Inside a woman

Story by zelos on SoFurry

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A woman's inside

I was sitting in a bar drinking a few glasses of bears, It had been a rough week at my job, Especially when it was hot and as an Umbra enduring heat was always being a problem. I looked around at the various furries that was around me but none was even remotely interesting. So I thought at least until a Vixen came in through the door.

I gave a small sigh, just looking at her for a few moments before returning to my beer, thinking I would never have any chance with her. The vixen who were very busty, attractive, had dark blue or perhaps black hair, the main fur being dark blue as well but lighten than the hair and having secondary fur that had a more skin like colour as well, she had a chest around DD or perhaps a size or two above and was wearing an enchanting looking dress matching her fur, obviously meant to tease people.

The vixen walked into the bar looking around, she was obviously looking for something or someone. Once having scanned everyone in the bar she walked up to the bar and sat down by me, she ordered a drink for herself and to my surprise even me. The bartender gave me the a glass and I looked toward her, she had a kind smile on her face as she looked back at me.

"Thank you" I said putting on a small smile as i took the glass and drank from it.

"You are welcome" was her responds, having a seductive tone in her voice as she spoke, "I'm looking for a suitable male to take home with me, I was wondering if you were interested"

I quickly looked at her almost putting the beer in the wrong throat, being extremely surprised.

"Doing what exactly?"

"Fun" was all she said, though the grin on her face told a lot more.

Who could pass on such an offer? I just nodded to her saying I'd love to. After finishing our drinks we stood up and walked out. I walked behind her as she took the lead looking at her curvy furry body, the large rump was hypnotic as it walked, seeing the boobs even slightly from behind only made this a lot better, never really having been much interest to girls the chance with such a sex bomb was impossible to refuse.

She took me to her bedroom right away, Her place was nice looking though with upper middle class items in her place. Once in there she sat down on the bed, legs crossed in a teasing fashion smirking. I could not help but being aroused by all this as my erection in the pants were quite obvious to both of us and I thought that was why she was smirking.

"Not done it often I take it" she said, still looking at me.

"um....not really, girls usually don't find me attractive" I answered, blushing black in my face. Thinking my appearance and behaviour busted me naturally in this situation.

"aawww.... poor boy. Would you like to change that?" Her voice sounded caring as if she really thought it was sad. I looked at her curiously nodding slowly. "You would want to be able to be inside women more? On an almost daily basis? Feel their inside? Being considered extremely attractive by females?"

I looked at her extremely surprised, now even more turned on. "Yes! I would love that"

"Then I shall help you" She stood up and undressed, showing her body even more, it felt like my pants were going to explode. I had to take them off and so I did, eventually both of us being naked.

"My my, you have a very handsome body. Lay down on the bed with your stomach down and Iテつエll massage you before we get to the fun"

I immediately obeyed her, might take time but I would get sex soon enough I thought with a smile on the face. I laid down on my stomach next to her, she crawled up and sat on my rump, feeling her soft arse against mine was fantastic. She moved the arms to be along my body as I closed my eyes when she started massaging the sore back.

I gave of a sigh of relief as she started humming in a soothing tone, making me feel even more relaxed and happy. I could feel some of her juices getting onto my rump but it bothered me little. The rubbing continued, making my entire body slowly relax so very much, I felt nice all over the body. Every fibber of my being was in quite some pleasure, my mind drowning in the feeling.

Little did I know what was really going on, her juices and massage was working my body. I noticed nothing as I enjoyed it all but on my sides and backs where the arms fusing with the body, starting at the armpits and slowly going down inch by inch until the hands join it. This little change was not noticed due to the euphoric sensation her massage was giving me.

She just did it to form my body so I wouldn't be able to escape, which wouldn't be much longer. The same as to my arms happened to the legs, starting near the groin it moved downward, fusing what was two legs into one big one, making any balancing act if I stood up impossible. When my groin fused together the balls went with it and my shaft retracted into my body to disappear.

She stopped massaging me and just sat on my rump with arms crossed now. I turned my head around to see her but as the euphoria disappeared I noticed what had happened to my body, my attempts to wiggle did little to nothing. I tried looking at her but couldn't.

"WHAT ARE YOU DOING!?" I yelled at her, panicking.

