Pinkie's Punishment

Story by StrangeBreed on SoFurry

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A while ago I stumbled upon three very sexy pictures by Kryptchild and just had to write a piece based off them:

This story contains both Cake twins, their mother and their naughty foalsitter Pinkie Pie. This one has a lot of sexy BDSM stuff, hope you enjoy reading it as much I enjoyed writing it. Special thanks to my pony friend Muhkuh for the donation while I was writing this, I've given you a little cameo :)

All characters depicted in this work are purely fictional and over the age of consent. Any situation is meant as parody and does not represent any child, living or otherwise.


"Welcome back to Sugar Cube corner Muhkuh," Mrs. Cake greeted her customer with a bright smile, the handsome stallion looking quite cute with his blue and green hair and striped stockings on his legs, "What can I get ya?"

"I'll take a strawberry cake please" the stallion said with a grin, his stomach already rumbling with the excitement of the treat.

"Ah your usual huh?" Mrs. Cake giggled, reaching for the dessert.

"I have company for dinner tonight, so don't worry I'll be sharing it this time."

"Sharing your strawberry cake?" the mare chuckled, "Is that even possible for you?"

"Hey, I can share!" Muhkuh laughed along with the shop owner, his expression soon showing concern however as Mrs. Cake seemed a little shaky, panting and sweating as she worked the register. "Err, is everything alright?" he asked the mare gently, "You look a little under the weather?"

Mrs. Cake continued to grin although a little bit of a blush hit her cheeks, the blue mare still adjusting her posture as she stood at the counter, "Everything's fine, just a little tummy ache today I'm afraid," she clutched her belly to try and sell her excuse, "Guess that comes with the territory huh?"

Muhkuh laughed as he grabbed his order from the mare, nodding with a chuckle, "I guess that's true, you do sell a lot of sweets after all, well hope you feel better soon."

Mrs. Cake nodded with a huff, giving her customer a wave as he opened the door, "Believe me, I'm feeling better already!" As soon as the door closed she let out a needed moan, looking down to watch her young son as he kept lapping at her folds as instructed. She gave him a little push down, the colt dropping down and looking up confused as his dominant mother had stopped him. "You almost got us caught you naughty little filly!" she teased as rubbed the back of the toy that was shoved into his butt, hoof moving over to his modest shaft and grinding it hard.

"I'm not a filly" he whimpered as his cock started to hurt a little, still dripping however as his mother rubbed her hoof carefully over it. The older mare had reached for a riding crop she kept hidden under the counter, whipping her chin down so the tool clutched in her teeth would strike across his cheeks. He let out a sorry whimper as she struck him, the surface of the crop hitting each half of his little butt over and over until it reddened, "I'm sorry mistress, I am a filly, I'm a good filly!"

Mrs. Cake grinned as she set the riding crop down, placing her hoof on the end of the dildo to bury it even deeper, "That's right, you're whatever mommy says you are!" The boy nodded, gasping as his already bloated rear was forced to take more. "That's because?"

"I-I'm mommy's toy!" the colt panted as the toy had fully submerged into him.

The blue mare sighed as she knelled down, covering his lips with her pussy again, "That's right Pound Cake," she groaned as she wiggled her thighs, the colt getting back to work with his laps and kisses, "You're mommy's toy!" She huffed and groaned as her son continued to do such a good job, his tongue lapping at all the right places as his little cock throbbed with excitement. She slowly stood up, pulling the boy forward as she readjusted her position, "Time for the other hole slut!"

"Yes mistress!" Pound sighed as he looked up. With the current vantage point he now placed his tongue in her ass, digging it deep as she moaned out. Her eyes squinted as her son licked and slurped her tight hole, tongue sliding in as the colt pressed his lips to her firm cheeks, worshiping her big bubbly butt.

Mrs. Cake let out another long gasping moan, "Don't you dare stop Pound!" Her son kept running his tongue around her ass in a smooth circle, probing deeply each time his mother's chubby cheeks would bounce against his face. Her blue cheeks flushed with a red hew as she blushed, wiggling her fanny all over her little pet's muzzle. She stopped dead in her tracks when the door opened with a jingle for the third time, but relaxed her posture when she was who it was. "Right on time Pinkie" she said with a sigh, nodding to her pink friend.

"Hey Mrs. Cake, what's shaking?" She cocked her head to the side, "Other than your legs?"

The mare laughed as Pinkie stepped behind the counter, getting a good glimpse of the young colt servicing her rear, "Our little Pound Cake's being a very good boy today, so he shouldn't cause much trouble for you tonight."

