Perdita's new perspective

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#7 of Two Families

Since the fist time that she saw them, Perdita had a confused feeling for the wife of Jack, she never got interested in a female and the things that she has discovered about her own mate and Lucky confuses her much more. When she visits the trailer of the her friends, the dalmatian female sees things that she never considered before and finally Perdita accepts that she had fallen for the lovely and beautiful mate of the lover of her husband.

Perdita passes the rest of afternoon alone in the meantime in her heart and mind she feels confusion for what it happens in regard with her family and her attraction for the other adult female.

When the time of Thunderbolt's show come, almost all the dogs of the farm are the barn observing as the German shepherd in the television screen.

Perdita meanwhile is sitting on the entrance of the bedroom of Roger and Anita, she listens the moans while he sees that her masters copulate in bed. This semi dark room, but it does not impede to Perdita to see as Anita fucks Roger's ass.

Anita pumps her hips while she holds Roger's hips, he moans with each thrusts of his wife. Both do not see Perdita, the female dog looks closely at them and curiosity.

This is the first time that she sees them copulating that way, the female dog sees clearly that Roger enjoys experience and that makes her wondering about her mate.

Pongo also should enjoy it, when the human couple ends the show. Perdita goes to the living room and turns the TV on and he realizes that the show of Thunderbolt already had ended up and another one was in its place.

Perdita turns off the TV and in silence leaves the house to start to walk in the farm. She still feels confused by what is happening, without knowing her steps takes her close to the trailer of the family of German shepherds.

She walks toward the door and she stops suddenly, Perdita looks at the door of the trailer hesitatingly before turning over to go away. The female stops when she listens her name.

She looks over her shoulder and sees that Lucy slides out of the trailer by the door of the dog.

"I thought that you would not come." Lucy says while she gets close to Perdita smiling.

"I just... was passing near." Perdita says with discomfort while she looks at her friend. Lucy takes her forepaw and drags her toward the trailer.

"I do not... think... that this..." Perdita says with discomfort without stopping to think in a good excuse to back off. Lucy does her a friendly face and takes to the other female inside the trailer.

Perdita's eyes open completely when she sees what happens there, she looks with complete surprise as Jack is mating with Amanda, she moans and pants with pleasure.

The Dalmatian female dog observes as the thick member enters and gets out of the pup.

The girl is moaning loudly, in addition Cindy is being fucking by Blaze while Kaleb is receiving oral sex of his sister.

The girl sucks with slowness her brother's cock while she is penetrated vaginally. Blaze moves with pleasure until he sees the Dalmatian female dog. His thrusts slow down feeling a little bit of fear.

Perdita looks at the pup and decides to see to another side to not to intimidate him.

"Get comfortable and enjoy." Lucy says while she looks at Perdita and she goes away to join her family. She takes Caleb by his collar and she drags him, his cock slips out from the mouth of his sister.

Perdita looks with surprise as Lucy crouches and puts her son's penis into her mouth, she sucks with pleasure and her pup moans with a lot of pleasure. His precum spatters the tongue of his mom.

The aroma of sex is on the air and gets to Perdita's nose. She feels as her slit begins to get wet, she sits rapidly and she leans on the floor trying cover her aroma.

The female sees as the oral sex of Lucy finishes and she rapidly leans backwards for her son. Caleb rapidly places himself in position and penetrates his mother, the female moans when her pup begins to mate with her.

All members of the family moan and pant, Perdita cannot take the look off the sex scene, she sees that Amanda becomes tense and moans of pleasure, her father also growls with force.

Perdita sees as the sticky semen drips between the legs of the girl, she does not move in the meantime her father even holds her in place. After some moments the girl moves and Perdita sees as the member slides out of Amanda.

She turns over and rapidly begins to suck her father's penis, her paws move up and down on the shaft while she sucks the penis tip. Blaze moves slowly while he tries to avoid Perdita's look.

"Faster Blaze!" His sister says growling feeling angry. Blaze continues pumping until his mother stops Caleb, she pushes her pup softly in order that he dismounts her.

"Let's take a new partner." Lucy says noticing the difficulty of her pup. Blaze dismounts to her sister and he gets close to his mom while he crosses with his brother in the way, Caleb mounts Cindy and begins to fuck her with force.

The girl moans and growls with pleasure. Perdita feels a little bit of pity for the pup, she knows that she had frightened him a lot, her friend masturbates to her son slowly.

