Lion, Tiger and Bears, oh my, part 3

Story by Kindar on SoFurry

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#10 of Lion, Tiger and Bears, oh my

    September 23rd, 2010


     "Hello, Lao," I said, "It's been a long time."

     "Yeah, it's been. Ya gonna let him go?" he asked as he removed the revolver from the back of my head.

     The werelion had stopped fighting, but he still had both hands around my wrist. I looked at him for a moment before opening my hand. He dropped and ended up sitting on the ground.

     I turned to face Lao. He hadn't changed much. He was still wearing a sandy duster but this one looked brand new. The hat looked like a Stetson, but I could smell the chemical used in making it, so it wasn't an original. The Smith and Wesson was the one I'd gotten him in the thirties.

     "What are you doing in Peru?"

     "I've been looking for ya."

     I frowned. "How did you even know I'd be here?"

     "I didn't. Asked around till I found out ya're name was now Wilner. Learned ya was down here so we flew. Got to the dig to find out ya'd vanished in the night so we tracked ya through the jungle. We caught up to ya here during yar romp."

     "So you decided you two were going to chase me through the city till I fell from exhaustion or something?"

     "Nah. Just wanna find out where you'd crash. Was ganna wait till morning to talk with ya, but Arsalan here got impatient."

     "What'd you expect?" the man replied, "I've been wanting to fuck that ass ever since you told me about it. Smelling him get hornier and hornier didn't help. And now he smells so good."

     "You told him about that first time?" I asked Lao, he just shrugged in reply.

     I turned and looked at the lion; he was human again. "You can nix that idea. I don't let just anyone fuck me. And from what I can see you don't measure up to Tiger there." I kneeled and unceremoniously put a hand down his pants.

     "Oh yeah," Arsalan moaned as I groped to get a good feel for his balls and cock. "Man your hand feels good."

     I had to admit that what he was packing felt pretty nice; heavy balls and a cock that was more than a handful, hard and leaking heavily. "And you don't measure up in there either," I said standing.

     Lao gave a smirk at the comment.

     I licked my hand clean as I walked away; he tasted pretty good too.

     The werelion's presence made me wonder again what it was about me that attracted the few unusual weres that existed. As far as I knew only one other werewolf had met anyone who wasn't a werewolf too. Hell, most didn't even believe me about Lao or the antelope woman I'd met in Africa, and it had taken Brian finally running into one of the werebears for him to acknowledge their existence, and there were over a hundred of them in the US alone. But every few decades I'd run into another type of were, most of whom were doing their best not to be found.

     "Why were you looking for me?" I ask Lao when he fell into step next to me. I needed to get my mind off that trail.

     "Guy I know mentioned something about knowing where Burton's lost journal was, thought ya'd want to know."

     I looked at him with narrowed eyes. "And you travelled all the way here just to tell me?"

     "Course. Ya been looking for it for over a century. I thought you'd want to know."

     Lao was better than anyone I knew at controlling his scent so I couldn't know for sure that he was hiding something, but I knew him well enough to know he wasn't *that* altruistic. "What's in it for you?"

     "What's ya mean?"

     "Don't jerk me around, we're not *that* great of friends, so what are either of you getting out of this?"

     Arsalan rubbed my ass. "I get to tap this."

     I swatted his hand away. Anyone could smell how turned on I was right now, but I wasn't going to just bend over for the lout.

     Lao rolled his eyes at Arsalan's behavior. "He promised me a ten percent cut from the sell of the information to ya."

     That sounded more like the tiger I knew. "How much does he want?"

     "Five hundred grand, US."

     That was a lot of money, even for me. Unlike what books will have you believe being long lived didn't guaranty wealth. Unless you could see the future I was no better placed than anyone else to make good investments. Over the last century I had build a good portfolio so I hadn't had to worry all that much. But then about half my riches went the way of the dodo when the market crashed. This wasn't a decision I could make just like that. I had to make sure I could afford it now.

     Who was I kidding; he was talking about Richard Francis Burton's lost journal. The one journal I didn't already have. The one that almost certainly had the details to that story he'd told me. With it I was certain I'd be able to work out where we came from.

     "How quickly can we get to Lima?"

     "I got a car." Lao stated and pulled out a key chain from his duster.

     "When did you have time to do that?"

     Lao chuckled. "Didn't take long."

     We followed him through the alleys until we were back on the main road. Not long after that he stopped next to Cadillac with the top down.

     My jaw dropped. "Who did you steal that from?" It was an early forties '62' model. I walked around, running my hand along the perfect burgundy paint job, I couldn't see any rust, scratches or dings.

     "Dunno," Lao responded, "didn't bother going through the wallet."

     The interior also looked to be in original shape, the white leather seat didn't have any nicks in it. Who ever the owner of it had been, he'd spent a fortune restoring and maintaining it. It was a shame to be taking it from him. If I wasn't in such a hurry to get to Lima I'd have suggested we find a different car.

     "Dibs," Arsalan said as he jumped in the passenger side.

     I shook my head at the childish behavior and climbed in the back seat. The smell and feel confirmed it was real leather.

     Lao started the engine and it smoothly rolled over. He eased out of the parking spot and leisurely headed out of the city. The road was mostly packed dirt. It didn't see a lot of automotive traffic so it wasn't maintained with cars in mind, or maintained much at all.

     The fastest Lao could drive was thirty miles an hour and I was still bounced and sent sliding in the seat each time we hit a pothole. Somehow, even with that I found exhaustion catching up with me. One of the nice things about being short was that it was easier to lie down on the back seat of cars.

     I closed my eyes, and when I opened them again it was darker. The sky was a light purple with streaks of red in it and a hint of yellow where the sun was hidden by the mountains.

     And Arsalan was staring at me.

