Pin and paper part 2

Story by pop5on22 on SoFurry

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[Read part 1 before part 2]

The next morning I woke up and everything from the night before felt like one very detailed dream.

I couldn't remember what happened after Gerard vanished, I assumed that I walked myself back to my room and got into bed. But to assume this would mean that I also believed that I somehow drew something into reality. It was easier to just say that I dreamed everything.

I still needed to be sure that it was infact a dream. I got out of bed and walked to my studio. The first question I needed answered was how exactly could I draw something to life. I looked for things that were different or unusual , of course it didn't take long to conclude it was likely the antique pin. I looked back over the letter that came with it and it was clear that the message, the warnings written in it were more than metaphors. I still was not convinced , I had to test it.

I called in sick from work and took the day off. I waited for Donita to go to work and when I finally had the apartment to myself I locked all the doors closed every window before going back to my studio and siting at my desk.

I was hesitant to actually drawing anything, but I forced my hand to put pin to paper. I tried to redraw Gerald but it's nearly impossible to redraw a perfect copy of something. I did the best I could but there were clearly differences in the original and what was before me.

I put the pin down and waited. I watched the paper unsure what was supposed to happen. I waited so long I thought myself crazy for believing something so unbelievable could be real. But then it happened, just as I was about to get up from my seat. The paper was pulled from the desk by what I can only describe as a miniature tornado in the room. The wind pushed me pining me to a wall, and I watched as the paper entered the center of the tornado and from it the very ink was ripped . Every drop of ink came off the page and slowly the swirling wind began to stop. As it was finally over I saw the ink come together and expand almost like rain drops acting like clay. And when it stopped before me stood Gerald. He didn't look the way I drew him, he looked like the original.

Gerald - oh creator I am so pleased to see you again

Tristan - it's good to see you again to

The happy well dressed tiger greeted me with a warm and loving hug.

Tristan - you look the same as you did before, but I drew you different this time

He released me.

Gerald - yes you did, but you meant to draw me so I was still able to come back

Tristan - so as long as I want you to come back , you'll come back

Gerald - it's a little more complicated than that but I suppose yes

I fixed my clothes and stood up standing in front of my creation.

Tristan - how do you know so much about all this

Gerald - I dont know, I just do

Tristan - well I suppose that'll have to do, I still can't believe your real

I reached out to squeeze his sides to make sure he was really there.

Gerald - creator

I stopped squeezing.

Tristan - yes Gerald

Gerald - could I trouble you for something to eat

I was confused.

Tristan - can you eat , your a drawing aft all and I didn't exactly draw your insides so do you have a stomach , and now that I think of it how do you speak , and can you actually see and and ....

He pressed a finger to my lips and I laughed realizing I was rambling.

Gerald - yes I can see , and I don't know how I can speak, and alot of me comes more from what you imagined me having than what you drew me with

Tristan - oh , then yea I'm sure we have something you can eat in the kitchen

Gerald smiled and before I could even turn to open the door he pushed past me and was down the hallway. He almost nocked me to the floor, I suppose he was really hungry.

I followed him to the kitchen unbothered by his abrupt push past me. He searched through the pantry and fridge for something to eat looking past so much food I could tell he didn't know what to eat. It's funny how he understood the concept of hunger but not food. I sat him down at in the living room and made us both sandwiches, the only thing I think I could cook without burning it.

He ate so quickly that before I even sat beside him on the couch he was done with his food so I gave him mine.

Gerald - thank you creator

Tristan - it's no problem, but hey you know you don't have to call me that , call me Tristan

Gerald - alright crea... alright Tristan

Tristan - so how long do you think you'll be able to stay this time

He finished gulping down the last bite of his food then turned to face me more directly.

Gerald - I'm not sure, it's already been much longer than last time I believe, I could go at any moment

Tristan - there's so much I want to ask you

Gerald - I'll tell you anything you want to know

Tristan - are there more of you where you come from

Gerald- no , not yet

Tristan - what do you mean by not yet

Gerald - there's only as much as you draw

Tristan - but I've only drawn you

Gerald - that makes me feel very special Tristan

He was like a child with secrets to the universe in his mind. So eager to please me and yet his knowledge of this new world I've found myself in made me want to do the same for him I couldn't help but find myself infatuated with him. We talked for hours. I told him about the world and my life and how I wanted to be a great artist and he told me about how it felt to real, a concept that seemed more beautiful with every word that came from his lips.

Tristan - so if I drew more people they would they be like you

Gerald - I dont know

Tristan - what if I only drew a hand or an eye would that come to life too

Gerald - I dont know

Tristan - what if I drew a place like a city would buildings grow out of my apartment

Gerald - I dont know

I laughed a little.

