Pokemon - Tale Of The Guardian Master - CH 86

Story by ModestImmorality on SoFurry

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#86 of Pokemon - Tale of the Guardian Master

Chapter 86 - A Bridge Between Worlds

Standing up nervously, Chris looked around and let out a groan. "Betting the souls of others is seriously uncool and unfair, I'll be dead because of you if this doesn't work! I thought you wanted me to stay alive?!" he shout, slumping and shaking his head with a sigh. "Then again, who am I kidding? Arguing over it won't do any good now... Especially with you. Next time get an okay from me, you got that? Some things, even if you DO own me or whatever, just aren't right." he muttered before carefully making his way along the groaning deck beneath him, this time making sure to watch out for any openings he might fall through. "You alright lad? We saw those Pokemon gathering around you and you looked a bit unwell. Sure you shouldn't come back?" Rostron asked through the communicator. "N-No, I'm fine. Just felt a bit woozy. It's weird walking underwater." he laughed nervously before continuing on. "Man, look at how much this thing has rot through the years." he thought to himself, looking around at all of the rust and fanning away the cloud of dirt around him. Heading towards the railing, he leaned over cautiously for a curious up close look at the hull, only to cause the portion of the railing he pressed against to break away nearly sending him over the ship as he grabbed the broken section and pulled himself back, blinking in surprise with an "oops" expression on his face. "SO HELP ME I'LL KILL EM!!!" he suddenly heard the Chief screaming in the background through his communicator. "C-Careful lad!! Anything you do will cause more damage!!" Rostron warned, the medics heard in the background trying to calm the Chief down after seeing Chris break the ship. Gulping nervously, he quickly nodded and did his best to put the section of railing back in place, wedging it in between the rest of the railing like a cork before slowly backing away with his hands up, letting out a sigh of relief when the piece stayed put. Looking towards the bridge of the Arceanic, he laughed nervously with a quick "S-sorry about that." and bowing as if someone were there watching him, not wanting to cause any further disrespect than he already had by being on the ship.

With a deep breath, he kept his distance from the railing while making his way along, and once he reached the promenade, he looked up and scratched his head. "Really not sure about goin' inside this thing. "he muttered before squatting down and leaping up, swimming along awkwardly before letting himself land softly before the promenades entrance, looking inside with his eyes squint at the remains of the eerie walkway, pitch black save for the Guardians search lights shining in through the windows. "Ick, look at all the rust. It's like icicles in there... I'm gonna need SEVERAL tetanus shots after this." he thought with an uncomfortable shudder. "Alright Captain, I'm heading inside the ship. Tell the Chief that, I'll uh... Do my best not to break anything else..." he laughed nervously. "Alright lad, you be careful in here. Something happens, we don't have a way to help you..." Rostron warned. With a nod, Chris stepped inside the promenade and made his way along, turning on his flashlight and scanning the ceiling above him, rusticles and plant life having made it their home through the years. "This was the first class promenade too... Hard to believe the kinds of people that walked through here looking at it now." he thought. Scanning the deck beneath him, all he could find was dirt and debris littering the path, until his flashlight suddenly reflected off an object ahead of him. Blinking and rubbing his eyes, Chris tilt his head and scanned the direction he saw the shine coming from before finding it again. "Wuzzat? Jewelry?" he muttered as he walked along and stopped at the object. "No, not jewelry. It's a... Mask?" he said, squatting down and looking closely at the object before him. "Weird, doesn't look like it has any holes to see through." he thought to himself before carefully picking it up. Looking it over, the mask had a blank looking face on it, as if someone were staring back at him with no emotion at all. "Eesh, they put on some freaky stuff back in the day." he muttered while standing and looking it over.

Walking on, he stopped at one of the windows and shined his light on it, tucking the mask in his pocket thinking of having Rostron take a look before wiping off the glass and trying to have a peek inside. "Bah, not gonna see a thing with it just as dirty on the inside." he thought, backing away with a disappointed sigh before continuing to wipe off the window, its radiance showing in the rays of his light causing Chris to chuckle. "Who knows? Maybe with a careful scrubbing this ship might not look so bad!" he grinned before looking around warily. "Still, being a grave and all, best not to fool around too much, even cleaning it would be rude in ways I guess." he reminded himself, enjoying the shimmering glass a moment longer before continuing on his way. "This is the promenade, so there should be doors." he thought to himself, taking out his Pokedex and bringing up the ships blueprints. "Aha! The entrance to the fore Grand Staircase should be..." he said, pausing when he shined his light where the door used to be, only to find the entrance collapsed. "Oh..." he muttered, looking at the blueprints again. Continuing along the promenade, Chris suddenly noticed another object shining ahead. "Another mask maybe?" he muttered, heading in the objects direction. However, once he was close to it and ready to bend down, he felt something tugging on his coat, causing him to freeze and look around warily. "...Current maybe?" he thought, figuring it was the sea swaying his clothing. Reaching back, he looked for something it may have caught itself on, only to see nothingness around him and sticking with his ocean current idea. Bending back down, he picked up the object and sure enough it was yet another mask, identical to the one he had found near the entrance of the promenade passage. "S-Seriously? It looks the same as the other, and still no holes." he said, holding it up to his face and trying to look through. "If this is what everyone was wearing, no wonder the ship sa...!!" he said, pausing when he felt a tug on his coat again.

