Stealing the Show With Her Brother

Story by Joshiah on SoFurry

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#17 of Incest Stories (Others)

It's not impossible to take over a bar or a night club by putting on an impressive, improvised performance, and that's exactly what Samantha Driftwood intends to do in this latest commission for Serinthia Kelberry!

In this story of continued, incestuous fun, Samantha and Timothy go out to The Gryphon's Den bar and nightclub for a relaxing weekend. The club not only allows, but in fact encourages sexual behavior out of its clients, but Timothy still feels hesitant about expressing an act of sibling love in public, especially to such a degree.

Samantha isn't so easily denied, however, and before long, she's melted any ice that might be in the way. When her skirt comes up with no panties underneath, it's only a matter of time before Timothy allows his dominance to shine through, even in front of a crowd.

These characters belong to Serinthia Kelberry, so please don't use them without permission.

As always, read, comment and enjoy!

The beauty of working a job that allowed you to create your own hours is the fact that you decide when you have a break and when you don't. You get to pick the days that you have off, and that makes it much easier for you to coordinate your schedule around the plans of other people.

Timothy Driftwood was lucky enough to live such a life, and conveniently, it meant that when his sister, Samantha, had time off of work, he usually had enough warning ahead of time to adjust his plans for the weekend to include her.

When Samantha wasn't picking up an extra shift in the her aunt's flower shop over the weekend, she could almost always be found at the Gryphon's Den, enjoying a stiff drink or two and dancing her stresses away on the dance floor with her brother.

Of course...most of the other patrons of the bar had no idea that the pair were siblings, and so, none of them so much as questioned it when the beat of the music began to infect them.

"Thanks for the drinks, Mike," Samantha winked at the bartender, leaving a generous tip on the bar and carrying a pair of glasses away. Sauntering off with a sway of her hips that was none too subtle, the female raccoon carried the pair of drinks back to a small, circular table with a pair of deep, plush chairs around it, where her brother was sitting and waiting for her.

Timothy smiled up at his sister and gratefully took one of the drinks from her paws. "I swear he's just giving you a slight discount because he wants to get in your pants," he pointed out, before taking a sip of the refreshing blend of light rum and sweet cola.

"I'm not wearing pants, for starters," Samantha pointed out, as she smoothed her paws over her skirt and took a seat in her own chair, acting rather cautious about anyone being up to catch a glance up her legs. "And I don't ever hear you complaining when the tab comes back about twenty bucks short of what it should be!"

"I guess you've got me there," Timothy admitted. "Just make sure he isn't slipping anything into your drinks..."

"Even if he was, you're the only person I'd be going home with, y'know."

Timothy flushed just a slight bit under his fur. "T-True, but that wouldn't be right of me..."

Reaching across the table to give her brother a playful jab, Samantha rolled her eyes. "You worry way too much, brother mine. You need to learn how to loosen up and enjoy yourself!"

At such a lax club, Samantha's words couldn't have been truer. A bar with a very lounging motif, The Gryphon's Den was the perfect place to go, grab a drink, try some outstanding food, and depending upon what area you were in, it was a great place to explore the sexual side of downtown nightlife.

Samantha and Timothy weren't VIP status at the club, but they did have access to the Member's Only lounge, a slightly smaller area of the bar from the public lounge. Within, the dance floor was a bit smaller, but the area for rest and relaxation was bigger, with plush couches and cushions strewn about the outer walls, and small, sunk-in tables to sit at while one was taking a break. Naturally, the heavy, catchy beats of the music and the low, alluring lights of the club enticed plenty of people to take their relationships to another level in the Member's Only area, and thankfully, the staff was on top of their game, when it came to cleaning up after the mess.

Just inches from the raccoon siblings, on a couch to their right, the faint and naughty sounds of a pair of pawtips sliding in and out of a wet, eager snatch just managed to brush over Samantha's ears, and she set her drink down with a rather cheeky grin. "In fact, Tim...why don't we hit the dance floor?"

Timothy hesitated at the thought, and took another long sip from his drink, before he gazed away from his sister and out to the dance floor. It was almost entirely open, with just a few other couples and single dancers moving around the floor. Smooth, polished wood floors surrounded a surface of hard polymer, and through the clear plastic, different colored LED lights would burst alive with a powerful glow, giving the entire dance floor a different shade from time to time. A captivating flash of cobalt blue took control of the floor, reminding Timothy so much of his sister that it seemed a rather cosmic coincidence.

