Vampire Busters

Story by Renamon_Lovers on SoFurry

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#3 of Supernatural

For ages, vampires and werewolves have been at war.

_ English is my third language, please correct me if I am using Chinese-style English. Thanks for reading. Please feel free to comment ^_^ _

Vampire Busters

** ** For ages, vampires and werewolves have been at war.

** In Lonio Town, three werewolves formed a team called the Vampire Busters and another three werewolves formed another team called the Spirit Busters.**

** One day, a human girl came to visit the Lonio Town. She was greeted by a female werewolf. They were wolf-like creatures who possessed coarse hair, pointed ears and long snouts. However, one would also immediately notice their differences from wolves, namely their powerful, two-legged bodies which sport long fangs and dagger-like claws. "I'm looking for the Vampire Busters."**

** Later, Shika invited the girl to a house. Frethec half rose from his chair and gave a bob of greeting, with hardly a word spoken, but with a kindly eye. Chipper waved her to an armchair.**

** "We are the Vampire Busters, how can we help you?" Shika asked with a deep harsh voice and a strongly marked German accent.**

** The girl smiled at the pink werewolf. "My name is Casey. Last night, a vampire attacked my village and killed some of my friends," she put a map on the coffee table. "She is hiding somewhere here, in the forest between your town and my village."**

** "How many of them?" Frethec asked with his eyes open. He was a brown werewolf.**

** "Just one only. After she killed some villagers, she transformed into a small bat and flew away. We tried to chase her but it was dark and soon, she disappeared into the forest - I think. That was my first time seeing a real vampire and she is immune to silver bullets. We didn't understand her motive but we're glad that she fled - for now."**

"Your experience has been a most entertaining one," Chipper remarked as his client paused and refreshed her memory with a huge pinch of snuff. He was a blue werewolf.

"Weird, why she came alone, killed some villagers and then disappears? And why didn't she kill them secretly? She could have sucked their blood after they slept and then flew home secretly," Frethec said gravely.

"Because...she...was...too hungry?" Casey guessed. The woman looked up from her morning cup of coffee. She had a warm chestnut colour hair and pastel white skin which made her beautiful pink lips stand out. Her cheeks were rouged and she was dressed in a pair of blue skinny jeans and a blue band shirt.

** Shika sat up in his chair in considerable excitement. "We'll help you and kill the vampire, you can go home now," he said.**

** "Hum!" Frethec said, sinking back in deep thought after Casey left the house.**

** Chipper stood by the table, with his paws deep in his trouser's pockets and his chin upon his breast. "I smelled traps," he said.**

** "It's a blessed mystery to me," cried Shika, rubbing his head. "If she is waiting for us, then we shouldn't let her wait too long."**


** Frethec, Chipper, Shika and some friends entered the forest. Frethec showed the map to his friends. "Now we'll start looking for the vampire's hideout," he mused.**

Soon, they saw a house. The old house looked like a miniature fairy book castle after a typhoon had passed by. The main body of the house was a rectangle, but added on were curved portions that looked like towers with grey peaked roof tops. The outside of the old house was covered in a kind of tile that had been ripped away in places to expose the wooden skeleton beneath and part of the roof had also been torn off.

** "Is this the house?" Chipper asked, with his finger-tips together and his eyes to the trees.**

** Inside the house.**

A Minotaur was reading Hentai when a five-inch-tall fairy flew into the house, "Tenjia, they're here now," Saffron said with a smile. She was a young fairy clad in a clear-blue, short dress with a rigid trim, and blue slippers with blue puffs.

** Tenjia picked up her mace. "It's show time."**** The Minotaur has glowing eyes as red as blood. Silently the beast moved as quickly as a flash with her dark brown stomping hooves.**

Outside the house, Frethec, Chipper and Shika were preparing to blast the house. The other werewolves were hiding behind the bush, waiting to ambush any intruders. At that moment, those faked bush released some kind of poison gas, causing all werewolves collapsed to the ground.

Suddenly Tenjia jumped out from the window, she grabbed Frethec and then threw him into the house. Chipper and Shika jumped into the house to help their leader. Once they were inside the house, the trapdoor opened and they fell down into an empty room. The door closed above their heads but the room was bright as daytime.

** Elsewhere inside a room, Saffron was manipulating the computer. The five-inch tall fairy pressed 'ENTER' to activate the air conditioner.**

Tenjia raised her mace and roared. Immediately they pinched their noses as they took out their guns. The nasty smell filled the house and almost killed them. They raised their guns and shot her. She giggled as she walked towards them, the bullets could not pierce through her body.


** "Chipper, I ran out of ammo!" Shika shouted as he put down his machine gun. Panic started to engulf him.**

** CLICK!**

** Frethec put down his shotgun. "Me too."**** A chill ran down his spine.**

** "Werewolf Kick!" Chipper screamed as he turned his body 360 degrees before landing the heel to Tenjia. She blocked his attack and sent her fist to his groin. Shika and Frethec prayed silently that Chipper's scrotum would not explode.**

** "Your body is tough but your groin is soft as a tofu," Tenjia said.**

Chipper collapsed instantly. The initial power of the blow just knocked him down as if somebody had tripped him. He recalled feeling a sharp pain that went all the way up to his stomach and made him want to vomit. Has my balls exploded? He thought. Each time it throbbed, it was like a white-hot knife stabbing him. He saw the enemy coming but he could not move. Soon, he began to vomit.

** Frethec was a mostly offensive martial art that focused on clobbering his opponent through fierce attacks on his opponent's weaker body parts. However, he was somehow weakened and Tenjia was also a good fighter.**

"You are too weak," Tenjia teased and kicked Frethec's groin with force, causing him to join his friends on the floor.

