Turning the tables Ver 1

Story by hooves on SoFurry

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#1 of Turning the tables

A homophobic wolf makes plans to Neuter a cute little white mouse... but a big gay bear... discovers them and has plans of his own... Warning this is the first of three version's... two with endings written by me and one with and ending written by a friend...

Turning the tables


Kurrgurr glared across the crowded locker room at the nerdy little white mouse. His beady dark lupine eye's smothering with resentment, the big straight wolf hated queer's. And Anton the little mousy bitch was a real flaming faggot. Even since the mouse had heard Kurrgurr talking about his dislike of gays. Nude locker room pictures of the big black wolf with a hard on, suddenly began being plastered all over the Internet. Pictures taken by Anton's camera phone no doubt, and labeled ‘Come get some'. Now millions of furs thought he was a faggot, even tho' he'd nailed hundreds of bitch's and vixens. Even some of his girl friend's had been questioning if he was a closet queer. This had infuriated the big wolf , and had been made all the worse. By the fact that other fag's were now coming up and hitting on him constantly.

It was this that had made Kurrgurr make up his mind to nut the little queen mouse! He had the whole thing planned out, first he would lure the little cock sucker down to the unused maintenance room. Then tie the little freak up, and use the chain vise and shear's to neuter the uppity little faggot. Just thinking about it excited the big black coated lupine, making his big red wolf bone poke from its sheath! He automatically reached for it... the wolf's balls were heavy, bulging with their load after all. But he knew this wasn't the time of the place. His overactive sex drive had him almost constantly touching himself, and he knew once he started he wouldn't be able to stop. So he petted his heavy swollen nuts and smiled, mentally promising himself to hold off cumming. Until those shears were cutting and the little faggot's balls were dropping onto the floor. Standing up the big wolf stalks down the locker room isle looking around carefully. Then seeing no one watching, stuck a carefully worded note into Anton's locker. The note read ‘Your very attractive... please meet me in the basement corridor off the parking garage entrance. Your secret admirer If your answer is yes leave your towel hanging outside your locker.' Not noticing that the slip of paper with his plan and list had fallen out onto the locker room floor. Then quickly stalked off towards the shower room, a wicked smile on his muzzle.

He mentally cursed himself, and tore another picture from the locker door; on his way to the shower. Trying to ignore the feeling of his sheath tugging and stroking against his maleness as he walked, trying to will it down. He always got a boner when he was naked, always... and that's where the queer had gotten the stupid picture from in the first place! He turned on the water, turning it to cold, as he tried to chill his arousal away. Feeling his gonads try to shrivel and tighten up against his crotch.

The gym was clearing out for the night, by the time he'd finished. Returning to his locker, in a round about way. Kurrgurr noticed a big flowery towel hanging from Anton's locker. The big wolf snickered, dressing in his street clothes. Skin tight black trousers, and a muscle shirt that was just as tight. Now all he had to do was go down and collect his prize. Avoiding the elevator, he bound down the stairs to the building's basement. Throwing open the heavy steel fire door and pouncing into the access corridor. But the long dimly lit hallway was empty, Kurrgurr looked around with a frown. Where was that pansy little fag!

It was then he spotted the open door of the unused maintenance room, where he planned on nutting Anton. The room was lit with flickering fluorescent lights, he could hear the aging bulbs humming. Sneaking up to the door he peeked into the room, seeing all his stuff laid out just as he'd left it. Then his sharp nose caught the scent of musky male mouse. The wolf's lip's curled back into a vicious smile and he stalked into the room. Not looking around but simply following the scent, to a chair near the chain vise. On the old wooden chair top was a small damp pair of underwear. Picking them up Kurrgurr lifted them to his nose inhaling the male scent. Just then a deep grumbling voice grunted from across the room.

"Yeah those are Anton's." Instantly the heavy steel door slammed shut, making the startled wolf jump. Looking back over his shoulder he found a huge shaggy form leaning against the door. "I borrowed them." The huge red bear growled waddling forwards into the light.

"Errr... Jerome... Ahem what are you doing here..." The wolf asked feeling somewhat uneasy. He'd known the big bruin for a few years, they're lockers were side by side. And they had even been work out partners, when they were the only ones in the weight room.

