goes off. The musk is bad enough, making your head swim and your cock throb, pounding almost like an incredibly pleasurable headache. It needs attention, it craves it.

As you push your head up again, you can see that Captain Hendergast is still out for the count, though he and most of the room are now covered in cum. Your cock throbs hard, considering you're completely naked now - the jockstrap and harness left in the med-bay - and you walk over the seed-covered floor with no chemical ill effects.

You have done it. You've knocked out Captain Hendergast, and from the sounds outside, nobody is any the wiser. At least, not yet.


//: Trying to ignore the throbbing of my cock for the moment, I breath a heavy sigh of relief that he's finally down and out. I reach down to pick him up, carefully dragging his injured body back into the bedroom and laying him on the bed. I look around for a phone and after finding one, call the med-bay to get the guards and scientists to come to the captain's quarters. Hanging up, I look back at the dragon, smirking again as I pull out the little vial of the insides of my right boot and walk over to him, relishing the moment as I open his jaw and slowly pour it into his maw. (End)

**(DM's Roll, DC 15)


Though the sleeping dragon turns and twists, as if unconsciously aware of his fate, he has no way of stopping you from forcing the drug down his throat. You see his throat muscles swallow a few times, forcing it into his system, and now you know it's just a matter of time. Soon, you will have this dragon a mewling, eager cock slut beneath you, begging to be broken on your grown shaft. It throbs at the thought, your balls churning with the need to be emptied.

You take a moment to observe the dragon below you, seeing how his clothes have been burned and ripped. His cock flops down against his thigh, and you can barely make out the hole between his ass cheeks, barely visible through rips and tears. It ready to be broken...

"Sir, are you there? I...I've been trying to get in touch..."

That would be Albus, your own bunny. It seems like he's managed to get communications with you again.

"Sir, I'm outside. I'm...I'm right on the landing pad. There's...there's so many people. Why are they looking like this?"

You hadn't quite explained the ins and outs of your plans to either of your pets. Nathan knew more than Albus, and the rabbit is probably pretty confused to see so many refugees, people that he used to work with, acting like zombies out there.

As you consider your response, the doors open, and the scientists and the remaining guards come in.


//: I give a slight groan at Albus cutting the thought short before I lost myself there. "I'm surprised you managed to get right to the front of the ship bunbun. Stay there and just relax, I'll explain once we have things under control inside. Take this for some good news at least, I took Hendergast down, so you can be happy that he won't be molest you or any of those guys next to you anymore," I tell him, though not explaining everything just yet as I turn to look at the guards and scientists, smirking at them. "Told you I would get him didn't I? I've made him swallow his own drug, so you guys do what you need to to handle his burns and such. And if you have some brainwashing tool or whatever you use to condition the slaves, be sure to put him on that, hehe." (End)

The techs get to work immediately, though their methods certainly seem...unorthodox. Hendergast is patched up with a number of different patches and pastes, covering his injuries while also immobilizing him. Their actual brainwashing equipment is...admittedly perverted, with a rod of various circuitry gently slid up his rump, and a headband around his head. They say that it completes a circuit running up the spine towards the brain, allowing for a more thorough brain-body conditioning, but you can't help but think they just like putting things in different males' asses.

While this is going on, you go and explore the ship. The complete annihilation of their commander and a number of their crew certainly has intimidated the different crewmen under Captain Hendergast, so you have the free reign to wander around the ship. It doesn't take long to identify the different areas, from life support to central computer, from the med-bay to the cargo hold.

The cargo hold, currently half-stuffed with brainwashed slaves. You can see that they got a number of the refugees there, most of them staring straight ahead with a blank expression, their nostrils laced with certain micro-emitters, releasing pheromones to keep them under, as well as keeping them completely naked. Each one has a plug up their ass, with costume jewelry at the end, and their cocks are ringed and caged for the most part.

Your guards have to drag you out of that room before you lose your mind.

Three hours later, the techs tell you that Hendergast is awake, and no longer in pain. You are escorted back to his room, where he is tied to the bed, glaring at you.

"So what do you want from me? Really? You have my operation. Everyone here is doing what you asked. Why'd you keep me alive? Just to execute me in front of all the others? Or did you have some other plan?"


//: I grin down at him as he speaks, all too eager to enjoy the fruits of the long laboring we've done. Before I do though, I look back to the guards and speak to them. "One of you, go with the bunny outside named Albus back to my ship and start getting things together for a transfer, although I really think we'll just get a different ship, something better than this remodeled thing. The rest of you and the scientists, gather the crew in the cargo bay where the slaves are, and work on getting those guys back outside for now, then wait in there with them when I'm done with this guy." Finished with them, I look back to the dragon, ready to use the machine on him and enjoy myself finally. "If you haven't guessed by the stuff on you, I'm healing you to make you my personal little slut dragon." (End)

Captain Hendergast blinks twice at what you say after the rest of the group disappears. He looks down at himself, and then groans.

