The Beginning of a New Race: Chapter Six
#7 of The Beginning of a New Race
Super short, but I haven't had much time with my packed schedule. Enjoy, and I hope to have more done soon.
The Beginning of a New Race
Chapter Six
The next day came rolling around revealing a fully rested and prepared me. I had taken the insult from Zen to heart, forcing myself not to slip back into sleep when I was woken by the morning Orb's rays. Using the reflection from the water I was given, I started to find the spots where my fur stood up or went the wrong way and eliminated them.
It was a little hard, with my reflection constantly rippling, but I finished the task quickly. Even though I still thought I was a freak compared to my old self, everything looked better than it had before the grooming session.
I sat down on my small sleeping mat and stared out the door, watching the world move about while I stayed motionless. The tall trees that surrounded the village waved slightly, though there didn't seem to be a breeze. The Yellow Orb had made a small amount of leeway in the sky, pushing slowly toward the middle of the sky. It was still only a little above the trees, but that didn't mean much since the days were shorter her than it was said to be on Earth.
My mind started to realize the quietness that had settled on the world, something that I had pushed out of my mind so many times before. I hadn't seen any birds, nor heard the rustle of animals in the bushed just out of sight. It seemed almost as if the world was only inhabited by the Homini, as well as the small group of humans still on the shore.
That brought me to my next thought train, letting me get of one and board another. Would I ever see my people again? I mean, the Homini were my people now, but I didn't know if that would ever be something I could say with complete and utter confidence. At this point in time I felt like nothing more than an outsider that had forced others to care for him. With humans that was never the case of course, but I couldn't picture them receiving me too well if I showed up.
I still get frightened when I see reflections of me when I'm not expecting it. Homini are scary.
I heard footsteps coming from the same place I had last heard Zen's and started to walk out the door, but instead of the one I had been trying to impress and understand, I was greeted by a short red Homini.
He looked as if he had just been told he was no longer aloud to eat dessert. I mean, can you become more pissed than after that happens?
"You... you are the new one correct?" His voice was deep, but not deep enough to conceal his young age. I guessed he was my age, no older. This didn't mean that he was the same level as me though, sadly.
I wondered why the guy had been looking for me. "Yes, that would be me. And may I ask what your name is?"
"No you may not. I am here to show you the village, since you will not be leaving us as soon as we thought. And may I express my emotions on said matter?" Why had Zen not shown up? Was she simply taking a break from me after only one day on the job?
"Yeah, go ahead."
"Sad, very sad."
It was a friendship that would last longer than the Yellow Orb.
"Now shut up, cuz I'm only goin' through this once. I'd rather not waste any more time than I have to."
"Wait, why isn't my Ducit here to do this? She said she would be here..." Had she already had enough? Of me? My heart couldn't stand all the constant changes of emotion.
His face lit up in a large grin, as if he had been waiting for this moment. "Battle my friend. Glorious battle."
We trekked through the village, seeing almost no one the entire time. It was as if the Homini had all gone to fight, yet I couldn't see why they would need to use everyone.
Once again, the Homini were scary as hell.
I mean, if I was ever to face a Homini when I was a human, I'd probably shit my pants. No joking. Even if I was armed to the teeth I would still be scared, and now the entire village was gone to a fight? That wouldn't turn out pretty, not for anyone involved. However, as this Homini in front of me stated, battle was the one thing that they lived for.
I wouldn't be getting behind this fun pastime.
The entire time my new guide droned on about simple things that could mostly be perceived by the naked eye, such as fruit stands and the market, yet he would nevertheless give me an extended history of each site.
We stopped once again on our extensive and dull journey in the middle of a wide empty space filled with tree stumps, each covered by some type of cloth. The very middle a slightly taller and wider stump surrounded by unlit torches.
"So this here is where we Homini meet for any kind of important news. The leader will stand there on the middle stump and speak, while the rest sit unless they have something that could help with the occurring problem. You shall remain silent of course, being that you couldn't possibly have any important news to share."
"May I ask why you dislike me this much? This entire time you have been either shunning me or simply taking punching practice on my self-esteem." I was simply getting tired of it all. Zen didn't treat me like an equal, but that had plenty of reason behind it. This had no motive, at least not to me.
It possibly did though, being that there was much for me to study about the Homini.
"You are a lesser. There is not much more to it other than the simple fact that you were not always a Homini. You should not even be able to walk beside the likes of us, at least not shackled and spurned." He displayed every bit of his distaste for me with the words, but decided that spitting on me with each syllable would really imprint the lesson on my brain.
"I may be from another race, but I am one of the Homini now, no more or less than you. At least I have the dignity to try to learn about the things I don't know. Like your stuck up ass."
Too far? Not in my mind.
He drew himself up as tall as he could, trying to tower over me. He was to short however, and only manage to bring himself up to eye level. "I have every reason to have my ass higher than your ugly face! You should have died by now, if not from the transformation, at least from execution. Your scum ought to... ought to fall of the face of our beautiful planet!"
With that, my fist decided to land on the side of his muzzle, creating a sickening crunch. His hands flew to his snout which had already started to bleed. He doubled over and started moaning, not attempting to retaliate. I felt pretty good.
"So how does your pure blood feel pouring out of your nose, huh? I'd tell you that I know the feeling, but that would be dishonest. Even if that's what you expect from me." With that I walked away from the short red canine and started making my way back to my shack.
A smothered voice came from behind me. "This won't go unpunished scum. You won't look back on this day with pleasure ever in your senseless life."
Too late, I already had.