[Iscin] What's Yours Is Mine

Story by teryxc on SoFurry

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If you enjoyed this and are wanting for more Mind Control stories, check my story directory out:https://www.sofurry.com/view/1104211

All categorized and complete with short descriptions to tickle your needs!Teryx hooks up with a seemingly harmless naga barista in the washroom. Unknown to him, the smaller reptile lays a potent trap powered by a magical talisman. (3.4k words)

Caleb De'Tonare is a quiet and petite hydra working as a barista. Yet even bland and unimportant people such as he have ambitions. But to get anywhere in life he will need more than just his own desires. That opportunity arrives when he discovers the power of the Hermes Talismans. Artefacts capable of doing amazing and terrible things to one person on behalf of another. How will Caleb use this power? Teryx the rain dragon will soon discover for himself, first hand.

Chosen by Iscin for the story feature, thank you! Gallery Link: https://www.sofurry.com/view/963865

CHAPTER ONE Hermes Talisman

Caleb De'Tonare looks almost as if in a reverie as he leaves the curioso shop. The blue scaled, two-legged hydra is fumbling with the item he just bought in his right jacket pocket. All of his research and inquiries led him to what he has just acquired, one of many such items that can be found pawned off as tacky jewellery, yet only a few know oh their true nature. Some come as medallions, others as rings, and some even as piercings. All of them are talismans, with very real and effective influences on the natural world.

But is this the real deal? Caleb thinks to himself as he takes the small box out of his pocket and stares at it, his three heads hunched over, necks hidden underneath his jacket. The only way he can know for sure is by testing it. However, no one would willingly subject themselves to its effects for him, if he understands them correctly. Not if it is the real deal and does what he thinks it does. Real magic is not based on conjuring something from nothing, but altering and transferring one substance into another. What this talisman does can only be described as theft.

Putting the box back into his pocket the hydra quickens the pace, marching along the sidewalk with purpose. Before he gets too excited he needs to return to his apartment and verify the substance of his two dollar purchase. Although these talismans are not exactly rare, they are still hard to come by, even in trinket shops which have no understand of their true value. But if it is the real thing, he knows just who will be the first to feel its effects and what he will be taking for himself.

It takes fifteen more minutes of barely contained excitement before he is on on his own block and is walking up the steps to his apartment building. Dark clouds overhead start sputtering even as Caleb makes his way inside and starts ascending yet another set of steps up to his room on the second floor. He takes the box out again, clutching it one hand whilst bringing out his apartment key with the other. He opens the door, enters, slams it shut with his digitigrade clawed-foot and heads straight for his little study area.

Caleb sets the box down, shirks his coat off and sits down as if preparing for some kind of sacred ritual; though that is not far from the truth. His hands tremble with excitement as he opens up the box and stares down at the dull silver metal of the bracelet shaped talisman. He reaches in with one hand and clasps it between finger and thumb. Caleb extracts the bracelet and sets it down to examine it once again, this time under light.

Yes, these are_the proper inscriptions. Using a magnifying glass and the light on his desk he reads them off. A proper translation will take time, but with the limited knowledge he already possesses of the arcane language the hydra comes to the conclusion that supports his own bias. This is one of the often named_Hermes Talismans. Whoever wields one will gain the ability, under great emotion, desire and physical contact, to take attributes that the wielder desires from another.

'Time to give you a test drive, my new best friend.' Caleb whispers to the inanimate object.


CHAPTER TWO A Dragon's Pride

The coffee shop has been open for nearly three hours now. Caleb arrived an hour before that, so he has been wrestling with his eager expectation for long enough already. Morning orders have already been taken care of and now they are nearing their second wave of regulars. This is where_he_ will show up. The magical miscreant is keeping one of his three heads trained on the door all while tending to the usual preamble of cleaning and prepping filters and cups for what comes next. As his intended target starts walking up to the door all three faces light up with excitement before he reasserts the cool and professional personality their patrons know the hydra for.