Looking around, he let out a nervous groan before facing the mask again. "Don't get creeped out again, it's just the water." he assured himself. "Guess it couldn't hurt to take one for the Captain and the Chief, after they have a look at em' I can bring these things right back." he nodded, tucking the mask in his other coat pocket wanting to show off his discovery yet at the same time not wanting to take anything for keeps from the wreckage. Trying out several doors, naturally time had taken their toll on each one, the rust having sealed them in place. Granted it likely wouldn't take much to break through, but out of respect Chris shook off the idea and continued his way along until finally coming to a door that was hanging open, barely clinging to its remaining hinges. "Yo! I found a way inside the ship Captain!" Chris called out. "We've seen you strolling in the promenade through the windows lad. Can you... Tell us what it's like in there?" Rostron asked. "Well, lots of debris and dust. Plus there's so much rust hanging all over the place like icicles, hope we've got plenty of shots I can get once I'm back on board." he replied before thinking "If I make it back" as he walked towards the open door. "I've found a pair of weird masks I wanna show you and the Chief too. Looks like when the ship sank they were having some kinda freaky party or something." Chris went on, suddenly stopping next to the door when he found more masks lying nearby. "Masks...? They had no events related to costumes on her voyage that I can recall. You men know of anything?" Rostron asked on the other end, Chris hearing everyone in the background muttering together confused. "So... Why are there so many then?" he asked, noticing even more masks littering the deck right at the door. "They all look the same too, and they don't have any holes to see through them. It's freaky." he explained. "I-I have no idea what kind of masks exactly you've found lad, but there were no events related to them on that ship I assure you. And there aren't any such objects around the Arceanic as far as we can tell. That's very... Odd." Rostron replied. "Yeah, guess you would think there'd be more of them elsewhere, not just in here from when the ship landed. But uh, yeah. There's plenty laying around the promenade deck, that's for sure." Chris said, carefully stepping over the masks and standing before the dark entrance before him.

Checking Serenity's Mega Stone still shining as brightly as before, he nodded and took a deep breath. "Alright then, I'm heading inside of what looks like..." Chris paused, checking his blueprints. "Oh! This is the entrance to the aft Grand Staircase!" he said excitedly. "Don't get too riled up now, I doubt there's anything left of it lad. Keep in mind much of her structure internally was craft from wood back in the day, it's likely long gone by now." Rostron reminded causing Chris to sulk slightly. "Right... W-Well, headin' inside anyways." Chris replied. About to step through, he was held back however by his coat, this time feeling it tugged at from both sides causing him to freeze up wide eyed. "J-Just the current. O-Or caught in the door frame." he assured himself, shining his light around before feeling the masks moving in his pockets. "C-Current, the current. Just the c...!!" he paused, feeling the masks lift out and watching as they hovered at his sides. "C-Current!! C-Current!!" he repeat, his hand trembling as he shined the light on them as they float up together and hovered before his face. "J-Just the..." he stuttered, his eyes widening all the more as the masks slowly turned simultaneously until their blank faces were staring right at his, hovering closer and closer as his legs began shaking. "Th-Th tha..." he stuttered. "That's NOT the current!!" he panicked, stepping back nervously as Rostron shout "What's wrong?!" through the communicator, the sudden noise causing Chris to freak out all the more and suddenly stumble back. "Th-Th-Th-This ship...!!" he panicked before suddenly turning and struggling clumsily to run inside, hitting himself against the frame of the door causing his body to bounce off creating a poof of dirt and debris as he rushed in and hid against the wall rubbing his arm. "Wh-What about the ship?!" Rostron panicked. "I-I-Its ha-haaauunnnteeeed...." he murmured into the communicator nervously, his voice sounding like a whimpering Fru Fru. "Ha-Haunted, lad? Say what now?" Rostron asked bewildered. "I think you've already breathed in too many harmful things from that ship... Things of that nature are nothing short of tales to scare children... Are you certain you can handle being in there?" he asked.

"If you can't it's the end." Chris suddenly heard Ninetails voice echo in his mind. "E-Easy for you to say!! Th-This kinda thing is freaky!!" he panicked. "Were you not made aware by Dusknoir such things awaited you here? How said things present themselves should not hinder you in such a manner. You jump from a cliff, take on a human contraption, yet you see something float in your face and you cower like a newborn? How disgraceful." she scoffed. "Wh-Whatever!! I can't help freaking out if things just... You know, happen outta the blue like that!!" he argued. "Sheesh you're cold... You're tellin' me it doesn't get to you even a little?" he muttered in irritation. "Of course not you fool!! I'm well aware of what inhabits this rotting metal!! Now turn back and offer your apologies lest you make this task more difficult than need be." she ordered. "G-Go back? Out there?! You want me to apologize to a pair of floating masks?!" he complained. "Would you rather stop breathing again instead...?" she warned, Chris shooting up and rapidly shaking his head. "A-Alright!! Alright, alright!! I'll go... Say sorry or, you know, something." he groaned, glancing towards the entrance. "I know something lives here, but still. This kinda thing can traumatize a guy. Walking all over a grave is hard enough for me without these kinda spooks." he went on. "Gather your courage or one way or another you die." Ninetails reminded coldly once again. "N-No sympathy, naturally." Chris grumbled before nodding begrudgingly. Taking a deep breath, he looked at the Mega Stone shining on his staff once again and shook his head. "C-Come on Chris, quit wasting time." he lectured himself before heading towards the entrance and poking his head out, the two masks still floating about. Slowly, he stepped out and walked up behind them. "I uh, just..." he began, pausing when they slowly turned and faced him causing Chris to jolt and gulp with a nervous laugh. "J-Just wanted to apologize." he said, shaking his head to rid himself of his fear before bowing. "I-I'm sorry. I didn't mean to disrespect you." he added before raising up, the two masks facing one another before turning back to him.

"Y-You see, I'm from that ship over there. We need help." he point out, the masks facing the promenade windows. "If we can't find a way back to the surface, we'll wind up the same as..." he paused, shining the light up at the ceiling above as the masks faced him again. "S-So if you could forgive the intrusion, I promise not to be here longer than necessary and do my best not to mess up anything." he told the two. Getting no response, he smiled nervously once again and gave another bow before excusing himself, but as he turned back towards the entrance, he was greeted by even more masks as they float up one by one from their resting places, each eerily eyeing him over and swarming around him. "Ahhh-ha ha. H-Hello, mask th-things." he said with a cautious wave. "E-Excuse me." he muttered, making his way along back through the entrance. "J-Juuussst face forward. Don't make more eye contact than necessary." he thought to himself while maintaining a smile. Walking along, he found himself standing within the lobby of the aft staircase, only to see the staircase itself having disintegrated leaving the frame in its place. "Hey Captain? You were right. I'm here where the aft stairs were and sure enough, all that's left is the railing and stuff. The steps are..." he paused, walking towards where they once were and shining his light down through the lower decks. "G-Gone, just an empty space all the way down to the bottom." he explained. "Aye, that's a shame... Her staircases were some of the most extraordinary of her time, THE most extraordinary as far as structures on a ship went. What of the glass dome that should be overhead?" Rostron asked. "Overhead...? Well..." Chris paused, shining his light up only to find the metal framing and portions of the domes glass. "Things shattered to bits. Just a buncha twisted metal... Looks like it had some reeeaaal fancy design goin' on though." he replied. "When she sailed the surface, during the day that dome let in light as if the heavens were above you. In the end, that's exactly where they went..." Rostron said in a somber tone.

