A Superior Defense: Chapter 2

Story by draconicon on SoFurry

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The adventures of Samuel and his heroic recruitment drive continue, this time dealing with some of the less legal representatives of society that have been affected by the waves.

If you like this story or generally want to send a little support to me, I can always use a bit of a tip at spencer-gorman@hotmail.com as this is my work.

If you want a story for yourself, please keep an eye on twitter (draconiconwrite) and my journals for updates about when I am open and what the costs of the commissions are.

Part 1: https://www.sofurry.com/view/1004229

Part 2: https://www.sofurry.com/view/1029236 (You are Here)

Part 3: https://www.sofurry.com/view/1054353

Part 4: https://www.sofurry.com/view/1054363

A Superior Defense Chapter 2: Fiendish Friends For Heru By Draconicon

It had been six months since he'd planted the idea of a stronger Guild in the mind of Mr. Marquez, known as Titan Tiger these days, and the feline superhero had taken to it with a will. Samuel smiled as he leaned against one of the local chapterhouses, flicking through the newspaper and checking all good things that they'd been credited with over the last few days. It was quite a list, everything from saving babies in burning buildings to handling hostage situations, and the papers did nothing to discredit their efforts. Quite a change from the way that comics handled superheroes, in the past.

It's a good start...but still just a start.

The cobra in disguise shook his head as he folded the paper back up, tucking it under his arm and walking down the street. His skill at disseminating and controlling information was even better than it was when he'd last met up with Titan Tiger, and he barely had to think to keep his disguise up as he walked down the street. As a result, he was free to think as he walked along.

The heroes are doing a lot of good. The public trusts them, the world is starting to trust them...but they're only buying time at the moment. Sooner or later, they're going to be seen as superfluous. People trusting the cops again, thinking that the heroes have too much power, that they aren't needed...

And they were, though he was the only one that knew that. The information he'd gleaned from the government before leaving it was clear about that. Isolated satellites had picked up information, communications sent in brief bursts from far-off energy sources, as well as the deaths of a few debated stars. Most of his superiors had dismissed it as the universe clarifying itself, that they were finally getting a grip on what they should have known a long time ago.

Samuel knew the truth. Samuel knew that they were coming.

If they were capable of star destruction, as he could only assume that they were from the information he'd seen, processed, and distilled for himself, then there was nothing on earth that could stop them. Only this new energy - spreading through the world like some radioactive waveform - seemed to have any hope. Transforming people, enhancing them, making them stronger and more clever and more capable than anything that came before...

And if the world decided that they were cool, but not really needed, it would all be for nothing.

There needs to be something here for them to be useful against. Not normal criminals, and not anything supernatural. It has to be something I can control. Something that can be held back, when needed, and unleashed when required...But -

A normal person would never have noticed, but he was not normal. Samuel's power worked as a scanner as much as a transmitter, and a burst of non-normal data filled his head. Someone flickering out of the visible light spectrum, sliding into the darkness, moving at a quicker speed than was physically possible. Heading towards him, reaching for his wallet.

He processed the information in a micro-second and grabbed at the space where the stranger's wrist would be. Of course, there was nothing visibly there when he closed his fingers around someone's wrist, but he knew it was there. He smiled as he squeezed a bit, feeling the muscles and tissue hidden from sight compress from his grip.

"I think you and I need to have a little chat..."

There was no sound from his new companion; doubtlessly the figure didn't want to give himself away so close to a Hand of Light chapterhouse, and was hoping that he could cut a deal. Perhaps he could, at that; Samuel was already coming up with a new idea.

It didn't take long to reach a nearby alley, and Samuel cast out a little bit of an illusion, altering the visual information flow to make it look like the alley was empty to anyone that was standing at the edge of it. That done, he finally let go of the stranger's wrist, and heard them pull back to the far side of the alleyway.

"I think it's time that you let me see you."

"How did you know I was there?"

"You aren't the only one with powers."

"But...but you can't use them when you're human! That's the rules."

"Who said that I'm human?"

The stranger didn't have an answer for that, and after a moment, dropped the invisibility. A rat popped into existence, almost as if he'd teleported in, barely dressed in anything more than rags. Samuel guessed that they'd been like that since he'd initially transformed, and he hadn't found a way to get anything more.

