Romance by the Lake(Illustrated story!)

Story by Cheetahs on SoFurry

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Writing is not only my greatest passion, but also my primary source of income, so please consider supporting me by getting a commission(click for info) orpledging on Patreon(click for link) to help more awesome stories come to life ^^

**This is an illustrated YCH story I have done in collaboration with my friend, The Secret Cave**

Description: Six, a playful and compassionate quilava, decides to get overly friendly with his dragon friend before they part ways.

Characters belong to their respective owners, namely Six and Rin-U

Art is done by The Secret cave:

Story is written by me, avatar?user=312237&character=0&clevel=2 Cheetahs

Romance by the Lake

Six found Darou by the lake, peering into the waters like he did every morning. He was so absorbed in his meditation that the quilava was able to sneak up on him, one silent footstep at a time.

Darou was an interesting fellow with even more interesting features. Every day, Six noticed more about his body, details that had eluded him for the past few days, like his peculiar feet, splayed and possessing a backwards facing toe akin to an eagle's gripping foot. His impressive wings were also stretched far to the sides, covered with a soft layer of fur, excellent for flying and gliding. The fur grew slightly thicker around his wing arms and digits to provide additional warmth, most likely.

The fur on his chest had a distinct beige nuance to it. A luxurious dark blue mane extended along his spine, gradually shortening and fading towards the tip of that long, powerful tail. It also spilled over his shoulders, narrowing towards his belly and continuing towards the top of his chest and throat, resembling a thick leonine ruff. Although his voice had given off his gender, Six had yet to catch a glimpse of the dragon's elusive penis. It must have been tucked within that elongated slit, surrounded by two pairs of pointed teats, not quite plump, yet neither unnoticeable.

With four arms and a set of wings, Darou was certainly a striking presence. He could have lived in a city, take servants to cook for him, entertain him, even hunt with him. Instead, he preferred the chirping of birds over the cacophony of town or village, the advantages of a civilized life failing to excite him as much as they excited Six.

All of his life, the quilava wished for nothing more than to indulge in every pleasure the world had to offer. His quest had carried him around the known world. He traveled alone or in the company of wandering clans, traders, even warriors at times. It didn't take long for Six to grow bored with their predictable routes, so instead, he had decided to venture into the wilderness, to travel through the less known routes. This is how he discovered Darou's little grove, with its mesmerizing lake and moss covered boulders.

"You're leaving, then?" Darou asked, eyes still closed.

Six perked his ears, surprised that his companion noticed his presence. "Three days in the same place is more than I can handle. There is so much to see, so many foods to taste, such interesting creatures and people to meet."

His keratin spikes raised half-way up as the quilava's excitement grew. "There is a town five days' worth of walk from here called Hargeith, teeming with silvercats from the eastern mountains. The townsfolk appreciate them for their intelligence, and even allowed them to come into town and leave as they please."

"Silvercats? I never heard of them."

"Because you don't put your wings to good use!" Six bumped his head into Darou's thigh, giving him a gentle nuzzle that the dragon ignored, as if it never happened.

Six sighed, Darou licked his snout apprehensively, and they both stared at each other for a moment, vermilion eyes bearing into emerald ones.

"Look, I like to think myself as your friend. I shared your territory, your straw bedding, your food and your water. We joked, we laughed, and I had a wonderful time by your side, so whatever I say, I say with utmost confidence that you will interpret it as a friendly advice, nothing more."

He even lowered his spikes flat across his back and swung his ears backwards, if only to give Darou ample reason not to doubt him. It seemed odd to him, how an imposing being like Darou preferred to keep to himself when he had been blessed with a dragon's body, along with the gift of flight.

"I...I understand," Darou said, looking sideways for a brief moment to summon enough courage to ask, "Why are they called silvercats?"

That was more like it!

Six raised his head, adopting an orator's stance. "My dear friend, silvercats have not a single white hair in their coat. It is their eyes that are white, and since the first thing you notice about a predator are its eyes, then you can understand why the folk gave them that name. The felines themselves prefer to be called Moon Wardens, Moon Wards, or something along the lines. I suppose I'll find more about them soon."

"You will," Darou said absently, gaze skipping towards the bloody lake, as if he was in love with the waters. "I wish you safe travels, Six."

