Warhorse vs Nyteshado

Story by hooves on SoFurry

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#7 of Battles...

Warhorse vs Nyteshado

"For a stallion who claims to not like Zebras and Zorses you sure are inside them a lot." The handsome Zebrcorn growls back hotly.

"Yeah, but only when they don't want me to be!" The big golden stallion snorts derisively and he looks the Zebrcorn over. "The cage door's open, boy you coming in?" Warhorse smirks. "I assume you're a boy, otherwise, sorry, ma'am." The Zebrcorn snorts and snarls stamping a shiny black hoof angrily. But he is hesitant remembering how their last fight had ended.

"Don't push me... I've learned a few things since last time." Hooves squeals angrily at the insult to his masculinity, and trots up to the cage door way. "Your cruisin' fer a bruising big boy!" The Zebrcorn stepped up slowly... and stood in the cages open doorway. While the big golden Warhorse, stood smirking in the center of the ring.

"Oh ho that's right!" The big draft horse stud snickered. "I've already kicked your butt... among other things." "That was fun... sweet cheeks!" "We need a drawing to commemorate that!" "That makes three Zebra butts I kicked!" Hooves blushed at the memory of his defeat, and all the lewd things he'd been forced to do for the victory afterwards! The last thing the proud Zebrcorn stud wanted was pictures spread of his defeat and debauchment.

"Don't you dare!" The crowd hooted and laughed... for although they haven't seen it. They had heard their champion joke about... clearly this was Warhorse's crowd. And the big handsome fighters fans obviously wanted to see him repeat his performance on the Zebrcorn for them.

"I'll do anything I damn well please..." The big golden stallion snorted... "Who's going to stop me... you little mare?"

"I just might!" The much smaller Zebrcorn snarled as the bigger stud strolled up to him.

"Hahaha!" Warhorse laughed amused reaching out to grasp the Zebrcorns fat ball sack and squeeze it rough. "Go for it... and I'll have me a little gelding to ride all weekend... again!" Suddenly a thick mist rolled across the cage, and out of it stepped an inky black Unicorn stallion! His sleek black coat shining like silk in the moonlight. As his long flowing white tail and mane swayed in a non existent breeze. His golden spiral horn and hooves seemed glitter with a light all through own. But it was his red glowing eye's that spoke most of his power and dominance.

"Unhand my property... those belong to me!" The big black stud growled in a soft low but deadly serious voice. Warhorse threw the Zebrcorns big black jewel bag down roughly making Hooves grunt in pain.

"I've already had my fun with them anyway..." "Pounded this sweet little mare in every way I wanted." Warhorse snickered derisively as he circled around to face this real threat.

"I'm aware of that!" Nyteshado snorted... giving his little Zebrcorn a nasty look, he reached over and stroked Hooves bruised nut sack. His magic making it shrivel up and vanish, before turning back to fully face his opponent. "An I have been weighting your punishment for awhile."

"My punishment Heh..." Warhorse snorted sounding amused. "You corns are all alike... just because your magical ya think ya can't lose." "Yer striped rump boi here lost and got used real good for it!" The big golden stallion fished the horn ring out and held it up. "Ya know what this does?" He snickered, before tossing it over to the big black Unicorn. The golden ring stopped and hung spinning lazily in mid air. The small golden circlet glittered with fiery runes of binding.

"I know..." Nyteshado admitted as he studied the magical ring of binding dispassionately.

"Put it on... if ya got the balls!" "Then we'll see if ya got the goods..." "Just know when you lose, I'm going to make as big a mare out of you, as I did to stripes there!" The Warhorse snickered prancing around for his audience, which surged with cheers and jeers. Without even a gesture Nyteshado closed and locked the cage down. Then reached up and slowly slide the golden circlet down his horn. The golden metal flared forming a round ball over the point of that deadly horn. Sealing off most of the big Unicorns magical abilities just as it was made to do. "We'll see if you like sucking on this as much as you rut boi did!" He growled clutching the throbbing erection, which had already started to drop from his sheath. He flexed his powerful muscles popping joints as he sneered at the powerfully built Unicorn. But neither the muscle nor the erection impressed the big black Uni stud.

"You stick that little weeny in my muzzle and I'm biting it off!" Nyteshado answered in a calm but deadly tone, smiling and clicking his straight white teeth together.

"Bring it on!" The big golden stallion snarled dropping into his fighting stance. As the two powerfully build equines began to slowly circle each other. Warhorse watches his inky black opponent intently as he moves, watching for any opening. Sensing the big dark stallion was dangerous and wanting to end it as quickly as possible. Then he saw it, the Unicorn's golden hoof slipped backwards on the slick mat. And Nyte appeared to lose his balance and pitch forwards. Instant Warhorse leaped forwards a powerful blow aimed at the back of the dark stallion's head! But instead of try to pull back or dodge to the side, Nyte lowered his head and charged. "OOOOFFA: " Warhorse exclaimed as the big round ball of metal covering the deadly point of the Unicorns horn slammed into his chest! The big Golden stallion staggered backwards dealt a heavy blow, big three fingered hands flailing ineffectively. It was a unique tactic for a equine to employ... but similar to a Bull's attack. It wouldn't work twice on a seasoned pit fighter like Warhorse. "You should have press the advantage... while you had it!" He growled quickly recovering as the big Unicorn circled lazily around him. Clearly Nyte was playing with him, over confident just as his striped slut boi had been.

