True Loyalty (A The Lion King Story)
#6 of The Lion King Stories (TLK)
Simba is concerned about Kovu's growing influence in the Pridelands. He plans to see just where Kovu's allegiances lie...and how to ensure some proper loyalty.
True Loyalty (A The Lion King Story)
This is a commission inspired by this piece of art Deep in the (water)hole by
furronymous who was kind enough to let me use it as an illustration for this story. It's been a while since I worked with The Lion King characters, and it certainly was fun to be back in this world. They belong to Disney, of course, but we are just having fun, aren't we? Got more TLK stuff in the works, too, so...stay tuned! Do remember to go and give furronymous some love too!
I hope you have a nice time reading, and I shall look forward to reading your feedback as well! Remember that all votes, faves and watches will help others to find these stories to enjoy as well!
It was a magnificent day upon the Pridelands. The light was indeed touching everyone one could see to the horizon and away, and the ruler of these lands could happily gaze upon them from his perch on the regal Pride Rock. The early days of Simba's reign might have been mired in the drama of his father's murder in the power-grabbing paws of Simba's uncle and Mufasa's brother, Scar, but now, with his own royal power solidified, the golden-furred King could scout out his principality with obvious pleasure. No beasts nor hostile prides stalked the borders of his realm, the rains came with precision that renewed the lands when it was needed, and most importantly, of course, the game was abundant. Simba smirked a little while he continued to rest upon his stomach on the warm red stone, his eyes chasing away the herd of gazelles he could see in the distance at the savanna.
The great lion's tail flopped lightly about his flank. He thought somewhat ruefully upon the fact that the more than plentiful game and the pride's skilled hunteresses meant that he had been very well fed as of recent. Even Nala had commented on the king's filled out shape, although Simba had mostly laughed away such remarks. After a youth spent eating bugs and slimy worms, he was happy to be dining on some more traditional lion treats. The grazing gazelles hopping away on their merry way amused him. They might provide a meal in the future, but for now, he had his stomach full and he was content.
It was this vantage point, overlooking the savanna, that brought a hint of concern for Simba as well. The Lion King could see a very particular dark shape prowling along the riverbank some distance away from the Pride Rock. The great King's brow furrowed while he looked over at the movements of the brownish blotch. There was no mistaking its identity in Simba's mind. Since the death of his uncle, the only dark-furred lion in his Pridelands was none other than Kovu, the somewhat unruly beau of Simba's daughter.
Simba's previously perfectly relaxed state grew somewhat more tense while he followed the dark lion's movements. Such a stalking came as a natural instinct for him, whether chasing prey, potential enemies, or simply using his eyes to trace someone along the grassy sun burnt knolls in the distance. Now, instead of the leisurely motions of before, he was sure to keep his eyes upon the shape of Kovu, one he had grown very familiar with as of late.
The youth's presence weighted upon Simba's mind. While he had learned well enough that the young Prince of the Pridelands had honorable intentions when it came to his daughter, he could not help but feel concern about the relative stranger's presence in his Pride. The fact that it was not only his daughter but the rest of the lionesses who were clearly smitten with the young lion was an extra concern, of course. The dark-furred male's rakish ways were a sure charmer, and knowing the lionesses...Simba worried.
The Lion King knew that Kovu was already leaving his mark into the careful balance of the circle of life at the Pridelands. His presence sent out ripples that would affect everyone upon Simba's realm, whether the young lion meant it or not.
Judging by the circumstances that had led him into living in Simba's Pride, the King was sure that the lion knew exactly what he did.
Simba cleared his throat with a pleasantly vibrant rumble. He stared into the viscerally familiar landscape that opened beyond and below him, and then looked upon the blue sky. He wondered if his great father was looking over him even then, with the stars yet to be seen. Simba was quite sure this to be the case. He had felt his father's guiding presence many times during particularly strenuous times of his reign, and had learned to trust the quiet voice in his mind that told him to consider what Mufasa would have done.
The King regarded these thoughts with a hint of sadness. His father had never had the chance to coax him properly in the ways of leadership. Simba had to work through the experiences of his less than conventional life, the invaluable counsel of Zasu, and whatever he could remember of bearing witness to during his cubhood, when his father reigned. Simba knew he had not seen everything that pertained to being a ruler, and what he had experienced he only knew from the limited viewpoint of a young cub still unready for the world. Often Simba would feel embarrassed about his lack of experience in many things. He would not show these misgivings in public, however, only sharing them with Nala.
That was one thing that Simba had learned from his father - to always show that he was in control, and not to reveal any weaknesses. He could rule only via his strength and his example, and without those things, he would be a worthless King to his Pride.
