Archmage Prostitution

Story by draconicon on SoFurry

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A little story I did while things were down and I had been away from writing for a while. And, surprisingly, actually in canon with some of Draconicon's history as it stands at the moment.

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Archmage Prostitution By Draconicon

The swirling portal behind him was a silent void compared to the cacophony of birdsong Draconicon dropped into. Thumping into the ground hard enough to throw up a reasonable size dust cloud, the black dragon groaned under his breath as the various avians screamed at him in their various chirps and squawks and shrieks.

"Blame it on the Archmage of Vendisul, little ones. I didn't open that portal."

Not that he expected them to understand that. Birds were so far down the scale of intelligence in most universes that he imagined his dirt-muffled excuse was only noise to them. Grunting to himself, Draconicon finally got his hands under him and pushed himself upright, taking a moment to examine his new surroundings now that he was finally out of the swirling blue vortex that had taken him here.

No more snow, which was a plus. Vendisul was a nice, cool dimension, but he had gotten tired of the swirling freeze after a few years there. It wasn't quite past the point of comfort, the heat sitting nicely below a point where he would have started sweating, and the greenery looked like it was probably mid-season.

If this plane has seasons, at least. That was something he needed to stop taking for granted, after finding four that didn't. Rare they might be, but his little hops between them - voluntary and otherwise - seemed to find a fair number.

"Okay...time to start seeing what physics this place keeps to."

The black dragon went through the different tests that he had come up with since his first couple of 'jumps' between universes. Gravity checks through jumps and thrown objects, air tests with sparks and a couple of other oxygen-related consumptions, examinations of life forms to see any new adaptations. Everything went relatively well; gravity was a bit on the low side, perhaps three quarters what he had been used to, but that was hardly a bad thing in the short term. Oxygen and air content seemed fine, and there were no visible adaptations towards dangers and circumstances that looked worrying.

That left one last test. Draconicon lifted his arm and closed his eyes. Focusing on the energy pool that lay deep down in his core - and the source of it just a bit further down - he 'pulled' at the energy. He could feel it in his grip, feel the heat and the tingles that it always gave him when he touched it. His focus rushed down his arm, pushing the heat down towards his palm in an effort to make a fireball...

And nothing happened.

After pulling on a little more energy, then a bit more to make sure that it wasn't just a dampening effect on the area, Draconicon gave up. After the explosive events on Damadar, he knew better than to try and force magic in a place that didn't want it.

Okay, so...I can't actually use magic here. It might be localized, but it might also be all the way around. That's...bad.

Very bad, actually. He was practiced and trained as a mage, and he was very, very good at his magic. Several thousand years of study under a multitude of masters had given him a good grasp on all sorts of arcane, divine, and other types of magic, and he would put himself against the best of a given plane and feel confident of victory.

Unfortunately, that meant his other skills were...rather lacking.

One of the birds from earlier landed on his shoulder as the dragon thought, and Draconicon ignored it. That proved almost impossible as it leaned in and started pulling on one of his looser scales by the base of his horns.

"Gah! Let go, you stupid bird."


"Oh...fine. Be that way."

He shook his head, dusting off his robes. The scale was going to come loose anyway, and the bird might as well have it. Wishing that he had his staff - or anything, really, that might have given him some protection - Draconicon stepped through the undergrowth and started beating his way through trees and bushes.

Here's hoping that portal dropped me off somewhere near civilization, or I'm more screwed than I want to think about.

Thankfully, he found a path not too far out from the little clearing the birds called home. The raven that had picked at his scale stuck with him as he walked down the path, rooting around along his head for any other loose scales it could find, and tugged at them when it did. Though it was somewhat annoying, Draconicon was rather thankful for the company.

The road led him to a village, one named Eastbrook, according to the sign. Nobody had built a bridge of the titular brook that split the path, but considering the low gravity, he imagined most people just jumped across the ten foot gap.

He ended up being right, as one of the locals - a bipedal stallion, it seemed, and one that seemed closer to human form than bestial, judging by the fact that he wore boots - leaped over it without any trouble. The red-maned male smiled as he walked up, waving a three fingered hand.

"Hello there. You must be from -"

"Far away."

It was better to keep the complexities of his travel out of it. Better to be seen as some sort of foreigner than someone that leaped from one world to another.

The stallion's smile faltered for a moment, but only a moment. It was back in full force as he offered his hand, and Draconicon took it without trouble.

"Well, wherever you're from, welcome to Eastbrook. You heading further towards the capital, or are you thinking of settling down out here?"

