
Story by GabrielClyde on SoFurry

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First times can be fraught, wonderful, frightening, and problematic. And all of the above. And sometimes, it's the things you dont even realise, and the ones with a prior claim you never knew, that are critical.

A story of accident, love,longing, misfortune, good fortune, longhaul air travel, and coming to terms with life. And sex, mischief, and raunchy Skype.

An attempt at something more real, more whimsical, more problematic, a little romantic, and mixing straight, bi, gay. I know thats tough for some, and skip over the bits you dont like, but I write it because thats life for me. Am i straight, gay, bi...I had to go through that, and living, and loving, and the consequences for people I care about. The characters in my story find a way eventually, maybe I will one day too.

Anyway, enough from me, on with the show.

The humidity had finally done for me. I had been so long in an English climate, with occasional sojourns to Spain for the obligatory package holidays. Nothing in either place properly prepared me for this though.

I waited in the vast hall and looked up at the board and groaned. My back ached, and itched with a nice bead of sweat that seemed to always be there somewhere on my spine it could do most harm. I knew it was futile to hope, the announcement had been plain enough, but seeing it up there on the big board somehow was the final straw.

I cried. Just a little.

"Hey...hey, it's ok..."

My companion handed me a tissue. Then he reached out awkwardly and gave me a hug. I shouldn't have responded to it, I knew, but it felt so good. A gawky young stallion, his body felt so comforting in that moment. I let his hands stroke my mane awkwardly and blew my nose in the tissue.

"It's only five hours delay at least Rachel. Could be worse."

How could I tell this perpetually sunny young stallion why I was crying. How much it had taken to get on the plane in the first place, leaving behind my life and a broken marriage to the stallion of my dreams. And how the little things brought me undone these days as a result.

"I'm ok Colin, really."

"Yeah, and I'm Boris Johnson."

It seemed he knew anyway. We had spent a dozen hours together, no more, from Heathrow to Hong Kong. Sandwiched in two economy seats on a 777 with a badger beside us who managed to sleep the whole way and snored like a trooper. Intending to spend the trip watching bad videos and reading, instead I found myself intrigued by the young stallion beside me.

He reminded me of David a little, I had to admit after we had reached cruising altitude and polished off our "snack" of apple compote. He had a different look, of course. This one was a Friesian, with dark coat and long fluffy mane and feathering that he kept studiously unkempt in typical wild colt fashion. He had big grey eyes, and a lopsided smile, and a deep voice with an adolescent twang.

My David had been none of those things, a thin and austere quarterhorse, but he had the same ideals and the same enthusiasms as this one. And he also had the willingness to express them.

I had scandalised my husband to be when I first met him in a pub. On learning that he was studying law, I had immediately harangued him on the evils of judicial misogyny and the ways the system denigrated women. I was then supremely surprised to find him agreeing with everything I said and going further, telling me he was planning on specialising in human rights and equal opportunity law and fighting for social justice.

Unfortunately, his career at the bar seemed to involve less and less social justice and more and more commercial causes, until I could no longer see the idealist of my youth whose green eyes blazed at the many perfidies of 'the system'. Now he was the system, and at the age of thirty, I gave up on expecting him to change, to devote more time to things that mattered, let alone me. Hopes for a foal of my own had died a long time ago, hope for him took a little longer.

And of all the curses I could receive, I ended up stuck in an economy airline seat next to a bubbly young stud with a gift of the gab and a desire to help people, really help.

Once the barriers were down, we shared by increments. By the time we were on final for Hong Kong, I had told him about David, and running back to Australia. I had been born here, raised here, and yet forgotten most of it. My home town of Brisbane was a memory of humidity and obnoxious xenophobia under a façade of friendliness in my mind's eye. I had never felt I fitted in there, and when I used my mother's UK citizenship to go to England for study, and then to stay, I had not felt the absence.

Somehow listening to the broad twang of this stallion I felt it again though, and realised I had missed it. He had an almost Steve Irwin drawl going, and hearing words like "love" and "hope" in that eager youthful voice brought a smile to my muzzle for the first time in ages. I remembered afternoons on the beach, and the buzz of cicadas, and sense of freedom unfamiliar in the drab of a stilted London winter. I had lost those things; and now on a plane over the vastness of Russia I was finding them again.

So when we got to Hong Kong and I found he was on the same onward flight as mine, I felt some comfort in our shared misfortune. I also felt comfortable letting out the emotions I had been holding onto since I stepped through customs and used my Australian passport for the first time in more than a decade. It was one of the many acts of shedding the old me that I undertook like religious rites on that trip, and letting myself show vulnerability to a stranger was another.

It helped he was who he was, I reasoned. Young, demonstrably kind, almost falling over himself on the plane to make me comfortable and at ease, he was even carrying my handluggage now like some old fashioned gentlecolt. When I hugged him and cried he seemed to forget for a moment and dropped it suddenly. I heard a crunch, and he looked rueful.


I gave him a smile and slapped his chest in mock anger.

"Damn, the family china ruined!"

He looked so mortified, I had to take pity.

"A tacky souvenir from the tower of London, bought for the principal of the school I am moving to. He loves stuff from there he told me, and I agreed to bring him one. Hope he doesn't mind it having a few cracks."

His relief was so cute I had to kiss his chin. He had a little tuft of hair there, reminder of his age. Every second stallion I had known in university had grown one the moment they got there as if to reinforce their independence from school age restrictions. Some had barely grown an inch by the end of first year; this one at least had some bulk to it. It even felt nice against my lips and made him blush.

He had been in England on exchange he told me, and he loved science and wanted to be a teacher one day. I learned more about his rugby, his surfing, his disastrous luck with women, and his battles with his sister. In typical young male fashion he didn't let me in far, content to be my sounding board over the many miles of confinement, and instead told me about his view of the world with unabashed openness. He wanted to teach in the country because the kids there needed it more. I liked that a lot, and more besides.

I don't know where or when I first thought it. Probably somewhere over China, looking at his ears, with a single stud earring in the left one that caught my attention. From there I looked over his face, his deep grey eyes full of mischief and care, the white blaze at his muzzle, his smile, or, and yes I admit it, the deliciously thickly muscled chest I could see under a t-shirt. In the slightly cool air of the Boeing, his nipples began to harden, and I saw them poking against the fabric and imagined all kinds of things I knew I should not.

So here, in a humid massive airport surrounded by a million strangers, I cried, and I nuzzled against that chest, and he joked about Boris Johnson. I never knew anyone less like the great pretender, just as he intended, and he got a laugh for that.

Slightly recovered, we looked around. By my calculations, allowing for the turnaround time we already had, we had about six hours to kill, maybe seven. And I knew I didn't want to spend them sitting in a dull departure lounge.

He pointed at a sign by the wall.

"Pay-In Lounge. Sounds promising? By Gate 44...that shouldn't be far."

I nodded and followed my porter stallion. As a mare of the world, independent and strong, I knew I should carry my own bloody bag, but I liked it that he cared enough to do it. And as I found, nearby was a relative term in Hong Kong airport. By the time we got there, I was sweating.

Plaza premium lounge. It sounded ideal. It was also expensive...and it was full.

"Sorry Sir, madam. Unless you are a member of a participating airline program, we have no spaces available at the moment..."

I was about to cry again. My companion seemed to realise, and he pulled me to one side so I would not lose it in front of the uniformed functionary with the plastered smile.

"What about heading into the city!"

I balked a bit at that. I was tired, I was hot, and I was at a low ebb. Nothing in tourist land seemed to attract me.

"I don't know..."

