Sam's Gym - Ben & Paul first meet

Story by Skipai on SoFurry

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#47 of 1998-2019 Stories

Ben, a large chubby otter ventures to the local gym, "Sam's Gym" with a voucher that he received. After working out, he finally meets someone in the showers...

by Skipai © 2016

Authors note: This story contains gay adult sex between two consenting furry adult characters.

Ben - Otter Paul - Rat John - Tiger Sam - Lion


Ben looked up at the faded sign, several of the letters had fallen off over the years, and the paint work had faded from a bright yellow to a dullish gray colour. Some dark reddish rust fell down from where the letters were screwed into the wood as slid down to the bottom of the facial front of the building.

Ben was not one of your particular otters, he looked down at the gut that he had acquired over the years and sighed. A webbed paw ran over his head fur, the claws shifted some of the hair about until he rolled his shoulder to get a more comfortable position with the bag that rested there and slowly he walked towards the door that mocked him.

It was how he felt as he got nearer to the door, the whole building filled him with dread on what he may find in there as he wrapped his webbed paws about the handle and pulled on it until it started to slide open and pushed himself into the main lobby.

"Hello there! Come to join the gym?" A huge tiger said as he looked at the otter and with a huge paw, beckoned Ben to come nearer. Ben slowly made his way over and reached into the pouch of the blue hoodie that he wore and pulled out a crumbled piece of paper and held it out. "Someone got me this, thought I'll err, give it a go."

The tiger nodded his head as he took the paper and carefully un-crumpled it, placed it onto the counter and his big thick paw pads slowly flattened the paper until it was flat and then he looked at it with a nod. "Ah, you have a free session voucher. Yes, I remember we arranged this just for Christmas, though you're lucky as this is about to run out tomorrow."

Ben nodded slowly as he ran a webbed paw around to the back of his flabby neck and rubbed it as his neck rolled to the left, right and back a bit. "Yeah, didn't think I would fit in..." Ben said as he bit his lower lip, the ears on his head drooped backwards against his skull until they were out of sight amongst the fur.

"Hey man, no worries." The tiger leant forwards and held out a paw. "Names John, what's yours?" Ben paused and then took the paw and he shook it as he answered. "My name is Ben and thank you." The ears on the otter rose up again as he smiled. "So I'm not out of place here then?"

"Oh no, you're not out of place, no." John said as he gave the otter paw a squeeze before he let go and pulled out a clipboard with some forms on. "I'll tell you what; want me to show you about? Try a few things and if you want you can sign up here afterwards if it is your thing."

Ben smiled with a nod. "Thanks I'm not sure I could go about on my own." The otter saw John nod and he moved about as he picked up the handset of the phone and spoke into it. "Sam, need you to come out here and look after the front for a bit. I've got a new customer that I will be showing about." The tiger nodded as he listened to the reply on the handset and placed it back down again before he turned around and moved out of the counter. "Come on, let's show you about then."

John pushed open the door as he spoke. "This is our swimming area." Ben looked inside as he watched various people swim about in the pool. There were two slim otters, a male and a female that swam up and down alongside an orca; dolphin and he saw another tiger that leapt from a diving board to splash into the water head first. "As you can see, we've got the best size pool to suit any of our customer needs. Let us walk through this way towards the changing rooms, hmm?"

John walked ahead as Ben smiled meekly as he saw a male otter look at him for a moment and then pushed off to swim back down the pool and he looked to where the tiger had gone before he walked up quickly to catch up. "Over there is the hot tub, we don't encourage any funny business though. In that room we have a private hot tub area but that costs extra. There's the steam rooms and hot house." John looked into the very small window and back towards the otter again. "It would seem that we have a few reptiles in there today."

Ben nodded as he gave a quick glance and blinked as he saw several reptiles that were quite happily sitting in a very hot room, the otter noticed that they weren't wearing any clothing and some of the towel placements were questionable as he could see some of the slits in full view. A few of the males had already began to show their cocks that poked out between the slits though one or two had them under their towels but they weren't that well hidden from the bulges. One of the lizards saw him and licked his lips and that made Ben duck away quickly and he quickly caught up with the tiger who had already kept the door open to the locker room.

