Foreign Love Part 2

Story by Arsil on SoFurry

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Sorry the first story doesn't have a link to this, the submitting option for that wouldn't work for some reason. :( The reason it took so long to get this story written is because I've been going through some issues related to my love life. Kinda ironic....


"Mitch, I....uh...I thought you went to work...uhh..." Jessica stammered while trying to cover herself and back up into the guest bedroom. "I'm sorry, I didn't know you were...busy" he said, while shielding his eyes with his hand though secretly looking through the cracks. She finally made it to the guest bedroom and closed the door, ashamed and embarrassed. Mitch was astonished to say the least it wasn't exactly every day he found a woman masturbating on his couch. He then noticed the stain on the couch, " oh boy, that's gonna be uncomfortable to clean up, and hard too". He noticed the bulge in his jeans, "well, it kinda be hard not to get horny after that, I need a shower".

"Oh no, why did I do that" she thought, and then she heard the shower turn on. She realized that seeing him look at her had turned her on, even after her massive orgasm. She opened the bedroom door and silently walked over to the bathroom door and tested the doorknob, "yes, unlocked", she thought. She carefully opened it while lifting it slightly so it wouldn't squeak and closed it.

Even though he was in the shower he kept getting hard thinking about Jessica masturbating. All of a sudden he heard the curtain slide open and Jessica pushed him against the wall of the shower, "Jessica, what are you doing...ungh", he said as she grabbed a hold of his penis. "Apologizing", she said smiling.

She kissed him passionately and their tongues intertwined as they held each other in a loving embrace. She slowly massaged his cock, then went down onto her knees and took his erect cock into her mouth and started sucking on it, taking all 71/2 inches into her mouth. She worked her tongue around it and being careful not to nick it with her teeth. She picked up her pace as his knot grew, as he came close to cumming she started sucking on his entire length including his knot, he groaned as he blew his seed in her mouth which she quickly swallowed managing to get most of it while the rest was washed away by the shower. She stood up and hopped up into his arms and was lowered down onto his cock which was already hard again. He started thrusting into her canal, as she moaned in ecstasy. His knot grew in size slowly as he thrusted into her pussy. As she came closer to her orgasm he shoved his knot into her, joining them both together. She screamed in pleasure as he came hard into her canal, pumping her full of seed till it spilled out. They slid down the wall together and lay on the floor of the shower embracing each other, as his cock deflated and slipped back into its sheath. "I love you, Jess", he panted." I love you, too" she said." and, Jess, apology accepted", he laughed.

A couple months later they got married and moved into his house. They lived the rest of their lives, while at some times rough, happy knowing they had each other. They had two pups, a boy and a girl, which they named Jake and Harmony, respectively. They raised they pups in relative calm and sent them off to college. The rest of the story is about them.....


Jake was an English major, Harmony was an Engineering major. They went to the same college, Robensich University, which was one of the top colleges in the region. Although they lived in separate wings of the University they visited each other often.

Harmony sat in her dorm room at the desk doing reports for the classes she had when she heard a knock at the door. "Who could that be at 11:30 at night", she thought. To her surprise it was her brother, Jake. "Jake what are you doing here this late", she asked.

"A pipe in my dorm burst and the whole thing is flooded, think I could stay here until they fix it", he asked.

"Yeah, alright, but not for long, this is the Women's Dorm Wing after all", she told him.

"I promise", he whispered.

He went over and lay down on the couch, and covered himself with a blanket the managed to escape the flooding. "Goodnight, Sis", he yawned.

He was jolted awake by his sister shoving him back and forth, "wake up, Jake, you're gonna be late for class", she yelled. "Alright, I'm up, geez", he said groggily. His sister left to get to class, while he ran to his class which started a few minutes before hers. He made it just as the Professor walked in. "Good Morning", she said while unpacking her briefcase full of the day's lesson. Most of the male students, (and secretly some of the female ones) had to cheat because they drooled over the professor the whole time, why she worked as a professor is anyone's guess. She was a rabbit with black fur except where a swath went down from her bottom jaw, plenty in the room would've liked to know where it ended. Her bosoms were easily a D-cup but still held there shape even when wore a strapless dress with no bra. Her ass was perfect, it was round, obviously firm and the bushy tail accented it perfectly. Even though she was probably in her mid-to-late thirties she still looked in her early twenties, perhaps it was because rabbits were such sex addicts and it was in her genes to stay hot as long as possible. He completely daydreamed his way through that class and almost didn't hear the bell. He went through his day thinking about her, even when he tried not to. When he got back to his sister's dorm room he noticed she wasn't there. He decided it couldn't hurt to rub one off real quick before she got home.

He imagined his professor naked on the floor giving him a blowjob, sucking while she bobbed up and down, twirling her tongue around his erection, while playing with her wet canal, shoving her fingers into her pussy. She moaned around his hard cock as his knot grew, only to be shoved into her mouth with the rest of his cock. He pulled his erection out of her mouth as she bent over; he slowly entered her wet passage. Thrusting back and forth he came closer and closer to orgasm. She moaned louder and louder as his knot popped into her canal. He started spurting white seed all over the bathroom wall as he was hit by a wall of ecstasy, and then it was over. "Well, time to clean up before she gets back." he panted.

Foreign Love Part 1

Hey, this is my first story so tell me how good it is. I've written stories before but none with such an "adult" storyline. ;) ...

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