"We could get a hotel room. Can't be too expensive, and we can rest up before the flight to Brisbane."

For some reason, I was content having a stallion to lead me again. I told myself it was the fatigue, but I also knew I was done making decisions for now. After the momentous ones of late, when I went for this teaching job back in Australia, and all it meant for my marriage, I had used up my store of decision making strength. Having someone to follow was so enticing, especially a polite young stallion with so much compassion in his eyes.

I had only a few things with me in my hand luggage, most had been checked through to the next flight. Some basic toiletries, a change of underwear, a brush. They would help at least, and hopefully the hotel could make up any deficiencies.

Getting through customs was unbelievably easy. I guessed this was something normal for them, as one of the great transit cities of the world. The bored expression of the attendant told me I was nothing worth worrying about, and I joined my stallion companion on the other side with a world of possibility at my hooves.

We found a counter in the landside area, and managed to negotiate a reduced rate for a half day at a central hotel near the railway station. I insisted on paying for the train, which was not cheap, and he insisted on paying for the hotel. It flattered me, and it flattered him. His smile was shy but willing, like this was a huge adventure for him. I guess it was; he probably didn't get to entertain thirty year old mares all that often.

We sat together on a train full of tourists, my head on his shoulder, and watched the land go past. So many skyscrapers slapped on a mudheap island out of nowhere; I reflected on how lucky I had been, and would be soon. A school on the Sunshine Coast, North of Brisbane, a perfect holiday destination many would kill to live in, let alone get to work there. I had known the principal's wife through a course in England, and when I made up my mind to go, I had used my network well. They had offered to house me till I found my hooves, and I would have a lift to work every day. I would also have a beach of real sand only a hundred yards down the street.

"Hey, next station."

Thankfully my companion was on his hooves. I had almost fallen asleep watching the endless procession of buildings and swamp.

We got out at Central, a huge mass of people and movement. I was lost, and he seemed to realise, taking our bags and my hand as he led me towards the bus stop. A shuttle to our hotel and all would be well.

The building was large, ugly, and functional. I guess that was what four star in Hong Kong and about fifty pounds could get me. It would be worth it though, to have a shower, and a bed, and a real rest.

We negotiated the check in desk, my knight paid with a flourish and a nicker of self conscious maleness, and we ascended the escalator to our oasis.

It was plain, simple, but large. And it was all I needed.

We looked at each other with a sudden grin of uncertainty. The large double bed beckoned, and my stallion gave a little whinny and looked away.

"I can take the couch..."

I pressed a finger to his muzzle, and stopped his awkwardness. His eyes opened wide and his mane twitched, and his ears flicked sideways. The one with the earring did a little dance.

"Shhh....dont worry. We are just two weary travellers. Besides, I for one am desperate for a shower."

When I came out after fifteen solid minutes of basking in the water, I found him on the couch nonetheless, watching the television. He was flicking through channels, seemingly lost.

"Nothing on?"

"Nah, all a bit weird. And the news is a bit...different?"

"How so?"

He gave a smile and a shrug and added a slightly oriental note to his voice.

"And today we celebrate the return of the noon-day cannon to it's place on the harbor. The cannon is a relic of the colonial past, but is retained as a reminder of the glorious return of Hong Kong to it's rightful place in China as all people rejoice..."

I towelled my hair dry and laughed. "Governor Patton would be so proud..."

He looked quizzical, and I gave a sigh and patted his head a little condescendingly.

"Sorry sport, you are too young."

He seemed to bristle at that. I had clearly irked him.

"My sister does that. Rubs my head and talks down to me."

I played with his ear instead. Soft, like mink, and so sensitive. I lingered for long seconds.

"Mares will do that Colin, and they are right. You are a young stallion, and therefore lacking in most civilised traits. But you can be taught."

He grinned back finally, and ducked his head in a bow.

"Well m'lady, this knave has learned at least. You smell a hell of a lot better, so I must stink. Time for my shower!"

I slapped his ass laughing. He did smell strong, after a thirteen hour plane flight and landing in a humid cesspit, there was not much alternative. I liked it though, if I was honest. A scent I had forgotten, luxurious and enticing. Young stallion. Sweat, musk, and more. My mane shivered as he headed for his own date with some clean water.

I had put on a t-shirt and my old knickers after the shower, and a robe from the hotel. In bed I discarded the robe. It felt like home, a lazy Sunday morning with the paper and a cup of tea. I even found one of those from a little box on a table in the little kitchenette.

When he emerged, towelling off his mane, he was wearing boxers but no top. I stared, and he noticed eventually. He was embarrassed.

"S...sorry...I'll get some more on..."

" its fine. Don't do it on my account."

I was admiring him, I knew. I knew it was bad, stupid, and not fair to him. But he looked so good, his dark coat gleaming, his lean but well muscled body so beautiful. He had a six pack, and I couldn't remember when I last felt one of those. And pert nipples that looked even better without a t-shirt.

He looked at me, a little lost. I played along.

"I was here first."

"I'll take the couch..."

"No, come in here. I need someone warm beside me. Besides, you are supposed to say, 'I was here second, and climb in anyway. That's the law of the playground, as much as a hotel in Hong Kong"

He approached the bed as if it were a snake. I guess I was, in a way. He slid under the covers though, and I rested my head on his chest, and read a book as he read with me over my shoulder.

"I was here second."

We lay in silence, both smiling.

"Hey, Henry Handel Richardson!"

It pleased me that he knew who it was.

"You know her?"

"My mum's favourite. I've read some..."

"Well read more stallion. Read more."

I had set an alarm for plenty of time to get back to the airport, and we fell asleep like that, in the simple pleasure of a full size bed and a room that wasn't thirty thousand feet in the air.


When I woke, I was a little disoriented at first. I felt a mass beside me, against my body, and panicked for a second. I had not slept in the same bed as David for a good year before I finally made my break. His body was now foreign territory for me, any male body for that matter. I had not been this close to another male except David for ten years.

I calmed quickly and then as quickly became intrigued. He felt warm, and his taut muscles felt good against me. My t-shirt had ridden up, and I felt fur against mine and it tingled. He was spooned against me, his muzzle next to my neck, his legs wrapped around mine. Like lovers...and it felt so good I almost cried.

He shifted in his sleep and let out a little sleep nicker. I froze, then moved again, removing my t-shirt and bra, and letting my naked breasts lay against his chest. There is something so beautiful in that feeling, a strong male chest touching you there. My nipples hardened quickly, and I rubbed against him and my legs writhed on his, feeling the bulge of his thighs and the long taper of his fetlocks hard and sure.

I could feel it wedged against my hip then. Enclosed in his simple pair of grey boxers, a stallionhood. His testicles bulged nicely, I had seen their outline in his boxers when he came out of the shower, but now there was a new presence. In his sleep, he had dropped slightly, and I felt the touch of a soft penis on my skin through the fabric.

In so many ways I rationalised what happened next. My defences were down. His were non-existent. If it had been done to me the other way round, I would have been mortified, but for some reason I did it anyway. My hand slid across his taut belly, tickling his deep navel, fingers playing in a patch of stallion pubes pushing above the waistband of his boxers. Then they slid under, inside, and I touched his penis, the flare obvious to my touch. I moaned then, feeling the first male organ other than my husbands in way too long. It felt good, alive, potent. And as I touched, it grew.

Writhing against his body I used him, no longer caring. He was fully erect soon, and I pulled his boxers down to release his stallionhood. I played with it like a toy, the most beautiful toy I knew. So alive, it twitched when I touched, and jerked, and the heat from it was like a fire. My hand slid down to cup his testicles, their rolling jerking movement so sweet I giggled like a schoolgirl.