Such heavy thoughts occupied the lion's mind on that very warm day that ought to have been a carefree time for the ruler of the Pridelands. His mind would well on such thoughts for quite some time yet.
Help me, father, the lion wished, as the gentle breeze ruffled his rich mane.
The day that dawned some nights later was much like the open during which Simba had been so deep in his musings. It would have offered the King a chance to repeat his leisurely slumber, but today the lion was on an errand he had set upon himself.
The King of the Pridelands could be found prowling along the riverfront, although he was fairly confident that he was unnoticed for the moment. The numerous game animals would be drinking somewhere downstream, and he could occasionally smell them and feel a stirring of his instinct for the hunt, yet Simba kept that curtailed for the moment. He had plans for other activities for the moment, and several days of rumination had led him to now feel he was prepared.
His motions were swift, yet quiet, and purposeful. His followed a trail with ease, especially considering that the lion who had left it had made no attempts to hide his travels, unlike Simba whom had been acting quite covertly throughout his walk on that day. It was not his usual way -a King had to be known and seen to be able to rule, and to leave his marks and scents was a sure way to ensure that everyone knew whose territory they were traversing.
For now he moved slowly, as if looking for game, with all his senses clear. Even Simba's tail swung tensely behind him, to provide a counterpoint to the movements of his low slung body. He felt a moderate amount of nerves, something that the King found slightly unsettling, but understandable. The situation was new to him, yet he had decided that it was the necessary course to take to preserve the amicable peace that he had fought so hard to establish and maintain upon the Pridelands.
Considering the fact that his target did not do anything to hide himself, finding Kovy did not pose a problem for Simba. The young lion could be heard from some distance away, splashing in the water like a cub. He wanted to chortle at such a display of frivolity, but held himself back. Simba was in full stalking mindset and did not want to alert Kovu to his presence until the King had made his approach and gotten as close as he could.
Simba moved through the grass intently, almost noiseless despite his size. His acute ears picked up further noises coming from the stream, although for the moment his vision was obscured by the merrily growing grass. Its fragrant scent distracted him for a moment, but not long enough for Simba to lose the track of the young prince.
He practically crawled on his belly to reach the high point of the riverbank, and from there he spied at Kovu through the foliage.
Simba's heart gave an excited leap when he finally laid his eyes on the younger lion. Kovu was bathing in the river - or perhaps simply splashing about to fight the heat of the day brought on by the warm wind and the sun high above. Kovu's dark pelt shone with the water that had logged it, and caused the water to stick onto the lion's toned frame. Whatever Simba could think about the lion's cocky personality, he had to admit that Kovu was obviously a strong young male and would only be gaining in strength, along with what the King hoped was increasing wisdom as well. The almost childish glee the young lion obviously took from splashing in the river suggested otherwise for now, but Simba knew that such appearance could deceive him. The lion's body carried strength that the Kovu could use for the better or the worse, and Simba wished that it would never come to finding out the outcome of the latter.
The King steeled himself before he made himself known. He did this by rising above the grass and the bushes with a deliberate amount of noise to ensure that he was found out with ease. The fact that Kovu's ears flicked sharply at hearing the noise thus created told Simba - with not so secret pride for him - that he had truly surprised the bathing lion with his arrival. The flash of his green eyes was keen and looked at the newly appeared King whom now stood upright on the riverbank in the shade of a nearby tree.
Kovu tilted his head in deference, but it was a brief gesture, and one Simba did not feel was entirely honest to the deepest levels of submission that Simba understood should be required of all subjects to one mighty King.
"My King," Kovu added verbally as well.
"Kovu," Simba said in return.
He stepped into the view and the sunlight struck upon him much like it had painted the younger male earlier on, now making Simba's mane appear especially lush where it framed his neck and face. He held the high ground and hence the naturally dominant position to the lion who had to look up to see him properly, and at any moment, Kovu surely knew, Simba would have been able to pounce him from the riverbank and send both of them tussling into the water amid the boulders through which the river flowed lazily on this section.
The young, dark lion looked curiously at the King standing above him. His appearance had indeed almost startled him, and he found it peculiar that the lion would have happened upon him. He did not think it was entirely a coincidence, either. He might've been young, but Kovu was not foolish enough to think that Simba would let him roam the Pridelands entirely without supervision.
Both of them knew that the other knew. Many things had gone unspoken during Kovu's stay among the Pridelands lions, but the unresolved tension between the King and the young newcomer had been noticed by others as well. Simba felt it ripple among them two even on that very moment, on the sunny riverbank.
Their appearance was civil, if cautious.
