Letting it down

Story by TrueSkyBlue on SoFurry

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Letting it down

Here's my first attempt at M/F stuff, my previous story was F/F and got a 10, so I hope this is as popular. It's quite long, and does set a scene, so it's supposed to be more than a quick fap. It's a new, fun spin on erectile dysfunction - I hope you like it!

A small mistake with a bottle of Viagra would normally lead to a night of pain for a young fur. His brother's girlfriend however has other plans...

Sorry about the formatting, if anyone wants to give me a hand with it then that'd be great. The spare lines need to stay there and the new lines of conversation need to be indented. Sorry if it needs to be validated again so soon, but I've had a run through and broke it up to make it more readable.

I may return with the characters for later stories, if you'd like that then please comment.

The noise of the front door being slammed shut in anger echoed around the house, as Ethan left for work.

Moments earlier, he'd received a phone call from his foreman, something to do with a fight breaking out at the factory between two of his employees. Without even asking for their names, he knew it would be a racial dispute - it always was - and all the while, his pleas to put the avian and rodent employees were being ignored by the management - "institutional racism" was more of a concern to the company than his productivity, or for that matter, his sexlife.

Joel was surprised to hear his brother go back out so soon. Problems at his job were common, and he was always on call, but he'd only been back half an hour before heading out in what sounded like a bit of tiff with his girlfriend.

Joel was 18, a lot younger than his brother, but despite that they were very similar young men. They looked very much alike, had the same taste in women, and could both get bored easily. That was, in fact, their main shared character flaw, and whereas Ethan could stave off the effects of this flaw with his work and his girlfriend, Joel was stuck with it. And generally speaking, when an 18 year-old boy is alone in his room, with nothing else to do, he tends to resort to the simplest way of occupying himself.

Earlier in the evening, Ethan had come home, showered and then spent a significant amount of time drying his lupine fur, only to walk into his bedroom to be greeted by the sight of Starlet, his girlfriend - wearing only a bra that struggled to contain her sizeable chest, and panties that were lacey to the point of being decorative, making no attempt to cover up the supple, curvaceous vixen beneath.

"Aww, poor baby," She said, in a sultry manner, rising from the bed as she did so, "bad day at work hun? You look tired." Her expression drooped for a moment, then, suddenly, rose and softened into a naughty grin,

"I've got something that'll make you all better." Ethan put down his towel, exposing himself, completely in the fur, as the vixen walked over to him, placing a paw on the left side of his face. She slowly walked round him, her red fur lit brilliantly by the dying sunlight streaming through the bedroom window. As she walked behind him, her paw traced across his strong, broad shoulders, and when she was behind him, it rested at the nape of his neck. She brought her other paw up to the same level, and started to massage. A skilled masseuse, thanks to her previous relationship with a masseur, she knew the easiest way to make Ethan putty in her paws was first to relax him. Ethan's head rolled back, his muzzle pointing to the ceiling as he quietly uttered,

"That's wonderful, Starlet." Starlet however had more in mind than to merely relax her lover. Her heat burned deep inside her, and she needed him tonight to satisfy her.

Whilst one paw remained on the wolf's shoulders, she pulled herself close to him, pressing her body against his back, as she lowered her right paw over his shoulder, running her fingers down his chest, reaching further and further, knowing exactly what she was looking for. She was disappointed though when she got to his manhood, to find him flaccid and unexcited by what she was doing. Ethan hung his head.

"S-orry, it's been a long day, I'm just a bit tired." Starlet smiled; a lesser woman would have been insulted, but she loved Ethan, and knew how much his job took out of him. Still, though she didn't show it, she was flustered; she had felt her heat building up within her as she reached for his crotch, now she was on fire and-

Suddenly, Ethan whirled around and picked her up, and turning again, flung her on top of the double bed. The satin sheets billowed away from her toned body as she landed on the mattress. Starlet removed her underwear as the wolf leapt onto the bed moments later, and, parting her legs, reached forward with his muzzle for hers, and kissed her passionately as she lay beneath him. He then kissed her neck, and ran his tongue down, over her chest, till he arrived at her nipples. He nipped and sucked them affectionately, first one, then the other, feeling the writhing of his girl beneath him, her back already arching with the pleasure from his seeking tongue. Before long, Ethan was alternating between licking one breast and kneading the other, sometimes kneading both; all the while feeling Starlet shudder in anticipation.