Tristan - there's so much I wanna know, or maybe I should just try it

He smiled at me and I realized that we had gradually gotten closer as we spoke. An intense silence formed and I found myself blushing as he just looked back into my eyes with his child like gaze.

Gerald - can I use the bathroom

He broke the silence with such a mundane question I couldn't help but grin as I responded.

Tristan - sure ...... but wait do you have a ..... I mean how will you ..... I didn't draw you with any

He laughed as he got up and walked to the bathroom down the hallway. I waited on the couch and just a moment later Donita walked in.

Donita - hey roomie

Tristan - D , your home early

Donita- yea there was a gas leak so the restaurant was shut down for the night

I hopped up from my seat surprised and unprepared to explain the extra guest who was currently using the bathroom.

As she walked down the hallway I followed behind her blocking her view of the bathroom and spoke erratically to block out the sound of my tiger.

Tristan - really, what caused the leak, is everyone alright, your still getting paid for the night right because you know rent is coming up in a few days , I wish you had brought something home you know I love that restaurant

I practically talked her into her room leaving no space for her to get a word in until I ran out of breath.

Donita - Tristan are you alright, your being kinda strange

Tristan - oh I'm just wondering about your day is all

And just as she was about to write me off as being overly curious and go into her room the sound of a flushing toilet and washing of hands came from the bathroom.

Donita - is someone else here

Before I could even speak Gerald walked out of the bathroom and to me and Donita.

Gerald - hi I'm Gerald

I had to turn away to hide the look of world collision happening in my mind. I had no way of explaining Gerald.

Donita - hi it's nice to meet you , Tristan doesn't usually have friends over during the week

Tristan - Gerald is a new friend of mine

Gerald - yes, just yesterday we met in his studio

Donita - in his studio, are you just a friend or a "friend"

Tristan - he's just a friend

Donita - it's fine Tristan , we went to college together I knew you were probably..

Tristan - I'm not gay

I blushed so hard it was embarrassing , and then they both laughed.

Gerald - your very pretty , did Tristan draw you

Donita - thank you , and no he's never drawn me though he has offered to a few times , has he drawn you

Gerald - yes two times

Donita - thats fun ill have to have Tristan show me your pictures, but unfortunately I've had a long day so as much as I'd like to see them now and talk more I should be getting to bed

Gerald - it was very nice to meet you as

Gerald hugged Donita and she looked at me with a face of confusion as to how and why he was being so affectionate but her face soon turned from confused to pleased in his embrace. He let go and I walked him back to my room as quickly as possible.

Tristan - well now she knows about you , I guess since she saw you too that realy means I'm not crazy

Gerald - Donita is very pretty

Tristan - yea I suppose she is

I looked down at Gerald's tail and noticed he was starting to disappear.

Tristan - your leaving

Gerald - it's ok , I had fun spending time with today

Tristan - I just wish there was a way you could stay longer

He was almost completely gone.

Gerald - I'll be here for much longer next time

I hugged him as the last bit of him faded. As much as I wanted to draw him back right then and there I knew I had work in the morning.

The next morning was smooth. I woke up showered got dressed and even had time for Donita to cook me breakfast.

We both sat at the bar in the kitchen eating pancakes and eggs.

Donita - so be honest, are you seeing that guy from last night

Tristan - who ? Gerald

Donita - yes Gerald did you have any other guys over I didn't meet

Tristan - he's just a friend, that's all

Donita - then do you think you could give him my number

I had to stop eating.

Tristan - umm I'm not sure that's such a good idea

Donita - why not , he seemed really nice and friendly

Tristan - well I don't even know him that well

Donita - I'm asking you this for myself not for you , there was something about him

Tristan - like what

Donita - those eyes or how warm he feels, and he dresses really nice , why was he dressed so fancy anyway

Tristan - he has to dress like that where he works

Donita - oh where does he work

Tristan - I dont remember, look I'm gonna be late maybe we can talk about this later

Donita - alright

I got up and left the apartment. Donita can't date Gerald, he's a drawing, he's not real.... he's kinda real but how would that even work when he vanishes into thin air.

Pin and paper part 1

It all started off so simple. I had no idea what was going on until it was too late , and by then I had lost control. I'm what some might call a starving artist, I get by off of the money I make from my day job as a cashier. It was my 26th birthday and...

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The sad but true part 1

I was a mess , his seed dripped from my gaping hole as I panted and caught my breath on the floor. My furr was creamed and untamed as he began to get dressed. His name was Trevor, he was a lion, he was my friend. My name is Frank, I'm just a dog. He...

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The sexual education of young Bristol Lion ( Pt 10 )

The boys woke up the next morning still covered in one another's cum but they didn't mind , in fact they waited several hours to wash it off. It was time to go back to school , and this semester Nick and Bristol did not have any classes together....

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