She leans behind him and surprises Perdita when she sees that her friend begins to lick the hole under the tail of the pup. Blaze closes his eyes and moans of pleasure with each lick on his hole.

After some moments the German shepherd female dog the stops, Lucy looks at her mate, Jack smiles and nods while he separates his daughter from his cock. She notices that her father makes a grimace and the girl gets close to her mother.

"Go to have fun with your dad." Lucy says looking at Blaze. He nods and he comes closer to turn over and to raise his tail. Jack smiles while Perdita's eyes open with surprise at the moment that Jack gets comfortable behind his son.

The Dalmatian female dog looks as the adult male pushes his hips and moans with pleasure, Blaze moans with a little bit of pain, but it is not intense. Perdita swallows hard seeing as the member of Jack disappears slowly in the pup.

Jack stops and begins to fuck his son with pleasure, Perdita looks with a lot to attention to Blaze, the pup moans with pleasure with each thrust, and the little spurts of precum are fired from the tip of his cock that rocks on the air by the strong pushes of his father.

Blaze apparently enjoys it a lot and does not seem to feel pain, Lucy's groan of pleasure brings about Perdita's attention. She sees that her friend caresses the head of her daughter that gives her oral sex.

The girl has her mouth closed around the slit of her mother. Lucy moans with pleasure and sees Perdita that looks at her with surprise. The Dalmatian female swallows hard saliva while the look of expression of pleasure of Lucy had hypnotized Perdita.

She can feel the juices of pleasure her friend in air, they are exciting and unique. Perdita moves her tail while she sees that all there enjoy sex, Caleb stops and growling he pushes his hips.

Cindy moans and growls with pleasure. Perdita recognizes that the girl had reached an orgasm.

Caleb pants and places himself in position of tail with tail with the girl. Both moan and pant while pleasure fades away slowly.

Jack pumps up with more speed his penis inside Blaze, the pup moans and pants with more speed. Both males begin to feel those intense feelings in their bodies.

Blaze digs his claws on the floor at the moment that his penis shoots semen spurts in the floor, his father also stops suddenly. Perdita looks at them with interest while she knows what happens.

One semen waterfall drips between the legs of Blaze, the semen of father and son mixes for form a great white semen puddle. Perdita looks at them some moments more until she sees that her friend begins to shake.

Perdita sees that Lucy presses with more force her daughter's head against her crotch until her orgasm finishes, the Dalmatian female dog sees that the girl moves back and the juices drip of her chin.

Amanda licks her mouth, in order to enjoy the juices of her mother. Lucy stands up and she gets close to Perdita. She surprises the Dalmatian female when she catches her and turns her over to lean her backwards.

"You are wet." Lucy says at the moment of placing her forepaw on the crotch of Perdita.

She is about to say something when her friend begins to caress her.

Perdita moans with pleasure feeling that the pads of the paw of Lucy caress her vulva and her clitoris. She moves he paw back and forward in slow way, her paw gets wet in juices.

Perdita looks helpless at her friend, a toe slides in her slit to massage her vaginal walls.

Perdita's juices drip and get the floor wet, Lucy looks at everyone content a moment before stop.

"Blaze come here." Lucy says looking at her pup. Perdita pants while she sees that the pup comes closer with slowness and fear. He looks at the Dalmatian female perceiving the aroma of her juices.

His member hardens, his mother looks at him and makes a grimace. Perdita's eyes open when the pup positions himself between her legs and he mounts her.

"No... no." Perdita says soft and weakly, she feels as the penis touches her slit. The female dog opens her mouth when the pup penetrates her and he begins to fuck her rapidly.

Perdita moans and pants with surprise, Blaze's penis does not fill her complete and even so it is incredible, the face of the puppy evidences his pleasure while he pumps with force.

"My son fucks well, doesn't he?" Lucy asks looking at Perdita. She nods with a little bit of shame. Mating with a pup never crossed by his mind because she thought that is abuse or rape, but it is very pleasurable because he makes it content.

Perdita feels as all of the member slides in and out, Blaze's knot is not big and it can enter and getting out of her vagina without problems while the pup shoots spurts of precum.

Caleb suddenly positions himself on the head of Perdita and takes down his hips, the cock tip touches Perdita's mouth. She feels the aroma of the young and hard meat, without complain to the female closes her mouth behind the knot and begins sucking.

The taste of the hard meat and the precum is delicious, softer than of an adult male. Perdita moans while it is fucked, she is enjoying them completely.