Ethan and Starlet had been dating for a while now, and sleeping together much longer than that, and as a result, they both knew each other's kinks and preferences very well. Starlet, amongst her hurried breathing and frantic fidgeting with her thighs, only needed to breathlessly utter one word:

"D-d-down." Ethan tore himself away for a moment and looked up at her, eyes making contact as he touched the area between her breasts with his tongue, holding it as he pulled back, dragging his tongue down her chest, past her navel, all the way to her now very hot, very wet pussy.

He pulled himself back for a moment, to let Starlet breath easier, before setting to her womanhood with a vengeance, lashing at her clit and opening with his wide tongue. He reached back, and put his arms beneath her thighs, lying chest down on the bed between her legs, so he could be closer to do his work.

And work he did. With Starlet's tuition earlier in the relationship, he had learnt to please her better than any man. He traced out letters on her clit, flicked his tongue in and out of her pussy, stroked her inner thighs with his paws, nicked at her labial lips with his two front teeth, and the whole time felt waves of heat wrack through her body as she shifted around on the bed from the pleasure. Only a few minutes passed before she was wet to dripping, and she leaned forward, pulling Ethan up to his knees and grasping his cheek, saying,

"I need you Ethan." Her eyes wide open as she pretended to bite her bottom lip, she opened her legs wide, and reached down to her lover's crotch once again...

And again, nothing she could work with. She looked down at his manhood, and back to Ethan's face, who had by now averted his gaze from her eyes, ashamed. She reached round his shoulders, and embraced him, holding his head to her bosom, saying gently,

"Honey it's ok, the doctor said this might happen, I know it's just stress." Ethan pulled away from her embrace, and looked back at her, staring into her eyes with an almost childlike expression of remorse,

"I'm sorry blue-eyes, really I am, it's just-" Starlet placed a finger over his mouth, which he roughly motioned to one side to finish his sentence.

"I just don't want you to think it's you." Starlet laughed, and held both his cheeks between her paws.

"I'd never think that hon. Now just go do what you've got to do, I'll be ok on my own here for a moment."

She winked, and leaned back onto the bed, and reaching down for her pussy, started to slowly rub herself.

"I'll be waiting when you get back." Ethan quickly darted out of the room, as Starlet thought to herself,

'I'm losing control here. He'd better hurry, I really need him deep inside me or this heat is never going away.'

Ethan went down to the kitchen, and reaching up into his medicine cupboard, pulled off the top shelf a bottle of Viagra normally kept out of view. It bothered him that he needed it, but it was going to have to do. He opened it up, and popped a pill, turning around to head upstairs - and that's when the phone rang.

Joel was bored again. Thanks to the help of his computer, he was done jacking off, and with the quality of the furry "art" he was able to get his paws on off several image boards, he was over and done with in under a minute.

'Now I have the rest of the evening to look forward to. Great.' He'd already checked if there was anything on television, and there was nothing - and he knew after that session he wouldn't be able to pleasure himself for at least another hour. Then he heard his brother walk up the stairs, followed by what sounded like an argument between him and Starlet, followed by a rough slam of the front door. Thinking that Starlet might be in a sour mood, he decided against speaking to her, instead, going to the phone downstairs to call one of his friends, maybe to go to the movies.

He went down the stairs and picked up the phone, and then he saw it; an open pill bottle. Though none of his family were "straight edge", his brother wasn't normally one to pop pills, and with this being his house, it wasn't the most common thing to see lying around. Joel would have dismissed them, until he noticed one pill on the top of the pile - a pill with a big letter "V" engraved into its surface.