Walking around what was once the lobby, Chris put his hand on one of the posts only for the portion to turn to dust against his palm, causing him to quickly back away. "S-Some of the wood did make it. Just barely though." he muttered. "By now whatever wood is left will likely turn into nothing if you mess with it too much so try to avoid being too curious in there lad." Rostron affirmed. Nodding, Chris turned about to backtrack around the gaping hole where the staircase was only to find the masks from the promenade floating before him, having gathered and trailed along behind. "U-Uh, h-hey again." he smiled nervously with a wave. "J-Just checking out what's left of the stairs. It uh, still looks very nice!" he said, patting one of the posts causing it to crumble and fall next to him, turning into a pile of splintered wood and ash like dust next to his feet as he froze and turned pale, the masks facing one another as he quickly get on his hands and knees creating a poof of dirt around him as he apologized over and over, bowing repeatedly. Facing down at him, the masks remained silent as he slowly stood and tugged on his collar. "U-Uh, so, you masks know where I could find a person in here or something...?" he asked. "I know it sounds weird but, well, a friend told me there should be help in here, but I've got no idea where to find it. Plus I really don't have that much time to be here." he explained, pointing out the Gardevoirite on his staff. Facing one another again, the masks suddenly nodded in response. "R-Really?! Could you give me a hand then?" he asked excitedly, the masks backing away cautiously before slowly gathering around him again. "U-Uh, lead the... Way?" he asked, blinking confused until they gathered in front of him and gave his body a push. "O-Okay! I'm goin'!" he laughed nervously, turning and finding himself just inches away from the hole where the staircase once was. "W-Wait a sec! I d-didn't mean just lead me ANYWHERE you know!" he panicked, only for the masks to suddenly give him a hard shove over the edge sending him flailing in the water before slowly sinking down.

"G-Gee, thanks..." he muttered, shining his light up at the masks as they watched him sink towards the lower decks. Shining his light through lobby after lobby on his way down, his feet finally touched the F deck, creating another poof of dirt around him. Shining his light around, he could see he was standing atop the ashy remains of the staircase, finding several in-tact portions of it scattered all around him. "It's like a giant icicle just slowly melt and fell apart." he thought to himself, picking up parts of railing and tapping his foot on the remaining steps laying about. Walking off the pile of remains, he heard crunching beneath his feet and found some of the domes shattered glass sparkling, stepping along carefully as he looked for an entrance to one of the corridors. "Lets see, lookin' at the blue print, it looks like this deck had a pretty big saloon, plus a pool, and a racquet court. Linen room... Lots of third class cabins... Some second maybe?" he muttered to himself, finding a rotted opening in the wall and carefully climbing through. "Man, I seriously have no idea where to start in here. It's huge and Serenity..." he thought to himself, looking at his staff before shaking his head with a grunt. "Just keep moving. You'll find help." he assured himself before walking along the remains of the corridor. Looking inside what cabins he could, much of the furniture and mantles had remained surprisingly intact, rotted of course yet standing as if ready for guests nonetheless. "Nobody in any of these places. Definitely nothing I can use to get the ship outta the chasm." he sighed, trying to get in another room and nearly breaking the door, quickly jumping back cautiously. "Plus it's hard to touch anything without freaking out." he groaned. Shining his light down the corridor, he found another door open and went up for a peek inside, looking around at the remains of a bed and other furnishings. Heading inside, he noticed a lump underneath the rotting remains of the bedding. "Huh, wonder what that..." he muttered, walking up and having a closer look.

Optional track to LWR - Listen While Reading - Andersson's Resting Place https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sF3cEitwXLI

"Down here things look like they've been better off since the deeper parts of the ship haven't been as exposed to the elements and everything. Furniture definitely looks be...!!" he paused, pulling out what was under the sheets and seeing a doll in his hand. "It's a..." he muttered, shining his light around and suddenly noticing the shoes nearby the bed, a small pair likely belonging to the little girl who owned the doll nearby a pair of dress shoes, likely the mothers. Going wide eyed, he carefully scanned the debris and noticed what look like the scarce remains of clothing, sprawled out in a way that showed how and where the two likely died within the ship as it sank causing him to immediately release the doll, letting it sink to the floor. "Lad, everything alright? You sound a bit off." Rostron said through the communicator. "I-I found..." he stuttered, his legs shaking slightly before taking a step back and stumbling onto the bed, sitting wide eyed as he shined the light down at the remains. "...Victims." he added, shining his light at the shoes. "...You gonna be alright lad?" Rostron asked in a somber tone. "Y-Yeah." Chris nodded. "I'm down on the F deck, in one of the third class cabins. Looks like the remains of a mother and her girl... No bones, just bits of clothing where they lay and a doll I found in the bed." he explained. "Any idea which cabin you're in?" Rostron asked. Giving as best a description as he could, Chris helped Rostron pin point who it was laying before him as he scanned the floor and managed to find other pairs of shoes and clothing piled up together, likely where other bodies lay piled atop one another. "Found some more, looks like a whole family was in here." he explained. "I think we've got it lad. Looks like you're in the Andersson's cabin. How many bodies exactly?" Rostron asked. "Six... Maybe seven? I can't tell cause there's a pile of shoes and clothing" Chris replied. "That means they stuck together until the very end down there. The pile you see is likely where they held close, whereas I'm guessing the other remains are where the mother died with her child in her arms..." Rostron said. "...Can you give me there names?" Chris asked, slowly picking up the doll and placing it where the little girls remains were.