"I see you have come to enjoy the water and the refreshment it brings," Simba stated.
Kovu's tail swayed languidly behind the young male while he regarded his new King curiously.
"It's fun," he said, "the water is great!"
Simba gave the youth a little smile of his own.
"I can see you are enjoying it," he mused.
"Yeah!" Kovu grinned.
"It is very refreshing indeed," Simba said.
Kovu still looked at him curiously.
"I did not hear you come, my King," the younger lion continued.
Simba chuckled lightly.
"I did not want to interrupt your play," he offered a half-truth in his answer, "It would have been rude of me."
Kovu appeared distinctly doubtful over this statement. Perhaps he felt as stalked as he truly had been, Simba thought. He knew that underestimating the lion would leave him in terrible trouble. Simba could not let himself be led aside by the rakish exterior.
"I appreciate it, I guess," Kovu mused.
Simba scaled down the riverbank leisurely. The boulders offered good steps for him to take, and to settle upon the level of the gently flowing water. Kovu watched his movements carefully, instinctively, the King thought. It pleased Simba, considering the keenness of the lion's gaze. It meant he could be a capable hunter and a protector of the Pride as well, should the need arise. But it also meant that very little would pass unnoticed, suggesting that the lion would be capable of scheming that reminded Simba of another very much dark-pelted lion individual. That was the part that concerned the lion King who felt the weight of his reign heavily upon him at times such as this.
Thank you, Father, for guiding me, Simba thought in passing, although his main attention was duly at Kovu. He was not about to let him get away now that Simba had the clear intention of cornering him and setting some things straight.
"You appear quite at home here, Kovu," Simba noted.
Again, the lion appeared almost puzzled by Simba's tone.
"Is this not my home, my King?" Kovu proposed.
Simba chuffed.
"You are intent on calling it such, I see," he said.
Now it was Kovu who frowned. The King's tone sounded oddly cool and dismissive for him, and the young lion did not like this at all.
"It is the home of my mate," Kovu said. "It is only natural for me to call it home. She is here, and I intend to stay here with her as well. It is the natural order of things."
Simba found the lion's defense to be surprisingly eloquent for the occasion. It did not necessarily soothe his immediate misgivings, but he was willing to listen.
"Order..." he repeated the weightiest word the young lion had used.
Kovu appeared quizzical. Simba stepped from the banks of the stream and landed into the water without a splash. The coldness surprised him briefly, but soon faded away with the warm sun gracing his back. He kept his eyes at Kovu.
"You are right," Simba said.
"What are you talking about?" Kovu replied without using further honorifics while referring to Simba.
Simba waded slightly closer to the puzzled lion.
"It is something that has been on my mind a great deal over the past few months," Simba continued,"the proper order of things..."
The lazy sway of Kovu's tail appeared to become more anxious, Simba could tell. He was sure that Kovu did not miss the tone of the lion's voice, speaking for the younger male.
"What is it that you speak?"
Simba's eyes were firm upon his young, dark counterpart in the water.
"Like I said," the Lion King spoke up, "there is a natural order of things in the circle of life, which we are all part of."
"I know about the circle of life," Kovu said.
Simba harrumphed.
"Do you, now?" his voice was obviously that of a challenge.
"I'm young but I've seen life," Kovu said.
Perhaps too much for the good of my daughter, was Simba's immediate thought on hearing this, but he did not show his displeasure at such a state of things. This was not about Kiara, either way, now Simba had to decide where he stood in relation to Kovu, not Kovu's standing with his daughter.
That was going to be another battle, thought Simba.
"So you say," Simba replied.
Kovu snorted. Simba found that unpleasant. He stepped even closer to the younger lion, although he still kept some distance between them. Charging head first onto Kovu was not going to be proactive, whether verbally or physically so.
Simba had to play a patient game here.
"Some things you may have seen...others you are yet to learn..." the Lion King said, "many things, I am sure..."
Kovu frowned.
"Are you accusing me of something?"
Simba lifted his head high, in a manner that showcased his own size and the richness of his adult mane. It was a clearly dominant posture he adopted now, for Kovu to see. The lion looked at the King doubtfully. He had seen Simba do such things before, although often in a slightly more formal setting when he wanted to display his might openly. Standing in the little stream did not appear to be such an occasion, yet Kovu was curious about what the lion had in mind.
"I am saying that there are still things for you to learn about being a member of this Pride, if you truly wish to be included as one" Simba let the weight of those words remain in the air between them.
"What does that mean?" Kovu questioned the King sharply. "What do you need of me? Have I not proven my worth to you yet?"