Safe travels, was it? The quilava smirked at that. Safe meant dull, ordinary, predictable. Being ambushed by hill tribes was far more exhilarating. Why, he might even put his spikes and fire powers to good use!

"Can't you come with me?" Six asked, hoping--wishing--that Darou's curiosity to discover new things would win over his constant doubt.

"I'll hunt for you. I'll scout ahead to make sure we don't run into trouble, and I'll be the most pleasant traveling companion you ever had."

If anything, the offer at least made Darou smile and turn to face Six, lower arms thrust into his hips, upper ones twiddling their fingers. "I...I can't Six, I'm sorry. I prefer to do things in my own way, in my own time."

"Fair enough. You'll only have to suffer my company for a few more minutes then. I'll set off as soon as I figure out a way to remove the damn pine needles that got stuck between my spikes."

He shook his body, rolled around, and tried his hardest to make this display both genuine and effective in giving Darou glimpses of his wiggling little sack and sheath. He didn't really have a pine needle problem, nor was Darou as impassive to Six' gender as he had led Six to believe. The best things in life started off with innocent lies, and before long, Darou offered to do the only thing a dragon in his position could: to give Six a helping hand before this escalated into an even more awkward situation.

"Bless you, my friend," Six purred, burying his head into one of Darou's reluctant hands while the other two probed between his spikes, reaching all the way to their base in his attempt to alleviate the quilava of his discomfort.

From up close, Darou's fragrance invaded Six' senses. Musk wafted from his slit, sharp and fragrant, mixed with a subtler, sweeter touch, similar to that of a female. His curiosity roused, Six inched his muzzle closer to Darou's slit, inhaling the pleasant scent that tickled his shaft in all the right ways. It coaxed it to grow, the tapered, flesh colored member enlarging, thickening, throbbing with desire, its abrupt movements making Darou yelp and stagger a step back, speechless.

"I...I'm sorry if I made you uncomfortable. I just wanted to, you know, help..." he trailed off as he glimpsed Six' erection. He scratched at his mane with one hand, fondled an ear with another, and smoothed the fur along his chest with the remaining pair, battling the urge to touch the teats lining his slit, even though his instinct--or desire--urged him to. His tail flicked back and forth, and before he turned his back to Six due to shame, the quilava glimpsed two green snakes slithering their way out of his sex.

Darou no longer smelled like the forest. He smelled of loneliness, of pent-up desire that he desperately wished to quench. Most bipedal beings wouldn't bat an eye at a feral's erection, but Darou...well, Darou seemed both perplexed and embarrassed by this outcome, a cute reaction for an ever cuter companion.

"You can't ever make a feral uncomfortable. We're all show-offs, in the truest sense of the word," Six said, hoping that a little humor might open Darou up to the possibilities.

It didn't. The dragon brought his wings around himself, throwing Six sporadic glances to make sure that the quilava didn't come any closer to him.

"Weren't you supposed to leave? Whatever got stuck between your spikes is gone. I...took care of it."

And such altruism made Six want to take care of Darou as well! He only needed to find a proper way past the barriers Darou had erected around his mind.

"I'm grateful for your help, Darou, and if you want me to go, I'll go. Say the words, and I'll bid you farewell."

Just like Six expected, the words stuck in Darou's throat. He wanted to say them. He tried to, with every fiber of his being, but the burden of loneliness prevented him from doing so. It must have been weeks, maybe even months, since Darou had any real company. Of course he grew to like and appreciate the time he had spent with Six!

"I..." Darou let out an audible sigh and then turned to face Six, his cocks gone, swallowed by his genital slit once again. "I do not want you to go. Not like this. Not because I rush you to. When you'll go, it will happen after we say proper goodbyes to one another."

I wonder what proper goodbye he has in mind, Six thought as he padded closer to the dragon, who lounged on his side by the lake, tail flung over his privates. He watched the ripples dancing across the water's surface once again, seeking its serenity.

"I'm not...accustomed to this sort of company, Six. People come, and people go. Too few are the ones who stay, and even fewer those who wish to know me. I guess you can understand why I am, at times, overwhelmed by this sort of attention."

Six understood his point, but that didn't mean he would take it easy on Darou. The quilava made sure to circle his friend, stopping in front of him, well aware of the erection dangling between his legs. It sparked his amusement, to watch Darou try to look anywhere but at his cock and fail in quite the spectacular fashion. For all the restraint bipedal beings boasted, they still had their own curiosities, their own cravings, to deal with, and it seemed that Darou took quite the interest in feral anatomy.