"Certainly... One Anders Johan Andersson, 39, father and husband. One Alfrida Konstantia Brogren Andersson, 39 also, mother and wife..." Rostron began. Little did Chris know, as each name was called out, a mask began rising one by one behind him from the floor on the other side of the bed. "One Sigrid Elisabeth Andersson, 11. One Ingeborg Constanzia Andersson, 9..." he went on, more masks rising one by one behind Chris. "One Ebba Iris Alfrida Andersson, 6. One Sigvard Harald Elias Andersson, 4. And lastly..." Rostron paused, muttering "poor child" on his end as Chris bit his lip and sniffed. "One Ellis Anna Maria Andersson, poor lass was only 2..." he finished as Chris began hicking and wiping his eyes, despite there being no tears to wipe due to the water around him. Holding his hands together on his staff, Chris lowered his head and started giving a speech of condolences and respect as the masks behind him faced one another and hovered up close. After a moment, he suddenly felt the back of his coat being tugged and something patting his shoulder, causing him to freeze up and turn pale as he gripped his flashlight and slowly turned, shining its rays on the seven masks causing them to jolt and face away as if blinded by the sudden light. "C-C-Captain? M-More masks, ju-just floating here..." he muttered nervously, his tone once again sounding like a whimper. "Eeeaaasy lad, likely just the shock getting to you... Why not leave the cabin and steady yourself?" Rostron suggest, Chris nodding and carefully standing, keeping his face towards the masks as he walked backwards. "I-I'm sorry. I'm leaving." he assured them nervously. However, he accidentally stumbled over the dress shoes of the mother, causing one of the masks to shoot up in response as he froze and quickly apologized. Shining his light down, he immediately got down and put the shoes back exactly as they were, and once he faced up all of the masks were suddenly inches away from him, having gathered around and staring him down. "I-I'm sorry..." he said in a terrified tone, his hands trembling as he cautiously stayed down.

"Lad? What's going on? Speak to me." Rostron said, trying to coax Chris into staying calm. "Th-They're around me sir... Can't move." he replied, looking at the masks before glancing down at the womans remains. "They're..." he muttered, slowly reaching down and touching the shoe again causing one of the masks to jolt back. "...No. No way..." he thought, looking towards the infants shoes and touching them causing another, much smaller mask to jolt. "A-Are you...?" he asked, slowly standing and looking at all of the masks. "Lad? Come on. Speak to me... What's going on?" Rostron asked warily. "One, two, three. Four and five..." he paused, turning around. "Six and... Seven. Seven masks..." he said before shining his light on the remains. "Seven people, seven masks..." he muttered before shining his lights on the masks. "A-Andersson family...?" he asked, the masks remaining still and silent before facing one another. "Andersson's, is that you?" he asked again, the masks facing him once more before gathering together before him. "O-Okay, when I say your name, do something to show me it's you." he said, the masks remaining silent. Calling their names one by one, each mask made a slight bounce in response, an odd nod type of movement causing his eyes to widen as he stepped back again. "Why are you calling out for the dead lad? Report!" Rostron ordered. "I-I found them sir. Th-The people. I-I think they're all still here!!" he replied, thinking back on all of the masks he found on the promenade. "Wh-What now lad?" Rostron asked bewildered. "The passengers!! They're still here!!" he repeat, facing away from the masks as he tried to explain. However, while his back was turned, one by one figures fade into view, each clutching a mask as possessively as the last before he felt a tug on his coat again. Jolting, Chris went silent and slowly turned, shining his light on the masks once again, only this time, dark figures with large, red eyes looked back at him as they held each of their masks in their hands. Suddenly, his Pokedex flashed and let out several beeps. Taking it out of his pocket, he held it up as it began scanning the beings before him.

"Yamask, the Spirit Pokemon." it began, Rostron hearing the device on his end as well and muttering "Yamask...?" in response. "These Pokémon arose from the spirits of people interred in graves in past ages. Each retains memories of its former life. Each of them carries a mask that used to be its face when it was human. Sometimes they look at it and cry. If someone wears the mask Yamask carries, they will become possessed by the Yamask in question." it explained causing Chris to remain silent and still. "Y-You, you really ARE..." he stuttered as the Pokedex flashed and shut tightly, the Yamask facing down looking all the more sad before nodding solemnly together. "My God, they never passed..." Rostron said in an awe stricken yet terrified tone, Chris suddenly hearing his line cut off, likely while Rostron explained the revelation to the others. "A-Andersson's, wh-why are you still he...?!" he began to ask, only to sense something behind him and turning to see the masks from before slowly gathering into the cabin, more Yamask slowly fading into view as they float around him, each clutching a mask in its hands. "A-All of you, you're all..." he said, barely able to take in the number of them gathering all around him with somber expressions. "Why...? Why are you still here?!" he asked, his sudden loudness causing them to jolt back and start slowly fading away. "N-No!! I-I mean, I'm sorry..." he told them all, softening his tone causing them to look at one another cautiously and slowly fade back to normal. "Why are all of you still here? Why haven't you passed on...?" he asked. Looking at one another again, all they did was face down again in silence. "Are... Are YOU actually the one's I'm here for...?" he asked. "The fool finally figures it out, only when it was made painfully clear however." Ninetails scoffed in his mind. Looking at all of the Yamask around him, if not for the water Chris would have shown tears streaming down his face as he struggled not to hick, biting his lip to keep silent as he trembled, just trying to take in the number around him. Not getting the response she wanted out of him, Ninetails faced down silently in his mind, deciding to mind herself in the moment. "Yes, this is your objective." she said before going silent.

"All of you, you all used to be humans..." he muttered, getting a nod from countless Yamask in response. "You... You were the passengers, the crew and stuff right?" he asked, once again getting silent, solemn nods from them as one float up with a tiny Yamask in its arms. "M-Mrs. Andersson, r-right?" he asked nervously, getting a nod in response as she held her mask with her tail. "And... This is little Anna Maria..." he said, holding out a finger thinking she might grab hold only for the Yamask to hide her face away against her mother, clutching its tiny mask and sucking on it. "Oh man. I don't even know where I'm supposed to start with all of you." he thought to himself, looking around once more. "I wish Serenity could be here, then I could talk to you at least." he groaned, looking at her Mega Stone on his staff again. "L-Listen everyone. The ship out there, it's called the S.S. Guardian. Serenity, she's the Gardevoir that stays by my side... It's thanks to her nobody's died on that ship yet. She's got a barrier up and as long as this stone shines, they're all safe. But... She won't last forever. I really, REALLY need help. Otherwise, thousands of lives will suffer just like you have. Can... Can you help me?" he asked, looking at them all as they faced one another nervously before facing down, looking at their masks as if unanimously thinking "I remember when I was human..." in response. "Y-You will help, right?" he repeat, the Yamask rubbing their masks sadly and sighing as if too lost in their own woes, just as the Dusknoir warned. "P-Please! There's mothers on that ship, fathers, just like many of you! Countless children..." he explained, the Yamask finally looking at him again. "L-Look, if none of you can, c-could you take me to someone who, well... Maybe can?" he asked. "I'm sorry, you shouldn't be disturbed, I know that. I've crossed major lines just by setting foot on the ship. B-But if you could just take me to someone, anyone on here you think might be willing to lend a hand, I give you my word not to ask anything else of you. I'll leave you in peace, just as you were before..." he told them.