Opening my eyes, I was confronted by a pair of grey eyes looking terrified. His body was tensed, and his muzzle was open in a silent cry, tongue extended a fraction.

I looked in those eyes and mouthed the words "are you ok."

I got a nod, just one, though his eyes still looked terrified, hid body relaxed slightly.

Our muzzles finally met and I kissed him. He tasted of mint, and apples. He had been knocking off apple jellies on the plane like a demon. I liked it; and our kiss became heated as I returned to stroking his penis. Longer than my husband, and a little thicker. The flare felt so beautiful, and it pulsed to his heartbeat.

We were both naked in a moment, knickers and boxers discarded, two strangers vulnerable and yet triumphant. I had asked him on the plane, but I asked again just in case. It wouldn't hurt to make me feel better about this before I crossed the Rubicon.

"Please tell me you don't have a girlfriend..."

He shook his head dutifully.

I sighed and closed my eyes, and the romantic twit kissed them too.

I gave him a look, and he finally managed a smile to break the tension.

"My best mate once told me, if you don't know what to say to a girl, just kiss them. Saves conversation."

Two can play at that game. I kissed the delicious stupid silly beautiful stallion hard and rolled him on his back. I wanted to be in charge in this, and to my everlasting gratitude, he was sensible enough to go along.

Straddling his chest, I felt his length pulsing with life behind me. I flicked it with my tail, drawing nickers and moans. He gripped my thighs and tried to pull me forward, and I helped him shiffling along until my sex lay over his muzzle.

One hand flat on the wall, the other in his mane, I rode his muzzle. He was clumsy, really clumsy, too rough too quickly, no idea really, but he was enthusiastic, and he was determined, and as I bucked my hips against him and used my grip on his mane to guide him, he found the right spot, the left side of my swollen clit, and lapped like a foal on his mother's teat.

With my head against the wall I rested a moment, and pushed his muzzle away.

"Too sensitive honey..."

His grin of pure pride made my head spin. If only my students would take instruction this well.

The moment had come. I hesitated over his length a moment, then rubbed the flare on my lips. I almost screamed then. So long...way too long. I had forgotten how good it could feel to touch, and be touched, to take a stallion like this. He didn't buck his hips, he waited for me, and I rested my hand on his chest, playing with his nipple, as the other held his length upright and gave me the time to take it slow.

He sank into me easily, I was surprised to see. Muscles and skin responded to the wistful strands of memory. Wild fucks in highschool, earnest "lovemaking" in university, desultory bonks in the years since. Now I had it again, and it felt incredible. His touch inside me was completion, and I sat on his hips with my body on fire and just rocked back and forward enjoying it for ages.

Eventually memory also took over here. I rode him as I rode his muzzle, on my terms. He bucked his muscled hips now, never too hard, and never taking his eyes off mine. I held his gaze as long as I could until I could take it no more, my head laid back, muzzle open, moaning as I felt that organ inside me and the pulse of life from his tip.

He came, not loudly, almost a cry of surprise and a gasp. I felt it, flooding me, and rode harder. He was still hard, mercifully, and I took his hand in mine and guided him to my pussy to stroke my swollen clit and bring me to the long awaited climax I craved. His fingerhooves grated over sensitive skin but I was too far gone to need it gentle. Now I needed it hard as rock and that was what he gave.

Afterwards I lay on his body, fur to fur, my head on his chest listening to his heartbeat. It was racing like a stallion in the last furlong of a race, and he kissed me a lot. Presumably it meant he did not know what to say.

With fifteen minutes to go before we had to leave, his erection called to me again, and we had a quicky, just as I used to love in university between lectures. We would find a spot in the trees then and fuck like wild things, not caring, and that was how it felt now. My hooves over his shoulders, he pounded into me and I clamped my fingers on his taut young butt and demanded his orgasm. He was an obedient stallion; his flagging tail told me as well as the heat inside when he gave me a second climax and he collapsed panting on me, our sweat coated bodies now smelling of sex and horse and far stinkier than we were when we got off the plane.

We managed a two minute shower and a mad dash to a taxi for the station, and made our plane with minutes to spare. I fell asleep against his chest and slept all the way to Brisbane, with my nostrils filled with the scent of freshly washed stallion.


We behaved like conspirators through customs. I had to stop it, or someone would pull us aside and conduct a strip search. He was being all polite again, and he got my bag off the carousel for me and hovered through the x-ray. We were both waived through, into the heat of a Brisbane day.

I tried to remember my manners, and my composure, but it was hard thinking of not seeing him again. I had exchanged contact details, and skype names, and promised to talk. He was also from North of Brisbane he had said, so it was not beyond the realms of the possible. The question was whether I wanted to open that door.

"Where are you headed?"

It was an innocent enough question, but it seemed to make him embarrassed. He hid behind his forelock like a colt, and bit his lip.

"Uhh...I'm not sure."


He grinned and shrugged his shoulders.

"I am not supposed to be home yet. I had to go early because...well, just because. "

"So what are you going to do?"

"Was going to hang with a mate for a few days, not sure I want to go home just yet. Dad will just have questions..."

We were standing in a short term parking spot for pickups. My ride was going to be here soon, I had texted on landing and gotten instructions. I didn't like that it was this awkward, and I felt something wrong in my mane. I kissed him and held him, and he rocked in my arms before we parted and stood in awkward silence sharing glances.

There was a sudden hoot from a car, and I looked up and saw my friend and her husband, my new boss. They both looked stunned. I waved, and they didn't wave back.

"Oh fuck..."

The gasp from my stallion companion was full of shock, and wonder. I looked across, and saw his eyes wide, and he was shaking.

"You cant be fucking serious..."

The car stopped, and out came the Principal, Doctor Grace. I hadn't seen him in the flesh before, only over the phone, and my first view of him made me shake. A Friesian, tall and muscular like his son, whose body I had seen well enough to know in detail. He wasn't looking at me though, he was looking at my companion.

"What the hell are you doing here son?"

I didn't know whether to laugh or cry. Instead I just collapsed on my suitcase and sighed.


The journey to the Sunshine Coast was made in relative silence. Colin wasn't being forthcoming, and his parents gave up eventually. I was keeping up the conversational load for all four of us.

I managed to kick the stallion in the fetlock once to tell him to get his act together, and gave a distinctly edited version of our time together. Fortuitously seated together, we had shared the flights from Heathrow to Brisbane. Yes, Colin had been a most courteous and considerate travel companion. No, I didn't realise who he was. What a nice surprise.

"Yes...Colin. Rachel will be in the spare room next to yours. We have turned it into a bedroom, I'm sorry you have lost your hangout room but I am sure you will be ok with that..."

"Yeah, fine mum. All good..."

He gave me a wink and a grin, the first since we had gotten into the car. A stallion hand reached for my thigh and gave a squeeze. It sent shivers through my whole body.

"Very considerate Colin. Now, perhaps we can discuss why you came back a week early and didn't tell us?"

The ominous tone was too much and I hit the button to wind down the window. I returned the squeeze, and looked out at the pine trees whirring past. An hour and a half to Noosa, it could not pass to quickly for me.

The shocks were not done with though.

"It's good you were nice to Ms Wyatt Colin. She is going to be taking you for maths this year."

It was a good thing I was looking out the window and nobody saw my eyes go wide in fear. I tried to keep my voice neutral, though it sounded like crackling glass.

" Colin in school?"

His mother beamed at me over her shoulder.

"Oh yes, he is in year twelve this year. He has been on an exchange...well, you know that, in England, and he is back for his HSC. We are expecting big things from him, aren't we Colin?"