"I don't know yet. I'm still trying to find my way around."

"Finding your way around? Why? It's not like there's...just how far away are you from, mister?"

"Far enough that I don't really know what your town is like. Mind giving me a tour and telling me a bit about it?"

He appeared to hit upon the magic phrase. The way that the stallion's eyes lit up, one would have assumed that the dragon had asked him to take all his money and go on a shopping spree. Immediately regretting the offer, Draconicon opened his mouth -

"Oh, you know, I know everything about this town. There's so much to see here, and you shouldn't dismiss our little place just because it's on the outskirt of the kingdom. No sir, this place..."

It was already white noise in the dragon's ears, his mind fleeing from the sheer exuberance in the stallion's tone. It was going to be the tour from hell all over again, and he had no way out. Not without his magic to make it easy to get away without hurting the poor guy's feelings.


You said it, bird... he thought as they hopped over the river, starting to walk through the small town. Draconicon let the information filter into his head, tuning the stallion out the rest of the way. He needed to keep thinking, and more to the point, he needed to figure out how he was going to get a place to stay for the night. He imagined that nobody would take it on charity, no matter how nice this horse was, and he didn't think he could magic something up this time.


"And this is the inn, the best place in all of Eastbrook for a drink or a night of sleep, if you ask me."

Draconicon hadn't, and it took all of his willpower to smile as the young equine pointed out the building. It was, admittedly, one of the better ones in the village. It stood three stories high, and was built out of rock rather than the thatch and wood that most of the other structures seemed to use. Carvings, rough but of recognizable images, stood out over every window and over the door, depicting different stallions from different times.

Certainly not the worst place that I'd have stayed in, over the years.

"So, any other questions, mister..."

"Oh, I never introduced myself, did I?"

"Well, no..."

"And you didn't want to ask, either."

"Heh, when someone comes into town wearing a bird on their shoulder, I don't tend to ask questions. Tends to mean someone that's got their own reasons for doing things."

"And...what reasons are those?"

"Mystical, usually. Birds only seem to stick with the Mystic Ones, out in the capital."

The dragon's interests were immediately piqued. It sounded like some form of magic, and if it was, rather than some sort of charlatan that was bilking people out of money with a little bit of animal handling trickery...well, it would be worth seeing, at the very least, and it could be something that would let him get back on his feet.

"And...they're only in the capital?"

"Pretty much. They don't like coming this far out. It's weeks and weeks to get there, by the main roads."

Not what he wanted to hear. Weeks of travel without hunting skills or money would be impossible. Admittedly, he could fly for part of the way, but it wouldn't shorten the distance that much.

No, he'd need to find some money. And fast.

"Well...Perhaps I better get to finding them."

"Well, uh..."


"Mr. Draconicon, you don't really go finding them. They kinda find you, if there's any reason for it. So, why don't you just -"

"What's your name?"


"You wanted to know my name, and I want to know yours."


"Samson. Thank you. Samson, I can't quite explain why, but I need to see these Mystic Ones as soon as possible. There are good reasons for this, reasons I can't get into right now, but trust me, they are good ones."

The horse nodded slowly, in the way of a man starting to think he should leave. Draconicon couldn't blame him for that, but he pressed anyway.

"The problem is, I can't get there on my own. Not as I am."

"What's the matter? You look strong enough for the journey."

"I might look it, but I guarantee that you are stronger than I am."

"But...but you're a head taller than me."

I know I am, and I think I should be stronger, based on the gravity...but I bet you anything that I'm not. I'm never that lucky.

Looking around for something to help prove his point, Draconicon eventually found a barrel leaning against the side of the inn. He walked over to it, and squatted down on the side, putting his arm against the top of it.

"Let me demonstrate. A quick competition of strength."

Samson gave him another look of puzzlement, but obliged him. After the dragon explained the rules - that they would take the other's hand, and then try and shove the other's arm down - he counted them down from five. As soon as he said one, his arm hit the wooden top of the barrel. Hard.

You would think...the laws of physics...would be a little more consistent... He grimaced as he squeezed his hand afterwards, already feeling a bruise spreading through the scales. Samson stared at him in shock.

"You see why I can't just take the trip on my own?"

"'d be killed in two days."

"If your wildernesses are anything like what I've seen elsewhere, most likely. So I need to earn some money to pay for some people to go with me. Just enough to make it towards the Mystic Ones, and then I'll be able to move on my own."

"You know, there's not much you can do when you're that weak, Drac. There's too many things that need you to be strong. And if you wanted to try working in the inn or something as a waiter -"

"I don't, particularly."