He put the newspaper down on a nearby trash can and held out his hand.

"My name is Samuel. May I ask yours?"


"Well, Dirk. I don't know how long you've been running around in rat-form, but I think you remember that the common courtesy when meeting another person is to shake their hand."

He waited patiently as the rat eyed his hand. He could feel the suspicion rolling off the rodent without using his powers in the slightest, and it took all the willpower he had to keep from smiling in amusement. If he wanted to do something, he didn't need to touch someone.

Eventually, Dirk took his hand, and they exchanged a short handshake. It was interrupted, of course, by the rat's hand darting close again, and Samuel grabbing it before it could slip into his pocket.

"I'd prefer to keep my wallet, all the same to you."

"What is that? You're not a speedster; you just...know."

"Information, Dirk. My life, these days, is information."

"What, like fortune-telling?"

"Not quite, but it can touch on it, at times."

He leaned back, debating on whether to drop his human form before dismissing the idea. It wasn't something that would benefit him right now. Currently, the rat was off-balance, and he had all the power in this case. If he was around someone like Hector, the tiger, he wouldn't have needed that. Around someone this jumpy, he needed to keep that sense of superiority. He doubted Dirk would respect much else.

The rat glanced down the alley, and he knew that his companion was thinking of bolting. He reached out and patted his shoulder.

"Don't worry. I'm not looking to turn you in to the police. At least, not yet. I have a little deal that I want to present to you."

"Yeah? Well, let me tell you something. I ain't into sucking dick to avoid jail time."

At that, Sam had to burst out laughing. He wrapped his hands around his stomach, letting out guffaw after guffaw at the rat's jump to that particular idea. As much as he enjoyed his time with other heroes, other powered individuals, he hadn't actually thought to make a deal like that with the rodent.

It wasn't a bad idea, of course, but it would only be a momentary pleasure that he could get at any other time. No, he needed something bigger, something better.

After about a minute of giggling, he slowly pulled himself back up. Thankfully, Dirk seemed more concerned that he was talking with a mad-man than looking to flee. Samuel cleared his throat, shaking his head a few times before pulling himself completely upright once more.

"That is hardly the deal that I wanted to make. But it is a little bit cold out here. How about we go to one of the cafes around here, get ourselves a bite to eat?"

"They ain't gonna serve a rat."

"And you can't change back?"

"I could, but why?" Dirk shrugged. "I'm stronger, faster, and better as a rat than I'd ever be as a human. When you got a power, you show it. You use it. So what if people can't stand it? That's their problem, not mine."

An interesting philosophy...and one I can work with. It wasn't the way that the heroes worked, that was for sure. They lived and worked in their normal, human bodies, from what he'd observed since the start of the Hands of Light, and used their anthro forms only when they were on patrol and using their powers. If Dirk felt differently...

The idea continued to percolate as Samuel shrugged.

"I can deal with that. Follow me."

It was a little more difficult to project specific information about two people than it was for one, and much different than putting up a blanket statement for people to observe. 'This alleyway is empty' was a lot less informationally complicated than 'Two people are sitting at this table, utterly human, average in all ways, slightly different in height', and all the other details that he had to cram into it.

It still amazed him that he could do it at all. A year ago, he wouldn't have been able to do anything like it for more than one person, and now, he barely had to focus to make it happen for two.

How much further will our powers grow? he wondered. If the others were growing as fast as he was, he wondered if the Titan Tiger would grow from invulnerable to immortal. Would the Flaming Fox go from a simple off-on fire switch to a perpetually burning torch? The constant acceleration of powers, getting stronger with each passing day, was certainly something to study, if anyone had the funds or the inclination.

He shook his head, pushing those ruminations away as he took a sip of his coffee. Dirk was too busy to talk at the moment, anyway, the rat shoveling down pancakes and waffles and an egg and bacon sandwich. The rat looked as though he'd been perpetually starved out on the streets, and perhaps he had been. The information flow told him that the rat was down to a hundred ten pounds, and for a male was at least five foot six, that wasn't exactly a high weight. Rats or human, one needed sufficient padding...