Facing one another for a moment, they chattered in their Pokemon tongue among one another. "L-Listen, if you help me, then I promise to do my best to help you. If you'll let me, I'll do what I can to get you out of here in turn. I know you might not be willing to now, but, maybe if you lend me a hand, who knows...? Just, please, take me to somebody who will hear me out at least." he begged. Facing down at him, the Yamask went silent once more. "...Alright, then I'll do my best on my own then. I know I don't have any right to ask anything of you considering the, well..." he paused, shining his light on the remains and at the Andersson family. "C-Circumstances and all. I'll just, er, see myself along." he told them somberly before making his way out of the cabin. "Sorry for disturbing you all." he apologized, giving them a bow before continuing on his way down the corridor. "They're all still here, how am I supposed to help that many...?" he thought to himself, biting his thumb nervously. "I've got two ships full of people to take care of, how do I take on something like tha...!!" he paused, jolting when he felt a tug at the back of his coat. Turning around, it was Mrs. Andersson, still cradling her daughter and motioning for him to follow. "Y-You'll help me...?" he asked, looking at her in surprise and getting a smile back, however sad a smile it was. "Th-Thank you! Thank you so much ma'am!" he replied, bowing to her. However, she merely gave him a "Don't thank me yet..." kind of expression before leading him along, the other Yamask poking their heads out of the cabin before the other Andersson's, looking at one another warily, decided to follow and help as well. All seven by his side, Chris couldn't help but smile in relief, the family looking him over curiously before one of the Yamask, likely Mr. Andersson, faced back and chattered at them causing the rest to leave Chris alone and follow their parents ahead of him. "Y-You've got good kids." Chris praised, Mr. and Mrs. Andersson facing back and nodding in response, a smile on their faces however sad looking said smiles were.

Looking around, Chris noticed the other Yamask's had decided to follow as well. "Coming along after all?" he chuckled, all of them glancing at one another warily. "Huh, seems like there's even more of you." he muttered, blinking in surprise while walking along. The further he went through the ship, the more Yamask gathered and followed curiously as he went through the remains of the dining saloon. "Woooaaaah... Check out the neat stuff." he muttered, shining his light on the countless dishes littering the floor. Walking up to one of the tables, he gave it a pat and shout "order, order please!" with a chuckle before coughing due to the dirt and debris that poofed up around his face. "Blech, that can kill an appetite." he muttered with another cough as the Yamask looked at him with "what are you doing...?" expressions. "H-Ha ha, sorry. G-Gotta say, for third class they really treated you guys good huh?" he smiled. "Even after all these years, the third class section of the ship looks pretty descent. In fact, when you compare it to the upper decks I'd call it brilliant." he smirked, shining his light around and scanning what remained of the chairs. "Sure wish ships today still looked this unique. This thing was really built like a palace huh?" he asked, the Yamask looking at one another and chattering while pointing him out, seemingly asking one another what he was doing there in the first place. Strolling about the saloon, Mr. and Mrs. Andersson called out for his attention again, motioning for him to continue following them along. "Aw, but I didn't even get a chance to have a bite." he grinned, trying to lighten the mood between him and everyone following while noticing a bottle and several cans on the floor. "Ohh, now it's a party!" he laughed while picking up the bottle, discovering it held whine whereas the cans had rotted and been emptied of all contents. "Bet after sitting this long, the stuff in here has some REAL kick to it now." he smirked, several of the Yamask showing blech expressions while one float up trying to point out how it had been sitting improperly through the years, signalling for Chris to look inside at all of the particles. "Huh, lookie there... You know your stuff, dontcha?" he praised, getting a nod from the Yamask as it smirked and held its head up proudly in an "of course!" kind of way.

"Ahh, so you guys CAN still smile without the dramatic look." he point out, the Yamask jolting and backing away. "Bah, it's alright. I'm here to help you guys too, remember? A smile means progress at the very least. Even if it's only from one out of..." he paused, shining his light around. "Th-Thousands maybe?" he laughed nervously before the Anderssons called out impatiently. Jolting, he quickly put the bottle and can back down where he got them from before hurrying along clumsily through the water. Taking out his Pokedex, Chris brought up the blueprints once more and made his way further through the F deck, browsing the pool and racquet court along the way. "Heh, no splashing." he joked when they passed the pool, the Yamask giving him "seriously...?" glances in response and shaking their heads. "G-Geez, none of you like it either? You're just like the girls. I can be funny I tell ya." he scowled, coaxing himself into overcoming his remaining unease over his discoveries. Eventually, they reached the fore staircase, Mrs. Andersson motioning for Chris to head upwards. "Oohhh, you're leading me back up! You could've just taken me back to the aft stairs." he point out, both she and her husband raising a finger to respond and remaining silent before rubbing the back of their heads and facing one another with "oh yeah..." expressions. "Heh, no worries you two. I'm glad we're taking this path, it let me see more of the ship and meet a LOT more of all of you." he thanked, shining his light on the massive crowd of Yamask around and behind him. "Say! I've got an idea! Why don't all of you gather everyone on the ship together and meet me wherever it is the Anderssons are taking me? That way I can talk to everyone at once and save time!" he suggest, all of them looking at one another before facing the Andersson family. Chattering among themselves, nearly half of the crowd left, making their way throughout the ship as suggested while many stayed behind to follow Chris.