"So that's what the tingle was earlier..."

He looks up at you, more than a little outrage - and fear - in his eyes as he starts to beg.

"Look, I know you're angry at me. Hell, I'd be furious at me. But you don't have to make me do this. I can tell you anything that you need to know. I'm a businessman; I know the value in my head, and I know that you need it. I want to buy my life. You want me to stay out of your way? I'll stay out of your way. You want to know where all the contacts I have are? They're yours. You just give me the chance to get out of here with my head still on straight, and I'll give you anything you want.

"Come on...don't do this to another dragon. We're better than this."

He tries to give a small smile, but you can tell that he is very, very afraid of being turned into the same semi-mindless bitches that he's been trading all over the galaxy.


//: I can't help but chuckle as he starts to beg for his life, licking my lips as I glare down at him. "We're better than this you say? And yet you still decide to go about such a huge slave trade, I don't think I can just let ya go after everything you've done to who knows how many people. But don't worry, I never said I'd be draining you over everything in that head of yours. Like you said, it's valuable, and I personally enjoy a bit of 'self' to my pets and partners," I say, growling as I enjoyed every bit of his fear before setting to work on the machine, ignoring anything else he tries to say or do. (End)

_With the drug and the brainwashing equipment, it wouldn't take long to push Hendergast to your point of view...

It wouldn't, but you take your time anyway. You linger, using the rod in his ass to spark his thoughts with moments of submission, zapping his prostate and sending the signal up his spine with the sophisticated technology, filling his brain with the pleasures of being on the bottom. You program it with imagery of big cocks pounding away at his ass, giving him thoughts of how it would be to arch his back under a bigger, more powerful dragon..._

You take the time to grind your cock against his face, smearing your pre all over his cheeks, filling his mind with the musk that has broken so many others. You watch his eyes, keeping an eye on how much they glaze over, and just before he breaks, you pull back, a wash of water - or in some cases, something far more bitter - shocking him back to reality. You grin at his distaste, and start again, watching every time as he sinks that little bit further, that little bit deeper, his lips curling towards your cock before he can catch himself.

You torment him for hours, eventually taking out the rod and replacing it with your own as he begs for it so hard. You catch your pre in hand as you grind against him, denying him what he wants most and making him lick your pre from your fingers. Every time he does, you can feel his hole pucker against your cock, begging for it inside of him, his body breaking down his mind.

When you finally give him the cock he craves, it's like watching a storm break. He spasms on the bed, his body utterly electrified with the pleasure you, the drug, and the machine conditioned him to crave. He spouts out answers to your questions immediately, begging for cock between the answers, panting, shivering as he is shattered again and again beneath your pounding thrusts, taking it in a way that no other has been able to.

You put him together again, slowly, letting him realize how far he has fallen. You pull out, splattering your cum over his face, to let him sink in his shame, and his humiliation, knowing that he loves it.

With the captain broken, there is no challenge from the other members of the crew. They submit to you in any way that you ask, even going so far as to bring your first pets - Albus and Nathan - before you. Even as they argue against continuing this, you dose them with the same drug that you used on Hendergast. They go wide-eyed, panting as soon as it's introduced into their systems, and as you give orders to the rest of the crew - and the guards that will be joining you - you let them nuzzle and worship between your legs, smirking at the way that they bend so easily to your will.

The galaxy now has a new slave trade. One that is kinder, if more kinkier, than the one before. You will become wealthy, and in the next decade, expand the operations to something that is at least pseudo-legal, trading with the uppermost echelons of the galaxy, as well as with the lowest crime lords...

But that, of course, is another story.

The End

The Bonding

~ ~ Kyle's POV ~ ~ "So Andrew really is bound to me?" Ryker smirked from his place on the couch, nestled between both Cecil and Snow who were both resting their heads on his shoulder, chuckling a bit at what I'm sure was an amusing situation for him...

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Brotherly Love

~ ~ Reiner's POV ~ ~ My mouth dropped in response to the question, my mind racing to comprehend just how Fenrir could ask something like that. He was so sure of himself to ask something so bold, so brazen... and so accurate. How could this canine even...

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Hunting Slaves

Name: Necross Species: Dragon \*Stats\* HP: 32/36 Strength: 12 (+2) Dexterity: 10 (+1) Constitution: 11 (+1) Intelligence: 10 (+1) Wisdom: 10 (+1) Charisma: 10 (+1) **Special Moves** Corruptive Musk: Chance of weakening or altering...

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