"You shouldn't feel overwhelmed. Not with a feral. Not with a friend. I have traveled far and wide, and have seen every cock and pussy of every species in existence. Been inside a fair number as well. So, as you can see..." Six began approaching Darou, one methodical footstep at a time, "I grew accustomed to all sorts of species and personalities."

"And you have lost all of your shame in the process," Darou said, his wings tensing up, his toes curling inwards ever so slightly.

"Can't lose that which I never had to begin with. It is a most tedious affair, for a feral to cover their privates, and yet, there are those who go to such great lengths to preserve their dignity. Isn't that crazy?"

Darou smiled. He planted his lower pair of hands against the ground, shifting onto his back, wings slowly unraveling to reveal his body. That stubborn tail still concealed that one particular spot which drew Six closer and closer, but the quilava knew it wouldn't be much longer until Darou finally submitted to the fire raging within him, to the pent-up desire that he desperately wanted to spill in its pure, liquid form.

"I don't mind walking around naked, if that's what you imply."

"No, my friend, but you do seem to mind being naked in the presence of someone you started to trust," Six countered.

Darou might not admit it, but his rapid breathing gave him away, as did the scent creeping past his tail. It might have shielded his slit from sight, but it did a poor job at masking the scent of arousal. Six' member hardened with purpose, the few throbs rushing through it reminding him of how much he desired to be inside a warm, wet shelter.

What he desired even more, however, was to ease Darou into it, to gain his trust, and in the process, to shower him with the affection he deserved.

Six started by attuning a soft purr, gently nuzzling the dragon's toes, maintaining eye contact as his muzzle glided up his leg. Conflicted as ever, Darou's first instinct was to pull his leg back, but Six went for his other leg, chuckling softly as he was met with the same reaction.

"What are you afraid of? I'm smaller than you. Certainly less intimidating."

"It's not--it's not fear!" Darou said, louder than Six expected. "It's just...why are you doing this?"

"You know why. Your body knows why. The quicker you accept it, the easier it becomes. It's not like I'm your first."

"There have been others, yes..." Darou's voice softened, acquiring a wistful touch. "But things never escalated like they do now!"

"See? Nothing to worry about!"

Instead of waiting for Darou to open himself up to the possibilities, Six snuck between the dragon's legs and placed his forepaws upon two of those miniature breasts, squeezing the nipples between his toe pads.

A low, rumbling growl wormed its way out of Darou's throat. The dragon's toes fanned, his body splaying on the ground, torso propped up by the elbows of his lower pair of arms, so that he could give Six the mother of all snarls.

"That doesn't seem very threatening, nor convincing," Six said, swirling his forepaws around the curious formations, running his pads over the stiff, dark colored nipples, more erect and receptive than the quilava anticipated. It only took gentle caress, coupled with a few soft squeezes, to get Darou growling a different tune, the wrinkles of his snout smoothing visibly, replaced by a mask of longing.

"You like it, eh? I don't suppose many of your lovers paid attention to this part of you." To get his point across, Six shifted to the other pair of breasts, kneading at them, trapping those hard nipples within the soft embrace of his paw pads, squeezing them hard enough to elicit a howl of pleasure from Darou.

The quilava smirked inwardly as Darou stretched his legs to the sides, his tail slowly unraveling, so that Six had full control over the dragon's body. He wished his companion would just lie back and enjoy his ministrations, but since Darou insisted to watch, that left the quilava with no choice but to attack Darou's most vulnerable parts.

His forepaws still pressed against a pair of teats, Six' nose trailed along Darou's slit, sniffing in the powerful aroma that fettered his senses and stoked his lust. He wanted nothing more than to slip his tongue through those fleshy folds and drag a cock out of its hiding, but that was far too bold a move for now. No, what Six needed to calm Darou's frayed senses was to press his muzzle against the middle of his slit, the source of the female fragrance, and rub it slowly, gently, allowing the shudders creeping through Darou's slit to dictate the pace.

Six had only been with a handful of herms so far, and nothing mellowed one down like a quality touch where it mattered. Darou's receptiveness was greatly amplified by the time lapses between his matings, which must have been great indeed. After half a minute of mere nuzzles, Darou's slit moistened like that of a female in heat, the dragon's shuddering body begging for Six to give his clenching muscles the relief of inserting something solid between them.