Teryx is a dragon of light and dark blues, adorned with a glorious golden mane that is unusual for a drake, even an anthropomorphic one. He is definitely the type of person with a lot to be taken. Not only is the male dragon 210 centimetres, or almost seven imperial feet, tall but he possesses the kind of physique that the somewhat soft and pudgy hydra can only dream about having. Obviously dense muscle bulges out from underneath scale and fabric alike. It is not grotesquely pronounced but when he flexes his arms or there is any significant showing of his bare torso it is only too obvious that the dragon has been blessed with good genetics.

Caleb is envious. Not only of that body, but that voice, the smooth way that Teryx moves from person to person, male or female. They all smile back, some even more obvious with their body language. He has heard rumours of Teryx's conquests, and more than that. He can hear and see the gentle patter of rain that constantly follows Teryx. It is the dragon's signature, the latent and often unassuming powers of a rainmaker. Caleb knows what the bigger serpentine reptile has, both physically and magically, and now is his opportunity to take it.

'My usual pl- ah you already made it.' Teryx is momentarily caught off guard by the hydra's prescience, but as his yellow eyes meet with the hydra's emeralds, he realises that there is something more than professional excellence at play here.

'It's on the house, sir.' Caleb says and winks at him.

The trap is set as the blue dragon takes the specialist latte and walks away with it. Caleb watches him carefully until the dragon stops, examines the cup and glances back at the barista. A knowing look is shared between the reptiles before Teryx starts nonchalantly making his way to the customer water closet. Before another customer can attract Caleb's attention he tells his feline coworker that he is going to take a five minute break. She tries to protest but the hydra is already hurrying to follow the dragon. There can be no room for error as he takes the bracelet talisman out from his pocket and clasps it around his right hand.

Unsurprisingly the dragon is waiting for the hydra just inside the gents. The looming drake has a self-assured grin from ear to ear as he glowers down at the smaller man. Caleb immediately puts on his act, blushful and flustered to finally having worked up the courage and asking the dragon to see what all of the rumours are about. Teryx is understandably impressed by the hydra's eagerness, even going so far as to want to get it on at his own place of employment. With a guiding hand the dragon leads the smaller reptile down to the one of the cubicles and pushes him ass first to sit down on the closed lid before pulling the cubicle's door shut behind himself.

'Have you ever done his kind of thing before?' Teryx's soft and deep voice is like butter melting on freshly baked food.

'Not in awhile now.' Caleb whimpers, having genuinely bruised his tush from the impact.

Teryx is eager, more than even the hydra with his hidden agenda. Thrusting himself in front of the hydra's centre face, the dragon is already undoing the buckle at the head of his crotch. Apparently it is not enough for the larger reptile to just pop it out through his fly and have the hydra do his thing, as so many have done it before him. Caleb believes that he is expected to get his mouth around it all, from scaly dick to scaly balls. Not that that there is anything untoward about either as Teryx's pants now ruffle down his legs hand out flounders one of the larger pieces of male equipment the hydra has ever seen.

The dragon's pride is already semi-erect, popping out of its hiding hole. From a mere glance, Caleb guesses that it must already be eight or nine inches long, and still with some room to grow. Not only long, but thick too, the pink flesh is adorned with segmented grooves in its hardening flesh, a series of ridges to stimulate a female of the species no doubt. Both larger and fancier than what Caleb is packing. This just makes him want it all the more, as well as everything else of merit about the boastful and serene man currently gyrating his hips in front of him.

'Come on the. I haven't got all day.' The big man rumbles, one of his hands coming down gently push the hydra's centre head down and closer to the object of interest.

A switch is flipped somewhere deep inside the hydra's mind and all three heads dart forward. His hands can all but stay where they are against his thighs as each head forwards on its own chosen task. Obviously, the centre one goes straight for the dragon's half-erect dick. Caleb sniffs at it before running a serpentine tongue along. He draws off a rich and very masculine taste before pursing his lips around the head and begins gently sucking on it. His other two heads meanwhile go for the dragon's low hanging blue coloured fruit. Free of their fabric confines they now get the full treatment of licking, sucking an even a little nipping from either one of the hydra's heads, one for each heavy semen-laden dragonball.