Taking a page from Hooves book Warhorse launched a quick side groin kick. Once again the big Unicorn did the unexpected, catching the big shaggy hoof between his knees. While delivering a staggering punch to the Golden stallion's muzzle! Once again Warhorse is sent stumbling backwards his head spinning blood dripping from his cut lip. Shaking his head to clear it, Warhorse quickly came back in serious this time. Nyte flickered a swift head stab at his on rushing attacker. But Warhorse instantly turned this maneuver aside, spinning into a powerful roundhouse back kick. That caught Nyte on the side of his long handsome equine head and sent him staggering side ways. Instantly Warhorse followed up, chasing after the stunned Unicorn pressing his advantage. Nyte lashed out with a sidekick, catching the pursuing Warhorse in the shin. But he shrugged off the pain and charged forwards, smashing the inky black stud to the mat. Dodging another head stab, he leaped atop his down foe. Delivering a flurry of crushing lefts and right cross's to his opponents jaw! Nyte threw up his powerful heavily muscled arms to ward off those blows. Then with and explosive twist of his powerful body throws Warhorse over. Rolling away and springing to his hooves he lashed out with another sidekick. But it was a desperate move, and the kick lacked any real power. The bigger Warhorse shrugged it off, and spun to deliver a hard punch to Nytes belly! The handsome Unicorn stumbled back his dark fur flecked with bright crimson spots. Both big studs are bleeding now as they slowly circle each other again.

"Nice trick... you were almost my mare just then!" Warhorse sneered as he tried to judge his enemies' resolve and morale.

"In your dreams!" Nyte snapped back clearly upset he'd let the big draft stud get him down. But not rattle nor disheartened enough to give up. The two combatants leaped together, punching and struggling. The Unicorn dropped his head for a horn thrust, but the big golden Warhorse grabbed his neck. Jerking that proud head down, rubbing Nyte long black nuzzle against his aroused crotch, silver pre-cum smearing over the Unicorns midnight black fur! Nytes blood strained teeth instantly snapping at the golden draft horses big floppy junk. But Warhorse pushed him away before he could bite anything off! Instantly Nyte spins onto his hands to deliver a powerful mule kick with both legs. Those flinty rock hard hooves driving into the tawny stallions broad powerful chest sending him flying. Warhorse crashes into the cage's bars with a loud ‘Clang and Thwack!'. Sliding down the cage wall to lay semi-conscious on the mats. Slowly Nyte trotted up to the big tawny Stallion, dispense a swift series of bone crunching punches on that handsome muzzle! That left the big Warhorse bleeding from lips and nostrils. The powerful draft horse lifted his arms trying to defend, but the Unicorn's punches fell to swift and hard to be easily deflected. And soon the bigger horse was laying back, his eyes looking glazed and dull. Grabbing a handful of mane Nyte yanked that proud head up. As he stepped in close... his long black cock hanging stiffly from its sheath. Playfully he caressed the bigger stallion's bleeding lips with his big blunt cock head. Smearing silver equine pre over them to humiliate his fallen foe. Warhorse feebly tried to fight back to throw punch's but the big Unicorn batted those weak swings aside.

"Looks like your going to be my new mare!" He snickered, smacking the helpless beaten stud around with his massive equine hard on! Then smiling he reached up and slowly pulled the binding ring from his magical horn. Freed his full magical powers returned and he smiled gloatingly down at his defeated opponent. "You'll make a pretty little mare!" The big midnight black Unicorn stud sneered as he placed one big hand over Warhorses male hood magic flaring. That big body reacting at once... shrinking and melting into a sleeker and more slender form as it's big hard on pulls in!

"Oh My Gods!" The golden mare squeals at last realizing what the Unicorn truly had in mind! The big Unicorn stallion smirked as he watched his would be ravisher morph into a mare. Grinning very happily at his success, even as Warhorse withers and squirms against his massive black equine body. The golden horse's naked female form hot soft and lush... huge teats inches from Nytes muzzle. As the former stallion now hot little mare fully realized his mistake and situation. "No... Ohooo No Please!" But the big black Unicorn's answer is to roll her over and mount up! Whinnying in pleasure as his long black cock sinks swift and surely into her depths! As the cage door swing open and Hooves trots in...

"Why don't you take the muzzle my sweet!" Nyte smirks as he pounds that hot firm warhorse sex!


After the battle...

The rest of the story... or what Warhorse did with Hooves after their battle in... That so pissed Nyteshado off that he later took revenge... As someone pointed out to me it helps to know the back story... it was suggested, that I just add this onto...

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