Making Progress

Story by Jeeves on SoFurry

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#2 of Daryl's Story: Reluctance to Acceptance.

For four months Daryl and Jesse have been sharing a bed regularly, but still the Doberman cannot bring himself to be seen with another man in public. At the end of his wits, Jesse takes a big risk to try and show Daryl that there are very good reasons to be proud of who you are, and who you love. <3

This story was written for pokemonmaniac3595. It contains M/M and Bisexual sex acts between consenting adults, and themes of fear and acceptance.

Making Progress

It had been almost four months since Daryl and Jesse became lovers. Almost four months since a bet led the doberman into the border collie's bed, and the once brash, womanising dog was reduced to a giddy, blushing, whimpering mess around Jesse's cock. And since that night, the two men had spent many more with one another. Countless times the doberman had found himself being led out of a bar by the border collie without so much as a word. To Jesse's room. To Jesse's bed. Into Jesse's arms with little more than a smile and a raising of the eyebrows from the ever calm and confident collie. Indeed as time passed, Daryl wasn't even being coaxed and teased into the other male's embrace. He would seek it out. Texting Jesse, or calling him, or on occasions simply showing up at his door, flustered and whimpering happily as the collie greeted him with a fond smile and a tender growl as he pulled him in through the door.

Their nights together were wonderful; equally so for both men. Some long and heated, with their bodies trembling and quaking against one another until they were too tired to go on. Others fevered, but more brief, with the climax of their passions sinking into long, lingering kisses and protracted embraces until they fell asleep within one another's arms. And some nights, they skipped the sex entirely. They kissed. They took off their clothes and pressed their naked bodies and stiff cocks together, but with no intention of quelling those passions. Wishing just to be close. Holding each other, talking, laughing, and just relishing every second spent together in such an intimate state.

By the end of those four months, Daryl's former self; the exaggerated parody of a man that he had forced upon practically every woman he met, and indeed upon himself, was almost wholly gone. In his place, a more quiet and pensive man emerged. A figure that attempted and longed to mirror the calm and gentle nature of Jesse, though obviously much more nervous and vulnerable in practice. In private, he came to life with his beautiful smile, his soft giggles and rose flushed cheeks. But on those occasions when Jesse and Daryl encountered one another in public, the collie saw the fun, happy man he had come to adore retreating. Not returning to the crass, crude acts of bravado that had previously driven him, but into an almost more disturbing state of fearful and subdued silence. Like Jesse's mere presence was enough to make him want to blend into the background and just fade away entirely.

There came a day when Jesse couldn't ignore it any more though. A day that hadn't by any means been worse than any other, but proved more than Jesse could bear as he saw Daryl practically blanking him after he caught the doberman's eye in one of the local bars.

In private, alone together when Daryl was conscious and capable of actually interacting with the collie, they spoke. Daryl was ashamed. But now that they weren't amongst others, obviously willing to interact and explain himself. And while Jesse had already suspected what Daryl was going to say, he couldn't for a moment consider that it wasn't just as tough to hear him say it anyway.

"You... you know I don't regret what we do. I'm not afraid of it any more. Not ashamed to admit that I like it. But... you can see why I don't like talking about it in public, right? The way people treat... p-people like you. Like us. We've all seen it. Jesse, not everyone out there is like you. Some people are like me. Like how I used to be, I mean. And... so much worse. Afraid of... of you. Of gay men. Of anyone who isn't straight, and... normal, whatever the fuck that means. Don't you see... isn't it... wouldn't it just be so much easier to keep this thing we have... private? To let us have our time together, but then... I don't know... just not act like we're anything more than friends with other people around. It's not like we're really lying, or hiding anything anyway. I mean, we are friends aside from whatever else we do... right?"

The border collie nodded. A deep sigh escaped him, and he looked down to where Daryl was holding onto both of his hands rather tenderly; something the doberman was admitting outright he would never want or let himself do beyond the walls of this apartment.