She laid down on my back, her groin against where my tail was. "Doing what I promised"

My tail got full of some energy as it got stuck to her along with my rump; it was stuck to her crotch.


She just sighed, sitting up as my arse pulled along slightly back with her, she waved her hand and I felt the mysterious energy spread in my body, now focusing around the mouth as I attempted calling for help. The mouth tingled when it started turning vertical along with losing teeth and tongue, forming what now slightly reminded of a piss slit.

By now I noticed that everything was getting bigger; or more correctly I was getting smaller .My entire body was eventually small enough for her to sit up perfectly fine, the now fused legs curled up forming a sack as each one of the previous legs became testicles inside the newly formed sack. I stared at it all as much as I could in disbelief, how could this be happening?

The energy focused around my body and head, making it more cylindrical along with growing veins over it. The head bloating out to a large shaft head, my nose and facial structure retracting until the eyes forcefully sealed tight, only leaving my vertical mouth there on the shaft head. At the base had a sheath formed, it along with the sack was covered in the same fur as her belly.

I was still much alive and conscious, I could feel and hear for now but not see, though I was terrified and very confused. I felt movement in my long body, wondering what she was doing now. She stood in front of the mirror admiring her newly acquired shaft. A pair of hands grabbed around me holding me firmly in a grip that I couldn't escape if I could move at all

"You're such a nice shaft, 11 inches and all. I know you didn't think I meant like this but I did keep my promise. Girls will love your appearance now, and you will be deep inside of them very often as I know a couple of girls and herms who will just love you. Always wanted to be a herm myself but needed someone less significant to use to become one. Trust me you will learn to love this very much and feel pleasure beyond your dreams, and all it cost was movement and a few duties you have to do, but those will come naturally to you"

I felt anger starting to bubble up on my inside, thinking on what she had done to me. And the reason for me made it only worse; I would have jumped on her if I could. Eventually my thoughts focused on what she said were duties, what were those and why would they come natural?

She moved her hands up and down along my body slowly, stroking her long shaft. It sending pleasure through my body, Ii moaned in my mind as the Vixen were stroking my body. She moaned as well though her moans were getting weaker, eventually I didn't hear anything anymore, I now realised I was also deaf, just able to feel the wonderful sensation of her hand stroking my body up and down.

The stroking continued for a while, I slowly got lost in the sea of pleasure I got into but I felt a liquid travel up through me, reaching my mouth. It tasted like pre-cum and was indeed such, eventually a greater pressure was building up at my base. It quickly increased until nothing held it back. I erupted into spasms as my body attempted to throw the semen that quickly travelled through my shaft body out, it all sending unimaginable jolts of pleasure through me. By the end there is still some inside me and I feel it, can even taste it, but my mind only concentrated on the immense pleasure I just felt.

She let go of me and gave my former head a few pats before my body slowly softened and went into the furry sheath. It holding tight around me like a warm blanket, the very front of my former face was just lightly exposed but otherwise it was all around me, feeling quite nice against everything. My movement ability had increased from the erect state but the sheath still limited it to just bare wiggles.

I felt a pat on my front, I assumed she probably were talking though my hearing was gone now, she then grabbed the nuts and fondled them before walking around doing things. Each step was felt as it changed my position in the sheath lightly, all this lack of information was very frustrating in an already bad situation.

Eventually after what felt like an eternity I felt my body being pushed out from the sheath lightly, though roughly only half way, her hand then grabbed me and aimed my head in some direction. I didn't know what was going on until a pressure again was building up at the base. The other use of a dick came rushing into my mind and what she meant with "duty" before. The pressure increased until a stream of hot fluid came out from my mouth, the taste was horrible compared to the other before. It was the shortest eternity I had ever experienced but eventually she moved me up and down to get the last drops out from me before I was drawn back into the warmth of the sheath.

I don't know why but for some reason when she held me I felt a longing to be back in the sheath where it was warm and nice, thinking back on it, it seemed to disturb me more than the very urinating. Now back in it I snuggled and enjoyed the warmth it provided to my new body. Every moment seemingly making me care less and less about it all and just enjoying it all, I tried holding onto my identity though.

