The Life Of A Retired Champion

Story by Joshiah on SoFurry

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#30 of Transformation Stories

Not all champions retire and spend their lives in a state of boredom and loss. Some of them actually live very exciting, interesting lives, like in the case of Ren, in this commission for Renfear!

In their story, a former champion of Mareth (See CoC) finds himself retired to another world, running a small tavern that serves drinks and specials that can't be found anywhere else in the land. He's overrun with customers, however, and finds himself in need of a little extra help.

The new help, a slim, timid otter by the name of Rukai, has no idea what he's really signing up for when he takes the new position. A second, canine cock sprouting from his crotch is just the beginning!

As always, read, comment and enjoy!

The life of a champion simply wasn't the same pulse-pounding, adrenaline rush that it used to be when they finally hung up the sword, put away the armor and called it quits for their lifetime.

Some of the old skills might remain, and certainly, a thirst for adventure and battle would be a hard thing to get rid of, but at the end of it, the truly best warriors knew when their time was up, and when to call it a career.

Many of them simply didn't know how to adjust, and that created an awkward disconnect between most champions and the real world, regardless of exactly what they were a champion in. Be it a great warrior, a terrific athlete, an egghead, or a linguist for the ages, there was something about being so great that set them apart from the rest of society, making a simple and clean transition back into the real world a nigh impossibility.

Ren was doing the best that he could at it, and truth be told, he was one of the lucky few who was making a relatively solid adjustment.

His time in the land of Mareth had been the stuff of legends: there was no foul demon, creature or beast that he couldn't defeat, entire pillars and bastions of evil and corruption fell at his behest, and many of those who knew him in that time called him a truly righteous and powerful hero, the one that the land of Mareth had been waiting for.

On the flip side of that coin, however, were those who saw him at his worst, as well; a land that was on the brink of total collapse saw their champion follow almost exactly the same path, giving in to the temptations of many of the same demons and beasts that he slaughtered...gnolls, goblins and even some of the more powerful dragons alike either had their way with Ren, or found themselves on the other end of his lustful desires, only to question if he was really the pure and upstanding hero that some people made him out to be.

It was, naturally, the kind of dichotomy that most heroes picked up during their adventures, and if you were to ask Ren directly, he might not tell you the entire truth, but if one wandered around his new establishment, they might get a glance of just how true some of the stories about him were.

There were hides from slaughtered creatures, framed up and decorating the walls of the entrance, giving the place the feel of a truly legendary domicile. It was a bar, and perhaps a simple and rustic one at that, but it was rich and decorated with the history of Ren's least, all of the ones that he was willing to talk about. The bar itself was carved from one of the tallest, proudest trees that once stood in Mareth, and no one could be sure if the rumors were true or not, that the tree had actually been the embodiment of Marae, herself...but truly drunken patrons would complain, late at night, that the counter of the bar was whining at them, telling them to lift their cold, spilling drinks from her bosom.

Drunks often had a way of exaggerating things, of course, and Ren would deny that rumor up and down, as well, all while showing you the fancy bar stools, most of them built from the bones of fallen creatures, and given the most delicate and soft of cushions to adorn the tops, handmade in the land of Tel'Adre. They added something of a gorgeous touch to the bar that felt nearly out of place, as the rest of it was entirely simple, but the cushions were covered with gold lace and bright, vibrant greens and blues, providing what Ren would describe as the "perfect amount of contrast for a bar of my style."

It was clear that the former champion was having trouble leaving his checkered past in Mareth behind, just by the way that the bar was decorated, but even the food and drinks mirrored the mystical land, at least, to a point. There were things on the menu that people were hesitant to order, and of course, there was a thin line to be drawn in the sand over drinks: there were those who would order a drink once, and then never order it again, much less return to the bar, and those who would order a drink once...and then order it over and over again, as if they were possessed by a gluttonous demon. Some even claimed that they were so addicted that might die without having a drink or two each day, and of course, Ren was happy to oblige anyone who reached such a point, and even encourage them to have a couple extra on the house.

He was quite a successful businessman, if nothing else, and his bar was thriving with business, as people from all over the world that he'd stumbled into flooded the bar each night, wanting to hear stories of the mystical land of Mareth, and the fascinating creatures that once lived there, and perhaps, still did.