"Ooo, I can see that," Pinkie giggled as she poked playfully at the noticeable end of the dildo plugging the boy's butt, "How about Pumpkin Cake?"

"She's out with her father," Mrs. Cake said with a groan, moving away from her son so he could stand up, "She'll be here soon though, then they're both yours while Mr. Cake and I have our little date night. I can't thank you enough for watching them dear!"

Pinkie Pie looked over at the clock to see how much time was left before the store closed, leaning down to rub the colt's hard and drippy shaft with her hoof, "You can always count on me Mrs. C. Besides, I'll be doing a lot more than watching them!" She yanked the dildo out Pound Cake's ass, causing him to whimper. He knew it was only a momentary reprieve for the sake of seeing his father.

He looked to his mother and tried to be as cute as he could, whispering shyly, "M-mommy, c-can I please cum?"

The mare leaned down and pushed the boy back, a sweet smile on her face. "Oh you poor dear, she said as she swallowed his length down, licking his precum clean from his cockslit as she blew her son. He was aching for release, only a few gulps needed for his head to start flaring. He was just about to blow his load when suddenly his mother removed her lips, the colt looking desperately as his balls ached painfully, shaft twitching desperately. "Sorry honey, no cumming for you." He was nearly crying as his entire length ached with need, his breath heavy and desperate as his mother started to kiss Pinkie Pie. They shared a long, steamy kiss before the mare pulled away, looking down at her son, "I wish I could fool around with you until this poor thing cried, but my husband will be home any minute. Why don't you get everything you need for tonight ready?"

"Kay Mrs. C!" Pinkie Pie said in her typical sugar tone as she hopped up the stairs on all fours like a rabbit.

The door to Sugar Cube Corner jingled open again as Mr. Cake stepped in with his daughter Pumpkin Cake, the pair smiling as they were greeted by Mrs. Cake and Pound Cake. "Hello dear," Mr. Cake said as he nuzzled his wife's cheek, "How was your day?"

"Not too bad hon," she said with a grin, "How about yours?"

"Productive," her husband said, "Got a lot of errands done with Pumpkin and we even stopped by Panashe's Pancake Place."

"Ooo, that sounds very fun!" Mrs. Cake said as she leaned down, wiggling her nose against her daughter's.

The young filly giggled from the nuzzle, "It was a lot of fun mommy!"

Mrs. Cake winked to her daughter as she asked the next question, "As fun as a night with Pinkie Pie?"

"Pinkie's here?!" the little one cried out with excitement, looking around as if she'd be hidden behind some curtain or something.

"Yes, she's here," Mrs. Cake chuckled, "Just upstairs right now, you may see her when we leave."

Pumpkin looked a little nervous from that statement, gulping and wiggling her legs as she started to feel all funny, "Ok mommy..."

"Well, are you ready dear?" Mrs. Cake looked to her husband, the yellow stallion nodding with a wide grin.

"Sure am dear, no time like the present."

"Alright Pinkie," Mrs. Cake called up the stairs as she rubbed her head against her husband lovingly, "We're off, see you in a couple hours."

"Sure thing Mrs. C, Mr. C, have fun on your date!" the voice called from upstairs, Pinkie's bubbly tone unmistakable.

"Have fun with your sitter kids!" Mr. Cake said happily as he left with his wife, the twins gulping as they watched their parents leave, sharing a glance with each other as the door locked with a click.

They slowly stepped up the stairs towards their sitter, seeing the playroom door open a crack. Pumpkin's mouth opened to speak, but had no time to think of words as Pinkie's voice called from the room, "Don't keep me waiting girls." Both filly and colt took a deep breath and an anxious gulp before stepping forward, Pumpkin Cake pushing the door open with a hoof to reveal Pinkie Pie, leaning back against a shelf so she could spread out her front. There was a vibrator and a dildo, both pink sitting next to her, a paddle and riding crop also nearby as the pink beauty eyed the foals. "Ok girls," she said teasingly, following Mrs. Cake's instructions in sissifying her son, "Who's hungry?" As she finished she place a paw over her pussy, the already wet mare probing to see who would be the more willing pet today.

Pumpkin and Pound Cake trotted over to Pinkie quite quickly, both nestling in between her legs as their lips went to work. They planted little kisses all over her drippy folds, tugging with their lips and teasing with their tongues as they slowly stimulated their foalsitter. "Mmm good girls!" She moaned as she placed her hooves on the back of their necks, guiding them over her soft sex. Pound Cake also slid his tongue over rump, circling the slippery muscled over her pucker as his sister got to work on her clit. "Mmm, deeper Pound!" She coaxed the colt, his tongue pressing deep inside her until it tickled. Pumpkin kept sliding her tongue over Pinkie's folds in smooth slides, lapping gently as she collected pools of the pony's cum with her tongue.

