I Like to Watch...Eighth Glance

Story by GabrielClyde on SoFurry

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#8 of I Like to Watch

Ahhh the joys of renting a new place, especially when the landlord is a hot daddy bull cop living next door. Sometimes you need to learn restraint though, and when our fox Colin finds he can spy on his landlord's son doing his nightly workout wearing nothing but a jockstrap, he let's himself get a bit carried away, to his cost.

As usual, faves votes or comments are always appreciated.

It started off promisingly enough, and I had no idea my life was about to change. Moving for work, I needed a place to stay in an unfamiliar city. My new employers gave me a referral to an accommodation agency and I took it from there.

After rejecting a few less than inspiring choices, and the granny flat off an old Californian Bungalow owned by a pair of octogenarian spinster mice was a personal favourite, I struck gold or so I thought. A nice modern townhouse, two storey, with all modern conveniences. I could even ignore the ultra fashionable mushroom and ecru décor because of certain added extras.

The townhouse was the property of a bull called Mike, mid 40's, and obviously proud of his creation. I went around to see the place and meet my potential new landlord, and he was an open and garrulous type, if a bit intimidating. He was a cop, and that always did something to me right in the groin. His handshake almost crushed my much smaller fox paw and his slap on my back drove the wind from my lungs for an hour, but I also felt a tingle from the slap that made me want to grip my cock and relieve some pent up tension.

The property was also right next to his house, so it was even more important that I was ok with my landlord. He had come up with the idea to make some money from his existing home, and it was in an increasingly fashionable area close to the city so perfect for my needs. The main house was an old style Victorian weatherboard, long and narrow like the block of land it was on, and it had originally had a decent back yard. No more; he had subdivided off the back and built this townhouse on it, and the two properties shared a garage. I would be living cheek by jowl with my landlord, but as I eyed up his broad torso and sizable daddy style muscle gut, not to mention the awe inspiring bulge in his uniform pants, I felt that was no problem at all.

I had already decided to take it when an additional benefit sealed the deal. We were standing in the big garage looking over the spot where my boxes could be stored when another bull came in. This one was younger though, about eighteen, but in other respects a spitting image of the owner. It transpired that this was his son.

"Hey, come meet our new tenant Roy, Mister Gordon, meet Roy, and don't let him give you any crap or he will answer to me."

The young bull had a sweet cheeky smile and a handshake just like his father. He wasn't as big but he seemed to be making a serious attempt to get there, an opinion confirmed when he headed to a corner of the garage and started hauling heavy metallic objects around.

"Roy is a bit of a weight training nut. Every night he is in here, like clockwork. Don't mind him, but I would advise against being downwind of him after a session, young bastard hasn't learned how to shower properly yet."

"I heard that Dad!"

The youngster's grin told me they bantered like this often. I looked them both over as surreptitiously as I could, noting the brown and white fur, the long braided headfur on the youngster and the short clipped locks of his father, and their physiques. A chip off the old block was Roy, apart from the heafur, and one other little detail; he had a ring in his eyebrow.

My new landlord saw my gaze and chuckled.

"Trendy amongst his university crowd. Can't stand the things myself; what's wrong with looking neat and presentable? You get it, don't you mate. Can tell you like to look professional."

"Well yes, in my job..."

"See son? Professional. You are going to have to be that one day!"

He didn't let me get more than a few words out, which seemed a recurring pattern, before slapping my back again and bellowing at his calf with that big deep voice that went right through me to the tip of my tail. I didn't mind. He was like all the guys I ever fantasised about when I was younger. Come to think of it, he was like all the guys I fantasised about even now.

The youngster grunted and ignored his dad, as was right and proper and the natural order of the universe. He just kept on moving heavy weights around like they were made of paper. His biceps bulged though, and I could see the effort in his body. His chest flexed and pressed his nipples to the fabric of his rugby top. I had to look at the ground lest I make an ass of myself.

"So mate, are you in?"

I most definitely was.

Moving in was easy enough, as I had very little of my own down yet. A few boxes, which I could leave in the garage until I was ready to unpack, some basics for the kitchen, and bedding and a computer. And clothes of course; my landlord was right, I did like to look my best and I had the suits to prove it.