He put down the phone and picked up the bottle, reading the side,

'High potency viagra, for use by males that have lost sexual potency. Should restore your virility in minutes.'

If he'd only read a little further, the night might have went very differently. However, a mixture of curiosity and fate caused him to ignore two very important instructions; the first saying 'Take 1 pill every 6 hours, and do not exceed recommended dose' and secondly, 'Not for use on those under the age of 21'. He grabbed the bottle, and took it up to his room.

Where he took 5.

At first everything was ok. Several minutes after he took the pills, he felt his heart rate speed up slightly, and then he could feel it - his loins started to tighten as he could feel himself becoming hard again. He lay on his back on his bed, and undid his jeans, and then, seeing his cock harder than ever before, he began to masturbate furiously.

Starlet sobbed for a little while after Ethan left her. She'd said some nasty things to him before he left, which she knew she'd have to apologise later. She hoped he would know it was her heat, and not really her talking. She'd put on a silk nightgown, crimson in colour, that was lacy at the top, and didn't quite cover her pussy at the bottom, and lay back on the bed. Realising that she would have to deal with her own problems, she put one paw on her breasts, and reach between her legs with another, feeling as she did the tremendous heat emanating from her ladyparts. She softly penetrated herself with her paw, making some token moaning noises as she did so, when she decided on her course of action. She wouldn't cum now. She'd keep herself hot till her lover came home.

Joel was worried. Nearly half an hour had passed. His arm was tired, his shoulder was aching, and he was still rock-hard - with no sign of cumming in sight. His mind whirled; he'd realised all of a sudden how much of an idiot he'd been to merely take the pills without reading the instructions - then he proceeded to read the bottle left by his bed - and then he panicked. He was going to have to go to Starlet, come clean, and hope she didn't tell his brother - and that he hadn't made himself infertile.

Standing slowly, pulling on some boxer shorts, he gingerly started to creep towards the master bedroom, trembling as he did so. What would she say? Would she be disgusted? Sickened? What if his friends found out? Still he had to put those thoughts out of his mind, they weren't going to help at this point.

Starlet stood up hurriedly to answer the knock on her door. Pulling a robe around her naked body, she tied it at the front before answering, and she was shocked to be greeted by her boyfriend's brother - practically naked - and though she didn't want to, her heat drove her to noticed the massive erection barely contained by his dark boxers.

"Starlet, I, well, it's kinda... No, it's important..." Starlet by now was incredibly horny, so slightly impatiently she interrupted Joel,

"What is it Joel, spit it out." He looked as though he was about to cry as he said,

"I took some of Ethan's Viagra. Too much."

By a few minutes later, Starlet had Joel sat on the bed. She paced the room as she related his story to him, all the while trying not to look at his crotch - but failing on a consistent basis.

"So let's see. You took your brother's viagra, more than you should have - and now you have a hard-on that you just can't get rid of?" He nodded at her, and despite her better judgement, she was actually very impressed. She fought to control the heat in her that threatened to drip down her thighs, but she had to admit, that's an impressive cock - perhaps even as big as Ethan's.

"Have you tried a cold shower?" He stared at her blankly.

"If I thought that would work, do you think I'd have come in here and spoke to you like this? I mean what am I supposed to do-"

"Maybe you just need some help." Without thought, the words escaped from Starlet's lips. She immediately brought her paws to her mouth, covering her jaw in a futile method to cram the words back in. Joel's eyes grew wider as he realised what she'd said, and though he was still too young to know consciously, he was already being turned on by the scent coming from her pussy.

Starlet had fought it all day, all afternoon, and most of the evening, but she couldn't do it anymore. She had to give in to the ecstasy. She needed to come just as bad as the young man before her, and any reason about who he was, any why this was a bad idea had long since been countermanded by her sheer heat.