The locker room was well lit with old grey metal lockers that ran in various corridors in the large room. Wooden bench ran along the middle of each corridor and Ben spoke. "Reminds me of high school..." John laughed. "Yeah, everyone said that when they first saw the place. Actually I think some of those actually did come from a high school before it closed." The tiger moved along before he found a spare locker and opened it. "You want to get changed? I don't think you want to try out the equipment in your current gear. I'll just pop outside and wait in the gym. You can come when you're ready, okay?"

Ben nodded his head as he saw John smile and walked off towards the other side of the room and turned to the left and then he was gone. A few seconds later, the otter heard the door open and the loud noise from the gym could be heard and then with a loud clunk the door closed itself and he stood there alone in the locker room.

"Well, you're in it now..." Ben said to himself as he placed the bag down onto the bench and slowly he sat down next to it as he looked to his left and then to his right with a sigh of relief that for the moment he was on his own.

The otter leant over and slowly pulled the zipper along to open the bag and he pulled out the shorts and the t-shirt and placed them down onto the bench. Ben looked at them for a short while and slowly he got up and pulled at his jumper as the elastic rim of his jumper pulled the belly up slightly and as it freed itself and slipped upwards, the belly fell back down again with a wobble, part of his t-shirt underneath had pulled free from his pants.

Carefully, Ben slowly folded up the jumper and placed it on the bench, then with both paws on the lower part of his t-shirt, he lifted it up and slowly he felt the garment lift up and over his head as he felt his large chest fall back down again and gently he folded up his t-shirt and placed it on top of the jumper before he slowly pulled down his pants, he bent down and stepped out of them.

Ben stood there as he looked about again while he was in his boxers and slowly he folded his pants up and placed them on top of the rest of the clothes before he picked them all up and moved to the locker that the tiger had opened for him a few moments ago and placed the garments inside neatly. It was then that he stood still as he heard the door open from the pool and an otter walked over and grinned as he slapped Ben on the arse. "Hey there bro, it's nice to see another otter about the place."

The otter walked over to where his locker was and opened it up with a loud clank before he pulled the towel out and a bottle and smiled as he saw that Ben had turned to look at him. "Catch you another time, hmm?" Before Ben could reply, the otter walked off towards the shower area and vanished from view.

After that, Ben quickly got dressed into his workout kit as he pulled the shorts up as he felt the heart race, he felt his faced had flushed up under the fur and he placed his head against the cold metal of the locker door next to his open compartment and took a deep breath in, then out.

Ben made his way towards the direction that John had taken and he heard the shower and the otter that hummed to him around the corner in another part of the room. He gave a soft smile and then turned to the door and pushed through it as he entered the main gym.

John stood there as he helped to lift up some weights from a lion that grunted before he gently placed it down onto the bar and nodded his head. "Good job Lobe, you'd get to that target in no time." The lion sat up as he reached for his towel and wiped his paw pads before he smiled at the otter in front of him. "Is this the one that you mentioned?" John nodded and gave the lion a pat on the shoulder. "Yes, I have to go, make sure you do your cool down, okay?"

The lion nodded as he made his way off to another part of the gym as John walked up to where Ben was and smiled. "So Ben, you ready to check things out, try things maybe?" Ben nodded his head. "Yes, sure I'm ready to do that."

John led Ben through the room as he spoke. "These are the weight lifting machines; those are the free weights over there?" Ben turned to look and saw a few large bovines grunt as they lifted large weights; a few wolves were there with smaller as they grunted in turn, ears against the back of their heads, teeth bared. "Don't worry about them; they want to catch up with the larger crowd." John pointed to where he wanted to go and Ben followed. "But we start you off on the treadmill, it's easy to operate." John smiled as he beckoned Ben to get on with an open paw. Ben looked at the treadmill, the otter slowly took hold of the two rails alongside it and pulled himself onto it with a small grunt, the otter walked to the other end and stared down at the controls as John walked up outside and along until he reached over with a hand paw and talked.

"So here we are with the treadmill." John said as he moved a paw over to one set of controls. "These set the speed, while these ones..." John moved his paw to the other side. "This controls the angle as if you're walking up a hill for example. So let's see what you can do at first. Now go nice and slow, we don't want you to overdo it on your first try." John smiled as he watched the otter move his webbed fingers over the control and pressed the start button and he began to walk as the machine whirled into action.

Ben took each step as he could as he slowly walked along the treadmill, the otter took a slow pace as he looked around him and felt his ears burn and turn against his head as he saw others using it on a very fast setting. Ben jumped slightly as he felt the warm touch from the tiger paw on top of his own that was near to him. "Look, take it slow, forget the others. This is just you here. You're the one that you need to prove at your own pace. Forget about the rest."

