Other Options - Part 3

Story by Magna Vulpes on SoFurry

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#3 of Other Options

Have you ever met known someone for only a short period of time, but felt like you've known them your entire life? And have you ever been so close to someone that you wanted to see them all the time everyday? That's how I was feeling about my "friend with benefits", Mickey Collins. We'd only met a month ago, but we had seen each other every single day in that time period. Maybe other people wouldn't believe it, but it wasn't even about the sex--fun as that usually was--I simply loved being around him, talking to him. We watched movies together, went out to eat, went bowling again--only this time I did much better than our first match, but still failed to beat that fox. We talked on the phone, emailed each other. He even transferred his gym membership to mine so we could workout together. I was having tons of fun with this guy.

Weekends were always the best. I either went over to his place, or he came to my apartment in the morning. We'd have breakfast together, get undressed and suck each other off, watch some TV and then try to decide what we wanted to do for the rest of the day. Mickey was always so sweet, letting me pick what we wanted to do, but I always made sure to ask him if he really wanted to do those things. He was so easy going, I wondered at times if he even had a will of his own, though as soon as I let those thoughts creep into my mind, he'd make some wise crack. Man, he had a great sense of humor, always making me laugh, more than any girl I'd ever been with.

Saturday morning I went over to Mickey's. I have no idea why he told me that I had a "lovely place" the first time we met. He lived in a much nicer place than me--a bigger place too. Since his room mate had moved out, he now had two bedrooms all to himself, the smaller one he turned into his office, moving his desktop computer and desk in there. Of course, I helped with that. His place was always clean, tidy and smelled nice, and it looked particularly grand when I came over that morning.

"Hey," he said, opening the door for me. "Got bacon and eggs on the stove."

"I can smell 'em," I said. "You foxes sure like eggs, don't you?"

"That we do," he said, returning to the kitchen to resume his culinary duties.

I laid down on the couch, resting my head on one of the pillows he kept on each side of that piece of furniture. Turning my head, I watched the television, seeing the morning news. Usual weekend media bullshit--couple of shootings in the bad part of town, probably drug and or gang related, upcoming social events to bring the community together,, the weather, and finally, brief descriptions of national events. I sat up when I saw Mickey bring me a plate full of bacon and a little bit of eggs--he'd taken the lion's share of those, which was just fine by me. He sat down and we commenced to eating and talking.

"Glad it's Saturday?" I asked, chewing on my bacon.

"Am I,' answered Mickey. "Been working like crazy on cases. That's the life of a paralegal."

"You every do any research for the cases at home?" I asked.

"Nope," he said, taking a drink from his glass of orange juice. "Although I could, but the firm would have to pay me an overtime rate."

"They'd pay you for working at home?" I asked.

"They'd better," he said, putting his glass back down. "Lawyers charge by the hour. Why shouldn't paralegals?"

"Valid point," I said, taking another bite of bacon. "You ever think about going to law school."

"Sometimes," he said before emitting a lengthy sigh. "Not sure if I want to spend the time or money to do it is the problem--then I've got to pass the bar exam."

"Heard that's difficult," I said, moving on to my mug of coffee.

"Very difficult," he said, nodding. "Not sure if I could pass it."

"I'm sure you could," I said. "You're a smart guy."

"Thanks," he said, giving me a smile. I loved to see him smile like that.

We finished our breakfast. I helped Mickey clean up the kitchen, just as he would do for me had we been at my place. Clean up here was usually a quicker task since he actually had a dishwasher. A dishwasher! I could scarcely believe that an apartment would have such a useful device. I thought about all the time that would save me if I had one. Oh well, no point in complaining about something I knew I wasn't going to get. With cleanup out of the way, Mickey started to head to his bedroom, but I had other plans.

"Hey," I said.

He stopped, turned around and looked at me. "Yeah?"

"I was thinking we could do something different today," I said.

"Like what?" he asked.

Oh, this was certainly going to be different, and kind of hard to ask him. "Um . . . all we've been doing is oral, right?"

"To the best of my recollection," he said, shooting me that smirk of his.

"So . . . would you, um . . . would you let me fuck you today?"

I saw his face perk up at my request. "Of course," he said.

"Cool," I said.

I followed him back to his bedroom. Not only did he have a bigger apartment than me, he had a bigger bedroom and even a bigger bed. I looked at the king size bed, thinking about the fun we'd experience on their, and the fun we were about to have. He pulled the curtains shut, completely blocking out the sunlight coming from the east. Almost in total darkness, I flicked the light switch on and we went about undressing. Of course, I had to get a glimpse of that cute butt of his like I always did. Inwardly, I laughed, thinking about how better I would get to know that part of him really soon. We didn't get on the bed right away, as Mickey was busy getting the stuff we'd need to go through with this. He went over to his dresser, pulling out a box of condoms and what must have been a tube of lubricant. Just guessing about the second one since I'd never seen one before. He rummaged around through the box of condoms, which appeared to be not a single brand and size, but some amalgamation of various kinds. He pulled an individually wrapped condom that I noticed read "extra large" on it.

"Hope this one works for you, big guy," he said snickering. "Like I told you before, never had somebody as hung as you before."

"I'm sure it'll be fine," I said, unwrapping the paper package.

"I'm sure I'll be needing this today," he said, holding up what was indeed a tube of lubricant.

I looked down to see that my cock was still flacid. I put the condom, still unfurled down on the stand next to his bed. "Might need your assistance with this," I said, pointing down at my dick. "You wanna . . ."