Samuel shook his head as a couple of heroes came in, putting one hand on the rat's to keep him from bolting. The heroes looked around, even coming to Samuel's table for a moment before walking on without asking anything.

Dirk shivered.

"I don't know what the hell you're doing, but it's better than my invisibility. What the hell? What the fucking hell?"

"Information, as I said. The flow of it is something I can control. What someone sees, what they hear, what they perceive, what they understand of the information out there; it all comes down to what I let them get."

"That's fucking creepy."

"I know. Dear gods, I know."

Samuel shook his head a few times, waiting until the heroes walked out of the café before turning his attention back to the rat.

"At any rate, I'm sure that you've been curious about what my little proposal would be."

"Yeah, and getting more and more worried that you're gonna want more than your dick sucked."

"If I did, would it be a problem?"

"Depends how much more you wanted. You got a little credit, man, but I ain't into that shit."

"Well, you shouldn't be too worried, then."

Samuel reached into one of his pockets, pulling out one of the many folders that he carried around with him. Ever since the world-spanning trip that he had taken a few years back, when he'd found the Titan Tiger and so many other people with super capabilities, he tried to keep as much information on him as possible. His brain was something of a super computer these days, but even it had storage limits, limits that were reached, purged, expanded, and reached again just by looking out at the world around him and getting all the data that it did.

He pulled out the file for the eastern side of the US, putting it down on the table and flicking through it. Dossiers of different individuals flicked by, some of them human, some of them animal. Dirk pulled back from the table, moving to the edge of his seat.

"You never said you had files..."

"I have them on everyone. Everyone that I've seen, everyone I've met, everyone that has a power. Including you, Dirk."

"You ain't seen me in your life."

"Is that right, Henry?"

The rat froze in place, and Samuel knew he had him. It had taken a little while for the name to come back to him, but he remembered Henry, Dirk's former human self. It about two months after finding the Titan Tiger, before he had actually seen the world evolve and begin to fill with heroes. Henry had been living on the edge of a park, homeless and alone. Samuel had marked him, left him with similar commands of obedience as he had Hector Marquez, and then left him to work his way forward. With a few hundred dollars for the day, at least; he hadn't been completely heartless, and the billionaire with a bad toupee hadn't needed that money anyway.

Henry - or, he supposed, Dirk, these days - slowly settled back into his chair. The rat shivered as Samuel passed the paper with his name over, the rodent picking it up and reading through it.

"How...how did you..."

"I found you a long time ago. We had a long talk, when you were still in New York City. I didn't think I'd find you down here in Charleston, but it does give us an interesting opportunity."

"I...who are you? I don't remember you...and I feel like I should."

"I told you. I'm Samuel. Though...you might remember me better as your 'master'."

The trigger word slipped through the cracks of the rat's brain, going deeper and deeper towards those hidden memories that Samuel had locked away all that time ago. It turned the key in the lock, and Dirk hissed as he suddenly remembered all that had happened that day. All that they talked about, and all that they did in the darkness of Central Park.

"You...That's why my ass was so sore that night..."

"Heh...I guess that was one thing to remember."


Despite the shock in the rat's voice, he was almost sure that he heard a little bit of admiration there. Probably from one criminal to another, in the rat's mind. He didn't know if he approved of that, but he could use it.

Samuel looked through the file as well. The information was all familiar now, but he started reading it off anyway.

"Henry Farnsworth, formerly of New York City, now of Charleston, a former stock broker that lost everything when the market collapsed. Currently homeless, and a thief when he can get away with it. Affected by the waveform, with likely transformative properties taking him towards the rodent species."

He paused, glancing up.

"That seemed as accurate as it could have been. Proclivities towards the illegal, and likely to turn into a small-time crook if not nudged towards a good path again."

"Yeah, well, didn't see you doing any of that nudging, did I?"

"There was a reason for that."

Taking the page and putting it back in its folder, Samuel took a deep breath.

"There's a bit of a long game going on at the moment. A game that I'm running, and I hope that I'm winning."

"Who are you playing against? Can't be government; another super?"

"Not quite. Aliens."