The bull and his calf helped me anyway, lugging boxes and bags for me even though it made me feel a little embarrassed. It also did all sorts of bad things for me to see them up close again. The calf was wearing a pair of running shorts and a singlet top. I could see his armpits, the tufts of soft darker hair in his depths, and the beginnings of a thicket between his pecs. I could also smell him; his father wasn't wrong about his washing habits, but I found it enticing anyway. The rich, dank scent of teenage bull was something I hadn't smelt in a while, and it filled my snout like honey. Musky, deep, it spoke of change rooms in highschool and sheaths damp with precum and the first exciting times sharing a guy's body. I almost dropped a box on my paws when he bent over to put something in a cupboard and I got a glimpse of the top of his ass poking above his shorts, with a little tuft of hair just under his tail acting as gatekeeper to a deep dark crevice.

"Feeling at home Colin?"

It took me a second to realise the bull was talking to me. I was too busy staring at his son's ass.

"I said, feeling at home, Colin?"


I was saved from further embarrassment by a slap on the back

"That's the way mate. Now, let's get you sorted."

"Sorted" seemed to mean making sure I could fine every single light switch and cupboard in the place. The hall cupboard proved to be useful, and I was grateful for it's bounty.

"Ahh yeah...last tenant left a few things."

I could see that, and it was no problem at all. An ironing board, some lightglobes, some fuse wire and some basic tools, all could come in handy for me. There was something I was not expecting there though; an old pair of binoculars.

"Ohh yeah, last tenant liked watching the birds in the trees down the side fence he said."


I didn't mind birds I supposed, but they weren't anything to write home about. Still, perhaps I could find other uses for them.

My first night in the guys had me round for dinner to celebrate. To my surprise it was the calf who cooked. Vegetarian, but in a house full of herbivores I couldn't really complain. Maybe I could go out for a hamburger afterwards.

What it lacked in meat it more than made up for in bulk. The calf in particular seemed to be shovelling it all in like it was his last meal.

"He needs plenty to feed that growing body, all the grunt and groan hey Roy?"


"Don't speak with your muzzle full calf, you have company now you hear!"


The last was accompanied by a dull thud as the bull slapped his son on the shoulder. It sounded like two ships colliding, and the calf managed to look wounded but kept on shovelling dahl into his muzzle.

"Bloody young cunt, if his mother could see him now I would be getting a shitload of grief..."

I had wondered about that, and the bull's expression didn't invite much conversation. Instead we talked about football, which I contributed very little to, and police work, which I also said not much about, and Roy's studies, which I tried at least to engage with but the bull seemed mostly interested in complaining about his son's progress.

"Too much time lifting weights and not enough time studying I think."

"Aww c'mon dad. I study plenty."

"Want you to have a better career than your old man is all..."

I felt a little pang of something then, seeing the big bull obviously feeling a bit vulnerable.

"I think you have done a great job Mike. And Roy is a credit..."

"He has his moments, don't you calf?"

"Awww dad don't get soppy in front of company..."

He gave the youngster an affectionate head pat and which turned into a headlock. The calf was pissed off now, snorting hard enough to make his nosering bounce.

"Arm wrestle you to see who does the dishes then."

I almost creamed my pants watching this full on masculine display. The calf was into it too, and not intimidated. They both took their tops off, which raised the temperature another ten degrees for me, and lined up on the kitchen table with intent to maim.


Sweating, straining, they went at it. Muscles bulged, and I got to eye off a pair of most impressive biceps, straining shoulders, and the concentration on a pair of bull faces that was almost comical. The calf had his eyes almost crossed, and his nose wrinkled, and his horns seemed to quiver as he fought for ascendancy.

"Ughhh...getting stronger you bastard..."

"Yeah, unlike you old bull...I can see the grey in your headfur, bet its why you keep it shaved and...ahhhhhhhhhhh..."

The youngster had made a strategic mistake. Don't rile up a middle aged guy about his age especially if you want something. It just made the bull more determined, I could see, and he grunted and grimaced and slowly forced his son's fist to the table where it finally slammed with enough force to rattle the kitchen.

"Cocky shit. You can clean out the gutters next weekend too for good measure."

The calf was leaning over the table panting, but I caught him giving me a glance and a wink and a smile. He really was a cocky shit, but I found him endearing in all sorts of ways.