Simba knew he had to stay calm and determined. His recollection of such event from the past was hazy, but he remembered enough, he was sure. The rest would have to come as nature intended.
The Lion King moved closer. The young lion grew more tense with the proximity. Simba did not blame him for it. He would have reacted the same way to a large male lion coming so close to him.
"Why do you think you have to prove yourself for me, Kovu?" Simba asked.
"Because that's what you are saying!" Kovu hissed. "You come here obviously stalking me - "
He bared his teeth in a growl. Simba made sure to bare his in return, although the lion's gesture did not annoy him as much as the young male likely expected it to do. Simba was merely pleased by the fact. His attempt at intimidation had been successful.
" - and you come on telling me that I'm not a member of this Pride yet!" Kovu yelled.
Simba waved his paw at him. If his claws had been out, it would have been an even more threatening a gesture. For now it served as a more mild type of a warning.
"You do not know what it means to be a member of a Pride!" Simba snapped.
"I am Kiara's mate!" Kovu raised his voice. "That makes me as much a member of this Pride as anyone else in it!"
Simba let out a calculated sneer.
"There can be only one King," he stated sternly, "and for any other male to be part of the Pride, they must...know their place...or leave."
Kovu looked like he wanted to growl at the King...possibly to outright attack him, even.
"You'd have me leave and abandon Kiara?" Kovu was obviously outraged.
"None wishes for that," said Simba," but the truth is that the circle does not allow for other males who might challenge the King."
Kovy tilted his head and stated at Simba.
"You think that I wish to challenge you?" Kovu said. "To be the King?"
"One day you perhaps will be the King, alongside your Queen, but before that there can only be one King and one ruler in this Pride, and the only thing that will keep you as a member of his Pride is for you to show your deference for me!"
Simba paused after his long description of the state of affairs, and looked at Kovu while he carefully weight his reactions. The young lion was growing volatile with his increasing anger over the King's words. Simba might have been on his guard but he also knew that the young lion's anger could possibly bring out further elements of his character that the King was curious to see for himself. He did not want to be left underhanded by lack of understanding of Kovu's persona.
Right now the dark-furred lion scowled at the King, looking doubtful and angry.
"You doubt my loyalty?" Kovu grunted.
Simba postured again.
"I need you to show me your loyalty, Kovu," Simba said. "The way lions have always done since the beginning of ages. Nothing more, nothing less."
"What does that mean?" Kovu glared at the Lion King. "What do you want me to do? Hunt a great prey for you? Kill one of your enemies? Meet with the hyenas? Go to the Elephant's Graveyard?"
Simba almost shuddered at the mention of that place. It had truly been the reason for him losing the first vestiges of his chilhood's innocence. The fall had been quick since.
"Nothing quite so dramatic," the King said, although he had to admit that Kovu's ideas had merit. Perhaps he would need to have to find use for them in a future occasion.
Kovu continued to growl at him.
" simply need to show your willingness to submit to me," Simba stated.
The black-maned lion looked at him with a puzzled expression, mixed with unhappiness.
"Yeah?" said Kovu. "Want me to grovel in front of you with everyone at the Pride watching? Let them hear me tell you how I'm going to always follow your orders and pledge my loyalty to you as the King?"
Simba almost laughed. He definitely smiled at such an image being painted by the youth.
"While that suggestion has merit," he said with an expression that was almost bemused, "I do not seek such a public display. I only need the knowledge that you will submit to me. That is all."
"What is that supposed to mean?" Kovu did not appear to understand the King's sentiment.
Simba's expression became an outright smirk.
"The way lions do...since the first dawn," the King said.
Kovu came into a conclusion, based on the lion King's continued posturing and his slightly cryptic words. The thought made him growl and stand in a broader posture, instinctively showing off his own size for the bigger lion. He might've not had Simba's experience, but he had youth and springiness, and they might come in handy should things turn out the way he deduced they might do.
"If you plan to fight me - "he hissed now, "what do you think Kiara is going to say when she hears?"
Simba shrugged.
"Who said anything about fighting?" the Lion King noted. "That is not my intention. Nor will my daughter hear a thing about what you must do to gain my good favor, Kovu. This is only between us males..."
Kovu's obvious doubts seemed to only intensify as he heard Simba pontificate in such a fashion.
"So if you do not intend to beat me into submission..." he made the obvious question, "what is it?"
Simba chortled.
"Your age betrays you again, Kovu!" he said. "I really would have expected you to know of these simple facts..."
"You make me sound like a mere cub!" Kovu complained.
Not from what I see even now... Simba's mind told him, deep in the dark reaches of his soul.