The only drawback that Ren could find was that his time was being strung thin, and he didn't know if he could continue to keep up with the crowds on his own, anymore. Patrons kept the bar packed to the gills, and though there was a small inn with several rooms on the second floor, that didn't make getting people out of the bar any easier; it made things entirely harder for him, and that was the double-edged sword of his success. He was nearly swimming in money of all different currencies and countries, but for a man who still maintained such a powerful and healthy figure, the work was running him ragged, and he was finally out of options.

"So, what makes you think that you're qualified to work at the Twisted Tales Tavern?"

Twisted Tales Tavern, often referred to by the locals of the strange new land as "Triple T," seemed like the perfect choice of a name for the establishment. Ren had no problem admitting that most of his customer base was as messed up and twisted as they came, and he happily indulged them, knowing that such places were few and far between, in the new world that he'd discovered.

"W-well, I've got four years experience tending bar across the city, a-and I know how to make a lot of d-different drinks," replied a nervous, stuttering male. It was clear that this was his first interview in a while, and based on just how shaky and jittery he was, it seemed that he didn't have to apply for his old job, either. It was likely that he simply came across it, and now, he was on the hunt for something bigger and better, having proven his skills at a place he likely didn't want to work anyway.

"That's a good start," Ren replied, as he sat with the new prospect at one of the many tables in a currently empty bar. It was only a few hours before the doors would open to a crowd of thirsty customers, meaning that the poor fool wouldn't have much time to be trained, but then again, Ren felt that a trial by fire was often the best way to test someone and get them to show their true colors. "But I need a little bit more than tasty drinks. Do you have interesting stories to tell people while they wait? Do you mind having to deal with customers who might be more than a little...touchy feely?"

It was that kind of a bar, of course, and that was one of the biggest reasons that Ren had trouble denying the stories of his own corruption in Mareth. The rooms on the second floor were meant for sleeping in, but it was rare that anyone actually slept in them, and of course, there were those who didn't have the money or the care for a the seedy, dark corners of the bar made for just enough privacy to act on whatever lustful desires they might be drinking themselves into. Worse still, there were those who actually wanted a crowd, and so, it wasn't uncommon to see a couple at the bar acting out their wildest fantasies with a captive audience.

"I've had to deal with g-grabby people my whole career," the small, timid otter admitted, his voice still carrying just a little bit of a stutter, something that Ren couldn't help finding somewhat adorable. "And I've had plenty of different stories c-come through in my time, I could just recite them?"

"That works for me!" Ren cheered, perhaps more impressed with his own desire for the otter than his desire for actual help around the bar. Just having a second body to help handle all of the duties of running the place would be a huge help, but then again, there were multiple fringe benefits that Ren was planning on taking advantage of. He just didn't know if he could wait for the bar to open to start doing so...and of course, the poor otter, small and slim as he was, needed a little extra training before the doors opened. "I've got a feeling we have a few items on the menu here that you won't be familiar with, though, so I'll have to give you a...let's say, brief rundown of how everything works around here, and what you'll need to watch out for."

The otter gulped back in his narrow throat as he watched the taller, thicker wolf stand up from the table and walk over to the bar. "W-watch out for? Is this job d-dangerous?"

"Only when things get a little bit out of hand, but with you around as help, I don't think that'll ever happen again," Ren suggested, able to see just how nervous and jumpy his potential new assistant was. "What's your name, by the way?"

Hopping up quickly from the table, wanting to make a good first impression for his new boss, the otter scooted right over to follow the thick, gray wolf behind the counter. "My name is Rukai...but most p-people call me Rook, for short."

"Sounds good. I like Rook...makes sense, too, since you're a total rookie at this place," Ren explained, offering up a quick chuckle, in the hopes that his joke would cause Rukai to relax a little bit. The otter smiled nervously through small, sharp fangs, keeping his paws politely clasped in front of his torso, atop of a plain, white t-shirt and a pair of brown cargo shorts. He was as simple an otter as he could be, making him the perfect fit for such a bar, and with innocent eyes of powder blue hiding under longer locks of blonde headfur, he was the kind of cute that few people could resist going after, and perhaps fewer still could resist corrupting."Come on back here behind the counter, and I can show you some of our more unique wares."