Shika was a mostly offensive martial art that focused on thrashing his opponent through swift dodges, quick movements and even faster attacks. However, he felt like someone or something was slowing down his movements.

"You are too slow," Tenjia smiled evilly and smacked Shika's groin with her mace, causing him to join his friends on the floor.


** Thirty minutes later, Frethec, Chipper and Shika woke up slowly, their groins were not painful anymore.**

** "Saffron, we're going to torture this werewolf first because he kicked me."**

** The fairy nodded as she prepared the ropes. Chipper tried to struggle but he felt weak. Tenjia send her fist to his stomach, immediately he could feel some of his internal organs were crushed. This should not be happening. Werewolf's skin was supposed to be thick and could absorb certain amount of damages. In short, this punch should not hurt his internal organs.**

** "You are wondering why you are vulnerable, right? The answer is the gas from the air-cond, we found out your weaknesses and so we created the gas to weaken you," Saffron explained.**

The Minotaur stripped off Chipper's clothes until he was fully naked. She grabbed and raised his arms above his head and the fairy helped her to tie his hands. Finally, she pulled the rope until his feet could not touch the carpet.

"See this cage?" Tenjia showed Chipper an item. He examined the object and it dawned on him what it was. No it could not be. Could it? His body shook with a palsy of fright.

"Cleaver boy, this is an ancient chastity belt," Tenjia replied. It seemed as if a smile was plastered on her face.

Chipper saw that torture device from a text book, that device would kill his precious dick eventually. He thought it was just an ancient device and nobody would use it anymore. And here it was, a shiny chrome cage. It was small but his dick was also tiny now.

** Tenjia purposely showed Chipper the cage and explained to him slowly. He examined the cage more closely. It was in three parts. There was a chrome ring which was hinged at the bottom. He guessed that locked around the base of his cock and his balls. It looked like it was going to be tight. The second piece was a chrome cock shaped cage. The cage was around three inches long. The final piece was a small padlock. Poor werewolf, he was trembling and his teeth were chattering with cold. He knew that his ten inch cock would not fit into that small cage.**

** "Saffron, can you please remove his pubic hair?"**

** "My pleasure!" the fairy raised her middle finger, casted a spell and her finger began to burn like a torch. Soon, the room was filled with crying sounds as she began to burn Chipper's pubic hair. He would have surely kicked her if Tenjia did not grab his legs.**

** Tenjia took the cage and quickly placed it over Chipper's cock. The ring was still in place and the eyelets of the ring slotted through the hole in the cage. Ignoring his pleads she quickly snatched up the padlock, slotted it through the eyelets to lock the cage in place. It was on.**

** "The cage felt ok, not too tight, right?" Tenjia asked with a smile.**

** Chipper looked down, poor dick, now he could not erect and urinate anymore. The cage felt heavy and his balls were pulled tight. As he shut his legs, he could feel his balls rubbing against his furry legs. They would surely stimulate him and make him to erect.**

** Tenjia took a cage and approached Shika, "It's your turn."**

** Finally, Frethec's wolf dick was also caged.**

** Soon, the room was filled with crying, pleading and moaning sounds.**


** That night, the female vampire woke up slowly. Casey took out a pair of jeans and a white t-shirt from the closet and folded them over her arm as she followed her Mistress to the bathroom. It is good to have a human slave because they can perform cheating-tasks during daytime. The vampire thought, she has brainwashed Casey to become her slave.**

** "Go and help the others."**

** "Yes, Mistress."**

** The vampire turned on the shower faucet and began to take off her clothes, catching her reflection in the mirror. She looked gaunt, the bones of her clavicle creating sharp lines below her neck. Her hip bones stuck out a little and she traced her fingers over them, feeling the ridges while noting that her udders barely resembled.**

** Casey left the vampire's room and walked into the kitchen. "Mistress is taking shower, now how can I help you?" she asked, keenly interested.**

** "Do you know how to boil soup?" Saffron asked with interest.**

** Casey nodded.**

** "Good, as you can see, I am too small and she is too bulky to cook. Here are some wolf bones, what are you going to do?" Saffron asked in her consequential way.**

** This was followed by a short silence.**

** "Tomorrow I'll boil up some nice wolf soup for you," Casey answered, modestly.**

** Saffron's smile shined like the stars in the sky, with no bright city lights to dim them. It is good to have a human slave for she can cook. She thought.**

** "Come, let's finish this and then clean the kitchen," Tenjia said, looking across at Casey.**

** When they were cleaning the kitchen, the vampire greeted them.**

"Mistress, while you're sleeping, we destroyed the team Vampire Busters," Saffron reported.

** Tenjia showed the female vampire a bucket of blood. "Mistress, this is their blood," she said cordially.**

** The vampire clapped her hands softly together and chuckled. "Nice! The blood of werewolf can make me younger and stronger!" She began to drink the blood.**

** Tenjia, Casey and Saffron waited patiently for their Mistress to finish drinking the blood. Finally, she put down the empty bucket.**

** "Mistress, how about their meats?" Saffron asked,** in a paroxysm of excitement.

** The vampire shook her head. "I am not interested, you all can finish them. Without the Vampire Busters, we are safe - for now," she said, cheerily.**

** After a while, Casey returned to her village where all villagers has been brainwashed.**

The end.

From Hero to Criminal

_ **English is my third language, please correct me if I am using Chinese-style English. Characters © their respective owners, I don't own these characters. Thanks for reading. Please feel free to comment ^\_^** _ **From Hero to Criminal** **...

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Don’t wear short skirt

_ **English is my third language, please correct me if I am using Chinese-style English. Characters © their respective owners, I don't own these characters. Thanks for reading. Please feel free to comment ^\_^** _ **Don't wear short skirt** ** Dawn...

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