"I did not say that," Simba remained verbally calm," I am merely implying that there are still things for you to learn about being a member of a Pride..."
Kovu looked at the King dubiously. In response to this, Simba stepped closer to him. Kovu tensed even further.
"Let me tell you of a time from my own youth," Simba started as he approached.
"Yeah?" Kovu hissed.
"I was but a cub yet, it was before my Father was taken from us by Scar," Simba stated this in a level voice, despite the deep grief and pain the very thought caused to the lion King, "hence it has been a very long time ago...I was very young and did not yet know much about the circle...or the world as it is..."
They stood face to face now, the King and the young, new Prince of his Pride.
"...but I recall what I saw, and I suspect it was something my noble father would not have intended for me to see, yet I was...a curious sort of a boy, as I was, and I happened upon this sight..."
Kovu remained visibly cross, but Simba could also see that he was slowly becoming interested in the story as well.
"What is it, then?"
"Something I was not supposed to see...but the memory persists...oh it does..." Simba detailed," and I do not think my Father ever knew..."
"Something to do about Mufasa?" Kovu asked.
Simba flinched visibly. The very mention of his late Father brought pain to him, yet Mufasa was so central to this whole memory that he could not avoid thinking about his slain kin.
"Yes," Simba said, "a lesson he gave to me about being the King, without him ever knowing he did..."
Kovu appeared doubtful.
"I don't know what you want to say."
"You will see," Simba said, "for this story too deals with a lion...a stranger to my Father's lands. He was probably a nomadic wanderer, or a member of a coalition that was passing through this area. He was seen hunting on the Pride's lands, and that was of course not something my Father took lightly..."
"Hmmmmrr..." rumbled the brown-furred male.
"Now, I was a curious cub, of course...something that brought me its fair share of trouble," Simba continued, "and I happened to hear my Father and my Mother discussing the situation with the stranger...and my Father said he would deal with it. I followed him. He walked so far that I barely had the strength to go there...but there I was, and I hid, while my Father confronted the stranger."
Now Kovu just stared. He was in rapt attention, and the fact, and the memory, made Simba's own blood start to heat up with the tension he felt.
"...I did not understand it yet, of course, I was too young...too innocent to know of the ways. It was not until much later, when I had...experienced life, far away from here, that I finally grew to understand what my Father had done on that day such a long time ago, preserved in my haziest memories..."
"You saw your Father drive that lion away?" Kovu suggested.
"" Simba rumbled, his chest deep with his voice, "I saw something else...true domination of body...and spirit..."
Kovu was tense, and stared into Simba's eyes...searching for any signs of what he planned to do.
"Are you going to fight me?" he asked again.
Simba moved closer. The water lapped on his ankles with the movement.
"Only if you will fight me..." the great golden lion said.
"I don't - "
The King's paw landed onto Kovu's arm and squeezed its padded fingers onto the lion's sturdy arm.
"...that other lion did not fight my Father either...and as far as I know, he was allowed to hunt until he went on his way..." Simba stated.
Kovu's eyes flew between the sight of the gripping paw on his arm and the lion King's own gaze that was stern upon the young male.
"Don't fight it, Kovu..." Simba rumbled.
The King of the Pridelands put his entire influence upon the younger lion. He was decisively masculine, strong, truly a man in his pride while still nowhere near to be called old. Simba had managed to retain a hint of his youthfulness even when he had grown into a male of great proportions and wisdom that he hoped to be. He was an impressive male, truly fit to rule over the Pridelands and all of its inhabitants. Right now he wanted to rule over this young, unruly lion specifically, to make Kovu submit into Simba's will in the most visceral way possible. The desire to do so grew with every passing moment, through the recounting of the deeply personal story, from witnessing Kovu's confusion and tension, and their mere proximity as well. Impulses and instincts that had been kept deeply buried for a long time were threatening to burgeon out, and their target was the lion who now stood in front of him, intensely desirable in the sunlight on that beautiful stream.
"I don't know what you mean..." Kovu whispered.
"I'll teach you how to be a proper lion prince," Simba flashed his teeth at the youth.
"What - "
"I'll show you..." said the King. "Turn around."
Simba's paws were swift. The young lion was moved in a flash of moving paws and a swing of his tail, looking into the stream now. The furs on the back of his neck spiked at the sudden increase in contact, of the heavy paws upon him, but Kovu found himself too captivated by the King's promises to really give any great resistance to the somewhat forced motion of himself.
"Put your paws on that rock over there..." Simba's voice was low and husky when he indicated a water-polished boulder standing in the stream nearby.
"Just do what I say!" Simba's voice grew impatient. "Do it...and let me look at you..."