In his few years of working at a fairly normal bar, Rukai had been exposed to plenty of loud, boisterous drunks, and despite his thought that he had an extensive knowledge of cocktails, both common and uncommon, there was a customer every now and again who would come into the bar and ask for something that he'd never heard of before. Rare as those moments were, he was sure that he had a lot to learn, so he followed right behind Ren, not knowing that by accepting this job, he'd accepted a responsibility much greater than serving drinks and telling stories to sad and lowly drunks.

"What kind of stuff is it? Bitters? Cherries? Grenadine? Wormwood?"

"You really do know your stuff when it comes to typical additives, don't you?" Ren asked, looking back over his shoulder with a smirk. "A knowledge like yours will come in quite handy for the customers who are looking for such mild and modest drinks."

Rukai raised a brow. "I didn't t-think most of the drinks I made w-were modest..."

"They might be strong, and stiff, but they're still not quite to the level of the drinks that we serve over here, I assure you," Ren continued, as he reached down under the counter, coming up with a handful of oddly shaped peppers. He placed them on the bar top and bent back down, and for just a moment, Rukai had a chance to gaze shamelessly over Ren's backside, as the wolf's tail couldn't keep from lifting a little bit in his bent, prone position. Obviously, Ren was very trusting when he found the right apprentice, and certainly, Rukai seemed to be the perfect fit. "I get the feeling you've never made drinks with the likes of these before."

"I've made all kinds of drinks with jalapenos and h-habaneros," Rukai started to explain, but when he actually looked over the peppers, he couldn't keep from tilting his head in confusion. One of them was split down the middle, as if it were two peppers, and another almost looked more like an eggplant, with a thick, bulbous base upon it. "But...I've never seen anything l-like those before!"

"You can stop stuttering any time now," Ren jabbed at his new assistant. "Cute as it is, we'll have to work that out of you before the bar opens...and I'd imagine you've never seen these before. They come from a place you've likely never heard of...lady by the name of Whitney gave them to me. Nice girl, but I could never seem to crack her code..."

"They're the strangest p-p...damn it...peppers that I've ever seen," Rukai admitted, cursing at himself for failing to fix his own stutter. "What kinds of alcohol do they mix well with?"

Ren gathered up a small knife and began slicing into a couple of the peppers, while keeping the other items that he'd gathered hidden from sight, at least, for the moment. "Whatever you want, really. Each one has a unique taste, but when you blend them into most kinds of alcohol, the burn overwhelms the flavor of the peppers. Most people don't even notice that they're there..."

There was sly curve at the end of Ren's statement, one that made his voice sound like something that Rukai couldn't trust as he took a gentle sniff at the air. The peppers were indeed spicy, but the way that they tingled at his nostrils was actually somewhat pleasant and invigorating, as if they were daring him to take a taste. "Then...what's the point of them?"

"People come here because they know the drinks are doing something funny to them, but they can't be sure of exactly what that is, unless they come back and try it again. Here," Ren offered, putting his palm forth with a small slice of pepper in it, "Try this. It'll help if you know what I'm talking about, instead of just looking for that behavior in customers."

Everything in Rukai's mind was telling him that this was a bad, no...a terrible idea. His better judgment told him it would be best to go to the other side of town and beg for his old job back, but if he had any pride, it was in standing by a choice once he made it, and he'd decided never to return to that place.

Once he tasted the pepper, however, he'd find himself in a place he could never return from.

The rind of the pepper had a slight crunch to it, one that was pleasing to Rukai's fangs as he chewed it. The spices were just as delightful to taste as they were to smell, and they warmed his belly as the chewed up remains settled down into his gullet. "That really is tasty...mind if I have another piece? I haven't had much to eat lately."

"My pleasure," Ren replied, and still, his voice was dripping with a sinister notion that Rukai couldn't ignore, but the growling of a poor, unemployed stomach was much stronger than that. He took a larger slice and gulped it right down, and his worrisome, thin lips turned into a cheeky grin as some sort of confidence began to build up in the back of his chest.

Some of that confidence, it seemed, was headed straight for his crotch, but he tried to ignore the sensation, even as blood rushed to his most vital organ and began to fill it. It could simply have been a side effect; this place did have such a reputation, after all.

"What do you think?" Ren asked, able to see that the pepper was already working on the once innocent Rukai. From a place that was so rich with corruption that it literally fed the soil, being fed to a young man who was clearly as innocent as the day was long, it would be an instant and irresistible that Rukai couldn't understand, but couldn't stop, either. "Pretty good, aren't they?"