I looked at the young stallion, or colt as I now knew, my eyes full of pain. It couldn't be...surely it couldn't be.

His eyes were unfortunately penitent. I knew that look; no teacher could avoid it. And it meant trouble.

"Yeah, going to be good mum. You will see."

"And how old are you Colin?"


I shook my head and wrapped my arms around my chest. I had really done it this time.

"What's wrong dear?"

His mother had picked up on my distress, and I gave her a fake smile to cover up.

"Nothing at all. I assumed he was in university, he seemed so mature."

"Oh yes, Colin can do that when he wants. He can also be such a colt."

"Oh that I can see."

I gave him a gaze full of reproach, and he quailed under my stare. I knew of the two of us, I was really the one in the wrong, but it didn't matter. Self justification is the easiest sin of all.

When we arrived, I let him carry my bags in. He was still a considerate colt. Colt. I had to see him that way, not as the magnificent stallion who had made love to me in a hotel room. A colt; and worse than that, one of my students, and the son of my landlord and boss.

Once I was settled in my room, I got a knock on my door. It was Colin.

"Mum suggested I take you for a walk, show you around the town."

I would have a guide. I thanked him and we headed out into the blinding sun. Close to the beach, I felt the sea breeze for the first time. I opened my nostrils and let it flood over me. Memories and magic, it transported me back in time.

"You like it?"

His voice was hopeful, and I gave him a wink.

"I used to live in Brisbane remember? We used to go to the Gold Coast, but I remember real beaches. And the ocean, and the scent of the sea."

He showed me to a set of stairs beside the surf lifesaving club, and we headed down to the beach. I felt sand on my hooves, and I gave him a whinny and headed off for a gallop. He followed and soon had caught me, streaming past with his tail riding high and his mane streaming and his tight ass writhing under his shorts like a pair of wombats caught in a sack. Yes, I remembered my Aussie vernacular, as much as I remembered the feel of those mounds in my hands when he drove into me and I kissed his muzzle and cried out my pain in a wave of pleasured release.

I stopped running then, and he circled back to me.

"How could you not tell me Colin..."

"I didn't lie. I just said I was on an exchange, I never..."

"And when I asked about uni, you never corrected me. You let me think..."

He nodded and looked sorry for once. Then he sneaked a kiss.

"Stop it!"


"Colin, we cant...we can never...I mean never!"

Now he looked hurt, and angry. He picked up a rock and threw it into the ocean, and trotted on with his eyes brimming with tears. The stupidity of youth, and the fervor. I could bathe in that heat, but I knew it would do me harm. And him.

It was with thoughts of protecting him that I stayed away as evening fell. So when a huge blazing row blew up, I had no warning.

It was terminated by what sounded like a slap. A mare yelled, a stallion thundered, and a door slammed. I heard hooves on gravel, and I headed through the side door to try and find him. He had headed for the beach, and I knew where he would go. A little sandstone cave near the headland, where he had tried to kiss me one last time, and we had turned around to come back. He had told me it was his thinking place, and it sounded like he needed to.

I was almost out of breath when I found him, sitting on his haunches, with his muzzle in his hands. He was crying.

Sitting next to him, I let the sea breeze soothe us both. His voice seemed to come from far away.

"I'm a fuckup."

There was no way I was wearing that.

"Colin, you are many things I'm sure, but not that. Oh, you will fuck things up, but its not who you are. For what it's gave me back a part of myself I thought I had lost."

He shook his head, and I saw the tears in his eyes. His shoulder felt solid, and warm from the sun. I squeezed and he shook.

"I got chucked out, in England. Told I had to go, that's why I left, and my dad rang my hosts and they told them enough to get Dad really pissed."

"I heard. Did he...did he hit you?"

He shrugged. "He was angry."

I pulled his muzzle towards me, seeing the bruise developing on his cheek. I reached for it, stroking gently with my fingers, and suddenly we were kissing. He still tasted of apples; always the apples.

Breaking the kiss, I pushed him away, and he retreated into sullen anger again.

"Colin...we can't..."

"Yeah, I know. I know."

"Colin, whatever it was, you will be ok. Trust me."

He held my hand as we walked along the beach. He made a promise though.

"One day soon...we have to go to the beach round the headland. Inside the national park. Trust me, it's awesome."

"Ok, ok, I promise."

His smile of triumph felt like liquid heat all over me, and I forgot my troubled mind as we trotted back together.

The dinner was a silent affair, and the master of the house was conspicuous by his absence. I went to bed, feeling both exhausted and wide awake at the same time, knowing who was on the other side of the wall behind me.

My laptop was on, and it had been configured by Colin before he went to sleep. I was soon to find out why. My skype gave off its familiar tone indicating a video call incoming. Against my better judgement, I answered.

He was sitting up in bed, with a grin on his muzzle. The little chintuft had been shaved off, and his earring was gone. With his mane now carefully groomed, he looked younger and more vulnerable. But he also looked far more cheeky.

He lifted a finger to his muzzle in sign of quiet, and then he pulled down his boxers.

I knew I should have cut the call, but his eyes held me. They looked needy, needy for approval, needy for contact. And needy for something else; he was a sensual one, this colt, and something in that made me feel alive. I watched, aroused, as he dropped that perfect length of stallionhood, and pleasured himself for me. At his urging, I let him see my breasts. His wide stare of joy sent shivers through me that made me shake.

I realised I rarely got to see this, a male doing this to himself. The moment of climax was hidden, away, a warm feeling inside me, a taste of stallion in my muzzle. I watched fascinated as he did this, his hands moving over his length, the way he rubbed his flare, gripped the shaft, and then as I gasped, the way he worked his testicles so roughly, and slid a finger behind them with a wink.

When he climaxed I let out my own whinny of delight, watching a fountain of colt spunk coat his length and his groin. He blew me a kiss and brought out a towel, and signed off with a nicker and a silent benediction.

"I love you."

I cut the connection and stared at the screen, feeling heated and churning inside. The feeling became worse when another call came in, one from a very different stallion. My ex; he could see me online. I was not ready for that.

I turned off the laptop, and lay back still awake. My hand felt for my sex, and the first touch made me arch my back and sigh. Thinking of the young stud and his own sex act, I melted into the bed, in my mind with him in the room, his leaking penis poised above my sex, his muzzle on mine, waiting for the moment, and then taking me, thoroughly, completely, his tight ass in my hands and his hips slapping my body until I buried my muzzle in the pillow and climaxed. Sleep came easy then, and I had a smile on my muzzle thinking of him.


The first weeks of school were not easy. I had a lot to adjust to, not helped by having Colin in my year 12 maths class. He was a good student, I had to admit, quick, willing to answer questions, always helpful. He seemed popular in his class, with lots of friends, and something of a leader. He was also a joker, and on one occasion I had to pull him up.

"Colin, enough! I think you need a detention young colt..."

"Aww Rachel, please!"

Everyone gasped, and more than a few laughed. I counted very slowly to ten.

"It is Ms Wyatt to you, colt. I think you need two detentions."

He looked embarrassed, and I realised I had made things this way. I had crossed the boundaries, and I could not keep doing it. I had to stop for his sake.

That night there was another blazing row. I heard the yelling, and then the sound of repeated blows. My hands clasped tight, not knowing what to do, until the noise ended and I heard a door slam. My Skype lit up then, the little call warning flashing and the sing-song tone playing. I let it run through five times before I closed the laptop and tried to ignore the sound of crying from the other side of the wall. Sleep would not come until I touched myself to thoughts of him under me, my sex on his muzzle. I told myself that was better at least; it was only doing me harm.