"Bend over," Simba sounded impatient.
Perhaps it was his tone that reached into the primal, instinctive part of the young lion's mind, for Simba's eyes could behold the sight of the water-slick male placed his strong body into exactly the position that had been asked of him. His large frontpaws touched upon the dry, warm stone and the position highlighted his body for all it was, its strength and the muscle that hid under the thick fur that was still to grow into its fullest extent. His entire being signified young, burgeoning masculinity.
It was dangerous, and it was exhilarating to see, for the King of the lions whom now stood behind Kovu, standing in the stream.
"Let me look at you..." Simba repeated.
He saw the twitching tail and the arched shoulders, and he traced their shape. Kovu was obviously nervous and apprehensive about the whole situation, yet Simba was confident that his great kingly influence was going to keep the young lion from getting too antsy and spoiling the whole situation.
Simba did not want this to end in a flash of claws and teeth. He wanted to posses Kovu using different weapons.
He wanted Kovu to want it.
Simba leaned closer. The lion could surely feel the older male closing on him, how his breath touched fur before Simba's heavy muzzle rubbed onto the small of Kovu's back. The lion let out a surprised gasp at the sensation of the heavy mane and ruff touching on him.
"W-why do you do this..."
"I told you," Simba whispered, "you must submit...this is the way..."
Kovu's tail swung rapidly from side to side. Simba's eyes were drawn to it, along its length to the protruding base on the very end of the curve of the lion's spine. The lion King's eyes spied the great muscled halves of Kovu's rear.
Simba's blood quickened with his arousal. It had been such a long time when he had been close to another male in such a situation, and the old desires were coming back to him at a fast pace. The wild years of discovery and frolic, combined with the incredibly visceral memory of his Father's domination of that errand lion mixed into a lust in the lion's body he had rarely felt beyond the most intense mountings of his mate during the frenzy of the female heat that truly held the power to drive the male mad with desire to breed.
He was not quite that far gone while eyeing Kovu's sturdy frame and smelling the clean, masculine musk of his unquestionable maleness from such close by. The sight of the lion's tentative submission for this examination only added to the fire that burned in Simba's underbelly and edged him further along this dangerous path.
"Uh..." Kovu gasped again, feeling the lion King's nuzzling upon his back.
"This is how it works, Kovu...just let me show you..." Simba's voice was that of authority, domination...the best approximation of his own Father's voice, for it was the only thing that came close in his mind to how a truly commanding manner of speaking sounded like.
And best of all, for Simba, it appeared to affect Kovu as well. The lion was tense but did not move to escape from the elder feline's attentions. The King stroked along his back and his sides with his muzzle. The act touched the lion's skin and fur and also put a hint of Simba's own scent into the lion. Kovu had just been bathing as well, which meant that his fur was fresh and receptive, easy to influence by something such as the King's rough approach. Maybe he wasn't quite as strong as he claimed to be...or that he still held enough youthful deference to age and power which allowed Simba to extend his own influence onto his daughter's young suitor.
"Don't move..." Simba growled.
Simba moved lower onto the lion's body and began to pay special attention to Kovu's ass. The young lion's tail positively bounced when he felt the King's chin upon its base, and he almost smacked Simba with it. That made him snort.
"Careful..." he chuckled.
Simba crouched on all fours upon the water and extended his huge, wet tongue from his maw. Its slithering onto the base of Kovu's tail made the young lion once again gasp.
"Oh what are you - "
Simba licked along the lion's tail and then slithered onto the wonderfully firm globes of the young cat's rump. His cock had grown very hard and peeked out of its sheath around the time when Kovu had bent over and presented himself for the first time - the confused submission was simply too arousing and Simba had let his body react entirely naturally - but now, with the increasing musk filling the King's senses, his lust began to grow many fold. The feel of such a strong body, and the knowledge of what their illicit act represented, they gave such fire for Simba, who was certainly no stranger to pleasuring the male body, and drawing his own enjoyment from such acts in the process. It might have been a part of his life that he had kept in the past, something that was gone from his everyday affairs...but the memories were coming back quickly, and they had a perfect target in Kovu.
Simba's slobbery saliva coated the curves of Kovu's ass. The noise his actions made was obscene, and the sensation for the young lion must've been strange, being covered in the dominant male's scent and his wet spit. Simba was fairly sure that Kovu had not experienced anything like that before.
That only made claiming him all the more delicious for the King of the Pridelands.
"Hnnrrrr...raise it up, Kovu..." Simba rumbled against the lion's flank.
"W-what?" the younger lion questioned.
Simba's teeth nipped briefly on the thick length of Kovu's tail.