"I'll help with that," he said, coming over and kneeling down.

As I expected, once he worked my cock in his mouth, it didn't take long before I was hard enough to get suited up. Letting my dick slide out of his mouth, he picked up the condom, moving it down on my cock as he lubed it up with one paw, the other one was busy applying more lube on the rim of his tailhole. Just by his facial expression, I could tell that he'd been wanting to do this for sometime now, but his laid back nature and his promise to me to take things at the pace I desired prevented him from doing so. With the latex shield over my cock, I watched him stand up, grinning at me, but there were some questions I had.

"What position is the best for doing this?" I asked, feeling foolish. Okay, time for another confession. Out of all the girls I'd fucked in my life, I'd never once tried anal. Never. Wasn't like I had anything against it, but oral and vaginal were always so delightful to me that I never thought to ask to try it.

"I usually like laying on my back," said Mickey, getting on the bed. "That work for you?"

"It should," I said, not sounding too confident. "Let's give it a try."

I climbed on the bed, seeing Mickey lift his legs into the air to allow me access to his rear. Kneeling, I grabbed hold of his legs and moved them apart a little more than they already were. I'm a big guy, so it was necessary. Moving his tail to the side, I guided my cock into his love tunnel, conscious not to overdo it, as he had told me it had been a while since anyone had taken him there. Looking down, I saw him close his eyes, maybe from the pain of me entering him, maybe from pleasure, or perhaps a combination of the two. Grabbing a hold of his sides, I let more of my girth be pushed into him. Holy shit, he was tight! I could have kicked myself right then and there, but kicking yourself when you're trying to fuck someone in the ass is both difficult and counterproductive. So, I ever so gently managed to shove my entire cock into his ass. I looked down at him again, seeing that he was clearly enjoying this. Good, I was too.

With finesse, sensitivity and a measured rhythm, I fucked him, very slowly at first, as I was still worried that I might send him to the emergency room, or maybe that was just me suffering from delusions of grandeur. Whatever the case was, I built up my speed, hearing Mickey whimper as I went to work. I could feel myself growing closer to him, more than ever before. Still thrusting, I moved down, getting closer to his face. His reddish brown body fur and white chest fur looked just perfect combine with his sapphire blue eyes. I'd never seen a set of eyes like that on anyone before, male or female. Without realizing it, our muzzles were getting closer and closer. We locked eyes, panting, sweating. He looked into my brown eyes as he continued whimpering from what I was doing to him. I couldn't take my eyes away from him. He was just so . . . I can't even think of the words for it. He was just like no one I'd ever been with in my life, not because he was the first guy I'd ever fucked. It was more than that. As I moved my cock in and out of his tight butt, gazing into his eyes, I couldn't take my mind off of just how much time we'd been spending together; almost to the point where we were spending all of our free time together. Lost in those thoughts, without warning, it happened. I saw it coming but for some reason, did nothing to stop it. Opening his mouth wide, Mickey took his tongue and licked at my face. We'd done a lot together, but we'd never kissed, as this was just sex between friends. Part of me wanted to tell him to stop, as I didn't feel comfortable with what he was doing, but I liked being with him so much, I couldn't do it. At that point, I closed my eyes, pretending it wasn't happening, but it was. I sped up my pace, trying to get reach orgasm. Mickey had been pulling on his cock, and was now spraying cum all over himself. Finally, grunting, I shot my load into the latex condom and pulled out quickly, but not so fast as to traumatize my smaller sex partner. Putting his legs back down on the bed, Mickey watched me pull the condom off and toss it in the wastebasket on the other side of the bed.

"Damn," he said. "That was . . . great."

"Uh, yeah," I said, feeling very uncomfortable by this point. "Look, I'm . . . I'm not feeling well."

"What's wrong?" he asked, sounding genuinely concerned.

"I . . . I don't know," I said, trying like hell to put my clothes on as quickly as possible. "Think I'll head out."

"Johnny," he said, getting off the bed. "Did I do something to upset you?"

"No," I said, snapping at him, then saying it again in a hopefully calmer tone. "No, I just think I'm getting sick. See you soon."

I couldn't even look at him as I made a dash for the door, practically slamming it behind me as I left. I didn't even bother using the elevator, choosing instead to run down the three flights of stairs and out to the parking lot where my car was at. I hopped in and started it up, quickly pulling out of the parking lot, driving as fast as the speed limit would allow. When I got home, I got into my apartment, closing and locking the door behind me. I ran to my room, throwing myself on the bed and burying my face in a pillow. I sobbed like crazy, unable to believe what I had done. I was fooling myself about everything that was going on between me and Mickey, and I was going to have to tell him the truth sooner or later.

Other Options - Part 4

My cell phone kept ringing and dinging, getting calls and texts from Mickey. Still lying in bed sobbing, I didn't answer any of his attempts to contact me. How could this have happened to me? Three girlfriends in four years, and now I had royally...

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Other Options - Part 2

I woke up Sunday morning and made myself some coffee. Listening to the coffee percolating, I decided to fry up some bacon. Okay, so I was into eating healthy, but bacon was just one of my few vices. As I heard the bacon sizzling in the pan, I breathed...

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Other Options - Part 1

I went from being heartbroken, to just beingplain pissed off. How in the hell did this keep happening to me? I just didn't get it at all. In the span of four years, I'd managed to lose three girlfriends, all of whom cheated on me. Unbelievable....

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