     I had no idea how long he'd been draped over the back of his seat looking at me, but I could read the hunger in his eyes. I thought about closing my eyes again and ignoring him, but my cock reminded me that I could make use of that hunger.

     "You're serious about wanting to fuck me?"

     "Damn right I am."

     "You willing to work for it?"

     "You name it, I'll do it."

     I took my cock out of my pants. "then come and suck me."

     Arsalan quickly climbed over the seat to join me in the back

     "Damnation 'Lan watch where ya put those things," Lao yelled when the Mongolian almost kicked him in the face in the process.

     Arsalan started licking my cock before he was even fully in the back. Oh, it felt good. I put my arms behind my head and I let him do all the work.

     "Either of ya better not shift. The road's hard enough ta handle without having extra weight," Lao yelled.

     If Arsalan heard him, he didn't give any indication, and the only response I could give was a loud moan as the man swallowed my shaft whole. Damn the guy was talented. He was able to move his tongue while my cock was in his mouth and when he deep throated me his throat was able to massage my cock head.

     It took a lot of will power to avoid cumming right then and there, but while the years I spent with the monks trying to put a stop to my transformation and sexual urges hadn't been successful, they had made me a master at self control.

     I let him torture me for some time as I moaned and even screamed in pleasure. I could tell by his grunting that he wanted me to cum, and that only made me more eager to stop it from happening.

     More than once I let him bring me close enough my shaft started twitching, only to push the orgasm away. His whine when that happened just increased my excitement. When I finally let myself cum I was going to fill him to bursting.

     But it wasn't going to end up in his stomach.

     I sat up and pulled him off my cock. Before he could react I pulled him and sent him over the back of the seat. He let out a yell of surprise and then I was holding him in place half sprawled over the trunk of the car.

     I rubbed his ass as I sat up to take off my pants. I didn't bother with the shirt. I didn't normally like to stay dressed when I had sex because everything got dirty, but it was already dirty enough it didn't matter.

     I leaned over him and ground against his ass as I undid his pants. He didn't offer any resistance; he would probably have helped if he wasn't busy holding on to the molding to stop himself from sliding sideways.

     I slipped his pants off and threw them on the floor. I massaged his ass before spreading his cheeks apart. I dove in tongue extended. Arsalan let out a grunt of surprise when it pushed his asshole open. And then he was moaning and shuddering as I rimmed his ass thoroughly.

     When I stopped I could tell he was enjoying himself. I couldn't see his cock under him, but the river of precum rolling down the leather on the back of the seat was confirmation enough. I felt a small pang of regret that we were messing up the leather, a very small pang.

     I moved his legs apart and moved up. I aimed my cock with his slick hole and pushed in. His ass was tight and hot as I sunk in. We both moaned in unison.

     I stayed in for a moment letting my cock twitch and then pulled out. I fucked him slowly, the occasional pothole was the only thing that changed the rhythm, forcing me either deeper or completely out. The desire to change was there, but it was easy to ignore. Unlike some werewolves I knew, I was quite capable of enjoying sex when I was human.

     I felt Arsalan move under me as I lazily moved in and out of him and realized that he'd had the same desire, but had listened to it. A ropy tail grew just above where my cock was buried. I kept it out of the way as I continued thrusting, a red brown tuff growing at the end of it.

     I winced as I heard him dig his claws in the trunk, but it didn't stop me from fucking him. He lifted his head and roared.

     A moment later we were shaken as the car swerved left and right.

     "I said no shifting back there. ya deaf?"

     Arsalan threw Lao an angry glare but shifted back to human. As he changed I grabbed hold of his hips and picked up the pace; pounding his ass hard and fast.

     Through eyes half closed I saw a native woman disappear behind us moments after we passed her. I couldn't tell if she'd seen us, but I could imagine the image we made, two men fucking the back of a beautiful Cadillac.

     I felt Arsalan tense under me and winced again when the trunk complained as his fingers dug in the claw holes and bent the metal. He screamed as his body shook and I felt his ass spasm around my cock. That felt so good I almost lost it, but I focused and just kept on pounding his ass through his orgasm.

     Only when he stopped shuddering did I let myself go. I buried myself deep in him and growled through clenched teeth as my orgasm washed over me. My cock jumped inside his ass with each jet of cum that filled it. I slumped over him and stayed in even as my cock softened until a particularly large pothole forced me out.

     I grabbed the back of his t-shirt and pulled him on the seat, where he crumbled with a goofy smile on his face. I chuckled when I noticed that my cum was leaking out of his ass and joining the pool of his that had flowed down the back of the seat.

     I grabbed my pants and moved to the front seat to let him sleep. Lao grinned at me as I pulled my pants on. I noticed the wet tent in his pants.

     "Didn't you take care of that?" I indicated with a nod of the head as I buttoned up my pants.

     "I'm a mite busy keeping the car on the road," he replied.

     "In that case let me help you out." I leaned over and unzipped him. His cock popped out. I smiled, I'd forgotten that like me he was smaller when human. It didn't change the fact that his cock was delicious.

     "Now, ya be careful, don't go and bite it off. I got plans for it."

     I didn't bother answering. I just rested my head on his lap and took his cock in my mouth to a soft moan from him.

Lion, Tiger and Bears, oh my, part 4

     **September 25th, 2010**           We did good time to Lima, all things considered. Me and Lao shared the driving, he wouldn't let Arsalan get behind...


Lion, Tiger and Bears, oh my, part 2

     **June 21st, 1878**           It's the sound of the revolver being cocked more than the feel of it against my head, or what he'd said that made me...

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Lion, Tiger and Bears, oh my, part 01

     **September 23rd, 2010**           I could have cried with relief when I finally started seeing buildings in the distance through the foliage. I...

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