"They're amazing!" Rukai quickly replied, taking one last chunk of the other, larger pepper and stuffing it right into his maw. It had a slightly chewier texture and less spice to it, but it was enjoyable all the same, even as he could feel precum starting to stain the inside of his boxers. It was such a strange sensation to be so irrationally aroused by eating peppers, but Rukai couldn't question it, as his mind was easily taken in by the warming thrill that ran through every fiber of his being.

Ren could only grin as he saw a look in the powder blue eyes of his new apprentice, one that said he'd be much more pliable as the evening went on. "I'm glad you like them so much. As long as we have a few to spare, you can have as many as you like," he offered, knowing that Rukai wouldn't be able to resist getting his paws on them before too long. "Need something to wash all of that spice down with? I can mix you up our special cocktail for the evening, so you know how to make it for customers. We'll be the only bar in the whole world that sells it!"

Before Rukai could answer, the wolf was already gathering a couple of different bottles onto the counter. Rukai watched with a giddiness that he couldn't explain as the wolf procured a glass from under the counter and set it down with something of an authority, making sure it wouldn't wobble when his paw came away. The first liquid to go in was obviously a white rum, but on top of that, a thick, dark liquid of light-sealing black was poured in. The two liquids coiled around each other in strange, dripping tendrils, as if they were fighting for dominance of the glass they rested in, but then, a thick helping of a white cream splashed upon the whole mess, and it came to settle, leaving a strange foam at the top of the glass.

"I call it a 'Stormy Sea,' as you could gather by the look of it. Just add the amounts of each liquid that I showed you, and it'll be a best seller this evening."

Rukai could hardly contain himself. He hastily took the glass, unable to ignore the throbbing in his pants, one that was so great that it felt as though he had two thick, bulging cocks sticking out from his crotch. For some reason, it was all drawing him to anything that he found enticing, and the strange liquid, really looking like a miniature version of the ocean in a glass, was extremely enticing to him.

Perhaps he wasn't supposed to take it as a shot, but he gulped the healthy quantity of the liquid down and set the glass back on the counter. Each layer of flavor was unique and delightful, from the first layer of cream, clearly some kind of sweet, blissful milk, to the black liquid that he couldn't identify, all wrapped up around a pleasant, smooth rum. There wasn't even a burn at the end as Rukai let out a breath of satisfaction and gazed at Ren with lidded eyes.

Everything was going to plan for the wolf, who gave his new apprentice a knowing look. "You okay, buddy? Can't hold your booze? You look a little silly."

"I f-feel greeeeeeeeat..." Rukai tried to explain, despite knowing that his words were already slurred. It wasn't that he was drunk, however, at least, not with alcohol. His body was beginning to shiver from the number of different substances he'd put into it, and there was no doubt in his mind by then that the peppers were doing something strange to his manhood. He could actually see a thin trail of his own precum leaking down the inside of his thigh, out from the bottom of his shorts as Ren began looking at him like he was just a piece of meat to be devoured, and yet, he didn't find the look terrifying; he found it thrilling, and he was curious what was going to happen to him next.

"Then why don't we focus on making you feel even better, hm? I think you'll come to appreciate your new body, in time," Ren explained. Just one gaze from the domineering wolf was all it took for Rukai to start wiggling out of his loose fitting cargo shorts, exposing his full, thick erection, and just above it, the start of a second penis was evident, as it began wiggling through the thin, pubic fur around his groin. It was small to start, but growing rapidly as Rukai leaned back against the counter, overcome with a sudden wave of pleasure and finding that his footpaws simply couldn't keep him upright anymore. The second length continued growing until it was almost as long and thick as the first, and the precum from it drooled and dripped down to the lower cock, providing him with a weird sort of self-sustaining pleasure, something that he'd never dreamed possible before.

It was all thanks to the peppers, of course, but the drink that followed was going to change him in a much more dramatic that he could only just feel starting as Ren knelt down behind the counter and playfully examined each of the cocks with his bare paws. "Seems like you had a little too much of the double pepper...I'm not surprised. They can be very tasty," he pointed out, all while his eyes shamelessly ogled over the otter's twin lengths. Of course, they didn't look much like the flesh of an otter, anymore, but more like a canine...and even then, they weren't allowed to settle exactly on that form; it was merely a pit stop, on the way to a much greater change, one that left Rukai nearly slumped over the counter as simply impossible quantities of precum spilled from his cocks, leaving a growing puddle on the floor behind the counter.