"Of course we're friends. And... I get it, Daryl. Really, I do. I'm not blind. And I've been through what you're afraid of. The name calling. The judgement. Even just the sidelong glances. I get it. You're scared; of being judged, mocked or hated for how you feel? For who you feel towards? God... we all feel that. We all go through it, and hate it when we see others going through it. There are even times when being judged is the least of our worries. And I recognise that. But... I still can't imagine living like how you're saying we should. We can say that our sexuality shouldn't define us. Shouldn't be the sum total of who we are. But it's just as wrong to say that it isn't a part of us. Straight people don't need to worry about holding hands as they walk down the street. They don't need to worry about leaning over the table at a bar and giving their lover a peck on the cheeks when they say something sweet or funny. I mean, you don't want to be afraid, right? If you had a choice... if you could just snap your fingers and make your fear go away, you would, wouldn't you? Rather than wanting to hide away behind closed doors, or just shutting down and refusing to engage if something... or someone... remotely related to your sexuality shows up in the outside world? You wouldn't choose this way if there was a choice, right?"

Daryl's ears were laid back flat against his skull by the time that Jesse stopped talking, and the doberman whined softly.

"If... if it was my choice? Then no. Of course I'd choose to get over my fear. But, I can't pretend that it's just a matter of willpower or something, Jesse. Im not you. Not as strong. Or as smart. Or... god, I'm just so..."

His voice trailed away into nothing, and his eyes shamefully turned down to the ground away from the collie's own. Only the tighter, almost painfully firm grip with which he seized Jesse's hands let the border collie know that much as he was despairing right now, Daryl wasn't admitting defeat through his silence. That the doberman was still choosing to fight his fears, even if only internally, and however futile it might have seemed to Daryl in the grand scheme of things.

Taking a step closer to the other man, Jesse nuzzled at Daryl's cheek. His tongue flicked out across the doberman's short, dark fur, licking Daryl reassuringly before stepping closer still and pulling his hands free from his lover's grasp, only to use them to embrace Daryl and drag the doberman into his arms.

"I wish I could make you feel safe, Daryl. I wish I was strong enough to beat down anyone who'd try to punish you for just wanting to be yourself. Smart enough to figure out some combination of words to make people understand that we just want to be allowed to live our lives the same as anyone else."

He sniffed, and whimpered as Daryl lifted his gaze, catching sight of the tears that had sprung into existence within the corners of the border collie's eyes. Jesse growled, frustrated at himself for being caught showing such weakness at a time when he was speaking about trying to be strong. But when he felt Daryl's arms wrapping around him in return, mirroring his own intimate embrace of the other dog's body, that frustration faded away. As he saw the tears in Daryl's own eyes, and felt his own beginning to roll down his cheeks as the two men hugged one another tighter and tighter, he realised just how much he needed this right now. How much they both needed it. It had only been a couple of days since the last time they'd seen one another and slept over at Jesse's place, but that seemed like far too long right now. For them, more and more, any length of time apart seemed like far too long. And that made the frustration and fear that Daryl was feeling all the more painful to experience on both sides.

The two men sank into each other's warm, loving embrace, and wept. In rage. In fear. In sorrow. But above all else, in gratitude for this moment, resting in the arms of the one they cared for so deeply regardless of what anyone else thought.


"Come on. We're almost there."

It was barely a week after that night of tears and bittersweet comfort in one another's embrace when Daryl found himself facing his demons once more, out in public with Jesse. Walking silently and tensely several paces behind the collie, whimpering nervously and glancing around like he expected someone to pop out from around a corner at any moment and accuse the two of them of... something... Daryl tried one last time to talk the other man out of his plan. Whatever it was.

"Almost where? This party... who's throwing it? Why are they throwing it? Why am I invited? Jesse... goddammit, you won't even tell me where we're going. I don't know this part of town. I don't know anyone here. Can't... can't we just go back to your place? I... I'll spend the night. Just the two of us, together. Where we're going can't be more important than that."

Jesse turned on the spot, but kept walking in reverse along the suburban pavement. He refused to let Daryl's concerns delay them in their progress to his intended destination, or use any detour or delay as an excuse to stop that progress entirely.

"This party is more important. Normally it's by invite only. Super exclusive. Regular attendees like me don't get plus ones. But... I managed to get you one, and you're coming. I need this, Daryl. And so do you."

