Forever and ever

Story by Benji Kun on SoFurry

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I wrote this cause i was really bored....nothing to do,everybody's gone, and well....Y'know the rest...

Disclaimer:If gay furry sex,rain,thoughts of suicide,and other stuff isn't your cup of tea,then don't drink this one.....


Kenji the fox woke up in his queen size bed.He slowly opened his eyes and took in the small amount of sunlight that was shining in through the window.He gazed at the clock on his night stand.5:30, it read.

"Still got a couple of hours...."

he mumbled to himself.He rolled over and looked to the other side of the bed. It was empty.Kenji sighed to himself.He grabbed a pillow,and holding it close,began to have a nervous break down.Holding the pillow tight,he cried into it.

Kenji was lonely.Every morning it was the same thing.Wake up,take a shower,eat breakfast,go to work,lunch,get off work,come home,watch a movie,eat dinner,take a shower,brush teeth,go to bed.All the same routine over and over.He was getting more and more depressed looking at the emtpy bed he shared only with himself.He wanted something more,someone to hold tight,some one to hug him,give him warmth,some one to kiss,some to hold hands with.Some one to love.

He hurt so badly now,wishing that he had a mate,anyone who could make this lonelyness leave and give him happiness.He had tried near every method of meeting someone.Going to bars,dances,email,and all hopelessly failed him.So he lay there and cried his heart out.

Afet crying, he looked at his clock again.6:45.


He got up and walked to the bathroom.He turned on the hot water,and added just enough cold water to make it comfortable for him.However, he began to think of how lonely he was.With a heavy sigh,he sat down and sulked in the shower,his ears flattened against his head,his knees drawn to his chest,and slowly began to cry again.After his little release of emotion,he dried himself off,and continued with the usual routine.He stared at his cereal bowl with almost a disgust. he sighed as he stirred the small flakes around with his spoon, thinking of how he would find someone with a dead end job like his.He worked in a restaurant as a waiter,diving people coffe,food, whatever they ordered.He looked at his clock in his kitchen.7:00

He got up, leaving the half eaten cereal on the table,and walked out the door.He locked the door behind him,and walked to the bus stop down the street.He arrived at his job,where his boss was just opening the doors to the restaurant.Her name was Joelle,a bright colored wolf with a sunny attittude and a ususal care free smile.However,she noticed that Kenji wasn't his usual self.In fact, she even thought she saw tear stains on the fox's face.His ears were half folded if something was on his mind

"Hey sweetie,you ok?"

Kenji looked up at his boss and gave a small sad smile


"You look something the matter?"

Kenji wanted to tell her what he felt, but he didn't want to worry his boss,or do anything that might put his job in jeapordy.

"No,I'm fine,really."

Joelle knew better than to just let something like this go.Kenji had been acting strange lately.He sometimes forgot orders,and got some of them mixed up,and whenever something went wrong,he usually asked for a small break to clear his head, in which when he came back,he seemed to be unusually depressed....but she decided not to upset him further,so he let him inside to get ready.

As the day progressed,Kenji tired to think about work to get his lonelyness of his mind.Today was unusually slow,and he tried to keep busy with something,anything to keep his thoughts on work.When no new customers came in for about Thirty minutes,Kenji's thoughts eventually returned to his lonley life...He sighed,and thought to himself

"Why do i even bother?I'm going to be alone for the rest of my life....I'm ..."

Joelle's voice broke him from his thoughts.

"KENJI! We have five new tables! get their orders please!"


The rush hour began,and Kenji thought about the orders,but his thoughts of never finding a mate kept coming back.It was only when Joelle called him back to the kitchen did he begin to worry.

She had a concered look on her face.

"Kenji,each of those tables you got?You messed up their orders...."

Joelle,I'm sorry! I didn't..."

With a heavy sigh,Joelle uttered the words Kenji dreaded most.

"Kenji, I'm going to let you go....please leave..."

With a small sigh,he handed his apron in,grabbing his coat,his ears flattened on his head as he walked out into the night.The thunder clashed overhead as it began to pour.

Furs ran with papers and umbrellas covering their heads.Kenji looked at the ground as he walked,tears streaming down his face, hidden well by the rain...

"Why me? Why not someone else?"