"Raise your tail, Kovu..."
He didn't really wait for the youth to do as he'd been told. Simba pushed his muzzle under the said tail and wedged his way into the heated crevice between his ass cheeks. The chuffed breaths brushed into the warm fur and made Kovu's eyes widen, although Simba was not to see that change in his expression. He merely felt the tail swing and swipe along his mane, tousling it while Simba sought the raunchy sensation of flesh on his tongue.
Kovu's gasp of surprise sounded wonderful for Simba, who lapped along the dark lion's ass crack. The hot breath combined with the saliva flowed onto his balls and made them itch in a way he was not familiar with. His fingers clenched against the boulder, paws splayed while he tried to comprehend what was happening to him under the raunchy administrations of Simba. Whatever he did, it was unexpected and confusing for the young lion. Nothing like it had ever happened to him, and the King had certainly never done something to approach him in such a manner.
The tongue washing at Kovu's balls was the final straw. His cock swell in his sheath and poked out. He had a considerable length of pointed, barbed flesh and his shaft curved against his belly, fully hard and glistening with his pre-juice. Simba realized this by the familiar smell the young prince's growing arousal produced. His rapid, powerful lapping at Kovu's nuts made his entire package bounce and rubbed his cock onto his belly furs.
"Uhhh...fuck..." Kovu exclaimed.
Simba smiled privately to himself, with his muzzle well occupied. By the sounds of it, he had the young lion cornered, and playing exactly the way Simba wanted.
He set in licking along the lion's taint again, to the very root of that mischievous tail. The fur sliding under his sloppy tongue grew thinner and more sparse until it simply became skin, lovely bare skin that yielded and trembled under his touch.
Kovu's tail flew straight up in the air when he felt the lion's tongue on his hole. It was such an alien sensation, yet it made his cock throb in an unusual manner. The noises Simba's muzzle did while he drilled under Kovu's tail sounded like he was digging into a very juicy antelope leg, fleshy, wet and lewd.
He might've as well been. Simba's eyes squeezed shut while he concentrated to the act of licking the younger lion's asshole. It had been longer than he cared to remember when he had done such a thing, but judging by the grunts Kovu was giving out, Simba had not lost his skills when it came to eating ass.
The young lion was being completely dominated by the sensations created by the King's attack on his flesh. The heated press of that tongue on his rear was overwhelming, strange, and erotic for reasons he could not comprehend and would not admit to, either.
Yes...thought the King, feeling the lion's body shift and squirm while Kovu struggled to keep still. His paws threatened to slip on the smooth boulder while he tried to stop himself from splashing into the water. The intense throbbing of his cock was tempting as well, simply beckoning for him to grab his shaft and stroke himself off into a blinding finish in the way that was more than familiar for every young lion.
Behind him, Simba still toiled, deep in his own arousal. His cock dribbled juice into the water that flowed between his legs that were splayed for balance while he gnawed on Kovu's hidden pucker. It was wet and slightly stretched by the repeated poking of the tongue, responding the way Simba would such an opening to do after some play. His dark desires were growing by the minute and he imagined mounting the young lion...already so conveniently bent over and presenting himself for such an act to occur without a hindrance for the King with such heavy intentions on his new young partner.
Kovu had given into the temptation and touched his cock, but only a few strokes were needed to set him off. His eyes rolled when the pleasurable pulses coursed through his body and left him gasping ans holding back his roars while his seed suddenly came shooting out of his shaft and splattering into the stream and the rock underneath him. His clenching pucker told Simba as much, and prompted the King to continue to tease the lion's opening all the way through his climax.
"Ohhhhh...fuck..." gasped the young Prince, "fuck...light..."
The heavily huffed obscenities amused and aroused Simba as much as the heady stench of seed in the air about them, It was obvious to him that the pleasure of their raunchy encounter had sent pleasure through the lion akin to the bolts of lightning that cut across the skies during stormy days.
This was the kind of a storm Simba liked, one fought between their two bodies, not the rumbling skies.
The King withdrew, and reared up.
"Now it's my turn, Kovu..."
He stepped back and landed onto the young lion with a thump that almost sent Kovu toppling onto his belly on his now cum-streaked rock. Simba's weight came down on him, arms about his sides and squeezing down, the King's wet foorpaws seeking purchase on the rocks of the flowing stream. He could feel the body underneath him flexing and straining to try and hold onto the King's great bulk while it pressed onto him.
"Now you'll feel true submission..." Simba growled.