With those words, Ben felt himself relax again as he pressed the speed button to go that little bit faster and over the next couple of minutes he still felt the tiger paw on his own as he quickened the pace and began to pant as he walked faster. John smiled as he watched. "That's it; you're doing very well at the moment here. Mind if I add a bit of an incline?"

Ben nodded his head as he saw that tiger paw move from his and moved the incline up a few times as the otter felt himself walking up a slight hill. This continued on for several minutes as he panted heavily. Once the timer hit ten minutes, John reached over and pressed the stop button where the machine slowed down before it came to a stop. "That's the treadmill. Wait here while I get you a drink."

As the tiger moved away, the otter looked down and continued to pant for a moment or two and then slowly he lifted his head up again and saw that John had returned once more with a plastic cup in paw and held it out. "Here, drink this to replenish your water." Ben took it with a soft smile and drank the water slowly, the cool liquid felt good against his hot mouth and throat and he slowly walked off the machine as John stood beside him. "Let's try the exercise bike next, come this way."

As Ben followed John about the gym, he saw others working out on their machines and nodded to a rat that was busy on a rowing machine, the large ears bright red as he struggled to bend forwards from his gut in the way. When the rat nodded with a smile, the otter blushed and headed over to where John stood next to a bike and patted the seat with his paw. "Hop on and we see what you can do, okay?"

Slowly Ben climbed onto the bike as he sat down and shifted about as he checked that he was comfortable. John knelt down and helped the otter to get his foot paws into the pedals as he sniffed and gave a soft purr before he did the same to the other side and stood near to the otter as he placed his paw onto Ben's back and smiled. "Okay, nice and slow and start peddling and we check what resistance setting to put you on."

Slowly, Ben began to pedal and held onto the handle bars as he felt the warm paw pads from John press into his back and he gave it all that he could do, the tiger from time to time increased the resistance as the otter began to pant again as the cycle began to get harder and harder to do as he saw the rat walk past, gut swayed side to side from the over stretched tank top and he gave a wave of which he waved back and felt the paw on his back pat him. "You see, you're already making friends here."

John rubbed the otter's back as he continued to peddle for several minutes as the rat stood not far in front of them as he lifted up some weights, every time that he did his tank top rose up to show off more of his gut as he grunted. The otter panted as he continued to push against those peddles until he felt John pat his back three times. "That's enough for today I think don't want to overdo it. Why don't you go and get showered."

Ben nodded as he got off from the bike and held onto it as his legs gave way slightly. John patted his back and smiled. "Wait until you are ready before moving on, now if you excuse me I have to go speak to someone." The tiger nodded and then walked over to where the rat was and began to talk quietly to him. Ben turned around and walked back through the gym again as he looked about and sighed. As Ben came to the door he pushed it open and re-entered the changing rooms again.

Thankfully it was empty as Ben made his way over to his locker and opened it up as he slowly pulled out a towel and placed it onto the bench in the middle and began to strip. He tugged at his top before it came off and placed it onto the bench, and then slowly he removed the rest of his gym clothing and placed it on top before he grabbed his bag, removed the fresh clothes inside and placed the gym stuff inside and then closed and locked the locker again.

Slowly Ben made his way into the shower area and looked about the room itself. It was empty, he looked about more and slowly walked to where the hooks were on the wall and hung his towel and then he turned to look about at the showers themselves which lined the opposite side. With a sigh, he made his way over and heard his paw pads splash through the puddles that were left in the floor, all cold to the touch as he came to one of the showers and reached out to feel the control knob just below.

First Ben tried to turn it to the left and it came on but he jumped out from the water that sprayed down as it was freezing. With a frown he reached forwards and moved it to the right and tested the water with his other paw before he felt the water get warmer and he continued to fiddle with the controls until the otter felt the water was at the right temperature and then he stood right under the water that came down from the shower head.

For a few moments, Ben just stood there under the water spray as he idly rubbed his webbed paws over his large belly, then moved his left paw up to rub over his breast and his right moved down to give his sheath a rub underneath the hanging belly as he sighed happily.

AS the water dripped from his whiskers and the rest of his body, Sam felt himself relax under the semi warm water of the shower and closed his eyes. The otter didn't hear someone else come into the room as he placed his head against the cool tiled wall.