The next day was Saturday, and he was sullen, but he did take me to a party at the surf lifesaving club to introduce me to the locals. So many bleached blonde guys, of all species. They were beautiful, and I got plenty of wide eyed hot stares. My stallion seemed in his element, and he was giving me the cold shoulder tonight.

I headed for the beach late, tired of the stares and the way too friendly greeting. I reflected that British reserve made life easier sometimes, and trotted along the shore towards the headland.

Something made me hold back when I got to the sandstone. I lingered, listening. There were noises, sighs and moans, and I edged round a cliff and let my eyes adjust to the faint light of the moon.

It was more than I could have imagined, and almost made me cry out myself.

There was Colin, in his favourite place in the little cave. He was sitting, naked, his legs spread. One of the lifesavers, a bull, had his penis in his hands, giving him a slow handjob. Then the bull bent forward and took his flare into an eager muzzle and the action heated up. I wanted to withdraw, but I could not. Instead, I reached under my dress, the flow of liquid from my sex a river, and stroked my swollen clit watching the two males enjoy themselves.

It had been a kink of mine, since I had caught two of my school mates at it. Their wild pleasure had driven me to the hottest bout of masturbation I had known, and fuelled my autoerotic fantasies into university. I had wondered if my husband was into that, and been tempted to encourage him to go for it, as long as I could watch. If I couldn't have him, that would be the next best thing.

Instead, I got this, and it was too much for me to ignore. The bull began to play with Colin's scrotum, then made him stand and knelt at his hooves. Big hands slid round to cup a stallion rump, and slide into his crevice. I moaned.

A pair of colt eyes swivelled to mine, and I saw them dilate in the darkness. Stumbling, I headed up the beach, until I heard the sound of thundering hooves.


He caught me, and spun me into his arms. I saw his fear.

"Colin, its ok..."

"NO, it ISNT!"

He was in an agony now, and I kissed his nose. It seemed the only thing to do.

"I don't mind Colin, and I'm glad you have someone. Its just a surprise..."

"I don't have anyone, don't you get it? With guys its just...its just sex. Not like with you. Its not the same."

He rested his head on my chest, and I saw a very nervous looking lifesaver bull coming up the beach trying to be inconspicuous.

"Ahh...hay there Ms Wyatt..."

"It's ok Noel, your secret is safe with me."

A nice boy, but not much of a student. One of Colin's school mates, and a rugby player too. I knew enough to know what things were and were not acceptable in the macho world these two inhabited.

His little wave and smile were full of thanks, and he gave Colin a slap on the rump on the way past.

"Sorry to leave you like that dude...better jack that out or your nads will implode."

We sat on the sand feeling the breeze. He had stopped crying at least, and resorted to throwing rocks at the waves.

"Come for a walk with me please Rachel?"

With my hand in his, he led me back to the headland, but this time we went up, into the hills. I followed his lead, a path I could only just make out, but he seemed to know well. The wine and gin and tonic was going to my head, and I stumbled a few times, but his footing seemed secure and I followed him.

We came to a perfect beach, framed in trees, with not a soul to be seen.

He grinned at me as we sat on the sand, watching the waves come in.

"This is my favourite. Always quiet, and got some of the best waves."

"Yes Colin, I can see..."

"And it's a nude beach. That's the other reason."

He laughed at my look of shock. I could imagine it; cut off, no direct road, it was perfect. I could also imagine the sight of his naked body on the sand.

I did not have to imagine for long.

He slipped off his boardshorts, his t-shirt, and shucked off his flip-flops. He stood on the sand, naked, magnificent, and he let his cock drop to meet the breeze.

"Feels awesome. Its here I first got with a guy...a tourist, big buff wolf from Germany. He was so nice, and he liked me, was really flattering. He gave me the best blowjob I ever had ..."


"Until I got with my host's son. A soldier, marine. It was magic...but my host dad found us."

"Ahhh." Well, at least that was explained. "Did they tell your father everything?"

"No, only that I had done something terrible and had to leave their house. My dad could imagine enough bad things without going there. He always thinks the worst of me."

"Colin, the sounds...does he hit you?"

He flinched, and looked out at the ocean. A single tear dropped to his hooves.

"I'm a bad seed, anyway. I deserve it..."

"No you don't Colin! Though there have been times I would have delighted in putting you over my knee since Ive been here..."

He gave me a huge smile at that, and made me blush.

"Yeah, I bet. Then you could kiss it better..."

"You impossible colt!"

"Yeah, bite me."

He suddenly took off for the waves, and waded in like a maniac. I yelled after him, watching him disappear. He would come back. Of course he would come back.

Some time later, I was in the process of dumping my own clothes to get ready to head in when I heard a laugh from behind. He had come out somewhere down the beach and doubled back, the insufferable cad. And I was not amused.

" does it. Bend over!"

He poked his ass at me, and I did not hold back. Several blows as hard as I could make them, though he seemed to be laughing through it all which somewhat spoilt the effect.

When I gave up, he wrapped me in his wet body, and I felt the shaking through his skin as he held me in his arms. I was shaking too.

"You stupid young idiot. I thought you might have drowned..."

"I am a better swimmer than most of these showponies. And you owe me a kiss better..."

I blamed the wine, and thoughts of losing him. I blamed the ocean and the wind. I blamed everything but myself.

He kissed me, that much was certain. I kissed back. My hands roamed over his body, his shoulders, his chest, his flanks. I kissed him harder, biting until I drew blood from his lips, then down his neck to his nipples where I punished him for his careless ways by biting his nipples until he begged.

One hand found his erection, and I felt home, its bulk familiar and delightful. I gave him a stroke, then cupped his scrotum, and he pulled me tight to his body and rubbed his length against me.

"Do you want me Rachel?"


"I don't believe you."

His hands were busy. He felt my sex, the tell-tale glistening heat visible on his fingers. He brought them to his muzzle and licked, making me sob with need, and he lay me down on the sand and ate me out, riding me to a first orgasm with his tongue that made me scream into the wind, then lapping at my outer folds and leaving my clitoris alone until I was ready for a second helping.

I was a helpless mass of need when he finally entered me, my folds opening wide to admit his length, my depths taking him all. His scrotum nuzzled against my ass, with my legs over his shoulders, and he made love slowly, like he wanted to take his time. Several times he got close, and he stopped, letting the wave break and recede, and I was babbling and crying into his mane, my fingers on his back, feeling the ridges of young muscle under my touch as they bunched and relaxed in easy rhythm of love.

When he came, I was near. He kept on, watching me, wanting me to follow. I yelled at him to go harder and he obeyed, slamming in deep and I screamed into his muzzle when I climaxed and then lay under him shaking and crying as the waves kept rolling and the wind ruffled our manes. He could be an obedient colt when he wanted to.

"You still haven't kissed it better..."

With a grunt I rolled him over and kissed his rump. My fingers found his tail, feeling the silken length, and teasing under his dock. He shuddered and turned to look at me with a grin.

"That's one thing I haven't tried yet..."

I gave him a slap and he let out a mock moan.

"I'm not about to try. Go ask one of your lifesaver mates, I'm sure Noel would oblige."

"Oh don't worry, he has asked enough times. No dice. I prefer this. As often as possible..."

"Colin, this is the last time. I mean it."


He was angry again, and lost. I knew it, and it was my fault again. I had failed him. No more.

"Colin, this is the last. I could go to jail, and you need to find someone you can actually love."

"I want you!"

"Yes you want me, but you don't love me, not really. This is the end Colin, period."