Way to go, Samuel. Spill that particular bombshell without any sort of preparation. He shook his head, holding a hand as Dirk started grumbling.

"Now, before you start -"

"Fucking hell, and here I was starting to take you seriously. Man, you can't go around talking about aliens. What if they hear you?"


"Ain't got much knowledge on the subject, but there's gotta be some of 'em out here, you know? All that weird shit that happens in the world, gotta be some explanation for it. Science sure as hell ain't got it, and I'm not going for that religious crap, either. Some all-powerful motherfucker wants to see me suffer? No thanks. Gotta be aliens, man. Gotta be."

He made a mental note to add something else to the file. Possible conspiracy theorist, he supposed, would be the proper thing to put down. Though considering the fact that the rat was closer to correct than he knew...

"There are no aliens on the world yet. But they are coming, and they might be sending agents out in the near future. That's why I need the world to be ready; that's the long game that I'm playing."

"Yeah, I bet. What're they doing that have you worried? Abducting people on other planets?"

"Blowing up stars."

Silence fell between the pair of them, with Samuel letting it sink in and Dirk slowly turning to look out the window. He could feel the rat's thought process, of thinking of what would happen if the sun blew up and the earth somehow didn't get taken out in the resulting explosion. It wasn't a pretty thought.

They remained quiet for a bit longer, long enough for Samuel to start feeling the mild strain of holding up the information illusion again. It wasn't so bad, yet, but it was starting to get a little bit more than he wanted to deal with.

"Do you need much longer, Dirk?"


"You've been thinking for a while. Perhaps we should have the rest of our conversation somewhere private."

"Yeah...Yeah, I think...I think I need a minute. Where -"

"Leave it to me."

They met up again on the top floor of a good hotel, all the way in the heart of the city. It wasn't as big of a fancy suite as he might have found further north, but it was a pretty nice one nonetheless. Samuel finally let the information block disappear around the rat, and immediately felt some of the stress fade from him. His own stayed up, of course, as he didn't want to reveal himself to Dirk just yet, but it was easier to maintain.

The rat flopped down on the edge of the couch in the main room, grumbling to himself as he stared at the ceiling.

"Fucking aliens. Never the good kind, you know? I mean, seriously. That much space, that much crap out there, and we always get the bad ones interested in our planet. What kinda shitty karma did we get to deserve this?"

"I wouldn't know. I only found out about it three years ago."

"Three years? So why the hell haven't we fucking heard anything about it?"

The rat sat up, glaring.

"Why ain't the government doing anything? They just sticking their thumbs up their asses and pretending it ain't out there?"

"In a manner of speaking. They didn't think that the extermination of stars was anything more than a glitch on their readings. I knew better than that."

"Yeah, well, at least someone's got their head on straight. So...Sam, huh?"



"Either Samuel, or I must push for 'master' again."

Dirk groaned.

"Fine. Samuel. You know what's going on out there. What's the actual fucking plan here?"

It was probably best to let the rat know, come to think of it. The heroes didn't have to know, as they were the sort that would take care of things as they came up. Even with his control of information, however, Samuel wanted to make sure that the other half of his plan was invested. After all, they would need it.

He sat down across from the rat, taking the other chair and folding his hands over his lap. He thought for a moment, and then let it out.

"My plan is to use the waveform to empower as much of humanity as I possibly can. It won't ever amount to more than five percent of the population -"

"That's pretty pathetic."

"Three hundred fifty million is hardly pathetic. But I don't think it will reach quite that many; perhaps as much as a hundred million people is our most likely number. Of that, I imagine another ten to twenty percent will not be able to handle their new powers, and either commit suicide or never touch them again, which brings us down to eighty million. Of that, there will likely be those that will use their powers wrongly and get caught, either becoming imprisoned or executed out of fear, which will bring us down - worldwide - to between seventy and seventy five million. And of that...

"Well, by the end of the mathematics, I'm hoping that we still have fifty million people in the world that have some power or another, and probably only half to two thirds will have a power that's combat-worthy. I know mine is on the verge of it, but not truly there. Yours...You have some potential. I believe it is invisibility and a speed boost?"

"Yeah, that's about right. Can't speed anyone else up, but if I really push, I can make other people invisible."