Slowly the otter turned around as he heard someone walk across the room and a large rat smiled at Ben. "Hi..." Sam blushed as he nodded his head and saw the rat come to a stop and this made Same tilt his head to the side in a questionable look. "Hello." Ben smiled as he covered his cock and balls with his webbed paws, the water fell in droplets from the tips of his claws. "Don't mind if I use the shower next to you, do you?" The rat asked as he made his way across the room as his foot paws splashed through several puddles along the way and smiled softly as he came up alongside Ben and offered a hand. "Name's Paul, what's yours?"

Slowly Ben removed one of his hand paws from his crotch and lifted it up to slowly take Paul's hand and shook it. "My name is Ben, nice to meet you?" After two or three shakes he let go of the hand and replaced it back to his crotch again as Paul looked with a small grin.

"Do you mind if I helped out at all?" Paul said as he placed a hand on Ben's shoulder and gave it a gentle squeeze, the rat felt the otter tense up as he looked at the other male and gave a friendly grin. "Bit hard to wash your back on your own." After Paul had said that, he felt the shoulder relax again and saw Ben nod his head.

Slowly he moved around to go behind the otter as he began to massage the water through the fur on the back of the otter, slowly pressing, kneading and rubbed the back as he heard Ben give a soft sigh as the head dipped slightly. "So how long you've been going to the gym?" Paul enquired as he rubbed both shoulders with the palm of his hands.

Ben felt his shoulders continue to relax under the tender care of those warm rat hand palms and he felt the whiskers bounce up and down from the water as he made his reply back. "This was my first day, wasn't sure if I would turn up to be honest." Ben felt the claws comb the shoulders and then move along his back as he gave a soft chirr, the otter slowly pushing his back against those fat long fingers as he heard Paul speak again. "Do you think you will return again then, to the gym that is?"

Ben was quiet for a short while and then shrugged his shoulders which Paul saw. "I don't know? Maybe if it makes me look cute and not ugly the way I am right now." The rat stopped momentarily before he slid his arms about the otter in front of him and pressed his body against the other, his head rested on the right shoulder of Ben's and he spoke softly. "Who thinks you're ugly? You're not ugly; in fact I actually think you're cute."

As Ben heard the words he felt the cheeks under the fur begin to flush as heat came about his muzzle and he spoke back softly. "Thank you." The otter gave a soft smile as he leant back against the large rodent behind him while the both continued to stand under the warm water that flowed over them both. "You're too kind." Ben finally said as he closed his eyes, the water droplets continued to bounce off his face.

"I really do mean it though." Paul said as he turned his head to the side and placed a small kiss on the cheek of the otter. "Do you like me at all?" Ben thought about the question as he could feel the warm embrace from behind still, the sensation of the rodent hands splayed out around his front and he slowly nodded his head. "Yes, I do like you."

These words made Paul smile more as he spoke very softly and quietly so that only Ben could hear in the room, though both had not heard another enter the rat was being polite to keep it personal for the new found friend. "May I have the permission to show you how much I like you?" The rat's nose twitched as water bounced off, one or two droplets hung before they fell downwards again.

When Ben saw the otter nod his head slowly, the rodent smiled as he started to rub the flabby belly as he squeezed the soft padding with his own chubby fingers, the rat slowly moved his left hand up as he slid his long fingers until they were under the overhanging boob and slowly he slid them over as he cupped Ben's right breast and with a finger he slowly slid it over to where the nipple was and began to gently rub over it with the soft tip of his finger as wet skin slid over the coarse hair. Ben moaned as Paul smiled, the nipple quickly firmed up until he could feel skin rub over skin from the tiny lump that was rough and firm as it moved around depending on the direction the rodent had moved his hand.

The sound of Ben's change of breathing reached Paul's ears as he grinned toothily as he continued to rub and massage that raised nipple and playfully he gave it a gently squeeze between his thumb and finger, the claws clicking together as only the very tips of his skin pressed against that tiny hardened lump and the sound that Ben gave out as he moaned loudly, water that poured into the open muzzle before it rolled outwards as the tongue slid outwards.

As long rodent fingers slid about the soft furred belly, Paul continued to feel and fondle about the belly as he squeezed, rubbed and pulled gently, the water flowing over the fur and skin before he slowly felt around the naval as he slid in a plump finger into the orifice to feel how hot and moist it was inside. "Such a nice form you have, Ben..." The rodent spoke as he held onto the belly, his finger wedged into the belly button itself and slowly shifted about behind himself as his feet squelched in the puddle of water. It was then that Paul felt his own cock push up against the plump round buttocks of the otter and bent sideways until it pulled free as it popped over the otter's tail. The rodent playfully did this a few times as he gently lent to nibble on the otter's shoulder, licking the fur before he gave it a gentle kiss.