Wrapped up in the pleasures being adorned upon his hardening member, the dragon closes his eyes as the hydra continues to work. It is at this critically vulnerable moment that the_Hermes Talisman_ begins to cast its protean spell. Caleb can feel a tingling all over as he bobs back and forth on the first few inches of the fat and throbbing head of the draconic spear. Bit by bit the essence of one starts to drip, dribble and now pour from one into the other. The experience excites the hydra far more than any mere blowjob could, and as his heads suckle and tease upon the dragon's hanging sac, Teryx too begins to feel the exotic magic of the talisman even though he is as yet unaware of what is happening.

The first attribute to begin draining out from Teryx is his vivid colours and luscious mane. Crimson reds and halcyon yellows drain from the dragon's long tail, fluffy mane and even his eyes. These handsome hues appear on the hydra's body instead, whilst each of his three heads starts growing almost leonine like manes of vivid colour and bushy hair. Teryx notices his head growing lighter as the mane sheds from his head and neck. A confused drake opens his eyes and looks down only to be bewildered at the sight of the hydra rapidly growing hair that matches his own.

Now something even more valuable than the mane is being quite literally sucked on out of him. It is very gradual at first, the Teryx only shrinking at maybe a centimetre every other second. However, as the hydra's hands come around and grip onto the drake's buttocks the process of the dragon's height and musculature being taken from him quickens to an alarming and very obvious rate.

Teryx's wings spread out, scraping against the cubicle walls as he panics and tries to pull away or push the hydra away from physical contact. But, his arms, legs and even his tail are unresponsive, as if having been partially paralysed as the predator starts feeding. As one of the reptiles starts to shrink, his clothes becoming loose and ill-fitting, the other grows. Soon Caleb's clothes begin ripping at the seams. But he is too busy sucking down more of the dragon's vitality to be at all concerned even as his body balloons out, upwards and outwards.

Two of the hydra's heads now come away from the dragon's genitalia. Only the central head remains, sucking for all its worth whilst Caleb carefully repositions himself so as to adjust for their altered stature. Now the last thing is taken as with a long, tongue flicking slurp, Caleb take's the dragon's male endowment. Teryx cries out in horror as he feels his dick whittle down to a mere pencil whilst his balls shrink to match. Caleb's on the other hand rapidly grow, bursting out of what remain of the crotch of his tattered pants.

Caleb stands up and a rush threatens to knock him back down. His heads brush against the ceiling and the head that was fellating the dragon belches, even though nothing physical was in fact swallowed beyond some pre-ejaculate and saliva. In a strange daze the hydra steps out of the cubicle and into wider area. His tail whips around as he stretches his arms and straightens his back. Bones seemingly click into place, settling into his new, far larger frame.

Curious to see his new self, Caleb pushes the cowering dragon aside and walks over to the mirrors above the sinks. Everything is so much smaller now that he has to squat a little to get as best a view as possible of his torso, shoulders and many necks and heads. He has the same blue scales as before, but now the hydra has a luscious fiery coloured mane along either head and neck. As for what lies underneath his skin, he takes the liberty of posing with flexing arms and enjoys the way they bulge out with well-defined biceps and triceps. And that is to say nothing of his pectorals and a genuine six pack for an abdomen that he has never known before now.

'This is amazing!' Caleb exclaims but is confused by a voice that he does not recognise. It is deeper, richer and a great deal more alpha than the far more squeaky one he was using only moments ago. 'Looks like I ah... got more than I bargained for. Not that I don't appreciate your gift.'

'GIFT?!' The small dragon fumes, his voice explicitly far more high pitched than he is used to.

'Yes,' Caleb replies, turning around to stare down the little drake as he clings to his ill-fitting clothes like a child trying on his father's suit. 'Now let me make mine.'

Right on cue the hydra's augmented phallus rises up. The turgid and ridged, throbbing meat bat is actually marginally larger than what Teryx was sporting. This is the result of keeping what the hydra already had and adding on some 90% of what the dragon had pressed against the other reptile's lips only moments ago. Now the hydra advances, all three heads swivelling to stare down their spent prey, eager to partake in a different kind of game.

'W-W-Wait!' Teryx stammers, turns to make a dash for the exit and promptly trips on his own now oversized pant leggings.