Kovu was enclosed in the heated embrace of his King, with Simba's teeth scruffing on the confused lion's mane. His hips landed quite naturally onto the curve of Kovu's ass, and this motion forced his cock into the crack of Kovu's ass. The barbed tool slid between the muscled halves of the lion's rump and pushed along, making Simba hiss.
"You are mine..." Simba drawled.
His strong, thickly furred and muscled hips hunched forward repeatedly, to drive his slick shaft towards the young lion's hole.
Kovu had lost all royal protocol from his mind by then. There was only the sensation of the King on top of him, with intentions that grew intensely clear for Kovu when Simba's dick probed on him, pushing onto the pucker the lion's tongue had lavished into such slickness.
The breeding instinct kicked in easily at the sensation of a wet, tight hole rubbing against the tip of his impressive cock.
"Yes...." Simba hissed hotly while he lapped between Kovu's ears.
His cock found its mark and he pushed.
He pushed and sought purchase, the entrance into the tight heat he knew would await right behind the still struggling hole. Simba's spit was the only thing that eased the way for him, and he could feel a little gain, slowly, while Kovu's rumbling grew in intensity.
"You're mine!"
Kovu's body yielded for his King with a clench that was almost painful, slipping along the length of hot cock that penetrated him deeply. His groans and grumbles were not to stop Simba, who only remained still for a moment before he began to fuck the hole he had conquered with his royal might and now with his dick as well.
Simba preened the lion's mane while his hips sped up to a good pace. The young lion's hole was so hot and tight, it was unlike anything he had been into recently.
It was simply too good, and he could not keep himself back. He had to get all of himself into that hole belonging to a male whom he now dominated completely.
The King's balls slapped against Simba's and briefly let them as sore as the hole that was now being invaded by the barbed length that Simba's easy humping motion forced back and forth through the firm grip of Kovu's hole. The dark-furred male's groans echoed off the banks of the river while Simba was mostly simply breathing roughly. His cheeks puffed while he panted and drove his body into the frenzy of mating with Kovu, the young prince...
...the ultimate prize that signified his masculine power, by ruling over someone who was a true male, not unlike Simba, in but experience and age...and now Kovu was being his bitch, for him to breed with his sharply barbed cock and to fill with the royal sseed his sizeable balls produced.
The nut-smacking pounding continued in the heat of the sun. The air was full of musk, the cries of distant birds, and the noisy slap of hips on a nearly virginal ass. The grip of Kovu's rear was still incredibly tight and only spurred his King on to want to fuck him even harder.
"I'll fill you..." Simba growled, "mine..."
The bite that followed was a hard one, and made Kovu growl, yet it was nothing compared to the sensations in his ass. The King's cock speared him repeatedly, and he could do nothing but take it over and over again. He was slowly tiring to having to take Simba's weight on it for such a long time, although he could not really tell how much time had passed with them sizing each other up at the river.
It was obvious who had come off their grapple as the winner, and that was Simba, burying himself to the hilt inside Kovu's now accepting anus.
His balls drew close to his body.
Simba gripped Kovu's sides and buried his muzzle into the thick, fragrant mane to make sure he would not alert every single inhabitant of the Pride with his shrill mating roar that many of them knew very well and could tell him by. He wanted to keep this a that he planned to ensure further loyalty from his new Prince.
Kovu got to feel his first mating bite together with the rush of hot cum into his ass. The potent, musky seed was pumped into him by uncontrolled, jerking motions of Simba's hips while he bred the lion's ass into oblivion. Kovu's own cock remained hard and his body was in confusion over what it should feel from the internal stroke of barbs on his insides.
Simba's weight collapsing on him and sending both of them tumbling of the cold water below cut their wonderings short. Simba let out a surprised roar when the water splashed onto his balls and his cock, which accidentally slipped out of the hole where he had preferred tor remain for quite some time yet.
"Agh!" the King complained.
He rolled over his back, on the smooth rocks, and landed on all fours, still in the water and with his cock thankfully out of the cold water yet dripping it down into the stream. An equally sloppy Kovu emerged from the shallows with his mane now clinging wetly onto his neck. He stared over at a grinning Simba with a puzzled expression. His tail was pointedly firmly slapped against his soppy rear.
"A lovely day for a swim," said Simba, with his own tail swinging about.
His suddenly cold balls felt oddly sensual now, dripping yet close to his body and slowly warming up.
"You..." Kovu groaned.
"Yes, I, I am going to groom you now, you look ridiculous like that," Simba stated.
It appeared that he did not intend this moment to end quite yet. Putting Kovu's furs back into shape would give him time to lay down some new ground rules for Kovu's residence in the Pride and possibly his new...special...duties as the Prince of the Pridelands.
Simba hoped they would not be missed.
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