"I wondered. At any rate, my plan is to use those that are empowered by the waveform to form a home defense for the planet. You've probably noticed that the police and the rest of the law enforcement agencies have nothing in place to combat your abilities, and no one has come up with something to stop mine. The heroes of the Hands of Light are likewise leaps and bounds ahead of the curve, now that they've had time to develop their powers. When it comes down to it, anyone with an ability like this will be our only hope when the time comes."

Dirk nodded, leaning back.

"You saying that you want people like me to join those supers? You better have a better plan than that, man, because those shit-eaters are just shills for the government. Ain't nobody but you actually helped me out when I was down; I ain't throwing myself in the line of fire for them."

"You don't have to. I have the Hands of Light. Now I need the Hands of Darkness."

"...That's a comic book name, isn't it?"

"Yes, but it's turning into a comic book world, I believe."

"...Fuck, it is, isn't it?"

Sam nodded, and Dirk shook his head. The rat got up, walking over to the window of the hotel room. It was high enough up that he didn't bother throwing another illusion over him, but he did take a moment to enjoy the view. Dirk was distracted enough that he doubted the rat noticed when he started staring over that rounded, bottom-heavy figure that the rodent had, enjoying the way that the scraps of cloth barely hid anything down below.

There was a part of him that didn't like it, but he knew that he could make the rat bend over. All that time in the past, implanting the idea of him as the master, was something that he had done - ostensibly - to make sure that the heroes and the empowered folks would listen to his ideas. These days...these days, the temptation to use it for more was almost overwhelming.

And Dirk had a great ass. Fuzzy and round as it was, he could see the muscles in there, built up from hard living and lots of running around. That ass would be perfect to sink his cock into, and he could feel his arousal running down his leg, getting thicker and harder. He swore that it had grown with his powers, and the idea of his libido getting as strong as his abilities was not a comforting thought.

He was just starting to reach down and grab himself when the rat turned around. Stopping himself in the nick of time, he crossed his legs as Dirk sat down.

"So...why me?"


"Why are you telling me this? I'm a street rat. I'm a thief. Ain't like I got a lot of connections, or anything like that."

"Oh, you mean why I'm coming to you about the Hands of Darkness idea?"

"Uh huh."

"Well, when it boils down to it, you're right. You're not the most powerful guy on the block. You're not someone that is particularly connected, and you're not someone that would be able to force people to stay in line. But there is something very important about you, something that I need at the head of the Hands of Darkness."

"Yeah? Still think you're looking at the right rat, when I haven't even gotten a good enough score to get off the streets?"

"I am. Because I know one thing that nobody else does. What happened in the market crash...wasn't your fault."

Dirk blinked, and he felt a sudden rush of confusion and some strange relief coming off of the rat. He leaned forward, putting one hand on the rat's.

"You didn't screw the world up. As much as you were blamed for it, as much as you worked to make money for yourself and make the world easier for you, you didn't screw that up. You were damn good at your job, and you knew the way to work the system in a way that nobody else did. The people above you screwed up, not you.

"And it's because you know how to do your job AND benefit yourself, that you know how to get things done while gaming the system, that I need you on top. Other people, I'd have to keep an eye on all the time. Forcing them to do what I need, forcing them to stay in line. With you, I know that you'll be causing mischief without me looking, but you won't go over the line. You know what's at stake. You know what we need."

"...And you think I can do that?"

"With a little help, yeah."

"Fuck...That's heavy, man."

"Well, it's a heavy life. But someone's gotta do it, or -"

"Or we're all gonna die in a super explosion. Yeah, I got that part."

"So...do we have a deal? You'll work as the head of the Hands of Darkness, and I won't hand you in to the Hands of Light?"

"Ain't got much choice...and besides, I've always wanted to order a big group around. Heh. Gonna get some big scores, these days."

And give the heroes something that only they can handle, too. With two of them, both controlled, I can ensure that they never become obsolete. They will both be around until the invasion, and with the rest of the world supporting them...

He smiled. Things were slowly coming together. He started to stand up, and groaned as he did. Something rather hard was still prodding at him, still begging for attention, and he hadn't configured his information shield to hide it. Dirk chuckled.