"Now dessert..."

Foxes may find vegetarian food a trial, but I had no problem with chocolate self saucing pudding. A nice bowl made me feel on top of the world, and if the calf devoured half of it, I figured he seemed to need it. While bulky as all hell he didn't seem to be fat, far from it. Clearly he found ways to burn it all off.

Back in my bedroom on the second floor I settled in for the night. I had a book, and if needed I had my laptop and a smorgasbord of porn, though I probably didn't need it. Just thinking about those two had my cock ready to burst.

I was just about to do something about it when I saw light coming through my window. Cursing, I got up to close the blinds, but stopped with my paw on the chain.

My window looked down over the main house towards the road. I had a perfect view from on high onto the roof of the shared garage, and from here could make out something I had sort of noticed from inside but not really registered. The roof had a nice big skylight, I suppose because the townhouse had blocked off any access to natural light. It gave a good view of the garage area, and as I didn't have a car and Mike seemed to park in the street, it was pretty open.

In a corner Roy had pulled out his exercise equipment. He had some sort of multi function machine, with a bench and all sorts of things at one end. He also had a rack of weights and a boxing ball and the like, but the machine was his current home. The light that had distracted me was coming through the skylight.

As I watched, he seemed to prepare himself, and at first that seemed to involve stripping off. I watched, with my paw over my muzzle, as he discarded his rugby top and I got a proper view of his chest and back. He really was nice and muscled, with not a lot of fat. Broad shoulders, flat plates of muscle for pectorals, the beginnings of a six pack, and a deep V leading to his groin. I whimpered.

I also realised I was vulnerable, so I headed to the door and flicked the switch. In darkness, my heart beating, I pondered my next move.

I knew it was wrong. I knew it. But I was drawn like a moth to the candle. So instead of going back to bed, I wandered into the hallway treading softly as if to avoid detection, which I knew was stupid, and opened the hall cupboard.

The binoculars had intrigued me. I had taken a brief look today at the trees, and found no birdlife. The seemed to work though, and when I thought about the scene below, they had come to mind almost by reflex. I hefted them and walked slowly back, while trying to find reasons this was not a really bad idea.

Once focussed, my first look took away all remaining inhibitions.

Roy had stripped further. He liked to be free when doing his workout it seemed; his shorts were gone, and he was wearing only a white jockstrap. I watched him now up close, his fat cock and hefty balls outlined in an overstretched pouch, as he lifted a barbell to his chest over and over and all his muscles in his upper body stood out for me to admire one by one.

He did a series of exercises like that while sweat built on his fur. I watched it drip from his forelock, and from his nipples. One formidable droplet formed on the tip of his left nipple and I could almost hear it screaming in regret at being parted from that magnificent erectile flesh at the moment it fell to the concrete. I felt envy for a simple drop of sweat for the first time in my life.

It also drenched his jockstrap. Watching with increasing arousal, I saw his pouch darken as the sweat built up, until finally the white fabric became almost transparent and I could see the fat pink mass of his cock outlined perfectly with a hint of fat head poking out from a partly retracted foreskin.

Somehow I found it hard to watch the barbell then. I was hooked, fascinated by the way his cock twitched as he worked out, and the way his hefty nuts rolled and danced. I licked my lips, imagining the taste of his scrotum. My breath came out in a huff, steaming up the window, and I let out a deep groan.

My own cock was in my paw by now, red raw and eager. I gripped the sheath, soft and fuzzy, and slipped it back over a swelling knot. The sensation made me almost faint, and I kept on over and over, using my sheath to masturbate an increasingly needy cock. I was about to cum when I saw something even more arousing and stopped, eyes wide, bushy tail caught in bid air.

He seemed to have finished his workout now, a final punishing set of bench presses leaving a spent calf resting on a bench, hooves dangling to the floor, hands on his head. I could see his armpits, with their delicious tufts of damp hair, and almost smelt them from here. That wasn't what intrigued me though.

The sweat coated calf reached for his own cock, now tenting out his jock. He gave a casual stroke, all along the shaft, and the purple head strained against the now transparent fabric, free of it's foreskin, swelling like a beachball. He hooked a thumb under the elastic and it caught on the mighty organ contained inside it's inadequate home. Not for long; once free, his cock seemed to swing up as if held by elastic itself, slapping his belly and sending a spray of sweat droplets into the air.