His thoughts reached an utlimatum as he walked across a bridge in a park.He looked at the fifty foot drop.If it didn't kill him,at least he would drown in the current.

He was about to throw himself over,when suddenly the constant pounding of rain on his fur was stopped when he was covered by an umbrella.

He looked over to the husky who stood next to him.

"Do you really think that will solve anything?"

Kenji was a little shocked.

"My name's Rinji,come on, let's get you something warm,huh?"

Kenji was shocked when the new fox wrapped an arm around his shoulders,and let him through the park.As they began talking,Rinji explained that he was a consultant for a suicide hotline.He helped people with thoughts of killing themselves to try and convince them there was something worth living for.

"It's a real crappy job,though."

Rinji looked at the ground.

"I can never tell if the decide to or not,and i feel guilty...and..."

Rinji looked like he was about to cry.a small tear ran down his eye,but kenji noticed it before Rinji brushed it away.

"Sorry, don't know what..."

Rinji was interrupted when Kenji gave him a kiss.

Kenji was in heaven,Rinji's lips were sweet and warm,trembling ever so slightly.

Rinji didn't pull away from the kiss.He didn't just sit their either.He kissed back,holding Kenji tightly to him.

The two broke the kiss, the city's lights shining on them as they stared into each other's eyes.

"I'm...sorry...I just ..."

Kenji blushed,looking at Rinji.

Rinji smiled,looking at Kenji's fur turn an even beautiful red.

"It's fine.....Why don't we go to my apartment?"

Kenji smiled.


After arriving at the apartment, the two got into the shower and let hot water fuel their compassion,they held each other close as they kissed.AS they did,Kenji noticed that his lonelyness slowy began to fade.It was after the shower that they dried off and walked into Rinji's room.

"'s a small bed, but i think..."Rinji began,but Kenji lay down on the bed,and beckoned the husky to join him.they were both naked, and Kenji layed himself out.


Rinji crawled between Kenji's legs, his huskyhood poking from its sheath as he stared into his fox's eyes.

"You sure?"


Rinji then proceeded to thrust into Kenji's tail hole,the tight hole fighting entry, until he managed to thrust deep into the fox's warm recess,hitting his prostate just right.

Kenji out a small howl of pleasure as he was filled by Rinji's warmth.His ears folded back as the husky continued to pound into his body.Kenji then began to stroke himself,not wanting to be left unchecked.

Rinji had never felt this good before.Sure he had been with at least two other guys before, but none so soft,warm or submissive as this fox.He could tell that Kenji was lonely,that he needed someone,and he wanted nothing more that to be that person.He could feel himself getting closer to climax,and his knot pushed against Kenji's tail hole,begging to be thrust in,and tie him to the fox.


Kenji moaned,feeling himself go numb with pleasure,and he began to yiff rather loudly,and he felt everything swirl around him as he suddenly let out a yelp,looking down at his cock,

Rinji watched as Kenji came on himself,seven ropes of sticky fox cum splash onto his chest,stomach and paw,he moaned as he stroked himself,enjoying the feeling of release.

This proved to be too much for the husky.With a loud howl, the thrust his knot into the fox,tying himslef to the fox as he came,filling the fox with his hot cum.

Kenji reached heaven for what seemed like hours...he could feel Rinji's cum fill his inside,like a hot liquid fire that continued to burn,it felt so good,everything stopped for them.

Rinji panted,staring into the fox's eyes.They both smiled at each other as they pulled each other into a compassionate kiss.They remained tied to each other until Rinji broke the kiss softly.

"I love you,Kenji....."

Kenji felt tears of joy fall from his face.

"I love you,too,Rinji..."

They cuddled close together,sticky and warm....

"How long can we stay like this?"

Kenji asked with a smile.

Rinji knew the answer,and they were the exact words Kenji wanted to hear.

"Forever and ever,my love..."

They both smiled as the cuddled close together,snuggling each other's soft fur as they both drifted into each other's dreams,sharing their love in slumber.

Just us.

(I know im a sick individual as i write this story while watching Sweeny Todd.To think that killing gets me all horned up.Well,actually blood has an attractive color,no?Besides,i doubt if any one would care while reading this story.Enjoy.\<3) ...

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