Daryl whimpered nervously, still glancing around in fear of some imagined threat. This was a nice neighbourhood in which they were walking, but he would almost have rather found himself strolling through inner city streets at midnight if what it sounded like Jesse was saying was in any way accurate.

"Some of us? Some of... you? You mean, friends? People you know from... somewhere?"

Jesse sighed, and despite having sworn that he wouldn't he ground to a halt upon the pavement. He reached out and grabbed one of Daryl's hands as the doberman failed to stop immediately, unable to withdraw in time to avoid one of his paws being snatched up and squeezed in the collie's own. The fearful, closeted dog yelped in fright and shame at their obvious and public contact, trying to tug his hand free as Jesse addressed him with a firm glare and an even more firm tone.

"I mean friends, yes. Friends from the LGBT plus community. Some I met in college. Others through social media. Some through friends of those friends, and others because it's hard to hook up with someone and spend a night with them without meeting them first. And Daryl? I really am sorry if that... or this, makes you uncomfortable. If you're freaking out because you think I want to bring you here to this party and introduce yourself as my boyfriend. I'm sorry if you're not ready to be out. Not ready to be gay, or bi, or pan, or whatever label you feel in your heart of hearts would describe you best. But... we need this."

The collie squeezed at Daryl's paws so tightly that the dobeman yelped. As Jesse looked guilty though, and loosened his grip, Daryl did not pull away. He just stood there, trembling with fear, but looking sincerely into Jesse's eyes as he saw tears welling up yet again, and realised that no matter his decision beyond that point he at least owed the collie letting him finish what he had to say.

"We need this, Daryl. I need to see my friends and show them that I'm happy to see them, and to be spending time with them in a place without judgement or expectation. And... you? You need this because you need to see what I know. Why I'm not scared, and why you don't have to be. You need to understand that there are always going to be judgemental assholes out there. Some with harsh words. Others with disapproving looks. Even a few with much worse than that. But... you need to understand that those people are few and far between, and that even if few and far between means it still happens way too often than it should, it's still nothing compared to the number of people who just don't care, and the people who do care, but in a good way. People like the ones who are gonna be at this party."

Jesse still held onto Daryl's hands, and began to walk backwards once more. To lead the dobeman by the hand towards the end of the beautiful suburban street, and the party that awaited them there.

"The people we're gonna see today, they're here to have fun. To cut loose and share in the joy of being happy and free to be spending time and fun with each other. But at their hearts, they're the ones who care the most about supporting and encouraging this community. Because they are this community. Just like you are, whether you want to admit it or not. So... you're coming to the party with me, Daryl. You're going to step into the community, and at least see how it feels to be inside it, rather than out alone on the fringe. Or... you're gonna let go of my hands, turn around, walk away... and that's it. You'll have your answer. I'll have mine. And we'll be done."

The collie's face filled with fright as he realised what he had just said; the ultimatum that he had placed before his lover in his desire to get the intensity of his emotional investment across. The threat he had made to the man without whom he could barely imagine a single day passing any more. Before he could take it back though, the collie saw something fighting its way through the abject terror that had filled Daryl's eyes as Jesse addressed him. An intensity that went beyond fear, and caused the other man's hands in Jesse's own to squeeze hard as he not only kept walking with the collie, but advanced past him.

Before Jesse knew it, he was being led by the hands by Daryl, and the doberman was growling at him as strained tears rolled down his face.

"Fine. Y-your party it is then. If you need it... w-whether it turns out I do or not? If you really need this that badly? Then... I'll do it. We'll do it."

By that point it was actually just another couple of gates down the suburban street lined with hedges and painted iron fences before Jesse pulled Daryl to a halt outside the party venue in question. Dragging the doberman to a standstill and only just restraining himself from the urge to lean forward and kiss the surprised looking male on the tip of his nose for the sake of Daryl's modesty, the collie nodded towards the gate in front of which they were standing, and the large, pleasant looking home beyond the greenery of its front lawn. To Daryl's apparent surprise, there were no pink balloons or rainbow pride flags hanging from the windows or tied to the fence. No skinny felines in leather chaps or buff bears in metal studded collars rolling around on the lawn. The doberman winced, angry at himself for letting those preconceptions rule his fear so foolishly. But more than that, frustrated that he still had those preconceptions at all. Frustrated that, because of his fear, the idea of rainbow flags and men overtly displaying signals of homosexuality were somehow negatives in his mind.