He gripped his cock now just under the head, sliding the stretched foreskin back so tight, then back over his head in a long slow stroke. His balls seemed to pulse then, and I watched a droplet of precum ooze from his wide open piss slit.

One touch on my cocktip and I came, spraying the window in a Rorschach pattern of shamed arousal. He kept on jacking oblivious to my attention, and I watched enthralled, the binoculars making it feel like I was in the room. When his strokes became fast and hard and I saw him close his eyes and open his muzzle in a long deep groan I almost shot again, and his cock twitched and shot a long line of bull milk all over his chest, drawing fresh sighs of desire from my muzzle. A second landed on his chest, tensed and popped from a combination of the workout and his orgasm, and I came again, a more contained ejaculation this time, dripping onto the carpet instead of spraypainting the window.

He rubbed the thick layer of cum into his coat, and I bit my lip to stop myself screaming, and used the sticky lube to play with his nipples. They shone in swollen splendour by the time I could take no more and returned to bed panting.

I had to jack it a third time before I could get to sleep, with visions of a buff young bull invading my rest.


The next day was a little awkward. When I came home from work, the calf was washing windows, stripped to his football shorts. He gave me a cheerful wave and I tried not to stare and failed dismally. He had managed to get soapy water all over himself, and his shorts, and I could see the tip of his cock poking against the fabric. Memories of what it looked like as he came filled my head, the fat head swelling dangerously, the piss slit opening even wider, the first gush of liquid.

I declined a dinner invitation regretfully, unsure I could make it through without openly ogling them both, and had home delivery instead. At least I managed some meat, and a burger dripping with juice and bacon made me feel much more in control. Foxes gotta fox I say.

I was in the living room trying to watch TV when it turned 9 pm. I stared at the clock on the wall, my muzzle suddenly dry, and counted the seconds. It was as if I could hear the ticking in my head.

"Fucking hell..."

Storming upstairs, I hated myself a little, but it was no good. I was hooked, like a first hit of Heroin.

Making sure the light was off, I walked quietly up to the window. I had at least made sure the coating of fox cum had been removed, but the binoculars were in place ready for action, and I had brought out a bottle of my favourite lube just in case. Bringing the binoculars up to my eyes, I searched for the skylight and my prize.


He was doing a different exercise tonight. Laid on his belly on the bench, he used the machine to do bicep curls, the sight of his biceps suddenly bulging as he lifted so impressive. It wasn't the only impressive sight though.

In this position, his ass was pointed right at me. He was wearing only his jock strap again, and I saw his muscular buns framed like a painting in white elastic. Every time he lifted, his butt clenched, the fat mounds of muscle suddenly forming dimples, and his tail swished high. I got a little glimpse of his crack then, and deep in the musky crevice of his butt, a glimpse of a fat pucker surrounded in fuzz.

"Ohhh shit..."

I took my time tonight, still well drained from the previous night's endeavours, a nice coating of lube to make it both easy and nice and slow. It was too much to ignore for too long though. He did a lot of exercises on his legs now, one where he had a barbell on his shoulders and squatted, with his ass pointing out as if inviting a kiss and his tree trunk thighs flexing dangerously. I licked my lips almost able to feel the touch of his rim, and stared at him going up and down and imagined him sliding up and down my cock like that.

By the end of his workout I was a mess, and my cock leaked a line of precum in a single line to the floor. He finished as he started, with bicep curls, and I got a perfect sight of that ass, and my whimper of disappointment could probably be heard in the garage when I saw him drop the bar back into place.

He didn't move though, resting on the bench, breathing deep. I waited with baited breath, eyes wide, and let out a moan when I saw him start to lift up a little, his hefty ass now a good foot off the vinyl bench. His hand reached down, and I almost screamed when I saw him reach into his pouch and free his cock, semi stiff, and point it at the bench.

Knees well spread, he gave me a show without knowing it. I saw him make love to his own shaft, hand moving easily over erectile flesh, the thick cum tube growing with each stroke, his balls drawing up steadily. I could see the sheen of moisture on his head, the tell-tale sight of precum as he jacked off. Then he gripped his cockhead and rubbed the sensitive tip with the palm of one hand.