"Alright then, lets head back up!" he smirked, the Anderssons nodding before floating ahead of him. Climbing the remainder of the structure as best he could, he leaped and swam his way along past deck after deck until he reached the top, standing on the promenade deck once more. "Alright, made it!" he sighed before looking around, shining his light towards the exit and remembering it was a no-go. "Agh, getting outta here is the issue." he muttered, shining his light up where the dome once was, only to find more twisted metal framing and dagger-like glass. "Can't get out that way." he thought. Looking at one another, the Andersson kids hovered up and gave him a tug, pointing out a nearby corner. "Eh? What's up?" he asked, shining his light where they signaled and finding rotten furniture piled up together. "I uh, can't move stuff around in here, sorry." he apologized, looking down in guilt. Looking at one another, the Anderssons moved the furniture out of the way for him, revealing an opening in the wall large enough for him to crawl through. "Th-That works." he said in surprise, blinking at the exit before thanking the family and carefully inching his way out. "A-Almost... There!" he said with a grunt, popping out back onto the promenade pathway, all of the Yamask following through the hole as well. "Hey Captain! It's Chris! I think we're getting somewhere!" he said before hearing Rostron click his end on. "Good lad! What've you got for us?" he asked. "You know the Yamasks here? I've got the, er..." he paused, looking around and calling for the Anderssons causing them to float up next to him. "I've got the Andersson family leading me to someone they think might help us. Or, I guess at least hear me out." he explained, the Anderssons giving one another a nervous look, clearly unsure if what they were doing was going to be of any help themselves.

"Good on ya'!! With any luck we might have our way out of this blasted chasm in no time then." Rostron replied excitedly. "J-Just keep in mind all of this is a big maybe. Even the Yamasks don't seem too confident." Chris affirmed, looking at them nervously. "Well, in our situation a little hope is better than what we've had up till now. Keep us updated, and really, thank you." Rostron replied. "H-Ha ha, save that for when we make it outta here sir." Chris smiled nervously before following the Andersson's once more. "Can you update me on Serenity in return?" Chris asked. "We've been keepin' tabs on the girl lad, don't you worry. She's struggling but she's doing her best to tough it out. Those other girls of yours are taking care of her just fine too, as are the passengers." he assured. "Alright, well, send word down to them I'm at least one step closer to, er, something. Something good, I hope." Chris replied. "Will do lad. I'll be right here whenever you want to open the line." Rostron assured before cutting off again. "Say, you're leading me to the bow, aren't you? I've already been there. The only one I saw there was one of the Dusknoir." Chris point out, the Yamask suddenly freezing with nervous expressions. "Wh-What's wrong?" he asked, the Yamask facing one another warily. "You... Don't like them or something?" he asked, several Yamask nodding in response. "All they want to do is help you pass on though. They haven't hurt any of you, right?" he asked, the Yamask facing one another in a "Well... No..." kind of way, some rubbing their arms nervously. Scratching his head, Chris sighed and waved off the topic. "Alright, forget about that for now. I just wanna get to wherever you're taking me." he told them, the Andersson's motioning for him to continue following in response. Reaching the end of the promenade, Chris shined his light around. "So... Nobody here." he muttered, shining the rays towards the crows nest and finding Dusknoir's eye looking down at him. "St-Still working on it! I've made some progress, I uh, think!" he laughed nervously with a wave, several Yamask cowering behind him while others backed away into the promenade. Facing back, Chris groaned before looking up at Dusknoir's eye once again, hearing an eerie and impatient growl as it slowly fade away.

"O-Oy, seriously, I'm working on it." Chris thought to himself. Facing the Guardian, he looked at the shield as it shined brightly, squinting his eyes trying to make out Serenity and the others on the bow. "Hang in there..." he muttered before grunting with a nod. "Alright! Come on, lets get going. Where to next?" he asked, facing the Yamask. Floating out of the promenade and out from behind him, they looked at one another before facing up together towards the remains of the bridge, the Andersson's pointing it out together. "O-Oh, up there..." he replied in a wary tone, shining his light up towards the front windows. "And... THAT'S where I'll find help, right?" he asked, the Andersson's and other Yamask showing nervous and doubtful looks in response yet pointing out the bridge once more nonetheless. "...Hey, even if you're unsure, I still owe you for helping me anyways. Thank you." he told them with a bow, the Yamask facing him and nodding in response. "Alright then. To the bridge." he thought to himself before climbing and swimming his way up to the boat deck of the Arceanic. Slowly letting himself lower onto the deck, he shined his light around curiously. "Wait a sec..." he muttered, pulling up the blueprints yet again. "Boat deck, right?" he asked as one of the Yamask hovered up close, looking at the device and nodding. "Then, if this is the boat deck, where's the boats?" he asked bewildered, noticing all of them having vanished, no sign of remains to be seen. Thinking there may have been something on the sea floor, Chris went up to the railing for a look. "Hey Captain! It's me. I'm on the boat deck but... Something's off. Can you see me?" he asked, waving his staff as the Guardian shined its lights on him causing Chris to jolt and cover his eyes. "Sorry about that lad. Yeah, what's wrong?" Rostron asked. "All of the boats, they're just... Gone. I mean, wherever wood has rotted on this ship I've seen some trace of it left behind. But I don't see anything at all pertaining to the boats. You guys see anything on the seafloor?" he asked. Hearing the Captain give orders in the background, Chris watched carefully as the searchlights scanned the floor along the side of the ship.