"...All right, Samantha. We can dance for just one song."

Leaning over the table and taking her brother by the paws, Samantha chuckled and yanked him to the floor, giggling as she did. "Hehe... as if, Timothy! You need to dance off some of those calories you just drank!"

Stumbling forward gracelessly and worrying about just how heavily he was being judged, Timothy was glad he couldn't hear any laughter or giggling from the crowds. He might have been so shy that he would have retreated, if not for Samantha helping him stand upright when they made it to the cool, glowing lights of the floor. "I didn't drink that much, Samantha!"

"Doesn't matter," she shot back, giving her brother the quickest of winks as she released one of his paws, slipping her own paw down along the side of his slim, smooth body and resting it upon his rump, having no shame in the way that she squeezed the firm, tantalizing flesh that she found. "I'm not letting you off of this dance floor until you earn it."

The moment carried an air of despair about it, but Timothy couldn't keep from chuckling at his sister's decree. "So, basically...I'm never getting off of this dance floor," he suggested, and he thought to tease her further, until he felt the firm, demanding grope of a paw upon his rump. "S-Samantha! We're in public!"

It was amazing to Timothy that his sister could keep such a playful, innocent giggle about herself when she had a pawful of her own brother's backside, but she still did, even as her hips began to sway against his own in time with the music. "There was a couple having sex on a couch literally less than a foot from us," she reminded her brother, as she pressed her own pubic mound firmly against the bulge of his crotch. "I don't think anyone has a problem with it."

"They're also not related!" Timothy reminded her, whispering the last word sharply into her ear. No matter how hard he tried to remain steadfast against her advances and dissuade her, however, Samantha wasn't phased; rather, it seemed as though she took her brother's resistance as a challenge. "It''s n-not okay," he tried to argue, though a low, grumbling moan passed his lips as he felt the warmth of his sister's womanhood all the way through the silky fabric of her hip-hugging skirt, pouring out over his thighs like the pleasant rush of a hot tub jet.

It was inescapable, and to be sure, Samantha could feel her brother starting to melt into her as the music changed, and the beat became that much heavier. Originally, they were gently swaying to a low, rhythmic trance beat, but as the dance floor started to populate, the tempo picked up, and the DJ switched the tone to something far more provocative. "No one here knows that we're related, Tim. We can do whatever we want, without having to worry about who sees us..."

The thought of having sex in a public place was a rush for Timothy, and he'd be a fool to try and deny it, but it was the kind of thing that he always imagined would be better left to his fantasies. There was such a huge risk involved in getting caught, and even in a club where public sex was encouraged, he couldn't help the nagging feeling that there was something too depraved about it, as if it were one step over the line that he wasn't willing to take.

The righteous vestiges of his mind, however, were fighting a losing battle against the tempting figure of his sister, pressed so close to his own that he could feel her heart beating. The light, feminine scent of her sweat, reminiscent of a ripe fruit in the humid air of summer, was intoxicating him as they moved a little faster together, and as if Samantha weren't enough of a show herself, the dance floor was slowly filling with more visual stimuli than Timothy could ever need.

Couples were flooding in, thanks to the change in the music, and clearly enough, they had far less shame than the male raccoon. One couple made it all the way to the floor without a scrap of clothing upon them, and though their dance actually started out innocently enough, Timothy watched the whole was as a female kitten stood in front of her large, domineering tiger lover and bent over just slightly, reaching over with her paws to guide the thick, hefty cock between her legs into her sex. Their bodies moved in perfect timing with the music, but they weren't dancing any longer...they were just fucking right there on the dance floor, and Timothy couldn't help a nervous gulp as Samantha figured out where he was staring.

"Trying to get some ideas?" she asked him, as she released his other paw and slipped her delicate, skillful pawtips up and along the side of his neck to cup his cheek. "Or were you about to try and join them?"

Samantha winked at her brother, knowing that he wouldn't do such a thing, but Timothy still felt his face burning with a terrible blush as he rapidly shook his head. "N-no! I couldn't do that to you, sis!" he assured her, all to the sound of a playful giggle.