"I can feel y-you staring at them," Rukai gasped, emphasizing just how sensitive his flesh had become, thanks to the quantity of peppers he'd consumed. Of course, the thicker, larger pepper that he tasted put a pair of knots in his new, canine lengths, and there was already scarcely enough room for them to be sitting on top of each other as they were. With the knots in place, Rukai couldn't even press his thighs back together, finding that he was too well-endowed and equipped to even consider such a thought. All the while, Ren was merely teasing the poor otter, who felt as though he was sinking into the ocean, but not in the normal way that an otter might be used to. He could feel Ren finally reaching out and working some of the excess precum back into his flesh, tickling and teasing each of his cocks with subtle grasps as the otter came closer and closer to falling on his ass, even with his thick, powerful tail keeping him upright.

What truly started to freak him out was the fact, not that his cocks were getting thicker, but that his tail was getting thicker.

"I'm doing more than staring," Ren reminded him, as if Rukai couldn't feel those delicate, teasing pawtips on the shafts of his cock, or the slippery, flat tongue of the wolf slurping up the generous helping of clear, slick fluid that spilled endlessly over. "And it seems that you're still not done changing."

Rukai had become a willing vector for the sexual appetite of Ren, who was showing just how corrupted he really had become, albeit to a private audience. The bar would be opening in mere hours, and for all he knew, their fun might not even be over by then, especially with the already thin pubic furs of the otter beginning to fade, giving way to something a little different...a little more smooth and slippery to the touch.

"Wh-what...what the hell?" Rukai asked, gasping both from the sexual delights of a tongue around each of his cocks, and the sight of a smooth, white underbelly starting to spread up and across his torso, taking the place of the thin, tan fur that was once his abdomen and chest. The dark brown fur upon the outside of his body was starting to fade as well, as a thicker, gray substance took the place of it, something that Rukai found leathery to the touch, as he brushed one of his webbed paws across it.

The webbing, it seemed, wasn't going anywhere, but it didn't take a genius to figure out what the "Stormy Sea" was doing to the poor, pliable otter. "Hold still, would you? I'm trying to guzzle down all of this precum!" Ren shouted at the wobbling otter, maintaining a position of dominance no matter what the situation was. Rukai was standing over him, but still felt like Ren was in control as the wolf could feel the texture of the canine cock changing as it sat upon his tongue...there was something a bit more smooth about it, and just from looking, the wolf could see an unnatural curve growing in the flesh of the shaft.

D-dolphin...I'm becoming a dolphin! Rukai felt mental panic setting in as his muzzle shot outward, growing longer and thinner as his transformation continued, well out of his control. His fangs came closer together as the bones in his jaw shifted, but somehow, it all stopped short of him actually falling and flopping down on the floor...he was able to keep some of his humanoid appearance and abilities, all while having the textures, look, and sexual gear of a dolphin, something that Ren found exactly to his liking as he attacked the twin cocks with a renewed sense of arousal.

The last of the changes went on almost entirely unnoticed by the pair as Ren jerked both members with his paws, trying to adjust to the unique and definitive curve of each one as he realized that simply stroking Rukai to orgasm would be a waste. Rukai himself could hardly see straight anymore as the myriad of chemicals and substances tortured his body, leaving him to finally fall forward...but not before Ren rolled over onto his own back. Somehow, it seemed he preferred to be on bottom, and yet, he was still running the show, as the wolf shimmied out of his jeans and kicked them away, knowing that he was laying in a puddle of precum...and simply loving that thought.

"We're not nearly done here,'re not an official employee just yet!" Ren reminded him, knowing that Rukai would hardly remember the hiring process, at that point. The wolf could still feel simply insane quantities of precum spilling from each of the cocks, providing more lubrication than anyone could ever need as Ren stretched out on the floor, the toned, rippling muscles of his abdomen flexing in a form of showing off for Rukai, letting the former otter see just how powerful he still was, even with his days of adventuring behind him. The more enticing target for Rukai was the tailhole that was perfectly exposed, however, and within seconds, the dolphin-morph was jabbing one of his long, curved cocks as the spot, but not because he entirely wanted was the look in Ren's eyes, deep and lustful, and somehow controlling, that was telling Rukai that he had no choice in the matter.