Watching him cum like this shot me over the edge too, and as his body shook with the force of a teenage orgasm mine succumbed and I splattered the window again.

I almost hit the roof when the doorbell went right at that moment.

Hastily pulling on clothes, I scrambled downstairs, still flustered from my own climax. When I opened the door, I had to stand momentarily dumb, blinking into the darkness.

The bull was there, and he was smiling.

"Hey, got a six pack of beers, thought you might like one Colin?"

"I...I...um...how generous...um..."

He slapped my shoulder and pushed inside.

"That's the way! So...how are you liking the joint?"

Thankfully the TV was still on, muted, but it made it look like I had been there all the time. He took up a place on my couch with his legs well spread and cracked a beer then tossed one to me. I sipped, not really enjoying the bitter liquid, but fascinated by him. He scratched his crotch and burped then gave me a crooked grin.

"So...what do you do for work Colin?"

I gave him my best summary, but somehow we ended up talking about police work again. His stories did make me laugh I had to admit, and of course I enjoyed the opportunity to check him out a bit. Not as lean as Roy, he had a thick musclegut, an even bigger chest, and a well stuffed groin. I caught myself staring at it, wondering how it compared to his calf, and hating myself for thinking that.

When I looked up he was grinning at me almost predatorily for a bovine, and his eyes twinkled.

"Gotta go piss mate. Back in a sec..."

He lifted his bulky frame off the couch, which seemed to groan in relief, and headed through the door. I sucked down my own beer then, feeling increasingly warm, and waited. He was away a while, and when he returned he looked even more pleased with himself. His eyes seemed to burn through me like a blowtorch.

"So...got a girl mate?"

The question threw me, and I sipped my beer and mumbled. He reached over and gave me another slap on the back.

"No worries mate. Sure you will find someone in this town. Plenty of hot fox I find. And I do appreciate a hot fox..."

He gave me another slap and I coughed and almost choked on the beer. That at least seemed to distract him.

"Don't like the beer mate?"

"No...no...*wheeze*...its all good..."

"Well, I'll leave you the rest. Got to see if the young bastard has finished his workout. He is supposed to be doing his study for a midterm tonight..."

"I think he has...I mean...ahhh..."

I hated that he almost caught me out, but he didn't seem to notice. For once I was thankful the bull was in his own bubble. He gave me a lecture on security though, and the importance of deadlocks, and made me promise to do it in future. I nodded sagely and let out a huge sigh of relief when he finally shut the door on the way out.

Back in my room I took out the thick dildo I had brought with me from home. It looked small now, compared to the young bull's endowment, but I could be grateful for that. In bed, I used a nice thick coating of lube and inserted it nice and slow. If I imagined the hot stud of my voyeuristic fancy on the other end of it, that was nothing too bad right? Right?

"Fuck yeah...fuck me Roy...fuck me....harder...harder...HARDER!"

Wonderful thing about a dildo, you can always make sure you obey your own commands. I slapped my prostate good and hard, and was rewarded with a shattering orgasm that wiped me out for the night.

This time I dreamt of bulls, dual. It was not a quiet night's sleep.


Come nine o'clock the next night I was ready. I had swallowed my pride, and my scruples, and settled in to enjoy. At least I made sure I had some tissues ready, along with the binoculars and the lube. The carpet and the window had taken enough already.

Sure enough the light came on right on nine. He did some stretches and I got to see him in all his glory as usual, the easy flow of his muscles under fur. His cute long forelock kept getting in his eyes, and he flicked it sideways unconsciously in a gesture I found utterly endearing.

By the time he was on his belly again doing the bicep curls I was well into stride. Watching his ass wiggle and flex had me almost at the edge, paw moving over a swollen red fox cock as my nuts drew up in anticipation of release. His pucker looked so fine deep in that crevice, wrinkled and perfect, and I imagined licking it as the end approached.

"Enjoying yourself Colin?"

The light came on, revealing me caught like a fox in a spotlight. I had my cock still clasped in my paw, and forgot to lose the binoculars, instead swinging them around until an angry looking bull face filled my vision. I let out a gasp.