Looking up at the perfectly respectable home, Daryl could hear the gentle pulse of music from within, and see occasional flickers of motion behind the closed drapes. He whimpered, still nervous, but more embarrassed at how surprised he was to see the party venue looking so normal, whatever the hell that meant.

Clearly, Jesse could read him like a book, for the collie soon squeezed his hands and chuckled softly.

"You expected something more... flashy? More... gay?"

Daryl nodded, squeezing back, very much aware of how long he and the collie had been holding hands without anyone leaping out from around the corner and screaming at them for their sick perversion.

"K-kinda. Yeah. I'm an idiot, right?"

Jesse chuckled.

"Sometimes. But that's got nothing to do with anything here. We're all idiots sometimes."

As he led the doberman through the gate and down the garden path to the front door, he finally began to explain some more details about why they were here.

"Pride is important. Not being afraid to show that we are who we are is important. But... there's something more important than all that. Not to everyone. Not to all LGBT plus people out there. We're all individuals after all, despite sharing a community. But... to me, and to my friends inside, as much as not being afraid of showing who we are when in public means a lot, it's more important right now for us to be who we are. To reassure and remind each other that we are people who love, as deep and as hard as any straight people. And that's what everyone is here for, Daryl. And why I brought you here with me. Because, much as I wish it was? Showing you that I care... that I support and admire you for being exactly who you are, it's not enough. You're still so scared, because you genuinely don't believe that others can understand and accept how we feel for each other... how any man can feel for another man, or a woman for a woman, or whatever. You don't believe that other people can actually share those feelings, even though you know, rationally speaking, that they're out there. So I brought you here. The one place in all the world where you can see people just being who they are... and make that judgement without anyone trying to force it upon you. Not even me."

As Jesse fell silent, he was pulling one of his paws free from Daryl's own to knock upon the house's front door. He held the doberman's remaining hand tight in his own, and though he could feel Daryl trembling beside him the other dog did not pull away even as they heard movement from within, or as the door swung open.

Immediately, warm, rather heavy and thick air washed out over the canine pair. Air scented with sweat. With booze. And with the unmistakable aroma of hot, heady sex. Led by Jesse, they entered, and Daryl gave a vocal whine as the door closed behind them to reveal who had been holding it open. A very buff, very naked male tiger. The doberman's gaze fell to the feline's large, swollen cock, and he barely held back a yelp of desperate arousal as he tore his gaze away and looked across the rest of the hallway into which they had just stepped.

"Your friend's cute, Jess..."

The tiger looked the doberman up and down, grinning at the already growing bulge beginning to form in Daryl's black denim trousers as he stared around the hallway, and the other unclothed people occupying it.

"Anyway, you know where to put your clothes, right? After that, the house is yours to explore. I wouldn't be complaining at all if you choose to come find me though. Either, or both of you. I have holes for everyone."

Jesse grinned, and both dogs found themselves observing the tiger's ass as he turned away and padded down the length of the hall, admiring the way the fur of his cheeks was matted and tangled with a mixture of lubrication and cum, no doubt multiple loads from multiple sources. Jesse began to take his clothes off, while Daryl just kept on staring down the hall. Past a couple of women, a hyena pinning a smaller tabby housecat up against one wall, her teeth tenderly nibbling at the cat's throat while the feline wailed and mewled, bucking against the three fingers jamming themselves rapidly in and out of her pussy. Past a bulky, older looking horse with a younger and twinkish deer on his knees before him, suckling the stallion's cock and fondling his massive balls. Finally his gaze settled, albeit briefly, on two other figures that the tiger had just had to step over on his way out of the hall and into whatever room lay beyond. Two figures, brown furred but otherwise unidentifiable as they hunched down over one another in a sixty nine.