Some minutes later Caleb pulls his cock out from Perdita's mouth, she moans and sees as the pup goes away where his father is. Perdita looks at with surprise like the adult dog is reclining backwards with the open legs.

The pup mounts his father and in a thrust he penetrates him rapidly. He moans just like Jack, the adult dog closes his eyes and moans when his pup begins to give him oral sex.

Perdita closes her eyes and she concentrates on her pleasure when Blaze expedites his pushes.

"Later we will be alone" Perdita listens to Lucy's voice says. She whispers in her ear.

Perdita opens her eyes and nods while she moves her tail, she no longer cares about her initial taboos now. Her friend smiles at her smoothly and she also feels excited.

The Dalmatian female looks at Blaze directly, the pup opens his eyes when Lucky's mother smiles at him in a friendly way. Blaze increases the velocity of his thrusts.

Perdita moans with more force just like Blaze, the pup grunts with force and pushes his hips. Little spurts of semen splashes Perdita's vaginal walls leading to the female to the ecstasy.

Her orgasm is intense and reach each part of her body that stiffens squeezing Blaze's penis, he moans with more force feeling the pleasurable squeeze around his cock.

Perdita pants rapidly while she recovers from the orgasm, she sees that Blaze is reclining on her stomach and pants heavily. The Dalmatian female dog rests some minutes and sees as the penis of Jack erupts becoming a semen fountain that covers his pup.

Caleb growls while he pushes his hips at the same time that he comes to his climax, his sisters are in position of sixty nine pleasuring to each other. Lucy holds Blaze for her scruff of the neck and raises him.

Perdita moans smoothly when the cock of the pup slides out of her body, she sees as semen and her juices drip from the member of Blaze. Lucy places her son on the floor and helps Perdita to stand up.

The Dalmatian female sees the members of the family still is resting, she gets surprised when she listens to a sound in her neck. She sees with surprise as a strap hangs from her collar.

Perdita looks at her friend, Lucy smiles at her and takes the strap to pull her toward the door of the trailer. The Dalmatian female does not resist and goes after the other female out of the trailer while she feels excited.

Perdita gets out of the trailer and goes after Lucy with calm, the female delights in the figure of Lucy. She looks beautiful with the soft light shining on her fur, the female dog raises her tail suggestively while she sees Perdita sensually.

With the motion of the tail, Lucy sends directly the aroma of her crotch to Perdita's nose.

She breathes deeply catching the greater part of the aroma that makes her body shake lightly.

Lucy in her inside feels excited also while she is going steady of the strap smoothly, both get out of the farm and get to Perdita's favorite hill. Lucy stops and she turns over the moment that her mouth opens and the strap slides to fall the ground.

Lucy smiles and brings closer her mouth to Perdita's mouth, the Dalmatian female dog closes her eyes in the moment that Lucy's tongue pushes her tongue. Perdita's mouth opens and the tongue penetrates into it.

Perdita pushes her tongue that goes to the encounter of the tongue of Lucy, both touch and fight while the eyes of the two females are closed. This is the first kiss that Perdita shares with other female.

It is an exciting experience while her saliva mixes and it drips to the ground, Lucy also enjoys it now she can enjoy this desire that she had for a long time.

Perdita is beautiful and a female that attracts her a lot like her mate. Lucy takes her tongue out and separates her mouth from the mouth of the Dalmatian female dog.

A soft and bashful smile appears in the face of Perdita, Lucy smiles at her softly and catches Perdita's forepaws. She opens her eyes with surprise and looks at Lucy.

The female kisses Perdita again and slowly leans her on the grass that rocks smoothly by the breeze. When Perdita is leaning backwards, she opens her eyes to see Lucy.

She smiles and begins to lick the neck smoothly, the female German shepherd dog takes catches Perdita's collar and pulls it. The collar moves and in a few moments is hanging from Lucy's mouth.

She throws the collar at a couple of meters, Perdita looks at her friend with surprise and she blushes, Lucy again begins to lick Perdita's white neck, she pants while she feels as the tongue moves on her fur.

A strong pant is heard when Lucy's mouth closes around the female's first nipple, Perdita moans feeling that her sensitive nipple is nibbled in a softly and pleasantly way.

Lucy sucks and she has fun with the nipple of Perdita, the female the German shepherd listens the heavy breathing of her friend. Nipples are one by one caressed and stimulated by Lucy.

She moves down her body nuzzling each region of the chest and stomach of Perdita. She opens her legs wide when Lucy's head places itself between them.