"I said...enjoying yourself Colin?"

Swallowing hard I dropped the binoculars. He didn't look any less intimidating without them.

"I...um...I...was just bird watching..."

He trotted casually up to me, peering through the window and into his own garage.

"Hmmm, I can see."

Following his gaze, I gasped. The calf had lifted off the bench now, but he wasn't stroking his cock. Instead, he had one finger inserted nice and deep in his pucker, his head laid on its side on the vinyl. He turned his head towards the skylight even as I watched and gave me a wink.


"Got anything to say Colin?"

"Mike, I'm sorry...I mean..."

"Told you to deadlock your door mate. Knew you wouldn't listen though. You realise I could have you arrested, fuck I could probably shoot you myself if I wanted. Perving on my own son like this..."

"Mike! I'm sorry!"

He gave me the biggest grin of all, and reached for my paws. First the one still wrapped stupidly round my cock, then the one now limp that had been holding the binoculars. I didn't resist. He held them together in front of me in one meaty hand, and with the other pulled something from his back pocket.

"Let's see how sorry you are mate."

He clapped the handcuffs on me before I had time to realise what they were. The metallic click and the sudden pressure on my wrists made me gasp, a gasp cut short by a sudden jerk as he lifted my arms up high.

"Let's get you sorted shall we."

I was lifted up slightly, my hindpaws straining for purchase on the carpet, arms lifted painfully high. He hooked the cuffs on something embedded in the wall...a hook?


I had sort of noticed it before, but not divined its purpose. About the time I realised something was seriously up, he brought his muzzle right to mine and I stared into a pair of big brown bull eyes almost ablaze with triumph.

"Yeah, set up I'm afraid. My mate at the accommodation service does know how to pick 'em."

My cry of outrage was lost in a kiss and I felt bull tongue invading my muzzle. The cry turned to a deep groan.

Rough hands pulled at my pants, lowering them to my knees. I was pressed to the window, ass jutting backwards thanks to the sill, and unable to do anything but stare down at the light coming through the skylight. There I could see the calf, now on his back, cock out, pleasuring himself while he stared back at me with a matching grin of triumph on his muzzle.

"Did you enjoy watching him foxy?"

"Ohhh fuck..."

A hand slid under my tail, fingers gliding along my taint and reaching my hole. He pressed, teasingly, probing but not entering as I fought for control.

"You should see what he looks like when he fucks mate..."

"Ohhh God!"

He was kissing my neck now. Licking. Biting. I struggled, and strained against the cuffs, body painfully taut.

"Hmmm what have we here. Convenient at least..."

Looking down, I saw a hand reach for the lube. The top clicked open, the sound loud against my ear. The fingers were back now, slick and wet, nudging my hole.

"Got a debt to repay foxy, for perving on my boy like that. I know you did, don't deny it. Went upstairs last night when I came over; cum all over the window and the carpet. You like to watch don't you mate..."

"No! I...AHHHHH!"

Fingers invaded my pucker, two thick fat bull fingers that spread me wide and slid deep into my straining hole. I screamed, seeing stars, and then moaned as he touched my prostate. Suddenly I was no longer trying to escape the invasion, I was welcoming it, pushing back onto his hand. He sank to the hilt, then out...and added a third finger for good measure.

"Now watch him good foxy. Enjoy the show."

Oh God I did. The calf was jacking nice and slow, his long thick cock glistening with precum. He squeezed his own nuts too, roughly, and stopped often enough that I knew he must be on the edge. A dribble of clear pre formed at his sit and caressed his cock all the way down, following the line of his urethra all the way to his sac where it caught in his soft pubes. He caught my eye and smiled, pleased it seemed with the effect he was having. My cock touched the cool glass and recoiled a little.

A thick mass pressed against my hole now, and a hand gripped my bushy tail and pulled up painfully. I tried to ease the pain by lifting onto my toes, claws gripping the carpet for support.

"Let's see how tight you are Colin."

I fought this invasion, but without success. My hole spit wide, and I screamed as a fat bulbous head took my opening. It throbbed painfully in my ring, edging in and out as the bull licked my neck, then he wrapped his arms round my chest and pulled me back steadily onto his length.