Acting obedient, even with the power to control the moment, Rukai obeyed, and continued mindlessly jabbing the tip of his cock at Ren's ass, even as the last of his transformation came to an end, in the form of his thicker, longer tail parting at the end with a sharp, sleek fin. He whirled back around and watched as Ren grinned through his fangs, backing his rump up onto the lower cock of the dolphin and effectively fucking himself with it while he gripped the higher cock and pinned it to his own manhood, holding the two drizzling rods of flesh together and rubbing his slick paws over them as the dolphin gave in to whatever desires Ren could impose on him, bucking his hips wildly as he found entrance into the wolf to be a surprisingly easy task, despite the tight and stalwart resistance he felt from the first few prods at Ren's asshole.

"It''s not hurting you?" Rukai asked through a slow and low gasp, surprised that Ren could so easily take such a long, thick piece of flesh with hardly any preparation, but on his question, he was given little more than an angry glare from Ren, who wrapped his legs around the lower back of the smaller, weaker creature, forcing him to plow more of the transformed flesh into Ren's body, whether or not he was actually willing to. The wolf could only grunt and grin as he bucked his hips, sliding around in the messy puddle of precum that had formed before and treating Rukai as if he were merely a living sex toy.

It was already so erotic that even Ren was starting to feel a bit lightheaded, but he wasn't sure that he could stop himself there. There were so many other substances to use, so many other ways that the pair could transform each other, even as they writhed about on the floor, feeling a passion and pleasure that might not even be possible without the use of some sort of mind-altering substances.

There was only one other that came to mind for Ren, however, and he'd left it down in the corner of the bar...right where he could still reach it.

It was a small bottle, one that said "LB" on the front of it...something that he knew stood for LaBova. He'd had tiny drops of it here and there, mixed in with his drinks...but he knew that it could do something far more than tickle his insides if he had enough of it, and while staring Rukai right in the eyes, he reached over, popped the top off of it, and swigged the whole bottle right down, gulping each thick, milky drop into his throat and swallowing it with a lusty grin, followed by a long, drawn out sigh of delight.

Rukai couldn't grasp the gravity of what had happened, but his upper cock, the one that was being stroked against Ren's own manhood, suddenly felt a lack of friction as Ren's own flesh began to retreat into his body. It was never a good idea to drink so much of a transformation liquid at once, and some of the excess had even spilled down over his neck, giving off a simply erotic illusion of spilled seed upon his chin, but Rukai knew something more had to be happening as his upper cock came into contact with something a little different...something warmer. It was delightfully wet, too, and when he glanced down to their hips, he could see that Ren wasn't just shrinking away...his cock was gone completely, and in the place of it, a small slit was growing, though it scarcely looked wide enough to be anything that could handle a fully grown dolphin cock.

That, of course, didn't mean that Ren wasn't willing to try. Even as the thick and flat muscles of his pecs seemed to soften up, Rukai could feel Ren gripping at the upper rod and grinding the very tip of it, still drooling with precum, right into the new orifice between his legs, trying to entice the poor dolphin to give the other hole a try. Rukai still felt like he didn't have a choice in the matter, and even if Ren's legs weren't wrapped around his lower back, he wasn't sure that he could move away, as if the chains of control didn't wrap around his body, but his mind, instead...exactly as Ren was hoping they would.

Poisoned, pleasured and too lost in his own desires to make heads or tails of the situation, Rukai gave a weak jab forward, and Ren gripped the base of the length, pulling it right into his newly born vaginal walls and piercing himself on it. It was the first time Rukai had ever been part of any kind of double penetration, and in way that he'd never dreamed was possible, as both of his cocks were suddenly being milked by skillful, squeezing inner walls, ones that threatened to drain the very cum from his body as he reached down, gripping Ren's chest for support.

It wasn't nearly as firm as he was expecting, now that a pair of breasts were budding atop of the muscles. They were soft enough that Rukai could gently squeeze them in his new, different paws and hold onto them as he was forcefully drawn into the dominant wolf, able to see the illusion that his body was nothing more than a vessel for the pleasure of the wolf.

"T-tell me...just how good it feels..." Ren groaned, his voice dripping with lust as he kept his eyes squarely on Rukai's, refusing to give the poor, abused creature any kind of a break. " NOW!"