"Well I'll be, you're right. Seems they all must have been deployed before she was lost. You sure you don't see any plaques lying around? Each lifeboat should have had one with the name of the ship on it... What of the davits? Do they show signs of lowering any of the boats?" Rostron asked. Walking along the boat deck, Chris checked around for any remains he could find and scanned the davits themselves as instructed. And sure enough, each and every one revealed they had been used to lower all of the boats attached. "Yeah, looks like they were lowered alright. No remains, no plaques, nothin'." he explained, checking the other side of the boat deck and finding all of the boats missing as well, every davit showing signs of having lowered them into the sea before sinking. "So they tried to escape in the boats and still had no luck, that's my wager..." Rostron guessed. "Would have done them no good against that Gyarados swarm. It would have merely taken their lives all the sooner trying to flee like that... Still, I suppose they didn't have to wait as long as the others in the end." he said in a somber tone. "So, those... Spirits, the Yamask, they still with you?" Rostron asked. "Yeah, I'm about to head for the bridge now. Somethin's there they want me to see." Chris explained. "Alright then, like I said we'll be here lad." Rostron reminded before cutting off the line. Heading back towards the bow, the Yamask watched him curiously as he looked around for the entrance. "It should be..." he muttered, walking around a corner and finding the way inside. "Alright! It's not collapsed!" shout excitedly, letting out a sigh of relief. "I didn't think getting in would be so simple, all things considered so far." he smirked. Putting his Pokedex away, he shined his light around and readied himself to step inside, only for the Andersson's to quickly hover before him with their hands out, shaking their heads. "Wh-Wha? I thought this was the place?" he asked.

Facing one another nervously, they nodded with "It is..." expressions in response, chattering at him trying to explain only for Chris to tilt his head bewildered. "S-Sorry but, without Serenity with me I can't understand you." he reminded, all of them facing one another with expressions as if they were suddenly making a mistake. "Look, we made it here, and I can't turn back now. Whatever's in there, WHOever's in there, I have to find out. You don't need to go in with me, but I'm not turning around now that I know where my biggest chance at help is. Don't worry, I'm pretty much ready for anything now." he assured with a pat against his chest, the family looking back at him with "We don't know about that..." looks. "Don't worry, I give you my word I won't rat any of you out for leading me here. My word is my bond, good as gold." he smiled as they faced another one last time, chattering silently before facing Chris and nodding begrudgingly before floating aside. "Thank you..." he said with a slight bow. Hearing something behind him, Chris turned to see countless Yamask's gathering all around the bridge area and boat deck from throughout the ship, each having answered the call to come see the mysterious living visitor aboard their watery tomb. Most of them showing awestruck expressions of disbelief, they chattered excitedly, sounding like a crowd in a stadium as their numbers grew and grew. "Holy cow... How many of you WERE there...?" he thought to himself, his expression mirroring that of the Yamask as they seemingly just kept coming from within the ship. Getting a nudge, Chris saw Mr. and Mrs. Andersson motioning for him to hurry along into the bridge, the two backing away as he quickly nodded. "R-Right! I-I'll be on my way then. Just wait here, alright?" he told them, getting a nod in response and a nervous wave from the family before taking a deep breath and heading inside the bridge.

Optional track to LWR - Listen While Reading https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GS4bi4BxTmw

Looking around, Chris saw the remains of the telegraphs, three out of five still standing with the remaining two lying on the floor nearby. "Maaaan... All things considered, these things look awesome." he muttered, walking up and examining them. Nearby, he saw the remains of the helm itself, the wheel having rot away long ago. "Hard to believe what it must of been like, sailing something like this." he thought to himself, stepping up before the helm. "So... Did they think I could control the ship or something...? This thing is so far gone there's nothing left TO control." he said, rubbing his head with a sigh. "Still... Couldn't hurt to imagine..." he chuckled, tucking his light in his pocket before holding his staff in both hands as if holding a make-shift wheel. "Full speed ahead men! Ding-ding-ding!" he pretended, acting as if he were sailing through an obstacle course. "Yar-har!! Take that you Gyarados! You think you can take me on? You can't handle the Arceanic!! It knows not the meaning of defeat!!" he went on, shaking his fist towards the windows. Outside the entrances on both sides of the bridge, the Yamask were watching and looking at one another bewildered, making "...Yar-har...?" types of expressions at one another, the Andersson family smacking themselves on the face and seemingly groaning, feeling all the more their decision was a bad one in bringing Chris to the bridge. As he continued to fantasize over being the Captain of the Arceanic, he failed to hear the sounds of an eerie, irritated groaning coming from behind, a sound the Yamask picked up on right away and quickly backed away into hiding. "Haaaah... Sweet..." Chris said to himself, backing away from the helm and taking his light back out. Looking at the telegraphs again, Chris crouched down to examine the fallen one's only to jolt with a nervous expression when he'd thought about what he'd done.

"Tsss... Really shouldn't be playing games like that." he muttered, standing up and looking around. "I-If there's anyone, or anyTHING in here, s-sorry for getting carried away." he apologized with a bow, the Yamask slowly looking inside once again only to panic and hide once more when they heard the groan a second time, Chris hearing it as well and shooting up straight. "H-H-Hello?" he said nervously, slowly shining his light around only to find an empty bridge before him. "H-Hellooooo...?" he called quietly, taking a cautious step, then another as he looked around. "I-I'm here to talk! Wh-Whoever you are, or... Whatever..." he said warily. Not getting a response, he continued walking around only to suddenly hit his foot against one of the fallen telegraphs, causing him to stumble as it made loud noises due to his bumbling as he tried to correct himself, this time the groan sounding like a loud, gargled shout of irritation. "I-I-I'm sorry!!" he panicked, quickly fixing the telegraph back where it was and standing with another bow. Remaining still and silent as could be, after a moment Chris slowly opened an eye and glanced around, then the other before slowly raising as if he may have his head cut off if he made a wrong move. Looking around once more, he shined his light through the windows along the back of the bridge, one's leading into the wheelhouse. Taking a deep breath, he slowly walked up and began wiping off the window, shining his light through trying to peek inside. "H-Hello...?" he said warily, barely able to make out a strange object on the other side. Looking around, he found the entrance, the door cracked slightly. "Alright, lets have a look." he told himself, putting on a straight face and breathing calmly before heading towards the door and carefully giving it a pull. But just as it began to open, the Andersson's suddenly shout quietly, rapidly waving their hands and shaking their heads. "Wh-What's with you?" he asked before trying to pull again, this time the others, even the Yamask's who had yet to be introduced, rapidly waving their hands and shaking their heads, warning him against the idea.