As much as Six wanted to put another part of him in there, the quilava closed his eyes and slid his tongue into the clamping depths, slurping away the copious amounts of translucent fluid. Upon penetration, Darou gritted his teeth, his back arching, two hands clenching into fists while the others raked along the ground. His slit quaked around Six' little tongue, the constant shudders rippling through the hot depths emboldening him to keep going.

Soon enough, Six' erection slipped at the back of his mind, the quilava overtaken with the desire to show his beloved friend the meaning of pleasure. He swirled and twisted his tongue within Darou's crevice, collecting the honey off those smooth, silky walls and swallowing every drop of it. Meanwhile, his forepaws were hard at work on Darou's breasts, switching between them, grabbing and squeezing his nipples with grips of various intensities.

He only stopped when Darou's growls grew too thin, and his muscles too taut, to keep going.

"P--please," the dragon begged. "I'm...I feel so close. Keep...keep going."

Six withdrew his tongue, rolling it along his muzzle to collect the thin yet sticky juices clinging to his face.

"It's too early, my dear. Don't rush it. I can give you so much more than this."

Darou's look turned to surprise, followed by disbelief, culminating with a smile that bordered on a grin. His arms gave in, sending his back crashing onto the ground, his breath labored, his eyes sparkling with a fire that challenged Six to do his utmost to see his companion well satisfied.

"That's right. Lie down. Don't even look. Just feel," Six advised Darou. Whether he heeded his words or not, Six couldn't tell, as his focus shifted towards the twin cocks sprouting from the upper part of Darou's slit, their green color dulled down by the film of translucent, slimy fluid covering the entirety of their surface. It had the same consistency like the one Six licked a few moments ago, only its scent varying, the fragrance distinctly male there.

Wishing to learn more about them, Six poked his tongue out, sliding it over the prominent barbs covering the thicker base of the cocks, rumbling appreciatively as Darou's twin snakes throbbed and wriggled around under the guidance of his tongue. It must have felt great to a female, to receive those bulbous tips inside of her, to be stretched by them, and to have her vulva massaged by the barbs around the thick base of the two penises at the same time. Without the fluid covering them, the barbs might have proven daunting to take, but the film of wetness lubricated the surface of the cocks to such extent, Six' tongue practically slid along them.

The quilava's ears perked, his spikes rising in excitement as a perverse desire to suck Darou off overtook him. He wished to taste his friend--no, to feel him burst inside his muzzle, to feel that cream rush down his gullet after it flooded his mouth.

Too brazen, he realized. Besides, he only had one muzzle, Darou had two cocks, and his erection still begged his attention. With Darou's slit practically overflowing with arousal, it would have been a sin not to mount him, especially when the dragon stole one too many glances of Six' cock.

The quilava sucked a deep breath, holding it within his chest as he steadied himself on top of Darou. He placed his paws on his belly, afraid of the possibility of pricking his breasts with his claws at the height of his climax. Then, he aligned his hips with Darou's, prodding at his entrance with the tip of his member to show his companion that, for better or worse, he was ready to give Darou the ride of a lifetime.

Before Six could do so much as yelp, Darou grabbed his forelegs, fingers fastening around his shoulders, holding him securely as the dragon stretched his neck forward to look into Six' eyes one last time before the immense pleasure of mating would force them shut.

"I promise I'll take it sl--" Six' words faltered. Of all the things he expected, a reassuring lick on his muzzle from Darou didn't count among them.

For a moment, they simply stared at each other, sharing their emotions through eyes alone. Six saw yearning within those emerald pools, lust, along with a touch of hesitation that that both unnerved and excited him. Darou, too, peered into Six' soul, the intensity of his gaze almost making the quilava falter. Doubts began slithering under his hide, making him question his actions. What if he inadvertently forced Darou into surrendering his body to him? What if his friend wasn't ready to mate?

Before his nerve unraveled, Darou lied down and lifted his legs halfway off the ground, slowly bringing them around Six' haunches, pressing his shins against the quilava's rump. The gentle push forced the quilava's tip past Darou's entrance, a few inches of thick meat disappearing inside the dragon's quivering depths.