'Come on. Don't you want to know what this feels like after all the times you've fucked others?' Caleb says sarcastically as he swoops down and picks up the now barely five foot tall dragon.

Teryx understandably thrashes and verbally protests. However, he is easy enough for the towering hydra to handle as he bends him over the sink. This is on perfect level for Caleb's waist as he shakes the dragon's loose clothes off and pins him with that engorged and drooling red phallus wedged between Teryx's scaly blue buttocks. Someone could come in at any moment, but for some strange reason Caleb just does not care anymore.

Liquid hand soap from one of the dispensers is useful now as Caleb lathers up his throbbing dick with one hand, all the while keeping Teryx pinned with the other. The dragon's wriggling and pleading is only turning the hydra on all the more. Although it has already been enough to take the dragon's most prideful attributes, this is just the cherry on top for bringing the boastful drake down to a far more humble level.

With his dick now sickened and each hand around either side of the dragon the hydra pulls his hips back. With the primal motion, his erection's notched ridges slip in against Teryx's crack until the tip is pointed straight for his anus underneath his lifted tail. Once again the small, blue dragon asks for mercy. He understands that he has been arrogant, brash and probably more than a little aggressive in his own predation on people even in this very coffee house.

'No deal.' The hydra booms with his new, rich voice. 'Now clench.'

The first thrust is the hardest for Teryx. However, it is surprisingly easy for Caleb. He is not sure if it is his newfound strength, the soap, or both working in conjunction but he has never entered someone this smoothly before. Even with a dragon's dick between his legs the hydra near effortlessly slides it in, stretching out Teryx's anus, rectum and probably a couple internal organs as he attempts to hilt him.

Teryx eyes immediately start watering up as he cries out from the sudden violation as he says farewell to his anal virginity. The dragon's body involuntarily responds even before the feedback reaches his brain. Sphincter clenching, arms and legs tensing, claws scratching the smooth panelling of the sink table. He cries out for someone, anyone, even as the dominant hydra pushes until he can fit nothing more inside.

Caleb groans as the thick base of his new cock aches, his balls churn and his heads loom over the helpless dragon, enjoying the distorted expression on Teryx's face. There is no quarter given as the hydra quickly starts moving his hips back and forth. Rhythmically fucking the smaller reptile so hard and consistently that Teryx's squealing cries soon degenerate into gurgling, guttural sounds of a man past his senses and with a body that has been reduced to nothing more than a toy with his legs wide apart and his cheeks spread tight around the invading baseball bat.

Wet slapping sounds echo in the cramp public toilet as Caleb gets increasingly worked up. Every inch of his being is alive with new vitality and new strength that in his bid to acclimate to ends up hurting the dragon pinned beneath him. The scars will heal, but Teryx's ego will never be remade as Caleb's heavy testicles slap against the dragon's sore backside. The actual time it takes Caleb to climb up to his climax is relatively short, yet for the dark it feels like an eternity with his pencil dick already laying limp against the sink's edge.

It is more than likely that others outside can hear the thrice roars of the hydra as he buries his fuckstick and unloads like he has never unloaded before. So much semen is pumped directly up against the dragon's prostate, locked by the thick base of the hydra's scaly dick, that there is an actual partial inflation of the small wyvern's stomach cavity. He whimpers and shakes beneath the immense hydra as his vicious spunk warms Teryx from the inside out.

'That was awesome!' Caleb exclaims in that deep voice, pausing a moment before pulling out with a wet plop. Streams of white goo wash back over the dragon's thighs and the sink.

Having taken all he wants from Teryx, the now huge hydra picks up what as once the dragon's pants and threads one leg and then the other. They fit quite nicely, but he keeps the other clothes for the small, oozing drake to clean himself up with. He tells him to not to tell anyone about this, not that they would believe him anyway, and heads straight for the door.

Back in the coffee shop's seating area, patrons and his co-worker alike are staring at Caleb as he exits the customer toilets. It appears that the noise tipped them off to something unusual happening and Caleb sees that his co-worker is holding up the store phone to her head, maybe reporting what she believes to have been a potential homicide? Caleb is beyond caring what they think as he heads for the door. A shit eating grin on all three faces as a light shower starts raining down.

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