Ben gave a soft chirr as he lifted a webbed paw up and gently placed it over the rodent hand that was still on his breast and spoke back. "We should get to know each other but this feels so good." The otter blushed again as he continued on. "I noticed you as well in the gym, thought what a lovely guy you were." Ben went to say more but he stopped as he felt the rodent slide his finger out from the naval and the hand slid down over his belly and under as the slender fingers began to fondle over the semi erect cock as he rolled the soft fleshy tube over his fingers until it rested into the palm of his hand and then with a slow motion, those fingers began to wrap around the hot tubular flesh of meat and then gave it a soft squeeze.

The reaction was what Paul had hoped for as Ben gave a loud moan and the soft back of his body pressed against his own belly, the thick rodent cock squished in between as it throbbed and ached, leaving two lines of pre once Ben had relaxed again until the second squeeze on that cock, Paul started to slowly feel each and every vein along that hot throbbing shaft and the swelled up head that leaked clear silky smooth pre that slowly slid over his fingers so that for an instant he could feel how smooth his hand slid along that shaft and head before the shower washed the pre away.

Ben moved and placed a hand onto the tile wall in front of him, the otter spread his fingers apart as the webbing in between each digit stretched outwards as the fur slowly pulled apart to show the bright red skin underneath. When he shifted about again and tried to lift his hand off from the tile a loud sucking popping sound came before he placed it elsewhere on the wall as Ben pushed forwards to slam his cock through the tight passage the rodent had made around his aching shaft and then just as quick he pulled back hard as his soft backside pressed up against the rodent's groin, the cock bent before it sprung upwards to be pressed between the two forms once more.

With slow movements, Paul continued to slide his hand over the shaft of the otter's cock as he heard the wet slurping sounds that came from down below, the stench of male musky pre that wafted up, mixed with the sweat from the otter's cock itself and his own hand that made both of them take a slower inhale in as both of their dicks throbbed and jumped as more pre squirted out from their heads. The rodent slowly let go of the breast as he reached behind the otter and took hold of his own cock, the thumb and finger wrapped about the base. "Are you ready?" Paul asked as he slowly moved his member to slide under the tail and arched it upwards until he could feel the head press up against the plump pucker. "I so want to feel you around my cock, sweet cute otter..."

Still under the hot aroused situation, Ben nodded his head, for so long he had wanted this and now he could feel his cock continue to take control of the situation as the tingling sensation continued to throb within his shaft and balls, the entire lower abdomen felt hot under the thick layer of fur. "Y-yes, I am ready..." Ben replied back as he gave another loud moan when he felt the hot rat cock head press up against his quivering anal ring that opened slightly before it tightened up into a tiny starlet surrounded by fur.

Paul gave a grunt as the rodent pushed forwards and slowly that big fat fleshy pink cock head that had turned a deep reddish purple in colour slowly began to dip inwards as the wet clear pre slowly began to spread outwards. With a second push forwards the pressure increased so that both the rat and otter began to grunt and moan as the ring of muscle began to give way as that large rounded head began to sink inwards.

With a loud growl, Ben reached out and grabbed hold of the shower tap as the webbing between the fingers stretched over the four spokes and a protesting creak came from the metal as the pipe behind the wall moved as the otter tugged onto it. "Ooooh...!" Small dust particles drifted in the air as they fell down to mix with the water that splashed about on the tiled floor below.

With plump belly that shifted about as the rodent pressed it against the padded back, the large rodent hands slowly slid to the sides as they gripped about the fat otter's belly and held on before a loud slurping sound from between them as that thick shaft slipped in and out from the tight passage. With each thrust that Paul made, the thick otter cock pressed up against the shower room wall as it moved upwards as the foreskin slid downwards from the pressure of the wall and the large belly and a small squirt of pre shot upwards to smear against the tile and matted against the wet fur.