I took to my hooves, picking up my discarded clothes. He was following, but a few steps behind, his breath coming in gasps. I hated making him feel like this, almost as much as I loved making him cum. But I knew I was right, this was the end, period.


Oh God, mine was supposed to be last weekend.

"Hey! Whats with the sudden stop!"

He ran into the back of me as I stood stock still about to head over the headland back to the party and home. I was breathing fast, not really ready to accept it. My period was regular as clockwork usually, and though there was some chance the international travel had screwed things up, I was worried enough to be terrified.

" ok?"

I hated that he was like that. It would be so much easier if he were throwing an adolescent tantrum, rather than holding me with worry in his eyes as I had a panic attack right there on the sand.

"Let's get you back...I'm...I'm sorry. You are right. I'm sorry...please, don't hate me..."

Wrapped in my arms, he shook like a leaf, and I let his worry take mine away. There was nothing I could do tonight. Tomorrow...I was going to have to find a chemist in Noosa and bite the bullet.

Back at the lifesaving club, I spied the bull Noel. He gave us a wave, and a sideways glance and shook his head with a big grin. I tried to look less dishevelled, and collared him in the bar.


"Hey, don't worry Ms W. We keep each other's secrets...ok?"

I nodded, and watched as he made his moves on a tall Doberman wearing a leather wristband and a very obvious bulge in his boardshorts. The bull gave me a thumbs up as he escorted the Canine towards the beach. At least someone was sure of what they were doing, I thought.

" ok now?"

It was Colin back again, with an iced water for me. I took it and drank gratefully.

"Yes Colin. But I mean it. No more."

He downed a beer and nodded, but I knew he was not convinced.


Sunday. I always hated Sundays. My father had been a religious type, a lay member of our church, and always insisted I go to church with them, and the endless afternoon teas. I had chafed at the restriction, the falsity of it all, and the waste of time. I had come to associate Sunday's so much with boredom I had filled them in England with every type of amusement just to bury the memories.

Now I had a new reason to hate Sundays. I had made my apologies in the morning, avoiding Colin's attempts to talk, and headed for the chemist. The little box made it all sound so easy of course, ignoring for the moment all the upheaval, emotional angst and potential life destroying reality.

When I could no longer avoid the issue, having looked and looked at my birth control as if it might have an answer, I sighed and headed for the bathroom.

I was always regular on the pill, always. I had held a faint hope that something miraculous might have happened after all. Perhaps I had been taking active pills from a new script by accident? But when I checked the strip, it was plain for all to see. I was well into the sugar pills. By this stage of my life, I was confident enough in my routines not to bother taking them, and there they sat, lined up for the last few days. I was due to start a new strip today, and should have had my period several days ago.

For a while with David, hoping against hope, I had gone off them. He had refused to fuck me, refused to give me what he knew I wanted. Eventually he had told me he had never intended to have children, though that wasn't the story when we met, not at all. I had gone back on them and promised him faithfully I would not deceive him, but he never came back to my bed anyway. I knew it wasn't about that, not really, and somewhere in the last few years the spark had died for both of us. But somehow I always blamed my selfish desire, and kept on metronomically taking my birth control as if by some force of will it would persuade him back into a physical relationship.

When I finally gave it all away, the habits remained. And now they left me with few obvious refuges for hope. Long distance travel, of course. Changing continents, time zones, stress, worry. I hoped, I really hoped.

But I knew my body too, and I knew something was up. For one, my sense of smell was suddenly acute. I could smell Colin, for example, the waft of his aftershave and his musk all over the bathroom. I smelt a towel.

Ok, and I could also smell his cum, the horny little bastard. I dropped the towel in a hamper and drew breath. I just had to pee. Everyone could pee. It was simple.

And then the strip went blue.

I stared at it for the longest time, even when Colin banged on the door and told me I had a visitor. I ignored him, and he kept on banging.

"Rachel, for fuck need to come out!"

Something about his voice made me respond, and I unlocked the door.

"You need to put your jizz towel in the hamper."

It shut him up at least, and made him hide behind his forelock like a colt.

"Rachel...ahhh...someone here...umm..."

I knew from his voice somehow. It was like a perfect storm.

When I got to the front door there he was, as if brought here by some malevolent trick. Had I said his name out loud in front of the mirror three times while peeing or something?

"David." I said it flat, with no emotion.

"Rachel." To his credit, he matched my intonation perfectly.

We were ushered out to the back patio for a 'chat'. I was not really in the right frame of mind for it.

"Rachel, you have to stop this nonsense. You have to come home."

"I have to do nothing of the sort David. It's over, I told you, and I have a job here and a new life. Go home, and sign the divorce papers like I asked you."

"Rachel, it's not that simple. I'm a lawyer for God sake, I know..."

"Yes David, you know everything. The precise worth of a cladding company in Slough, the right way to get some bastard off an insider trading charge, the best model Jaguar for your little racing days at Silverstone. Everything but me, David. I'm done."

"I know you better than you know yourself Rachel. You like the good life too much, and you like England. Can you really see yourself here, a teacher in some backwater school in Australia? Is that what your life was for Rachel?"

I hated him in that moment more than I could say. I guess that was why I did it.

"I'm pregnant David. And I'm having it. Now go away and leave me alone."

He looked thunderstruck at first, the wind taken from his sails. And then he began to rage. And finally it hit.

"I always knew you were a slut, just a fucking filthy slut..."

The door slammed open, and a black streak flashed past me.

"You take that back you cunt!"

Colin was standing there, with his parents in the doorway desperately trying to haul him back. He was having none of it though. He stood, nostrils flared, eyes wide, ears pinned back flat, tail high. I melted a little right there and then.

My quarterhorse looked nonplussed, then made the mistake of laughing.

"What? Who the hell are you laddie? Are you going to make me?"

"Yes I fucking well am...she is a wonderful person, and a great teacher. And you are just a cunt."

"Go away little colt and play with your toys, the grownups are talking and...oof!"

That was too much for Colin. He charged, and my husband took a swing. It was his one and only, as Colin then threw a punch and decked him.

I managed to pull them apart with the aid of his parents. David was holding his jaw, which was looking decidedly swollen, and eyeing up my protector with malice aforethought.

"You are going to pay for that kid. Badly."

He was out the door before I could stop him, and I guess I didn't want to. I had had enough for one day, and headed to my room while the yelling continued below.

The yelling was interrupted by a doorbell. From the sounds of things, this was not good.

We all ended up at the police station. My David was nothing if not predictable, everything by the book, and the law is the law. I gave the best garbled account I could, while secretly cheering for my stallion. He looked terrible though, the whole ordeal clearly pushing him into dangerous territory.

He was eventually let go with a caution, the police officer, a nice bull, most considerate all things considered. He said he did know that Colin was a good lad and all, as his own son and Colin were in the same rugby team together. I knew he looked familiar, and I shook my head at the thought of what this most reasonable officer of the law might do if he knew about his own son's activities. I hoped to God he could be as reasonable.

Back at the house I went to my room and sobbed. There was a terse angry conversation going on, and hooves trotting towards the study. Something in me snapped then, and I stormed out and through the door.

Colin was bent over a desk, and his father was over him, bigger and angrier, with his belt out. I waited out his stare, and would not back down.

"I think there have been enough assaults here tonight, don't you Doctor Grace?"

The stallion stared at me, noting my look. I would dare him, the look of shame on Colin's muzzle was enough to give me strength. Eventually he put it down, and walked towards the door.

He gave me a parting gift though.

"Perhaps it is time for you to find alternative accommodation, Rachel."