"I found this." The bear grunted, holding up the slip of paper Kurrgurr had written his plan; and list of tools on. The wolf's eye's widened as he recognized the paper, a wicked smile spread across his muzzle.

"You come here to watch me deball that little faggot whore?" He asked looking around wondering where the bear had the little cock sucker stashed.

"Not quite." Jerome snarled grabbing the wolf by the shoulders and spinning him around.

"What the fuck..." Kurrgurr growl as he was turned and shoved over the work bench. As his smacking into the wall hard enough to stun him for a long moment. Just long enough for the bear to unsnap his jeans and yank them down. The big wolf felt the cold metal of the chain wrap over his big dangling sack. Then heard the crank being swiftly turn, and felt the pain as the chain choked down around the base of his scrotum. "Hey!" Kurrgurr screamed as the pain of compression gnawed at his guts. But he was totally helpless now, unable to get away. The big bear quickly tied his paw's to the benches leg's. Then stepped back and growled.

"Step one complete."

"Huh?" Kurrgurr snarled.

"Step one tie the little queer up and secure his ball's up in the chain vise!" Jerome grunted clearly reading it off the paper.

"What the crap!" The wolf snarled. "I'm not the little faggot!"

"That's not a very nice word!" The bear grunted.

"What?" The big straight wolf snarled. "Faggot?" Swift and powerfully the bear huge paw came down, smashing into Kurrgurr's trapped testicles with savage force. "AAAAOOOOOWWWWW!" Kurrgurr howled in agony his bound limbs jerking at the restraints. Even as the wolf's head sagged and he made an unsuccessful effort to vomit.

"That is a very unpleasant word!" Jerome grunted angrily. "Don't use it again!" He warned, his huge powerful paw playfully rolling Kurrgurr's big ball's around within their furry sack.

"Fuck you." The wolf choked still gagged and gasping for breath.

"Well... actually I was planning to fuck you!" Jerome sneered as he undressed, in front of the big bound wolf. Kurrgurr's eye's widened as he watched the huge grizzly bear get naked.

"What...!?!" "You're not serious!" "You a fa..." The wolf started then felt the big bruin's paws tighten on his vulnerable ball's. "Errr queer?" He finished lamely.

"That's right!" Jerome growled, taking his cell phone out. And taking a couple of quick pictures of the bound wolf. Noting Kurrgurr's expression the bear grinned. "Yeah it was me who put those pictures on the net." He explained, as he fondled his already aroused cock. "And there are sites that would pay a shit load of money for pic's like these." The bear snickered. "Nice big bound wolf about to get it up the tail hole!"

"You...Your not really..." Kurrgurr grunted in fear and disbelief as he starred at the bear's huge tool.

"Oh yes I'm going to fuck you!" Jerome assured moving around behind the wolf, snickering as Kurrgurr clamped his tail down.

"Nooo!" "You can't... I'm not a fagg..." "AAAAOOOOWWWW!" The wolf howled a second time as Jerome smashed his huge fist into Kurrgurr's trapped jewels!

"Manners!" The big bear reminded, as the wolf vomited this time. Spewing bile, and the contents of the stomach all over his bound arm's. "You'll be when I'm finished with you!" Jerome growled as he pulled the wolf's resisting tail aside and spit on his plucker. Then with a rough thrust, he forced his mostly unlubed cock into the wolf's virgin ass. "Now how does that feel Queer?" The bear snarled, as he raked his claws over the wolf's ball sac.

"I'm not a queer!" Kurrgurr whimpered through gritted teeth.

"Can't prove it... laying there moanin' with a cock up your ass!" Jerome taunted taking a few more pictures with his camera phone. Showing his huge bear cock slowly being swallowed by the wolf's quivering anus! Tho' he tried to save some small part of his masculine pride and dominant male persona.