Lucy opens her eyes largely and she licks her mouth when she sees the treasure that she looks for, Perdita's swollen and shining vulva with juices that sprout of the inside. The aroma is intense and intoxicating.

Perdita shakes and pants with surprise and pleasure when the female's tongue touches her vulva, the lick is completely going over the whole slit and touching her clitoris.

The Dalmatian female dog shakes feeling this, Lucy feels pleased and licks the vulva of slow way and smoothly enjoying the juices that seem completely delicious for her.

Now she can enjoy them in more abundance, Perdita pants and moans while she receives oral sex of the other female, Lucy eats the slit so well as Pongo and Jack does.

The tip divides the vaginal lips every time that it moves back and forth, Lucy pushes her tongue with force. Perdita's eyes open and growl when the tongue enters in her vagina and Lucy's mouth touches her vulva.

Perdita moans and shakes with pleasure feeling that her vaginal sensitive walls are caressed, the wrinkled tongue stimulates them slowly. The German shepherd female dog feels like her tongue is squeezed and surrounded by juices.

Lucy does not stop while she sees that her friend shakes with pleasure, she sucks the juice, Lucy's forepaw moves and the toe touches the wet sphincter of Perdita.

Perdita moans when her hole is pressed by the toe of the paw, Lucy takes out her tongue and begins to suck the Dalmatian female dog's clitoris at the moment that she pushes with more force.

A growl of pleasure escapes of the mouth of Perdita when she feels like toe enters in her rectum, pleasure is intense while the toe moves in and out of her body.

Heavy breathing and Perdita's moans accelerate with every moment that pass, her juices get wet Lucy's chin, she stops and again begins to lick the pink slit.

Perdita clenches her teeth and her body arches at the moment that she feels an amazing orgasm. Her juices shoot out by their slit get wet Lucy's face, she closes her eyes before surround with her mouth the vulva of the other female.

Juice spurts fall on her tongue, the female the German shepherd sucks and moves her tongue between the vaginal lips to pick up more of the delicious nectar. Perdita shakes and digs her claws into the land while she loses control of her body.

Her orgasm finishes, she pants heavily in the meantime she looks at the starred sky, Lucy's face suddenly appears in front of her face. The other female smiles at her and she moves before stopping.

Perdita's head is between the legs of the female dog the German shepherd, Perdita's eyes open seeing the swollen vulva of the other female. A juice drop forms on the clitoris of Lucy.

Perdita looks as the drop falls and in a few moments hits her nose, the aroma fill his nose. Lucy moves her tail and she sits with calm until she feels the hot respiration on her slit.

The aroma gets directly to Perdita's nose, she inhales it deeply and sees the vulva of Lucy. Perdita takes out her tongue to slowly lick that place. She shakes when the wrinkled tongue moves on that place.

The taste is delicious and indescribable for Perdita, it is somewhat incredible that she never had tasted before. Her desire invites her to taste more, her tongue begins to move repeatedly in the whole slit.

Her lover moans and pants with pleasure, Perdita's tongue gets wet in saliva the crack and the brown fur that surrounds it. The Dalmatian female dog moves her tongue in the borders for some moments before tackling the rosy point of the other female.

Lucy shakes when her clitoris is touched by Perdita's marvelous tongue. She moves her tongue pressing and moving on that special place of every female.

Perdita moves her tongue further down caressing Lucy's vaginal lips, she gasps when the tongue of the Dalmatian female dog presses her pink entrance.

The tongue penetrates in her without difficulty by the juices and it is going deeply into the tunnel of the love of her lover. Perdita feels the interior moderate quivers of the walls around her tongue.

Perdita's mouth touches Lucy's vulva, she moans and closes her eyes while the other female eats her slit with pleasure. Juices drip of the mouth and Perdita's chin.

Lucy sees below her while she moans and pants, her friend is completely concentrated in her task. The female German shepherd dog begins to move her hips in circles to increment her pleasure.

Her clitoris caresses Perdita's nose, the hot respiration increases her pleasure lightly.

Perdita moves her tongue and caresses her friend's ass with her paws, Lucy begins to pant and to breathe agitatedly while her pleasure intensifies.

Lucy growls with force and presses her slit against the mouth of Perdita at the moment of the orgasm, she feels that juice squirts fall right into the entrance of her throat. The Dalmatian female dog's mouth fills up on the delicious liquid.

Perdita drinks it slowly while he enjoys it. Some juices drip on her face, but he does not care about that. Lucy slowly recovers the control of her senses while her legs quiver lightly.