Six' toes clenched, grabbing clumps of fur, the claws of his hind paws piercing the soft layer of dirt as the quilava thrust his head upwards, a soft moan escaping his half-opened mouth. Instinct urged him to push himself in deep, to loosen up that tight canal, but he quickly suppressed that side of him. The way Darou's hips swayed, like the meandering waves of the sea, worked him up like nothing else ever did. To feel his partner grind his slit against his hardness, to surrender himself to the slow, elaborate push of Darou's shins that carried him deeper and deeper into his very being, worked Six in ways that the quilava had never expected.

The tantalizing pleasure of slowly entering those moist, heated depths turned Six' muscles taut with lust. His throbbing shaft turned equally hard as he slowly sank past Darou's shuddering folds, guided by the dragon's legs. Once Darou swallowed Six' generous girth whole, both of them loosened a sharp growl. Darou's twin cocks tensed up, Six' hips bucked out of their own accord, and they both held onto each other tightly, too caught up in the act of lovemaking to let go.

When the levels of pleasure became manageable enough for Darou to crack an eye open, the dragon loosened his hold on the quilava, spreading his legs generously, leaving his slit at Six' mercy.

With his forelegs held tight by Darou's hands, Six' footing had never been more solid. He tested his balance with a few thrusts, grunting in delight at the wet squelches that accompanied them. The abundant amount of fluids increased both of their receptiveness, turning every stroke into a fight against time, of which Six had precious little. The wilds had been a lonely place. Without proper sheath to sink his spear into, the quilava's endurance took a great blow, especially when his partner was a sweet, caring, and overly wet dragon. Darou's willingness to accept him into the core of his being carried a deeper punch than Six cared to admit, fueling his desire to breed this lovely being.

Bent on taking Darou the feral way, Six began pumping his hips in a fast, steady rhythm, humping him as if his life depended on it. Unaccustomed to such rapid pace, Darou thrust his head forward, hugging Six tight to his chest, eyes scrunched shut, snout all wrinkled with the furrows of utter bliss as he growled his passion into Six' ears.

The sound of utter abandon warmed Six' heart. It pushed him to go faster, to pound Darou harder, until the audible thumping of his balls connecting with Darou's drenched slit mingled with the quilava's soft panting. With another being, in another place, Six might have lasted longer, but right here, right now, trapped in Darou's cozy embrace, Six felt his control slip. No matter how hard he tried to suppress his inner fire, the throbs of his cock carried his seed forward, until the pressure grew too unbearable to hold back.

With a thin, shuddering yowl, Six rammed himself balls deep into Darou, his essence shooting out of his tapered tip with the might of an avalanche. The first few lances of seed pelted Darou's overly sensitive walls, their surprising strength carrying the dragon to his own peak. Six would have laughed at the way the dragon's eyes bulged, at the half roar, half whimper that Darou unleashed at the height of his pleasure. However, the quilava's orgasm washed away that silly notion, along with his other thoughts, replacing them with a deep joy at shooting his seed into such tight, quivering confines.

Compared to his previous orgasms, this one lasted longer. So long, in fact, that Six forgot where he was. All that he knew was warmth, surrounding him from all sides, cradling him within its protective embrace. The first clue on his whereabouts came from Darou's claws that dug in his shoulders, followed by the squirming of his body. As much as Six wanted to linger within that plane of ubiquitous bliss, he couldn't, not when his seed stopped flowing and his cock began to shrink.

As soon as he pulled back, rivulets of gooey semen flowed in his wake, covering Darou's tailhole and slithering down the sides of his tail. Quite a mess, one could say.

Yet still a tad disappointing compared to what Darou's twin cocks achieved. The dragon had had so much in him, that his whole belly was soaked, his four breasts standing out amidst the clumps of wet fur.

Six nibbled on one, purring in glee as Darou released a sharp cry. He gave it a soothing lick before facing his companion, struggling to find something worthy to say.

"I think I should clean you first."

"I believe you should bathe with me."

They both said it at the same time, staring at each other, trying to make sense of their individual requests before breaking into merry laughter.

"Seems we have more in common than you think," Six said, his spikes raised in excitement at the prospect of spending more time with Darou. Maybe, just maybe, he might recruit this delightful fellow for his journey, provided that he enjoyed the sort of bath Six had in mind.

***THE END***

Thank you very much for reading! I love writing stories for a living, and you can help make this dream of mine possible by:

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B) Spoiling your favorite feline with some money so that he, in turn, spoils you with stories:

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