The thumping of music and the sounds of many voices crying out in shared pleasure got briefly louder as the tiger opened the door, and slipped into the room past a large, buff fox who padded into the hallway and met Daryl's gaze, grinning and wrapping a hand around his own cock, still glistening from the last person to have sucked or ridden it. He hefted and swung it teasingly, raising his eyebrows, and grinned as Daryl yelped and turned towards the now almost entirely naked Jesse with his eyes bulging.

"Jesse! T-this... it's not a party. It's an orgy."

Jesse didn't laugh. Didn't joke with the doberman about his astute powers of observation. He just nodded, and smiled as two more figures padded into view as they descended the stairs. A vixen, and a lioness. They called out not just to Jesse, but to Daryl too, and immediately the doberman recognised them as two of the women that had been in the group he was hitting on when Jesse had first approached him. They were naked. Beautiful, and like every person that Daryl had seen here so far, they already bore the signs of sexual activity upon their bodies. Streaks of matted fur. Damp thighs and glistening pink flesh between their legs, not to mention rigid nipples atop their perfect breasts.

They approached, hugged Jesse, and then hugged Daryl, giggling as he failed to hug them back due to his hands being wrapped tightly around his crotch to hide his bulge from view. Returning to the border collie, they whispered something in his ear. He whispered back at them, and they all turned towards Daryl, grinning from ear to ear.

Only then did Jesse answer Daryl's most recent comment, as his friends advanced upon the doberman and began to undress him as he stood, whimpering and blushing on the spot.

"An orgy. A reunion. A chance to unashamedly embrace and share in the parts of our sexuality that we can't and have no wish to share publicly, but still wish to share our pride in. IN this house, it doesn't matter where you fall on the LGBT plus board. If you're gay, and a woman approaches you, no offence will be taken if you turn them down and no further pressure will be put on you by them. If you're trans, people will call you by your personal pronouns and name, and won't judge or push for you to do anything beyond what you are comfortable doing with your body. If you're ace, this space is safe for you to share in aromatic exploration, or just to hang out and chat with people in an intimate space without any expectation. You can do as much or as little as you want. Share as much or as little as you want to share, emotionally, physically... whatever."

Daryl shivered as the two women peeled off his clothes, caressing and touching his body when they exposed a fresh portion of naked flesh and fur. His hands still held themselves over his crotch for a brief while as he felt his trousers, then his underwear being removed, but soon slipped away as he felt one of the women squeeze his rigid cock, and another grope his balls, while they allowed him to reach between their legs and begin to tease their clits with each of his middle fingers.

"Oh... oh god... and... w-where do I fit into all this? You didn't just bring me here b-because... what? I'm finally a decent enough guy to actually hook up with your friends?"

The women giggled and moaned, both the female fox and the lady lion rising up on the tips of their toes, rocking happily back and forth against the rather skilled touch of the doberman's fingers. Jesse grinned, and shrugged.

"If that's what you want to do, I don't think anyone here will complain. But... you know why I brought you here. And look at yourself. You might be with two ladies right now, but there's countless gay men here. So many stiff cocks all around you, and you're already more relaxed than if me and you were just hanging out at a bar, not even remotely undressed or engaged in any sexual activity. I brought you here to relax you. And that's all I want you to do tonight, really. Just... relax, and enjoy. And maybe at the end of the night, find me again so we can have one last romp together before we head home."

With that, the collie began to gather up both his and Daryl's discarded clothes, and to walk towards the stairs. The doberman whimpered, and called after him.

"W-wait... you're... you're not staying with me?"

Jesse called back over his shoulder, grinning but not stopping as he walked away.

"I'll be around if you want to check in. But there are lots of other people who want to get to know you tonight, and I want you to meet and enjoy your time with all of them. Have fun, Daryl."

And he did.

He had fun with the two women. Katie and Lara. Fun as they cuddled up to him, humping at his fingers inside them while they rubbed and teased him towards ecstasy. Fun watching as they started to make out with each other, trembling and grabbing at the other female's body as they climaxed around his fingers, before dropping to their knees and starting to lap at his cock in unison. And all the while, Daryl was aware that he was being watched. Observed by another figure; that male fox who he had spotted at the end of the hallway earlier.