She pants rapidly and raises her hips, her slit comes off of the mouth of the other female, and Perdita feels as the juice drips from her lips. She sees that Lucy's body moves back until both have their faces are in front of each other again.

Lucy sees below her and takes down her hips, Perdita looks as the hips of the other female go down and her vulva makes contact with her own vulva. Both slits are full of their juices the moment that Lucy begins to move her hips.

She and Perdita moan jointly while their vulvas rub again. Perdita feels that her opening gets wet with the combined juice, Lucy moves her hips circularly.

Her clitoris and the one of Perdita rub each other occasionally provoking intense peaks of pleasure in her body. The rub is slow and soft in order that the two females enjoy the moment.

Perdita places her leg on the chest of her friend and rubs it to find hidden nipples. Lucy moans and closes her eyes the moment that her pink small hills are pulled and twisted smoothly.

Heavy breathing increase with every moment that pass, both females slowly come closer to the orgasm. Perdita closes her eyes, she hears that Lucy whines with more force.

Pleasure comes to a maximum point and both females whimper the moment that their bodies shake jointly. Her juices mixes at the point where their slits stick.

Juice drops splash on the grass between the legs of Perdita in addition to the surroundings of both vulvas. Perdita and Lucy pant, the German shepherd female has her closed eyes before opening them when she feels a lick on her cheek.

Lucy smiles seeing that Perdita looks her in the eye with love. The tail of Dalmatian female dog moves showing her happiness. Her friend takes down her head and kisses her smoothly some moments.

"Did you ever mate with a female?" Lucy asks looking at Perdita.

"I do not see how." Perdita responds feeling confusion by the question. She did not know how such thing could be possible.

Lucy stands up and slowly she heads toward a couple of shrubs that is near, she puts her right forepaw into one of them and takes something out. Perdita sees that her friend has in her paw a small canvas sack.

The German shepherd female dog opens the sack from the inside she takes out something that Perdita never saw before in her life, a plastic toy with straps. The strangest is that both extremes have form of canine penises of a good size.

Lucy gets close to Perdita and spreads the legs of the Dalmatian female dog, she sees under to her body to see what happens. She sees as her friend prepares the toy, the tip of one of the extremes touches Perdita's vulva.

She feels that the tip gets inside between her vaginal lips, Lucy pushes the toy and Perdita moans when her vaginal walls swell out around the toy that penetrates her.

It has a good size like the one of Pongo, the knot touches the Dalmatian female dog's slit. Lucy pushes with more force and sees as the vaginal lips wrap the knot.

Perdita gasps and moves her hind legs when the knot expands her entrance and it lodges in her vagina. Lucy smiles seeing that the juice drips from the vulva, the German shepherd female dog the ties the straps around the hips and the thighs of Perdita.

She stands up while she feels surprised seeing that she has a penis now, she moves her hips and the toy bounces off her stomach. Lucy smiles softly and begins to lick the red toy that hangs below Perdita.

The Dalmatian female dog sees as her friend licks the whole extension of slow way. Lucy licks the knot covering it with saliva, she opens her mouth and closes it around the toy.

The female dog looks at Perdita, she notices that her friend looks at her of a sensual way while she moves her head and sucks smoothly. The saliva drips from the toy and the juices of Perdita increase seeing as her friend sucks the toy as it were a real cock.

Lucy nuzzles the toy that moves, Perdita shakes when she feels that the toy moves in her inside rubbing her vaginal walls. She sees that her friend moves, the female German shepherd dog puts her lips on the lips of Perdita to kiss her.

Perdita responds the kiss that lasts for some moments before breaking it, Lucy gets herself in front of Perdita and raises her tail showing her slit. Lucy moans when Perdita begins to lick her vulva.

The tongue moves up and down dividing the other female's vaginal lips, Lucy shakes when her clitoris is caressed by the tongue buds of Perdita.

She enjoys the savor of the juices that are dripping of the inside, Perdita pushes her tongue and penetrates into the tunnel of the love of Lucy. The tongue budges inside stimulating the vaginal walls.

Lucy's moans of pleasure come to the ears of Perdita, she with her nose touches the hole wrinkled below the tail of Lucy. The aroma is delicious.

"Uhhmmm now is moment of continuing." Lucy says while she moves her ass and the tongue of Perdita slides out of her wet grotto.

Perdita with difficulty mounts the female dog, this is the first time that she makes this.