The night moved on and she eventually fell asleep, she was on top of me and I felt her entire weight on my now small body, as unpleasureble it should be it wasn't it, it bothered me little for some reason. During the course of the night she made a few movements to new positions, but otherwise it was uneventful for me, which I guessed many would be as I didn't even seem tired or needing sleep like this.

She eventually woke up and started moving around, I could just barely say how she was moving but to where was impossible as all I felt was the slight swinging in each of her step. But when she aimed my head and took another piss it was safe to say she was in the bathroom, shortly after water was running on me and a pair of soapy hands worked around the sheath and balls making sure I was all clean.

After all this and some sitting for her doing something I felt pressure on the sheath and ball, it was soft and only pushed lightly on me. I concluded it probably were a pair of underwear she was wearing as it didn't disappear. Hours passed like this as she continued walking with nothing happening, other than occasional scratching from her. Eventually the underwear went off and I was free, or as free as I could be in this state.

A hand strokes the sheath sensually, forcing me slowly out of the sheath as I felt the blood go into my body making it harder until it was completely erect and my motion abilities were zero. I imagined this must be one of those friends she spoke of and I probably did look very interesting, a long hard shaft from the vixen ready to be used.

Suddenly on what used to be the belly something wet was felt, it moved slowly up until it reached the head, I figured out quickly it was a tongue that was working me. It raped around the head licking it all over. A large pair of lips went around me soon enough, kissing first my head before taking more or less my entire shaft body into her mouth. I went in and out of the mouth as the tongue worked all around the body, stimulating it greatly.

This was all so very weird but it felt so fantastic, multiple thoughts went through my mind before the desire for pleasure won and wanting more. It didn't take long until the taste of pre-cum started coming in my throat and mouth, it eventually getting out in which the tongue were quickly to lick it up, wanting it seemingly badly.

The pressure at the base was starting to build up again, this time though I didn't fear it or even wanted to stop it but rather embraced it, hoping for it to release soon. The body were pulsating and throbbing inside the mouth before the immense wave of pleasure struck all over my body. I spasmed hard into the mouth as she held me tight with her lips, the semen travelling quickly through the throat and out of me into the mouth which worked me to embrace more to come out, swallowing it all eagerly.

Eventually it ended; some of the semen remaining in me but I was still hard when the mouth left me. The vixen whom I were stuck to was moving around some before she pushed my against something, I guessed in my mind it was the butt cheeks of the other female. I got pushed against them hard for a while before moving down, feeling a pair of lips on the back. They were wet and the juices got onto me as she moved me back and forth on them.

My mind was in extreme confusion, I felt a longing to be in there yet I didn't want to go through all of this. But what I wanted didn't matter as the head was put against the lips and slowly pushed in. Inch by inch was my body pushed into the wet inside of this female, into her muscular tube that worked my body slightly as I got deeper and deeper inside.

For reasons unknown to me this felt in some ways right, like this is where I belonged. Soon enough the thrusting started with me going in and out of the vagina, each thrust feeling heavenly to go inside and as far as possible, judging by how the pussy was working me it was highly pleasurable for the girl as well.

I didn't know how long this kept on, my means of telling time were all gone, but it didn't matter as all that was important was the pleasure to continued, eventually the pressure increased as I orgasmed into the female, spewing the semen into the pussy. The pussy quickly started applying pressure onto my body and even getting hotter. I was sure she came with the Vixen.

The thrusting stopped and I remained deep inside the pussy, just enjoying the warmth and wetness. It felt so wonderful in there even just being but eventually after who knows how long she pulled me out. I expected by now that they would be done, even though I did want more, but that estimate was wrong as I remained erect for a while before something plastic touched my head. The plastic thing was rolled down over me by a hand.

She was putting a condom over me and it felt quite unpleasant. After it was all over the body it didn't take long until she plunged me deep into the pussy again, thrusting hard and eagerly in and out. The walls and thrusting felt the same along with the heat but the wetness was missing and I missed it, but what could I do like this? She continued for a longer time, I think, before cumming again, the semen spreading inside the condom and around me.

This time it was the last for then but not the last ever. She did keep her promise and used me almost everyday after this in every fashion i experienced during these few days and much more and I slowly came to accept my life.

Technomation: Bambi

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