Life 11, The Private Life of Jason Shallowater

Story by Kalagar on SoFurry

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#11 of A Little Thing Called Life

This chapter takes a look into the life of Jason, it tells you how he met Draco and his thoughts on what has happened up to this point.

Chapter 11

The Private Life of Jason

Jason Shallowater lived a normal quiet life by himself. He woke up at the crack of early, went into work, taught his students the joys of chemistry, went home, and stayed mostly to himself. And he hated it.

He never had any problem living alone and staying to himself, no one really caught his eye for even just a friend. No one invited him out, and he didn't ask them out.

Jason often daydreamt about long walks through the park, or along the beach with some tall handsome figure that he loves and who loves him back, but he never met anyone who he wanted to fill that gap. Until he did.

By chance, he finally met someone who he wanted to spend the rest of his life with. It was after the theater teacher, Mrs. Woolsey retired. He hadn't heard anything about her replacement, only that it was going to be a young dragon who had recently graduated from tech and that he was a former student at the school in which Jason taught, back before he started teaching there.

Jason went through the motions that summer, not expecting anything extraordinary. He was in his classroom one day during the summer trying to decide if he wanted to rearrange, make sure all his lab stations were stocked, and checking his supply closet.

As it so happens, his supply closet connected to the next classroom over, and that's where he first met Draco. They both walked in at the same time carrying boxes in their arms.

Jason knew he was in trouble when he first set eyes on the young dragon. Draco's body was almost exactly on par with what he wanted in is mysterious shadow. He was tall, and very well built, with a young boyish face.

The dragon was wearing a short sleeved tee shirt that showed off the curves of all his young muscles.

"Oh, you must be the new theater teacher, I'd heard they were moving your classroom next to mine. My name's Jason Shallowater." Jason politely stated as he set his boxes down and held a clawed hand out to shake with the dragon

"Nice to meet you, i'm Draco Blaiz, and yes, i'll be teaching theater next door, I'll try to keep the noise level down for you" the dragon stated politely as he set his own boxes down to shake jason's hand.

The two of them quickly became friends, and though he didn't realize it yet, he was slowly falling in love with the dragon.

It didn't take long for Jason to meet Draco's at the time boyfriend, Jacob Kinder, who had come up one day that summer to have lunch with the dragon. Jason didn't like Jacob, he seemed like the kind of wolf who only ever had one thing on his mind, and that one thing wasn't moral support for the one he claims to love.

Soon after, the school year had started, and he would wait for Draco to arrive in the mornings sitting in the teachers lounge. After a few minutes of sitting there and talking, they would move their conversations to one of their classrooms and wait for the bell to ring.

Throughout the days, they might have brief conversations during their class times when they would meet in the closet that connected their rooms, otherwise they would meet for lunch. Sometimes, they just brought their lunch and ate at the school, other times they went to a nearby restaurant.

It was just a short time into the school year when they had all heard of the death of one of the school's bus drivers. Jason had a fleeting thought at the back of his mind that the school board would try to recruit the "fresh meat," so to speak, to take his place. Sure enough, they asked Drake and after a week or so, started training.

This was when Jason started to see a change in the dragon. He had spent most of his free time training or studying for the position, and something was changing.

All at once, something big happened as Draco told him about his, now, ex boyfriend and how the werewolf had kicked him out of the house they had been sharing and how he had temporarily moved in with a friend from high school.

That's when he realized it, that he was falling in love with the dragon. If anyone else had told him that the same thing happened to them would he have cared? Probably so, but not like this. Hearing Draco tell the story, and seeing the look in his face, made Jason so angry he couldn't see straight.

He had even offered to let the dragon stay at his house if things didn't work out with his friend. This never happened, it was only about a month later that Draco and his "friend" Diesel became more than friends and got into a relationship.

When Jason met Diesel, he didn't like him either, but it was for an entirely different reason. Jason was jealous of the husky, he had what the crocodile wanted. He could see that they were good together, and the way the two of them looked at each other was full of love, real love, not just the lustful stare that Jacob had given.

The more time had passed, the more their love grew, and the more in love Jason fell, keeping his true feelings hidden. Fortunately, Draco seemed oblivious to the small hints that Jason would accidentally, and sometimes intentionally, leave behind.

Jason would spend many nights crying himself to sleep, or pretending that one of his large pillows was the dragon he had been wanting. This only got worse when he was invited out by the couple one day and they announced their engagement.

Jason had to believe that if it were meant to be, it would find a way. He would much rather have Draco in his life as a friend than to lose him forever, so he kept his mouth shut.

He had received a glimmer of hope some time before the engagement that Drake had feelings for him, even if they were buried down inside him. This light of hope came from Marco, the young stallion that Draco had adopted over the year when he noted the way Jason looked at the dragon, regardless of how oblivious he was to it.

Jason continued to go through the motions. He enjoyed the time he spent with Draco. He even enjoyed the time he spent around Diesel, though it was still a bit awkward because he wasn't completely oblivious to the way Jason acted around his fiance.

Jason had tried to find someone else to love, but never had any luck. He had mannaged to set up a couple of dates that he couldn't bring himself to tell Draco about, but they had never made it past the first or second date before they each fell flat.

Things had started to gradually get easier, he spent his free time taking long walks in the park, taking in the nature and ignored all the happy couples and families that he came across.

He tried to remember how his life was before Draco came along, and though he could never get back to that point, he managed to get close.

The crocodile would lose track of time, finding it hard to keep track of the end of one day and the beginning of the next.

Days became weeks, which became months, just trying to get through one day at a time. Pretty soon, the 5th of august came around, the big day. The day Jason would have to figure out how to move on for good, because Diesel Patrick would marry Draco Blaiz and they would become Mr. and Mr. Patrick.

He was happy for them, and he had a feeling that things would get much easier with time. He might even come to accept that the only man he had ever loved would never be more than just a friend.

He was ready to face that, as he prepared for the wedding, still somewhat shocked that Diesel had asked him to be the best man. Things would work out for the best, as long as Draco was happy.

But then something completely unthinkable happened, and everyone's world changed forever.

My Name Is Jason Shallowater

\*You are looking at a television screen in a darkened room, watching a home video\* \*Camera clicks on to a view of an empty chair. After a few seconds, a crocodile wearing a plain grey outfit walks on screen and sits down.\* My name is Jason...

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Life, 10 Whatever Goes Up...

Things were starting to accelerate, so fast that sometimes it made Draco's head spin. He and Diesel had managed to set a date for the wedding, August 5th of that year, just before school started back up. In the meantime, school was starting to come...

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Life, 9 The Rocky Road to Happieness

Marco was sitting in his bedroom studying for an upcoming chemistry test when he heard the tires hit the driveway. One glance out the window told him that Draco and Diesel had made it home safely. Marco had spent the weekend spring-cleaning the...

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