"I know you wouldn't," Samantha admitted. "You're much too timid to walk up to a couple and try to get involved like that," she reminded him, knowing him better in a sexual manner than anyone else ever had. "Of course, once you get started, you're pretty hard to stop."

Timothy gulped again. "I d-don't know what you're talking about," he suggested, his voice trembling just slightly as he tried to deny any memories he had of dominating his sister.

Feeling the paw on his cheek take a gentle grip, Timothy blinked as Samantha leaned up and in, still moving her body against his own and matching the tempo of the music as her lips finally came to brush over her brother's in a light, airy kiss, just enough to remind him that his lips were still there, and still very sensitive. "You know exactly what I'm talking about, brother mine...but I'd be more than happy to remind you, if you want me to."

It took a moment for the electric thrill of delicate, teasing flesh upon his own lips to pass, and even when it did, Timothy was still at a loss for words. "S-Samantha," he gasped quietly, stumbling over his words yet again, "We...we can't do this. We just can''s too risky!"

"Isn't that part of the fun?" Samantha asked, her eyes of mischievous green narrowing on his own and captivating him, refusing to allow Timothy a chance to gaze away. "Doesn't the thought of fucking your sweet little sister in front of all of these people excite you, even a little bit?"

Timothy didn't have to answer, but Samantha wanted to hear it from him. She could already feel his member bulging against her crotch as they swayed close together, not quite stiff, but definitely beginning to grow.

"...And if I do?" Timothy asked, putting the ball back in Samantha's court.

"Then why didn't you say so earlier?" she replied, before her lips sealed over his own once again. There was a passion behind the second kiss that was simply missing in the first one. Before, she meant only to tease and tantalize her brother, but this time, as his paws finally came to wrap around her lower back, Samantha pressed her lips fiercely upon her brother's flesh and suckled gently upon it, refusing to give him so much as room to breathe. When she could see in his eyes that she'd truly taken him, she allowed her own to lid over slowly, and as the kiss grew deeper, the gentle sway of their bodies continued without conscious thought.

Happily trapped in by his sister's wiles, Timothy pressed his lips back into her own and gave a very gentle bump with his hips, showing that she'd melted the ice around the idea in his mind. He could still feel nerves tingling in his spine at the thought of doing something so lewd in public, and with his sister no less, but there was a forbidden thrill about it that he couldn't hope to deny, and the skillful, delicious lips of his sister only helped to get the juices flowing as the idea perverted his mind.

"Mnnn... Samantha let out a low, throaty gasp, allowing her moans to be muffled by the flesh of her own sibling. She clenched her pawtips tightly in and dug her claws into the seat of her brother's pants, squeezing his rump with an even greater vigor than before. She didn't want to let him go, and she certainly didn't want to break the kiss...but more than that, she did want to take her brother from the dance floor and settle him in...she knew that she could bring out his truly wild side with just a little more encouragement. "Let's..." she struggled to break free, able to feel her brother's effort in the way he tried to keep the kiss alive, "L-let's take it to the couch, Timothy..."

Even after her words were finished, Samantha felt one more tight, full press of her brother's lips upon her own, and she squeaked in his grasp as his claws teased against the back of her thin, silky tank top. She hadn't been expecting him to provide her with such a thrill just yet, and for the first time that evening, she could feel her own cheeks burning with a bashful flush as her brother finally released her. "Probably for the best," Timothy agreed, allowing the warmth of his breath to leave a final tease over his sister's flesh. "We don't want to make a mess of the floor, after all. People might slip."

"Keep up that kind of talk, and I'm gonna take you here and now," Samantha warned her brother, taking just enough of the fight out of him for the moment that she could grasp his paw and start to lead him away from the floor. Truth be told, if he was willing, she would have bent right over in front of him and seen just what he'd be willing to do with the chance, but in the interest of warming him up properly, she took her time and tugged on his wrist, finding he was entirely pliable to her whims for the moment.

The deep, relaxing couches that surrounded the Member's Only lounge at The Gryphon's Den were all different kinds of materials, but almost all of them had a black or white trim, allowing them to hide stains rather well, and either absorb or reflect the swirling, vibrant lights that moved around the club. Any one of them would have been perfect for the pair of incestuous siblings to use, but Samantha made sure to pick out a clean one, closer to the edge of the room to give Timothy a more relaxed environment. She wanted him to be able to work into the idea at his own pace, knowing that he'd take control when the moment was right...and she only hoped her patience would last that long.