"Looks like you were thinking of another deal. Man, and I thought some of the heroes were fucking hung...How much of that is you and how much your illusion, man? How much you packing, for real?"


He supposed there was no harm in letting the rat see him for real, now that the deal was made. Letting the shield drop, he turned from Samuel the black man to Samuel the cobra, a two-legged, scaly snake that stood very tall, and very slender. His body had slimmed down further, becoming lithe and lean, with the only bulk in his arms and shoulders rather than in the rest of his body. A tail that was as long as he was tall slid out of his spine, running down along the floor and resting behind him, even as his toes dug into the carpet.

The biggest rip in the illusion was the way that his cock was finally let free, flopping out from non-existent pants and pointing upwards. It was...massive, to put it mildly. When he'd been to see Titan Tiger, he'd been fourteen inches long. Somehow, it had continued to grow in that time, reaching up to eighteen. A full foot and a half of cock meat, and throbbing, thick, and starting to drip from being exposed.

And as Samuel let the information free, he felt a new burst of it from the rat. Dirk whistled, and the cobra saw that his latest helper was getting rather...full, at least in terms of sheath-size and arousal. He smiled.

"I can't help but wonder if you're admiring me for size...or for something else."

"Hey, just because I said I didn't swing that way..."

"I wonder. Are the memories of your 'master' coloring your judgment?"

A shiver ran down the rat's body, and he saw the tip of Dirk's dick start poking out, getting harder at the simple phrase. He smiled, unable to help himself as he took a step closer, hi giant cock nudging the rat along the cheek due to their height differences.

"I think you want your 'master' back, Dirk. I think you want to bend over the couch and feel him using you again. I think you want your 'master' to show you where you belong, and give you a reason to serve him."

"Mmmph...fuck...what did you -"

"Do you want to serve your 'master', Dirk?"

The rat groaned, his cock completely slipping free of his sheath. Like Samuel, he was bigger than most men, hung with eight inches from his sheath, but he was too needy to pay attention to it. Dirk turned around, resting his hands against the back of the couch and pushing his ass up in the air.

It was big, and round, and all sorts of perfect. Samuel's hands moved almost without his consent, grabbing hold of those brown-furred cheeks and pulling them apart. A tight little pucker, tiny compared to what he'd seen on his tiger servant, twitched and begged for attention, and he smiled.

"'Master' will give you what you need."

The rat's moan started low, but jumped high as the cobra leaned in. His tongue flicked out, carrying the scent and taste of that musky, bitter, hot hole back to him. It flooded his mouth and mind with the utter heat of a man's ass, of the need that was coming from it, of the hot, sweaty work that the rat did every day.

He needed it. He needed to use it, to have his cock buried in it, to see it oozing his cum.

His libido taking over, Samuel leaned in and started dragging his tongue over that hole, licking it, lapping it with his narrow, forked tongue. Each tongue carried a bit more of that hot tang of sweat and hole back to his mouth, and his cock throbbed all the harder for it, starting to drip on the couch.

The rat's tail wrapped around the back of his head the way a porn star's legs would wrap around their partner, begging for more. He was happy to oblige, grinding his tongue against that twitching hole, dragging his spit over it. Each lick left it a bit shinier than the last, and he grinned as he watched it slowly loosen up, opening up a little with each successive tongue swipe.

He grabbed the rat's ass tight, pulling Dirk flush against his face, holding him still as he dragged his tongue hard across that hole, feeling it giving against his tongue. Lick, lick, lick he went, and he felt the soft, pink flesh give in a bit further, depressing, letting his tongue push it down. He was almost in. Almost -

And then, on his next lick, his tongue slipped inside. Dirk gasped at the feeling, and Samuel grinned, his fingers curling tight and squeezing those muscled ass cheeks.

"I think you're ready...ready for 'master's' cock."

"Yes...please...fuck me..."

If I can even fit, his logical part thought. He was almost hung like a horse now, huge and dripping, but he felt like it was possible. The rat was eager enough, and he'd left enough spit around the hole for the initial insertion, at least. And with how much he was leaking...