Stroking the backs of the two women's heads as they nuzzled and licked him closer and closer to climax, his gaze drifted around the hallway at the other couples and groups making love in all manner of ways. And of course, to the fox. Standing not too far away now, leaning back against the wall and masturbating as he watched Daryl being serviced. His eyes met with the doberman's own, and he licked his lips tenderly. A loud groan escaped Daryl, and the two women kneeling before him with mouths open began to gurgle and giggle happily as he started to shoot hot strings of cum across their blushing, happy faces.

They rose to their feet. They kissed him in turn, and then departed without a word. Daryl stood, shaking slightly from the residual force of his orgasm, and whimpered as he saw the fox approach him. A deep, gruff voice escaped the butch vulpine male.

"You showed up with Jesse, right? So... you're into guys, too?"

Daryl swallowed thickly, whimpering as the fox grasped one of his arms by the wrist, and lifted one of the doberman's paws to come to rest upon the thick, knotted base of the larger man's cock.

"Y-yeah. I... I..."

The fox cut him off with a happy growl.

"Don't be nervous, pup. I won't do anything you don't want me to. In fact... how about you tell me exactly what it is you want. And if I can... maybe I'll do it for you."

That suggestion only made Daryl cry out louder, and though he had cum barely a minute before, he felt his cock twitching with hunger as he felt himself half whimpering, half begging his heart's desire to this gorgeous hunk of a man.

"Fuck me. Right here... o-on the floor. Fuck me, hard."

And he did.

Minutes later, Daryl was howling so loudly that a crowd began to gather to watch as he was pinned down on all fours beneath the larger male. Howling in ecstasy as the fox gave him a reach-around, gently rubbing his recently spent and still immensely sensitive cock, while humping at him with savage force, fighting to get his knot into the doberman's tight ass.

"Harder. Ohh g-god... harder. Knot me. Fuck me. C-cum in me... let... ohhh fuck, let everyone see..."

When the fox's knot did finally force its way into Daryl, it did so with a thick, slurping pop, and a high pitched whine from the dog. He heard his new lover growl savagely, and felt him begin to breed the doberman with short, sharp thrusts now that they were locked together. The fox's cock was throbbing violently against his prostate, and so it was no small wonder that recent orgasm or not, the combination of anal and manual stimulation meant that Daryl was barely able to hold off his own climax until the fox achieved his.

"Oh! O- oohhhh _. W-watch. Watch him... aaaahh... fill me! Watch me... watch me cum! Oh fuck, watch him m-make me... ahhh! Ahhhhh _yes!"

Beyond that point, Daryl didn't stop for a second. His mind was lost in a sea of pleasure, and his body was right where it wanted and needed to be, in the midst of more action and lust than he had ever witnessed before, but also more love, intimacy, and support.

No matter how lewd and frenzied his actions as he half wandered, half found himself passed from person to person, group to group, that wasn't what drove Daryl to cry out so loud or to crave the hungry, excited eyes of the rest of the room upon him as he was filled, fucked or otherwise toyed with. It was knowing that whatever he did, or whatever they did to him, they accepted it. They admired, desired, and above all else respected his choice to partake in each and every one of those gloriously intimate acts.

Before that night was over, Daryl had filled multiple pussies with his cum. He'd had so many cocks in his ass and muzzle, and so many other women's bodies straddling his face, that he couldn't keep track. All he knew for sure, was that at the end of the night it was him and Jesse who were the centre of attention for all those still on their feet. The two of them, lying on the living room floor, fucking one another's brains out as all around them people masturbated, and fucked, and pleasured one another in time with the rhythm and force of Daryl and Jesse's passionate love-making.

It was their final orgasms, Jesse howling as he buried his knot inside Daryl and the doberman burying his face in his lover's chest as he howled and climaxed all over the border collie's belly fur, that triggered the last round of orgasms for those still present at the orgy, and their flushed, panting faces that were showered with kisses, and licks, and warm whispers of affection as the remainder of the party began to dissolve and consider the long and sticky trek upstairs to gather their clothes.