"This one will work just fine," Samantha said, mostly to herself as she praised her choice. The couches and tables around them were filled for the most part, but they willed filled with patrons who had their own matters to attend to, creating a false sense of privacy while still maintaining the thrill of having sex in public. "Stand in front of the couch, my darling brother," Samantha instructed, smiling at him with the kind of allure that he couldn't possibly resist.

With a quiet nod, Timothy stepped forward, standing right in front of the smooth, black leather. He was hardly turned around to face Samantha when he felt her paws gripping at the belt of his jeans and tugging it loose, leaving the pants to nearly fall on their own, thanks to Timothy's relaxed choice of attire. She helped them down and away from his body, leaving them to pool around his ankles, but she never gave him a chance to step out of them before she was pressing her claws into the thin fabric of his boxers. She could have easily yanked them down quickly, but she wanted to cherish the moment, as she knelt down in front of her brother and gazed up at him with devious, lustful eyes. On her knees, her muzzle was lined up perfectly with the covered bulge of his manhood, and she could embrace the light, sweaty scent of his length, content to drown in it as her claws finally began to yank the boxers down.

Timothy shuddered as he felt the tips of Samantha's claws just poking through his underwear, reaching a point where he felt a soothing scratch along the length of his inner thighs, until the fabric was loose enough to fall to the ground on its own. Samantha could only grin with delight as her brother's cock came free from the tight confines; already, it was almost full from all of the playful teasing, but it wasn't hard, and Samantha was more than happy to change that.

"Look at me, big paws!" she called up to him playfully, as her paws wrapped around the back of his thighs and kept him still. The end of her muzzle rubbed against the tip of his cock, mimicking as Eskimo kiss and flirting with actually pleasuring her brother until she felt the first slick, tiny spurts of precum upon her lips. Satisfied with the slightly salty taste, she licked the clear fluid from her lips and finally opened her maw, taking the very head of her brother's member into it and closing her lips around it, content to suckle the very tip and swirl her tongue about it as if it were just a sweet, tasty lollipop for her to enjoy.

If Samantha had teased him too much further on the dance floor, Timothy might have lost it the moment he felt the flat of Samantha's tongue passing over the thin slit of his urethra. Even then, as he stood, his knees nearly buckled as Samantha sucked so tightly upon the tip of his cock that his shaft grew firm almost instantly, and fresh blood began to pump to the excited organ as Samantha had her way with it, taking a couple more inches into her muzzle and never breaking eye contact with Timothy, even as his head whirled around. There were a few people nearby enjoying the show, and no doubt, they'd heard Samantha call him her 'brother,' but it was rather common in the Gryphon's Den for people to practice their fetishes...for all they knew, it was just a kink the pair shared in common.

Even if they thought the two were actually related, Samantha wasn't stopping, and Timothy couldn't resist her. "Ooooh f-fuck, yes...that's so d-damn good, sis..." Timothy groaned, calling Samantha his sister in kind, and as her tongue slipped up and down along the underside of his shaft, he found himself caring less and less if people were watching, or if they actually knew of their forbidden relationship. If they were enjoying the show, and the siblings were enjoying themselves...what was truly the problem with it? " g-gotta stop, or I'm gonna...gonna cum!"

Samantha was always more than happy to swallow a load of her brother's seed, but she had other plans for the delightful mess that evening, and she wasn't going to be denied. With one last firm, playful suckle and the audible spop of her lips coming together as she pulled away with a tongue coated in precum, Samantha gave her brother a momentary break, able to lean back and watch the enticing throb of his manhood in front of her. It was pulsing so heavily that Samantha worried she might be getting a facial she didn't ask for, but she could see Timothy gripping the couch behind her with all of the effort that his body could manage, and slowly, his grunts subsided, with his impending orgasm having retreated for the moment.

"That was a little too close," Samantha admitted, as she gulped down the last of her precum sample and nuzzled into her brother's thigh. "We can't have you cumming too early tonight, my dear brother," she began to explain, as she picked herself up from the floor and gave her brother a playful push. It wasn't enough to knock him back, but he quickly got the clue and sat down upon the couch, slipping his ankles out of his boxers so he could sit comfortably, all while opening a nice platform for Samantha to sit in, if she chose to. "I've got special plans for that big, thick load you've been keeping from me."