"Lie back on the bed." She said seductively. Joel didn't wait, he immediately lay back, and started to remove his undergarments. Starlet gasped has his fully erect penis came into view, it was bigger than Ethan's! She slipped off her garments, revealing her naked form, in the fur from head to toe. She walked forward, and gripped the young wolf's shaft firmly with one paw, kneading her breasts firmly with another as she started to pump his cock, hard and already glistening with pre-cum. The inexperienced young man started to moan, groaning in time with the pumping of her wrist, watching the movement of her breasts.

Starlet then moved forward, and, placing his cock in the middle of her ample chest, she started to move in a rhythmic motion, whilst licking the head of his penis as it popped up between her tits. Inside, she was ashamed at how turned on she was getting, but she couldn't stop herself, she was on fire between her legs.

Then, she heard the buzzing sound of her cellphone, in her bag, on the table behind her. It jarred her back to the reality of what was going on for a moment, and she looked up at Joel, who was still staring at her as she pleasured him.

"I'd better get that." She giggled as she whispered. Then, turning round, she walked over to the table, and bent down to look in her bag, struggling to find the offending device.

It was too much for Joel. He still wasn't finished. Five Viagra pills and over an hour now of pleasure, and still he hadn't cum. He looked up at the vixen across the room, bent over, wet pussy dripping between her legs. He looked at the curvature of her ass and hips, the perfect height for him. He started to foam at the mouth, and his heart pounded in his ears as he stood up.

The next thing Starlet felt was a rough grip on her hips as she turned her head to see the wolf, the innocence previously in his face now completely lost, foam seeping from the sides of his muzzle - and then it hit her like a train.

"Joel, no!" It was too late. She could feel Joel jabbing away behind her, almost finding her asshole, before (involuntarily, she told herself) she angled herself and thrust backwards onto his hard cock, feeling it penetrate her as deep as it could possibly go.

That was it. Any sensibility went out of the window. She wanted to be fucked. She wanted to feel a man hard and deep inside her. She wanted Joel's cock to drive her pussy to ecstasy - and that's exactly what he did. She put he left leg up on the stool in front of the table, so she could reach down and paw at her clit, as she was ravaged by her boyfriend's younger brother. And then all she did was moan, scream, and hold on.

Joel felt his cock penetrate Starlet, and felt the tight walls of her pussy fall away, wetness covering his cock and dripping down his balls, as he pounded away at her, fucking her harder and faster with each thrust. He felt the waves of pleasure through her body and into his through his manhood, as he felt pre-cum seep out of his length. Still he kept going.

Starlet could feel it coming. She felt Joel getting faster within her, thrusting harder and harder. She felt him getting more spasmic and even harder than he had been before. She felt her pussy, now an inferno of pleasure, a raging torrent of feeling, lancing through her like electricity. She started to moan, then softly groan, then loudly, she yelled,

"Oh Joel!" As she yelled, she felt her hindquarters tighten, her clit harden, and her body burn up in a wave of heat all over, as she came with a mighty force! The feeling, unstoppable, caused her to thrust backward as fast as she could onto Joel's hard member, and then, hearing a loud grunt from the young wolf, she felt her pussy fill up with his hot, white, sticky cum. It didn't stop though, it kept coming, and coming, and Joel, long past any coherent thought, obeyed his mating instincts to grab her and push himself deeper. The vixen tried to pull away to stop herself getting tied, but it was to no avail, the young wolf overpowered her, and his knot stretched her as far as she could go.

They both collapsed on the ground, lying on their side, panting and covered in sweat, still tied, the wolf behind the vixen.

Then looking up through blurry eyes, Starlet saw Ethan in the doorway.

Milking Duchess

Milking Duchess I wrote this story on the 3rd of January 2006, and it's my first contribution to Yiffstar. I hope people like it! "So you can't get back then? But why? Well I'm pretty sure the train isn't the only w-... Well ok,...

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