I had never felt so stuffed in all my life, my poor tunnel strained and spread so wide. I felt every inch on the way in, the rasp of erect flesh on my insides, and first amongst all the fat head with the smooth skin, so silken and yet so hard, battering inside me like a spear.

When he stopped, buried to the hilt, with his pendulous scrotum nudging mine, I caught my breath and opened my eyes again. The calf had lifted slightly off the bench and was fingering his own ass while he jacked off, hand moving in a blur over an erection hard as steel.

"Such a tight fox...not for long."

He fucked me without mercy, and without respite. Stretched by my position and by his mammoth organ all I could do was hold on. I hated that it felt so good, but it did. And all I could do was watch the calf masturbate and finger himself and imagine the touch of his cock inside me instead of the thick mass of his dad.

"Want to cum mate?"

"Oh God..."

He rammed in hard, slapping my nut. I screamed. His hands slid under my shirt and found my nipples and twisted painfully.

"Beg for it."


Oh God it felt so good. He pulled out almost the whole way. I felt his head inside me opening, the heat of his flesh inside my ring, then he used the leverage of his grip to drive in to the hilt, his scrotum slapping mine as he broke into my depths.


"Shhh...what do you want foxy?"

The calf was close, I could tell. His cock was leaking a steady stream of pre. I couldn't get a closeup view without the binoculars, but there was so much now I didn't need them. It dripped all over the place, coating his crotch with clear excitement.


Another thrust. I felt the burn inside me build. My cock twitched, the tip open wide.

Then I saw him cum. The calf threw his head back, muzzle open in a bellow and his nosering shook. His cock spat line after line of thick cum, one over his head, one into his muzzle, the next into his chest. I came too, explosively, all over the window. I ached, and I writhed, and screamed.

"Fucking hot little slut..."

The bull gave me a series of short, fast thrusts then, battering my hole, and bit my shoulder. He let out his own bellow, and I felt my insides coated with hot bull milk. He rested inside me, panting, his musclegut pressed to my back, arms wrapped around me.

I found I was crying, in pleasure, pain, and shame. A part of me wanted to fight back at least.

"I'm not a slut..."

He pulled out then, and I yelped at the sensation of his still fat head popping from my abused hole. It felt cold in the air, and raw, a sensation not helped by the sudden trickle of bull semen that dripped from my ruined ass and over my scrotum.


The sudden hard slap to my ass took me by surprise. It burned almost as bad as my hole.

"I wasn't talking about you. I was talking about Roy."

"Awww dad. You are such a shit."

I froze, hearing the younger bull's voice. He was chuckling in spite of his words.

"If I say you are a slut, you are dammit."

My head tried to turn, but it wasn't really possible in this position. I could only get part way round, enough to catch glimpses of them. The calf was wearing his jock strap still, but nothing else. His cock poked above the elastic though, still magnificently hard, still dripping.

"Just because I seduced your Sergeant dad, its no reason to get pissy."

"Still need to put you over my knee for that one Roy."

"Like to see you try old bull. Still, looks like you got him nice and ready for me..."

The scent of young stud bull was overpowering now. Sweat, musk, cum. He reeked of all three, and it made my cock twitch even harder. The first touch of his fingers on my ass made me jump, expecting the worst, but he was gentle. He stroked my fur, hands roaming over my rump, then teasing my cleft. He cupped my balls, squeezing gently, then let one finger test my hole. I was wide open and leaking, and he slid inside easily while I groaned.

"Shit dad, you really jammed him open."

"Hey, this old bull still has it sport, and don't you forget it."

He pulled his finger from me, and I heard him lick and suckle luxuriously. My cock shot a line of pre.


He rubbed his head all over my crack, coating the head in his dad's spent cum, before pressing it to my hole. I screwed my eyes up tight and tried to relax, but failed. Instead I let out a series of yelps as he sank into me. And into me. And into me. Ohhh fuck...

Opening my eyes, I found I was looking to the side where Mike had taken up residence on my bed. He had his pants round his ankles, and he had his cock in his hand. He jacked off nice and slow watching me being taken by his son. I knew by now the answer to my question, and he seemed to know it too.

"Yeah, cocky cunt is bigger than me. Life isn't fair."

"Oh fuck...please be gentle..."