He pushed the thick head of his shaft against that twitching pucker, feeling it squeezing down on him already, 'kissing' his cock with the rat's need. Dirk squirmed, pushing back, and he felt the rim stretch. It pushed against him, squeezing like a pair of lips as it tried to swallow the head of his shaft, begging for it, the rat grunting and panting...but he wasn't strong enough to push back, not loose enough to let it just slide in.

Groaning in frustration, Samuel grabbed that bald tail and started tugging back, using it as a lever to get some better leverage. His cock groaned, the pressure against the head trying to bend it, but he was too rigid for it to happen. That hot, wet asshole was begging for him, and he pushed, grinding against it. The head slipped in a bit, swallowed, teased with the heat on the other side, but the size difference...

No, I need this. I need this! he groaned, and like before, he reached out with his powers. This time, not to the rat's mind - already so conditioned, already so bent to his will - but to his body, altering the information there.

Open the hole. The information isn't hard. The information is loose. The hole is loose. The hole can take any size. It will open like a toy, and close like a fist. Need it. Need it.

And just like that, his cock slid forward. His eyes almost bugged out of his head as he went from being unable to slide in to slamming in up to the hilt in one move. Dirk's soft gasp of shock was silenced as the cobra went mad, desperately thrusting in and out, his arms wrapped around the rat's middle and feeling the bulge of his massive cock slamming in further than it was ever meant to go.

He barely cared. His need had gone so high, been ignored for too long that he needed to get off any way that he could. Samuel panted in Dirk's ears, his cock throbbing in that ass, feeling it loosen every time he slammed in, and tighten every time he pulled out. It was loud, wet, and lewd, and he could feel the rat twitching and gasping beneath him.

The cobra's hood spread out, forming a shading, concealing cover above their heads as Samuel whispered.

"You are Master's servant...you will serve him...work for him...do whatever he asks."

"I will do...whatever you ask...master..."


"Serve, fuck, and obey..."

Some part of him wondered what was happening, how he was losing so much control, but his lust was too strong. The cobra pushed the rat to his limits, pinning him against the back of the couch. The rodent's ass was nothing more than a cocksleeve for him at this point, sucking up his shaft and taking it as far as it could go. He felt his balls slowly pulling up, and he panted as he sped up, getting so close, so -


He rammed himself in, holding his cock deep inside of the rodent, feeling his cum shooting out like water from a fire hose. He felt the rat twitching below him, felt his hands getting soaked in cum, but he didn't care. His relief was the important thing at that moment.

After cumming for almost a minute, and feeling the rat bloating up from the sheer volume of his cum, Samuel slowly pulled out. He panted heavily, his cock drenched in cum, but what shocked him was what he saw before him.

Dirk was completely out of it, twitching, drenched in the juices of his own orgasm, with his hole looking like it had been utterly wrecked. It was slowly closing, but it was gaping from the fuck, and a steady flow of cobra cum oozed out of it. Samuel stared, unable to believe how much he'd lost control...even though they'd both enjoyed it.

The information flow told him that Dirk would be okay, though he'd be about an hour recovering enough to be able to think at all. Hoping that was right, Samuel pulled a few folders out - other supers that should be amenable to working in a group here in Charleston - and put them on the table for Dirk to read.

Then he took his leave, wondering if his control over his lust would get worse as his powers got stronger. He honestly didn't know, and he was afraid...and still damnably hard.

The End

A Superior Defense: Chapter 3

A Superior Defense Chapter 3: Normality's Last Gasp For Heru By Draconicon _Being enhanced like this...isn't what I expected._ Samuel took a few deep breaths, trying to keep his attention on the television, trying to keep his focus on...

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Chapter 2: The Modern Era

Chapter 2: The Modern Era For FriskeCrisps By Draconicon With almost all of his parents' collection sent off to the four winds, and who knew how many dangerous artifacts let loose in the world, Crisp wasn't surprised that he hadn't slept....

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Chapter 1: Magical Mishaps for Clueless Crisp

Magical Mishaps for Clueless Crisp For FriskeCrisps By Draconicon _Well, that was a...a thing._ Crisp shook his head as he stepped out of the limousine, his butler - or rather, his parents' butler - helping him out with the number of...

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