Her forepaws holds Lucy's hips. She moves her ass softly trying helping her friend. The toy rocks below the body of Perdita until the tip is between the vaginal lips of Lucy.

"Slowly push it... slowly." Lucy says while she sees over her shoulder. The Dalmatian female dog nods and pushes her hips sinking the toy slowly in pink passage of her friend and lover.

Lucy closes her eyes and feels that her vaginal walls stretch around the toy. Perdita pushes slowly until the knot impedes her continuing.

"Hold me firm and begin." Lucy says while she gets ready, she moans with a little bit of pain when Perdita's claws dig in her flesh. The Dalmatian holds with force and she begins to pump.

She makes it slowly and with care, it is his first time and she is not a male to move with the confidence of her husband and Jack do. The female dog feels as the toy in her vagina also moves.

The movement in her pussy is soft and she does have a good time, not so intense like the penis of his husband.

"Make it with more confidence." Lucy says moaning and moving her tail rubbing it against the stomach of the Dalmatian female dog. Perdita begins to move with more speed and to fuck her friend with pleasure.

Lucy moans and growls feeling that the penis enters and gets out of her vagina rapidly, she enjoys the pushes and her juices cover the toy completely. When the knot hits Lucy's wet vulva the sound of splashing is heard.

Perdita pumps with pleasure, she begins to get used to move on the other female, her hips hit the ass of Lucy repeatedly. The eyes of the Dalmatian female dog are closed enjoying each push, the knot in her vagina moves back and forth stimulating her vaginal walls.

The tip touches the entrance of her cervix lightly, Lucy moans and her body rocks, her juices sprinkle the intern part of her thighs.

Perdita's thrusts grow in force and velocity, with a strong push the knot expands Lucy's vaginal opening. She gasps when the canine plastic penis is completely inside of her body.

"Do it faster!" Lucy asks for while she moans and growls of pleasure. Perdita listens to her lover and pumps with more speed, she moans of pleasure while her juices increase and they drip from her opening.

The two female dogs moan and growl with combined pleasure, the evening light illuminates their bodies. Lucy sees over her shoulder and she feels content seeing that her friend has a good time completely.

Perdita pushes savagely and listens the strong groan of pleasure of Lucy that reaches an orgasm. His friend's body shakes below her, Lucy has her closed eyes while her juices drip abundantly of her vagina getting wet the grass between her hind legs. Perdita pushes three times more while she listens her friend's wailing.

When your hips hit the ass of Lucy, the Dalmatian female dog becomes tense and howls with pleasure at the moment that her juices flood her vagina and begins her orgasm.

Her body trembles and she holds with more force not to fall, Lucy growls feeling a great pleasure and pain when Perdita's claws digs deeper in her flesh.

The two females slowly calm down and recover from intense and incredible moment, Perdita with much effort places herself in position of tail with tail with her friend.

Perdita and Lucy look at each other and they laugh strepitously. Lucy does a friendly face to Perdita, she nods and begins pull just like her friend. The two females try to separate, Perdita continues until the toy slips out of the vagina of her friend.

The aroma of sex and juices reaches the noses of the two female dogs.

" badly now I will show you as it must be done." Lucy says and getting close to Perdita. The German shepherd female dog surprises to Perdita kissing her.

She responds the kiss and joins her tongue to her lover's tongue. The two females maintain their mouths connected for some moments before of separate. Lucy drags Perdita toward a big and flat rock that it is near.

The German shepherd female dog pushes the other female. Perdita is forced to lean backwards on the rock, Perdita's tail hangs from the border.

Lucy uses her forepaws to spread Perdita's legs.

She moans when her friend begins to lick her vulva slowly, the tongue moves on her slit and, Lucy enjoys the taste of that delicious liquid that stems from the vagina of Perdita.

The tongue touches the clitoris with each motion, Perdita closes her eyes enjoying the oral pleasure that she receives. Licks stop after some moments, Perdita sees that its friend catches the toy and she begins to place it.

Lucy aims one from the dildos at her slit and pushes it, she gasps while she feels as her pink passage keeps on filling slowly up on the length of the toy. The knot touches her vulva.

Lucy pushes with more force and growls in the moment that the knot slides in her pussy, she feels as that part of the toy stretches her vaginal walls a little more.

The female ties the straps in and smiles seeing that Perdita looks at her expectantly. Lucy comes closer and reclines her forepaws on the rock to each one of the sides of the body of the Dalmatian female.