Still panting just slightly from his nearly orgasmic experience, Timothy looked up at his sister with a quirked brow. "It''s only b-been three days!"

"Three days without any kind of orgasm, Timothy," she repeated his statement, while looking down at him with a demanding glare. "Three days without any kind of a release for your little sister, and now, you're going to make it up to her."

The short, tight skirt that tempted so many people to look underneath came up as Samantha gripped it in her paws and lifted it up, revealing to Timothy that she'd been wearing nothing underneath the entire time. One or two tiny, thin strands of her arousal were immediately visible, dangling between the needy pout of her labia and the thin, trimmed fur upon her inner thighs, showing off such a display that no man, not even her own brother, could hope to resist it. Timothy was of a mind to lean forward and taste it, but before he could, Samantha spread her lips wide in a scheming grin and climbed over her brother, straddling his thighs on the couch and letting the slippery crest of her womanhood glide over the tip of her brother's cock.

"S-sorry...I didn't...mnnf... didn't mean to!" Timothy apologized in the middle of feeling a slick, silky pair of netherlips slide across the peak of his manhood. His own drooling precum mingled in with the slow trickle of her overflowing arousal, and the strand that formed between them was acting like a tease, daring each of the siblings to be the one to take the next step and finally add a second layer of taboo to their incestuous coupling.

This early in the game, it was no surprise that Samantha struck first, settling her labia around the head of Timothy's member until she could feel it starting to spread her apart. "Still too nervous to fuck your little sister in front of all of these people?" she asked, biting down on her lower lip as she adjusted to the feeling of being so entirely filled by his cock; a wonderful experience that was just slightly uncomfortable, and at the same time, satisfying beyond words. She moved slowly, wiggling her hips from side to side and swishing her tail as she allowed inch after inch of her brother's flesh to pierce her body, until her spread labia came to rest around the base of his flesh with a wet, sticky schlip, one that was just loud enough to draw even more attention to the moment.

Crowds were starting to gather as Timothy reached up with trembling, nervous paws and gripped Samantha by the smooth, soft curve of her rump and held on, knowing that the first thrust would be the only one where she went so easy on him. Her paws were quick to plant on his sides, and in seconds, she was lifting her hips again, allowing Timothy to feel every inch of her passage gliding back up, squeezing around the shaft of his cock until she was all the way back to the tip.

WHAP. Her hips came down fiercely the second time, and Timothy threw his head back in delight as Samantha loomed over him, grinning in his face and daring him to do something about her fearsome approach. Starting a rhythm that Timothy could only hope to match, Samantha bucked her hips wildly over her brother and rode his cock for everything that it was worth. Her brother was literally pounded into the couch, and his claws dug into her flesh as he tried to hold on. " Samantha! Oh...oh G-God... I can't...can't fucking take it...where d-did you learn to move like that?!"

"I'm allowed to p-practice without you," Samantha suggested, able to keep control of her moaning voice far better than her brother was. The way that her body moved, the thrill of having a captive audience, and the tight, clenching inner walls of his sister were simply too much for Timothy, but as the minutes began to carry on, it seemed that Samantha had entirely won him over for the forbidden act, and she could feel his grip deepening on her sensitive rump, drawing another long squeal from her as she continued to thrust down upon him. "Nnnngh! That's it, big brother...squeeze your sweet lil' sister's whatever you want to her!"

In the very next moment, Samantha could see a slight change in the pits of Timothy's deep, calm green eyes. That's it, brother. I know you want to pin me down and take me...just do it...just fucking do it! Samantha cried out in her head, as she felt her brother's paws slide down from her rump, actually catching her on the bottom of her thighs.

"Whatever I want?" he asked, the tone of his voice noticeably more demanding as he halted his sister's thrusts and gripped her thighs tightly. "You sure about that?"

"W-well...I mean..."