Ben felt the hot breath of the rodent behind him that panted from time to time as the breathing became faster, the sensation of the thick cock sliding into his stretched anus wall and Ben groaned loudly before he grunted as his own cock rammed up against the shower wall time and again until he started to pant in time with his lover. Paul continued to rub the silky soft fur as he gripped the fat roll within each hand and leant his head forwards to kiss the back of the otter's neck, then the back of the head as he grunted into one of the small rounded ears. "G-getting close..."

As Paul increased his thrusts, which got harder and faster, Ben could feel his own cock rub up and down the side of the wall as the sensitive cock head tingled as it brushed over his belly fur and with a loud chirp the otter gasped and moaned loudly as he felt the warm spunk shoot up between the wall and his belly as it squirted out from his cock head to smear up against his fur before it dribbled down over his balls and down the side of his inner thighs.

As Ben climaxed, Paul felt the anus ring muscle clasp tightly about his shaft and he moaned through his clenched teeth and forcefully thrusted his thick shaft of his cock back and forth before he cried out himself as he entered into his own climax, the thick rodent cock head swelled and throbbed as the white ropes of his cum splattered against the moist fleshy walls. As Paul pulled out, some of the white gooey rat spunk dribbled down the length of the shaft as it rolled over his fleshy balls and down the right inner thigh before it pooled about the right foot and then slowly vanished from the water that continued to flow around the four foot paws.

Slowly Paul pulled out as he gave a happy sigh and he helped Ben to turn around to face him with a large smile on his face and slowly he lifted up both hands and placed them around the soft cheeks of the otter and looked into the eyes. "Thank you." He said softly before he moved his head forwards and placed a kiss on the lips. At first Paul felt resistance but then the lips he had pressed his own against relaxed and he felt the same reflex and then the kiss was returned. It was over in a few seconds as Paul pulled away and sighed happily. "I have to ask you this though, do you fancy going out for something to eat?"

Paul felt Ben wrap his arms about the rodent and nod his head. "Sure, you got a place in mind?" The water slowly washing away their recent sexual activities, then Paul reached around and turned off the shower with a grin. "There's a small cafe not far from here that does some good fish." Ben pulled a face as he placed a webbed hand on the chest of the rodent. "That's very stereotyping of you." Paul smiled back as he looked at Ben with a toothy smile. "And do you like fish?" Ben pulled a face. "That's not the point and besi-" Paul placed a finger on the otter's nose and made a shh'ing noise. "Let us go get dried and dressed before we catch a cold, then we can go discuss this over whatever we fancy to eat, okay?" Paul saw Ben nod his head and slowly they both headed out of the room.


John sighed as he rested an elbow on the counter, the tiger was listening to the headset in his paw and he spoke. "No ma'am... But of course it's a gym... Look, we're open at six in the morning to eleven at night... What? ... Of course we accept gays.... Then I don't think this is the place for you then. Yes, goodbye..." John placed the phone down as he felt a paw on his shoulder and a deeper voice spoke calmly behind him. "Don't worry about it; doubt we would want their business anyways."

John turned to face Sam who smiled with his big feline face, the hand paw that moved through his mane as he looked about the area. "So how goes being in the front desk again?" John frowned. "I will be happy when Kia gets back from the dentist."

Sam chuckled. "Well, maybe next time he complains about the calls he has to deal with you won't be so hasty in telling him to stop and that it isn't so bad." John nodded and turned to look at the door to the changing room as it opened and out came a rat and a otter who walked past, the rodent giving a small smile and a nod before the two went out of the door and slowly took each other's hand and walked away from the building.

John smiled as he watched as Sam grinned. "So he finally asked someone, did he?" John nodded his head, the tiger still watching as Sam looked thoughtful. "Okay, how much did you have in this?" John turned around to face the lion and blinked. "What do you mean?" Sam leant forwards and grinned wide, showing his sharp teeth. "You know what and for that, you should stay behind this evening and get what is owed."

It was the tiger who grinned back now as he stared at Sam. "Oh, have I been a naughty cat then?" Sam stepped closer and placed a large paw on the tiger's rear and gently kneaded with his claws. "Yes, yes you have been a naughty cat." Sam leant forwards and placed a kiss on the tiger's lips. "But thank you in helping Paul find someone, however you managed it."

John smiled. "Oh that, sneaky stalking and hunting but hey, I knew the rat liked otters and especially ones that looked like him so slipping a voucher to one wasn't that hard." The tiger hugged the lion. "So I have to ask, what are you going to do to me then?" Sam smiled. "Oh it involves leather, weights and maybe that new whip I got recently and then maybe we can do..."

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