Lucy moves her hips a little and the toy tip touches Perdita's vulva, she and her lover look at each other. Lucy's hips move and the toy begins to enter in the body of Perdita.

Perdita moans smoothly and pants, she feels as her vaginal walls stretch around the object that penetrates into her, she feels the different texture between the meat of a male and the plastic.

The toy enters until the knot touches Perdita's wet vulva, she closes her eyes and moans when Lucy begins to move inside her with a still rhythm, but powerful.

Lucy also moans feeling that the penis moves in her vagina, she looks as her lover moans of pleasure while she has the eyes closed. Perdita enjoys each push that goes up to the entrance of cervix.

The groan of the two females is heard at night while Lucy moves in Perdita, she opens her eyes and sees the other female. Perdita closes her forepaws around the neck of the German shepherd female dog.

Lucy takes down her mouth and kisses Perdita on her mouth, she pushes her tongue.

Their tongues touch while the hips of Lucy moves fucking to Perdita.

Perdita moans when her clitoris is caressed lightly by the fur of Lucy. She looks down and sees as the knot hits the vulva swollen of Perdita, juices drip and get wet Perdita's posterior hole.

Perdita's moans increase slowly while her pleasure grows with each sword thrust, Lucy feels content seeing it.

"Ahh ahh... almost there." Perdita says panting and looking at her friend while she feels that her body gets ready for the orgasm that is close. Lucy stops and looks at Perdita.

The Dalmatian female dog pants and looks at her friend with bother mixed with pleasure, Lucy smiles at him and holds her. The female German shepherd dog rapidly rolls over Perdita to lean her on her chest on the rock.

Perdita feels motion and shortly the tip of the plastic penis touches her anus.

"Uhmmm... I love it in my ass." Perdita says over her shoulder to Lucy. She licks her mouth and pushes her hips, the tip presses Perdita's sphincter trying to enter in the posterior hole of the female.

Perdita moans and how it is habitual she relaxes her hole, she gaps when the dildo slips in her hole stretching her anal walls. Lucy pushes slowly while she sees that her friend pants, the knot touches the sector under the tail of Perdita.

Lucy begins to pump with all her force. The penis enters and gets rapidly out of the anal passage of the Dalmatian female dog, she moans of pleasure.

She feels as her sphincter moves back and forth with each thrust, her friend fucks as well as any male. Lucy enjoys the moment, she feels as her juices become more abundant and they are dripping from her opening.

The penis tip gets occasionally in the cracks of the rectum of Perdita, she moans when the angle changes and presses with force some parts of her rectum. Lucy moans and takes down her head to nibble the ears of Perdita softly.

She moans and enjoys the frolicking of the female with her ear, her bites affectionate like Pongo does. The two females fuck mixing their growling and heavy breathing of pleasure in middle of the night.

The region under the vulva of Perdita is completely soaked in juices that stem from the pink cave.

These juice drip over the edge of the rock and slide to the grass that shines by the soft moonlight.

Lucy pushes her hips and the knot presses Perdita's posterior hole with force, she opens her eyes and clenches her teeth when the knot enters in her anus. Lucy digs her claws into the rock and expedites her thrusts wildly.

Her hips wham Perdita's hips, she moans with more pleasure, the anal sex is one of the pleasures that she enjoys a lot. The body of the German shepherd female dog also overflows with pleasure, each muscle and the nerve fiber is consecrated in the moment.

The two females moan with more force, Lucy nuzzles Perdita's neck and at that moment the Dalmatian female dog howls with force when her vagina walls contract and they release a great quantity of juices.

The claws of her hind legs dive in the land when each muscles of her body becomes tense.

The orgasm is intense while Perdita moans with pleasure, Lucy sees that his friend shakes, but her interest gets lost when her body reacts to a last push.

The female dog barks with pleasure when she feels that the tip of the plastic penis gets lightly in her cervix leading her to the ecstasy of the orgasmic happiness that takes complete control of her body.

Lucy collapses on Perdita, to her it does not matter to feel heat and the fur smoothly of her friend on her body. Both do not move while their looks are lost by pleasure.

After a couple of minutes Perdita is the first in talking.

"Mmmm... that was intense, I did not know that you could fuck as well as your husband." Perdita says taking breath and looking up, she moans softly when Lucy pushes her hips slightly and the penis moves in her ass.

"Well I learned it with Jack, he loves that I fuck him." Lucy says looking at Perdita.

"Really?" Perdita asks with surprise.