"Even if you did, it'd take you forever to actually get the money for it."

"So, what do you have in mind?"


The horse blushed, and the dragon had a horrible feeling about what was coming to mind. Samson must have seen him starting to shake his head, because he shrugged.

"Look, I've only heard about this, okay, but...there's this one alley, towards the edge of the village. I hear there's guys that go there every night, looking for someone to do...things for them, in exchange for coin. You want to earn money quickly, that might be the best way to do it."

"You mean...whoring myself out."

"Well, I wouldn't call it that..."

"Why not?"

"Well, you're not female, right? Only girls can be whores."

Says the patriarchy...

Still, he wasn't sure that there was much choice. He could check around, and he planned to, but this was Samson's village. The horse would know the job opportunities in this small of a place, and he doubted that any of the locals would want to give him a job when someone else here would want it too.

"I have two questions."

"The alley's over between the well-house and the mill."

"...Okay, one question."


"What exactly is your currency, and how much does it take to buy a bodyguard?"

Samson's look of confusion didn't help matters, and Draconicon took a long, deep breath. He already knew this was going to be a long night, and this wasn't helping.


The raven finally slipped off of his shoulder as he took off his robe. Draconicon laid it over one of the barrels in the alley, shaking his head as the raven took up a perch on top of the cloth. He pointed a finger at it.

"You mess up that robe, I'm finding a way to barbecue you."



Despite knowing that this was the practical thing to do, and despite deciding to make use of the night to earn as many 'shoes - the local currency, apparently - as he could, Draconicon still couldn't believe he was doing this. He'd been under other males in the past, of course. Several teachers had demanded it as the price for their work, and even when he was getting into the Academy on his own plane, he had given in to allow himself the chance to get power and wisdom.

But this...selling himself like this...well, it was something new.

The black dragon looked down at himself, blushing as he ran his fingers down over his body. He wasn't unappealing, at least not so far. The horses might find something different, of course.

His body wasn't so slender as some of the dragons back home, but he had avoided the gut that some of the archmages tended to get as they loafed around all the time. His stomach had a mild swell to it, enough to give a bit of a jiggle when he ran, but not enough to notice any other time. The rest of his torso had a decent amount of muscle, and his arms were similarly treated.

He couldn't help giving himself a grope below the waist, feeling the 'truth' of his size now that the world's magic had stripped away the illusion he kept down there. Draconicon blushed a bit as he gripped, not a nine inch softie, but something closer to five and a half inches. Hardly a shameful length, for some species, but for a seven foot tall dragon...

Wishing he was more of a grower than a shower, the dragon pulled his fingers back, reaching around to his rear. That was probably going to get a lot of attention tonight, particularly as it bounced a little in response to his touches. The scales were smooth back there, due to a number of different treatments his last partner had given him. Some herbs and spells combined had made an ointment that had erased most of the different textures and roughness that came with most male dragons in the rear, leaving him with something smooth and curvy, and more than a little plush and cushiony.

"Well, here's hoping it gets someone's attention."

"'s got mine."

Draconicon whipped around as his face burned bright red, looking for the source of that voice. In the darkness, it was hard to make out, but soon, he found it.

Or rather, found them. Four stallions stepped out from around the corner, two of them almost as tall as him, one taller, and the fourth -


The red-maned stallion blushed a bit, but nodded.

"Hey...I figured that I'd see if you felt as good as you looked, Drac."

"What is he, anyway?" one of the others asked. "He's not one of us, and he ain't one of those Beluvians."

"Maybe he's from one of the kingdoms on another continent?"

"Nah, can't be..."

"Well, he's gotta be something."

I don't like where this is going... Hoping to cut short the speculating before they decided he was someone that they could dislike - and hoping to appear slightly more professional than he actually was - Draconicon cleared his throat and leaned on one of the barrels. The action left his cock sliding along his leg, and he was all too aware of the stares it was getting as the stallions turned to face him again.

"So...I hear that people do things...for money back here at night."


The biggest stallion, black maned with white hairs coming off of his ankles and his wrists, stepped forward. He nodded, reaching down and grabbing hold of the dragon's dick. Draconicon didn't dare move; that grip was like iron, too strong and too tough for him to try and slip free.

"Yeah...we get stuff back here at night. But usually, we don't have mares offering it to us."


"Heh, you sure ain't a stallion. Maybe you're something in between."

What did I get myself into?