Yes, perhaps it was too.

I found Colin later in his sea cave. He wasn't crying, wasn't even shaking, he was drinking. I took the bottle off him and threw it into the sea.

"Hey! That was good..."

"No Colin, we have to talk."

He shrugged and smiled softly. "First time dad has backed off. "

"Colin, you shouldn't have done that. I know your father...I know he is easy with violence, but you shouldn't be..."

"Felt good decking him..."

He was shaking. I held him and he yelped.

"Colin, you don't have to be like him. I know your heart, you aren't like that."

"I'm a shit, always a shit, and I deserve it..."

"No." I held him, stroking his mane, until he calmed down. He recovered enough to give me a smile

"You are something Rachel. And nice line you used on ole glass jaw, got him going well..."

"Colin, it wasn't a line, I think I'm pregnant."

He was all wide eyed shock now.


"Yes Colin. I don't know how, I'm on the pill, I guess it does fail occasionally. I did an over the counter test and it came back positive, and I need to see a doctor for a proper one as soon as possible."

"Is it...mine?"

"Yes Colin, it can't be anyone else's."

He seemed proud in a way, as well as shocked. And then the real questions started.

"What...I mean...what are you going to do?"

Yes, that was the question, wasn't it.

I made the mistake of talking it through out loud. Never tell a teenage stallion you are thinking of not having his foal, and expect it to go well. He was stricken, and I realised, so was I.

Calmed, I held him as we sat watching the waves, and I rested my muzzle on his shoulder.

"If I have it...I can't promise anything with us Colin."


"No buts. You are so young, you don't see it but you are. You have a lot of growing up to do before I know you are up for this, and you also have a lot of things to experience. I can't take those from you."

"What if I want you to?"

"Ahhhh stallion. You make it sound so easy."

"I know I have the easy job here, but I'm up for it. Please, give me a chance!"

In the end we made a pact. I would leave him be until he finished school and turned eighteen. If he still felt this way about me, and I about him, we would do something about it. He could always be in his foal's life, just exactly how would be the question. Nothing guaranteed.

He gave me his best grin and looked over the water.

"Well, if I learn, its because I had a good teacher Ms Wyatt. In a lot of things."

I actually felt like the worst teacher on the planet, but I was content to leave it at that for now.

"Not going to be a teacher for a bit Colin. I may have to tell your father, who is my boss remember, that I am going on maternity leave. Given the fact he just brought me over here a few weeks ago, I don't think he is going to be impressed."

The colt perked up and kissed my cheek.

"Well, I will be happy as long as I can be there when you tell him."

The mischievous colt indeed. Maybe he did need a spanking.


My skype call notification flashed, as I had been hoping it would. It was Saturday night, our usual night, and I had come to rely on these as a part of my routine, one I cherished.

He had been true to his word, it seemed. He had done his best in school, even when he knew I would not be there for his final term. I had moved out of his home, and he had kept his distance physically.

Emotionally was another thing entirely. We talked, we shared, and I got to know the stallion under the colt better and deeper. He was silly, funny, loyal, impetuous, erotic, and downright impossible. He was also breathtakingly beautiful in all ways.

Soon, thank God, he would no longer be my student. I was pushing the envelope enough as it was, but I could not give up these moments.

Pressing the call accept button, I saw his bedroom come into focus. He also had company.


"it's ok, it's Noel. Mum and dad are out at a wedding this weekend and my sister is fucking her boyfriend in a seedy motel in Noosaville..."


"Well, she is! Now, where were we..."

"Hello Ms W!"

"Hello Noel."

They were very boisterous tonight, and I knew they had been drinking even before I caught a glimpse of a can of VB.

"Colin, enough with the drinking, I told you..."

"Yeah, yeah, I know. Just one, honest! Besides, I am going to need it."

"What do you mean? How did the match go today?" I knew they were playing rugby this morning, and I always worried he would get seriously injured. It was one reason I never went, alongside the stares at my growing belly.

It was Noel that answered though.

"We won Ms W! And no thanks to horsey here."

"Shut up!" the colt gave his friend a slap on the shoulder, but it just bounced off the bull.

"Colin got sent off in the second half, the opposition prop was having a tug on his poor little horsey ears in the scrum and ponyboy cracked it and decked him. Always fighting this horsey, I think you two need to fuck more to calm him down..."

"Noel! For god sake..."

"Don't worry Ms W, secrets safe and all. Now, the thing is, we had a bet horsey and me. If he didn't manage to last the season without getting sent off, I got something I wanted bad. Do you know what that is?"

"I have no idea Noel, now please..."

"I get horsey ass! I finally get to pop that sweet cherry, and horsey thought instead of watching him jack off for you like normal, you might like to watch this."

I was speechless now. The two of them were grinning like maniacs.

"You were enjoying watching us on the beach, weren't you Rachel?"


"You were touching yourself, like you do when we Skype."

I had to admit I was. I loved our Skype sessions, with my colt masturbating for me, it was an incredible release from the tensions of our existence. And he had taken to using a voice for his little sessions, a deep husky voice, telling me in graphic detail what he would like to do to me while he gave himself a handjob. The combination never failed to make me cum, and now I was 6 months gone, my hormones had gone wild and I needed to cum more than ever.

But that time watching him with the bull had been especially sweet, and the thought of it now...I was flowing in an instant.

"I don't...I mean..."

"Awww Ms W, it's ok. I'll be real gentle with your stud here, give him back to you in prime condition, only slightly bent hehe..."

That got a groan, from both of us. But my stallion was keen, I could tell.

"Go on..." I crossed the Rubicon again, and again I knew I would regret it.

They set up the laptop on a desk. I had a side on view of Colin's bed. They were both in football shorts, and the bull quickly stripped off my stud before removing his own clothes. They stood naked, a little lost.

The bull took the lead, and my stallion looked at me and smiled nervously. His friend was clearly enjoying playing to an audience.

"Now Ms W, this is some prime, grade A, virgin pony hole. And when you have grade A meat like this, you need to treat it right. It's like a steak, it's all in the preparation, aint that right?"

"Noel, enough steak metphors, or I may have you cooked."

"Now that's not very nice miss. See, a good assfucking needs good preparation too, and the best preparation is foreplay. Young horsey here tells me for example that he is a king of cunnilingus, is that right?"

My colt was laughing now, and I shook my head.

"Good but not yet great, needs more work."

"Hey!" he looked hurt, poor dear.

"Well, I am a count of cocksucking. And that's how we start a good assfucking. Counterintuitive I know, but I'm a contrarian."

"I'm grading your tests now Noel..."

"Well, moving right along. Now, sit back on the bed there horsey..."

The colt did as he was told, hooves on the carpet, groin ready for action. The bull knelt between his legs, and looked up with adoring eyes. My heart melted a little then, knowing from the look my colt was giving the story there in phosphorescent lines. That the bull actually felt something for my stallion, and for Colin it really was just hot and dirty needs. My heart went out to the bull, if he only knew it.

"Now, a horsey cock like this is to be savoured...and that's what I intend to do..."

He proceeded to, for my vicarious enjoyment. He huffed warm breath on Colin's flare, suckled the flare slowly, and slid his lips down the shaft so slow it took an age to reach the medial. My colt moaned, and his eyes rolled back in his head, and the bull used his hand on his scrotum and milked his testicles in time with his licks and I watched it all and touched myself to the show.

I could tell Colin was getting close, and so could he. His hands gripped the bull's horns, and he whinnied softly and his ears swivelled.

"Ohhh close..."

The bull pulled off then, leaving my poor stud on the brink. He let out a gasp and groaned.