"Yes, I bet that Pongo would love that you do this with him." Lucy says while she stands up and begins to pull out the toy. Perdita moans with pain when the knot begins to reopen her sphincter.

Her hole opens slowly when the knot begins to slide outside, Perdita pants until the knot is out of her body. Lucy gives a final pull and the toy slips out of the anus of the Dalmatian female dog.

Perdita takes a breath when she feels that, her posterior hole is lightly open. The Dalmatian female dog rolls her body resting backwards on the rock.

"Regrettably we no longer can use that, I wanted to feel it in my pussy again." Perdita says laughing smoothly seeing the red toy that hangs below the stomach of her friend.

"We could use other of the interesting things that I have." Lucy says untying the straps around her hips. Perdita looks attentively as her friend moans when the Lucy extracts the toy of her body.

The Dalmatian female dog sees as the plastic penis goes out and shines due the juices that covers it. Lucy drops the toy and grabs the sack to take something out new, Perdita's eyes open when she sees a long and purple toy.

Both extremes are rounded, Lucy smiles at her and she comes closer, she places one of the extremes on the vulva of the Dalmatian female dog and pushes. Perdita opens her mouth and puffs when the toy begins to enter in her vagina.

The toy stretches her vaginal walls until the tip touches the entrance of her cervix. Perdita sees that Lucy gets climbs on the rock, the German shepherd female dog positions herself on her friend.

Lucy looks below her while she catches the toy and aims it down to her pink slit, she takes down her hips and moans when the other end of the toy penetrates into her more and more as her ass descends.

In a few moments the other end has disappeared and Lucy's vulva touches Perdita's vulva. Lucy begins to move her hips circularly, she moans and Perdita does it too.

Perdita feels as the extreme of the toy in her body moves following her friend's motions.

Lucy's anus begins to bounce, the female dog looks attentively as her friend moans and growls of pleasure.

The Dalmatian female dog moans with each motion, she closes her forepaws around the neck of Lucy and also she begins to move surprising the other female, she moans when the penis enters and gets out of her vagina.

Soon both females mark the rhythm of their motions in order that they have a good time completely, Lucy caresses with her nose Perdita's chest while the Dalmatian female dedicates herself to lick and biting the German shepherd female dog's neck.

The juices combined of both drip to the rock and the grass, the two clitoris rub each other increasing the pleasure of the two females. Perdita's eyes concentrate in Lucy.

She delights in the sensual look of the female, Perdita joins her mouth to the one of Lucy to kiss her. The tongue of the Dalmatian female dog invades Lucy's mouth searching for the other tongue.

Lucy responds the kiss that lasts for some moments, Lucy and Perdita push their hips and their two point pink press mutually leading to the females to the orgasm.

Their moans and barking of pleasure are calmed by the kiss that they share, their bodies become taut while they discharge juices in abundance forming a puddle of mixture of passion and pleasure.

Lucy moves lightly and her leg slips, the two females roll and fall from the stone while they keep together. Perdita rests back on the grass in the meantime her friend is on her.

Both look at each other to the eyes.

"I never asked you. Why you have such beautiful eyes?" Perdita says licking Lucy's nose affectionately.

"Well it is due to my father, he is a husky." Lucy says looking at Perdita.

"Husky?" Perdita asks with interest. Lucy smiles smoothly.

"The huskies are dogs that live in cold places and with snow, as far I know you will hardly see one here. My father for some reason was in England, I guess that he come for some canine contest and... well my mother was in heat. " Lucy says looking at Perdita.

"I do not know my father, but my mother said that his eyes are like mine, he is now in his birthplace." Lucy says looking at Perdita.

"I love those eyes." Perdita says before she joins her mouth and Lucy's mouth in a new passionate kiss.

Pongo, Perdita, Lucky, Blaze, Pepper, Two-Tone, Cadpig, Rolly, Patch, Tripod, Anita, Roger, Penny, Jewel © Disney

Jack, Lucy, Amanda, Cindy and Kaleb are my characters.

Bad news

The next morning in the barn Perdita wakes up slowly. She is on hay while Jack embraces her from behind. Just like Lucky, she had had a great night. The Dalmatian female feels the respiration of the male on her ear, but besides feels something in her...

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Two pups

In central barn, most of the pups are asleep with the exception of Lucky that looks by the window of the barn next to Blaze. They laugh quietly to not wake up the other pups. Lucky watches the stars until he feels that Blaze squeezes his right...

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