Draconicon bit off a hiss of relief as the big stallion let go of him, but his eyes were immediately drawn to the various males as they started undoing their rough trousers. Ties were undone, and the cloth fell down to reveal cocks that were slowly hardening. Even so, the smallest of them was already seven inches, and thicker than his by at least half an inch. He stared at them, barely aware of the almost chuckling 'caw caw caw' of the raven behind him.

When they were all revealed, the big guy pushed him back against one of the barrels. Draconicon almost went head over heels then, barely catching himself at the last minute to keep from falling over. The stallion had already grabbed him by one ankle and was spreading his legs when the dragon reached up and pressed a hand to his chest.

"Wait, wait! Wait a minute."

"Heh, what's the matter, mare? Scared?"

If you only knew... Gulping as that hot, thick cock tip rubbed under his tail - and cursing himself for the twitching his hole was already doing - Draconicon tried to pull himself together.

"You still haven't...haven't paid me yet."

"Heh, we pay after -"

"What's to keep you from...from running off, and telling me that the fuck was my payment?"

The other three stallions blushed a bit, but the big one chuckled. He shook his head, letting go of Draconicon's legs and turning back to his pants.

"You know, mare, I was thinking of doing just that. I ain't seen an ass like yours since miss Alsie left town for some lover off in Westbrook, but even she didn't have a breedable rump like that. I'd just bet that you would take the fuck as payment though..."

Draconicon shook his head, even as his eyes kept flicking between the different cocks. The alleyway was so narrow that he could only see glimpses of the others with the big guy between him and them, but those cocks were huge. Now that they were hard, he could see that the smallest was more than three inches thick, over an inch wider than his own, and reaching nine inches long.

As the big guy turned around, his own cock was shown off, and Draconicon shuddered as he imagined how his ass would feel after that. Four inches thick, at the base, and thicker at the head, it had to be a full fourteen inches long. His toes curled slightly in nerves - and anticipation - of taking that thing into his hole. It was so...huge...

"Hey, hey, Tark, how about you let one of us go first?"

Yes, yes, one of them!

"Yeah, we're not even gonna feel anything if you get first go."

"You guys know I hate sloppy seconds..."

"Yeah, but we want to feel something, and the last time you went first, we couldn't even touch the sides."

Draconicon glared down at his traitorous cock, watching it throb and bounce at the arguments between the equines. It wasn't like he wanted it to be that rough...but it did sound surprisingly good to some part of him.

I'm just making a trade. There's no other way. I don' be spread open that wide.

The argument went on until Tark - the big guy - finally gave in. Samson stepped forward, chuckling as he started stroking himself.

"You know, I almost feel a bit guilty about this, Draconicon."


"Because there was a Mystic One that left just yesterday, traveling down the road. If you went fast enough, you might have caught him...but I just couldn't resist. I wanted to try that ass of yours."

He stared, his eyes wide, but before he could protest, Samson dropped forty 'shoes on his chest. Already, his mind was going back to the price list that the two of them had talked over. Forty 'shoes was sufficient for a hard ass fuck, no lube.

Fuuuuuuuck -

Draconicon's breath caught as that thick tip rammed into his ass. Both his legs were lifted high in the air as he was supported by the barrel, his ass stretched wide around that thick horse cock. The dragon's eyes rolled back in his head as he bit down on his arm, stifling the gasps and yelps of pain and pleasure together.

"Fuck guys, he's really hot inside."

"He tight?"

"Heh, not as tight as your girl, Tark, but pretty close."

"Watch it, Samson..."

There was no way that he could respond to the horses' comments at this point. Having that cock pounding into him, each thrust working his hole open a little bit further, was driving him nuts. It stretched him that little bit more every time the thick, flaring head worked its way in deeper, the horse's grip on his ankles keeping him from sliding back as he was hammered at, pounded at.

It didn't take long for those fat balls to start smacking against his ass, making it jiggle and bounce with every impact. He blushed, feeling his ass bouncing and rippling from the thrusts, and the other stallions started chuckling.

"That's a hot ass, alright. Made for fucking."

"Man, if he were a mare, he'd never get any work down. The minute he bent over, all the herd would be on that ass in seconds."

"Heh, I bet he'd love it, wouldn't you? I bet you'd like getting fucked by stallions like us all day long."

He blushed, trying to ignore just how much he was loving it. As his hole stopped burning from the rough, dry penetration, the feeling of that massive cock was sending him up the wall. His cock throbbed and oozed all over his belly, and his toes curled constantly, squeezing down every time that thick head rubbed over his prostate. His breath came in short, constant gasps, the coins that had landed on his chest sliding and bouncing around.