"You taste so good!" The young filly sighed as she kept licking, her eagerness reflecting how she had always been more up to play than her brother.

Pinkie rested her hoof on the back of the filly's neck, pressing her down tighter to her drippy folds, "You love my pussy don't you Pumpkin?" She nodded with a slurped agreement, the pink pony grabbing the bright pink stallion cock dildo and suddenly pushing it into the young filly's pussy, "Well Pinkie loves yours too!"

Pumpkin moaned out as she felt a strong, pleasurable rush, Pinkie pushing it in and out with her hoof. "Ahh, ahh, oh Pinkie that feels sooo good!"

"Remember to call me mistress!" she said strongly, the filly mumbling a reply between slurps over the pink pony's pussy. "Damn, look how wet you're getting!" she moaned as she watched the filly's pussy stretch for the toy, clutching its surface as she kept soaking it with her juices. "Should we do the same to Pound?" she asked with a wink, Pumpkin nodding as her brother looked up surprised. His eyes widened as he heard the buzzing sound, Pinkie grinning at him devilishly as she held up a vibrator that was now alive with power. "Turn that rump around pretty filly!" she commanded with a grin, the boy turning to show off the hole that was still lubed from earlier. "What are you?" she whispered into the colt's ear as she started pushing the vibrator down into his ass.

"I-I'm a good filly!" he moaned out obediently, gasping as the vibrator rubbed against his prostate, "A g-good filly!"

Pinkie grinned as she kept pushing the toy into Pumpkin's pussy, the filly moaning loudly. "Let's see your rump too!" Pinkie said as she took the toy from the filly, Pumpkin turning to lay next to her brother as they both panted out from the tension. "Chin up Pound Cake," Pinkie whispered to her pet, the colt looking up to see her offering the pink dildo from before, "Suck on this." Pound Cake started sucking slowly, pressing his lips to the head before relaxing his muzzle to fit more, shivering and groaning at the sweet taste left on it. "Good huh?" Pinkie whispered as she pushed on the boy's cock, causing more pre to leak out, "You like the taste of your sister's pussy, don't you?"

"Mmm, mhmm!" Pound moaned as he sucked on the toy, eyes closing up as he felt a paddle strike the back of his ass.

"Alright girls," Pinkie said with a bit of a lisp, holding the paddle in her mouth, "Time to get those asses red!" She smacked Pumpkin's next, good and hard to each cheek before moving back. She struck over and over again, harder each time as she abused the younger pony's cheeks. Every time she smacked the paddle against Pumpkin's pussy it reverberated a little bit of a shock, causing her little pussy to get a tad wetter. The pink pony would smack her folds the odd time gently, electing loud whimpers from the filly. "You like that slut?" she asked as she smacked harder.

"Yes mistress, yes!" the filly moaned, panting as Pinkie rubbed her pussy a little with her hoof, "Th-thank you mistress!"

Pinkie Pie moved her paddle back to Pound Cake and smacked him hard, the boy dropping the toy from his mouth to moan. "Who said you were done sucking that cock?!" Pinkie growled as she smacked his balls with the paddle, the boy letting out a harsh whimper.

He nuzzled the toy in an attempt to pick it up, only managing to lick its surface, "Sorry mistress, sorry, I'm s-sorry, I-ahh!" his balls were smacked again, his mistress hitting each cheek and the little orbs just gently enough that it was teasing in its painful nature.

"Bad girl!" the pink pony growled as she pushed the vibrator in deeper with a hoof, the boy's prostate assaulted as she smacked the paddle over his balls once more, "You're just a dirty, little, disobedient filly!"

Pound Cake fell to the floor and cried out, as his cockhead flared, painting the floor white as he came long and hard. "Oh no, I'm sorry mistress, I-I didn't mean to," he pleaded, still cumming from all the teasing, "I couldn't help it!"

Pinkie sighed as she took a break, the filly beside her also laying in an exhausted slump. Her eyes looked over the colt with a stern look, leaving him in a pile of shame and fear. Her gaze soon turned to a twisted grin as she set the paddle down, "Just rest Pound, you'll need to be ready when mommy punishes you for this." Pound Cake looked devastated as he lay in his own sticky mess, knowing how mad his mother got when he came without permission. Next to him his sister was giggling quite audibly and Pinkie grabbed the paddle, smacking her hard in the ass. "Quit giggling slut," she commanded with a sneer, "I'm not done with you yet!"

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