"You cunt..."

A grinning bull slapped his flank.

"That's no way to speak, on your hands and knees stud. Time for the best bit."

I groaned as I touched my clit, and the young stud arrayed himself for this deflowering. He was on the bed in a moment though, rump held high, eyes closed waiting for the inevitable. I almost felt sorry for him. The bull was still taking his time though.

"As I said, all in the preparation. And for prime meat like this ass, that's about marinade...lots of marinade..."

I saw my first real live rimming then, the bull pressing his muzzle to the colt's cleft and diving in, long pink tongue obviously lapping at a virgin colt anus, and Colin was shocked into wide eyed groans.


I came then, the first, watching that awesomely lewd display. The stallion's penis sprang to his belly, slapping the flat abdominals, a line of clear excitement dripping to the bed.

The bull was ready for round two now, and reached for a bottle.

"Then you have the seasoning..."

I watched him pour a huge helping of lube onto his fingers, then slide them without warning into Colin's upturned rectum. The colt yelped, and closed his eyes, but opened them again watching me on the screen as I watched him. He smiled, and shuddered, as the bull worked his fingers into his anus.

"This is some beautiful tight pony hole here. You are really missing out Ms W..."

"I can see..."

The bull slid a third finger in, drawing a nicker and a moan, and then pulled them out, seemingly satisfied. He reached for something new then; a condom packet. He rolled it onto his own thick penis with an efficiency no doubt borne of practice.

"See, this is also important for your virgin pony ass. And if you had thought to use one, you might not be in the predicament you are now Ms W, just saying..."


I was horrified, but my colt just grinned through the screen.

"Sorry Rachel, rugby lads kind of talk..."

"It's ok miss, its only me. But seriously, you need remedial safe sex lessons or something. Now me, I like wrapping up because it makes me last longer...and I really want this to last."

That drew a groan from the colt, and one of appreciation from me.

At last they were ready. Noel knelt behind my colt, his fat tip pressed home. And as I watched, he eased inside, surprisingly gently, as Colin gasped and grunted but didn't stop him. His penis certainly had no complaints...I saw it eject a nice line of pre.

After a few minutes the bull had hilted inside him, a pair of heavy testicles nestled against Colin's rear and a very thick length embedded in his hole. I was on fire; I knew it shouldn't be so good, but it was.

"Now it's time for the tenderising..."

He slid a pillow under Colin's belly, and made him lie down with his rump high, and lay down on top of him. The sight was beautiful, erotic, and sensual, and that was how the bull fucked my colt, slowly, sensually, and I rode out a series of orgasms watching it happen.

The colt had his eyes closed, not tight, just easy now and the bull licked his neck and drove his hips over and over into him. I watched the fat length disappear and reappear, the flick of a bull tail, the swish of a colt tail between them, his ears now out to the side, and then his moans becoming deeper and deeper until he arched his back and cried out.

The bull lay there on top of him, and I held my breath. Then Noel looked at me through the screen and gave a wicked smile.

"Sorry Ms W, but I think your colt here just had his first cum with a big old dick up his ass. You might need to un gay him or something, maybe get a strap on, he seems to like it."

"You cunt."

Colin looked round at his friend, still buried to the hilt, his muzzle angry.

"Just for that horsey, no mercy."

I got to see what a real wild time between two guys looked like then, the bull slamming home over and over while the colt gripped the bedclothes with clawlike hands and held on for his life. When Noel finally climaxed it was sudden, a moo, a last thrust, and shaking breaths as he held onto Colin and stroked his mane. My colt gave me a wink, and mouthed "love you." The bull seemed unperturbed, but I was not. My clit would never be the same.

When they were finished, the bull pulled Colin into a sitting position in his lap, and I saw his hard penis still dripping with the remains of his ejaculation. Noel reached round and stroked, and took a strand of cum into his muzzle and slurped happily.

"You know Ms W, I think your boy may love me more."

I made a face and pretended to think.

"Hmmm Colin...if we end up together, and you touch another guy...I'm having your nuts cut off and mounted over my desk..."

The bull liked that idea, and ruffled his mane.

"You would be so hot as a gelding Col..."

That brought about a wrestle, which brought about some rapid foreplay, which brought about a return bout, with the colt getting his chance to be the stallion. I was all done for the night, but I watched anyway, my mind hardening and fracturing. Love and sex and marriage. None of it was easy; the easy bit was getting knocked up.


Ten years later.

I had come home at last, the parent teacher night always dragging. As a principal of a rural highschool though, I knew that this was part of the territory. The parents needed to talk, and the school was part of the fabric that held the community together. So we had tea, and scones, provided by the CWA, and if it reminded me of my father's damn awful church teas I made no comment. By the age of forty I might have mellowed a little, if I was being honest.

My husband was beside me too, and I rested on his shoulder a moment as we contemplated the night. He had been there too, as one of my staff, now a seasoned teacher after a few moments when he first qualified. He had learned, as he always did, and his desire to help outweighed his fears.

"You ready?"

I smiled and nodded. I was definitely more than ready, and an evening being very proper and dignified always made me hungry for something opposite.

The doorbell rang, and my colt went to open it. We were expecting the guest, of course. The kids were at a friends place for the night, the eldest Joshua, a Friesian like his father, now nine, and his sister Meredith, now seven, a palomino like me. One of each, in both ways. And if our colt was like his sire I would be grateful. He was a little already, into sport, mischief, and asking a lot of questions. Another reason we made sure he was safely elsewhere on these nights.

The guest trotted in, his big muzzle gleaming, and put his service belt on the table.

"Nice to see you Noel."

The big bull had decided to join the police force, a job for which he seemed born. He had taken a few postings, and when one came up in this same town, he jumped at it. We welcomed him with open arms, and continued where we had left off.

I knew what he felt for my Colin. And Colin knew he could not be anything like what Noel wanted, but he could be this if that was enough. So far it had been. Noel played around, and he was currently in a relationship with a truck driver who hauled sheep around the district. But he made his conditions known, and the beagle had obliged too.

Colin returned with the beers, and the two guys got down to some serious drinking before the real action. I watched them, reminiscing.

The bull noticed, and gave me a funny look.

"Whats so funny Rachel?"

"Just remembering the first time you two did this."

He nodded, a little rueful.

"I thought it would put you off him. I secretly wanted him to myself."

"I knew that Noel. Are you ok now?"

He squared his shoulders and nodded. "Yeah, though I still think he would be hot as a gelding."

Later, in a ball of muscle, sweat, fur, and spent cum, we lay in the heat of an outback Queensland evening as the night breeze played over our bodies. We knew eachothers touch now, a better couple than any three people on earth.

With my colt in the middle, and the bull on the far side, we snuggled together too tired to do anything and too happy to speak. I ran a finger over my husband's chest, and found a bull hand had beaten me to his nipple.

"I was here first."

I gave him a smile, and acknowledged the challenge.

"I was here second."

For now, that would have to do.


I adjusted my position carefully. It wasn't easy getting up here in the dark, but it was a necessary evil. The room had to be dark for my purposes. Perched precariously on a storage cabinet, I managed to find a position that both had me at the right...

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The King's palace was not what I was expecting. In my home city the palace was loaded down in gilt and cloth of gold, rich tapestries covered the walls, and expensive scents emanated from bowls in every room where incense burned slowly day and night....

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Massive Sperm Buildup

The wolf looked at his star full forward with a mixed expression. Someone unfamiliar with them might have called it angry, but the stallion knew different. He was used to the bulky older wolf by now, and knew his moods. It was an equine talent. Right...

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