Draconicon bit his tongue as the stallion started thrusting harder, faster, pounding into him again and again. He felt the thick, slick shots of pre filling him up, and his hole had been so broken in that he could feel it starting to ooze out, dripping past the shaft and down along his tail.

Samson leaned over him, grinning at him.

"Heh...I don't know why you're looking for a Mystic One...but I bet you're gonna have a good time on the way. You should try...staying a whore. It suits you."

It suits suits you...

Draconicon turned away, trying to push those thoughts out of his head. Just because this was fun...

Suddenly, Samson started speeding up, his rutting thrusts getting harder and harder. Each thrust hit him perfectly for his pleasure, and he started moaning louder than he could muffle it, starting to make the little alley echo with the sounds of pleasure.

As the other horses jerked off to the sound of his moans, Draconicon felt himself getting pushed further and further to climax, his cock slapping down against his belly, the feeling of the fat horse balls smacking against his ass driving him nuts. He was so close, so -

"Ooooh yes..."

And then, Samson pulled out. Draconicon was left hanging as the horse jerked himself over the edge, that horse cock twitching and bouncing as it painted the dragon's ass white, seed dripping all the way from his balls to his hole and back again. The black dragon could feel his hole twitching, weakly clenching down to try and get that feeling back.

Samson had barely finished when the smallest one stepped up, throwing another twenty 'shoes down on the dragon's chest. He barely remembered that meant oral before his face was yanked into the crotch of the new guy.

"Get sucking, big got a long night ahead of you." long...has this...been going on?

Draconicon honestly wasn't sure. He barely remembered the fast-paced night of debauchery, but as his raven companion hopped this way and that along the alley floor to avoid the cum shots, he knew that it had gotten out of hand long ago. A pile of 'shoes lay on the ground at his side, several hundred of them. Maybe even a thousand, after the dozen stallions that had come around.

He yelped and moaned as he was held against the wall, Tark nearing the end of his turn. The massive stallion held him by the tail, keeping him pinned with another hand to the back of his head. Draconicon panted and drooled against the wall, his ass burning from the constant fucks, his feet soaked with the use of them by some of the stallions. His chest was painted with cum from those that just jerked off on him, and his balls ached from how many times he'd been forced to cum, some of them all too engaged with seeing how much his 'tiny' cock could cum compared to their more massive members.

"That's it, mare...take it...take it deep..."

And that word. 'Mare.' It kept coming back as they kept using him, always flaunting their size and masculinity over him. Draconicon blushed, trying not to think about it, trying not to think about the little sign that they'd hung over him earlier, the wooden board clacking against his chest with every thrust from behind. MARE, in bright red letters.

"Getting want my load, mare?"


He couldn't stop himself, gasping and panting, pushing back weakly. His hole was broken in, so loose from the constant fucking, but it was almost he wanted more.

"Give it to me...please...need your...cum..."

"Then...take it...slutty mare..."

He felt it blasting into him, even as his stamina finally ran out. He slumped against the wall, sliding down into the pile of his earnings, as the biggest stallion came all over him. The last thing he saw, as the stallions started getting dressed and walked off, were black wings floating over him.

It was afternoon sun that eventually woke him. That, and the feeling of being sticky all over. Draconicon groaned as he slowly opened his eyes, and then stuck out his tongue as he smelled the rank scent of dried cum.

"Thought that the cum bath four years ago was the last time that I'd wake up like this..."

Then again, that time it had been a literal cum bath that he'd shared with some submissives, due to a number of different experiments, and not a more average bukkake session. Draconicon looked down, half dreading that he'd been left naked the whole time, but surprisingly, his robe had been draped over him.

And his bird was still there, the raven sitting on his chest and waking up as well. It clacked its beak a few times, and then cawed in an all-too-similar sound to laughter.

"Yeah, yeah, very funny. At least I got some money..."

He paused, then looked at the bird again.

"Did you...cover me?"


"Well, thanks. That's something, at least."

Trying to ignore the feeling of cum still sliding out of his wrecked hole, Draconicon got to his feet. He took off the MARE sign and put it on the ground, and slowly tucked the various coins into the pockets of his robe. According to Samson - if he hadn't been lying about that yesterday - this much money would buy two bodyguards for at least two weeks. That would get him further towards the capitol, and hopefully towards someone that would be able to get him to the Mystic Ones.

And if not...

It suits you...

Shaking his head to put that out of his mind, Draconicon turned towards the little brook. Before he left, he wanted to at least get the cum smell out of his scales and robe. Just because he'd acted like a whore - and one time, one time only - didn't mean he had to smell like one.

The End

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