Rukai was nearly frightened by just how intense Ren could be, even when he was on the receiving end of something, but he still howled out with pleasure as he felt both sets of inner walls clenching around his cock at the same time, so powerfully that they stopped him mid-thrust, creating a moment of both pleasure and discomfort for the dolphin, the likes of which he'd never known before. "It's's incredible! It's so much b-better than I...ohgod...oooooohgod..."

"Than you w-what?" Ren demanded, wanting to hear the full thought and praise of the dolphin as his hips rose to meet the every thrust of the transformed creature, filling the empty with the loud, brutal slaps of hips against hips, and his sack against the tight, perky cheeks of Ren's backside. Quiet, slippery schlicks filled the empty spaces between the contact as the cocks simply glistened and dripped with a healthy mixture of feminine juices and more precum than any male had ever made before, and whatever gap of silence might be left, it was filled by raspy, desperate panting as the pair rolled on, gaining traction and getting closer to an inevitable climax.

"Than I ever dreamed...than I ever could h-have hoped for! F-fuck!" Rukai cried out, knowing that the only thing keeping him from finishing was the mild confusion and concern in the back of his mind about what he'd gotten himself into. It wasn't enough to do the trick as Ren hammered his hips into the base of Rukai's crotch, buckling the dolphin over onto him so that he could wrap his arms tight around the back of the former otter and squeeze him in place, barely letting him move as the first traces of his seed finally spilled inside both holes of the eager wolf.

It was nothing short of heavenly for Ren, who couldn't contain his elation any longer. Rukai was going to be a perfect assistant, and he was passing the test with flying colors as his cocks passed along a quantity of cum that put the precum earlier to shame; near rivers of the white, sticky mess began pouring into Ren, filling his newly born womb past the capacity it could take in an instant, all while his asshole was stuffed over and over again, with excess seed spilling and dripping everywhere, making a small pond behind the bar. Wanting to see more of that mess for himself, Ren gripped the base of Rukai's higher cock, all in the middle of his own orgasm, and held it upon her tummy, letting it spray and spill over the breasts that had come to feel so natural on his chest, coating his otherwise light gray fur with a shimmer of white that he prayed wouldn't be going away anytime soon.

For just a moment, as Ren lay there panting, trying to adjust to the different feeling of a female orgasm, and the way that Rukai cried out with inhuman delight at both of his cocks being emptied at once, he couldn't help daydreaming that he was back in Mareth once again, living out the horrible, corrupted exploits that made him such a legend in the first place. "C-cumming...I can't s-stop cumming! Fuck! It's too much! P-please, make it stop!" Rukai's screams of discomfort as his body and swollen balls continued to pump, spraying errant, creamy cum up to Ren's cheeks and lips simply cemented the feeling, as Ren looked up past the eyes of his new assistant, gazing at the ceiling. In the physical world, it was just boring wood paneling and a roof, but in his mind, in that daydreaming moment, it was the endless skies of Mareth, and upon him was a defeated demon, one that he wouldn't let out of his clutches until he was finished with them, if the day ever came that he was.

It was a pleasant thought, and the kind of daydream that he easily could have drifted off to sleep with...if not for the first customers of the evening walking through the door only seconds later.

"Well, up and at 'em, daddy! We've got customers to take care of!"

Rukai was barely conscious when the customers came in the door, but the words of Ren were what really caused him to stir. "D...Daddy?"

"You didn't think you could pour that much cum into someone without knocking them up, did you?"


"I thought I told you we were gonna have to work on that stutter," Ren reminded him, as he stood up, still dripping with a flood of seed as he rested behind the bar, addressing his customers fully in the nude.

"Welcome to the Twisted Tales Tavern...boy, have I got a fun new story for you all to enjoy tonight!"

The New Man On Campus, Chapter Three

Life was starting to feel a bit more normal for Marcus once again, or rather, Marc, the name that he was used to being called, anymore. Weeks had gone by, and he wasn't any closer to being his old, human self. Some days, he forgot that Marcus was...

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Paralyzed By Fear, Released By Pleasure

In the wild, the laws of normal society simply didn't always apply. What was considered to be wrong and foul by some was commonplace in nature, as the animals that filled it didn't have the same logic as upright creatures. They couldn't process the...

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Serinthia's Dance With the Coyote

On a Friday night at the Gryphon's Den, it was a difficult task to find anyone who was completely stone-cold sober. Of course, most of the people there on a Friday night weren't entirely drunk, either. A good portion of them were simply riding a...

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