‘He's right!' Kurrgurr thought as he felt the bear's big cock slowly slip into him! Though he was trying to deny his ravisher total victory over him. It simply wasn't working, the Bear's huge blunt organ was filling him to well. Jerome dug his claws into the wolf's hip's, and after a few spurts of pre into Kurrgurr's ass the friction slowly faded. As the big organ's path was eased by slick pre, the pain of penetration was quickly replaced by pleasure. Involuntarily Kurrgurr's hip's began to make little thrust's back towards his ravishers hard thrusting cock! Though it took all of his remaining will power he stopped his hip's! But not before his ravisher noticed and chuckled.

"Not so straight now huh?"

‘I'm not enjoying this!' The wolf whispered to himself under his breath, but it was an obvious lie even to him! Jerome grinned, and licked his sneering lip's; then leaned to the side. Reaching around Kurrgurr, his paw rubbing the wolf's dripping rock hard cock. Wanting to humiliate the big wolf, by having him enjoy getting raped; his goal was to make Kurrgurr cum. The feeling of his ravishers hot breath on his back, reminded the wolf of how he himself fucked bitches. Only this time it was he who was playing the part of bitch, and as the pleasure of being fucked filled him. His muzzle burned with shame and embarrassment. Even as the bear's leathery pad's found his

semi hard cock and began to caress along it's mighty length.

"OHOOOOOOO... fuck! He moaned unable to control himself he pushed back onto his rapist's cock!

"Hahah now your sounding like a real cock loving queer!" Jerome snickered as he thrust harder and faster slowly building momentum. "But you know what the real sign is... if ya cum from being fucked!" "If you squirt like a little cock loving butt boi!"

"I...I... I'm not...not goin to!" Kurrgurr panted fighting with all his might to hold back.

"Hahaha your a little cock loving bitch!" He snickered bending down to force a deep kiss on the unwilling wolf. "All you are good for is sucking the stronger males cocks, and letting them mount you."

"No...no... I can't... I won't..." The young stud wolf protested far to meekly to be convincing. Then his body convulsed and his big cock began squirting watery lupine cum all over!

"Hahaha!" Jerome roared with laughter quickly getting pictures of the wolf climaxing! "What a slut... that proves it... you're an ass boi!" The big bear snickers, even as his own big body quivering as his orgasm fills the wolf's hot ass! "Ahhhhh that was great bitch!" The big bear moaned, as he pulled out. And spurted a little over the wolf's furry ass cheeks, then took pictures. Getting close up's of Kurrgurr's red abused hole leaking his thick white cum. "Guess it's time we finished this up." He panted walking around in front of the bound wolf to pick up the shear's.

"Wha... wha... what are..are you going to do with those?" Kurrgurr stammered as he looked up at the big grizzly.

"Well... it's right here on the list." Jerome chuckled thrusting the wolf's list at his muzzle. "Neuter the little queer bitch." He pointed out snapping the shiny steel shears open and closed.

"N..NN...Nooooo please gods!" Kurrgurr screamed and begged as the bear moved around behind him again.

"But I thought you wanted all little queer cock lovers neutered?" Jerome teased, as he playfully fed the neck of the wolf's bound sac into the jaws if the shears.

"Wha... but I didn't mean..." Kurrgurr stammered.

"Oh come on now we just showed you're a cock loving butt boi!" Jerome pointed out. "By your own words to deserve to be neuter!"

"No...no please I... I've changed my mind!" The wolf panted. "That..that no reason to nut someone." He pleaded.

"Heheh your right of course." Jerome snickered pulling the shears off the wolf's ball's. "Of course you deserve an object lesson for your wickedness." Jerome growled more serious this time, as he slipped the shears around the wolf's big bone. Just above the knot, Kurrgurr's trembling as he felt the cold steel on his hot flesh.

"Object lesson...wickedness!?!" He questioned sounding panicked. But before he could say another word the shear snapped closed. A burning pain filled his groin and he looked back over his shoulder. Just in time to see the bear lift his big red wolf bone away. Taking pictures with his camera phone the whole time. "Gods oh gods why..." Kurrgurr screamed as he bear held up his dissevered penis.

"Just so you won't forget you're a queer butt boi..." The bear teased. "From now on if you wanta get off, your going to need a cock up your ass!" The bear chuckled then shoved the wolf's own big red bone up his tail hole! Taking more pictures as he fucked Kurrgurr with his own cock!



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