"Too late," Timothy declared, his voice sounding so uncaring that it bordered on crass, and so dominant that Samantha felt a quick, tiny gush of wetness spill from her body as the sound teased across her ears. Though she couldn't pin the exact moment when she'd done it, she'd finally flipped the switch inside of, she had to deal with the horns, and she couldn't have been happier for the fact as she felt her smaller body being lifted and thrown down toward the long, large cushions of the couch. She hit down with a thick, heavy THUD, and her body came to rest in a spread, with her thighs wide open and her arms back. It was such a perfect finish that Timothy had to wonder how much of it Samantha did on purpose, but that wouldn't change his approach at all. "I'm gonna pound the shit out of my little sis in front of everyone here..."

His voice nearly carried a grunt with it now, one that Samantha couldn't get enough of. Her thighs trembled with anticipation at the sound, and before she could make a weak and playful effort to escape, Timothy lunged over her body and gripped her wrists, pinning them down on either side of her head. " Timothy! M-my goodness...what's gotten into you, big brother?" she asked, playing into the incestuous taboo of their own relationship so much that it might actually fool the people that were now shamelessly watching the show.

Timothy rolled his eyes just slightly, but he smirked down at Samantha and moved his hips forward, allowing the underside of his shaft to glide between the pouting folds of her womanhood, teasing her with the promise of what she knew would be a rough, nearly brutal lovemaking. "You literally started all of this," he reminded her, as he lined the very head of his member up with her leaking entrance once again. "But I'm going to be the one to finish it..."

Samantha looked up, trying to appear as innocent as she could in a final tease to her brother, but he had the last laugh as he rammed his hips forward with a fierce thrust, impaling Samantha on his cock without a shred of mercy for how full she would be. She gazed down and watched the pass all the way, until she felt and heard the quiet slap of his heavy, swollen orbs kicking up against the underside of her rump. She simply loved that sound, and it would be almost all that she heard as her silent, squeaking moan was drowned out by the quick, hammering pace of her brother pounding her into literal submission.

She knew that she could only beg from that point on, and she couldn't have been happier about it.

"T-Timothy...big brother... f-fuck, big brother!" she cried out, her face twisting up in a pleasure that she could no longer control. Just riding her brother was enough to start the familiar tingling of an orgasm in the nub of her clitoris, but it couldn't hold a stick to the downright mind-blowing pleasure of being pounded down into the couch and fucked silly by such a skillful lover. She could see the tiny drips of drool spilling from the corners of his muzzle as he leaned over her, leaving her to do little more than gasp as her brother fucked her in a way that made her feel like she wasn't his sister, but just his lover, without such words to create a border between them.

It was more than she could ever hope to stand, and before long, her begging was ready to come out.

"B-Breed me, big brother...fill me up..."

Squeezing her wrists tightly in his grasp, Timothy only pounded his hips that much harder into his sister at her request, though his ears were still in disbelief at what they'd heard. "Nnngh...uff...hff... Wha...what did y-you say, Samantha?"

Wrapping her legs tightly around her brother's lower back to keep him from even trying to escape, Samantha clung to him for dear life with her thighs and threw her head back, able to feel her orgasm budding and growing within the depths of her womanhood. The uncontrollable sensation was climbing up to the pits of her tummy and spreading across her body as she violently bucked her hips into his sexual advances, trying to literally milk the cum right out of her sibling with her own thrusts. " Breed me! Nnnyes...yes...p-please, brother mine, knock me up! Fill me with that t-thick, creamy seed...yeeeees!"

"So f-fucking naughty," Timothy groaned. He couldn't keep a wide, devious grin from spreading across his muzzle at her suggestion, however, and his body was clearly on board with the idea, as his hips crashed into his sister with a renewed vigor, finding a reserve of sexual strength that he thought he'd already tapped dry. The pace was already so rapid and harsh that Samantha knew she'd be sore and exhausted from the moment, but somehow, her brother picked up speed and intensity, leaving her to thrash helplessly against the couch until he was finally at his own climactic peak. She couldn't know how close he was for sure, but she knew she felt the warmth of his precum spilling across her painfully tight inner walls, mingling with the overflowing wetness that her body already presented. The paired juices were already leaving a nice, sticky trail across the leather of the couch as Timothy gritted his fangs and buried his hips in against Samantha's pinning her fully to the couch and leaving her to feel what his voice couldn't catch up to.