"Course mister Morgan. Besides, Ive shot once already. So I can take my time..."

He did too. It was a long, teasing, slow, maddening fuck, and the whole time he was fucking me I watched his dad jacking off to the sight of us, his muzzle set in that half grin. He acknowledged me only once, a half laugh and a snort.

"See, I like to watch too...funny aint it?"

He seemed to enjoy it. While the teenage bull kept up a steady rhythm, just shy of what I needed to get off, his hips slapping my ass and fingers playing with my tail, his dad became more heated. The cop suddenly tensed and his cock jerked once and shot, a gush of cum splashing all over my bedclothes. I was in agony, my balls aching for release.

The big bull stood then, and reached for my muzzle. I tasted his cum, nice and thick, and licked his fingers clean as his son suddenly began to thrust harder.

"Oh fuck dad...fuck...hes so tight...."

"Yeah, finish him son..."

The young bull cuddled me to his body, only moving his hips. His dad wrapped us both in his arms, and I tasted bull muzzle while his son nibbled my ears.


Roy's gasp was more like a sigh that a cry. It filled my ears like liquid heat, then I felt real liquid heat in my depths. He shot off for ages, the torrent of teenage spunk overwhelming my hole and leaking out past his quivering cock as he rested inside me.

His dad came to the rescue, hand on my length, and gave me a finish I desperately needed. I came so hard I blacked out for a moment, and when I came to, my muzzle was filled with the scent of cum. My muscles ached so much, my hindpaws ached, my arms ached, my shoulders ached, my cock ached. But most of all, my ass ached. I dreaded the moment the young stud pulled out.

Instead, his dad decided to take pity on me. He pulled the handcuffs off the hook, and released me, into his son's care for now. I had a last duty to perform.

"Better clean that window mate. Don't want to be evicted."

My muzzle was put to good effect after all.


Now it was nine o'clock again, and I was in a new position. Oh, not in the window looking down. They had a better idea.

Instead I got to stand in the garage. Stripped naked, and tied up to an overhead beam, I got to watch close up now, as Mike teased my cock while I watched the calf go through his paces. Then he let me lick the calf clean of sweat, from his armpits to his biceps to his crotch while he directed my every lick.

"Now...suck his cock head...just the tip..."

"Awww dad..."

"Got to learn restraint calf. You came too soon last night, left the poor guy hanging, no pun intended."

"But your cum felt so good in his ass dad!"

"Hrumpf...quiet down sport or I will put you over my knee..."

The calf gripped my head firmly but gently in his hands. He was the gentle one, I knew now. It showed in his movements, always hesitating a little as he worked his cock head into my muzzle a little gingerly waiting for me to complain. I didn't; he tasted too good. A fat bulbous knob that leaked nectar; I wanted more.

"Better...give him a little more Roy."

"Yes dad!"

Ohhhh fuck...that shaft felt so good on my lips, the mass of his head on my tongue...


I heard the thwump of the bull kneeling behind me but didn't stop. The feel of him lifting my tail did give me pause though. His fingers tickled my taint, and I whimpered around the invasion of his son's thick shaft into my throat. A second front opened momentarily, fingers deep in my ass.

"Just as well you liked to watch hey foxy?"

As I sank down onto his son's cock, pubes tickling my lips, I felt the nudge of a rampant cockhead on my pucker. I tried not to clench, and instead thought of that first glimpse through the skylight.

Watching was good, don't let me knock it. But this...ahhhh.


"Oh yeahhhh dad....you look so hot taking that ass..."

Well, at least I wasn't alone.


I looked across at my boy. The wolf tried to give me a smile but failed for once in his life. A telling point; I always thought he would laugh at the devil. Yet here, in my hour of need, he could not. "Are you sure you are ok Ryan?" "Yes." He knew I...

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I was seething all the way from my father's study to the outer walls of our compound, and so I had not realised I had gone so far. My anger had given my hindpaws wings, and none of the family functionaries who saw me in my progress had seemed inclined...

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A New Appreciation

I never gave my boyfriend credit for creativity before. I guess I never gave him credit for a lot of things. That's kind of how I ended up in this mess. I mean, he is a cop, so he should be good at investigating shit. It turned out he was damn good at...

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