As they lay there together, trembling and moaning in residual excitement of that climactic frenzy to end the orgy, Daryl could barely breath. Barely speak he was so exhausted, and sore, and satisfied. And yet at the same time, he wished for just a little more strength. So that he could lift his head just enough to crane his neck down to where Jesse's own face had fallen, and was resting upon his chest, and kiss the collie on the lips.

And, with the very last remnants of his body's final reserves of energy, he did.


"So... think you'll want to come along again next year?"

It was almost twelve hours later that Jesse and Daryl stood together in the border collie's shower, washing the cum and lube and scent of sex off one another with lots of soap and lots of very gentle touches to their still delicate bodies.

Daryl smiled at his lover through the water raining down over them, leaned forward, and kissed Jesse on the lips. He smiled at the surprised look the crossed Jesse's face a moment later however, as he shook his head.

"Don't get me wrong. I had the best time. R-really. The best. And, I get it now. Or at least I'm starting to. I understand why you brought me there. I see now that I'm not alone. That there's a whole community ready to support me. To stand by me. To defend me, if ever I end up on the wrong end of someone's prejudices. I know it's safe to admit... no, not admit. It's not some dark secret. It's safe to say that I'm pansexual. That I like who I like. Not for their bodies... at least, not just for their bodies. But just because of the way they make me feel. Like how you made me feel when we first met, even though I was so convinced that I wanted to hate every second of it."

The doberman chuckled, and shrugged as Jesse looked at him, obviously confused as to why all of that wonderful progress meant that he had no interest in attending such a fun party again.

"But... all the things I did there? As much fun as they were, they all paled in comparison to the end of the night. To when I was with you, and everyone saw you take me in your arms, and start making love to me. How they saw how much you cared... how I saw it too. And how... how I hope they saw how much I care for you, too. I... I love you, Jesse. And, while it was so fun to share that love not just with you, but to let so many other people see it as I expressed it? I'd rather just share it with you, and only you."

Daryl kept smiling even as he saw Jesse frown, letting the collie say what he had to say rather than cutting off what he knew was coming.

"But, we talked about this. You know we can't just be a couple in this bedroom."

The doberman nodded.

"I know that. And what I said? I only meant... the kind of stuff that we should just keep to the bedroom. Or the shower. Stuff like... this."

He reached out, and grasped the collie's semi-stiff cock in the fingers of one hand. Jesse gasped, and growled happily as Daryl began to stroke as he spoke.

"I'm sorry if I made you feel like I was ashamed of you. But... not any more. I want to be proud. Not just of my sexuality, but of... of you. Of my relationship. Of having a wonderful man in my life, who I love with all my heart. So... yeah. Let's keep this for here... but our relationship? I want everyone to see that."

Over and over again, Daryl kissed Jesse on the lips as he stroked the collie's cock under the flowing shower water. He murmured and whispered as he massaged the male's erection to full mast, and growled happily as he felt Jesse starting to happily, eagerly kiss him back between words.

"We should go out together. Ahh... d_-date_. We should hold hands. Mmmh... kiss on the... ah... the street. Share a dessert at dinner."

Pulling away from Jesse, Daryl turned around and bent over. He placed his palms against the shower's wall, and wiggled the stub of his tail temptingly at the collie, presenting his ass with obvious intent.

"All I ask, whatever I do in public, or in private to show that I'm proud to be who I am? A-ahh... Jesse... yes. All I ask, is that I get to do it with you."

By Jeeves

The Bet

This commission was written for pokemonmanic3595. It contains M/M sex between consenting (though reluctant! :o) adults! :3 **The Bet** "Hey baby." Leaning on the bar, grinning toothily and licking his lips, Daryl knew he was the hottest guy...

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Between Adventures

**Between Adventures** It was a good day. Sven's belly was full of ale and goose. His pack was heavy with gold, and the tavern table he was sharing with his fellow adventurers rang with the sounds of their triumphant laughter. The werewolf...

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First Time's the Charm

**First Time's the Charm** As Aura watched the last of his friends slip out of the bar, he raised his beer and nodded after them affectionately. The blue furred wolf sighed and settled back against the leather interior of the booth in which he was...

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