Thick, sticky and delightfully hot, Samantha could feel her brother's cum streaking across her inner muscles and coating everything that it touched. Just the first spray alone made her feel like her tummy might be bulging from the excess, but Timothy had one last deep, long thrust left in reserve, and as it hit, a second flood of his seed painted her insides, making sure that no single inch of her passage would be clean. "C-cumming...I'm fucking cumming, sis! I'm b-breeding you...just like you asked! Y-yes! Yes! Take my seed!"

Samantha wished that her legs had the strength left to cling to her brother, but the mental thrill of actually being knocked up by him, even if she was on birth control, was more than her form could handle. Her thighs nearly went limp as a mind-shattering orgasm took control of her every nerve, and for just a moment, she went completely blank and limp, her body radiating such a pleasure that she could only moan against her brother and embrace the feeling of his seed filling her, while her inner walls fluttered and clenched of their own accord, trying to make sure that every drop was milked right out of him. "Ooooooh yes, brother! Fill me! F-fucking fill your little sister...m-make her cum!" she cried out, already so deep in her climax that when she could finally move again properly, her hips began to slam erratically at her brother, even though his own body had come to a still, pumping dose after dose of incestuous cum into her body.

The delicious splashing of sticky, virile seed against her womb brought Samantha to such a point that she worried she might actually pass out, and she knew that her face was twisted up with a nearly stupefied grin, but she didn't much care about it. The crowd that had gathered was gasping in turn, either at their own climax brought on by the show, or simply how fiercely the pair truly loved each other, expressed in their physical romance. It was such a display that it left the pair of raccoon siblings exhausted, and though part of him wished to go again, Timothy could only rest against his sister, panting and trying to catch his breath to the sound of applause all around him from a satisfied crowd.

"W-what...what a naughty brother," Samantha muttered under her breath, though her voice was just loud enough for Timothy to hear, and entirely on purpose. "Knocking up his sweet, innocent little sister like that..."

Timothy was still trying to catch his breath, but he was easily able to roll his eyes yet again, and slowly shake his head. "Innocent? M-my ass..."


There was no easy way to clean yourself up after a public romp in The Gryphon's Den, and though there weren't really a lot of rules about what you could and couldn't do, Timothy and Samantha didn't want to waste all of the paper towels in the place by using them to wipe off.

Instead, naughty as it was, they each put the same clothes that they were wearing before back on. Timothy took a twisted sense of pleasure in watching his cum leak back out of his sister as she dressed, and he was already stiff once again as he saw that same thick, white mess spilling down her thighs, under her skirt.

"Think you've got enough energy left in you for one more dance?" Samantha asked him, as she put a pawtip under his chin and lifted it to meet her gaze, knowing he'd gotten carried away in watching the oozing flow.

"I suppose so...but you might want to take care of that, first," Timothy suggested, as he took his sister by the paw and walked out toward the dance floor. "Don't want somebody to slip in the mess, after all."

Flushing just slightly, but giggling at the thought, Samantha followed her brother and tried to ignore the gentle trickle, as much as it pleasured her to feel it. "I don't think anyone would complain about that, you know."

"Okay then," Timothy said, "But if you're careful...I'll make you clean it up the old fashioned way."

Grabbing her brother by the back and lifting a thigh to wrap around him on the dance floor, Samantha pressed her crotch in to his own, smearing his cum over the front of his jeans with a devilish grin. "Well, look at that...I just made a terrible mess. Better get to cleaning it up..."

Timothy pumped his covered hips back into the nude groin of his sister and grinned, getting the impression that they'd be doing a lot less dancing the second time around.

Xena Huscoon In Heat and Her Joyofolf Treat

"Don't tell me that you don't like it. You've been talking about how much you'd just **love** to see me as a little husky bitch." "...I won't deny any part of that statement, but you're not exactly a husky, love." "I don't think you mind all that...

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The Revenge of a Jealous Sister

"Calm down, Ardanis. It's just a date...just a little date between friends. You can handle this. You can **do** this." Staring at himself in the mirror and doing a last check over of his hair, parting it for the seventh time that afternoon and...

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A Housemelting Party

"I'm really glad you decided to take me up on my offer, Orio. I had a bad feeling I was going to regret this move..." A glass was lifted from the cool, smooth surface of a kitchen counter, by the spotted paws of a rather feminine hybrid. "Are you...

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