Feeling his sense of fear trying to weasel its way back inside him, Chris shook his head and decided to give the door a strong pull, causing it to creak and crumble as it opened bit by bit before he finally had room to enter. "Got it..." he groaned before shining his light inside. Looking back at the Yamask, he smiled nervously and gave them a wave as they tried to signal for him to hurry back, only to watch as Chris went inside before quickly hiding themselves away. "Lad? Rostron here. We saw an incredible swarm of those Yamask spirits around the bridge. Everything alright?" he asked. "Y-yes sir. I'm in the wheelhouse now. I'll talk in a few." he quickly replied. "Alright... Careful." Rostron said before cutting off the line. Shining his light around, Chris saw something strange standing before the wheelhouse helm. "What is...?" he muttered, walking up and looking the object over. "Is this... A coffin?" he said, wiping it off and seeing gold shimmering in the rays of his light. "Oh wow... I-it's...!!" he said excitedly, rubbing off more of the surface exposing more gold. "Holy cow!!" he shout wide eyed, looking the coffin over. "Someone HAD to be loaded." he added, continuing to clean it off. Walking in front of it, he shined his light towards the top and noticed something familiar. "Is that...?" he muttered, squinting his eyes while wiping off the object, revealing it to be a mask akin to the ones the Yamask were holding. "It's another... but, you're not one of them." he said quietly, leaning in for a closer look. "Why do you have one of their...? Come to think of it, why are you even in...!!" he said, cutting off when he heard an eerie groan come from the coffin. Going wide eyed, he took a step back as the coffin began shaking. "Y-You're..." Chris said nervously as he continued to back away, keeping his hands out in front of him as the coffin slowly turned in his direction. Hearing the eerie voice groan even louder, Chris froze up as he watched a pair of red eyes slowly fade into view, followed by a mouth full of malicious looking teeth. As the being before him gradually came to life, Chris suddenly heard the familiar beeping of his Pokedex and saw it flashing from within his coat, quickly taking it out allowing the device to scan the being as it began releasing its arms.

"Cofagrigus, the coffin Pokemon!" it began, Chris watching as four arms finished forming from within the coffin. "It has been said that they swallow those who get too close and turn them into mummies. Grave robbers who mistake them for real coffins and get too close end up trapped inside their bodies." it explained before shutting tightly and turning back off. Turning pale, Chris went wide eyed as the Cofagrigus slowly hovered towards him, its hands reaching out in his direction as it glared him down. Stepping back bit by bit, Chris began trembling from head to toe before tripping and stumbling back, looking up at the being before him as it loomed over his head, a look showing intent to kill in its eyes. "Pl-Please... I only want help..." he said, watching as its lid began slowly opening while its hands grew closer and closer. "Pl-Please!! I'm not a robber!! I only want help!!" he panicked, quickly shooting his hands up over his head. Ignoring Chris, the Cofagrigus suddenly let out a terrifying and furious roar, suddenly shooting its hands towards him and snatching Chris tightly in its grasp causing him to gasp for air and struggle. "L-Listen to me!! I-I beg y...!!" he shout, cut off when several Yamask quickly shot into the wheelhouse and began shouting at Cofagrigus, their hands outstretched in front of Chris causing the Pokemon to release him in surprise, Chris counting them out wide eyed. "A-Andersson's?!" he shout, watching as Cofagrigus looked at them in equal surprise, inching back as the younger Yamask gathered around Chris, Mr. and Mrs. Andersson remaining between him and Cofagrigus with their arms out while talking to it. "O-Oh man, th-thank you..." he stuttered while breathing heavily and clutching his chest. Looking up at Cofagrigus, Chris slowly stood and took a deep breath as Mr. and Mrs. Andersson finished and backed away, Cofagrigus looking at them silently before glancing at Chris.

"I-I'm not here to steal. I-I only want help..." he repeat, Cofagrigus giving him a glare before talking in a deep voice to the Adnersson parents. Seemingly trying to further coax Cofagrigus into relaxing, they backed away once more with their heads bowed apologetically, Cofagrigus going silent before letting out what sounded like a weary sigh and facing Chris. Hovering up to him, the Cofagrigus snatched Chris in its hands again, causing him to let out an "urk!!" while the Andersson's jolt in surprise, reaching out only for Cofagrigus to order them back, all seven hesitantly obeying with a nod as it glared at Chris. "P-Please, believe me..." he begged, letting out a groan due to its grasp. Continuing to glare at him, Chris watched as its eyes slowly fade away, only for its grip to suddenly tighten all the more causing him to gasp before shouting in pain as he felt something shoot through his body from the Cofagrigus hands. And yet, after a moment, he suddenly felt oddly... At peace, his mind slowly beginning to drift like the current around him causing his eyes to grow heavy. Watching in silence, the Andersson's reached out nervously once again, thinking Chris was suffocating only to jolt when Cofagrigus released him on its own and its eyes fade back into view. Sinking to the floor and sitting in a daze, Chris groaned for a moment before jolting and shaking his head, shooting up and waving his staff around on the offense before seeing the Cofagrigus back away and let out another weary sigh, slowly turning back to the helm as if ignoring Chris just as quickly as it had attacked him. "U-Uhh, s-so we... We good?" he asked nervously, unsure of what had suddenly happened. Glancing back at Chris, the Cofagrigus looked away in silence before grumbling and suddenly giving a response...

"My apologies... Welcome aboard the Arceanic... I am her Captain... Edward John Smith... Or rather..." it paused, slowly facing Chris with a somber look. "I was..." it revealed, causing Chris's eyes to widen as he slowly raised from his offensive stance, standing frozen in awe...

Pokemon - Tale Of The Guardian Master - CH 87

Chapter 87 - Running Out Of Time "C-C-CA-CAPTAIN SMITH?!!" Chris shout in shock, stumbling back causing the Andersson's to jump in surprise from the sudden response, Smith blinking wide eyed with a jolt himself. "A-Aye, that'd be me. Or, as I...

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Pokemon - Tale Of The Guardian Master - CH 85

Original preview image used for this chapter made by [http://luisbc.deviantart.com/](http://luisbc.deviantart.com/) Chapter 85 - The Ship Of Dreams... Optional track to LWR - Listen While Reading...

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Pokemon - Tale Of The Guardian Master - CH 84

Chapter 84 - Guardian Overboard!!! "Are you insane lad?!! You'll send every passenger and crewman alike into a frenzied panic!!" Rostron shout, trying to get up only to let out a crippled shout and fall back against Dragonair. "We want to save...

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